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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 13, 2024 4:05am-4:58am MSK

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scientists have created almost 130 varieties of wheat, their advantage is high quality yield, these seeds are sown in fields in kuban. we have our own wheat, we have our own bread, and you know that we feed the world, yes, because up to 50 million tons of grain are sent abroad, the general director of sevmashi mikhail budnichenko received the same award, his career path. started as a fitter in the main slipway shop, built nuclear submarines of the second and third generations, and for more than 10 years has headed one of the largest shipbuilding complexes of the country. in 12 years , 12 nuclear submarines have been delivered, in recent years we have been commissioning two or three boats a year, for the last 3 years, there has not been such a pace, well, even in soviet times. eltugans izdykov, the developer of missiles that hit targets deep behind enemy lines, was also awarded a gold star. in
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the nineties, we, weapons developers, knowing full well that the fruits of our labor would still be in demand, did not stop our activities, realizing that our time would come, russia, there could not be another, and the realities of today indicate that, once again , they confirm the words that were said long ago, that russia has only two allies, the army and the navy. this is the same award for alexey kholmashinov, driver. of the tugnuisky open-pit mine in buryatia and vladimir shchedov, a driver at the mills and processing plant in the kursk region. these doctors have golden hands and have performed hundreds of complex operations. director of the shumakov transplantology center, sergei gatier, head of the moscow center for organ donation marina minina and president of the emergency research institute with the help of the sklefosovsky mogeli, khubutia receives a state award for the development of original transplantation technologies.
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which made it possible to begin the development of fundamentally new approaches to the treatment of oncological diseases using oncolytic viruses. i want to emphasize that such therapy is based on natural, natural mechanisms for destroying cancer cells. several drugs are already in trials. among the laureates of the state prize in the field of science and technology, the head of the kurchatov institute michael. under the leadership of kovalchuk , a unique thermonuclear installation takamag t-15 md was created and launched at the kurchatov institute. there are no analogues in the world. such a reactor should help replace nuclear power plants and run on safe and affordable fuel. so we gave, gave the world nuclear energy. thermonuclear fusion, i would like
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to remind you that takomak is based on the russian word for satellite, and today we have taken a fundamental step to create a new energy system that will ensure our technological independence and energy security for many years, and we will defeat everyone, as we have always won. dozens of research experiments were carried out by a doctor of technical sciences, the result: a knowledge base that today helps to build nuclear power plants with...
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we have wonderful singers in russia, we will practice, spread their wings, clean them a little and they will fly up. for their work on the restoration of tsarskoye selo, awards were received by the director of the reserve museum, olga taratynova, and the director of the tsarskoye selo amber workshop, boris igdalov. a lot has been done perhaps the most high-profile project is the amber room, work has been going on for more than 20 years, 6 tons of amber were used. vladimir putin was at the opening in 2003, in 2021 after many years of restoration.
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in new regions, restoration is currently underway over the mius front memorial complex, this is in the lugansk region, and the memorial, the breakthrough of the eastern rampart near melitopol, in the field of charity, the laureate was nikolai slobzhanin, for 16 years he has headed the organization of children's villages sos, they accept
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children who for some reason we were left without a family, this is not a shelter, this is a real home, where it is very cozy, where there is a mother and father. we were faced with a situation where, for example, children coming from...
