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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 11, 2024 1:35am-2:21am MSK

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scan the clinic with your passport, take a photo by clicking on the receive button, but as a rule, karina told us that the money comes within, well, about a month, well, three at most, why are you disgracing yourself? housekeeping, who is this? my fiance, who? and who am i? i'll go and wait there. who am i? and you are a friend, a very close friend. what about the wedding? what wedding? i agreed out of stupidity, well , it happens, sorry. listen, i'm leaving for finland. i'll return the ring to you. one chance for three. premiere, tomorrow after the program time. i want to talk to him. and i won't give it to you again ruin his life. well, hello, oleshka. on
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his way to the throne, he made a promise: with me everything will be like with my grandmother. catherine the great did not hide her desire to transfer the throne to her eldest grandson alexander, bypassing her unloved son pavel petrovich. but it turned out differently: the future emperor joined the conspiracy against paul. so the shadow of his father's murder will haunt him until his last day. he will spend a quarter of a century on the throne and will go down in history as alexander the blessed, reformer, and favorite. people's savior of the fatherland. banoparte's victory march europe was steadily approaching a clash with russia. therefore, the central event of alexander's reign will be his confrontation with napoleon. he prepared not only the army for war; the russian secret mission in paris organized by alexander was so successful that the emperor regularly received detailed reports about napoleon’s plans. when ours began in june 1812.
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all the most russian ones will wash away the sad soul and let the heart ache for those whom i do not ask, let me breathe and believe with a wounded heart, give me, this is my pain, and the last breath, my pain, even if it’s bad, my fight, until we cast it, let’s beat our hearts and live.
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this is the easy money podcast, i’m its host , mikhail khanov, we continue to figure out what tax deductions and benefits we can get from our state. so, something else about medicine? there is also a second option where you can go, you can go to the employer. moreover, you can contact the employer year after year, that is, in the current year, and if you apply for a deduction through the employer, you receive the same amount but in a different format, you do not pay personal income tax until you choose a deduction, that is. for example, 19,500
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is your maximum deduction, until your mdfl reaches 19,500, you receive, for example, a couple of months of salary, how to say, dirty, well, that is, taking into account tax, yeah, that is, the employer is where we we work according to a work book, it makes sense when to come there, in december, you can come there throughout the year, whenever you deem it necessary, that is , i made an expense, let’s say i immediately accumulated 150,000 there. i came to to the employer, i say, let me do it through you, and then what, that is, for some time the employer figures out how much he has to pay in taxes for me, then he simply pays less, i understand correctly, well, yes, that is, he pays you a few months salary with personal income tax, that is, i will explain for our audience, since any employer, just like any bank, any financial company, is also any employer.
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just like he pays other taxes, but is already there as a legal entity, so you simply decide what is more pleasant for you, or do it yourself, there is nothing complicated here, paying, receiving your salary, let’s say you get 100,000, minus 13%, that’s 87,000, or get 87,000 each, then, having done this in march, click on the button to upload documents and wait for the tax deduction, yes? this is what we talked about: 19,500, or this amount will be, well, in this case, with my example, divided into two parts, there, the first time you will receive all 100,000, the second time minus only 13, 6,500, yes, that is, you will get 93.500, well
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whichever is more convenient, yes, is it more convenient to receive this amount right away or is it more convenient to receive a larger salary, well, that is, in any case , we will feel what taxes are, where... it is not spent, and even the state returns it to us, motivating us to take care of our health , you have sorted out your health, or there is something else, somewhere else you can get deductions, you can also get a deduction for the purchase of medicines, but it is very important that you have a doctor’s prescription for them if you are just buying some medicines for yourself without a prescription how often do people do this? you will not receive a deduction, but if you have a prescription, again in the prescribed form, then you can also present this. that similarly, through the employer or myself, in any case, i need these prescriptions and receipts, that i really have medications, let’s deal with my studies, we ’ll also deal with my studies now using a slide from the portal , my finances, i would also like to make a very
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important disclaimer for our viewers , these are all social deductions now, there are different categories of deductions, as we have already said, but just deductions for treatment for...
