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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  June 10, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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how many of them you don’t have, it means you need to offer something else, and i insist that this is an absolutely uncynical formulation of the question, we must proceed from the fact that the world works like this, to the question of what we will become, this is the question of , to what extent we will learn to offer something that people will be interested in, and not talk about what you know, let’s say past friendship, brotherhood and so on, unfortunately, we must proceed from the fact that the world has become... much more complicated, and we accepted this world, we lived in this world for 30 years, built bases, well and did a lot of other things, leaving is sometimes much easier than returning, well, god willing , we will return, the doll of the heir to tuti.
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once everything is reset to zero, a cleansing flame and the whole world will be built anew, according to the patterns it needs, there will be a place for not everyone, only a select few, such human selection, who should live and who will be put in the box, is what the founder of the world economic forum in davos, klaus, wants to carry out schwab, his forum is awesome. a beauty contest for political puppets, a show of western politicians, where the powers that be select dolls for their task, attach them to strings are played with them and through them the destinies of entire nations are played. schwab calls himself the architect of a new world, and his concept book is a great reset to zero. future program. without the consent of this person, not a single european politician wins elections and ...
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really heard the request of the artist and producer of iranian origin damon and mani literally went out, but without any things, he literally wrote to his employees in an email newsletter that he was going to move from the post of executive chairman of the world economic forum to the position of his non-executive, although quite recently, the founder and permanent head of the world fund claimed that he would remain primarily, in his... 6 years, he was already close
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to meeting eternity, apparently, he planned to somehow manage world economy and after death. we can already talk about introducing chips into the brain under the skin, this will establish a direct connection with the world. klaus martin schwab was born in ravensburg, germany in 1938, a year before the start of world war ii, the family lived lavishly leg, his father collaborated with the nazis, with the money he earned under richie, klaus entered the harvard institute of public administration, where he became a professor. without going to harvard, i would not have become what i am. henry kissinger changed my life because he gave me an interest in political events. through kissenger's prodding, schwab easily received funding to hold a then unknown symposium on management; at the age of 33, he had already opened the first meeting of the world's mightiest in davos, which later became known as the world economic forum. the world economic forum was not just the brainchild of klaus schwab. the result of
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a cia-funded harvard program, this is the amazing story of the men who recruited him. it is natural to ask what kind of men we are talking about; through a university professor, schwab called himself elite acquaintances otto von havsburg, sbigniew brzezinski, david rkeller, economist john gelbreyd and futurist herman hahn. they advised klaus and helped him find the right and promising people. global leaders of tomorrow program schwab develops future leaders. whom he then seats in strictly prepared chairs, which, by the way, he proudly admits. tony blair and others, they all came out of the young leaders program. anti-human utopias and schwab have long caused violent protests, but the millionaire isolated himself from the world in a luxurious mansion in the fashionable district of geneva. kalandi moves between the forum headquarters and her personal residence a few meters away under heavy security, all the beautiful rich life at the expense of the davos budget. count the economies world countries. the man from davos plundered
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the global economy, exploiting workers, destroying government programs, transferring the bounty into his personal bank accounts hidden in inaccessible jurisdictions. at the last davos in january of this year, with schwab in the leading role, well -established methods were tested, fear was created due to a possible pandemic of disease x, contracts for vaccines were divided, we talked a little about this and that, about ukraine, about the middle east, nothing really they didn’t decide, but they discussed plans for the destruction of russia for a long time and in detail, will they still come true now, if the locomotive was unfastened from the carriages, the world elites became nervous, and since schwab was associated with vef, vef with schwab, then without him there was created and... an increasingly clear threat to the viability of the entire globalist system, who came up with such a rearrangement , throughout the past year , rumors circulated in the west about the ill health of the main carrier, and some nervousness was heard about the absence of a successor. schwab refused to discuss the issue of succession. the forum staff were used to him putting forward
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a figure to inherit, only for the idea to disappear before it has time to turn into a plan. schwab did not name a successor, only hinted at the former norwegian foreign minister. member of the belderberg club, member of the board of governors of the world bank berge brand. schwab invited him to the leadership of the forum in the seventeenth. in the twenty- fourth, brenda gave a short speech at the opening to schwab, which the chairman of the european bank, christina lagarthe, who had long dreamed of registering in davos, could not help but appreciate. among other candidates the names of peter maurer, head of the red cross and tony blair were mentioned. strangely enough, schwab’s children turned out to be above suspicion of a globalist legacy. daughter nicole is. manages the fund's investments, and his wife hilda heads the affiliated fund. it seems that everyone is busy and, as best they can, they are moving humanity towards the future of the machine. we are moving exponentially towards
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the development of artificial intelligence, neo-space technologies, synthetic biology and much more. our life in 10 years will be completely different, the one who will take possession of these technologies. make money, a scam more profitable than the one pulled off by the vaccine during the pandemic era, vfa manages to earn money by evading taxes as a non-profit organization, in recent years membership fees have increased, increasing the salary of the swabian himself, now he may require another golden parachute upon dismissal, but so as to descend from heaven to earth and
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steer the fate of the planet here in emergency cases, like, what if we all change our minds about destroying ourselves. suppose you are a skeptic and think that all this is some kind of there is conspiracy theory, someone is inventing something about secret governments, then i recommend that you think about the following: who does klaus schwab usually turn to, and these are the powers that be, these are prime ministers, present and future, these are the heads of ministries, in particular economic ones, these are presidents, these are royal families, this is for them, he says how to build.
