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tv   Igrai garmon v Kremle Za Pobedu  1TV  June 12, 2024 7:20pm-9:00pm MSK

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when i watch our advertisements, i am surprised, you know, how can we believe in this life, if according to advertisements we are a decaying humanity, caries, bad breath, dandruff, fungus, what else have we taken, slot machines instead of sports, these pale our young people sit all night, pulling the handle of a one-armed machine... a bandit with a dream of three cherries in his eyes, love on the internet, flowers on the internet, what can be born from such love, only tamagotchi, and even these western-like games were taken for special purposes gifted among the underdeveloped, with these very smart questions, what happened before, the first world war or the second world war, some are already thinking about this question, and their earrings are swaying, and their braids.
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hollywood films are finally rising, but it is no longer possible to watch, thanks to hollywood films, our youth thinks that war is romance, when they realize that it is not romance, it is already too late, thanks to these films and thanks to what television shows, i actually once said, in my opinion, a very correct phrase, television, this will now cut out what i say, but television today has a huge audience, but it should cultivate it, it has, it has, thanks to television today many young people have forgotten how to speak russian, they think that okay, this russian language, such westernization has come to russia, and for me, for example, you know, i don’t hire a person who says ok, for me this person has impoverished his thinking, what is the english language, it is the transfer of information, i love you , i passed on the information you that i love you, why? yes, because you can’t swap places, love, i you, you, i love, you can’t, in russian, as many intonations as you like in english. only two,
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otherwise you will fall outside the norm, beyond the norm, here, i love you, i love you, i love you, yes i love you, you are fighting, they say, get out of here, this is such a variety of nuances of human feelings, because i intonation i convey how i love you, english has more verbs, it’s faster to get to the division of money, so when russian people start... weave in english words, i think they impoverish your thinking, you will never translate the word nedoperepil into english, because these are sensations, not enough, this is not the transfer of information, it is impossible to explain, you know, you know, an american complained to me, he married a russian, not i can understand that she answers my question: do you want tea, he says: i don’t even understand whether she wants it or not, i ask him, and what does she answer you, she answers:
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no, probably the russian language is language, quietly, quietly, this is the language of conveying nuances, feelings, to me a businessman talks about an official, he doesn’t want to communicate with me, because i didn’t tell him enough, there are a lot of suffixes, prefixes, we have a language with secrets, you know that the word rich is only...
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two things: wealth and fate for them are one and the same the same thing, in our language there is no, the word bogatyr was made up of two ancient slavic words, god and tyrit, no, not ha-ha, tyrit meant to save at that time, then hoard to steal merged in one process when the program got lost among our people, thank you - god forbid, when we ...
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we save souls, not asses, we save the most precious thing left in this world, that ’s why i care so much for the russian language, because we have. the language was not created for the sake of profit, not for the sake of profit, it is only in the russian language that there is an expression: money is evil, americans cannot have such an expression, but it is really evil, come to the store, look at the prices, there is not enough evil, i think on the contrary, we need to show more blockbusters today, write essays on blockbuster themes in schools, man, spider, hero of our time. batman - a ray of light in the dark kingdom. godzilla - mind - honor, conscience of our era. and so that they watch our films, russians, kind, cool films. now many parents say: i take russian cartoons for my child, i don’t want to spoil him. already,
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already the first understanding and sanity has returned to us after being enchanted by the west. it is necessary, you know, to announce russian films in the voice of this sick person hit on the head with a sleeper. for example, a cheburashka, yes, a long-eared hairy monster is homeless in a telephone booth, and they also want western education reform now conduct, imagine, we will have bachelors, masters, my god, they, in my opinion, have absolutely no idea what to do, 500 years ago the first holy books on earth were written, the vedas, and it says: great, you want the problem to leave you , laugh at her, that’s it, she won’t exist, and if you complain, she will double, russian people have a problem, they love to complain about the problem, women call each other in the morning and for 15 minutes she throws all her problems there, chernukha, energetic dirt on a friend, she doesn't even
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notification that she will call her back now and back, everything is in front of her, then they both say: we have been jinxed, no, girls, you have both been jinxed , each other...
