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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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and at the head of all this is the constant conflict between tuda and tusk, who cannot agree in any way and are arguing in the public field, those who control them, in this chaos, remember the american theory of controlled chaos, are able to create such monsters as their light did not reveal , therefore, we will consider these situations seriously, look even at these puppets, but with all the care that they often reveal their masters, maria butina was with you, the doll of the heir to tute, now is the time for the program.
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hello, in the program time about the most notable events of this day. objectively, it is precisely the destruction of ukrainian planes at airfields, american abrams and bradleys and the liberation of two more populated areas. uninterrupted energy, supply of electricity to cities and industry, what else... rosseti. the expired one asks for more. zelensky is in berlin about new loans, while in kiev they are squabbling over control over the money already allocated for power. we do it ourselves. new technologies for the economy and a new project for the quality of life. mikhail mishustin on steps towards development goals certain presidents. the railway to
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the future, the modernization of bama, where and what facilities are open to increase capacity, one of the most important highways. doctors from the kursk region, nominees for the vocation award, the main award in the profession, established by channel one and the ministry of drama, are under fire. wet places, rain in the capital, will it come to the mega-downpour that has been talked about in recent days? let's listen to the weather forecasters, it's important, because tomorrow is a day off. well, let's start with the footage we received just before the release began. vladimir putin accepted the head of mid-turkey, hakan fedan, who a week ago announced his country’s desire to join the brix union. we welcome turkey's interest in the work of brix, and we will certainly support this endeavor in every possible way. and the desire to be together with the countries
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of this association, to be closer together, to solve common problems, especially since the situation requires, it seems to me, more careful close interaction, especially for the countries of the region to which we belong, in order to act effectively on all directions, from the point of view of ensuring safety and from a point of view. economic interaction, adjusting our actions in the international arena, but everything that i just named is one way or another among our priorities and is actively developing, we note with gratitude the attitude of our turkish friends to contribute to the resolution of crisis situations, including the crisis around ukraine, i want to thank you. in your previous capacity,
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for supporting the negotiation process, for providing the istanbul platform for negotiations with ukraine to resolve the crisis, president erdogan played a significant role in concluding the so-called grain deal, it is not our fault that it, unfortunately, was not extended, we played together a very significant role in resolving the syrian crisis, and i think it would have been ...
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promotion in other areas. at the same time, according to the ministry of defense, the enemy is suffering heavy losses. among the destroyed equipment, there were two planes, and on the ground, they were reached with lancets. more information from alexey kruchinin. every day brings our troops tactical success. we are moving forward and gaining a foothold near
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kupinsk, two more villages are under the control of the russian army. the settlements of artyomovka and timkovka were liberated by the active actions of a unit of the west army group. the formation of the third assault, the fourteenth and twenty- eighth, was defeated. on the other edge of the kharkov region, expanding the sanitary zone in the border area, the north group is successfully working. units of the north group of troops continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. manpower was defeated and equipment of the forty-second mechanized brigade and the thirty-sixth marine brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the glubokoye and tikhaye regions. two counterattacks by assault groups of the 13th brigade of the national guard of ukraine were repelled. here is footage of this failed assault under the deep: a group of ukrainian infantry landing from a pickup truck b is ambushed, they are met with powerful small arms fire from a forest plantation, and then they are finished off by kamikaze drones. in total, the ukrainian armed forces lost 265 people in this direction in one day. in the donetsk people's republic, meanwhile, ukrainian counterattacks were broken by the resilience of the center group’s fighters. units of
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the center group of troops improved the tactical position and defeated the formations of the twenty -fourth twenty-eighth mechanized, sixty-eighth egel brigades, and 109th territorial brigade. defense of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of ozaryanivka, rozovka, mayorsk and umansky repelled five counterattacks by assault groups 23, 110 mechanized, 142 infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. enemy losses amounted to up to 350 military personnel, a bradley infantry fighting vehicle, a 155mm m-777 howitzer, 3522mm howitzer 2a-65 mstab (1522mil). and these are not all the achievements of the brave, as the fighters of the center group are also called, the avdeevsky direction, shot down by kamikaze abrams drones, abandoned on the road. the loss of another american tank is a sensitive blow for the enemy. an armored evacuation
