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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:35pm MSK

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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day, reaching the heights, vladimir putin presented gold stars to the heroes of labor and... russia day from the kuril islands to the crimea and
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donbass, a declaration of love for the country in which we live with pride and faith in the future . our iskanders are in the top ten against the enemy's air defense division, defeat is confirmed, and work, assault day and night and drone battles. flags come visit us. tour flow in russia increased by 40% even before the end of spring. interesting routes, vacation spots and new horizons. diamond golden ring in the chambers of the suzdol kremlin, for the millennium of the city, the museum has priceless artifacts from icons to the rarest weapons. so, today is russia day, a holiday of a country with a long, glorious history. culture with the people, a hero
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in battle, in labor. those who have achieved special success, each in their own place, contributing to the common future, were invited to the st. george hall of the kremlin. vladimir putin presented the highest decorations and state awards. report by anastasia kobazeva. outstanding achievements in science, industry, agriculture and art, laureates of state prizes and heroes of labor are honored at the highest level on russia day. this is already a tradition that unites.
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mikhail valentinovich, khubutia mageli shalvich, everything is in its place, but the award ceremony itself began later, first the president congratulated the residents of the big country on the holiday. dear friends, colleagues, i congratulate you on russia day, this is a holiday in honor of our homeland, we celebrate it...
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the whole country, our multinational people support our heroes. one can say about each of those who are in the kremlin today that work - this is their life. viktor sadovnichy has been leading the country's main university for more than three decades. victor sadovnichy. a world-famous scientist, he has a number of breakthrough studies to his credit that relate to artificial intelligence, climate, physics, space, he himself studied at moscow university, as rector, and does everything to ensure that his native moscow state university remains the flagship of domestic education. university corporation, i personally, my experience, knowledge, will give everything to solve the tasks that you have set for the country, and of course, systems. education, science as the main
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driving force of the country's future, the title of hero of labor was also awarded to the academy, grain breeder lyudmila bespalova, in the industry. together with a team of scientists, she created almost 130 varieties of wheat, their advantage, high quality yield, these seeds are sown in fields in kuban. we have our own wheat, we have our own bread, and you know that we feed the world, yes, because up to 50 million tons of grain are sent abroad. the same award was awarded to sevmash general director mikhail budnichenko. his career path i started as a woodworker in the main slipway shop. built nuclear submarines of the second and third generations, for more than 10 years he has been heading one of the largest shipbuilding complexes in the country. in 12 years , 12 nuclear submarines have been delivered, in recent years we have been commissioning two or three boats a year, for the last 3 years, there has not been such a pace, well, even in
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soviet times. eltugan sizdykov, the developer of missiles that hit targets deep behind enemy lines, was also awarded a gold star. in the nineties, we, weapons developers. knowing full well that the fruits of our labor will still be in demand, we did not stop our activities, realizing that in our time russia will come, there cannot be another, and the realities of today speak of, once again confirm, the words that were spoken long ago that russia has only two allies, the army and the navy, this is the same award given to alexey kholmashinov, the driver of the tugnuisky mine in buryatia, and vladimir shchedov. driver of the mills of the processing plant in the kursk region. these doctors have golden hands, they have hundreds of the most complex operations. the director of the shumakov transplantology center, sergei gauthier, the head of the moscow center for organ donation, marina minina, and the president of the
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sklefosovsky research institute of emergency medicine, moheli khubutia, receive a state award for the development of original technologies for transplanting vital organs. this is a whole treatment system. among the laureates is the molecular biologist pyotr chumakov. thanks to his discoveries , a new direction in medicine has emerged in our country, the treatment of oncology with the help of beneficial properties of some viruses. our work for many years was of a purely fundamental nature, but their results
