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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 10, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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sects, nations, races, tried to establish dominant control, and then, and then russia always came, returned traditional values, normality, upbringing, education, so it will be this time, maria butina was with you, these are the heirs of the doll, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day.
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percentage marks: france, germany, belgium, humiliation of the ruling parties in the elections to the european parliament, but will it change the course of the eu? entrusted, carried out, pensions for workers, salaries and support for families. tasks president, government after the forum in st. petersburg. the format was updated by brix after expansion, the first meeting of foreign ministers in nizhny novgorod and cultural. flagship medicine, emergency
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department of the morozov children's hospital, new diagnostic and treatment technologies for new challenges. so, staromayskoye in the donetsk people's republic was liberated, our flag is there. a village of ten streets, which was of critical importance for the logistics of the militants. now it is more difficult for them to maneuver the reserves, which. and so it is not enough, but our military the vostok grouping opens up new opportunities for an offensive, about the successes in other sectors and the losses of ukrainian formations, in the report by dmitry tolmachev. the latest footage of the russian flag in the staromairsky settlement in the southern donetsk direction, which was occupied by the ssu during last year’s counteroffensive, has again come under the control of russian forces. units of the voysk-vostok group continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defenses and liberated them.
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in this footage, tankers of the vostok group disrupt the rotation of ukrainian militants formation, a pickup truck and a group of enemy infantry in a forest plantation were destroyed. foreign equipment is still burning, german armored vehicles, two bradley infantry fighting vehicles, three american m777 howitzers, and, among the common people, three axes have been destroyed. the ministry of defense records the successes of our troops on the northern front in the kharkov region in the south, kherson and zaporozhye. fierce battles near artyomovsk in the city of chasov yar, it opens the way to konstantinovka. the center grouping of troops is advancing west of avdeevka, the infantry is supported by artillery. gun, shot!
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seven people, but directly at the gun, as a rule, there are three, a commander, a loading gunner, there is no difficulty at all, if everyone knows their duties, what to do and does not get confused during intensive work, they are on duty for days in shifts, here in the ovdeevsky direction you will not be bored it is necessary, the infantry requests support almost every half hour, 0684 smart preparedness one fire, loading for a long time.
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and practice counter-battery warfare, therefore, so as not to harm the personnel, so to speak, we always go to shelters. old, but a good-quality village cellar more than once saved them from oncoming artillery attacks. for comfort , there were beds, a kettle, a stove, but the front is moving further every day, so the artillerymen of the center group of troops
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will most likely have to change this position. dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, vladimir afanasyev, larisa nikitina, natalya sidrova, sergey deev, channel one. ukraine shibekina was attacked again today by terrorists of the kiev regime at the very beginning of the working day , anti-personnel mines were dropped from a drone. and on them three civilians were blown up. all have multiple shrapnel wounds. about 5 hours later, from the same place from shebekin, they reported a new mine explosion of three local self-defense fighters, vgtrk cameraman yaroslav borisov. our colleague was taken to the hospital in serious condition with shrapnel wounds in the abdominal cavity of the left shoulder. some. for hours we were anxiously waiting for at least some information from the doctors, and about an hour before our broadcast there was an encouraging message from governor vyacheslav glodkov. yaroslav borisov was operated on, his condition stable. everything is short, but we hope there will be more details. we wish yaroslav borisov a speedy recovery and keep
