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tv   Novosti  1TV  June 11, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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others, right along the road passed us, yes, one of the hottest sections, the road to volchansk, how to overcome this most dangerous path, our correspondent experienced everything on herself. who is the eminence grise, who is the puppet? the west is trying to figure out what is going on around zelensky, intrigue, behind-the-scenes fuss and an irrepressible thirst for power. ambulance on call, even under fire.
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dawn, we decided to immediately move on foot, despite the fact that we set out because transport is now moving, even now at this time it is completely unsafe, in there are dozens of drones in the sky, enemy artillery is operating, losing positions of the ukrainian armed forces, they are trying with all their might to complicate the logistics of our fighters along the volchansk route, 5-6 m in battle formation.
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surprises with the help of an overhead charge , they blew up and an incomprehensible object that was on the path we walk, we often find such things, often our conversation with the sapper is again interrupted by the command of the air, somewhere very close we hear a sight that is looking out for the target, here it is impossible and no need to choose, yes our bird, not our bird in the air, but if any buzzing, any.
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electronic warfare, turn it on, press two buttons, if we hear a thin squeak, similar to a mosquito, turn on the toy, direct, catch, interrupt the radio control signal, we direct and carefully, carefully set it down towards the ground. the danger is posed not only by attack drones, but also by reconnaissance quadcopters that correct enemy artillery fire. where to wait, they can beat again, but now. they’re hitting right there, where should we
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go, a whistle, we hear, we’re deeper into the knife, we can’t stay in one place, in the same upon landing we find a dugout, our rap works, that is, if it didn’t work, everything would be much sadder, as now they are firing at us with cassettes, often this happens, well, yes, often, every day, as if our enemy is not stupid either, thinks the same way , also thinks that victory will be ours, this is in any case, so we are together, we are strong, the ssu used volchansk to purposefully carry out attacks on civilians in the belgorod region, there are fierce battles in the city, with the support of operational-tactical aviation and artillery , russian assault troops continue to push back the enemy. anna prokofieva,
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they organized an evacuation and left the wounded in a trench. by evening, in my opinion, two tibradleys flew in there, what’s with the machine guns. tra-ta-ta-ta-ta, but in my opinion it was the kraken, they pulled out their own, those who were different, there were still border guards with us, no one, nothing, they took their own, rolled away. i spent 4 days, five, even, in a hole, wounded. the states and... the west as a whole are losing confidence in zelensky's team, the british financial times writes about this. as noted, the tension was provoked by personnel changes in kiev, which the so-called partner does not understand. the resignation of the head of the ukrainian agency for infrastructure restoration, mustafa nayem, was preceded by deputy prime minister alexander kubrakov and the commander-in-chief
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of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny. according to journalists, these are signs of a weak and unpredictable management system. another british publication, the times , considers the dismissal of kubrakov and zaluzhny. diplomatic sources complained that he completely controlled access to the president. there is growing concern that zelensky increasingly relies on flattering voices within the country. and this fear becomes even more acute as the number of officials with direct access to the president is declining, and yarmak’s team is growing.
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times journalists note that the situation with zelensky’s dependence on ermak is especially dangerous now that his term of office has expired. zelensky, let me remind you, himself canceled the presidential elections, considering that... as financial times notes, they were responsible for the construction of the third line of defensive fortifications in ukraine, allocated for these purposes gigantic sums, but what in the end? a new scandal with the so-called dragon’s teeth, it is reported that they were planned to be installed in the northern regions of the kharkov region last year, but now they are dumped anywhere and at random. i have only one question: why are they here? previously, similar footage came from the sumy region, the same dragon teeth lying by the side of the road since winter. three
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people were injured as a result of a drone attack in the belgorod region under fire, including the city of shibekina. ammunition fragments damaged the car. in the air defense system continues to operate in the region. and in the neighboring kursk region in a day. 26 drones were shot down, a house was partially destroyed, no one was injured. in these regions, doctors have a special mission; the team responds to urgent calls, even if the air raid warning has not yet cleared. on the eve of medical worker's day, we are starting a series of reports about the nominees for the calling, the country's main medical award, established by channel one and the ministry of health. a reward for those who know that in this profession, skill alone is not enough. courage and dedication, it's about ambulance team. from the kursk region. report by dalmira beryukova. this ambulance team has been working for decades, but in the last 2 years they have had to do things that were not taught in medical schools. for example, when going on a call, quickly put on a bulletproof vest. next comes the most dangerous
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part of the work. the doctors entered the shelling zone. the shells hit the power plant and its residents. here , too, we helped people here. now we have already gained a decent speed, this. must be done in order to get past the dangerous place, there may be drones in the air, at this time the driver carefully looks not only at the road, but at the sky, well, you see now, the excitement is still there, it’s scary, but you can’t show it, because people have more grief than ours, and it is necessary to provide help not only physically, but also to support people morally, the first call to the scene of the shelling was okay, no one was injured, but the man’s blood pressure rose greatly from the experience , they worry about us, guys, every minute here, without medicine, nowhere, we probably won't survive here our felchers do a cardiogram and diagnose a hypertensive crisis, the pressure is 180 over 90, a dangerous condition, the man previously experienced a heart attack, but even feeling such
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a serious malaise, the pensioner is worried not about himself, about the doctors, but about the way out, guys, now there’s just been a reset , we passed, we passed, this is the street. in the village of tyotkina, the armed forces of ukraine are literally ironing them with their artillery, there is nothing to the border here, sumy region through the gardens, on may 12, when ukrainian militants again terrorized civilians, vitaly was in his room, about... a shell hit my slab on the second floor, it exploded at the level of the first floor, about a dozen shells were fired in total, the owner of this apartment died, she covered her daughter, who was sitting next to her on the sofa, the girl received a shrapnel wound, but stayed is alive, our doctors were the first to see this tragedy, alas, today this is part of their work, pain, of course, when children are left without parents, i am an emotionally stable person. that’s why we don’t pay ourselves at work, at home, then everything is yes, you worry, you comprehend everything,
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you scroll through everything, you think where else something could be done, we overcome everything, the most difficult thing is to deliver a pregnant woman there, so that she does not give birth to a patient, so that he does not die in the car, so to speak, to provide assistance to the filchers, if necessary, where - to support, all well done, they know their work well, for their dedicated work - the main medical award of the country is awarded to doctors for their professional achievements for courage, but the most important award for them is lives saved. dalmira beryukova, sergey pelyaev, alexander klimov and tatyana shirina, first canal, kursk region. watch the award and vocation ceremony on channel one on sunday on medical worker's day at 16:20. it's commercial now, we'll be back in a few minutes, don't switch.