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vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces rushes to the rescue. the siberian artillerymen, who have already aimed at the tank, wait patiently and eventually destroy both targets with one blow. ukrainian tanks generally burned well the day before, day and night. darkness is no longer a hindrance operators of kamikaze drones, this is how the usuri paratroopers, under the clock , deal with two tanks that were trying to change position. this is close combat, but our drones mercilessly sting the enemy at long range. objective control footage of the lancet piercing exactly into the parking lot of ukrainian armed forces combat aircraft at the dolgintsevo airfield in the dnepropetrovsk region. there are fewer direct hits from another su-25 in kiev. alexey kruchinin, tatyana bakulina and sergey romanov, channel one. and again kharkov region, the front edge of the buffer zone volchansk, from there ukrainian militants deliberately targeted civilians in the belgorod region. our correspondent anna prokofieva visited one of the hottest areas of the special operation, having made a dangerous journey under constant raids of enemy drones. despite the fact that
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we set out at dawn, we decided to immediately move on foot, because transport is a busy time, even now at this time. it’s not at all safe, there are dozens of drones in the sky with enemy artillery, losing positions, the whole army is trying with all its might to impede the logistics of our fighters along the way volchansk. 5-6 m in battle formation from each other, which means that if i give the command bird or air, we take two steps into the green, sit down and freeze, we have the command air almost every 5 minutes, so you need to be ready for air. she made a reset, but somewhere nearby? yes, i found the goal, reset the case. ammunition dropped from ssu drones does not always explode. sappers found and neutralized one of these surprises at the landing. with the help of a charge, yes, they blew up, yes, an incomprehensible object that
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was located on the path we walk. do you often find these? often. our conversation with the sapper is again interrupted by the air command. somewhere is very close. we hear an fpv drone that is looking for a target, here you cannot and do not need to choose, yes our bird, not our bird in the air, yes, if any.
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they are hitting right there, where should we go, a whistle, we hear, we are deeper into the hole, we can’t stay in one place, in the same landing we find a dugout, a cassette, our rap works, that is , if it didn’t work, everything would be much better it’s sadder how now they’re bombarding us with cassette tapes, this often happens, well, yes, often, every day. as if our enemy is also not stupid, he also thinks, he also thinks, victory
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will be ours, this is in any case, so we are together, we are strong, in the ssu we used volchansk to purposefully carry out attacks on civilians in the belgorod region, in the city fierce fighting, with the support of operational-tactical aviation and artillery, russian assault troops continue to push back the enemy. ukrainian military intelligence is involved in organizing terrorist attacks in crocus cityhole. this was established by the russian special services - the fsb director said today alexander bortnikov. moreover, with the support of the united states and nato, the kiev regime is increasing terrorist activity against russia. our security forces are proactive. in total, a special military operation was first carried out by law enforcement agencies in the area. 134 terrorist crimes. ukrainian western intelligence services are expanding the range of possible
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perpetrators recruited to commit high-profile crimes in russia. provide assistance in their training and equipment to international terrorist organizations. an illustrative example is the involvement of ukrainian military intelligence in the terrorist attack in crocus sidikhov near moscow, which we have established. let me remind you, the victims of march. the perpetrators of the crime were quickly detained in the bryansk region, not far from the border with ukraine, where a window for crossing was prepared on that side. by the way, to confirm the words of the head of the fsb about the enemy’s new terrorist plans against us, this is what military expert nicholas drumont said in the british newspaper daily express. if russia wins in ukraine somehow, i think ukraine will start a campaign inside russia, it... will be much more destructive than anything we've seen on the front line, it will be really
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nasty, terrorist activity will include bombing of schools, infrastructure, and that will begin in earnest if any peace agreement is forced on zelensky. and here’s another thing: the united states allowed the transfer of its weapons to the ukrainian azov battalion. in our country it is recognized as terrorist and prohibited. washington newspaper post writes: america in 2015. closed military assistance to azov, considering that there might be racists and radical nationalists in its ranks, and the un accused this formation of violations of humanitarian law. in russia , many azov militants are already serving long sentences for particularly brutal murders and torture of civilians in donbass. the views and methods of these terrorists in 2015, if they have changed, have only changed in a more anti-human direction. but washington’s attitude towards them changed diametrically, but of course, not suddenly. biden's states and nato as a whole... terrorist ukraine is necessary as an anti-russian instrument, and the permission
