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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  June 10, 2024 10:55pm-12:06am MSK

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began this important discussion about the possibility of using nuclear weapons as a tool of deterrence, but at the very least a means of curbing unilateral escalation. when you started talking about this many months ago, i thought you started saying it because russian armed forces were clashing with...
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russian armed forces. why do you then there was a fairly successful offensive , it seems that now is the moment when you need to think about some new decisive measures, including a possible revision of the nuclear russian doctrine.
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was based on the foundation of military superiority for about five centuries, everything has come into motion, and if we do not now put back the nuclear fuse that has saved us for the last 70 years, we will one way or another slide into a series of wars, which, by the way, are already blazing, if you look carefully around the world, and that you need to insert a nuclear fuse, in principle, even without confrontation or direct collision.
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well, my, well, i hope, firstly, it seems to me that we have made one more conversation in our conversation a very positive step on the ladder of escalation. secondly, i think that we are currently having a discussion, work is underway, intellectual work, i think, in the military department, and we are at the expert level, preparing all sorts of developments to modernize the nuclear deterrence strategy. we now call it deterrence, deterrence, sobering up, and not just deterrence, i hope that the system that worked, which stopped working for a number of reasons, will be activated, and we are in this very
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turbulent period that lies ahead almost 20 years, guaranteed, we will enter. still, with the safeguards that we have had in place over the past five or six decades, it seems to you that a lot can be done, perhaps not only possible, but also necessary, in response to western escalation, without even reaching the point of using nuclear weapons, are there such possibilities, is there such a need, well , there is obviously a need and... and i called for it, i call for it, well, not only publicly, and my colleagues and i are doing this, and not only we are doing very many , a lot of steps along the so-called ladder, escalation up to the delivery of massive non-nuclear strikes, but
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not non-nuclear, i repeat, non-nuclear strikes on the territory of nato countries, with a promise in case of a response to deliver a nuclear strike, but we still would not want to reach this level. i would like our distraught partners, mainly in europe, to come to their senses, well , the americans, who are more cautious, but also play extremely dangerous games that were in principle unthinkable, a large non-nuclear war under the belly of a nuclear one was already unthinkable powers there 5 years ago, but now what they are doing is already beyond the limits. and conceivable, therefore they really need to be sobered up and or reminded, if not by the acting but half-insane or simply brainless - politicians who are now leading western countries, then at least by the so
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-called deep state, the ruling elites, economic or military-political, that it is time for them to change these people to more adequate ones. during your conversation with the president, you mentioned that you have extensive experience in communicating with the west, with europe, the united states, and i know that this is exactly the case, i also spent a lot of time in the west, frankly speaking, 50 years in the united states, and yet, for me, this degree of madness of irresponsibility that we see now, looking to the guide. the united states, the leading nato countries, i did not expect that the madness would go so far and so quickly. and i want to ask you a simple question: do you think that it is still possible to sober up these people with arguments, tools
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of deterrence, but without real application? strength. and... and i hope so and want it to be so, but i think that some kind of use of force directly against the country or against...
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across the territory of the united states of america. i 'm even talking about possible strikes with non-nuclear weapons. and in extreme cases, you can use nuclear weapons. i repeat, this will not be a threshold crossing followed by a massive exchange of nuclear strikes. therefore, there are still a huge number of possibilities. i hope that in the next one and a half to two years we will use all these opportunities. however, before that. the leaders there were americans, really people of the leadership class in the thirteenth year,
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when they all advocated the admission of ukraine, first as associate members of the eu, and then into the eu. at this meeting i stood up and said that you understand that you are now dooming millions of ukrainians to death, i saw that they were all looking down at...
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clearly understand that the question asked of him, perhaps, goes a little too far, and that how a responsible statesman, responsible for the fate of the country, he is not ready to go that far, but then there was often the second part of the answer, where the key word was so far, is not required yet, and for especially, let’s say, those who are slow-witted in the west...