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what are you doing? he begins to answer this question, and in detail, and that the scoundrel builders put the front door in such a way that it can only be opened from the outside, you have to climb out of the window first, then open the door, and that he bought rubbing products so that his hair would grow, rubbed month, the hair on my arms has grown, the hair on my head has worn off, all the complaints are still there.
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so you won’t understand right away, yes, well, dad in general bulgarian, bulgarian mother, well, tell me where you were born, in the taiga, in shmaugl, siberian, my friends, who are you, what’s your last name, and my parents are from the upper reaches of the volga, and my last name is isaakov, it’s okay, hold on, hold on, who is national.
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uniting people, apparently this is our destiny as russians. harmonious joy in a circle,
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that the russian budal was obliging, was on top, play, game, what.
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well, hello, dear friends, good evening, dear muscovites and guests of the capital of russia, welcome to our concert, play harmony in the kremlin. for the victory, cheers,
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the sound, equaling, deathly in place with the song, step, march, la, did not lead to good. enemies russian hurray, victory of the warrior sister, let's ring out a loud hurray, it was not in vain that we remembered the bek, the blow of the russian bayonet, krypka ruka and stalyats played russian, hurray, hurray, hurray, it has been since the times of ketra, hurray, hurray, zazov and poltava, yes it was our russian, hurray for yourself, glory to the bottomless glory, three! reach out and we will build in from the first days of friendship with his glory
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thundering today yesterday above us russian hurray hurray hurray fear enemies with him in battle are not afraid we run after us kids and shak prints hurray hurray hurray for goodness and goodness hurray hurray it is not for robbery with its russian driver. hurray, when it is no longer possible without a fight. nightingale, saloon, little bird, you're talking shit, i'm giving in. hello fellow artists! well done! keep it up! i went on hikes with him more than once, and no one defeated us! so let's remember the russian cheers! it's time, guys, it's time! no wonder they filled bika!
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russian bayonet strike! trepyaruka is leafing sharply, russian is coming! hooray! hooray! hurray, it 's time for us to remember, hurray, hurray, from our grandfather and grandson, our simple russian hurray, sumorova lives in it, science, idle time, our russian hurray, lives in it dictionary science, little soldiers, little brothers, where are your genes. our grandfathers, glorious victories, this is where our grandfathers, our children are, we want to open the procession of talents, of course,
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with an accordion player, alexey medvedev. we are russians and we cannot be defeated, our faith is holy and pure, we will beat my enemies mercilessly according to the banners of the great christ. and there on the front line, then there’s a lull, then there’s a battle, and from there not everyone will return home, but there on the front line, it’s scary no matter what, god help them, and
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we’ll forgive them their sins. and since he covered the world with himself, as much as a russian warrior who conquered fear, he comes again mortal combat, with a holy prayer on the lips, and there on the front line, then for a quieter battle, and not everyone from there will return home. and there on the front line, no matter how scary you look at it, help them, lord, and forgive them their sins.
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a simple soldier, he was able to withstand everything and sacrifice himself for years again, it’s true that god doesn’t feel sorry for us for the victory. give your life, and there on the front line, then you will shut them down, and from there not everyone will return home, but there on the front line, it’s scary no matter how you look at it, help them,
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lord, and sins. and let him go, and there on the front line, it’s scary, no matter how you look at it, god help them and their sins.