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our fingers crossed for him. meanwhile, the enemy has new mobilization outrages under the talk that rowing will begin at the age of 18. grigory emelyanov with examples, so that's all, guys, this will be a statement to the police, no, guys, no, phone, phone for you, tightly twisting his victim, roughly throwing a woman to the ground, apparently a mother, who was trying to protect the recruit, threatening another woman, who filmed everything on camera, what continues in ukraine is that they call it forceful mobilization, the footage was apparently filmed somewhere in the kharkov region, but this is the case when they could have been filmed anywhere in ukraine, these days it’s like this: everywhere, well, guys, it’s begun, it’s begun, they’re giving the news , that’s it, video evidence from the east of the country, from the south, from the central regions and even from the west, footage from odessa, two approached on the street, arm in arm into the car, some woman behind the scenes, out of habit, asked to call the police, but alas, this is not the one case in catching
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future cannon fodder for zelensky the police are now at one with the tsekashniks, here is footage from kiev, it was the police who tied up the young man, the forces, to put it mildly, are unequal to four. for one, but to resist the guardians of the law, or in this case, you have to say lawlessness, more expensive for yourself. and here is lvov, the cat of mobilization has reached there. let's call it, so to speak, a conversation between employees of the territorial recruitment center and a potential fighter. no, it’s not a defect in sound, it’s us who drowned out the choice russian obscenities in the speech of the residents of western ukraine. it seems like the guy manages to get out of his hands ludolov, but the video has a sequel. there is no happy outcome in this story. the story of one of the prisoners of the armed forces of ukraine. i came down the street from work, the bus boys ran over me, grabbed me by the arms, over my ribs, tied me up, threw my buses on, blindfolded me, and woke up already in some part. the kiev regime, in an attempt to patch up holes in the defense, is already rowing everyone, including cases of chronically ill and even
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disabled people. according to available data , a new reduction in the mobilization age to 18 years is being prepared. the usa insists on this. from competent sources know that secretary of state blinken. having personally arrived in kiev, he threatened otherwise to find a replacement for zelensky. in general, is it any wonder that the level of both training and motivation of these, so to speak, fighters is extremely low. they brought me here to the village of lukintsi, they said the next day. well, as we understand, we were abandoned in order to withdraw the main part of the troops, the main part of the troops left, and we were left behind. remained, he himself surrendered, for people like him, captivity is a chance to escape, here is another vsushnik released communication with our military , he crossed the dnieper on a homemade raft made of plastic bottles, or , as an option, you can try to escape to hungary, hoping that prime minister orban , clearly a small friend of the kiev regime, will not
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give him back. in these photos, a cargo van in which more than thirty ukrainians were breaking through the border from transcarpathia was detained on the hungarian side, what further is still unknown. grigory emelyanov. vladimir putin discussed the situation around ukraine today by telephone with the president of brazil, luiz, and nalui dosilova. russian the leader outlined our principles. approach in connection with the upcoming so-called peace conference in switzerland. let me remind you that the west is organizing it to demonstrate support for the zelensky regime, without taking into account the situation on the fronts, which is not in his favor. without russia, as has been said more than once, all this talk makes no sense. the president spoke about partnership within the framework of brix, this is the year of the russian chairmanship in the association. we will return to these topics in the second part of the issue. and today vladimir putin accepted. with annual report to the kremlin by tatyana moskalkova, commissioner for human rights.
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according to her, russians’ trust in this institution is growing, as is the demand for respect for their rights, assistance to victims of natural disasters, improving the living conditions of prisoners, support for prisoners of war, just some of the topics. yuri lepatov, more details about everything. before speaking in the state duma with her annual report on the observance of human rights in the russian federation, tatyana moskalkova reported to the president.
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lists of missing people, we managed
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to help more than 100 people determine their fate. we agreed, in parallel, at the same time, to visit the ukrainian military personnel who are on our territory, and the ukrainian human rights commissioners visited more than 1,700 of our military prisoners, targeted assistance.
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yes, and of course, oddly enough, there still remains a large number of appeals related to detention, this preventive measure, despite the fact that you have repeatedly raised these issues at collegium of the prosecutor general's office, it still remains very relevant, there are even cases when the investigation asks for house arrest, the court gives...
