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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 12, 2024 3:55am-4:41am MSK

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now you’ve already decided, so take it, if it’s just a lady or a tomboy, we’re all waiting, you’ll go, where with me, where, so lady or tomboy, well, let’s say 30% lady and 70% tomboy, okay, i’ll think about it, come on in, take the gift and go into the room, what an interesting transition from waltz to chanson was, well , what do you think? you know, well, in principle, such a good person, but it seems to me that he doesn’t say something, he doesn’t say something, you don’t say a lot either, well, there’s a good age difference between you, he's handsome, well, he's a nice guy, rosa and i didn’t hear what he told you there, where he called you there, what he promised, i’ll be honest, i didn’t even understand, he said come with me, where are you going, he probably called you to his place, how do you like a bride, if will i be with her?
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i haven’t seen my husband in any of them for fun, if the bride follows me, then i’ll just support her, i’ll support her on stage. look, you now, having two children, having such experience, should not think about what is primary for you, beautiful eyes, blowjob, relaxation, you should think about looking at men from the outside, how they will join your family or how you will join their family and yours. dmitry and pavel, with whom would you like
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to have a long-term relationship, because the worst thing is when a child has many dads throughout his life, when they change, you no longer have the right, because you are now shaping and shaping the fate of your child, and one other , that’s who you are alexander, dmitry or pavel, who would you recommend, i don’t...
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you have him 28 years old, you’ll suffer with him, although the way you already hugged and sniffed him there, well, this is such a guy for the body, yes, this is it, you know, you’ll go crazy with it, it seems to me that pavel is older, 37 years old, and his friend liked you, who will, will not dissuade him from you, that’s all, well, dmitry is definitely not, i’m not considering the second one, because he and pasha will at least be well-fed and responsible, pasha is also handsome for a second. i don’t know what else girls need, you’re just the ideal, you’ll get her out of this situation, you’re completely different, yes, no, i’m more like that, you know, neatly, modestly, as it is, tell mindelson, but what do you think? it seems to me that for ksenia a reliable wall, as in his business, pavel can become such a man, as they say, he helps to build and live, at the same time learn to dance in...
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a circle, come on in, i don’t know what she thinks about me, but i honestly admit, i’m an honest person , i don’t have mutual sympathy for her, so i invite everyone to come out and support ksenia. i chose you because you are beautiful, because you are young, hot, no children, no experience, i will teach you everything, you are also very beautiful, i am glad that you chose me, yes, i hope that our communication with you will last, in the future there will be a strong happy family, we have a couple kseniy and alexander, if you are single, or did you like one of the participants in today's program?
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hello. the program contains time about the most notable events of this day. objectively, it is precisely the destruction of ukrainian planes at the airfields of the american abrams and bradleys and the liberation of two more populated areas. uninterrupted energy, supply
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of electricity to cities and industry. what else did the head of rosseti report to vladimir putin in the kremlin? overdue asks additives zelensky in berlin about new loans, while in kiev they are squabbling over control over the money already allocated for power. we do it ourselves, new technologies for the economy and a new project for quality of life. mikhail mishustin on steps towards the development goals of certain presidents. railway to the future, modernization of bam, where and what facilities are open to increase. capacity of one of the most important highways. ambulance under fire, doctors from the kursk region, nominees for the vocation award, the main award in the profession established the first channel and the ministry of health. wet places,
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rain in the capital, will it come to the mega-downpour that has been talked about in recent days? let's listen to the weather forecasters, it's important, because tomorrow is a day off. well, let's start with the footage that we received just before the release began. vladimir putin received the head of mid-turkey, hakan fedan, who a week ago announced his country’s desire to join the brix union. we welcome turkey's interest in brix work. we will certainly support in every possible way this desire and desire to be together with the countries of this unification, to be closer together, to solve common things. tasks, especially since the situation requires, it seems to me, more careful - close interaction, especially for the countries of the region to which we belong, in order to act effectively in all directions, from the point of view of ensuring
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security, from the point of view of economic interaction, adjustments to our actions in the international arena, but everything that i just mentioned is one way or another... one of our priorities and is actively developing, we note with gratitude the spirit of our turkish friends to contribute to the resolution of crisis situations, including the crisis around ukraine, i want to thank you in your previous capacity for supporting the negotiation process, for providing: an istanbul platform for negotiations with ukraine on resolving the crisis, president erdogan played a significant role in concluding the so-called grain deal, it is not our fault that, unfortunately, it was not extended. we played
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a very significant role together in resolving the syrian crisis, and i think it would be it’s right to continue the astaneta format, fight terrorism, do everything we can. depends on the situation returning to normal in this most important direction for us, i would like to ask you to convey my best wishes to president erdogan, i hope that in the near future he should be in astana on the 3rd-4th of july, as far as i know, as part of the international event, we will have the opportunity to meet with him and discuss all current issues.