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made it possible to reconsider the process of transformation of normal cells into tumor cells and this allowed us to begin development. fundamentally new approaches to the treatment of cancer using oncolytic viruses. i want to emphasize that such therapy is based on natural, natural mechanisms for destroying cancer cells. several drugs are already in trials. among state prize laureates in the field of science and technology, head of the kurchatov institute mikhail kovalchuk, he proposed a fundamentally new concept of the agreed upon. development of nuclear and thermonuclear energy, and this is essentially the path to clean energy and, most importantly, safe. under the leadership of kavalchuk , a unique thermonuclear installation takamag t-15md was created and launched at the kurchatov institute; there are no analogues in the world. such a reactor should help replace nuclear power plants
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and run on safe and affordable fuel. so we gave the world nuclear energy, thermonuclear fusion, i would like to remind you that it is based on takomak. this russian word is like satellite, and today we have taken a fundamental step to create a new energy system that will ensure our technological independence and energy security for many years, and we will defeat everyone, as we have always won. dozens of research experiments were carried out by doctor of technical sciences, vladimir osmolov, the result: the knowledge base, which today helps to build nuclear power plants with improved characteristics, is now available to the laureates in areas of culture. for his contribution to the development of domestic and world musical art, the state prize was awarded to ildaruzakov, an unsurpassed opera bass. fans
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all over the world, a busy touring schedule, he manages to perform, run the elena obrazova international academy of music, and also promote young talents. russia has not become impoverished, when we announced a summer school for vocalists, we received about 500 applications, and this suggests that we have excellent singers in russia, we will study. let's spread their wings, a little bit clean them and they will fly up. for their work on the restoration of tsarskoye selo, awards were received by the director of the reserve museum, olga taratynova, and the director of the tsarskoye selo amber workshop , boris igdalov. a lot has been done, perhaps the most high-profile project is the amber room, work has been going on for more than 20 years, 6 tons of amber have been used. vladimir putin was at the opening in 2003; in 2021, after many years of restoration , the alexander palace opened, at the finish line.
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with the most unique decoration, it will be a triumph of russian restoration, believe me, marked these are, you know, small rooms, but today there were also graduates of the russian academy of painting, sculpture from the patronymic, andrei korobtsov and konstantin fomin, together they founded a workshop, the rzhev memorial to the soviet soldier in the tver region, the battle of kursk memorial complex.
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i’ll tell you what is beautiful, it’s when the heart begins to beat, yes, it’s definitely
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beautiful, the president said that he carefully studied the work of every hero of labor and state prize laureate, so interesting , filled with all sorts of events and emotions activities, people like you and you form the development agenda, but you are no prime minister. and there in the kremlin, vladimir putin spoke about
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a meeting with the participation of the minister of defense, the chief of the general staff and district commanders. it took place late the night before. reports on the progress of the special military operation and further plans have been received. then the supreme commander-in-chief held separate meetings. late last night, well, almost at night, i met with all the commanders of our groups, yeah. uh here on i was made a very good positive impression; they were all adults, serious, but quite young in age.
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says: a feeling of hope arises when you communicate with people of this class level. and in confirmation, the combat work of our military. new combined high-precision strikes on the infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine in kiev, odessa, poltava, sumy, vinnitsa, dnepropetrovsk regions. the ministry of defense named the targets hit: aircraft parking, air base infrastructure, mercenary deployment points, ammunition depots, production sites for marine drones. and also destroy it. s-300 air defense division in the poltava region, which covered the mirgorod airfield. the iskander m missile hit what is called a bull's-eye, an explosion, a spontaneous launch of an anti-aircraft missile, then a secondary detonation. there are no longer two launch stops, two radar stations and a combat control cabin. news from the front line. our air defense shot down nine american missiles from tak in one day. footage
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of another destroyed abrams heavy tank and the rabotina area in zaporozhye has appeared areas. in this difficult area, the assault on enemy positions is carried out by fighters of the dnepr group, with an advanced report by valentin gvozdev. zaporozhye direction rabotina district, here fighters of the dnepr group daily repel attacks by militants of the kiev regime. they conduct counter-battery combat and destroy enemy personnel. armored vehicles play a vital role; they deliver the wounded to the front lines, ammunition and food are transported to the rear areas . together with the armored group of the seventieth motorized rifle regiment, we advance.
