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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  June 11, 2024 11:00pm-12:11am MSK

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i did everything according to the law, you have no right to do this. there's a big game on the air. there are a lot of serious things going on in the world.
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found guilty, but the determination of punishment will only happen in the coming weeks. we are very pleased to be with us today, ekaterina moore, our own correspondent, a merchant in washington, well, our regular participant. ekaterina, as we guessed, inviting you to the studio. i just read in the american press that yes, of course, biden is probably guilty, biden is young.
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there are two opposing opinions: one says that this will not affect the presidential campaign in any way, and the situation is the same in the camp of republicans and democrats. for some reason, donald trump completely ignores the hunter biden story, he doesn't bring it up during conference calls with his voters, and the democrats are doing the same, pedaling the fact that now in... another
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story says that that at the moment the republicans are simply trying to find the right tactics, on the one hand they do not want to attract, of course, more attention more to the verdict of donald trump, because well, the situation is that somehow it turned out that these stories are interconnected with another. countries can’t miss this opportunity, not mention to biden that he once said that his son is completely innocent, they can’t either , and of course, this will be raised at the presidential debates, they will talk about it, plus, let’s not forget, what is now in congress, even if it has slowed down, is still going through the impeachment procedure against joe biden, and this is directly related to the case of hunter biden, so i i think that right now it’s probably
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premature to talk about how this... will end, but i think that the republicans will certainly take advantage of this and donald trump will push this topic in the future, saying that, i quote him, corrupt. and a couple of weeks that the democrats, that joe biden were increasingly focused on trump’s verdict, now every time they do this, if they do, they will immediately be accused of hypocrisy, here you need
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to understand that biden, of course, is not is responsible for behavior of your adult son, anything can happen. have no influence on justice, so he will refrain from any comments on this case, but he and his wife constantly talked about how proud they were of hunter, talked about how innocent he was, how this was some kind of vile intrigue against him, then
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suddenly appears in court, a woman with the same last name as biden, who, by the way... calmly, when hunter bought a gun, without admitting, as the law required, that he abused drugs, and how she was even so worried about it that she i threw this gun into some trash
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bin not far from the shopping center, then they took it back from there, why am i telling this? and because president biden knew all this, of course, none of this was a secret to him, and despite this, he explained how proud he was of hunter biden, and how hunter biden was absolutely innocent. i don't know, it seems to me that to the extent that the democrats were counting on playing the card of convicting president trump, it seems to me that they played this card to a large extent lost at least. i don't know what you think. and here i will quote the words of one of joe biden’s former assistants, who worked directly with him during the congress, and he said that he had never seen a more deceitful politician in his life, that is, biden had such an approach, and probably before this is still the approach,
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he goes into one room and tells some participants, conditional deals are one thing, goes into another room and tells other participants in the deal another, and so he was such a dial maker, like... we know, so lie for joe biden is a completely normal story, he believes that this is how he builds policy, yes, this is his absolutely adequate approach, but the fact that he was really caught for this lie is what the american people really see now what their president really is, who says one thing today and says something else tomorrow, is, of course, a very clear plus for donald trump. which is unpredictable, emotional, but always very sincere, and i think that it is this narrative, and this story, that is probably will be used by the republicans, who will put pressure on the fact that the voter should choose a sincere politician,
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a politician who will not lie. i do not take any position on who is best for russia, donald trump. or joe biden, and i don't take it up not out of some false modesty, but because i really don't know when i'm looking.
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i’m taking my administration in a completely different direction and the last question i want to ask you about this is, ekaterina, well, you just arrived from washington, do you know about some of trump’s advisers, about the direction in which he is going to form his administration, or there is no such information, but as far as i know, he is currently recruiting personnel, but there is information from...
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well, today it was there was a gathering in berlin - mr. zelensky met - yeah - with the leaders of leading european states, they promised him a lot of help, but as i understand it, there are a lot of promises, but not very much concrete, or i’m mistaken, well, actually, everyone has. will find another third copy of the system patriot, in order to strengthen air defense in
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ukraine, this is after zelensky’s speeches that 80% of the thermal generation in ukraine was destroyed, that is, the thermal power plants that were in ukraine lost 80% of their power, so in response to these tears, as if it was said that we will supply you through the air defense line. as for everything that is happening now, now it’s june, the month of promises, it all started with...
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but all this, everything that precedes the conference in bergenstock, is sublimation, an attempt to warm up as much as possible the ukrainian topic, a discussion of whether the pro-ukrainian forces just won or did not win the elections to the european parliament, and so on and so
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forth. it seems to me that this is at the same time a reflection of the weakness that ukraine demonstrates. ukraine cannot cope with military operations, ukraine today is immersed in the passions of mobilization and ukraine, as we have already noted, more than once in this entire western-ukrainian front, the west and ukraine against russia, is the weakest point. this ukraine needs to be cheered up.
