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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 12, 2024 6:10am-7:01am MSK

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we have received usage information. ukrainian armed formations on the territory of kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums, boarding schools under their control in the settlements of donbass and novorussia, as well as the kharkov region of ukraine for the deployment of military personnel with heavy military equipment and ammunition, conducting artillery shelling from the territory of these institutions, as part of providing assistance to children victims during the fighting in the lpr, dpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions. the investigative committee provides control over the protection. rights
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legitimate interests of the affected minors. and finally, about the weather. today, according to forecasts , a real wall of water will fall on moscow. june 12 may become the rainiest for the capital in the entire history of meteorological observations. more than half of the monthly rainfall will fall in a few hours. at the same time, it will be warmer than usual by 4° +28. rain, strong winds and thunderstorms. this is the picture outside the window until mid-thursday. during this time, a record 70 mm of precipitation is expected. in 3 days. like a whole month, that's all, see you, hello everyone, on the first channel of the podcast... everyone wants to fly, and its host
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is leonid yakubovich. today, if you allow, we will remember the tragic-heroic epic. it was not for nothing that i allowed myself this term. the epic is truly tragic, and the epic is truly heroic. 90 years ago, on april 13, 1934, the rescue operation of the chelyuskinites ended. well, let's go chronologically. thirty-second, thirty-third years. large-scale research work begins in the soviet union to develop arctic. true, the work is hard, difficult, because practically , if they walked along the northern sea route, it was incredibly rare, there was practically no information. however, the head of the project of the heads of the path, otto yulievich schmidt, is an incredibly passionate and incredibly ambitious person. uh, who wrote a lot of
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notes, reports that he was ready immediately, right now for battle, nevertheless convinced the government that he was ready on the steamer chelyuskin, at the same time, to overcome the northern sea route, and the government agreed to this, not immediately, not right away, because after all, the degree of risk was very high. so, on august 2, 1933, the icebreaker-type steamship chelyuskin, which was initially called lena, because it was built in denmark, several such ships were built, it was intended to carry cargo to leni, so it was named lena, and was renamed in honor of semyon chelyuskin, on august 2 , 1933, he set off from murmansk, with 53 crew members and 29 expedition members on board. 18 winterers, there were 12 more
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the builders, in general, set off, they also carried with them 3 tons of coal, 500 tons of water, four little pigs, which , by the way, became hefty hogs during the journey, everything would have been nice, and, by the way, there was a pilot’s seaplane on board babushkina, the plane was called sh-2, it was actually intended for reconnaissance flights to determine the course of the ship, which... it was possible to bypass the pack ice, i repeat, the ship was not an icebreaker, it was an icebreaker-type steamship, well, how can i tell you, i’m nobody at that time and still today the story was dubious, doubtful, the risk was huge, well , nevertheless, what happened, happened, the ship moved and moved quite tightly, entered the kara sea, the ship developed a deformation of the hull, this is natural and... to the horror of the crew
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of all who were on board, it was broken, no matter how much they fought to save the side, on august 13 , thirty-three, a leak formed, and there in the kara sea... in general, it began to be covered with ice, then a joyful event happened, by the way, fate arranges some pretty amazing things: a tragedy is nearby , grief, but next to it is happiness and joy, on board a daughter is born into the family of surveyor vasilyev, due to the fact that they are in the kara sea, she was naturally named karina, well, everything was nice, but nevertheless, it is not impossible to stop the leak, that means november 6... the thirty-third year the ship entered the bering strait, the gathering was sent to moscow a radiogram about success, despite the leak, then the ice began to move in the opposite direction, pinched the ship against chelyuskin and carried it out into the chukchi sea again, where the ship
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was completely frozen into a large ice floe, thickness which reached from half a meter to one and a half meters, and for 3 months he drifted along with ledina, without any opportunity. get out into clear water and on february 13, 1934, 144 miles from cape uilen, chelyuskin was crushed by ice and sank to the bottom in 2 hours. we must pay tribute to the organizational skills of ott yulievich schmit; all 104 people, among whom were 10 women and two children, two girls, went onto the ice; by the way, they were also practically evacuated. shmit later wrote about the evacuation from chelyuskin that the unloading was carried out exclusively disciplined, there was not a single manifestation of panic, not a single violation of order, as yulievich schmidt wrote. as
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is easy to understand, it was necessary to somehow settle in, because instant rescue was out of the question, but everyone understood this perfectly well, nevertheless, thanks to the rescue ... collecting sawn material , a wooden barracks were built in the camp, then a tent was built even a bakery, and even an editorial office for a wall newspaper, we are not giving up. on february 14 , a government commission to provide assistance was created in moscow chelyuskinites, headed by kuibashev. here’s the story, which means that at first there was no talk at all about saving the chelyuskinites by plane.