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in the kharkov region and artyomovka in the lpr under under the control of our military, advancement in other sectors, while the enemy suffered heavy losses, including two destroyed equipment, according to the ministry of defense. plane, and on the ground, they were reached with lancets. more information from alexey kruchinin. every day brings tactical successes to our troops, we are advancing and gaining a foothold near kupinsk, two more villages are under the control of the russian army. the active actions of the unit of the west army group liberated the settlements of artyomovka and timkovka. defeated by the formation of the third assault, fourteenth, twenty-eighth mechanized brigades in the kupinskam and areas. on the other edge of the kharkov region, expanding the sanitary zone in the border area, a group is successfully working. units of the north group of troops continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defenses,
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defeating the manpower and equipment of the 42nd mechanized brigade and the 36th marine brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the glubokoye and quiet regions. repelled two counterattacks of the assault groups of the thirteenth brigade of the national guards of ukraine. here is footage of this failed assault under the deep: a group of ukrainian infantry landing from a pickup truck and an infantry fighting vehicle is ambushed. she is met with powerful small arms fire from the forest plantation, then finished off with kamikaze drones. in total , 265 people were lost in this direction in the ssu per day. in the donetsk people's republic, meanwhile, ukrainian counterattacks were crushed by the resilience of the center group fighters. units of the center group of forces improved the tactical position, defeated formations 24, 20 eighth mechanized, sixty-eighth egel brigade, 109th territorial defense brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, in the areas of ozaryanivka, rozovka, mayorsk and umansky. we repelled five counterattacks of the assault group. 110 mechanized, 142 infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. enemy losses
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amounted to up to 350 military personnel, a bradley infantry fighting vehicle, a 155mm m-777 howitzer, 352mm 2a-65 mstab howitzers, a 152mm d20 galubitz, a 322mm d30 galubis. and these are not all the achievements of the brave, as the fighter is also called. in the grouping center, avdeevsky direction, a kamikaze abrams shot down by drones was abandoned on the road, the loss of another american tank is a sensitive blow for the enemy. an armored evacuation vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces rushes to the rescue. artillery siberians, who have already aimed at the tank, wait patiently, eventually destroying both targets with one blow. ukrainian tanks generally burned well the day before, both day and night. darkness is no longer a hindrance for drone operators. this is how the usuri paratroopers deal with the two tanks,
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kiev has fewer. alexey kruchinin, tatyana bakulina and sergey romanov, channel one. and again, the kharkov region, the front edge of the volchansk buffer zone, from there ukrainian militants deliberately attacked civilians in belgogo. our correspondent anna prokofieva visited one of the hottest areas of the special operation, having made a dangerous journey under constant raids of enemy drones. despite the fact that we set out at dawn, we decided to immediately move on foot, because transport is now very difficult, even now in this time is not at all safe. there are dozens of drones in the sky, enemy artillery is operating, and the ukrainian armed forces are trying with all their might to lose positions. complicate the logistics of our fighters along the volchansk route 5-6 m in battle formation from
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each other, which means that if i give the command bird or air, we take two steps into the green, sit down and freeze, we have the air command practically every 5 minutes, so we need to be the air was ready, she made a release, but somewhere nearby, she found a target, made a release, ammunition that was being dropped. ssus are not always exploded from drones, the sappers found, neutralized one of these surprises while landing, with the help of an overhead charge, yes, they blew up, yes, an incomprehensible object that was on the path we walk, you often find such things, often our conversation with the sapper is again interrupted by the air team, where - we hear very close the fp species that is looking out for the target, here... you can’t and don’t need to choose, yes, our bird, not our bird in the air, yes, if any buzzing, any anything
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that works in the air, yes, we are hiding either in greenery, or in another structure, according to in open areas we only run and one at a time, the road is visible by the enemy, we manage to hide in the landing from the next kamikaze drone, and this is just ahead, it passed us right along the road, right? the road is very low in general, if there is nowhere to hide from an enemy drone, there is a portable electronic warfare system, turn it on, press two buttons, if we hear a thin squeak, similar to a mosquito, turn it on. we direct the mug, we catch it, the radio control signal is interrupted, we direct it and carefully, carefully land it towards the ground, danger represent not only attack drones, but reconnaissance quadcopters that correct enemy artillery fire. where to wait, they can hit again, but now,