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most of all appeals today are related to conditions of detention, repairs have been made, the colonies have become better, but there are also those who demand more investments, or maybe investments... material investments of the soul and maybe a creative approach, but the material ones should not be forgotten either, there is a lot more that needs to be done, people must be kept in normal human conditions, there is a temporary detention center. which, in violation of the law, do not have a walking yard, that is, people cannot go out for a walk, it was noted today, yes, we have a whole section devoted to recommendations to the authorities, and i will ask you to instruct the government to consider them. tatyana moskalkova thanked vladimir putin for supporting the institution
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of human rights ombudsmen and personal participation in this work. does the scientific and educational center for human rights work for you? the scientific and educational center was created with your support, absolutely right, for many years, their understanding of human rights and their understanding of the protection of human rights were imposed on us. today we have significantly changed this understanding, and of course, a person has his rights, this is his social well-being, the right to life, the right to happiness. this is all we are trying to provide, and not just certain narrow categories of people. ok thank you very much. yuri lepatov, anna zayakina, sergey romanov, channel one. the president’s instructions, voiced in st. petersburg at the economic forum, must be fully implemented volume in the shortest possible time. mikhail mishustin announced this today at a meeting with
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deputy prime ministers. increasing the minimum wage, preferential mortgages for families with children. in the market, it is important to create conditions so that they can continue to work, share knowledge with the younger generation, specialists; they will be paid a salary and pension, taking into account annual indexation, just like those who have retired. in addition, mishusin instructed deputy prime minister golikova to supervise the preparation of amendments to
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legislation in connection with plans to further increase the minimum wage. starting next year it will be linked. with the median salary received by the majority of those employed in the economy and will be almost half of this indicator. the so-called median salary is an indicator of more and less than what the same number of people receive in a country. according to mishustin, the price will increase by 15% and amount to more than 22,000 rubles. by 2030 it should increase to 35,000 rubles per month. the prime minister expects that the decision will be accepted in the spring session. one more topic. support for families with children, from july 1 , such families will receive benefits when purchasing housing, including in small towns and regions where there is not enough housing being built, parents there will be able to take advantage of a family mortgage at 6%, regardless of the age of the children, but the main thing is that at least one child was a minor at the time the loan was issued. when building your own home, such
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preferential conditions for families will apply in all russian regions. about investments for business, a special mechanism has been created for this purpose, a project financing factory; webrf bank specialists select promising projects for which loans are allocated to businesses. the mechanism allows investors to fix a comfortable level of interest expenses, which is especially in demand during periods of high key rates. using this tool , more than 30 initiatives have already been implemented with a total cost of about 2 trillion rubles. nine more have been approved. the topic of social assistance, in particular providing beneficiaries with free medicines, medical equipment and therapeutic nutrition. among them are chernobyl victims, veterans and people with disabilities, including children with disabilities. the president
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particularly noted the importance of maintaining such support and emphasized that the savings of the people. alexander anonichev, channel one. improving the tax system was discussed today in the public chamber. parliamentarians, experts, and business representatives took part in the discussion. and the round table was devoted to the same topic.
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public organization we received interesting feedback, all the comments and proposals that were voiced today will be worked out for the second reading, of course, in the end this will make the final version of the law fairer and more balanced, we will make a decision based on the results of this round table meeting, send him to the government of the russian federation with the proposals and comments that were received here.
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i will add that parents with low incomes raising two or more children will receive a portion of the taxes paid from the state. in fact, the rate for them will be 6%. the benefit will be valid until children turn 23 if they are full-time students. more news of the day: the minister of defense visited our soldiers who are undergoing rehabilitation at the vishnevsky central military hospital. andrey belousov presented. state awards thanked for service. it’s also an important conversation with military doctors on the eve of medical worker’s day. alexander lyakin for more details. hello, just lie down,
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please, andrey belousov for the first time in as minister of defense, he presents orders and medals to combatants. 12 decorated fighters are being treated at the mishnevsky hospital, and the minister went into the ward of each of them. i will take immediate control, the actual rehabilitation of everything related to the partes, if only... senior sergeant bidzhev, ruslan yurievich, congratulations, among the awarded, senior sergeant ruslan bidzhev, the minister of defense presented him with the insignia of the order of st. george, fourth degree, just 4 days ago he was in the operating room table, the doctors stopped his heart for several hours, connected a heart-lung machine to get a fragment from a grenade dropped from a copter, it pierced his lung and got stuck in his heart, the quadcopter was just hanging there, they wanted to work on it, and it worked on me first. it turned out that i received an unfortunate wound, and after the first explosion, as everyone usually falls, i also fell, i just jumped sharply into cover, and after that
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my man, a guy who was not far from me, he saw it all and ran to me help, on the monitor the very moment when the fragment is removed from the heart, the minister of defense was told that in this operating room two surgical interventions can be performed on different parts of the body at once, for example, one team works on the heart, and the other operates on the arm, two operations, one anesthesia . i was just rewarding a guy, he was trying to beat him up, he had an operation 4 days ago, so that’s all, it’s all here, it’s such a miracle, really. previously, such injuries were fatal, but our doctors have accumulated extensive experience that allows them to save lives in the most difficult cases. this is not only the technology itself, logistics and evacuation also play a very important role. which are postponed here, because the count goes there for hours, not even for days, for hours, all the delivery of the sick and wounded,
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rehabilitation plays a very important role, the head of the cardiac surgery center , alexander ilishchuk, says that he used to store shrapnel and bullets that hit the heart, but then there was nowhere to put them, in total about three hundred such operations were performed, i stopped on one case separately, recently he operated on a soldier who had been hit by a sniper body armor on the sixth try.