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ushakov was appointed, two pilots, levanevsky and slepnev, were sent to the united states to purchase two aircraft in the modification of polar designs, this means they had to be on skis, the rest had to somehow get there on their own in airplanes, we had airplanes, which means ant-4, one was stationed at uelen, the second was supposed to arrive there, and they were chosen for...
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to chukotka, then fly, in general, it was incredibly difficult work, about which there will be a separate story someday, because this is not a conversation about one hour, the rest of the pilots, some by rail , some on their own , also traveled 5,500 km by plane from the nearest base to these fragile machines, also a separate conversation, already heroic. action, which means, according to first estimates, since at first there was no talk about an air rescue expedition, three ships were sent: krasin, stalingrad and smolensk, of which, in my opinion, one krasin was an icebreaker, the rest
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were icebreakers, the expedition received radiograms informing about the organization of rescue, about all the events, schmidt sent in response. courageous telegrams, we are sure that we will be saved, so schmit later wrote that he sent such radiograms from the board, krenkel, a native, his call sign r a. m became known to the whole country, behind these pozbybny r latin letters a, m or me, now i don’t remember exactly, the whole world knew it, the whole world knew these teeth and received by amateurs and professionals, everyone knew these call signs and everyone listened, listened to the broadcast every minute, it should be noted that in the chukchi sea at this time of year, well, how can i tell you, they are not very adapted? not only for swimming, but even for flying, polar winter,
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conditions are practically inconsistent, -30-40, gusty wind, all the pleasures that can be had, moreover, strong wind, this is even more or less, but this is a blizzard, that is, the landing surface is practically invisible, well, an order is an order, and the the situation was such that it was necessary to do something. so, the first flight , almost a month after the accident, was made by the pilot lipidevsky, a legendary pilot, a pilot from god, how to say, probably the word loved is not suitable, especially whom stalin noted. by that time, lepidevsky had made several rather serious flights that the world was talking about. so here is the ant-4 airplane, i’m holding it in my hands. here it is an ant-4 airplane. what can i say about the airplane? ant andrey nikolaevich. it used to be called tb, a heavy bomber, and it was designed as a bomber, two pilots,
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a flight mechanic, an observer pilot, currently a co-pilot, and there was also a person adapted to drop bombs, he was called a bomb thrower, and there were three more people who helped him in this difficult task , speed 200 kopecks per kilometer. per hour, as you see, a cabin, two engines, everything would be fine, a pretty decent machine, but 30° 35 to 40, squally wind, now let's imagine the work, not even of the pilot, but of the mechanics, the fuel freezes, when it spills, it needs to be heated, the water freezes, there’s no need to even talk about it, all the other oils freeze, along with everyone, with all the joys that such weather can... can bring, nevertheless, lepidevsky takes off suelena and an
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hour and a half later, through hour 20 approximately, it comes to, well, to the approximate place of the tragedy, here i would like to invite you to imagine this flight, here they are standing there, now they both go down, sit in the cockpit and then... writes lepidevsky, that’s what he writes, that means the speed of the board is 200 km, well, maybe a little below with a headwind, overboard 35-40°, not a single instrument on board works, nothing works, there is no communication, the attitude indicator does not work, the saf freezes, the instruments freeze, in general, anything, but the worst thing is, that maybe, as lipidevsky wrote, they take off the glass caps, there were no glasses, which means it’s just
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like this: fur parkas, and eyes out. during his first flight, he realizes that his eyes are freezing, his face is freezing, he takes off his glove, begins to rub his face, there is a squall wind, something happens, the engine begins to shake, he understands that he will not get there or anywhere, so he turns around, decides to come back, and is desperate. he sits down with his eyes practically blind to anything, the doctor comes running, grabs his head, you have frostbite on your face, he spends several days tied up, everything is flowing, blood, a madhouse, a terrible feeling, his face is burning, nevertheless, the plane is more or less divine view, it takes off again 29 times, hour 20,30,50 there, you have to tack...