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they are hitting right there, where should we go, a whistle, we hear, we are deeper into the hole. it’s impossible to stay in one place, in the same landing we find a dugout, our rap works, that is, if it didn’t work, everything would be much sadder, as now they bombard us with cassettes, it often happens, well, yes, often, every day, as it were , our enemy is also not stupid, he thinks the same way, also thinks that victory will be for... volchansk was used to purposefully carry out attacks on civilians in the belgorod region, there are fierce battles in the city, with the support of operational-tactical aviation and artillery, russian assault troops continue to push back the enemy. anna prokofieva, natalya mashtakova, natalya radionova,
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kharkov region, channel one. ukrainian military intelligence is involved in the organization. terrorist attacks in crocus cityholi. this was established by the russian special services, fsb director alexander bortnikov said today. moreover, with the support of the united states and nato, the kiev regime is increasing terrorist activity against russia. our security forces are proactive. in total, since the beginning of the special military operation, law enforcement agencies in the district have prevented 134 terrorist crimes. ukrainian western intelligence services are expanding the range of possible perpetrators. recruited to commit high-profile crimes in russia, assists in their preparation and equipment for international terrorist organizations. a case in point is we have established the involvement of ukrainian military intelligence in the terrorist attack in krokusitekhoi near moscow. let me remind you that the victims of the march
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terrorist attack in crocus were 145 people, including children. the perpetrators of the crime were quickly detained in the bryansk region nearby. from the border with ukraine, where a window for crossing was prepared on that side. by the way, to confirm the words of the head of the fsb about the enemy’s new terrorist plans against us, this is what military expert nicholas dramat said in the british newspaper daily express. if russia wins in ukraine in any way so i think ukraine will launch a campaign inside russia that will be much more destructive than anything we've seen on the front lines. it will be really unpleasant, terrorist activity will include. this includes the bombing of schools and infrastructure, and this will begin in earnest if any peace agreement is imposed on zelensky. and here’s another thing: the united states allowed the transfer of its weapons to the ukrainian azov battalion. in our country, it is recognized as terrorist and banned. the washington post writes: in 2015, america cut off military assistance
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to azov, considering that there might be racists and radical nationalists in its ranks, and the un blamed it. this is a formation in violations of humanitarian law. in russia, many azov militants are already serving long sentences for particularly brutal murders and torture of civilians in donbass. the views and methods of these terrorists in 2015, if they have changed, have only changed in a more anti-human direction. but washington’s attitude towards them has changed diametrically. but of course, not suddenly. the biden states and nato as a whole need terrorist ukraine as an anti-russian tool and permission from countries that are alliances with kiev to carry out their strikes on russian territory. nuclear forces. the belarusian military joined the russian military. our ally has been stationed with tactical nuclear weapons since last year. the maneuvers are carried out on the orders of supreme
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commander-in-chief vladimir putin to maintain the readiness of the union state to defend itself. iskanders and mig-31 interceptors capable of carrying hypersonic daggers. equipping iskanders with training special ammunition and covert movements was previously worked out complexes, aviation has its own tasks. the exercise will take place in three stages: other maneuvers, but also with precision missiles in the western atlantic. the crews of the nuclear submarine kazan and frigates. a structure that provides electricity to 82 regions, 2.5 million km of lines and more than half a million substations, all this must work smoothly without failures. oleg shishkin
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will continue: 60 orbits around the globe, this is exactly what will happen if 2.5 million kilometers of power lines, which are now under the control of russian grids, are laid out along the equator, this holding is the largest in the world, providing transmission of more than 80% of the total output. for 2022, our net profit exceeded 160 billion rubles, well, it slightly exceeded 161 billion rubles , which is 20% more than in 2022,
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our net profit partially finances our investment program, the company invested more than half a trillion rubles in renovation and modernization of electrical networks, more than 3,500 km of line were built, among the key projects, completion of the first stage of electrification of the eastern bama test site and transib, rosseti has not yet... several completed landmark projects, this is the reconstruction of the pokhra substation, the substation is a key energy facility of the moscow energy ring, this is the completion of the construction of all electrical grid facilities necessary for power supply to gazprom’s kavykhtinskoye and chendinskoye fields, which are the resource base for the power gas pipeline siberia, as well as connecting the amur gas chemical complex of the sibur company. rosseti is restoring the lines. in new regions, zaporozhye, kherson region, donetsk and lugansk republics, they must be built with the expectation of increased load. energy will be needed by restored businesses and new residential areas. in this sense