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and the use of nuclear weapons in response to any use of force against the territory of russia, and or naturally its closest allies belarus, yes, this is the most obvious, besides this i think that it is necessary to introduce into the doctrine very vaguely, the hints there are in it, but much more direct, this is... a possible nuclear response to massive cyber attacks, to the massive use
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of biological weapons, this is necessary not only to avoid the use biological weapons or massive cyber attacks, this is necessary to block the arms race in this direction, as well as lowering the nuclear threshold, which i consider... absolutely necessary for many years i called ours and the nuclear jet frivolous, but is intended to block the road to the conventional arms race.
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groups that now want to try, firstly, to revive their military-industrial complexes, and secondly, to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, exhausting it with an arms race, and allow this to happen you can’t, you just need to say that conventional wars in the current circumstances, wars using conventional weapons, are not won, that’s it, period, get a nuclear strike, then this will largely block the race.
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these little things will fly around and drop bombs, these little things are getting cheaper and cheaper, bombs too, this story needs to be covered up, because at least at the state level, because terrorists will still use these weapons now, we ’ve already let the genie out of the bottle, but at least this this direction of the arms race needs to be blocked at the international level, the same thing...
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let's go to the west, i think that we need to have it there, we can have it as a payoff from the west in order not to humiliate it like that, some kind of formal an independent but completely disarmed state. thank you very much for your informative answers, congratulations on the wonderful event at
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the petenburg forum, i hope to see you again on our air soon, and as they say, happy. training in population psychology. usa will provide poland with a new direct foreign military financing loan of $2 billion. they are promoting the story of the deployment of nuclear weapons. the poles, in fact, are trying not only to place
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american weapons, but also to get their own. this is the servant of the globalists. his job is to do what he is told. it’s not about poland, it’s about global forces. donald tusk, an experienced polish mazardom, dolls of the heir to tutti, is on the first tomorrow. is the child at least oleg’s or did you just come up with it? well, what difference does it make to you? great. calm down, yana. you promised, that my son will be with me. mark, i will play the role of the father, but there is no need to convince me that this is my son. boy has been living with his new family for 2 months. mom, i’m afraid that it will be a strong blow for them if the case is reviewed, such people should be prohibited from giving birth in general, the decision to review the case is not made.
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you are not a citizen of finland, you understand, her son is a citizen of finland, he was actually born here, and you are now an international terrorist, one chance for three, premiere, tomorrow after the program, get out of the car, mom, be quiet off my feet, i'll shoot, come on, shoot, i would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped by you, not by you, by you. history is being made in st. petersburg, here it dies,
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tomorrow everything will change, we will elect a dictator among us, we will enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, if he does not decide, then we ourselves, in france, aristocrats on lanterns. if it’s like in france, then everyone present here will hang, they won’t dare shoot at us, we haven’t shed a drop of their vile blood, we are the match that will ignite everything, yes will burn itself.
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union of salvation, film premiere on russia day on the first. the big game is on air. we received further interpretations of what nato will do in ukraine from one of the leaders of ukrainian aviation. let's listen. some of them will remain in the centers where aviation personnel train our pilots. there is a certain number of aircraft that will be stored at safe air bases, not in ukraine, so that they are not targets here, and this will be our reserve if necessary for replacement malfunction
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shedrov, the further this story with the f-16 unfolds, the more and more, so to speak, mysteries for me, because every day
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statements are heard from various western ukrainian officials, according to the number, then 85 aircraft, then 100 aircraft , a refutation immediately follows, no, only six planes, and then, so to speak, by the middle, or even by the end of the year. sometimes they have 100 pilots training, then 6, then 12, then they are training technical personnel, then they are not training, some, so to speak, well fakes, not fakes appear, that supposedly there is a plan there chairman okaensha brown, who also almost threatens to deliver 100 aircraft by the end of the year, forgetting that the americans , in principle, do not supply their aircraft, which, so to speak, to the states, because in order to deliver them to the ukrainians, a sufficient amount of work needs to be done there , in order to remove
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equipment there that is for ukraine...