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special operation, among the participants are our dmitry kulko and oleg shishkin. the conversation was frank and constructive. as a result , the minister of defense gave a number of important instructions. such meetings will be held regularly. crime of ukraine against children. today the final report of our parliamentary commission of inquiry was presented. the investigative committee of the russian federation has opened about 4,500 criminal cases since march 2014.
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the osce and the international committee of the red cross turned out to be blind and deaf to the crimes against our children. but, colleagues, visual evidence of the suffering to which the kiev regime condemns defenseless children should become available to the general public. now the european parliament, the counting of votes in the elections, and what is already clear, the strengthening of right-wing forces. in belgium , the government resigned after him, in... france there will be a new parliament. in germany, the scholz cabinet and the bundestag remained, but as in the first two cases, the signal from voters was clear. the current course of the eu, including pumping ukraine up with weapons and anti-russian sanctions, this does not suit everyone. the czech republic, austria, greece, the netherlands, spain, eurosceptics have also strengthened. but the overall balance is still in favor of the current brussels bureaucrats. then why
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should this election be interesting?
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the move reads like a mobilization of all forces against the right-wing threat, but the stakes are too high, as noted by the french media, especially since between the two rounds of elections millions of people’s gas bills will increase. as for macron's decision, i see it as a risky move, quite lonely and selfish player. a similar thing already happened in 1997 , jacques cherak tried to reduce the influence of the left, dissolved parliament, and ultimately achieved exactly the opposite. in the event of a new success of the national unification in the elections, the chairman of this party, jordan bardela. may take the post of prime minister, what had a greater impact on the vote, the discontent of farmers or macron’s dangerous bellicose rhetoric towards russia, it is unclear, however, both of these factors are somehow connected with ukraine, the elections were a personal defeat for emmanuel macron. imagine that he he has to lead our country for almost another 4 years, he has zero legitimacy, well, you’re 16%, which means that he has similar problems as zelensky. the french president
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spoke about the strengthening in his address to the nation. lands, despite the scandals and negativity in the press, there turned out to be a right-wing alternative for germany, which opposes the pumping of weapons into ukraine, the voting showed that germany remained divided, the scoreboard publishes a map of the political preferences of the residents of germany, where the black bloc of christian democrats is leading in the elections to the european parliament, where blue...
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in january of this year 6% from scratch. wagenknyakh again spoke about an attempt to stop the fighting in ukraine, taking into account current realities. why doesn't anyone do this? this has nothing to do with trusting putin, it is simply the only realistic way to keep the weapons silent, and most importantly, to prevent war from coming to us. voters gave the social democrats, greens and free democrats in power a resounding slap in the face. disgraceful result - a little over 30 percent of the votes for all, that is, for all three members of the government.
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i wonder what happened to the greens, who tend to be particularly strong among young voters. the drop in support has more than tripled, indicating enormous disappointment among voters. overall, the greens lost more votes than everyone else in this election.
