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tv   Novosti  1TV  June 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm MSK

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in the sense of the word, the states are ready to fight with us in space too, this, by the way, is a very important aspect, which also requires a separate , serious, long conversation, that ’s how real it is, how ready we are for this, ekaterina strizhenova talked with the pilot cosmonaut, hero of russia , oleg novitsky, as part of his project, it’s time, don’t forget, friends, i highly recommend watching this interview today immediately after the stream of the popular front, today we will also have a stream of the popular front, moreover, with new project. however, i’m getting a little ahead of myself, everything is in order, now we’ll go to the news, and then we’ll return to the studio, this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, in this issue, and the road to volchansk, a hot section of the front.
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we have an air command practically every 5 minutes, so you need to be prepared. there are enemy drones underfoot in the sky, mines, how to overcome this most dangerous path. here in the bag, why exactly is this, our permanent representative named the american resolution on a ceasefire in the gas sector, which was adopted by the security council. after the flight, i felt like something had turned inside me, the runway project fulfills the dreams of those who have been in love with aviation since childhood, the work of enthusiasts was awarded a presidential grant. well, first of all, about the start of the second stage of exercises to prepare for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. maneuvers are carried out by decision of the president. as vladimir putin previously reported, to our military now. fighters from belarus joined.
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the first stage started on may 21. compound the southern military district worked on equipping our iskander missile systems, training special ammunition and covert advance to the puskov area. tasks for aviation, patrol sorties, including those with kinzhal aeroballistic missiles on board. there are only three stages of the exercise, as our ministry of defense emphasized, the personnel must be ready to ensure the sovereignty of the union state. a clear response to the provocative and aggressive policies of the west. telegram channels write about the destruction of another american abrams. according to user data, everything occurred in the dpr near the village of progress west of ocheredin. the tank was reportedly hit. the ssu tried to drag him away with the help of an evacuation vehicle, at which time our fighters again covered the equipment with fire. and in these shots from the ministry of defense it is burning. a german leopard in
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the zaporozhye region, the militants wanted to hide under it, but it didn’t work out. in the kharkov region , fpv drone operators destroyed camouflaged positions of the ukrainian armed forces. well, one of the hottest sectors of the front in this area is now volchansk, from there ukrainian militants hit civilians of the belgorod region. they beat me purposefully. the russian military is pushing the enemy further and further, but enemy drones are in the sky one after another, and the road to volchansk is extremely dangerous. channel one correspondent. anna prokofieva went through this difficult path together with our soldiers. despite the fact that we set out at dawn, we decided to immediately move on foot, because traveling by transport now is completely unsafe even now at this time. enemy artillery is operating in the sky with dozens of drones, losing ground the ssu is trying with all its might to impede the logistics of our fighters along the volchansk route. 5-6 m in battle formation. from each other, that means
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if i give a command: bird or air, we take two steps into the green, sit down and freeze, we have an air command practically every 5 minutes, so we need to be ready, air, she did a reset, but somewhere here nearby, yes, i found a target, made a release, the ammunition that is dropped from ssu drones does not always explode, the sappers found it, neutralized one of them while landing...