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practically none, which means you fix your gaze on the instrument, follow the attitude indicator exactly along it, well, how can i tell you, somewhere experienced pilots keep it. but still the tension is quite serious, because your eyes just get tired, the whole apparatus just gets tired, looking at the device all the time, while there is no glazing, 200 km/h is blowing in your face, lepidevsky walks back and forth 29 times, for some strange reason , by the way, the reason lepidevsky is mentioned, but they completely forgot about the co-pilot, about
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the flight engineer who was there, about the flight mechanics who was there, about the pilot observer, i can’t say why, i don’t know, here he is 29 times goes there, here again rather strange information, which at that time was never published, ever, but according to today’s great conspiracy theories, they are raging in the heads of so many. someone wrote, i saw this note and even saw a photograph, maybe it’s photoshop, i don’t know, it was quite famously done for those times, that there was not one ship, but two ships, i’ll now explain why i’m talking about this, this means that the americans, as soon as they learned about chelyuskin’s disaster, offered their conditions, our government categorically refused, well, according to today
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, a million versions immediately arose as to why this happened, although in fact the young soviet... republic had to prove that we can, really can, no matter what, win. however, one of the theories says that there was not one steamship, but two, i repeat, i even saw in some publication photographs of the second steamship, which was called tansy, it seems that where everything comes from, on this steamer they transported after chelyuskin political prisoners who were supposed to be delivered to the far north for uranium developments, complete nonsense. since development began only in the fifty-first year, but nevertheless , in this note it was also written that a decision was made to drown everyone, partly they rebelled, fled across the ice to america, there is no confirmation of this, not then, not now, 100 reasons to watch the guide, game, motorboat in
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this world, where there is always frost, a bear rubs its back, after the sad events in the capital, some impressionable people will see them as almost heroes. and you, we have the right goals, the ways criminal. i dream of getting an answer. tomorrow
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morning in the senate nikolai pavlych will declare himself emperor. history is happening in st. petersburg, here it dies, tomorrow everything will change, you have senators, you have wealth, service, you have something to change, let's elect a dictator among us , enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at him, tell trubetskoy, if he doesn’t make up his mind, we’ll go out ourselves. in france , aristocrats were hanged from lanterns, if it’s like in france, then everyone present here will lose their shit, they won’t dare shoot at us, we didn’t spill not a drop of their vile blood, stand, well, and
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a match. which will kindle everything and burn it out itself. union of salvation, film premiere. watch the time after the program. decembrists, who are they, traitors or heroes?