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to write what we just told you about, and if we teach children, then the children go separately and 110,000, and 110 thousand of them also go separately, that is, in your case it turns out great, you and your teeth at an expensive price treated and educated the child, it turns out that in any case you will receive 14-300 for the child, because the child does not fit into this general money but... great, but my brother is already over 150 and i cannot return 19,500, brother already, well, if you, for example, bought a gym membership, then brother then we will sum it up with the first ones with the correct understanding, but it is very difficult, difficult to understand, but nevertheless we must
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keep in mind the following, dear audience, that we immediately cut off expensive treatment, i hope that there will be documents links, links to portal my finances of the russian federation'. leading the list, what is possible, in fact, where the costs are possible, for what costs you can get financial benefits and deductions, and deductions in this case, and let's remember two things, the first thing is... expensive treatment by the state for us gritting your teeth returns an honest 13% of taxes on the entire amount, even if it is a million and two and three, it is important that you are limited by the amount of the taxes that you paid, that is, you cannot receive more than the taxes that you have already paid to the state , yes, that is, well, in this case, in order to get, that is, to get a deduction there, let’s say with 4 million, i should have a salary of about 1,500 a month in order to...
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a gym, which is the simplest and most popular, well, other physical education - health services, with a license, and from my experience i can do the same to tell you that everything is very simple, a hall that has the appropriate license, yes, you just upload your contract and check, and thus you receive this deduction, well, that is , let’s give an example, for example, a person spent 70 thousand on treatment in a year. e inexpensive ordinary inexpensive treatment, for example, he trained, for example, his
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brother for another 60,000 e, and for another 40,000 he bought a gym membership, in total it turns out to be 170,000 and with 150 he can only receive this deduction, that is, 19,500 is the maximum amount deduction, which he will receive for this, but 20,000, since they no longer fit uh. they no longer fit. and by the way, what’s also important, we didn’t talk about training, it’s not just, for example, studying at a university, it can be any educational organization that has a license, that is, now it’s fashionable, popular, and there are deals on the market that are gaining a trend. for online education, that is , if an organization, as a legal entity, has a license for training, for education, yes, in the russian federation, then these could be courses there, i don’t know. on working with bigdata or there advanced training programs for accountants,
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that is, i am for these programs, if there is a license, then they can also be included in the list of organizations for which the state makes a tax deduction, even for a driving school, oh well, yes, that is, a private kindergarten, school , driving school, courses, it all goes there, this is an easy money podcast, i’m its host, mikhail khanov, we continue to figure out what tax deductions and benefits we can get from our state. now, as you said, we have dealt with only one type of tax deductions, with social, and there are also standard deductions, so we talked with you, investment, property and professional, let's figure out what standard deductions are, standard deductions are better known as deductions for children, that is, any citizen with children. such standard deductions, and you don’t need to go anywhere to get them,
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you receive them, one might say, automatically the employer simply provides you with such a deduction during the year, it matters what kind of child it is, for the first two children a standard deduction of 1,400 rubles is established, for third and subsequent 300 rubles. is it from mom or dad or only one of the parents, both parents can receive it, and single parents can receive it. the parent receives double the amount, which means they may or may not receive, they receive, they receive, that is, we don’t need to worry here, dear audience, that is, here the state does everything for us in its system. mutual settlements with the tax agent, which is your employer, right? yes, moreover, in the president’s message on february 29 of this year, it was announced that it is planned, proposed increase - these deductions, up to 2,800 rubles. for the first second child and up to 6,000 for
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the third and subsequent ones. per month, yes, it is obvious that a bill will be prepared this year. with the implementation of this proposal, that is, this is a deduction from those taxes, that is, i should have the amount of taxes, but it turns out that i should receive a salary more than at least 30,000 rubles. now, by the way, i ’ll tell you about one more limitation, you receive this deduction every month until your cumulative income for the year reaches 350,000, then if, for example, the salary is 50,000 rubles per month, by july this limit is selected and after july. you don’t receive this deduction, but it depends on the size of the salary, yeah, well, that is, for example, a woman receives, she is married, she has three children, for example, they are 6, 8 and 12 years old, she receives twice 1,400 one time deduction of 3,000 rubles. and to understand how this
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happens, we take this money out of 50 thousand from her tax base, and multiply by 13% , respectively, 50 minus for example 5,800, well , 44,200 and about 800 rubles minus will go from her tax for that is, if i have an official salary, let’s say for a moment, yes, 3,000 rubles , then i don’t get anything right away, well, by february you exhaust this allowance at once, but from the first i am paid, and from february it is also paid because in february you only. you will reach this limit, well, if my salary is 302,000 rubles, then i will reach this limit, but 350, well, 350, 300 was, my salary was 350, then i will reach this right in january, but i will be paid for january in one month, while parallel to my wife, if she has a smaller salary, or no matter what, they will also pay until her personal limit reaches