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monitoring enemy movements, rotations, saving the lives of the guys as soon as possible. uav operators, or eyes as they are called, control every action, be it rotation, assault or artillery work. monitoring of enemy positions is carried out around the clock. the crews of infantry fighting vehicles in this sector perform various tasks, but
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their main purpose is fire support for assault groups delivered to the line of combat contact. the 100-millimeter cannon is more often used to operate from closed positions, while the coaxial 30-millimeter cannon is used for firing at the enemy in direct line of sight, sometimes from a distance of several tens of meters. the situation is consistently tense, we are mainly carrying out tasks to destroy enemy personnel, transporting people, evacuating, transporting bulls and food. when they brought the infantry to their positions, they observed the brazen rotation of the armed forces of ukraine, transmitted the coordinates to the uav operator and he directed. subsequently aviation there. our soldiers waited for a large rotation for several days, constantly monitoring this point, when there was a maximum number of militants, aviation dealt a crushing blow. valentin gvozdev, vyacheslav amelyutin, sergey mileev, channel one, zaporozhye region. sanctions. today the us treasury updated
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the list. 300 individual legal entities in russia, asia in the middle east, the moscow exchange is under sanctions, from tomorrow it will not conduct trading in dollars and euros, as the central bank explained, transactions will continue on the off-exchange market, and the central bank has, to determine the exchange rate of the instrument, among them are bank statements, as for citizens and companies, they can continue buy sell dollars and euros in the regime that has been in effect since twenty-two . foreign currency savings in deposit accounts
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remain safe. aggravation this evening in yerevan. 55 injured, almost 90 detained during the clash near the parliament building. police used stun grenades against demonstrators demanding the resignation of prime minister pashinyan. he was just speaking to the deputies; there has been a tent city near the parliamentary complex since monday. pashinyan’s opponents, their leader, let me remind you, archbishop bograd galstanyan, is seeking change of government, they are dissatisfied with the position of the authorities on the issue of the border with azerbaijan. the issue of the cabinet of ministers will be discussed at an extraordinary session of parliament next monday. today we met a group of our northern fleet warships in cuba. the frigate admiral was the first to enter the port of havana. a little later, the kazan nuclear submarine and escort ships. this is one of the tasks of a long ocean voyage. recently, sailors in the western atlantic conducted missile training exercises
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using a computer modeling. now the crews have plans to meet with the command of the cuban troops and have a big cultural program. both russia and cuba resist western pressure and have a similar view on many world problems. this was noted by the foreign ministers of the two states today. meet you in moscow. russia confirms its readiness to continue to resolutely support havana’s just demands for an immediate end to washington’s economic, trade and financial blockade of cuba, and we advocate the exclusion of cuba from american list of state sponsors of terrorism. an absolute anomaly when...
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territories. we call for an end to russian unilateral sanctions against russia and nato's actions to incite conflict against civilians. cuba also condemns the expansion of nato towards russian borders, which has led to the current conflict in europe, and advocates a constructive and diplomatic solution to the current crisis. we will continue to work together with russia to create a fairer multipolar world. profession dangerous. after moving from the dpr to moscow, both brothers entered
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a boarding school of the russian diplomatic department, and the first channel took patronage over them. during the referendum on the republic’s entry into russia in 2022, alexander and alexey became the heroes of a special report in the “big game” program. vladimir putin spoke today. over the phone with president of belarus alexander lukashenko, the leaders discussed the development of the strategic partnership between the two countries , taking into account the agreements that were reached at negotiations in minsk at the end of may, as well as interaction within the union state. in addition, alexander lukashenko warmly congratulated vladimir putin on all citizens of our country on russia day. a holiday of national scale, which is celebrated in all regions. the idea of ​​its scope is a symbolic starting point in the very center of moscow. between red square and manezhnaya, kilometer zero, here it is, right on the bridge, all the main roads in russia originate from here, thousands of kilometers in all directions of the world,
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such are our distances about a big holiday big country, valentina solovyova, russia is our power, with the first rays of sun on the rurik settlement of the ancient residence of the novgorod princes, the anthem of russia is sung: more than 400 people sing along with them all day today in different parts of the huge country, our loyalty to the fatherland gives us strength, so it was, so it is and so it will be, on the very edge of the cliff on russky island young nakhimovets accompanies on the piano, the day when pride overwhelms me, i am russian. from the heels to the ends of the hair, when declarations of love sound incessantly, russia, dear, beloved, dear, the best, great, in the very heart of the capital on
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red square there is a large-scale festival of brass bands, organized by the valery khalilov brass society. at vdnkh, guests of the russia exhibition today joined the dance flash mob and twirled in a round dance. city parks and squares have turned into an open-air museum. grand battles are reenacted here. in crimea, youth unfurled the russian flag in the country's largest lavender field in krasnodar, a tricolor of twenty. thousand grew up in the northern kuril islands the russian flag from the movement of the first along the seashore was delivered to cape savushki on the island of paramushir, here the last shots of the second world war were fired. krasnoyarsk canvas was raised on the highest flagpole beyond the urals. heroes of russia took part in the ceremony. pride, joy. after visiting the special military operation zone, you really understand that russia is a great, powerful country. new regions...