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the chancellor is no longer just a lame duck, he has already practically lost his country, olaf without a country, that’s what you can call him. despite the sharp strengthening of the right in europe, large-scale domestic political problems in germany and france, the current head of the european commission, ursula von derlein has every chance of retaining
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the chairman's chair. for fondelaien, the largest european people's party in the european parliament, it unites peasant democrats and liberal conservatives from across the eu. including thanks to the confident victory in germany of the cdu and csu blocs. this party even strengthened its position. with biden voters punishing pro-war politicians, as snowden notes, it may be time to give peace a chance. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, yulia zagranichnova, delya serazheddinova, sergei prokofiev, first channel. the kremlin said today that
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it is closely monitoring the strengthening of right-wing forces in europe. the heads of both chambers of the russian parliament also commented on the preliminary election results. the fact that in the pan-european parliamentary elections the head of the largest countries of the old world is macron. and scholz suffered a crushing defeat with their parties, once again confirming their failure both as national and as european politicians, and in their case this is a well-deserved result arising from many years of complete... societies, following in line with the execution of commands from washington and abandoning sovereignty, they could not count on anything else, it seems that a dangerous virus of illegitimacy is beginning to spread across the european continent. the results in france and germany are predictable: the economy is stagnating, there is a migration crisis, countries, contrary to their national interests, are drawn into the war in ukraine. macron and scholz are clinging to power with all their might; it is right for them to resign and stop mocking them. over the citizens of their states, now advertising,
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look further, air shock in indian style, one runway and two airliners, the best for children, new opportunities for the famous morozov hospital, there will be much more, don’t switch, the child even thought of it or came up with it, what difference does it make to you, great, calm down, yana you promised that my son will be with me, mark, i will play the role of a father, but there is no need to convince me that this is my son. voito has been living with a new family for 2 months already, i am afraid that it will be a strong blow for them if the case is reviewed, such people should be prohibited from having children at all, decision a review of the case is not accepted, a real man would tear everyone apart if they touched his woman and son, there are no men here, but i see, i will press this, a commotion will begin, everyone will start running back and forth, we will have a few seconds for in order to take her son, she stole him. this russian takes whatever she wants. oleg, there’s something standing there, he’s running away, he
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recognized us. at the moment their whereabouts are unknown. we don't need your help. we can handle it ourselves, and i myself will save my mother. ianna kettonin, a finnish citizen, you see, her son, a finnish citizen, he i was actually born here, and now you are an international terrorist. one chance for three. premiere. watch the time after the program. "get out of the car, mom, get off your feet, i 'll shoot, come on, shoot, mancacher whiskey, a stellar group product, cnop gin, a stellar group product, monte shoca cognac, a stellar group product, rom castro. a stellar group product , a stellar group vodka, a stellar product group
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vodka veda product stellar group cognac old barrel product stellar group history is happening in st. petersburg, here she dies tomorrow everything will change
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union of salvation, film premiere on russia day. first, you would like to help your country, in what way, excuse me, you have what i need, comrade peredonov. our head coach of the ussr in sambo, i mean i’m knocking down the lop, vasily oshchepkov is invited to replace him for a friendly match, but now there is a more interesting enemy and who are the germans, you want to learn this way, there is no effective technique against firearms yet, and comrade ashchebkov showed that the army has its choice did. and coaching the national team will be a piece of cake, you’ve lost before you’ve even started,
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you can’t win a fight with that attitude, you want to bury mine yourself my disciples, if i write on him, they will imprison him, where is he? took the donation, the denunciation, yours, consider it mine, the legend of samba, the premiere on friday at the first, we wish all the athletes good luck, may the best man win. russia and turkey confirmed their intention to develop a strategic partnership in the field of security. today, security council secretary sergei shaigu invited turkish foreign minister hakan fedan to hold specialized consultations in the third quarter of this year. full format, location moscow or ankara. fedan has more to come
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event in nizhny novgorod, and then in switzerland. there will be a so-called peace summit on ukraine. the minister is traveling in place of president erdogan. the level of the conference is generally far from the highest. here, as promised, we will return to the topics from the first part of the issue. today there are new refusals to participate. pakistan referred to its neutral status. and cambodia, it was not satisfied that there would be no delegation from russia. in general, out of 160 invited countries, 90 registered, half from europe and north america. the conference will take place at the end of this week, but the swiss press is already writing that the real situation on the fronts has not been taken into account, which is not in favor of ukraine; in general, even before the opening , disappointment emanates from the forum. there is a possibility that after prolonged contractions the mountain will give birth to a mouse; so far everything points to exactly this outcome of the event. already now it seems that
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there will be no major sensation on june 15 and 16, and this contradicts the hopes of vladimir zelensky. the list of participants announced so far is disappointing at the highest level. only familiar ones will be presented supporters of ukraine: france, germany, poland, canada, eu. us president joe biden , on the contrary, declined the invitation, preferring to send vice president kamala haris. let me remind you that biden is raising money for the elections, against the backdrop of new gossip and his ability to cope with the current term. the swiss themselves , at the foreign ministry level, admit that russia should participate in the dialogue on ukraine, but someday later, slyly, of course, a clear position. in this sense, china took a position, insisting on the equal participation of our country and the discussion of all plans, and not just cloudy green formula. the head of our mit today thanked his chinese colleague for the decision. the meeting took place in nizhny novgorod, where today is the ministerial meeting of brix, the association in which russia chairs this year. report
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by lyubov filippova. this is the first meeting of foreign ministers since the brix expansion last year, which is essentially what the name is now. you can add a big and bold plus, because the meeting is being held in an expanded format, representatives of states, friends, organizations. among them are bahrain, sri lanka, cuba, venezuela, thailand, kazakhstan, belarus. the heads of foreign departments began to arrive in nizhnenovgorod yesterday. welcoming his colleagues at the meeting, sergei lavrov noted that the expansion of brix is ​​a clear indicator of how the process of forming a multipolar world order is proceeding. the transition to a new world order, we are already in this. convinced, it will take a whole historical era and it will be thorny. recent international events have thrown off the masks of those who until now in words pretended to be almost to the exclusive right to define so -called universal values ​​under the guise of a rules-based order.