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of the alliance countries for kiev to carry out their strikes on the territory of russia, this fully proves that the west’s attempts to save face with these permissions will not deceive anyone. in confirmation, our actions are the second stage of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. the belarusian military joined the russian military. our ally has been stationed with tactical nuclear weapons since last year. maneuvers. carried out by order of supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin for maintaining the readiness of the union state to defend sovereignty and territorial integrity. iskander missiles are deployed. and mik-31 interceptors capable of carrying hypersonic daggers. previously , the equipment from kanders with training special ammunition and the covert movement of complexes had been worked out. aviation has its own tasks. the exercises will take place in three stages. other maneuvers, but also with precision missiles in the western atlantic. the crews of the nuclear submarine kazan and
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the frigates admiral gorshkov use computers to simulate attacks on the fleet against a conventional automatic pre-start preparation. energy networks, major projects were discussed by vladimir putin with the head of the rosseti company andrei ryumin. introduction of a structure that provides electricity to 82 regions, 2.5 million km of lines and more than half a million substations. all this should work smoothly without failures. oleg shishkin will continue. 60 orbits around the globe. this is exactly what will happen if there are 2.5 million kilometers of power lines that are currently under control. rosseti should be laid out along the equator, this holding is the largest in the world, ensures the transmission of more than 80% of all electricity generated in the country. last year, the rossiti group demonstrated stable operating results, they were positive and good. how do you assess the situation and what are the immediate prospects, what needs to be done to
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support you. i would like to say that the company’s revenue in 2023 amounted to 1 trillion. rub 380 billion almost 1.4 trillion rubles. this is 17% higher than the figure for 2022. our net profit exceeded 160 billion rubles. well a little exceeded 161 billion rubles. amounted to 20% more than in 2022, our net profit partially finances our investment program. the company invested more than half a trillion rubles in updating and modernizing electrical networks; more than 35,000 km of lines were built. among the key projects for completing the first stage of electrification of the eastern testing area of ​​bama and transib. rosseti has several more completed landmark projects to its credit. this is the reconstruction of the pokhra substation. the substation is a key energy facility moscow energy ring. this is the completion of the construction of all electrical grid facilities necessary for power supply
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to gazprom’s kovykhtinskoye and chendinskoye fields, which are the resource base. for the power of siberia gas pipeline, as well as connecting the amur gas chemical complex of the sibur company. rosseti is restoring lines and in new regions in zaporozhye, kherson region, donetsk and lugansk republics, they must be built to accommodate increased load. energy will be needed by restored enterprises and new residential areas. in this sense , energy workers must act proactively and pay special attention to capitals. it is very important not to look through anything here. they mentioned the moscow energy department. was not enough and it was necessary to take emergency measures in order to
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expand this opportunity, i would not like any emergency measures, everything should be as planned, absolutely true, the availability of electricity for a modern metropolis can be judged by the example of the largest accident at the capital's chagina substation in 2005 year: trains in the metro stopped, trams, trolleybuses, electric trains stopped working, there was a failure in the work of mobile operators, retail chains and industrial enterprises suffered huge losses, the capital's mayor's office then estimated the damage at 708 million rubles. rosseti... it is especially important to note that within the framework of both the investment program and the repair program, when implementing our projects we use mainly domestic materials, domestic equipment, we have over 90%, yes, our indicator is over 90%, in fact we are already approaching 95%, there are 93-94, now percent is an indicator
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of import substitution, and we cooperate with all the largest russian equipment manufacturers, but we also lead it ourselves. scientific developments, research developments, there are no analogues in the world to this intelligent laboratory of digital networks in st. petersburg, they are working on breakthrough solutions in the field of energy transmission, equipment and materials are tested under the influence of electromagnetic radiation from solar radiation, extreme climatic conditions can be created in a special chamber, let's say arctic zone, all so that, for example, freezing rain would cease to be a nightmare and a headache for power engineers, in particular in the rostov region at the beginning of this year in january, february... freezing rains became the cause, of course, of very massive blackouts, but even in conditions of such a large increase in dangerous natural phenomena, we managed to maintain the average accident rate. at the level of reliable functioning of russian grids - this is not the previous autumn-winter period, in general, only the solution of strategic tasks and growth economy, but also the comfort and well-being of ordinary consumers, which is also among