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here everything is true, except for one small nuance, which, in fact, schwab also did not know when he confessed, it was not poroshenko or atali, these were our pranksters vavan and lexus, the topics they discussed were quite serious, let's see how you see zelensky, the problem with zelensky now is that he is trying to attract more and more influence to the country.
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a weapons and b - access to the european union only if they support our democratic principles. but as you now know, accept.
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we just recently observed that this is why one representative of a certain circle calls another representative of the same circle and takes poroshenko with him, because we can consider this, well, as some looks like the return of poroshenko, his possible return to control of the american-occupied territory, there is no one else, perhaps, only the old guard, the old horse does not spoil the furrow, but look, they talk frankly, but still the frankness is not one hundred percent. like a very experienced person who weighs every word, still says it very carefully,
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but clearly for his interlocutors, they understand each other, they speak the same language, we need this process to continue, we need this donkey to continue walking behind a carrot, then there must be a carrot, the perspective must be preserved, there is a stock phrase: if ukraine follows our values, which makes no sense. it seems to me that there were actually two things in this conversation.
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agreed to at least start negotiations, but now this moment has not yet arrived, and
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of course, the ukrainians cannot surrender without losing political authority, so we have to wait until something happens that will really create some kind of need for...
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was also henry kisinscher, if i'm not mistaken, this is it was may of twenty-two, yes, when he suggests to you that we will really somehow freeze the conflict, so we will have north korea, south korea and we will continue to live, yes, this is in many respects really connected with the fears of some of the globalists, including that russia is winning, yes, russia, as we see, yes, in general, is waging a war not with ukraine, but with this globalist world order, well, if russia wins, their positions will indeed be greatly shaken, and all over the world , so we need to somehow stop this very victory russia, but let us propose to russia, for example, for... kiev is discussing a scenario in which poroshenko, as a deputy of the verkhovna rada, is somehow elected speaker of the rada as part of a constitutional coup, in which case he will be
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acting, but there until the next elections, which are still unknown when they will take place, since poroshenko will never be in his elections... neither the eu nor nato are shining, but we need to keep the carrot promise, because ukraine, in the format in which it is now, is the format of an anti-russian battering ram , which costs of its own self-destruction, well, one way or another causes some damage to russia, it suits everyone, it brings dividends, despite all the investments that western countries in the form of weapons and investments make in this
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country, if somehow ukraine were to end up in nato or the european union, it brought... losses, everyone understands this, so in this case its value is immediately annihilated. the second point, with regard to freezing the conflict, is also an investment of a military-political nature, that is, ukraine today is used as anti-russian ram, as a springboard against russia, but in the event of a freeze, it will, in principle, remain in the same position. and the third point, i am skeptical that the next hypothetical president of ukraine, if it continues to exist by then, will be poroshenko.