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knitted tongue, not to escape, not to come to your senses , not to die first, my soul, this is the belfry in which glory lives, my soul, this is the belfry in which glory lives, the wind falls under my feet, not daring to pass through, the sun the sun is burning, i’m holding a lamp, hanging on a nail,
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the sun is burning, i’m holding a lamp, hanging on a nail, let everything through the stump of a log, and the world is like a big dugout, the soul. mine is the homeland that you will not betray, my soul, this is the homeland that you will not betray, here the sap rushes through the birches, the land of migratory birds, the soul is on freedom is asked from the pages of paper. the soul asks for freedom from the birch bark pages, not
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next to each other, not nearby, not close by, my soul, this is a pounding man with an untied tongue, my soul, this is a voice. the cossacks, the orthodox don ensemble, the rostov region, god is with us, will now appear on stage. the night has leaned over the skewer and the womb of passion
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has become a wall, and i am writing a letter to you, my beloved and dear. and i’m writing a letter to you, my beloved, my dear, i’m writing timidly, yes, there is a dored church for hundreds of years, it will give us all.
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all of us are chatting and dancing, since we are complicated heads from the kurygan, all of us are kotav davs, since we serve the golams huul, we lied, and the shouts we gave. imaska ​​strains you in srymansk on
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directness. whoever the sun and the moon are full, and the whole world knows, the cossack has a war all his life, the cossack has no fear, the cossack has all his wife, so to speak, the heart of the country is not. we invite
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an experienced accordion player, nikolai ilyich, to the film, show how in the vologda region they can perform martial dances, perform tunes, play fights, applause!
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bulachnoy ortel buza, koro cherepovets, who's to kill, the others, let's go, wow, look, look, yes, anything is possible, but what about me?
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i’m just saying, here come the fist fights, that’s it, great strength, ah, well done!
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little girl, for the volkta, our native land, well done, bravo, meet konstantin matyukhin, in konstantin’s hands there is an unusual, rare accordion, now it’s called yeletskaya, royal. by the way, konstantin and his father simply know how to produce such harmonies completely, just ask.
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well, we have another situation like this, we’ll tell it like it is. one girl came from the city of vladimir showed such a song that we , at a general meeting, decided that this song should be heard here, katya mironova,
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difficult times, a mortal fate, a gloom of anxiety, a chill of melancholy, i am a soldier, i am a military man, i see socks made of yarn. i’m sitting in the rear, i see socks to send there to the idle, a bloody night , the heat of hell, grief and fury in half, a bloody night, the heat of hell, grief and fury in half, a woolen thread, a stove, and i say a prayer, i say, with a russian guy across distances, i say quietly from my heart, may my love protect you when you run into
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a breach, and an invisible friend in the most fierce hour, let the invisible friend warm with his wing, in the most fierce hour. let him cover you with his wing, behind your back, your mother and father are standing, and your beloved younger brother, shtetl, the sky is blue, your home is behind you, soldier, i am in the rear praying for you to come, we will not harm you through the fire and smoke, i am socks i see, i pray dear , do not harm, come back alive, i see socks, i pray dear, unharmed, come back alive,
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difficult times, mortal fate, gloom of troubles, chill, melancholy, i am soldiers, i am military, i am made of yarn i see socks, i want soldiers, so that you can quickly overcome without need, you hear, motherland, we are strong, we are russians with us, god, you hear, motherland. “we are strong, we are russians, god is with us, oleg and yana love each other and are going to get married, suddenly oleg finds out that the girl he loves cheated on him with a foreign businessman, yana leaves for finland without telling him that...” 10 years later
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, she suddenly returns to russia and tells oleg about her son. after yana’s divorce from her husband, the finnish guardianship authorities are under a far-fetched as an excuse, they take the boy away from her and give him to a foster family. yana is in despair, and oleg agrees to help her get her son back. one chance for three, premiere. tomorrow, after the program time. rom kastro is a product of stellar group. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. stirsman bourbon. product of steller group. would you like to help yours? “how, excuse me, do you
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have what i need, comrade peredunov, our head coach, ussr pambo, i mean i’m knocking down, substitution for a friendly match vasily oshchepkov is invited, but now there is a more interesting enemy, who? nevets, do you want to learn an effective technique like this? the premiere is on friday at the first, we wish all
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the athletes good luck, may the strongest win, sklif is a legend since the time of count sheremetyev, all the modern successes of the institute are based on the history that it had, an experiment on takes risks for people and people, the chief neurosurgeon of the russian federation compared the sklefosovsky institute to an aircraft carrier, that is, it is a machine that is constantly at work, which allows. implement everything that has been done in science directly into clinical practice. we have the most experience in the world in multi-level treatment, that is, when more than one spine is broken, there are several of them. anesthesiologists, we are ready, world bodybuilding champion. the germans turned him over and twirled him and said, take him to russia. i've been to a lot of places.