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sight, when i see the faces of these scholtz there, who remind me of a character from 7 moments of spring, which one, tell me, one of the gestapo officers, cameron, the english foreign minister, who
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had already been prime minister, lost this position, because he managed to organize a referendum on...
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that serious negotiations need to begin, that they are again starting to supply more and more weapons to ukraine, and konstantin fedorovich, this is not only a question of what it is capable of...
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in the kharkov region, they brought here everything that was possible and even that it’s impossible, because they not only transferred here all the strategic operational reserves that were in the rear, including the most elite units, they even transferred the general staff security brigade here, even the presidential brigade, but they had to withdraw units from other directions. the thirty-sixth naval infantry brigade was transferred from kherson, forces were transferred from the donetsk direction, from artyomovsky, but it is not clear that they started.
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i’ll return to this, if we talk about the practical feasibility of these supplies, here you are you mentioned, for example, the outdated, as you said, already obsolete f16 aircraft,
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they are indeed being replaced, other aircraft are coming to the west, the f-35, today they want to transfer this already used resource to ukraine, in what volumes, at the moment it is known about the supply 85 aircraft within 4 years. several countries, belgium, the netherlands, norway, are forming in order to transfer part of their air forces, these f-16s to ukraine, president macron made a loud statement, president macron, he is somewhat similar like malbruck the conqueror, so he is now trying to score points, at least until the elections to the european parliament he looks like menhausen, but these are equivalent characters in my opinion, one more famous, the other less. well, but on the eve of the elections to the european parliament, he was clearly betting that the war-loving french would support his tough
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course towards russia, he was going to supply as many as five or six mirage fighters to ukraine. now i am asking, i am asking a rhetorical question: is it possible to believe that the delivery of six, even 80 aircraft to within 4 years is capable of radically changing the situation at the front?
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but he once said to the president so far that i had a feeling, which i think the president wanted to create, that if
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necessary, which...
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from which the traitor muravyov has still not been stopped by you, after the sad events in the capital, some of an impressionable nature will see in them almost heroes, not yours, but ours, the goals are right, the methods are criminal, i dream of getting an answer, tomorrow morning in the senate not... history is being made in st. petersburg, here she is dying, tomorrow everything will change, you have a senator, you have wealth, service, what do you need to change, let’s elect a dictator among us, enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, tell trubetskoy if he doesn’t
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make up his mind, and we'll go out ourselves. in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns. if it’s like in france, then everyone present here should hang. they won't dare shoot at us. we did not shed a drop of their vile blood. damn, well, a match that will light everything up and burn it out itself, a union of salvation, a film premiere on russia day
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first, decembrist. who are they, traitors or heroes? hurray, first of all they were traitors, they were bright, kind people who loved their country, they were inspired by new ideas, their youth, how beautifully we will die, everything was not so stupid, they certainly weren’t fools. well, the young man who undertook to judge the destinies of russia in general, he didn’t know much russian.
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“you would like to help your country, how, excuse me, you have what i need, comrade peredonov, our head sambo coach of the ussr, i don’t know.” change to vasily oshchepkov is invited to a friendly match, but now there is a more interesting frag, who? germans, if you want to learn this, there is no effective technique against firearms yet, but comrade oshchepkov showed that the army has made its choice and training the national team will be a sliver, you lost before you even started. with such an attitude you can’t win a fight, you want to bury mine yourself, my students, if i write on him, what will they put in prison, where did they get him based on denunciation, denunciation, yours,
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consider it mine, the legend of samba, premiere on friday on the first, we wish everyone good luck to the athletes, may the best man win, the security council has just voted for an american resolution on how to resolve the gas crisis. the vote was unanimous except for russia, which abstained. russian ambassador, mr. nebendia.
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what we hear from hamas and from israel they seem to say that we are for it, only they give such two different interpretations. another thing you can remember is another wisdom about the fact that the devil is in the details, in fact, this is what was contained in the assessment russian representative of the resolution that was, it is clear that it raises
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more questions than it gives answers to the most complex knots that have formed in the chain of events around the israeli conflict, and most importantly, why? russia allowed this resolution to pass, this was explained, although no emphasis was placed on it, this is that the arab countries supported this resolution, naturally, in the current conditions, when we are very close today to the arab world, to the league of arab states with the arab public opinion and especially the opinion of the ruling elites in arab states with specific basically...