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crossed this line and nothing is impossible for them, if you betrayed once, you will betray 300 more times, but the question is different, when he speaks so frankly, they need that person who will be a witness, who will be a guarantor, that’s what zhakatali is guarantor, this is the person who will say, i will guarantee that this person will fulfill poroshenko in this case, everything that we need, here we need people like klaus schwab, because they will be able to convince business that there is no everything is plundered and there is room for investment, can it, good point, i also drew your attention to the event that something is going to happen, after which it will happen, perhaps this is our breakthrough on the front line, when they understand that the point of no return has been passed, then you need it seriously introduce the scenario to try to get at least something. well, first of all, i would like to add that the event that klaus schwab is talking about, in my opinion, is a more powerful
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conflict that could arise in the middle east, because of which everything could be suspended. in ukraine, which means the second point regarding a possible resignation, in my opinion, these are complete rumors, if a person of this level really resigned, then the entire western press would have circulated this very letter in which he allegedly said, which means his resignation, in fact, a few publications threw something in, why did they throw it in, klaus schwab is very worried about what has been lost... trust in the world economic forum, accordingly, it is quite possible that this is one of the elements of the fight against fakes, which will be launched in the near future time, let’s remember back in 2020.
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what an attempt to mislead, by the way, he doesn’t completely leave, he becomes a non-executive director from an executive director, pompeo is the same director in ukraine, in one of telecommunications companies, yes, yes, he is also not the executive director there, essentially the roof, the situation is changing, and the person who personified this situation must leave, well , in general, at 86 years old, he says that i will always be , this, frankly speaking, is very selfish .
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his books, his ideology, the entire economic forum that is held there, now is a rejection of capitalism in the form in which it has always existed, a rejection of private property, of personal freedoms, a rejection of consumption, all this in a beautiful package. africa, latin america and india, suddenly these are the ones who killed millions of people and started talking about freedoms, so now klaus schwab
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and his ideas are sharply outdated due to the actions of russia, but there is a new klaus schwab, we need a new economic forum, we need a new attractive mask of globalization. the following problem arose with the ideas of klaus schwab: they had to act in an expanding space, that is, russia had to. and russian resources were supposed to feed the inefficient western economies, they are ineffective, if only because we see that they produce something in their mass the inverse of profits , the growing public debt, the growing corporate debts indicate that it is not klaus schwab who is abolishing capitalism, but here efficiency has been abolished due to the fact that everything works very poorly, and improving management cannot fix this, resources are needed, where - to seize someone else's success, appropriate it for yourself, and this... him, well , nothing works, there were ideas related to restarting the world economy due to the pandemic, nothing worked out either, because yes, the world economy started again after
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crisis wave of 2020, but it has formed strong new centers, this is china, this is russia, this is india, russia has now taken fourth position in the ranking of states, we have surpassed japan, this happened faster than many expected, thinking that japan would still compete with us, nothing like that happened, the result is that... klaus schwab, he can only speak for a certain piece of the world, an attempt to expand this piece of the world, it fails, and russia not only gave an answer at the level of criticism, but it turned out to be organized political and military resistance to this doctrine, and the doctrine began to sag. schwab turned out to be untenable as a theorist, a theory is not just a set of chimeras, it is what works, but what he says does not work within the framework of the global economy, roman does not agree, i do not agree. i have the following version: you know, it’s not the theory that’s outdated, it’s schwab himself who’s outdated. the fact is that most people associate mr. schwab with big negative events,