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and the way it was, prose, the theme, of course, it is grandiose, a big story, the decembrists, the union of salvation, today on the first, hello, big country, russia, i love russia for the people, because they are real. i love russia because it is my homeland. the russian soul is a broad soul, benevolent. my soul is russian,
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beloved, russia. dear citizens of our countries, we wish you happiness, so that we will always be first and never take a second role, never and nowhere. from the city of volgograd, i convey my beloved greetings to our entire country. i am from another such country. i don’t know where a person breathes so painfully. dear russians, happy holiday to you, happy russia day. on the first channel of the podcast, everyone wants to fly. and i am its presenter, leonid yakuloevich, today we are talking about the heroic epic to save the chelyuskinites. so, lepidevsky flies back and forth 29 times and cannot find, despite... that from uelen there was a connection with schmitt’s camp and therefore there were unknown coordinates and they even asked to burn the barrels so that there would be
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smoke, but here the weather, chukotka, at high, sub-zero temperatures, ice, when it breaks up, the water begins to steam, and the smoke is still blown by the wind blows away, plus steam, practically no smoke is visible, and... and then he suddenly unexpectedly writes that he was extremely angry and poured out on everything, on chukotka, on the weather, on the ice, on everything, on this on this , on this courage, on amazing courage, he still finds them, on march 5 lepidevsky finds shmita's camp, you know, it's very attractive here... but how to get out of there? as the birth attendant from the shmita station reported, all that they could clear
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was 450 m by 150, and for landing ant4 they needed 650 m. plus, on top of everything else , the so-called rapaks don’t really add joy, the sonorous name rapak, a very sonorous name, except for the fact that... in itself this very name rapak does not have any positive effect, the fact is that when the ice collides with each other and begins to break, these same rypaks, these are these standing columns of 50 by one and a half meters, ice columns, so if you jump further, then if you run into them, the question is not just how to land, the question is also how to... take off , and he’s on skis, and as you understand, when you get on the plane, there are still even mechanical brakes, even at that time,
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you can slow down, you can’t brake on skis, i must, i repeat, he was a pilot, of course, an outstanding one , he lands at minimum speed, risking falling off , but still lands without damaging the side, he lands. well, of course, a meeting, screams, squeals, throwing hats, hugging, kissing and so on, but he has only one thing in his head: how to take off from here? it’s not even that the carrying capacity is not enough, the carrying capacity would be enough, because the plane carried more weight, but where to place them all, there is no device for boarding passengers, there is no elementary thing, together with the shmita they make a decision. women, women and children will be imported. let's imagine this picture, since there is nowhere to sit, women are being laid out on the ice, they are all wearing fur parkas. from which
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at first leopedevsky is horrified, because they are big, he says: my god, you are all so fat, they say: we are not fat, we are small, we are just dressed like that, fur parkas, all this here is a furry, huge thing, all of this, one by one, is laid on the ice, taken by hands, by feet, dragged into the plane and laid there, and so in stacks they managed to lay 10 adults and two children, two girls, one who was born before por. the second one, which was, is here unverified data that there were not 12 people there, but 14, because there were also two boys, i haven’t read anything about these boys anywhere else, i read about girls, and i’ll tell you about one, it will be a little later, in short, their everyone is being loaded, by the way, the women are terribly unhappy that the photographer is filming how they are being loaded there, now , therefore, they are starting to turn this
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plane around in their hands, all this... in the excitement of joy that someone has come for them, and he takes off, takes off and flies safely to elena, sits down, but when landing his ski breaks, nevertheless everyone is alive, healthy, everything is fine, everything is fine, but that means, the truth immediately turns out that the ski can be repaired, it is repaired, and he... instantly takes off for the second time , the second time it turns out pretty bad, from march 6, however, all the pages of the newspaper, then a little later i will tell you about the newspaper, about the editor-in-chief and in general about everything, not even about what they wrote, but how they wrote it, here this very newspaper from march 6 that lipetersky is on this very plane, there he is, this very one
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airplane, there's tnt4. the flight does not go smoothly, the driveshaft of one of the engines flies, and he lands on an ice floe, some panic arose because the one who took suilin out with women and children, the second one could not be found for some time, but nevertheless he and the crew safely get to that place where where where they can report that they are alive, and so it must be with us.
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a passenger car, nevertheless he gets to the shmita base, lands, but breaks down during landing. next, a radiogram is given by frenkel that we need spare parts, for molokov and kamanin are already flying in on r5 planes and they are taking people out, which means they are taking people out, but nt, i repeat, they loaded 10 people, and this plane does not
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imply the presence at all. lying head first, they squeezed him into this box, absolutely not embarrassed to say this word into this coffin, and as he himself later recalled, it means he...
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four flights, you can say for sure, that means molokov and komanin made nine flights each, molokov took him out of there 39 people, komanin 34, vodopyanov evacuated in three flights, which means he evacuated 10 people, and two people spasonin is already on the junkers, junkers, they had a junkers yes... the b-34 is also a car absolutely not suitable for any passengers, slepnev took out six, delivered spare parts, repaired the plane, took everyone out, he took ott yulievich schmidt, who was sick with tuberculosis,
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to alaska , although schmidt was categorically against it, he demanded that he be left alone, as he was leading the expedition, nevertheless there was a government telegram, practically an order from the horseflies transported him to...