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a song about a mother, but what does a mother mean to a soldier, especially a mother’s prayer, no need to say, dedicated to all the mothers of russia, i... walked a long road, i swam a
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long river, and my heart burned with the desire to come to you with your own back, protect the city, block the evil power from me, dare, so that the house grows, so that the garden comes, so that god comes to me... the threshold comes, so that our apple tree grows magnificently, so that our mother, mother, lives long! you were always right, mom, you spoke the truth, the most beautiful words, why do you have such strength? cities, cities, block off the evil power from me, dare, so that the house grows, so that
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the garden comes in, so that god comes to me , so that our apple tree flourishes magnificently, so that our mother lives long, in the late evening and bright. i remember now, but i know for sure that there is no greater happiness for us than your warmth, my dear, be proud, be proud, block me,
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drive away the evil power from me, so that the house grows, so that the garden rises, so that god comes to my threshold. so that our apple tree blooms magnificently, so that our mother lives long, so that our mother lives long, a duet from the city of vkaz,
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stage of the state academic dance ensemble in wars, the city of drozny, chechen republic.
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a song without which more than one of our concerts is not complete, a song by gennady zavolokin, and we will live, well, today this song sounds in a new way, they talked about... our affairs at the table in russia, there were great turmoil, god was right,
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but in any time of year, our brothers live, and as in the past centuries, the words cry, sing, and will live, and we will walk, we will protect our russia with prayer the russian will protect our hand with prayer, he will press hard, he loves to drive fast, and he grins patiently. we may have trouble after trouble, like trouble, again big, and no one cares about life,
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only steal the holy church, everyone will believe in serving, and we will live and pray, and i will thank christ for the help. neli in the form of a hand will fold our orthodox the people know who will help him, know who
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will save him, tesu. away, let us kneel in the temple so that we can rise throughout the night, and live, we will, and walk, we will let our faith and christ. let us glorify our faith and christ.
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konstantin krasnoperov will present his song, perm region, i’m on a littered kedi, i look at the stars in silence, worries are hidden in the night, i’m rich after. the light was low in the window, another summer day had flown by, there was a blue sky, it was hot, i felt so good under the moon, near the village yard, at night after the harvest, as if i was drunk, village
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my accursed one, apparently this life’s fate has been sealed, you have disturbed my heart, every yard breathes coolness, the summer heat has melted in the grass, the fog is over the mown field. there is peace in the sky, as if i am alone in the world, as if there is no fuss, above the blue sky, carrying my dreams into the distance, at night after suffering. it’s like
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i’m drunk, you’re my village, cursed, apparently this life’s fate is complicated, you disturbed my heart, at night after the suffering, like i’m drunk, you’re my village, cursed, it’s obvious. this fate is made up of life, you are my heart, alarmed, alarmed, alarmed, alarmed. i myself am a native of the tambov
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region, but came to us here in moscow straight from the donbass, meet alexander vanyushkin with song 333, i wanted to say thank you to our soldiers for their heroic work, thank you to those who are forging our victory in the rear. well, we have one simple answer to all enemies: 300 303
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that's it! in a car with the inscription maden frg, swam along the pole, goes to rg, and after this bully. russian boy is correcting something soltsopek brothers 33300 nights from dawn to riddle 333 333 from nights to dawn from brasvet 333 in a car with the inscription little new bullet driving across a piece of wood. sso, and behind this bullet the russian officer clearly corrects the death of iskandar 333 from night to dawn, from dawn to dusk 333, 333