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something that brought a lot of bad things to the world. you understand, schwab is the resource which has already turned out to be worked out, now it has gone, as it were, to the bank with all the world changes. the world has changed all right, yes. and this association, it consists in the fact that he will not be accepted by society as much as this. i would like more, i would do a little digging, in general, who is schwab, or where did he come from, we all know very well, that’s what this forum is, how it was formed, you know, the unknown schwab went to study in the usa, for some reason he makes friends there, gets to know each other, which doesn’t happen just like that with kissinger, come back suddenly for no reason, no one at all, it was not clear to anyone how it was formed, unknown to anyone, absolutely uninfluential , completely klausch schwab, op, in the seventy-first year. what he does, he forms this forum, which has now become the bearer of advanced globalist ideas at that time, how did it happen, who is he, no one, but
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it happened in 2017. klaus schwab becomes a guest at the st. petersburg economic forum and says that there are some things that cause him dissatisfaction, st. petersburg economic forum, he has already achieved and in many issues surpassed my argumentative forum, a slight jealousy is felt in his speech, this will be the only time he will come to the st. petersburg economic forum, we will break for a short advertisement in a few minutes. let's continue, maria butin is with you, this is the doll of tuti's heir, don't go anywhere, at least you're a child of oleg or you came up with it, what difference does it make to you, great, calm down, yana, you promised that my son will be with me, mark, i 'll play the role father, but to convince me that it’s not necessary for my son, he’s also been living in a new family for 2 months, i’m afraid that it will be
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a big blow for them if the case... is reviewed, your eyes, such people should be banned from giving birth in general, the decision to review the case is not made, a real man i would have torn everyone apart if they touched his woman and son, there are no men here, but i see, i will press this, a commotion will begin, everyone will start running back and forth, we will have a few seconds to pick up our son, she will stole, it’s the russian who takes everything she wants, oleg, what are you he’s standing there, he’s running away, he recognized us, at the moment their whereabouts are unknown, the police think they’re on the mend, we don’t need your help, we can handle it ourselves, and i myself will save my mother, yana kettenin, citizen of finland, you understand , her son, a citizen of finland, he was actually born here, and you are now an international terrorist, one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program, get out of the car, mom, be quiet, i
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’ll shoot, come on! shoot! old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. bourbon stirsman, a product of the stellar group. whiskey mancacher, product of stellar group. gin сnop. product of stellar group. cognac monte shock. steller product. groups. upon ascending the throne, he made a promise: “with me, everything will be like with my grandmother.” catherine the great did not hide her desire to transfer the throne to her eldest grandson alexander, bypassing her unloved son pavel petrovich. but it turned out differently: the future emperor joined the conspiracy against paul. so the shadow of his father's murder will haunt him until his last day. he will spend a quarter of a century on the throne and will go down in history as alexander.
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empire alexander ii premiere on russia day on the first. i would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped by you. not with you, with us. the target is right. and the ways to attack.
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history is being made in st. petersburg, here it dies, tomorrow everything will change, we will elect a dictator among us, we will enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, tell trubetskoy, if he does not decide, we will take it ourselves, in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns, if. then everyone present here should hang, they will not dare to shoot at us, we have not shed a drop of their vile blood, we are the match that will ignite everything, yes will burn itself out.
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union of salvation. you’re in vain, after all, he once worked for the tsarist intelligence, you seem to be a fighter, and if you don’t fight then, i’m afraid we won’t overcome, i ’m used to learning from the enemy, that’s what we stand for, the legend of samba, premiere on friday on the first. so,
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2017, klaus schwab is in st. petersburg, coming to an economic forum and several. jealous, says: look, you practically bypassed my forum in davos, how is this so? our studio, the person who was present at this gathering in 2017, inna andronova, professor at udn, a person who has never missed a single forum, and knows how the st. petersburg economic forum developed, so we’ll ask her if klaus schwall has any reasons to be jealous, “hello, ina, good afternoon, please tell me, so, you we visited many forums, in particular, in the seventeenth year we saw how schwab came, and how people generally reacted to
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schwab’s speech, in general he has reason for well-known jealousy between the forums, in the seventeenth year he celebrated his speech, that the forum has already become so representative and so influential that it can already..."