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the french army to russia, alexander called everyone into the ranks of the russian army in june 1812, the invasion began to defend the fatherland and freedom. empire, alexander i, premiere. today is the first one. the russian flag is more than 300 years old; it was established by peter on january 1 and 20, 1705. the arrangement of the stripes on the flag then explained the design. in the west the eagle is single-headed, in the east it is double-headed. it expresses a symphony between secular power and spiritual power. symbols of russia. the medal - the golden star of the hero of the russian federation
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inherits the traditions of the golden star of the hero of the soviet union. solorov, kutuzov, alexander nevsky received orders named after all these people. each order has its own motto, and the motto of the order is service to the fatherland, benefit, honor and glory. awards of russia, today on the first, yes, my russia will say, yes, and we are gone forever, like the sun, air and water all together, the most russians will wash away the sad soul, and let my heart ache for those whom i do not ask, give me , breathe and believe with a wounded heart, give it to me, this is my fight, until the last breath, my pain, even if it’s bad, my pain
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is not like that yet, my heart beats and i’m alive, we will have to bear our eternal pain in our chests. i am hands, i am going to the end, i am russian, shaman, i am russian, today is the first, would you like to help your country, in what way, excuse me, you have what i need, comrade peredunov, our head coach of the ussr.
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you lost before you even started, you can’t win a battle with such an attitude, you want to bury mine yourself, my students, if i write on him, will he be imprisoned? where is he? they took the tray. denunciation? yours? consider it mine. the legend of samba. premiere. on friday, on the first. we wish everyone good luck to the athletes. may the best man win. vampire ball, rosemary's baby. several more nerve-wracking films made the name of this man known throughout the world. my first film not made in poland. was called disgust, he did a lot to strengthen
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in me the feeling of joy from work, when everything is forgotten, all that remains is faith in yourself, a wonderful person, i think that the enormous significance that little faith had for soviet cinema is connected precisely with the fact that this is a film without an ethical assessment of the heroine's behavior. what do you think is the main thing? the difference between working in soviet cinema and american cinema? sense of self, pride, talent? of course, i step on my own throat sometimes, in general , the main thing in my life is that i study the philosophy of language, the philosophy of rhythm and the philosophy of plasticity, matodore on friday on the first. hello, citizens.
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i love russia very much, let everything be fine with us, kindness, happiness, prosperity, love, russians, happy holiday to you, happy russia day, on the first channel of the podcast everyone wants to fly, and i am its host, leonid yakubovich, today we are talking about the heroic pilots who saved the residents of zhablin on such airplanes. and so on april 13 , the last flight was made, they left it, and, as
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it should be, according to tradition, voronin, captain chelyuskin, bobrov, krenkel, the birth attendant, the commandant of the landing, the landing site by the name of pogosov, the people were transported to the chukots encampment on vankarem, which was located approximately 140-180 km from the ice parking lot, everything was with the flight mechanic on april 2, which means they independently left the tracks on this same sh-2 airplane, which they managed save chelyuskin from the sinking ship, what can i tell you, the rejoicing of the country was like the birth of a new, new star, there was no person who did not scream with... delight when they learned about what was happening,
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the heroes were literally carried in their arms, but here’s an amazing fact, the girl karina is still alive, she’s 90 years old, just for god’s sake, do n’t be surprised that the picture suddenly changed, a miracle happened, in fact a complete miracle, i told you about that, that... happened truly a miracle, one of them is still alive, and we found her, she lives here in st. petersburg, karina vasilievna vasilyeva, we brought this bouquet of flowers, on behalf of channel one, on behalf of all tv viewers of channel one, simply out of respect for this...
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hello, come on, yes, it’s gorgeous, yes, a wonderful bouquet, my very favorite , this is a journey and saints, a journey. yes, travel, travel, wherever, wherever, the fact is that we filmed a whole program about salvationists, when there were anniversary days, there was february there, there were a lot of people, they also came, filmed, did everything possible, i i know that i’m filming a film now, something, time has passed, i’m watching the second, the second wave, there
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’s no, there’s no wave, it’s just that the whole story was told, shown.