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all members of brix are gathered today, including its new members, except for russia, brazil, india, china and the republic of uzbekistan. the organization now includes egypt, iran, and the united arabic. the strategic choice in favor of strengthening our relations takes into account the fundamental interests of each of our countries and corresponds to the natural course of world development and the dictates of the times. it is not directed against any third country and is not subject to external interference. and here’s something else that was discussed at
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the meeting, as noted in the ministry. sergei lavrov expressed gratitude to the chinese partners for their balanced and consistent line on the crisis around ukraine. in line with which beijing decided not to send its representatives to the peace conference planned in switzerland, which did not imply equal participation of russia and fair consideration of all peace initiatives and current realities. moreover, during the meeting, wang yi proposed, i quote: holding a genuine peace forum on resolution of the conflict in ukraine, in which both moscow and kiev will be represented. that participation in it should take place on equal terms for both parties. his colleague from brazil also spoke at a meeting with lavrov. also, the russian minister has already held bilateral meetings with colleagues from kazakhstan, egypt, laos, thailand, sri lanka and ethiopia. head of the foreign ministry. iran expressed condolences in connection with the tragic death of the president and head of the country's ministry of defense. nothing can negatively affect our
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cooperation, only to make it more successful and fruitful. today we see enormous potential for expanding and strengthening our interaction. it seems to me that even last year such potential was not visible. during a conversation with the minister of foreign affairs, lavrov noted that it was regular contacts between the presidents that became the key to strong relations between the two countries. speech at the meeting today. on other international platforms. we are confident that we will maintain our friendly, stable relations after the past parliamentary elections in south africa. this the continuity has already been confirmed by our south african friends. the people of russia play a huge role in helping us achieve the freedom we enjoy today. this year we will celebrate thirty years of freedom from aparthey.
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russia is chairing the brix this year, about seven dozen events have already been held, about 180 more are ahead, turkey is expected to join the meeting in nizhny novgorod tomorrow , foreign minister hakan fidan announced his desire to join the brix during a recent visit to china. and beyond conference rooms, a real cultural exchange. musicians, dancers, artists and brix countries perform at city venues and organize master classes. this is where it goes.
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international olympiads and in general the quality of our natural science education is one of the best in the world, and today,
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when many countries are developing engineering education, natural science education, our country’s experience in teaching, in particular mathematics, physics, computer science, and biology, is in great demand. armenia, scheduled today meeting of parliament, where the issue of dismissal of the nikol government will be considered. it’s in a week, pashinyan’s supporters promise not to participate, thus failing the initiative. in the center of yerevan, meanwhile , street protests continue, led by archbishop bagrad galstanyan. he called on supporters to organize a big rally the day after tomorrow. kolstanyan’s movement is seeking the removal of the prime minister, as it is against the process of defining the border with azerbaijan and transferring a number of border territories to baku. footage from india has spread all over the internet, mumbai airport and two airliners on the same runway, one takes off, the second lands, and between
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these moments a couple of seconds is only 500 m of distance. the pilots explained that they acted on commands from the dispatcher; he was suspended from work while the investigation was ongoing. mumbai airport is one of the busiest in india, 850 flights per day, 46 takeoffs and landings per hour just on the runway where everything happened. two people were involved in the incident. the maximum capacity of each is 180 people, including crews. let's get back to our news. in moscow after construction, the emergency department of the morozov children's hospital was opened, one of the largest in the country. the latest equipment, a comfortable waiting area for children with their parents and well-thought-out internal logistics. the mayor of moscow appreciated what has been done to effectively provide emergency care and the convenience of patients. anastasia kobuzeva will tell you. the doors of this hospital are always open, up to 500 emergency patients daily, a huge flow that
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needs to be managed correctly, because every second counts. a large-scale event was held at the morozov hospital.