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there, logically, these are our standard tax deductions for children, what else? since january 1 of this year, some rules for obtaining investment deductions have changed, there is such a financial instrument as an individual investment account, known as iis, and until december 31 of last year there were two types of individual investment accounts, these are type a and type b, and
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accordingly according to these the two categories had different rules for deductions, for the first iis. a it was possible to receive a deduction for contributions to this individual investment account. the point is that you open this individual investment account for a period of at least 3 years, deposit a certain amount into it before january 1, it would be easier to say, it is 400,000, for example, you opened this account for 3 years, deposit 400,000 per year into it, and accordingly, from this 400,000, which you ...
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yes, yes, and the benefits were combined, but it is important that investments should not be your only income, you should receive payers, yes, you must create a base, but this is logical, our dear audience, in order for money to be returned to you from somewhere, you must initially create a base for the return, here we are all citizens of the country, we pay taxes, but that ’s it, let’s put it this way , our duty, but in any case, it’s nice when the state, including... which involves your investments in your pension provision, these are the so-called long-term savings, literally on march 20, the
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federation council approved this law, after which it was signed and published, and correspondingly the state now also encourages citizens to invest in pension insurance on their own, but all this information is absolutely available in the federal tax service and on, or not? with all the acts, with all the resolutions and with all the figures and amounts, the information is updated almost in real time, excellent, what is this new, you know, how modern, let me be a little young blogger, dive into the links in the description, i can also say that dive into the site the federal tax service, so to speak, has all the information there if you use information from the ministry of finance, then this is moifinansy.rf, property. property deductions, it seems to me, are the most popular among the population, because when you communicate with people who buy housing,
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the first thing everyone talks about is tax deductions, that is, it feels like people are very aware, probably the amounts are large, yes, of course, well yes, if you buy housing, that is, an apartment, a house, a plot of land for housing construction, you have the right to receive a limited tax deduction. yes, and there are also separate rules for mortgage housing, there a deduction is provided not only for the cost of housing itself, but for interest, that is, 260,000 for the cost of the housing itself and 390 for interest.
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but for a certain number of years, that is , until i earn money, the state will make these deductions for me, it’s nice, but who should i buy from, there are some restrictions on who i buy it from, no, it could be either a developer or secondary, that is, secondary is also yes, that is, i provide that i , accordingly, the person will pay himself from the money received as income, if there is why pay the difference in housing there, i’m explaining this for our audience, do you bring the purchase and sale agreement and the receipt? that is, what i bought and no matter who i bought from, i get
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a deduction, well, you’re interested, 650,000 - that’s for sure, not that they’re not lying around on the road, but this is really a huge amount, and i think that any consultant here be sure to notify all participants in transactions about what preferences await them, and lastly, professional ones, what is it? professional deductions are provided for certain categories of citizens who, like it is clear from the name, they have some peculiarities of their profession, for example, these are lawyers, notaries, these are persons receiving remuneration under copyright contracts, that is, for example, if you wrote a book or article, published it somewhere and received a fee for it, then you can get a professional deduction in the amount of 20%, it is also through the person who paid you... the fee is drawn up, they send you an application, you sign it, that i ask you to provide me with an author's deduction there in the amount of 20%, why is there such injustice, everywhere 13 , here 20,
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it is not always possible to establish logic, and i think, to be honest, that i am professionally connected there with some difficult professions in addition to them, but here this speech concerns copyright, that is, you listed these as notaries, notaries, lawyers, individual entrepreneurs who pay . this is a very useful immersion for all our listeners, for our entire audience, because often we are just standing next to money, sometimes not so small, but
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as in the case of, let’s say, well, if there... a personal fund and when buying real estate, we all we use this 650,000, but if we are talking about expensive treatment, such as dental implantation or prosthetics, and just training, buying a gym membership, then i don’t think there is at least one family that will say that we need 19,500 completely unnecessary, thanks to today’s program, i think that... the state will begin to feel more generous - the donor of these returns, or rather, simply returning this money and making as many families as possible, including happier ones, because the additional money will be received in family budget. thank you very much, thank you, all episodes of the “easy money” podcast can be found on the channel one website.