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his wife, we visited her in moscow, here on fedeyevsky, she was always the life of the party, very sociable, funny, all that stuff, a very nice person, unfortunately, familiar to drunk people, and with milk, i really liked the milk, really i saw him when he was already, when he was something over 80, but he rode a motorcycle famously in moscow. molokov, molokov, yes, molokov, yes, one of them is krenkel, krenkel, with klengle himself, i didn’t see him, because well, he somehow died quickly, in general, i know my son , yes, i know him, that’s it , well, already at an age
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, of course, maria, i recently met this masha, she was with me , which means these water-drinkers, yes, this is a granddaughter, she studies. she’s promoting something like this, even i think they’re going to erect a monument to the water-drinking salnikov here in leningrad, you know, she had a small film in 1974 documentary about the jaw allies yes yes yes, we flew with him just to this very america, here he is the author, here is the author of this comrade here, some american, yes, thank you very much, we are very glad.
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seven of those who transported the jawchinites from aldina became the first heroes of the soviet union. by the way, it must be said that the title of hero of the soviet union was specifically established for the sake of these seven. for the first time in history, russia has shown so convincingly what it is capable of, what not just polar aviation is capable of, this is what is needed know. the government of the russian federation decided to refuse. from the help of the americans, because the young republic had to prove what it was worth, and most importantly, that the northern sea route, both then and now, is of strategic importance, to put itself at the head of this
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big enterprise, and still stand firmly on this path, it was necessary to prove, prove to the whole world. i must say, they proved, in fact they proved, the newspapers of the world wrote that somehow, but how it was possible to do this, turn the tragedy into general rejoicing in heroism, of course you had to be able to do this, here i want to say about a person about whom a lot of negative things have been written, a lot, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper is pravda mehlis, on the orders of the kremlin, he created, well, well, well... just something completely effective, he accompanied this whole epic, the whole... entourage of heroic work, heroic salvation, in the most excellent colors, inflating the story to
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incredible proportions, mehlis did, naturally, for which he received great gratitude from the kremlin, more on that later, but nevertheless, all the newspapers were so full to the extent that children in all kindergartens, in all courtyards played pilots, lepidevsky in komanin, and this slogan is all in the sky. maybe it gave an impetus from here, it’s just an incredible story that mehlis managed to create, in this accompaniment, noisy accompaniment of all this, all this heroic epic, it was mehlis, so, we have photographs, we will show their meetings, they from there, all the residents and pilots of jew were traveling by train, and as many of them remember, something wrong was happening... at every station, who could, who could, what, potatoes, cucumbers, some kind of herb, sour cream, milk,
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everything, they brought cakes that were impossible to lift, let alone lift, they could not be carried into the carriage, it was some kind of general insanity, it was amazing, incredible, well, the country was just buzzing, then there was a meeting in moscow, what can i say about it, well, that’s how they greeted the chkalovtsev, chkalov’s crew, that’s how they greeted the chelyuskinites, that’s how they greeted them, then i saw this, that’s how they greeted gagarin, that’s how they celebrated victory day, it was universal , i'll repeat it the word many times, everyone, young and old, stood with tears in their eyes and prayed for the people who did this.
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here is varoshilov, here is stalin, here are these planes, here they are, ant4, p5, and these small planes, all on skis, of course, here they are, the first heroes of the union of soviet socialist republics, honor glory, honor glory, which will not fade to this day , and the fact that we are talking about this today suggests that we are proud of these people, of the great courage of these people. for accomplishing the unimaginable honor the glory of the country in which we live, and today i am happy
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to talk about them with the first channel, because my pride is exactly the same as it was then, and i, like you, standing, remember these heroic people, in the podcast everyone wants to fly, me and her presenter, leonid yakubovich, we will continue the story about the heroic deeds of people who are... the glory of the country in which we live, all the best, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, so today is russia day, historical festivals, sports events, car rallies, concerts and flash mobs throughout the country, precisely on june 12.


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