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the company’s priorities. oleg shishkin, anna zayakina, sergey deev, channel one. let's return to ukrainian affairs. the regime in kiev needs to be returned to the legal framework in order to negotiate a settlement, and the conference that is to be held in switzerland without russia’s participation is nothing more than between. the board of turkish minister hakan fedan landed. glad to see you again. back in 2018, president erdogan spoke about
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the country’s desire to become a member of brix. and just recently this was probably confirmed by the turkish foreign minister, saying that the bloc is a good alternative to the european union. the meeting takes place on the territory of the ancient nizhny novgorod fair. once upon a time, it was here that foreign guests came to establish trade. nizhnenovgorod was generally considered the commercial capital of russia. now, for a few days, this status can be said to be returning to the city; trade and economic relations between the brix countries and their friends is one of the central topics at the ministerial meeting. for example, between russia and venezuela, countries are working together in the fields of energy, agriculture, medicine, and high technology. at a bilateral meeting, the venezuelan minister voiced his desire to join brix. the heads of departments also signed a memorandum on cooperation in countering unilateral sanctions. we value our interaction in the international arena.
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creating a new model of world order based on solidarity, complementarity, aimed at achieving the well-being of our peoples. sergei's press conference took place today lavrova. not only our journalists were waiting for the russian minister’s statement. media representatives from china, egypt, venezuela, saudi arabia, japan, iraq and other countries attended the meeting. the minister of foreign affairs told reporters what he talked about with his colleagues without cameras at a closed meeting, for example, about resolving the conflict in ukraine.
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then the realization that just putting this situation aside and sitting down at the negotiating table as if nothing had happened is, this is wrong, especially since no one in the west, we had some unadvertised contacts, does not want to notice this nazi, russophobic effect that this regime creates.
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we are not the ones who fence ourselves off from the west, we are not the ones who build walls, not only figuratively, but literally, as is happening now on the borders with the russian federation, by a number of members of the north atlantic alliance, we are not the ones who divide the world into blocks, we are not the ones who declare that those who disagree with us will be in...
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and a dozen countries, all foreign participants highly appreciated the hospitable atmosphere in nizhny novgorod, international events in the city were celebrated with a light show, for foreign guests a boat trip along the volga, the city passes the baton to kazan, the brics world cup will be held there in october. lyubov filippova, dmitry belov, andrey mikhailov, sergey filippov, channel one, nizhny novgorod, meanwhile, before switzerland in germany at a conference on financial assistance, again asks for money, while for...
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connections with the soros foundation, until yesterday he was the head ukrainian state agency for reconstruction, was published yesterday a curious document, prime minister of ukraine shmygal refused naem a business trip to berlin with a note suggesting that naem could be made responsible for defensive structures that exist only on paper. he quit, and the west immediately
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noticed this. the departure of an official. which pointed to mismanagement of the funds was a blow to the government's attempts to allay allied concerns about how the aid was being spent. all this, however, did not stop the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, kuleba. agitate partners in berlin. please trust the entrepreneurial spirit of ukrainians. we know how to do business. ukraine's allies are not only concerned about the problem of corruption, they are also worried about the infighting in the ukrainian leadership caused by the thirst for power of the head of zelensky's office, andriy yarmak.
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everything can fall apart, absolutely everything. some sources of the british newspaper times described yarmak as follows: the de facto head of state. diplomatic sources complained that he was completely... in control access to zelensky, there is growing concern that zelensky is increasingly relying on flattering voices within the country, a concern that is becoming even more acute as the number of officials with direct access to zelensky dwindles and yarmak’s team grows. in may , ukrainian infrastructure minister alexander kubrakov was unexpectedly dismissed. it is assumed that kubrakov's resignation was organized by andrei ermak, the main adviser to vladimir zelensky, in order to eliminate a rival for influence and influence.