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the realization by the entire political leadership that we are in a completely different relationship with the west that klaus schwab tried to instill in us, all this made both schwab and those who stood behind him, that is why he came to... here is his speech itself, maybe there, when you were in some audiences, maybe you remember, well , it’s interesting to listen to a person, it’s interesting to listen to what he says, smile again there is a green economy, remember, yes, there is the largest publishing house that publishes english textbooks on coated paper, for some reason they are one-time, but they are needed constantly. buy, and so on and so forth, you can give different examples, another thing is with what mood and with what level of knowledge you feel it, this is very important here, you know, because they work so well with young people, worldwide the economic forum is just the top, it’s
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the top, it’s the world elite, but look how many structures have been created for it that first of all, there are global leaders, something else, there are a lot of them, there are 451 curators alone. this means that to work with these young people in different countries, in which an insane number of people are involved, yes, this is very important, critical thinking is very important when you can evaluate what is really being broadcast just like that, because who can argue with ideas there, relatively speaking, there are sustainable development goals, or who can say here that environmental problems are not important, the only question is what you do then? i'm in i saw schwab live for the first time in 2014 in boston, i want to tell you that he made a very dim impression, you know, american students didn’t come to see him, that is, the huge five-thousand-seat hall number one, probably about
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500 people came there , it looked very sparse, that is , just like that a group of people were sitting, and i thought so, it’s strange, because this is the person who, by and large, tried to change the world, he imposed his agenda on everyone, but in america he is not interesting, and you know what happened... interesting, several years will pass in in 2017, i will not be at the st. petersburg economic forum, but i will be at another event called g20 in hamburg, this is also a fairly high-status event, and our today’s hero was very actively discussed there, and he was considered as the person who together with trump will begin a new agenda, and the election of trump and the new, so-called five-year plan of klaus schwab was directly linked, which is why we say that when he says: i’m not going anywhere, he believed that his thoughts would live, but they stopped live, the world has changed so much that all his forecasts did not come true,
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in the next 10 years, for starters, these chips will simply be built into clothes, so-called variables, wearable devices, and then we can already talk about the introduction of chips into the brain under the skin, into this new world needs to accept transparency, you can even say complete transparency, everything will be... transparent, you need to get used to it and behave accordingly,
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it will become part of your personality, if we have nothing to hide, we have nothing to fear, digital transformation is sweeping the world , by all countries by leaps and bounds, artificial intelligence, also from there, the green agenda, the destruction of agriculture, population reduction, now they are naturally promoting chipization, artificial intelligence, that is, a person must stop being a person. everything is really interconnected, why the destruction of agriculture, because they don’t need extra people, they say absolutely openly: extra people who won’t become these biorobots, transhumans, or as a service person calls it, and that is, those who don’t if they follow this path of destroying themselves in such a trance, yes a person, then they will all sub-destruct, by the way, shuab also says that very soon you will have, each of you will have a real friend, let's see. you will have robots that
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you can personalize, for example, mr. zuckerberg believes that by the end of the year he will have his own robot, it will be a servant who develops himself through artificial intelligence, and who is not only an assistant in some household tasks, but can also be your true intellectual partner. many intellectual tasks that we carry out every day will be transferred to smart machines for execution. of the fourth technological revolution , schwab wrote about the idea of ​​systemic management of human existence, that is, under the development of neurotechnology, biotechnology, genetic engineering, he means a good idea: improving human cognitive abilities, but by and large a person becomes a programmed being that is controlled from the outside with the help of artificial intelligence, but in addition the idea of ​​democracy is being replaced by transnational governance, that is, by and large, the idea of ​​democracy by... when authorities are replaced by governance from global institutions,
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this is exactly what klaus schwab proposes, taking into account the statements he makes throughout the interview. in recent years, it is not surprising why the authority of the world economic forum, of which he is the leader, is falling, because the weight and importance, the role of the world majority countries, the very fact of his resignation are growing, the fact that he has now resigned means that the weight of the world majority countries is increasing and that they are beginning to influence some... processes that are taking place within the framework of the world economic forum in davos. someone may say that klaus schwab did not leave, that he indeed continues to remain on the agenda, but the very fact of his resignation, in my opinion, is a positive signal, because his ideas are from the fourth technological revolution, from the great reset of 2020 years, in many ways is assessed negatively by those countries that do not want to accept his ideas, which are essentially being imposed at the world economic forum. why do you think that? that klaus schwab writes all this,
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invents all this, in general he does it all, but when they tell me that klaus schwab is a generator of super ideas in the field of futurism, in the field of economics, i do not believe at all, absolutely, klaus schwab, and i ask this take into account, this is a group and nothing more, a certain group, a certain paradigm, a certain conventional, a certain conventional social unit, which through it these ideas are broadcast, these books are all, this, as we have seen very often, this is pumping up this... subject with some kind of authority , but nothing more than, let's see one video, how it means, how he is like a mouthpiece, yes, let's see , you need to clearly understand that the future comes, not on its own, the future is created by us, by this influential community represented by those present in this room, we have every opportunity to change this world. and you know, it seems when he speaks that this is a meeting of some kind theses from science fiction writers, that is, any socio-political