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from night to dawn, dawn 333, in the car the swastika of the soral makrof will be hit by thunder on a log on wheels, and behind this bullet the former the bully clearly corrects the tornado hurricane 333. nights from dawn to sunset 333 333 from the night to dawn from dawn 333 300
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33 from night to dawn from dawn to sunset 333 333 wet. for russian modushka 3:33 group partizan fm, moscow. song volnovakha was written by us during one of our trips to the city of volnovakha with a humanitarian convoy. at the commandant's checkpoint, we've worn out the mileage, the shaking syanka is pumping with adrenaline, the helmets on the side of the saltpeter are burning, the taste in the mouth
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is a set of exercises and we're talking about the salty dark under the armor of the yakar and between us. saying, if the enemy wears anything, then it is in vain, but here at the front everyone is equal, men, boys, there is always a mozak, there is honor for the individual, for them we will pour a third and we will name the little children, glorify them, our dear pacific fleet, volnovakha volnovakha volnovakh, then your small call sign, then rassamaha, to tell the truth, what is the nicest way to call your defenders, if you want to know, there are a series of road signs, they all lead here, so now let the hero of fear tremble,
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the widow's curs be frozen, it means everything will not be in vain, you will sleep peacefully volnovakha, volnovakha, volnovakha, volnovakha, with whom the badge will be erased, he walks along the ground with you, the infantry is engaged in battle, even though it is called naval, volnovovok, volnovovok, the dog on my chest is like a sailor delyakha, if the homeland calls, you and i go forward, where we are, victory always
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awaits us there, volnavakha, volnavakha, volnavakha, on my chest there is a sailor's temjaka, if the homeland calls, we are with you. let's move forward, where we are, there we are always, victory awaits, hurray! i... would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped by you, not by you, but by us, the goals are right, the methods are criminal, history is being made in st. petersburg, here it dies, tomorrow everything will change, we will elect a dictator among us into negotiations, what kind of negotiations we just shot at them, tell trubetskoy, if he doesn’t make up his mind... we
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’ll take it ourselves, in france aristocrats were hanged from lanterns, if like in france, then everyone present here will hang, they won’t dare shoot at us, we’re not, we’re a match , which will kindle everything and burn itself out. union of salvation, film premiere, watch after the program time, mancacher whiskey, stellar group product, gin s. nop stellar
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group product, montechoca cognac, stellar group product, rum, castro, stellar group product, pechora vodka, stellar group product, forward, it’s a bit heavy, but be patient, he was thin, he generally looked more like alenulon than purtos. in life there is such a baggage of terrible mistakes, sometimes you sit there and think, god, how good it would be if it weren’t so? well, vanya, the only thing is, now i’m the only one visiting you, there’s practically no one left, he’s a very gentle person, very kind and attentive, i envy his granddaughter, is that a cat? and this is some kind of raccoon, a woman
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who really captivated him with her love, this is lida, she is strong, she is loving, you are young, young, young at heart, for the eightieth birthday of valentin smernitsky, on saturday at the first, don’t be distracted when i kick out at the peisan tower, it looks like you’ll be an accomplice, okay, okay, what is this ? what is this i have? do you accept? thank you. kvn. third quarterfinal. on saturday, on the first. three chords. new season. on sunday on the first. and on stage, an active serviceman. aerospace forces russia major mikhail
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morozov, all the roads and untrodden swamps stretch forty kilometers away, here the engineering thought is born for a special purpose meanings. to the side, peace, in the embrace of the columns, the crown of creation, a formidable colossus leaving the flank of the first launch, overcame the force of gravity, again counting down in seconds after the start, the load is alive, the main reward, cosmic calculation for achievements, forward, cosmic calculation, everything will be done as it should,