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you went to ukraine essentially to prepare for the conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin, on the spot you learned that the responsible minister had been fired, how reliable is the political partner who allows the minister to go to the combat zone? these are the uncertainties that, unfortunately, currently exist in the ukrainian government. the british edition of the financial times writes about tensions between kiev's western partners over a series of dismissals, resignations and reshuffles in the ukrainian government. on this week the so-called peace conference is due to take place in switzerland, the success of which kiev hoped, but again put its partner in an extremely uncomfortable position. the head of mid-switzerland admitted the real reason why he never sent sergei lavrov an official invitation. if he accepted this invitation, it would be incompatible with the position of ukraine. we can't get out of this dilemma. as a result, more and more countries prefer to stay away from a conference in which they do not participate russia. it became known that, for example, new zealand will send a summit to the minister of police and
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correctional services. ukrainian telegram channels directly link the impending failure with the name of yarmak, who has long lost touch with reality, while not excluding the possibility that in order to disguise this foreign policy defeat, the armed forces of ukraine may be abandoned again. they believe that the guests from kiev should not have bothered with a special event in parliament, but should have used their influence to incline it to peace negotiations, here is the statement of the co-chairs. khrupals, we refuse listen to speakers in camouflage, zelensky’s term of office has expired, he remains in office only as the president of the war and the president of the beggar. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, irina bliznyuk, dalia serzhidinova, igor alekseev, channel one. well, a new episode of mobilization according to
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zelensky, odessa to the territorial recruitment center, it was their military registration and enlistment office that called an ambulance to a man who became ill. then the tsk employees refused to release the brigade, according to some sources, trying to forcibly mobilize them. 3 weeks ago, the rules of mobilization in ukraine sharply tightened, the age has been reduced to 25 years, and today the ukrainian publication 20 minutes reported: it is permissible to take away those who are younger if they have military documents on their limited suitability for service. this is a particular case, but as they say, there would be a desire to generalize. moreover, let me remind you of the information from competent sources. in may, the head of the us state department, blinken, demanded zelensky to begin mobilizing eighteen-year-olds, otherwise they would quickly find a replacement for him. in america, meanwhile , a few hours ago, for the first time in history, the son of a sitting president heard the verdict jury hunter biden is guilty on all
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counts, gun violations. we're talking about buying a gun and owning it illegally because biden, a junior, was using drugs at the time and lying about it. the verdict is not a sentence yet, at most. the limit is 25 years in prison and a fine of 750 thousand dollars, but they usually don’t go to jail for the first time. joe biden previously promised not to use the right to pardon his son. hunter still has a trial ahead for tax evasion, this will be in september right before the elections, and it is unknown what financial affairs and affairs, the first us family may emerge then. the development of machine tool building and robotics will be expanded to the level of a national project, mikhail mishustin said today at a specialized strategic session. the government is prompt. updates existing projects and develops new ones. dmitry kochitkov more details. at the southern heavy machine tool plant in the krasnodar territory , production increased fivefold in 2 years. recently, modern machines for the oil
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industry and shipbuilding began to be produced here. and this the moscow company produces robotic systems. among the new products are systems for handling cargo in warehouses and for welding. our task is to improve the working conditions at the plant. to improve so that the person who yesterday, bent over, held a welding torch, inhaled gases, performed the same routine work, or loaded parts into a machine, today has become a qualified specialist. work technicians who create a control program that controls a whole fleet of robots, due to which the enterprise productivity. the company recently opened its own academy to train personnel for the technical industry. specialists are in great need now. against the backdrop of unprecedented anti-russian sanctions, which affected the purchase of almost all machine tools and machining centers, production is growing throughout the industry. a development program has been developed to support this growth.