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, energy workers must act proactively and pay special attention to capitals. it is very important not to look through anything here. they mentioned the moscow energy ring. sergei semyonovich was talking when he also drew attention to the fact that the economy of this region is growing. case, we cannot allow the situation that we had several years ago, when the relevant facilities there was not enough electricity in the electricity sector and emergency measures had to be taken in order to expand this opportunity; i would not like any emergency measures, everything should be as planned. absolutely right, vladimir vladimirovich, sergei semyonovich and i are discussing this issue, a program is being developed now, so this issue is under our control. fine. the importance of electricity for a modern metropolis can be judged by the example of the largest accident at the capital’s chagina substation in 2005, which stopped trains in the metro, trams, trolleybuses,
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electric trains were stopped, there was a failure in the work of mobile operators, retail chains and industrial enterprises suffered huge losses, the capital's mayor's office then estimated the damage at 1 billion 708 million rubles. rosseti is constantly working to improve the reliability of the system. it is especially important to note that within the framework of both the investment program and the repair program. when implementing our projects, we use mainly domestic materials, domestic equipment, we have over 90%, yes, our indicator is over 90%, in fact we we are already approaching 95%, there are now 93-94 percent - this is an indicator of import substitution, and we cooperate with all the largest russian equipment manufacturers, but we ourselves conduct scientific developments, research developments, analogues of this intelligent laboratory of digital networks in st. petersburg in the world . here they work on breakthrough solutions in the field of energy transmission, equipment and materials are tested under the influence of electromagnetic radiation from solar radiation in a special chamber
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that can create extreme climatic conditions conditions of, say, the arctic zone. all so that, for example, freezing rain ceases to be a nightmare and headache for energy workers. in particular, in the rostov region, at the beginning of this year, in january, in february, ice rains caused, of course, very massive blackouts, but even in conditions of such a large increase. of hazardous natural phenomena, we managed to maintain the average accident rate at the level of the previous autumn-winter period. in general, the reliable functioning of russian networks is not only the solution of strategic tasks and growth economy, but also the comfort and well-being of ordinary consumers, which is also among the company’s priorities. olek shishken, anna zayakina, sergey deev, channel one. let's return to ukrainian affairs. the regime in kiev needs to be returned to the legal framework in order to negotiate a settlement. the conference that is to take place in switzerland without the participation of russia is nothing more than a private affair, sergei lavrov said today in nizhny novgorod, following the meeting of the heads of
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the brix diplomatic departments. report any. glad to welcome more since all of you in russia in nizhny novgorod. second day of the meeting of 22 countries. a brix meeting has never been held in such an expanded format before. the main task is to unite the state of the world majority in order to jointly create a fair system of the world order. this morning the minister tucana landed in nizhny novgorod. glad to see you again. foreign affairs, saying the bloc is a good alternative to the european union. the meeting takes place on the territory of the ancient nizhny novgorod fair. once upon a time this was where foreign guests came to establish trade. nizhny novgorod was generally considered the commercial capital of russia. and now, for a few days, this status of the city, one might say, is returning. trade and economic relations between
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the brix countries and their friends is one. venezuelan initiative to create a group of friends in defense of the un charter. we support venezuela’s interest in brix and, as chairs, we will help strengthen ties. it is a great honor for us to meet with your delegation and declare our will, the will of venezuela , to join this important bloc, which is making great efforts to create a new model of world order, based on solidarity and complementarity, aimed at achieving the well-being
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of our peoples. sergei lavrov held a press conference today. not only our journalists were waiting for the russian minister’s statement. the meeting was attended by media representatives from china, egypt, venezuela, saudi arabia, japan, iraq and other countries. the minister of foreign affairs told reporters what he talked about with his colleagues without cameras at a closed meeting, for example, about the settlement conflict in ukraine. in speeches, some countries, a few, not the majority, mentioned ukraine exclusively.