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hello, this is a psychic podcast, and we continue to search for formulas in the literal sense of happiness. in any case, today we will do this, i don’t know with what chance of success, but in any case we will try. today in the studio are andrey shapenko, professor at the moscow skolkova school of management, and elena guseva, a family and provocative psychologist. hello, friends, hello, what did you just find? you are the way to happiness, the formula of happiness, yes, i will say it differently, happiness is a state of maximum satisfaction with one’s being, it is not an emotion, it is what we look at emotions through, because there are different events, if we are happy, they will bring us positive emotions , if we are not happy, we will start crying, that is, this is a way of assessing or a way of perceiving the world, this is a way of looking at the world, as the ancient sages said, it is not things that upset us, but the way we
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look at them, the ability to get high, enjoy, happiness in our heads in our psychology relations with the world or in physiology? in psychology and... and, accordingly, physiology, as far as we are satisfied, i’ll just add here happiness in the soul, a person is not only a cognitive and physical being, a person is also a spiritual and social being, that is , happiness is also in the way we act how we interact with other people, i like to say that happiness is in action, happiness is in how we behave and through our behavior and through our understanding of the world, we can become a little happier, let's still try to look at happiness
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as a physiological process, because... there is a point of view that the feeling of happiness, and this deep satisfaction, is such a story from neuropsychology, from neurophysiology, i would even say from endocrinology, when the puzzle of neurotransmitters comes together the most successful image is serotonin, which we use, there is not only serotonin, but we hug the baby, oxytocin flows out to us, and we are happy, we are planning a summer vacation, dopamine, the hormone of anticipation. hormone of anticipation of happiness, here just dopamine is about leadership, about achievement, about success, and anticipation, and serotonin, well, anticipation that i will achieve a certain result, yes, i will have yuu, some kind of victory, and if we are talking about serotonin - this enjoying the view from the window, nature, sitting next to a loved one, watching a movie without hugging, oxytocin - this is when there is already some kind of
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tactile contact, and we get just... this is the pleasure from tactile contact we experience oxytocin, the hormone of love , attachments, so if we talk about happiness, happiness is more about serotonin, when we talk about happiness from a physiological point of view, it is just the presence of dominance of one neurotransmitter over another, yes, that is , cortisol decreases, adrenaline, for example, decreases, that is, it simply balanced, maybe even some kind of medication or some kind of exercise.