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machine-building enterprises are the main consumers of the machine tool industry. no capacity building and technological upgrading required competence in these areas, any long-term development will be difficult, especially under the current sanctions. at this capital enterprise. boom, all enterprises in the country are being re-equipped, and laser cutting machines are in technology, the beginning of any production cycle. small machines make high-precision parts for electric motors, large machines cut large parts for cars for some body parts , medium machines or five-axis machines for... they process, for example, blades
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gas turbine engines. the development of the country’s entire industry depends on the production of machine tools and robotics. it was decided to expand the industry support program. to solve the tasks set in the messages of the head of state, of course, it is necessary to continue to increase efforts. and we plan to expand the program to a national project. such a national project should ensure the achievement of indicators that are defined by the president in terms of technological leadership.
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difficult. today, on average, more than a third of networks heat and water supply, as well as drainage, need to be replaced. the active reduction of dilapidated housing, the construction of social facilities, new roads, and the renewal of public transport will continue. the president emphasized that it is necessary to build a holistic system for managing national projects. and it is extremely important to achieve practically tangible results that russian citizens expect from us. in order for there to be a result, you must first determine which objects. enterprises and regions will join new national projects, this is now
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the government is in charge. dmitry kochitkov, artyom tikhonov, ilya zhuravlev, mariana soboleva, and zulfiya khakimova. first channel. an important step in the development of the strategic baikal-amur railway, which stretches from siberia to the pacific coast across three time zones and seven mountain ranges. on two sites at once in the khabarovsk territory and the amur region. to move along new tracks, which will significantly increase the capacity of trains. the ceremony on site in moscow marks obama's 50th birthday. alina's report sanueva. i ask for permission to open traffic on new routes. valentina ivanovna, we give permission. come on, you are the commander. we allow traffic to open. the first to travel along the new tracks were freight trains carrying coal, each weighing more than 7,000 tons. today
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, two important facilities were opened on the baikal-amur mainline, all work and running-in of the double-track insert on the purikan murtegit section in the amur region has been completed, and the second main track on the 323 km section of lyudyu in the khabarovsk territory is ready. grand opening took place in the format of a teleconference. at the main control center of russian railways, general director oleg belozerov and chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. today it allows us to significantly increase the throughput of the highway, giving a new impetus to the development of the eastern regions of our entire large country. stage 300. 23 km lyudyu is located in the southeast of the khaparovsky territory, almost 7 km of railway tracks were laid here. the work was complicated by difficult terrain and unstable soils. the stretch goes around the foot of the eastern slope of the sikht alin ridge and runs along the banks of the tumnin river. to protect the embankment from the effects of intense ice drift
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, rock riprap has been laid down. in an area with the possible development of oval-talus and avalanche processes, rockfall barriers were installed, adapted for snow loads. the construction of the second tracks will allow the throughput capacity on this section to double from 40 to 82 million tons of cargo by the end of this year. on the purikan murtyg route, they will also now be able to transport cargo in both directions without stopping traffic. the baikal amur mainline today is an integral part of the transport framework of the russian economy. both necessary goods for the eastern regions and export products for sale through the ports of the far east are transported by rail. at the eastern training ground. bam now plays a special role, for a certain period of time they said that it seemed that it was not needed, but history has put everything in its place, without a bam you cannot drive today, many elements, even very complex movements with interruptions, are solved only thanks to bam. all these projects are being implemented on behalf of the president, until 2032
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the capacity of the eastern range is a whole network of railways that unites the baikal-amur and trans-siberian railways. should grow to 270 million tons of cargo per year, this is a very ambitious task, in addition to three new tunnels and a bridge across the amur river, it is planned to build more than 2,200 km of second main tracks, three major bypasses, and also develop about 120 railway stations by the end of the twenty-fourth year temporary commissioning planned 114. 4287 km of railways from taishet to the soviet harbor. the highway runs through six constituent entities of the russian federation, the irkutsk and amur regions, buryatia and yakutia, the khabarovsk and trans-baikal territories. this year the highway celebrates its fiftieth anniversary,
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bam is being actively modernized, new tracks, tunnels, stations are being built, but special attention is also paid to infrastructure. cities are developing, new hospitals are being built in them. create 1,700 jobs in the region,
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more than one and a half times and reached 38 million tons, in the future this will allow this is the foundation for economic growth, and some of the new facilities at stations and other key areas are already planned to be commissioned... ambulance under fire, getting to know those who are applying for the main medical award of the country vocation, will the mega-rainfall come true or not, a very wet forecast for tomorrow, there will be much more, stay tuned, yang. are you? my god, how many years have passed! the unit is on the move, there is a fire in a residential building. hello, tamara vitalievna, i think that olek has already forgiven me. i have not forgiven and will not forgive. oleg, i need your help. duty,
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outsiders to the unit. and what happened? it's because of her, right? “leave me alone, it’s clear, we love each other, let’s not interfere in my business, this is vojta, in russian you see, i left for finland, already pregnant and didn’t tell him anything, and that social services, he was taken from me, i was accused of suffocating maternal love, he was taken from me because i loved him very much, one chance for three, watch the premiere after the program, oleg, i need you to go with me to finland, declared yours. rights to your son, why is your son. gin сnop is a product of stellar group, cognac monte
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shocha, a product of stellar group, rom castro, a product of stellar group, pechora vodka, a product of stellar group, veda vodka, a product of stellar group. oldbar cognac is a product of the stellar group. bourbon starsman is a product of the steller group. 100 reasons to watch gayta. quiet. motor. somewhere in this world. where it's always frosty. a bear rubs its back. eh, marzhusha. should we be sad? we do not care. we do not care. let us be afraid.