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processes, sometimes it sounds: let’s just stop the fighting now and start talking, but is the requirement to respect the rights of any national minority, especially such a large one as the russians in ukraine , some kind of artificial precondition, i don’t think so, i think that the realization that you can just leave this situation and sit down at
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the negotiating table as if nothing had happened, it is not we who are fencing ourselves off from the west, it is not we who are building walls, and not only figuratively, but literally, as is happening now on the borders with the russian federation, on the part of a number of members of the north atlantic alliance, it is not
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we who are dividing peacefully. colleagues don’t want to build any bridges, they use bricks only to, as you said, build walls, and also try to hit those on the head who don’t listen to them. at the closed meeting, lavrov said, they paid special attention to the situation in the gas sector and also discussed countering terrorism drug trafficking. three dozen countries now want to cooperate with the rbu; all foreign participants highly appreciated the hospitable atmosphere in nizhny novgorod. international events were celebrated in the city. a light show for foreign guests, a boat trip along the volga, the city passes the baton to kazan, the brics countries' summit will be held there in october. lyubov filippova, dmitry belov, andrey mikhailov, sergey filippov, channel one, nizhny novgorod.
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zerensky, meanwhile, in front of switzerland in germany at a conference on financial assistance, again asks for money, while the western press writes about what has already been allocated, who mastered this allocated, although it would be better to say, sawed it apart. ivan. blagoy from berlin. changes in public transport, blocked roads, and even, as you can see, police armored vehicles, zelensky’s visit to berlin turned into a transport nightmare for the city. buses don't run, and if the meeting is important, it's some kind of disaster. the scoreboard reporter and dobropka are not happy, they say berliners are being warned that the problem is due to the visit. so, half a million passengers are turning against zelensky. meanwhile he is talking to scholz about something funny.
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was attributed to connections with the soros foundation; until yesterday he was the head of ukraine’s state agency for reconstruction. yesterday an interesting document was published. prime minister of ukraine shmygal denied naem a business trip to berlin with a note suggesting that naem could be made responsible for defensive structures that exist only on paper. then he quit, in the west they immediately noticed it. the departure of the official, who pointed out the ineffective management of funds, was a blow to the government’s attempts to dispel the allies’ concerns about how...
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to do, if this person is holding zelensky, in general, for all the details, they must be, if removed, then destroy both, and if this is done, then who will remain, who will remain in the shop, this question is of interest to the west first of all, because with the removal of these iconic figures everything can fall apart, absolutely everything. some sources of the british newspaper times described yarmak as follows: in fact, the head of state. diplomatic sources complained that he completely controls access to zelensky. there is growing concern that zelensky is increasingly relying on sycophantic voices within the country. and this fear becomes even more acute as the number of officials with
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direct access to zelensky is decreasing, and ermak’s team is growing. in may , the minister of infrastructure of ukraine, alexander kubrakov, was unexpectedly dismissed. it is assumed that kubrakov’s resignation was organized by andrei ermak, the main one. at the moment when svenja schulze, the german minister for economic cooperation and development, went to meet him; kiev really once again spat with relish on its partners. you went to ukraine, in fact, to prepare for the conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin, on the spot you learned that the responsible minister had been fired, how reliable is the political partner who allows the minister to go to the combat zone without warning in advance. these are the uncertainties that, unfortunately, currently exist in government. ukraine. the british edition of the financial times writes about tensions between kiev's western
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partners over a series of dismissals, resignations and reshuffles in the ukrainian government. this week the so-called peace conference is due to take place in switzerland, the success of which kiev hoped, but again put its partners in an extremely uncomfortable position. the head of mid-switzerland admitted the real reason why he never sent sergei lavrov an official invitation. if he had accepted this invitation, it would have been incompatible with the position of ukraine. we cannot get out of this... correctional institutions, ukrainian telegram channels directly link the impending failure with the name of yarmak, who has long lost touch with reality, while not excluding the possibility that in order to disguise this foreign policy defeat, the armed forces of ukraine may again be thrown on the offensive, and zelensky today in berlin he was allowed to perform in the richstag building, where he was vigorously applauded. absent from the hall were deputies from the