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he takes off from an airfield in bulgaria, which we don’t love, yes, we can actually be sure that he’s not going to attack, dmitry, as soon as these planes are deployed, so to speak , deployed to airfields in poland, romania and bulgaria, it will be clear that these are planes that, well , their very first flight towards the territory of ukraine, it will be recorded, so to speak. after that we have every reason to strike at the home airfield, i personally have no doubt about this, i think that nato is not ready to play these games yet, well, if they are ready, then they must be ready to join in, so to speak with us, if we carry out a strike on the airfield, this will probably include a strike on the air defense system
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defense, of course, of course, six, well, god help them, as they say, but we have hypersonic weapons that can hit any airfield, regardless of the presence of a system there, now another brilliant idea, macron’s brilliant idea, like nato will train ukrainian military personnel on the territory of ukraine, let’s listen to macron, much more effectively.
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it is more practical under certain conditions to conduct training on ukrainian territory, this is a legitimate request when ukraine asks us to train mobilized soldiers on her sovereign soil, this is an escalation, no, this is not sending soldiers from europe and other allied countries to the front line. we want to have a coalition for the effectiveness of the training program, and several of our partners have already agreed. in the coming days, we will create the broadest possible coalition for this project. you know, naturally, they want this business, if they train someone there, it is on the territory of western ukraine, but you understand, taking into account the fact that the ukrainians for 30 years of their independence they only managed to squander everything and not build anything new, all the training centers on the territory of western ukraine, well , the largest one, so to speak, is the yavorsky training ground, they are all known, so it’s an open field to prepare,
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so to speak. well, in general, it seems to me that the president of france is going a little too far with his statements. karat chakhnazarov, a very famous, very talented director, general director of masfilm, and a person who helps us a lot in the program, to understand not only what our opponents are doing, but also what do they think? and so i want
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to ask you, macron can’t. seriously believe that we will believe that all these nato equipment will appear on the territory of ukraine, but they will only remain in the west of ukraine.
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especially shows in general the possibilities of modern information warfare, this is a real war, where bluffing is of great importance, has, so to speak, some kind of darkening of space, taking the enemy out of reality with some kind of statements, it seems to me that this works, this is to some extent what you were talking about, but to be honest, i absolutely cannot imagine that macron seriously believes that... they can intervene in this conflict literally by sending their troops there, i absolutely, especially now that you look, he has completely lost the elections, so in my opinion, to a large extent this is some
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kind of information game, so i regard it that way, but either they completely consider us idiots, or the second point, what about? with this formula: idiots who take us for idiots, idiots, who take us for idiots, but here we need to understand one more point, which, by the way, i often spoke about, which perhaps we forget a little, they are counting on this for a long history, they, they, they, they, they, as it were, this, this is not a question, they can count on a decade of this conflict in general, it is beneficial for them, therefore.
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member of the german bundestag from the alternative for germany party, evgeniy, i want to congratulate you on the success of your party in the elections, given the persecution that your party was subjected to, it seems to me that this is in general quite an impressive success, how do you assess the results of your game? well , first of all, thanks for the congratulations,
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i would like more, that is, at the beginning of the year we had, we reached 24% on issues of public opinion, and after that, when the ruling ones.
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attacks on members of our party, only 26 in pressure up to physical violence, that is, a huge number were recorded this year, if compared with other parties, there were eight on the greens according to statistics against members of other parties, one or two, that is you can point out a lot of facts, like how, what 26 - by a huge margin this is an attack, with the aim of intimidating party members, with the aim of exerting pressure, of course... thanks precisely to the support of the residents of the former, former gdr,
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where we are, despite all the pressure , despite all the threats of intimidation remained in first place, we still got this worthy result. as far as i understand, the alternative for germany won almost everywhere on the territory of the former german democratic republic, is that correct? yes, indeed, if you look at the map. by preferences, then it is clear that the territory of the former gdr is entirely painted in blue colors, the colors of our party, with the exception of a little berlin and a couple of other inclusions there, that is , this precisely shows how much the difference in political preferences is connected precisely with the past, with the socialization of the germans, then there are those germans who lived in the gdr, who a little captured, let’s say, the costs of communist rule, now
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react very sensitively to political trends, if the country is slipping or experiencing some kind of dictatorial elements like that, then there is an era when germany is being pressured by left-wing globalist structures, when , say, people are afraid to openly express their opinions, people react very sharply to this. residents of the former gdr, including people from the former german democratic republic, that is, there are about 4-5 million of them here, among them the alternative for germany party is also gaining a record number of votes, those people who , say, are very skeptical about propaganda in the media , to statements by politicians who blame the kremlin for everything, when our, say, german politicians are absolutely not strive to normalize the situation. that is , all mistakes are blamed on someone else,
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in fact, our party is precisely in favor of turning politics towards the people, in order to lift sanctions on the russian federation, start a dialogue, say, solve problems through dialogue, and not by increasing confrontation, because in the end all this can have a very negative impact on ordinary residents, and it is already having an effect, that is, we see how... the economy is collapsing, we see where, where, it leads, to what dead end the ruling government has led our country coalition, in fact, the results of the last elections showed that people are gradually waking up, gradually realizing that the ruling coalition is leading the country, well, simply to disaster, so the result is clear that we are in second place, it should be noted that very important elections will be held this year in a number of lands in eastern germany, where we see...