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it expresses a symphony between secular power and spiritual power, symbols of russia, a medal the golden star hero of the russian federation inherits the traditions of the golden star hero of the soviet union. solorov, kutuzov, alexander nevsky received orders named after all these people. each order has its own motto, and the motto of the order is service to the fatherland, benefit, honor, glory. russian awards. on june 12, at the first vampire ball, rosemary's baby,
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several more nerve-wracking films made the name of this man known throughout the world. my first film, not made in poland, was called disgust. he did a lot to strengthen my sense of joy in work. when everything is forgotten, all that remains is faith in yourself. wonderful person. i think... friday first. this is the program time and we
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continue. and again about exploits in the special operation zone. gold stars of heroes of russia were presented to colonel renat khalikov, captains roman opalkov and rustam khasanov, as well as corporal nikolai evdokimov by defense minister andrei belousov. he thanked everyone for their exemplary performance of tasks and wished them further success. we completed the task assigned to all teams, broke through the enemy’s defenses, thereby creating a large bridgehead, the road was cut, the enemy was unable to bring in reserves, this is not only my merit, but the hero himself is my subordinates, my soldiers, who are performing the task with dignity, with honor, guys, brace yourself, hold on, i’ll be there soon, victory will be yours us. doctors in the border areas courageously perform their duty at the risk of their lives. our report on the ambulance team from the kursk region on the eve of
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medotnik day, the presentation of the calling award of a joint project of channel one and the ministry of health. among the nominees were kurdish doctors, and dalmira beryukova went with them to the call. this brigade has been in the ambulance service for decades, but in the last 2 years we have had to do things that were not taught. in medical universities, for example, when getting ready for a call, quickly put on a bulletproof vest, then the most dangerous part of the work begins, the doctors entered the shelling zone, shells hit power plants and civilians, here, too, we provided assistance to people, now we have already gained decent speed , this must be done in order to pass through a dangerous place, here there may be drones in the air, at this time the driver carefully looks not only at the road, but at the sky, well, now you see the excitement anyway... it’s scary, but you can’t show it, because people have more grief than ours, and we need to help
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help not only physically, but also morally support. people, the first call to the scene of the shelling was okay, no one was injured, but the man’s blood pressure rose greatly from the experience, he worries us, guys, every minute here, without medicine, we won’t survive here, probably, our felchers do a cardiogram and diagnose a hypertensive crisis, the pressure is 180 over 90, a dangerous condition, the man previously experienced a heart attack, but even feels such a serious malaise, the pensioner is worried not about himself, about the doctors, but about how to get out. only there was a reset, we got through, we got through, this street in the village of tyotki was literally covered by the ukrainian armed forces with its artillery, there was nothing to the border here, sumy region through the gardens, on may 12, when ukrainian militants again terrorized civilians, vitaly was in his room, a shell landed on the second floor, pierced the slab, exploded at the level of the first floor,
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about a dozen shells were fired in total, the owner of this apartment died, she covered herself. the most difficult thing is to deliver a pregnant woman there, so that she does not give birth to a patient, so that he does not die in the car, so to speak, to provide assistance to the filchers, if they need support somewhere, everyone is great, they know their job well, this ambulance team was nominated for their dedicated work for the vocation award, the country's main medical award is given to doctors for their professional achievements for their courage, but the most important reward for them
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is the lives saved. we continue, a special olympics for special and fantastically motivated athletes has started in moscow. ivan prozurov attended the competition. the opening match is a battle between two unusual teams, olympic champions and special basketball players playing shoulder to shoulder. opened up a completely different world, sport is such a thing, it gives you an incentive to keep moving forward and not give up, it gives you have strength, a lot of strength, these people are special, they have a steely character, and there is a lot for us to learn. this sport is called unifight, which means united, when athletes, actors, musicians perform together with special athletes and energize each other, says the president of the