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events and emotions of activity, such people are so interesting filled with all sorts of things like you and you form the development agenda. nastasya kobuzeva, maryana soboleva, vyacheslav chereshko, anna zayakina, alexey simonov, channel one. and there in the kremlin, vladimir putin spoke about a meeting with the participation of the minister of defense, the chief of the general staff and district commanders. it took place on the eve not late in the evening. reports have been received
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on the progress of the special military operation and future plans. then the supreme commander-in-chief held separate meetings. late last night, well, almost at night, i met with everyone. the commanders of our groups, yeah, it was a very good positive impression, all adults, serious. but in terms of age they are quite young people, professionals who are fully aware of what they are doing now, what they should do tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, they have everything harmonious, reasonable, yes, very much, we have a wonderful galaxy of commanders, at such a high level, at a lower level, it’s just, you know, this feeling, as our people say, a feeling of hope arises when
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you communicate with people of this class level . and in confirmation of the combat work of our military, new combined high-precision strikes on the infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine in kiev, odessa, poltava, sumy, vinnitsa, dnepropetrovsk regions. the ministry of defense named the targets hit, aircraft stands, air base infrastructure, points mercenary deployments, ammunition depots. production sites for naval drones, and the s-300 air defense division in the poltava region, which covered the mirgorod airfield, was also destroyed. the iskander m missile hit what is called the bull's eye, an explosion, a spontaneous launch of an anti-aircraft missile, then a secondary detonation. there are no longer two launch stops, two radar stations and a combat control cabin. news from the front line, our air force shot down nine american atak missiles in one day. footage of another one destroyed appeared. and rabotina district in zaporozhye region. in this difficult area,
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the assault on enemy positions is carried out by fighters from the dnepr group. from an editorial report by valentin gvozdev. zaporozhye direction rabotina district. here, fighters of the dnepr group daily repel attacks by militants of the kiev regime. they conduct counter-battery combat and destroy enemy personnel. armored vehicles play a vital role, delivering ammunition and food to forward positions, and transporting the wounded to rear areas. together with the armored group of the seventieth motorized rifle regiment, we are moving into position. clear skies - no better conditions for travel. however, all combat vehicles are equipped with electronic warfare systems, which have already proven themselves in the fight against pividrons. the positions of our fighters are cut by a web of trenches and underground passages. deep and narrow passages provide reliable protection - these are the enemy's pividrons, who, as our fighters say, are like flies here. but this is a two-way movement. our operators.
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stationary stations, escorting our groups, returning groups, monitoring the enemy, movements, rotations, we save the lives of the guys as long as we can. uav operators, or eyes as they are called, control every action, be it rotation, assault or artillery work. monitoring of enemy positions is carried out around the clock. the crews of infantry fighting vehicles in this area perform various tasks, but their main purpose is fire. support for assault groups delivered to the lines of combat contact. a hundred-millimeter cannon is more often
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used to work from closed positions; a thirty-millimeter gun, contested with it , is used to fire at the enemy in line of sight, sometimes from a distance of several tens of meters. the situation is consistently tense, we are mainly carrying out tasks to destroy enemy personnel, deliver people, evacuate, supply ammunition, food products. when they brought the infantry to their positions, they observed a blatant rotation. transmitted the coordinates to the operator, and he subsequently directed the aircraft there. our fighters waited for a large rotation for several days, constantly monitoring this point, when the maximum number of militants was landing, the aviation dealt its crushing blow. valentin gvozdev, vyacheslav amelyutin, sergey mileev, channel one, zaporozhye region. sanctions. today the us treasury updated the list. individuals and legal entities in russia, asia, the middle east, africa and europe. let us note
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the children's and youth movement of the former; the head of the gagauz autonomy in moldova, evgenia gutsud , is being persecuted in her homeland for her friendly attitude towards our country. energy engineering and construction companies, research and development associations, the sagaz insurance group and tochka bank have also been added, they have already announced that they were operating as before. in addition, states have banned some it services for... this is from september 12th, so more details will follow. and under sanctions, the moscow exchange will not conduct trading in dollars and euros from tomorrow. as the central bank explained, transactions will continue outside. the bank market, and the central bank has tools to determine the exchange rate, including bank statements, as for citizens and companies, they can continue to buy and sell dollars and euros in the regime that has been in effect since twenty-two. foreign exchange savings in deposit accounts remain safe. escalation this evening in yerevan: 55 injured and almost 90 detained
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during the clash near the parliament building. the police used stun guns. training missile firing using recently, sailors in the western atlantic conducted computer simulations. now the crews are planning a meeting with the command of the cuban navy and a large cultural program. both
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russia and cuba resist western pressure and have a similar view on many world problems.
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they presented the minister with a homemade gift a lamp which, if turned on, will reveal the word russia. after moving from the dpr to moscow, both brothers entered a boarding school of the russian diplomatic department. the first channel also took patronage over them. during the referendum on the republic’s entry into
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russia in 2022, alexander and alexey became the heroes of a special report in the “big game” program. vladimir putin spoke by phone today with president of belarus alexander lukashenko. the leaders discussed the development of the strategic partnership between the two countries, taking into account the agreements that were reached at negotiations in minsk at the end of may, as well as interaction within the framework of the union state. in addition, alexander lukashenko warmly congratulated vladimir putin on all citizens of our country on russia day. a holiday of national scale, which is celebrated in all regions. zero kilometer, here it is, right on the pavement, all the main roads of russia originate from here, in all directions of the world for thousands of kilometers, such is our distance, about the big holiday of a big country, valentin solovyov, with the first rays of the sun on...