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it passed us right along the road, and onto the road very low in general, if there is nowhere to hide from an enemy drone, there is a portable electronic warfare system, turn it on, press two buttons. if we hear a thin squeak, similar to a mosquito, we turn on the toy, direct, catch, the radio signal interrupts the control, we direct and carefully, carefully set it down towards the ground. the danger is posed not only by attack drones, but also by reconnaissance quadcopters that correct enemy artillery fire. where to wait, they can hit again, but now they are hitting exactly where we should go. whistling, we hear deeper into the hole, we can’t stay in one place, in the same landing we find a dugout, our rap works, that is, if it
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didn’t work, everything would be much sadder, as now they are bombarding us with cassettes, this happens often, well, yes, often , every day, but it’s like we have an enemy too. not stupid, also thinks, also thinks, victory will be ours, this is in any case, so we are together, we are strong, in the ssu they used volchansk to purposefully carry out attacks on civilians in the belgorod region, there were fierce battles in the city, with the support operational-tactical aviation and artillery, russian assault troops continue to push back the enemy. anna prokofieva, natalya mashtakova, natalya radionova, kharkov region. ukraine, with the support of nato, is increasingly making attempts to organize terrorist attacks in our country. its chairman , fsb director alexander bortnikov, announced this at a meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee. since 2022 , more than 130 terrorist attacks and sabotage have been prevented in central russia, including at
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government facilities in places of mass crowds of people. well, in addition, attempts by saboteurs to penetrate into the regions bordering ukraine do not stop. first things first. operations, law enforcement agencies in the district prevented 134 terrorist crimes. ukrainian western intelligence services are expanding the circle of possible perpetrators recruited to commit high-profile crimes in russia, assisting in their training and equipping international terrorist organizations. an illustrative example is the involvement of ukrainian military intelligence in terrorist attack in a crocus near moscow. the western states as a whole are losing confidence in zelensky’s team, the british financial times writes about this. as noted, the tension was provoked by personnel changes in kiev, which the so -called partners do not understand. the resignation of the head of the ukrainian agency for infrastructure restoration, mustafa nayem, previously
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deputy prime minister alexander kubrakov and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, according to journalists, are signs of a weak and unpredictable management system. another british edition. as the de facto head of state or vice-president of ukraine. diplomatic sources complained that he completely controlled access to the president. there is growing concern that zelensky is increasingly relying on sycophantic voices within the country, a concern that has become even more acute as the number of officials with
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direct access to the president dwindles and yermak's team grows. times journalists note that the situation with zelensky’s dependence on ermak is especially dangerous now that the deadline has expired. in our country, torture of civilians in donbass and murder with particular cruelty are already being served. in recent years, neither the views nor the methods of the azovites have changed, but
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crimes overseas suddenly simply stopped being noticed. the un security council approved a draft american resolution on a ceasefire in the gas sector. it is stated in it. joe biden's earlier proposal, the withdrawal of israeli troops from the enclave, the exchange of hostages, the restoration of populated areas, the general plan, without specifics, how all this will be accomplished, clear parameters for the deal truce. unknown to anyone, except perhaps the mediators in the negotiations, this is how our permanent representative, vasily nebendya, explained the position of russia, the only member of the security council that abstained from voting. we are essentially being offered a pig in a bag; hamas has been called upon to accept the so-called deal, but there is still no complete clarity regarding the existence of official israeli consent, as stated in the resolution, to the one proposed by president biden. the deal, against the backdrop of numerous statements from israel on the topic, stopped signing
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agreements whose parameters are vague. since the beginning of the aggravation in gaza, the council has already adopted three resolutions on the implementation of the provisions of which remain only on paper. fourth ones may be added to these. meanwhile, israel continues operations and raids in the enclave and air attacks. in gaza city. after a strike on a residential area, eight civilians were killed, including children, reports. also, at least four palestinians were killed and eight wounded after the israeli army attacked a village on the west bank. high-ranking officials and law enforcement officers were detained in korachay-cherkessia. the operation was carried out by the federal security service. the suspects may be involved in the theft of money allocated for agricultural development . the damage is about 60 million rubles. during the search, large sums and luxury items were seized.
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the runway project in the fermsky region helps to build a glider with your own hands and take to the sky, to fulfill the dream of those who have been in love with aviation since childhood; it exists, among other things, at the expense of the presidential grant. andrey goldrev will tell you how everything works. this is not just a workshop, a real design bureau where schoolchildren design and assemble aircraft while the youngest participants are still studying. they are active pilots, so in addition to working in the workshops, the guys also work at
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the local airfield. actually, this is what a glider looks like, built here in lisva back in the fifties. now the guys who organized the glider school in lisva back in the fifties. it existed for 66 years. during this time, thousands of children passed through it, dozens became military and civilian pilots. and in addition to gliders, schoolchildren of that time designed real airplanes. some of them, by the way, are working now, and then you succeed, you launch, stand with emotions, and this cannot
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be replaced by anything. in addition, all this instills a love for aviation. for example, stepan is a graduate of the project, now he is here as a mentor, and is also learning to fly. after taking off at an altitude of 50 m, you retract the flaps. after the flight it feels like something turned upside down inside me, i plan to continue my studies and my future life in any case. with aviation and now it’s not only him who has such plans, i thought i wouldn’t even stay here long, but it turned out that now i want to connect my life with aviation, enter some kind of engineering profession, work on airplanes, there is absolutely no task to make all pilots probably want to share the joy of flying, so for the sake of these eyes and for the sake of this interest, we are ready to work even harder. andrey goldarev, maxim trubnikov, anastasia slobodenyuk and evgeny kuznetsov, channel one perm territory. that's all for now, we...


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