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apparently showed that we will wait, what will be, what will be the implementation, even in fundamental decisions about which there is no complete clarity, in particular, if you look at the reaction , say, israel, then it is quite obvious that the full fulfillment of even those promises that are laid down in these seven points, israel is unlikely to agree to them, because already...
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this is questioned, the details are unknown, and if we take the third stage, yes, third stage, when it comes to gas restoration, he spoke more definitely. well, for tactical reasons, hamas supported this resolution, because it does not want, mainly, it does not want to quarrel with the arab leaders, who, as we have already said, here at this table, are showing caution, showing a desire not to quarrel with the united states, with the west in general, and how to take into account the realities that are emerging today in the world in the middle east, so there are more ambiguities here than...
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otherwise a permanent ceasefire, ceasefire military operations, or is it more of a bait for hamas, which will be lured into a certain trap and people will return to their places of residence. arabs and the islamic world in general to show everyone
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that i am such a peace lover, we have already been through this, i have a lot of very skepticism about the possibilities with the help of this resolution to achieve peace in this protracted conflict, you know, i have not been to israel for a very long time, i have never i wasn’t in the gas, well, thank god that you were there for a while, there was a time when i was there for quite an hour. were with him when he was minister of science, then
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he was for me the only israeli statesman who considered the possibility of creating an independent palestinian state, and i cannot imagine how this problem around gas around the west bank can be resolved without creating a unified palestinian state.
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the arab population of the west bank, unattainable, it leads israel into a dead end, it leads israel into a dead end, and along with it those states that are led into a dead end. in general , the united states stands behind israel, first of all, in this middle east ball okay, vitaly, here i go again, i keep saying, i don’t understand. this is biden’s position, does he support israel here, or not completely, if not completely, is he somehow trying to influence israel, to show
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greater flexibility, or is all this just words, words? it seems to me that this is more than a word, but words also mean, as we know, they mean, and... he is flirting with the arabs and the islamic world in general, also with such states as turkey, say, maybe even to some extent wanted would like to passivize, maybe somehow attract be iranians, and some islamic organizations, but you see, on the one hand , a supposed palm branch is extended even to hamas, because well, let hamas accept, and hamas accept, it is also interesting that hamas... acts very flexibly in in this case, but on the other hand, we are constantly hearing very alarming data that a war is about to begin on the lebanese-israeli border, and what is happening around hezbollah, the hezbollah movement, and in general on this front, this threatens very serious
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armed military conflict and may just in general... torture for biden, because he said a, and then he needs to say b, when there will be implementation of some promises that were made there, there are not so many promises, but what is actually promised requires details, absolutely correctly, he says, expressing the point of view of russian diplomacy, the russian leadership, that it even
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so happened that the decision in general, in my opinion, is an unprecedented thing, when official representatives in the council of foreign affairs - one of the key powers members of the russian security council says that we don’t know anything about the content at all, this is generally how american representatives usually work, but can i excuse you, ask my question, although here you are asking a question, vitaly, i ’ll make an exception for you, please tell me , don’t you have the impression that the israeli government, the israeli prime minister personally, have not yet given up on the idea of ​​getting out of the deadlocks of the small war in gaza with the help of a big war in the middle east? well, 100% i don’t have that feeling, because i’m not ready for a big war the other camp, who will fight the big war in the middle east today with israel? and i
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think, who is iran? yeah, if it's not the same as last time, it'll be seriously affected. you and i, i remember your first trip to iran, in which you and i went together, you already know the iranians, they are very wise people, and people who do not like to just brandish weapons and throw some threats, they are business people, they pragmatists and they are of course ready to wage some kind of sacrificial war, they are not afraid of losses, they are brave people, i have there are...
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uh, two of the most, well, not the most, you can’t say that, of course, quite bright candidates who seemed like those who could somehow raise a wave of some kind of renewal and so on, this is... already in this position ahmadi nadjat, this is the first, second, konstantin fedorovich, you also know who
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the second person is, torenjani, of course, the speaker, who once at the beginning of his company, even so to speak, did not speak very positively about our actions in the ukrainian conflict, well and yet he seemed such a big player. correspond to both islamic values ​​and the themes of the candidates and finding out to what extent they are the ideas that underlie the iranian course, so they were not allowed, as a matter of fact.