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from right-wing parties, in the case of germany, but you don’t have such overwhelming victories, but nevertheless... you received significantly more votes than the social democrats and than the greens, that is than the parties of the ruling coalition, do you think do you think that there may be chances that new elections to the bundestag will take place in germany in the near future? i would like, of course, but you know in
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germany there is no such tradition when if the ruling coalition, the ruling politicians see... a radical loss of popular support, then they resign, or if they make some mistakes, they resign, here in germany this is not accepted, we saw this during the era of merkel’s reign, and let’s say, when ursula fondeline was here, when she was heavily pressed in the investigation of her, let’s say, corrupt activities in the ministry defense, she just went for a promotion to the european commission, that is, this also applies to scholz. which has a huge trail of corruption, nevertheless , all politicians remain in their places, now, especially when the ruling coalition is suffering such failures in the elections, they, of course, will continue to cling to their seats with all their might, although they see that their policy does not find support among
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the population, they will simply sit it out, they will try to continue to somehow put pressure on the opposition, that is, there is already talk about to ban... our party, just imagine, we are gaining votes here by democratic methods, that is, by methods and are already in second place in terms of voter support, instead of making a policy in the interests of the population of germany, turn it around, finally face to the people of germany, they simply say: "let's ban the opposition and thereby solve our problems." it is clear that in such conditions success will not await them, so it will.
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savior of the fatherland. banoparte's victorious march across europe was steadily bringing the clash with russia. therefore, the central event of alexander's reign will be his confrontation with napoleon. he prepared not only the army for war; the russian secret mission in paris organized by alexander was so successful that the emperor
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regularly received detailed reports about napoleon’s plans. when the invasion began in june 1812
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, of course, when nikita vladimirovich and his colleagues decided, let us show the way it was, the prose, the theme, of course, it is grandiose, a big story, the decembrists, union of salvation, on the first day of russia, you would like to help your country, how, excuse me, you have what i need, comrade peredonov, our head coach of the ussr in sambo, i don’t know, now for myself. vasily oshchepkov is invited to replace him for the friendly match, well, now there is a more interesting frag and who? germans, do you want to learn this,
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there is no effective technique against firearms yet, but comrade showed the shards, the army made its choice to train the national team, there will be shards, you lost before you even started, with this attitude the battle you can’t win, you want to bury mine yourself, my students, if i write on him, then they’ll put him in prison, where did he get the tray? denunciation, yours, consider mine, the legend of samba, premiere on friday, at the first, we wish all athletes good luck, may the best man win, returning to the st. petersburg forum, the president was asked specifically about the advisability of making changes to the russian nuclear doctrine, and the president
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said that he doesn’t see the need for this, for now, for now, yes, explain, general, that’s what they told me during the break, that it can maybe i don’t fully understand the meaning of nuclear doctrine, as russia understands it, tell us. yes, there is no such document, it is such a common term, nuclear doctrine, but in general the use of nuclear weapons in our country is regulated by two documents, this is a military doctrine, the military doctrine provides for two cases, this is the use of nuclear or other types of weapons of mass destruction on the territory of the russian federation and or its allies, the second case is an attack on the russian... federation using conventional weapons already there are no allies if the very existence of the russian state is at stake, this is
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a military doctrine, it was adopted in the tenth year, in the fourteenth year some changes were made to it, it was not completely revised, just taking into account the realities of that time, this is abkhazia, ossetia, a coup, coup d'etat in ukraine, some changes were made, and there is a second document, it is more recent, it is dated june 20.