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and with its valiant accomplishment it’s time to give an account forward, plesetsk confidently steps beyond the middle class into space flight and sends light and heavy across the area. marches in solemn marches, glory shines in the military banners, everyone in the world recognizes from his difficult service, that it is called cosmic... by right again counting down the second after the start, the load is alive, the main reward, cosmic calculation for achievements forward, cosmic calculation, everything will be done as it should, again counting down with a second
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after the start, the load is alive, the main reward, cosmic calculation towards achievements forward, cosmic calculation to do everything. as it should, on stage the winner of the main vocal project of the country, voice, veronica syromlya, oh, path-path, ring, my little pot, look. how the stars shine for us over the river, lipie guys, the girls are on fire, everyone will start talking about the interruption, oh andryusha, are you sad for us, don’t hide the accordions, play all the lights, press the pressure so that
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the mountains are watered, so that the green gardens rustle, oh andryusha, so in the middle of the night. the wind rushed through the curls, tugging, play, so that gentle eyes, they won’t ask, look at you, oh, the path is a path, a closed window, the girl won’t come out, won’t meet me, chernoborova said a bitter word, there’s no return fire in the heart, oh, andryusha , be sad, don’t hide the harmo, don’t play at all odds, under knives, so that the mountains danced, so that the green fields rustled, oh, andryusha, so that
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the wind would rush in the middle of the night to curl the children’s hair, play, so that gentle eyes, without asking, would look at you, oh, you have... toshka, just a little bit, the girl has returned , not the same smiles, hello, andryusha, i came to listen to you, my darling sang, oh andryusha, should we be sad, don’t hide the accordion, don’t play at all times, under the knives, so that the mountains will be weeded, so that the green gardens will rustle, oh, andryusha , so that in the middle of the night the wind rushed through your hair, oh play, so that gentle eyes, without asking, we looked at you, dear friends,
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we have an important message, so to speak,
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mine with victory! most holy mother of god, you are a millionaire, save me, bullets fly in war, bullets fly in war! stalingrad subdivision. no, the whole country, how much blood has been broken, how much blood
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has been shed, in every heart there is that war, jump the father of the horse, eat the family of me, i’m not for him to visit my mother-in-law, in the line of fire, let’s not forget the glorious feat, our great-grandfather was pleased with his grandfather, radiated. it’s just that you’re in charge today , get ready to fight, is the bullet a fool, it’ll kill me like a falcon, a bullet to the left, a bullet to the right bullet left bullet.
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my little brother is beating in front, soon, soon he will return, kings on his chest, oh, hello my garden, hello loved ones, troubles will return to us, dear ones from war, will return to us with victory, dear ones who are sick,
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an offer has been received to all the six thousand people in the hall to sing a song, some kind of common, common song, common victory, common victory. are you waiting for a covenant, a greeting from a friend, are you not sleeping. light, you are still sad about me,
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i will come to you on a hot war horse, i will come to you on a hot war horse, i will come to you on a hot war horse, i will come to you on a hot war horse the war is over, i'll come back in the spring. i’ll open the gates, i ’m with you, you’re with me, an inseparable warrior, in melancholy and anxiety, don’t stand on the threshold, i ’ll be back, the snow will melt, melancholy and anxiety, don’t stand on the rock, i’ll come back. when you don’t have enough, aha, come on, come on, radimenki,
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my dear, i wait and dream, smile when you meet me, i was brave in battle, but as if they gave me away. keith are you waiting for lizaveta, louder, hello,
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come on, come on, come on, come on! one day i’ll spend the money, it’ll come to the end of the hot shaft, father, i’ll beat it, now i’ll come to goryamnoe he kola, and here at valenu, on stage, is another representative of the city of volgograd, don cossack stepan filatov.