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the russian flag is more than 300 years old, it was established by peter ii on january 20, 175, the arrangement of stripes on the flag then explained the structure of the world, in the west it is orno. the gold star medal of the hero of the russian federation inherits the traditions of the gold star of the hero of the soviet union. suorov, kutuzov, alexander nevsky received orders named after all these people. each order has its own motto, and the motto of the order, merit to the fatherland, benefit, honor , glory. russian awards. on june 12, at the first vampire ball, rosemary's baby, several more
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titillating neurofilms made the name of this man known to the whole world. my first film, not made in poland, was called disgust. he did a lot to strengthen my sense of joy in work. wonderful person. on friday on the first, let's listen to this silence, breathe in the mountain air deeply,
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we are in the kislovsk national park, this is the main park of our country, we are in such in a place where there is only narzan all around, the usefulness of this narzan is known to everyone, it gives a different taste to an ordinary dish, we will visit the avatar rocks. and of course, we will drive along that very beautiful road, where elder elbrus is literally visible on the palms of our hands. let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first. president biden and his advisers continually explain that they are defending takryana.
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american global hegemony, which, as biden says, is in the interests of not only america, but all of humanity. i've had the feeling for some time now that actually never. since world war ii, there has not been such a terrible threat to europe and the united states as there is today, when we are in a situation that is in many ways reminiscent of the 1962 caribbean crisis, only in the complete absence of diplomacy and in the presence in the white house of, well, frankly speaking, absolutely no people. incomparable in scale. president john kennedy's team, and this is a threat to america, a threat to europe, which, well, in
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the current situation, it is real, because... as it turns out, it will respond, they created this threat, from my point of view, only for themselves themselves, that’s what’s interesting to me, that the understanding that not everything is so good in american foreign policy, and that american leadership is far from being as indisputable as the politically correct american press is trying to make it out to be, that in general they are:
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our own from increasingly united opponents , while most of the world looks on and wonders why the americans think they are in charge, and professor warathheim explains even more specifically that the american bet on complete military superiority, which has not justified itself, has created dangers for
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america itself. let's listen. during the cold war, american politicians equated global leadership with military dominance. washington could have safely expanded its military influence without facing harsh opposition from major players, but strengthening ties did not eliminate mutual suspicion, including because the united states continued to value its global dominance. successive administrations expanded us alliances, started frequent wars, and sought to spread liberal democracy, expecting potential rivals to accept their allotted place in the american order, today these naive expectations are a thing of the past, but the desire to dominate remains. the united states continues to expand its sphere of influence and faces serious opposition, which in turn prompts washington to redouble its efforts, while much of the world recoils from it. this is a losing game, the americans will have to risk spending more and more resources to
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continue the game. well, from my point of view. this wise words and, in general, not only honest, but i’m not even afraid to say a bold position, but i want to forgive you, ekaterina, i’m not deluding myself by saying that this is a point of view that we should pay attention to. dmitry, you are absolutely right, and the fact is that i am not only a journalist, but i am also studying at an american university, and i now see absolutely clear progress in the american academy, where the professors themselves set the questions. by how long they pay attention, they basically compare the united states to e.g. will american dominance last and what is the purpose of the roman empire, why did the roman empire fade away in the end, because there is such a history in the development of the country, the so-called retrench, stretching, when the state is forced to spend more
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and more, and the economy does not keep up with this stretching, spanish-american war, yes, they are used to proving their dominance by winning the war, but what we now see, what is happening in ukraine, unfortunately, the united states
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is forced to admit that they are already beginning to give in and... the obligatory question: the quality of this leadership, whether this leadership can really take into account the diverse challenges that arise in the world, in its different parts. it seems to me that the quality of american
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leadership today is very flawed. we see what is happening in the united states, this is how we started the program. america today is not a standard, a model for rising prices. if today the main presidential candidates. such a model for thousands of millions of young people who would like, we have there were times when we lived in the soviet union, when it seemed to us that jeans, chewing gum
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or something else, this is, well, really something that should be treated with interest, with respect and for the country that is everything it can actually be thrown on the counter. this is all long gone, now we are talking about the fact that indeed, during the period of fading of this leadership , a very dangerous situation arose when an aging leader, losing his capabilities, is trying to retain his leadership at any cost. this situation is obvious to everyone between why does the united states and china, in this case russia, become a target for the americans?