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and antipyretic, you will reduce the temperature for a while, but yes, but the pneumonia has not gone away, the source has not, has not disappeared, so i insist that you need to work with hormonal levels not with... so much antidepressants, as well as specific practices, scientific research suggests that approximately 40% of the level of happiness depends on what we do, 10% on the external environment, on the conditions in which we find ourselves, 50% on our genetics, then there are people genetically inclined to be happy and genetically inclined to be melancholic, yes there is temperament, again you said the word neurotransmitter, happiness largely depends on how our brain is structured, as we said, how we look at this world. and that depends on what kind of compote of genes we have, there are people who are happier by nature, there are people who are less happy, well, unfortunately this is the case, but let us remember the paratha principle: 20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and we have 40% of efforts , so 160%, everything
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depends on us, okay, happiness is an acute experience, or is it rather such a long, stable, long, stable calm, when we are acutely happy about something, we... let 's try it for me now and for our viewers to sort it into categories, where is our emotion and joy and where is our happiness? happiness - this is the path, happiness is calmness, happiness is pleasure, the ability to enjoy what we see around us and concentrate on some positive moments, that is, such a skill is long, prolonged, yes, yes, and if we are talking about melancholic people , they need to develop this skill, because very often people who come to me for consultation are such donkeys, oh, everything is bad, oh, how to live on, and just in this case, i recommend acquiring the skill, seeing something positive around , but this is not
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does this contradict the concept that is accepted, for example, in logotherapy by existential psychotherapists, and victor frank wrote a lot about this, that happiness cannot... be permanent, happiness in itself, the desire for happiness in itself cannot be such a positive strategy, yes, that is, it is like a butterfly, as frankol said, but it doesn’t need to fly away all the time, and you are trying not to chase after it, but to chase after it, i completely agree with this, because if we strive only for fortunately, we try to get maximum pleasure, we are like drug addicts who constantly increase their dose and end up burning out, if you remember victor frank, he spoke a lot not about happiness, but about meaning, yes, when a person tries. to find the meaning, it comes with a lot of challenges, difficulties, problems, when you have a lot of challenges and difficulties, it is much more difficult for you to become happier, in this regard we have a certain choice, it seems to us that if we find the meaning of life, we will become happier , but for many people it will be quite the opposite,
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this is a very intuitive thought, because happiness is about pleasure, about today, right now, being in the moment, being calm, being in comfort and safety, meaning is about the future, it’s about challenges, about...
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when it was allowed there unfortunate rats, mice and rabbits receive injections of happiness, so to speak, well, injections of these same neurotransmitters, in the end, they went crazy, and i read that when people become chemically dependent on unhealthy substances, approximately the same thing happens, yes, that the pleasure they get is very short-lived such a debut period of one’s addiction, yes, and then this endless attempt to disperse the dose, there is no happiness, it turns out that... and i would talk here about imposed happiness, wow, it’s like there are imposed values ​​that the average person in society strives to conform, that is, it may be a lot of money, it may be a big position, it may be to reach some
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heights, and so on and so forth, and this may not coincide with his native true values, which he may not even know about knows, for example, because he was raised in such a way that you need to finish school with straight a's, you need... well, to become happy, i want to work as a welder, and you push me into university, well , figuratively speaking, yes, and you put me somewhere in harvard you send me to study to be happy, but i don’t want to, i have a lot, again , i’m repeating myself. clients who seem to have everything, but they are not happy, they are restless, they don’t know how, and what do you advise them, lie down on the sofa, lie down on the sofa, or , well, on an ottoman on the floor, on a rug, lie down, and just like that develop a skill, the ability to see in the moment here, now, that there is something positive and concentrate on the present, describe the room where they lie, the window, the curtain. what color, there are books, something else, yes, well, that is, a lamp,
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a chandelier, well, do it dispassionately, fearlessly or still speak, i see such cool ones, specifically, what i see is what i sing, natalya is there black top with a tablet, in an orange suit, that is, what i see is what i sing, and what, how does it work, they have thoughts, they cannot be in the present, their thoughts fly away, they either some kind of thing that i'm wasting my time on. i’m lying here for these 10 minutes that this damn psychologist gave me, but i need to sign a contract there, record the moment and look back, this develops the anterior lumbar cortex, which is responsible for the ability to look at things positively, enjoy the happiness of the moment, see the beautiful, how it grows a flower, how it opens, enjoying the sunset or sunrise, yes, that is... some of the moments that give us this happiness, i already told in one
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episode of our podcast about my experience here such unexpected happiness that i remember all my life, it was many years ago, when i came out after a long course of treatment for cancer, and well, it would seem yes, here i go and see a bullfinch in the snow, and i experienced an incredible feeling of happiness, simply physiological a feeling of happiness, yeah, apparently from some kind of contrast, from what it symbolizes...