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return the scope of surgical intervention is quite wide, the most important thing is the presence of operating rooms and a new thing that has appeared in our emergency department is a diagnostic ward, the so-called yellow zone, here the work is carried out on a doctor-to-patient basis. taking care of little patients and their parents, of course, also, mothers are worried, in the comfortable waiting zone they can be close to their child. the doctor will come to the little patient himself, is a mobile workplace, for example, you can do an ultrasound, a specialist will examine the child will make a diagnosis if a mother wants to be alone with her baby, at the same time breastfeeding, if it is convenient, everything is here so that our patient has a safe zone and is always in sight of the medical staff, this is the new standard now are being introduced into all emergency departments of children's hospitals in moscow;
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this is especially important for morozovskaya, because every fourth child ends up here. with such a volume, of course, we need a modern reception department, already made according to new standards, according to new logistics, with new equipment, well with such a wonderful team, of course, i hope that the new emergency department will make this work even more efficient and comfortable, both for doctors and patients. the main category is patients of the green corridor, such people, as a rule, come to the hospital on their own, they will be greeted at the reception by friendly employees, and here you... won’t see huge filing cabinets, paper is a thing of the past, everything is on electronic media. all information about the patient is already visible in the admission department even before the patient is admitted to the hospital; moreover, they only know what condition the patient is in at the moment, but have the opportunity to look through his medical record in advance to look at some important indicators that are significant for them. the patient
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will spend on average no more than two hours in the green zone. a child was admitted who had stuck several fragments of a toy into his nose. we had to hospitalize such children in departments to perform operations under the control of a video endoscope. today these operations are minimally invasive, we can perform them at the emergency department level. the situation is different. a child has a stroke, this also happens, at the morozov hospital they know how to save a patient, we had a child around 10 years old, he had quite extensive.
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the evening concert program of masterpieces of world classics became the culmination of the summer creative session of the symphony academy project; it is held jointly with the russian national youth symphony orchestra for the fourth time. 35 young musicians mastered the techniques of orchestral performance in classes with virtuoso mentors. many of the teachers follow creative successes of their students. we are happy that through acquaintance with symphonic music, a symphony... orchestra, we charge the children with love for the profession, we observe annual growth, technical, creative growth of the children, our next generation of youth orchestra, well, the generation of artists of symphony orchestras throughout the country, a unique forge of personnel , when very young musicians work and learn experience, learn the technical secrets of working in a large group.
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that’s all, well, now there’s a big premiere at first channel, one chance for three. a thriller about how russian parents have to kidnap their own child abroad in order to save them from a ruthless state guardianship system, a drama in which the characters get to know each other again. first episode right now.
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wait, olek, don’t do anything stupid, let’s go home, the tanjuka is lying anyway, right? yes, so i checked what number, maybe it’s not necessary, it’s good, well, i said, what number, i’m from work, what number,
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they’ll trample me from work, 237, that’s happy, oleg, yes, that you are disgracing yourself, i will spit on you. who is my fiancé, who is finnish, and who am i? i'll go there and wait, who am i? and you are a friend, a very close friend, go. what about the wedding? something doesn't
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sound amicable, ian. what wedding? i agreed stupidly. well, it happens, sorry. tomi, you are alive, you seem to be breathing. give me some water. what kind of joke is this? “listen, i’m leaving for finland, i’ll return the ring to you, oleg, please go, because of this, don’t give a damn about it, i lie down with whoever i want, okay, can i have him?” "


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