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basketball federation, bronze olympic medalist andrei kirilenko. these guys are a great example for all of us, inspiration, motivation, and we always set an example even for our professional athletes, guys, look, when you want to play, nothing can’t stop you, passionate and daring with sparkling eyes on the court, these guys seem to be transformed, well done, there are several courts in the capital’s luzhniki stadium, basketball, tennis, athletics and floorball, it’s similar to bandy, there are delegations in moscow.
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they post photos and they are already recognized, it’s important for you, yes, yes, it’s nice, yes, very much, forward, now the special olympics unites 140,000 children across the country, last year they held 16 competitions, joint between the ministry of sports and the special olympics, covering 3,500 children, this it is very important that people with limitless
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potential have the opportunity to express themselves. to play sports and socialize, to be together, the organizers propose to start holding similar tournaments within the framework of brix, but the competitions in moscow will continue. another feature of these games is that there are no losers, regardless of the results of the performance, even those who did not take prizes always receive their rewards. ivan prozarov, mikhail artyukhin, dmitry skvartsov, arina semenova, natalya sidorova and kirill danilov. first channel. in the results of the second grant competition of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives have been announced in moscow. the fund has existed for 3 years, this year almost 1,200 projects were selected from more than 1,000 applications. for the first time, the winners include representatives from all russian regions.
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in total, over 3 years, support for creative teams will amount to almost 60 billion rubles. this is an unprecedented figure, this is the volume that the authors of creative creative projects received. separately, i would like to note that in this competition, the result of which... we are summing up today, and for the first time we have received applications from all new regions, it is also worth noting that we have a number of projects dedicated to the theme of a special military operation and the heroes of a special military operation, popularizing their feat and also their creativity. and the weather, tomorrow is russia's day, a day off, which they are waiting for, looking closely at the weather reports, and then comparing what they read with what is actually outside the window. yuri. cope
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a wall of rain, accompanied by peals of thunder, pours in the north of the city, traffic jams immediately form on the roads. some streets instantly turned into rivers that with such a flow of water. the weather is nice, residents are wading through pedestrians, and the capital is watching rainstorms with caution. this is the beginning of that same mega-downpour that has been the fear of the last couple of days on social networks and telegram channels. about 80-90% will fall out. therefore, the atmospheric front is inactive and will determine such weather for a long time with heavy rains and thunderstorms, it turns out for about 3 days. it will also cover several central regions of russia, including the vladimir, kaluga, kostroma,
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kursk, and ryazan regions, early june, moscow region, leninsky district, rain and hail. in moscow, a peak is expected tomorrow afternoon. according to weather forecasters, over 30 mm of precipitation, or three large buckets of water per square meter, will fall on the streets of the capital. is it a lot or a little, literally. last week on june 6, twice as much fell in just one day, that’s what the waterfalls in moscow are like, if necessary, they will use aviation, cumulus clouds will be bombarded with reagents on the approach to moscow, the decision will be made early in the morning, for now, according to forecasts, it will rain all wednesday morning thursday, it will be possible to say for sure whether the record for the rainiest day in the capital of russia will be broken, summing up the results only on june 13, experts agree, as well as whether it was a mega-downpour or a simple summer rain. yuri. we'll watch the first channel tomorrow, right now the movie is one chance for three, the second episode.


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