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do not forget those terrible years, when the volsk water boiled, the earth drowned in the fury of fire, and there was neither night nor day, we fought. on the banks of the volga, divisions of enemies marched to the volga, but our great soldier survived, but the immortal stalingrad stood, let us bow to those great years, to those glorious commanders and soldiers, and
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to the ordinary marshal of the country, let us bow to both the dead and the living, to all those who must not be forgotten, let us bow let's take a bow, friends. the whole world, all the people, the whole earth, let us bow down for that great battle, we closed our enemies in a ring, we blazed with rot in their faces,
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february russia aimed the shrouds of snow, aimed, aimed for the enemy regiments. that great mortal battle is over, the world rejoices in the sky above you, above our glorious mother river, above the glorious soldier’s head, let us bow to those great years, those glorious... and to the soldiers and marshals of the country and the privates, we bow to both the dead and the living, to all to those who must not be forgotten,
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let us bow, bow. friends all over the world, all the people, the whole earth, let us worship for that great god. oh, brought me to tears, brought me to tears, on the stage of the state, academic order of friendship of peoples, kuvan cossack choir, the hearts and
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expanses of russia. you gave birth, when she was fat, we went and fed her to the men. and the shabu was lowered in a circle, that stranger stood near moscow, the krills were salting the goluga, slovin hit the navat of my veche, and the shabu
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was lowered in a circle. eyes and shahu, empty all around,
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hey, and the word is alarming and the days are not forever, but if it’s completely ku.
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from the turkish front, from the turkish front home, we only crossed the polish border so much, the pole hit me three times, hit me, he dropped my chest, let me hurt once in a while, one bursts, the other clogs up, third box, room, and at home the kids,
8:47 pm
the young wife, that’s all here they honor me, dear sister, give me some blank paper, i’ll write a letter to my family, the father will read it, but the mother doesn’t know it, the son doesn’t have a right hand, the kids will grow up, they’ll ask the mother where our dear father is, and the mother will turn away , will burst into tears, killed. in the turkish war, and the mother turns away, bursts into tears, is killed in
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turkish war, mossy, two brothers walked, from a prolet, a turkish prodat, home, they walked there, they walked together. turetskava proletta, turetskava pronta, home, turetskava proletta home. decembrists, who are they, traitors or heroes? hurray, konstantin! first of all, they were traitors, they were bright, kind people who loved their country, they were inspired by new ideas, their youth, how wonderful, we will die, everything was not so stupid, they certainly weren’t fools. but here is
8:49 pm
a young man who undertook to judge destinies in general russia, he didn’t know russian well. the most amazing thing is the equal conviction of the parties that they are acting for the benefit of their homeland. the emperor himself came out under the bullets to talk to his own subjects. of course, when nikita vladimirovich and his colleagues decided, let us show the way it was, the prose, the theme, of course, it is grandiose. big history, decembrists, union. salvation today on the first, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, stirsman bourbon, stellar group product, whiskey mancacher, product of steller group.
8:50 pm
8:51 pm
an informed source in moscow on saturday on
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the first. they will kill him there; it will be your fault. the security of the country costs one person. what, where, when, summer series of games. the final. on sunday on the first. from moscow to the very outskirts, from the southern mountains to the northern seas, a person passes like a master.
8:53 pm
my vast homeland, everywhere life is free and wide, like the full volga flows, to the young, we have a road everywhere, to the old, we have a kidney everywhere, my native country is wide. slovenia is not my friend, i don’t know any other place like it, where is mine! yes, man, i’m different, i don’t know such a country, where a man breathes so painfully, i’m a lot of country, lord, walking with a rifle
8:54 pm
in my hand, but there was no greater sadness than living far from you. i changed my mind a lot with friends in a distant land, but there was no more water than to fulfill your will, i had more water than to fulfill your will, nines and ice birds.
8:55 pm
i have a strange sun on me, i don’t need a strange land, now there’s a victorious shaking, the cossack near moscow ivan sayutin will start it, let’s go,
8:56 pm
8:57 pm
zapabedu, love, byusha came on a high day, came out on a high day.
8:58 pm
goodbye, dear friends, here's to new ones! honest people, strive for brave youth, stand forward in your face, the land is blooming for you. now the lights of heaven, you are rosy, and the show will blow
8:59 pm
, live, be happy, the eternal evil ones will pass away, the constant haidutki. crazy years, all the cruel will perish, all the wrong will perish, and the great truth, and the truth never, but the truth never,
9:00 pm
hello, in the program time about the most notable events of this day: reaching the heights, vladimir putin awarded gold stars to heroes labor and the state.


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