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in different parts of the globe, russia declare their love. thank you russia, thank you very much, russia is a great country.
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it opened as part of the russia exhibition, the flow of foreign tourists to us has been growing in 4 months plus 40%. for guests and forum participants , there is a wide introduction to a variety of types of recreation and new tourist routes, hurry up to choose yours, ivan’s report. the tourist palette of russian regions and well-known traditions and new tourism brands, for example, tyumen mineral waters, are brought to light. this is a drink made on the basis of our siberian cones and siberian barn shoots. here is a new direction - the sea of ​​azov. unleash the potential of zaporozhye region, where more than 200 km of wide sandy beaches will help the primorsk resort with 15 thousand
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rooms. it will be built as part of project five.
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we discussed the construction of new hotels, prefabricated modules, for example, those in a separate container, the development of transport infrastructure and new large tourism projects throughout the country, these are large amusement parks, these are... water parks, well, plus the development of niche tourism, auto tourism, recently there was a big meeting, water tourism, cruise ships, cruise fleet, tourism - this is about development country, there is no trifle here. the takeoff of the domestic industry was ensured by the national project for the development of tourism, which, by decision of vladimir putin , was extended until 2030, by which time the share of tourism in the country’s gdp should double to 5%, and the tourist flow in russia should almost double to 140 million people per year, including including at the expense of foreign guests from china and india.
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with friendly countries, expansion of the visa-free regime and intergovernmental agreements. in addition to the richness of russian regions, the most popular foreign destinations among our tourists, uzbekistan, thailand, recruiting.
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reason to visit the pearl of the golden ring. today, an exhibition dedicated to the millennium of the first mention of the city opened there. a joint project between the regional museum and the moscow kremlin. yuri shcherbakov has already seen it. suzdal is one of the oldest russian cities, the center of spiritual cultural life. this year , the pearl of the golden ring marks the millennium of the first chronicle mention of the ancient city. the central event of the big anniversary is a grand exhibition in suzdol kremlin. the first exhibit of the exhibition greets. century, but a real work of fine art, each clem is an episode of key moments in old testament
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history, for example, there, at the top, god creates adam, at the next adam and he is expelled from paradise. most of the exhibition is devoted to the topic of spirituality. the central place in it is the icon of the mother of god; she has been considered the main patroness of our state throughout. for hundreds of centuries now. this icon is unique in that it contains exactly all the main ideas that we tried to implement at this exhibition. it shows exactly yes, the continuity of moscow from the vladimir-suzel principality. and it is believed that the image of the mother of god of vladimir saved moscow from the invasion of damerlad. the first visitors, journalists and museum experts peer at the exhibits with genuine interest. they study literally every millimeter, discuss, argue; many of them had the opportunity to see some of them so closely for the first time. on vladimirskaya she looks at us, at those who stand in front of this icon, but here her gaze is completely directed at his son, trublev’s handwriting, the position of the hands also differs from the ancient image. this unique collection is the first joint project of the moscow kremlin museums and
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the vladimir-suzelsky museum of the reserve; these historical objects exhibited under one roof complement each other, telling in detail about the history of the unification of the russian state. now we are standing in front of an icon called. and hair is one of the rarest pre-mongol monuments that have been preserved in our country, this is the end of the 12th, beginning of the 12th century, this the icon never left the kremlin; the cross and refectory chambers were restored especially for the exhibition. the architecture of the building allowed the organizers to introduce additional meanings. there are phenomenal windows here, as if they created a kind of portal, probably the usual museum walls, labyrinths, they do not so emphasize the very sacredness of the object. and i wanted to create some kind of, you know, sarcophagus of time, the revival of each of the objects emphasizes its sacredness, the uniqueness of this air, yes, when the most important thing is an encounter with a masterpiece, the main meaning behind...


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