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control of the armed forces, our nuclear deterrent forces, position areas, missiles, strategic missile forces destinations, strategic aviation airfields and naval bases where nuclear weapons carriers, our submarines, are based, as well as a missile attack warning system, i think the president is absolutely right that yes, these are living documents, they can be changed, but for now he... does not see any, so to speak, expediency or need to change, and i absolutely agree with him. hypothetical question:
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yeah, strikes are being used with modern western weapons, including the atacama, yeah, on the crimean bridge, along other highways leading to crimea, so, according to the ferries connecting crimea with continental russia, there is reason to believe that this is being done not simply to inflict some kind of military defeat, but to separate crimea from russia, that is, to take away russian territory and encroach on the sovereignty of russia, this is covered according to the lower nuclear rules, dmitry, here, well, in principle, of course, this can also be interpreted as an attack on, well , really, these are not bodies, the state military command. but our answer is the next stage of escalation, taking into account the fact that the president explained everything, so to speak,
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the experts explained that western missiles. reconnaissance aircraft and, if necessary, interference in the work of the satellite constellation, what americans are most afraid of is the transfer of combat operations into space, so to speak, because they are too tied to a much greater degree than we are, even in our daily lives , to the space group. thank you, i was in an interesting company here, korin georgivich, and
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received a compliment.
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abkhazia, ossetia, karabakh, including ukraine, but by and large, by and large, this is actually not such a global problem, strictly speaking, the same problem, if you remember, was in the seventies of the last century, between india, pakistan,
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bengal, bangladesh, which was then. a fundamental defeat of russia, dismembering it, after defeat, this is possible, if it suffers, our country will suffer defeat, internal turbulence and so on, so on, and yes, put resources under control, that is , do the same thing as in the nineties , they provided the last welfare the last 30 years of the west, due to the monstrous
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robbery of the former republics. i don’t think so, there’s no point in this, it’s natural for them, it’s normal, you know, if you’re sitting with a wolf in this is exactly what they want to repeat, and i’m in a cage, well, it’s stupid, stupid to complain about the wolf that he wants to eat you, he’s like that .
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it’s clear that there are forces that can receive these weapons, we have already begun to occupy these bases, ours, our contingent, which you look at, this happened literally the next day after, after what vladimir vladimirovich announced this is our argument about them, so in this sense, i don’t see any other motives and reasons for...
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when we talk about western ambitions regarding russia, to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, it is generally theoretically possible to reach an agreement, you you know, theoretically everything is possible, but in the current conditions, of course, the americans and i have completely different approaches, you know, they are this word that i hate, i can’t pronounce it in russian or english, that’s right, commortmentalization , that is isolating. one issue from a complex of others, that is, they are only interested in the first one - these are anti-satellite weapons and strategic offensive forces, all they have to do is agree on these issues, conclude
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an agreement, determine the levels, so to speak, launch a verification mechanism and that’s it, they are not interested in anything else, we have a different approach, that we need to solve issues as a whole, we had space there, conventional armed forces, anti-missile forces... they worked, but now our embassy is not working, we have ambassador antonov, he says normal relations, our embassies are correct, our communication with the state department is at the level of the second secretary, or even the third. and then not in the department building, but sometimes on a bench, in the park in front of the state department, but this is not normal, not to mention the fact that our property there was taken away, so now i
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think there is very little chance of reaching an agreement, until then until we complete our special military operation, until we win, it is impossible to negotiate with the americans until we win.