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pride, i am a russian, from my heels to the ends of my hair, when declarations of love are heard without ceasing, russia is native, beloved, dear. in the very heart of the capital on red square there is a large-scale festival of brass bands, organized by the
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valery khalilov brass society. at vdnkh, guests of the russia exhibition today joined a dance flash mob and twirled around kharovod, city parks and public gardens turned into an open-air museum, grandiose battles are being reenacted here. russia, hurray. in crimea , young people unfurled the russian flag themselves. in the large lavender field of the country in krasnodar , a tricolor of 20 thousand grew, the northern kuril islands , the russian flag from the movement of the first along the seashore was delivered to us from savushka to the island of maromushir, here the last shots of the second world war were fired. the krasnoyarsk canvas was raised on the highest flagpole beyond the urals. heroes of russia took part in the ceremony. pride, joy. after visiting a special military operation zone, you really understand that russia is a great, powerful country. in melitopol they hoisted the tricolor on the tv tower, new regions celebrate russia day for the second time. in the donetsk republic, the young guard of united russia organized a motor rally. dozens of
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cars drove through the three cities at dawn. in the kherson region , movement activists distributed ribbons with the main symbol of the country to drivers. thanks a lot. what does russia mean to you? future? we ourselves are russian, this is our holiday, this is our holiday. this is our holiday, our feelings cannot be conveyed to you. you guys, everything will be fine, happy holiday to you, happy holiday to the great country, russia forward! in every region, russia day is celebrated with local flavor and even rituals, these are shots from the shore of avachinskaya bay in kamchatka, and this is from a maternity hospital in yamalo-nenets-noyabrsk, today babies are discharged in russian folk costumes. people with many children are honored in veliky novgorod. deputy head of the presidential administration maxim oreshkin presented the families with the order of parental glory. our president pays. great attention, support for families, the return of the traditions of having many children, and i am very pleased that among those awarded on russia day are the parents of seven and nine children. russia is strong with its people,
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and each of us can definitely repeat this phrase. there is a colorful air show in the novgorod sky, and these breathtaking images were filmed over moscow. this is how the pilots and athletes of the aerobatic team congratulated the russians on their first flight. russia day is celebrated not only in our country. a large tricolor was unfurled in tel aviv, in chile a flash mob with umbrellas in the colors of the russian flag and a round dance. in vietnam and sri lanka they sing russian songs and dance podkalinka, and this is how the evenings near moscow sound in chinese. in colors today the burch khalifa skyscraper in dubai is illuminated with the tricolor in different parts of the globe, russia is declared in love. i love russia. thank you, russia, thank you. big for you! russia is a great country! russia is my love! valentina solaveva, maria mortanova, arina semenova, natalya sidorova, alexander kovalev, channel one! for our
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friends, of course, the russians themselves, the festival of travelers in dnh. it opened as part of the russia exhibition. the flow of foreigners to us has been growing in 4 months plus 40%. for guests and forum participants - a broad acquaintance with a variety of types of recreation and new tourism. routes, hurry to choose yours. report by ivan prozarov. at vdnh the artistic palette of russian regions includes well-known traditions and new tourism brands, for example, tyumen mineral waters. this is a drink made from nashir cones and siberian saw shoots and sprigs. here is a new direction , the sea of ​​azov, to unlock the potential of the zaporozhye region, where the resort will help to unlock more than 200 km of wide sandy beaches.
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the demand for travel around russia is colossal, therefore, the forum discussed the construction of new hotels, prefabricated modules, for example, those in a separate container, the development of transport infrastructure and new
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large-scale tourism projects. all over the country, these are large amusement parks, these are large water parks, well, plus the development of niche tourism, auto tourism, there was a big meeting recently, water tourism, cruise ships, cruise fleet, tourism - this is about the development of the country, there are no trifles here. the takeoff of the domestic industry was ensured by the national project for the development of tourism, which, by decision of vladimir putin extended until 2030. by then, the share of tourism in the country's gdp should double to 5%. the tourist flow in russia should almost double to 140 million people. guests from china, india, southeast asia, and neighboring countries. we can generally do such tours, you know, like they flew to st. petersburg, then flew to us for a few days, again from st. petersburg there or also moscow. there should be a mutual exchange of tourists; it will definitely be formulated in a definite proposal in a couple of days. the state promotes growth tourist flow with friendly countries, expansion of the visa-free regime and intergovernmental agreements. in addition to the richness of russian regions , the most popular foreign ones are also represented here.