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you see, her son is a citizen of finland, he was actually born here, and you are now an international terrorist, one chance for three,
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premiere, watch the time after the program, get out of the car, mom, quietly get off your feet, i ’ll shoot, let’s shoot, from the front. home, i ’ll win, i’ll come to you, hot on yours, oh, andryusha, should we be sad, don’t hide harmonies, play in all frets, 333 speak in the night,
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amazing, this is the equal conviction of the parties that they are acting for the good of the fatherland.
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the emperor himself came out under the bullets to talk to his own subjects. of course, when nikita vladimirovich and his colleagues decided, let us show the prose as it was. the topic, of course, is grandiose. big story. decembrists, union of salvation. on the first day of russia. so. the most effective way in fighting is pain, pain is what we must find in the enemy and pull out, i will come out myself against a mistake, i would have come up with this myself, and the system, if it is on...
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this is the news on the first we are continuing right now with the footage that we just received from the ministry of defense, the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic forces, nuclear forces, has begun, in accordance with the decision president, joint training of the army units of our country and belarus for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will be worked out. the personnel must be fully prepared to ensure the sovereignty of the union state. during the first stage in front of the missile fighters the formations were given tasks, in particular, to obtain training ammunition for the iskander missile system and to secretly move to a certain area in preparation for the emptying. more than 80% of the monthly precipitation is forecast to fall in the capital region today and tomorrow. heavy rains began the day before, it also
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flooded at night, and now in some areas of moscow the respite is short-lived. well, tomorrow is a day off. aviation, the runway project helps to fulfill the dream of those who have been in love with childhood in the perm region, it exists also for andrey goldrev will tell you about the presidential grant account and how everything works. this is not just a workshop.
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ready, is at the stage of covering, this is all a runway project, it was invented by several enthusiasts from the small perm city of lychva, they are also active pilots, so in addition to working in the workshops , the guys are also engaged at the local airfield. actually, this is what the glider looks like, built here in lysva back in the fifties, now the guys are constructing something similar. after completion of all work, it will undergo technical examination, testing and will also be able to take to the skies. guys, starting from all these bases. and the first steps go through to the final stage, when they sit in the cockpit and perform the first flight in this aircraft, which they themselves calculated, designed, made. several years ago, oleg viogov decided to continue the work of his father vladimir konstantinovich viogov, who back in the fifties organized a gliding school in lisva; it existed for 66 years, during which time thousands of children passed through it,
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dozens became military and civilian pilots, and in addition to gliders, schoolchildren of that time designed real airplanes. of these, by the way, is now in the central air force museum in monino. all classes at the design bureau are free for children; the project exists thanks to various grants, including the presidential one, and also due to the enthusiasm of local aviators. we must pass on our experience to someone. with great pleasure i will teach the kids everything that i can do myself. and you need to make a model of the glass that will stand here. that's it, everything fits with me. i like it when you're very long you are waiting. the results of your work, and then you succeed, you launch, stand with emotions, and this cannot be replaced by anything. in addition, all this instills a love for aviation, for example, stepan, a graduate of the project, is now here as a mentor, and is also learning to fly, after taking off at an altitude of 50 m, you remove the flaps, after the flight there is
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a feeling that something turned upside down inside me, further education and further life in any case. that's all, the fashion verdict program is on air right now. ended in kazan the russian diving championship was on the final day. two sets of awards were awarded. in the men's competition on the ten-meter platform, the first was nikita shleikher, who made himself an excellent gift for the twenty-sixth birthday of silver medalist alexander bonder. he was ahead by less than
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two points. alexander belevtsev closed the top three. in synchronized jumps from three.


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