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alternative for germany party of the parliamentary group sarah wagenknech's union for reason justice. it is not an accident that zelensky is deliberately boycotting. the welt publication reports that the wagenk party believes that the guests from kiev should not have been honored with a special event in parliament, but should have used influence to incline it to peaceful negotiations. and here is a statement from the co-chairs of the adg, ales weidel and tina khrupala. we refuse to listen to speakers in camouflage. zelensky's term of office has expired; he remains in office only as the president of the war. and president beggar. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, irina bliznyuk, dalia serzhidinova, igor alekseev, channel one. well, a new episode of mobilization according to zelensky odessa to the territorial recruitment center, it was their military registration and enlistment office that called an ambulance to a man who became ill. then the tsk employees refused to release the team, according to some sources, trying to forcibly mobilize the doctors. a fight broke out. 3 weeks ago
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, the rules of mobilization in ukraine sharply tightened, the age was lowered to 25 years, and today the ukrainian publication 20 minutes reported: it is permissible to take those who are younger if they have military documents in their hands limited fitness for service. this is a particular case, but as they say, there would be a desire to generalize. moreover, let me remind you of the information from competent sources: in may, the head of the us state department, blinken, demanded that zelensky begin mobilizing eighteen-year-olds, otherwise they would quickly find replacements for him. in america, meanwhile, a few hours ago, for the first time in history, the son of a sitting president heard the jury's verdict. hunter biden is guilty on all counts, gun violation case. we're talking about buying a gun and owning it illegally, because biden jr. was using drugs at the time and lying about it. a verdict is not a sentence yet, the maximum limit is 25 years in prison and a fine of $750,000, but for the first time they usually do not go to prison. joe biden previously promised not to use it.
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machine tool industry in the krasnodar region , production increased fivefold in 2 years. recently, modern machines for the oil industry and shipbuilding began to be produced here. and this moscow company produces robotic systems, among its new products, systems for handling cargo in warehouses and for welding our task is to ensure that the working conditions at the factory improve, so that the person who, yesterday, bent over, held a welding torch and inhaled gases, performed the same routine work. or loaded parts into the machine, today he has become
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a qualified specialist, a work technician who creates a control program that controls a whole fleet of robots, thereby increasing the productivity of the enterprise. recently , the company opened its own academy for training personnel for technical industries, specialists are now in great need, against the backdrop of unprecedented anti-russian sanctions, which included the purchase of almost all machine tools and machining centers, production is growing in... all industries, to support this growth, a program for the development of the machine tool industry and robotics has been developed, the amount of funding required for it sales are estimated at more than 300 billion.
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the machine tool boom, all enterprises in the country are being re-equipped and laser cutting machines are the beginning of any technology. production cycle. small machines make high-precision parts for electric motors, large machines cut large parts for cars, for some body parts. medium machines or five-axis machines for laser cutting; they process, for example, gas turbine engine blades. development depends on the production of machine tools and robotics.
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reducing pressure on the labor market. work is also underway on another new national project, infrastructure for life. it is necessary to implement a set of measures so that by the thirtieth year to maintain the momentum in housing construction, modernize utility infrastructure, increase its capacity, and improve the quality of services for 20 million
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residents. the task is difficult. today, on average , more than a third of heat and water supply networks, as well as wastewater disposal, need to be replaced. active reduction of emergency housing, construction of social facilities, new roads, and renewal of public transport are being carried out. the president emphasized that it is necessary to build a holistic system for managing national projects; it is extremely important to achieve practically tangible results, those that russian citizens expect from us. in order for there to be a result, we must first determine which objects, enterprises and regions will be included in the new national projects; this is now being done by the government. dmitry kochitkov, artyom tikhonov. first channel. an important step in the development of the strategic baikal-amur railway, which stretches from siberia to the pacific coast across three time zones and seven mountain ranges. it was launched at two sites in the khabarovsk territory and the amur region
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movement along new tracks, which will significantly increase the capacity of trains. the ceremony is being held locally in moscow. and running-in of a double-track insert on the purikan murtegit section in the amur region, the second main track on the 323-kilometer section of the people in the khabarovsk territory is ready. the grand opening took place in the format of a teleconference. at the main control center of russian railways, general director oleg belozerov and chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko.


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