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figure there, any economist, can say, here is a list of all sorts of ideas from cyberpunk, from other areas of science fiction, this will be the future, but this... to describe it like this technological rhetoric, so there are no unique prophecies present here, but when he says that we are all strong, then we must remember what agenda schwab and his people carried, two very important theses: first, protectionism is bad, you there is no need for protectionism in russia, you should not support your own enterprises, your own jobs, your own economy, you should abandon this forever, they did it, they instilled it in russia, china, india, someone else, no, they completely failed. lost this thesis of theirs, the second thesis is also very important, deregulation, you must make your state weak, sick and not interfering in anything, then you will supposedly have sustainable economic growth, supposedly, because nothing will work out, because schwab and co. destroyed the western economy, maybe that’s why there was a task, well, no, that wasn’t the task,
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they are simply incompetent, and schwab is, in general , mediocrity, if we evaluate him as a candidate for a theoretician, which is opposed to the main super-idea of ​​the globalists, so that... he ceases to be a person, traditional values ​​are opposed, and what is the support of traditional values? well, there may be different opinions here, i believe that this is a religion, a traditional religion, and the main task of modern globalists is such a concept as the de-theologization of the planet for the next few decades, because if there is no god, then anything is possible, of course, of course, which means in this situation , will the old grandfather survive? this super task, i think, is unlikely; can he be considered a mouthpiece? it’s certainly possible, but it’s a mouthpiece that does something else, a mouthpiece that inspires someone else, to inspire the fourth industrial revolution there with its advantages and disadvantages, he is capable of this, he demonstrated this, such a thing as the abolition of religion , be it, by the way, christianity, be it islam, be it any
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other that stands in their way, here another force is needed, i think that is why he is leaving or they are changing him, i think the problem is this, who is even behind this forum and? to make it clear, how it all started, remember, he didn’t create the platform himself, he had the idea to sell very famous people on this platform, to sell their ideas, he always sold other people’s goods, he didn’t invent anything, that is, he took , for example, the ideas of all famous economists, gilbraith,
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for example, and you could just meet him, no, i can’t, but you could meet with representatives of the rothschilds, no, i can’t, you can meet rockfiller jr., no, i can’t, that’s it. here is the first lecture that gilbraid gives, and he infects, gives this vector, where we are going, this new world order, he not only talks about the economy, he says: we must raise leaders, we must buy, yes, we must buy these leaders, we need to raise them, these leaders, you won’t do anything with them, because we will create our puppets all over the world, and don’t forget about africa, don’t forget about asia, we need to raise them everywhere, it’s cheap worth, most importantly, and regarding the new order, this chipization and everything else, they believed that they had to... start with themselves, the first place where the green economy came, it came to europe, it came to western companies, to western countries, but it has ceased to be so effective because the global south is emerging, and the global south is asking how we will compete, and klaus schwab answers, the one who has the money is right, we have more money, you have more people, and we , as countries of the global
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south or just south, we begin look and talk, listen, we generally have 7 billion behind us or 6 billion, how to count, depending, we only have brix 3.6 billion. and i know how to solve this issue, how about billions, look, on dovovodsky forum, few people know this, there is also an exhibition, no, not an exhibition of the achievements of the national economy of different countries, but there they are holding an exhibition of different robots, different chips, different technologies that could be used to achieve the goals of this very forum, let’s see in an interview with the head of one of the stands, that in fact, he... proposes for these powerful people that they continue to carry this wonderful idea into the world. let's see. we organized the world's largest conference on psychedelics called.
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this is true my friend, one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program, please silence, what is your relationship with yaanana kettuna, we plan to restore the family, and where are you going to live, oleg rom. stellar group product vodka pechora stellar group product vodka veda stellar group product cognac
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old barrel stellar group product bourbon steersman is a product of the stellar group. hello country, new voronezh welcomes you, i love our small cities very much, almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed through, i have a dream, i really want to go hiking to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai by car through the whole country to the south and vladivostok, there are also in the urals.
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i would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped by you. after the sad events in the capital, some impressionable people will hardly see in them not heroes, not you, our goals are right, our methods are criminal, i dream of getting an answer, tomorrow morning in the senate nikolai pavlych will declare himself emperor. history is happening in st. petersburg, here it dies, tomorrow everything
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will change, you have a senator, you have wealth, service, what do you need to change, let's elect a dictator among us, enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, tell trubetskoy , if he doesn’t decide, we ’ll go out ourselves. in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns, if like in france, then everyone present here hangs, they won’t dare in us shoot, we didn’t shed a drop of their vile blood, well, a match. who will kindle everything and burn it out himself.