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politics, each of which can go to a prison cell for a long time, this is a shame for such a large, large, in general, great
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country in economic and military terms as the united states of america, well, wartheim, he says that the united states is losing the world majority , which is not necessarily supported by russia. china, but is beginning to lose the sense of american rightness, and most importantly, the sense of inevitability of the american domination, when you look at the world majority, wartheim's point of view seems realistic to you, you know, again, i am so disappointed in the american, so to speak, sages of this kind, professors, and those ... trying to give some theoretical basis to that , what 's going on there, what, but again, i wouldn't say i'm very excited about any of them, some of them are right, and i think i have
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a little experience at one of the american universities that i've been to invited as a guest professor, this is the university of california in berkeley, and i saw several people there who... an anti-americanist, a terrible anti-americanist, but an excellent specialist in american literature, he amazed rudytia at the same time he was a convinced palestinian nationalist in the good sense of the word, although we argued there , i met with him several times, then it seemed to me that, uh, that there might be some people of this type who can come up with concepts, with ideas, and there are such people, but what do we... see today, it's a complete sunset
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this is the american intellectual elite, which, well, absolutely, there is a very simple test, it seems to me, please tell me, name some leaders or politicians in the world who today are inspired by the fact that they will rely on america, connect their future with america, follow america and so on, on the fingers of one hand, the lost pashinyan and the strange family of meley, who, in my opinion, is also already moving away from his own. i am absolutely with you, i absolutely agree with you, well, in general , in my opinion, there are no such people today, but there are people who take into account the realities who would like to skim, so to speak, the cream of the capital that was accumulated by those who preceded this generation of american leaders, americans who managed to achieve something, and today they are wasting this capital, which is intellectual, which is there was, am i wrong, can i say?
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only one thing is that indeed, as wartheim notes in his article, biden managed to largely unite the western world around the united states, which they absolutely did not expect, they absolutely did not expect that this will lead to the historical unity of the russian people, to the readiness of the people to defend themselves.
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there is no doubt that these sanctions are against the russian state and the russian people, and konstantin, you have the last word, i want to say, continuing what you said, and we said, all together, that the situation is exactly what it is today , the fascination with the leadership of the united states has long come to an end throughout the world, we experienced a surge of euphoria at the time of the collapse of the soviet union, i remember. how we went to america, how we basked in the glory, democrats of the first wave, here, came to power, but now everything has fallen into place, it turned out that despite the fact that one ideology is gone, another has not arisen, there is national interest, there are traditions, there is honor and dignity that cannot be ignored apply, in this regard, of course, the united states is completely in vain in counting... that here
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in russia some kind of fifth column will actually arise, which is capable of something in order to challenge the unity of people at such a crucial moment history of our country. it was a great game, we'll see you next week, now happy upcoming holiday and have a nice weekend. there are a lot of contradictory personalities and characters in our history, but if i were making a rating on this matter, i would probably put pyotr chaodaev in first place, he loved this man very much. russia and scolded her
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mercilessly, with his eyes open. well, for these open eyes, he was, in fact, called crazy, and his imperial majesty, nicholas i, personally declared him crazy, and this is probably a unique case not only in russian, but also in world history in general, when the tsar himself, the emperor, yes, made a medical diagnosis and at the same time an actual verdict, but scolded the child. historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history, with you are pyotr romanov and sergey solovyov, today we are talking about pyotr yakolevich chaodaev. by origin , chaodayev’s education, of course, refers to this very
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often, they write that he belongs to the circle of decembrists. it's true, it's true, there are a lot of similarities here, although, as we will see later, he i still went on my own. he didn’t follow his own path, he was in some ways similar to the decembrists, in some ways he was very independent. a nobleman, he studied at moscow state university, attended lectures on philosophy together with his friend, the famous decembrist yakushkin, and griboyedov. by the way, there is a version that the prototype of chadsky, in grief from his mind , was copied from chadayev, indeed. in some ways similar to the war of 812, he participated in the same way as most of the decembrist leaders, and not only participated, but actively participated, he took part in the battle of borodino, near yaroslavl, in fact , chadayev took
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part in all the most important battles and in the end with the russian army he reached paris, received orders there for all these battles. war, later rose to the rank of captain, then resigned. alexander i offered the post of his aide-de-camp. however, this means that chadayev refused this. just like the decembrist, he was a freemason, and he achieved considerable degrees there, in the masonic lodges, and was a member of the union of prosperity, that is, from the organization from which decembrism came. in fact, the west influenced decembrism itself to a huge extent, influenced, of course, to a huge extent on chadayev himself, although from my point of view there is some kind of paradox here,
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there are many such contradictions of paradoxes around the figure of chadayev, i would say , even more of a westerner, yes, than the decembrist, but at the same time he belonged to the same west. well, in my opinion, still more critical, he was always on his own, he didn’t want to make anyone more expensive, although of course, this is the fact that he visited the west, and he visited england, france, switzerland, italy, germany, of course, this left an imprint on his entire worldview; when he returned to russia, he was arrested, by the way, he was arrested for 40 days. there - and nicholas i demanded that he testify that he was not a member of secret societies and so on, well, after 40 days he was released, but when he returned to russia, he
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no longer found any of his friends, so to speak. , because they were all already in hard labor or in exile there and so on, and almost the only person in nikolaevskaya.


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