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you don't always even have the luxury we definitely don’t choose partners, we definitely don’t choose enemies, that’s who we are, that is, the question is how to deal with them as efficiently as possible, using all the resources at russia’s disposal. it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow. studying the history of my country, i understand how multifaceted and vast russia is, and i am from vologda pronishka, and from there greetings, all the best to you, health, happiness, a lot of laughter for many years to come, the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbread, gold embroidery, gorodets. hello republic and
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hello kostroma region, i’m glad that the fields are being sown and harvested, i’m glad that something new is being built, this year i was in altai and it’s just a planet within a planet, only russia can be better than russia, we are the first to conquer space, we can do anything , russia, we love you. this is a podcast of witnesses from einstein and its hosts are film historians, natalya ryabshchikova and stanislav didinsky. we talk about how to watch your favorite, half-forgotten, unknown soviet cinema now, how to find new meanings in it and how to get even more pleasure, no matter how many years. no matter what, you
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probably know the incredible tatyana peltser, today we celebrate her 12th birthday and talk about why we only know peltser in age roles, how it happened that the great actress became great in the second half of her life, well, actually not just in age roles, in supporting and third- rate roles, that is, in general, a great actress who has never acted. i almost never played leading roles, how did this happen? for this we will have to take quite a long time to devote the first half of her life, we will try to do it quickly, of course, she was born at the very beginning of the 20th century and, in fact , could have started acting in films even before the revolution, because she was the daughter of actor ivan pelzer, so he just came to cinema in in the sixteenth year of the 20th century, both as an actor and as a director, he was from that breed of provincial... actors
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who can do anything, who travel around the country, who play shakespeare here, some of the modern young playwrights there, she began to appear on stage herself , literally to her it was not yet 10 years when the great, by that time theater and film actress vera yureneva played somewhere in the province anna karenina, tanyusha peltser played the boy seryozha, her son, although peltser had a younger brother, who was also shown on stage, but he ... he didn’t go, he went to auto design, so tatyana was created for the stage, in her twenties she already works professionally, without any education, because she grew up in the theater, but her father taught her, in fact, she works in different theaters of the country , here and there, does not find any roles that would suit her, she gets married, goes to germany, marries a german communist, but there she has to work as a typist, and there she meets the famous german... left-wing director
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erwin pescator, who invites her to play in the theater. but apparently the husband was not very much in favor of continuing his career, in the end, well, it’s not really clear, there are different versions of this, that tatyana ivanovna chose a career and went back to the soviet union in the early thirties. it so happened that she found herself in the theater only by the very end of the thirties, when i got to the then famous theater of miniatures, they were there.
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they began to invite her to small videos in war films, here are literally episodes, she played in the film she defends the motherland, she played in the film adaptation of chekhov, and a little more a role was found in the middle of the decade in leningrad with the famous directors koznentsev and trauberg in the film ordinary people, but the film was not released, it was put on the shelf, and yet for peltser this was... an acquaintance with a real film director, she finally understood how to play a role at the direction of the director, she understood how to work in cinema, it seems to me that all her life she appreciated what kozentsev gave her, even if the audience did not see it then, and then worked with him assistants, with nadezhda kosheverova and ilya
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frez, it so happened that these are two directors who filmed it very often, then, well, in the theater it goes into the theater of satire, here in the late forties the play “wedding with a devotee” was staged. he is so popular that in fifty-three, it seems like this year it will be filmed. the play itself was staged by boris rovenskikh, and the film adaptation was made by tatyana lukashevich. there is young vera vasilyeva, there are wonderful songs and a small role for such a klutz collective farmer. she sings a little, she sings clean songs, that’s peltser. in the play they were all so magnificent, in the first year we awarded the stalin prize of the third degree to the entire cast, but when this film adaptation came out, or rather it was a film performance, but it looked more like a film than a performance, of course, then, yes career for real
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began, immediately after this peltser played in the film soldier ivan brovkin, in fact, the role that made her famous, the role of the mother of soldier ivan brovkin. both are klutzes, incompetents, for whom everything seems to fall out of hand until he goes into the army; in general, the director admitted that he did not attach much importance to this role, only peltser’s performance made it possible to somehow fill it with some - with some new colors, to turn this role into a noticeable one of this character, this heroine, in fact, after that she is relatively in general, she became famous throughout the entire soviet union, but she wasn’t even relatively famous anymore, we can see. what did it look like on the screen? well, try it one last time, put him in whatever job you want, if only the guy would be assigned, he asks to go to the garage, asks, asks, he asked to be a mechanic, asked, he burned wires, burned him, almost burned down the stable, not a single
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foreman hired him to work doesn't want to take it, lorion.


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