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union of salvation, film premiere, on russia day on the first. len, why are you disgracing yourself? room cleaning. who is this? my groom, who? finn, who am i? shall i go? wait, who am i? and you are a friend, a very close friend, wedding? what wedding? i agreed out of stupidity, well, it happens, sorry! listen, i'm leaving for finland, i 'll return the ring to you, one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program, i want to talk to him, but i won't let you destroy it again his life? well hello, oleshka!
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maria butina is with you again, this is the heir doll a tute, we have a guest from germany, gregor shpitsin, in direct communication. gregor, hello, is it working out for the globalists or is it not working out? is schwab leaving because he failed or is he staying behind the scenes somehow? well, you know, in fact, schwab is most likely leaving simply because he is old, he simply understands that it is time to really retire and 86 years is already that. quite a lot, so uh the theory that he's leaving simply because he's old, i think it's quite plausible. as for the fact that, uh, schwab is the head of the world government or one of the representatives, speakers of the world government, the question also seems quite controversial, but the fact is that he, the idea of ​​​​organizing such a world forum came to him in the seventy- first year, while he was attending
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washington's kennedy school of government. and that he, as a promising student, captured the attention of henry keasenger, it is quite plausible that keasenger introduced him to john galbraith and others representatives of, in general, the american business-political elite, is also quite plausible. klaus schwab is an exceptional speaker, the organizer on whose platform all these events are organized, especially since he is quite the organizer, you know, and who does not forget about his own good, because all these salaries are tied to the salary of the un secretary general, these special contracts with car manufacturers, with event organizers, the lion's share, the royalties from which go into your pocket directly klaus schwab and his family, all this, you know, suggests that the man is a money-grubber, and for switzerland, a country not only of protestant, but moreover, calvinist ethics, where, in principle, it is not customary to display all one’s wealth, in general, and to be bothered by them, this is all generally very atypical, and most likely this indicates that klaus schwab treats
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the forum as exclusively a business project, well, come to life please. and how in germany they look at schwab, at this forum of his, in general, you is this topic on the agenda, or are we the only ones sounding the alarm bell and saying, listen, well, something is happening, generally speaking, in general , sovereignty is being taken away from countries, the greens of this story, when they are trying to force countries to simply destroy their own production , industry, i would not say that this topic is taboo, they are certainly discussing these topics in leading economic publications in germany, but what... schwab’s resignation or, in principle , the decision of the world forum, they are, you know, first on the agenda, i would of course, he didn’t say, if we look at the modern relations between germany and france, the contradictions between scholz and macron, they say that even two states cannot eliminate all contradictions, and if we talk about some kind of global forum where representatives of all states gather, well you know, this can only be a discussion platform, it is unlikely that it will be able to be responsible for making decisions, especially since, for example, without developing world
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economies such as india or china, it is also impossible to resolve any global issues is. perhaps, thank you very much, germany is still a country with limited sovereignty, yes, a little occupied, a little by the united states, i don’t think that in principle they bother much about issues such as limiting sovereignty, there ’s nothing special to limit there, interesting another thing, schwab’s resignation, as i understand it, must still be approved by the leadership of switzerland or the swiss parliament must approve it, then the question arises that switzerland has despite the fact that... this the country is protestant, yes, as was said, kolyunist, and so on, traditional, switzerland has its own economic globalist interest, well, in this case in the person of this person, and this forum is located there for a reason, and in this regard it is interesting the question, well, in my opinion, after all, this will not be decided by the swiss government, but by him personally, by the way, the rules of this very forum state that he chooses his own
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successor, and he has actually already found this successor, this is a former minister. lags behind everything that concerns, for example, robotization, artificial intelligence and so on, and indeed i absolutely agree that, unlike, for example, jak atali, who really comes up with a lot of things himself, creates, yes, this person