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we can be grateful to god, to ourselves, we can even to the world, we can be grateful to situations, to be grateful to the misfortune that happened to us, because how they say it's unfortunate this is happiness, the meaning of which we do not yet understand. this is a prompt from the psychic, and we are looking for a formula for happiness with professor andrei shapenko and psychologist elena guseva. there is only so much we can control in this world. we cannot change the world, the world is neutral, we cannot control other people, in fact, and we cannot really control our emotions. emotions are connected with our reptilian brain, they are connected with some kind of our nature, but what we can control, we can control behavior, these are different practices and we can to manage relationships, that’s when we develop the practice of grace through our relationships. we
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pay attention to the positive in this life, when we tune our brain, we tune ours . the next time we encounter something, we will automatically try to understand what we are grateful for, well, as einstein said, the most important question is which each of us must answer for ourselves, whether the world is dangerous or the world is favorable, this is the practice of gratitude, it allows us to see goodness in this world, because it influences our strategy, if the world is dangerous, we close ourselves, we do not develop, we withdraw into ourselves, if the world is without... we are grateful to it, we see opportunities, we see people, we see joy, we see something positive, in the end, we become a little happier, from the point of view of effective management, for example, of a team or a sports team, because very often there are such strategies when a person needs to be kept, as they say, in good shape, yes, when you need to introduce such a system of controlled stress, sort of like that happy man, he is so relaxed, he is less motivated, here it seems to me that there is more dopamine. works, but again i can say that we can achieve and
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achieve a lot and achieve some big goals, but if we don’t know how to relax, we will burn out, so even in the same team, the manager needs to think about how to give to colleagues, yes or subordinates this opportunity, to go to a barbecue, to a corporate event, somewhere, yes, maybe spend time together, but without training, without come on, without these...
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just to be tough towards goals, but to be soft towards people, this is such an interesting dichotomy, such a contradiction that not everyone can handle, because if on the one hand you set high goals, you are ambitious, yes, you strive forward, you give direct feedback, you develop, this is great, but it’s like that for you, but if you don’t have humanity, if you don’t create a feeling of this belonging, a feeling of security, a feeling of happiness, people will follow you only as long as you give results, like just now -what happens, you will do it people's first mistake. by the way, lately there have been a lot of requests on the topic of happiness in corporations, it would seem that they come in order to teach people how to manage other people, in the end we are talking about the meaning of happiness, this is not manipulation, this is not manipulation, this is what we want , when students, accomplished people, rich people, successful people come to us, they, of course, come for
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knowledge, for skills, for networking, with connections, and so on, and then you start working with them and it turns out that we all want then life. that a person should strive for success, without thinking about what emotions, what kind of pleasure it will bring him, yeah, i want to add that we must strive for success, but for the so-called subjective success, for the success that comes from within, and not outside, because if we, there are imposed
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stories, a simple example, i built a career in a corporate environment, in oil companies, for a long, long time, went to study abroad, entered a top... business school, found a job in switzerland and achieved success and then you you sit, look at this lake geneva, you think, am i something, or is this what i really want, happiness is in the birches, happiness is not only in the birches, happiness is in the very challenges that exist here, happiness is in the cultural layer that is here, in the people who are here, when everything around you is good, so the question is, is it possible to get enough of happiness, you live, everything is fine with you, you walk to work, you have a family , child. on weekends, but there’s no sense of this, there’s something missing this dopamine, probably, yes, which we are talking about, realization, yes, because there are two types of happiness, the first happiness is hedonistic happiness and really the easiest way to become happy is when you have learned
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to manage yourself, meditate, go to an ashram, there you sit and so on and read mantras, you just get pleasure from life , you look at butterflies. well, if all people do this, then what will happen to the world, but there is another type of happiness, excuse the difficult word, eudomonic, as i said aristotle, this happiness is associated with realization, with giving, with creating something in the world, with leaving a legacy, that’s all, i remembered a little children’s book, the wizard went through the city, i think it’s called, maybe you remember, a fairy tale, a story about a boy who had magic matches, yeah, he broke the match and his every wish was fulfilled, that is, he was absolutely endless. almighty, and he wanted to be happy, and this, despite the fact that it is a children's book, it has such a very adult meaning, it talks about how this boy turned out to be deeply unhappy, simply crushed by his misfortune and his omnipotence, the accessibility of any desire.


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