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is it was precisely within the framework of certain ideas that he was a gvoshat, well, plus, of course, a fixer, a lobbyist, and even a person who was good at networking on his site in the seventies and eighties, then there was a certain evolution, it all became very politicized, but now , in fact, he himself is... his successors are speaking openly about what they expect from the development forum in the future, that is , now they seem to be pushing a certain political agenda, and then they want this turn the forum into something like such a large global system of private -public partnerships, that is, it will no longer be just that we all gathered there together, checked our watches and decided that we will continue to push the green agenda there at the level of large corporations or representatives various governments, and this will be an attempt to create that same world government, so that we have a unified system, i don’t know, of responding to pandemics, a unified system of automation, robotization, a unified mechanism for regulating the development of artificial intelligence, and so on, that is this in this case will already be such globalism in the last key phase, but
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here i think that, of course, klau schwab is not suitable, including in terms of age , which is still a little behind the agenda, well, thirdly, the figure became very toxic, i don’t agree that in the west they don’t discuss it at all, even in germany, but there is an alternative for germany, as it were... they mock it, that is, it is actually used, so it is pushed aside, has become too toxic, there will be other people, and his successors, who will push about the same agenda, but with nuances and some rhetorical declarative changes, that is, no one, for example, really refuses the green transition there. this is a trillion-dollar green bond market, as it existed, it still exists, but of course we need to do it, probably a little more interesting, better, or something, yes, more sofisticated, more refined, so they will do this, in general there is a precedent
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, that’s who do any of you remember, greta tumberg, once upon a time, she, in general, actually cut through the topic of this green agenda, then she said, adults, you must be responsible for us, guys, and so on, let's see, attention to nuances they insist that we must give young people hope, but i don't need your help. i don't want you to help me, i want you to panic, i want you to experience several of her speeches let's analyze and reverse the fear that i experience every day. and these fiery speeches. adults are constantly a little later, you see here a timid child who.
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if they start with this, it’s all wrong, you’re all responsible, this one she’ll have several paragraphs there, each look will remain for 5 minutes. roman, is this even possible, i can’t imagine that a person in a breakdown could talk for 5 minutes, well, i ’ll say this, this means a diagnosis over the phone, but i would suggest, for example, say, the sooner the better, to be examined for schizophrenia, it’s very similar. mismatched movements of facial expressions and so on, this time, then, of course, she is an actress, she is working out the agenda, but there is a moment, this is even working out in itself, this is a kind of overkill, before this the program said,
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remember, the schwab forum associated with psychedelics, you know what i remembered, the so-called bible of globalism about the new wonderful world, so there are no dramas, this is exactly what they talk about throughout the whole book, eat it and you will be... but as you exactly said, everyone knows this, she is already a used chip, well, in fact, she was drained , it’s not for nothing that i brought greta thunberg to you in this program, because she has a direct connection with the promotion of schwab’s ideas, and they even have a contact, look, here’s the same woman, constantly appears on schwab’s forum, constantly accompanies thunberg, this mysterious lady, louise neubauer, almost they don’t promise that she will be the new face of the environmental agenda, tell me. we are
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now 26-27 years old, it is directly connected with the names of real globalists, and an amazing thing, she says: i am not 30 years old, i am only 27 yet, but i have a fairly big future, when we look at the quotes index, we see that she is now quoted many times more than greta tumberg, it feels like someone gave the command to stop quoting greta tumberg. tumberg, she became too toxic, she grew up, she grew up and became more crazy. that's just her successor, she just evokes a certain sweetness, so look, if this new person who appears, and this is exactly the generation that mr. schwab was banking on, he says: i need people who will believe in our ideas, which is not another thirty, because these are ideas for growth, chipization for those who are 40 plus is interested, no, it’s not interesting, we are against this, for artificial intelligence to take over for us, no, it’s not interesting, but he... makes the right bet,
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we need to place a bet on who you will be explain in your own accessible language for people like you, here is a schizophrenic, excuse me, tumberg, she is no longer interesting, but we need those that other oligarchs raise, she has repeatedly said that when she was asked who is your best hero, she said: soros, he changed the world, look, one of the ideologists is new, and shvaba says verbatim the following, this is harari, his books are very... history will continue, but someone else will control it, someone else, it's obvious they're like that they hint, but how many people like this has the world seen, those who wanted to rule, those who divided people into certain... classes, sects, nations,
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races, tried to establish dominant control, and then, and then russia always came, returned traditional values, normality, upbringing, education, so it will be this time, maria butina was with you, these are the puppet heirs, now is the time for the program.


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