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the long-distance flight was convenient for everyone, we will cope with this task and hospitably welcome all tourists from russia. all tourism opportunities can be explored at the travel forum until june 16, its main speakers shared their preferences. the moscow region, home, the urals, well, sochi, i’m mostly always in crimea, our crimea. ivan prozarov, andrey saychuk, dmitry skvartsov, dmitry kucherevets, guram razilov and sergey nashchokin. first channel. and separately curbed,
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now there is another good reason to visit the pearl of the golden ring. today , an exhibition dedicated to the millennium of the first mention of the city opened there. a joint project between the regional museum and the moscow kremlin. yuri shcherbakov has already seen it. suzdol is one of the oldest russian cities, the center of spiritual cultural life. this year , the pearl of the golden ring celebrates the millennium of its first chronicle mention. ancient city. the central event of a big anniversary. the first exhibit of the exhibition greets visitors literally from the entrance to the chamber of the cross; these are giant gates painted in gold, which in themselves are not just an artifact created at the beginning of the 12th century, but a real work of fine art. each episode is an episode of key moments in old testament history, for example, here at the top god creates adam, at the next he expels adam and eve from paradise. most of the exhibition is devoted to the theme of spirituality,
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the central place in it is the icon of the mother of god. she has been considered the main patroness of our state for hundreds of centuries. this icon is unique in that it brings together exactly all the main ideas that we tried to implement at this exhibition. it shows exactly yes, the continuity of moscow from vladimir of the suzelsky principality. and it is believed that the image of the mother of god of vladimir saved moscow from the invasion of tamerlane. the first visitors, journalists, museum experts peer at the exhibits with genuine interest, studying literally every millimeter, discussed. they argue that many of them had a chance to see some of them so closely for the first time, on vladimirskaya she looks at us, at those who stand in front of this icon, but here her gaze is completely fixed on her son, turev’s handwriting, the position of her hands is also different from the ancient image. this unique collection is the first joint project of the moscow kremlin museums and the vladimir-suzelsky museum-reserve. exhibited under one roof, these historical objects complement each other, telling in detail the history of
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the unification of the russian state. here now we are standing in front of an icon called the golden hair of the savior. this is one of the rarest pre-mongol monuments that have survived in our country. this is the end of the 19th, beginning of the 13th century. this icon never left the kremlin. the cross refectory chamber was restored especially for the exhibition. the architecture of the building allowed the organizers to introduce additional meanings. there are phenomenal windows here, as if they created a kind of portal, probably the usual museum walls. labyrinths, they do not so emphasize the very sacredness of objects, and i wanted to create some kind of, you know, sarcophagus of time, the revival of each of the objects emphasizes its sacredness, the uniqueness of this air, yes, when the most important thing is an encounter with a masterpiece. the main meaning is contained in the title of the exhibition: russian phoenix. over its centuries-old history, suzdal was repeatedly desecrated and burned to the ground, as, for example, this miniature hoof-covered icon of st. sava reminds, but still each time the city
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was literally reborn from the ashes. there is no need to emphasize that we must remember our past, cherish history, this is the foundation for our movement forward. to build on this foundation a solid building of russian statehood, in addition to masterpieces of icon painting, the chambers display western european weapons and jewelry from the 14th to 19th centuries, which confirms the presence of the varangians on the suzdal land. shrines brought to us from byzantium and beyond. there are about 250 exhibits in total, each of which helps to dive even deeper into the history of our state. yuri sherbakov, vladimir grenevich, tatyana bakulina, kristina neznanova, channel one. and finally about big sporting event of the year. the fifth brix games started in kazan today. thousand flights in 10 days will give away almost 400 sets of awards in 27 sports, including non-olympic ones. by the way,
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the representation is unprecedentedly wide. athletes from nearly a hundred countries will take part in the games. those who have already arrived in the capital of tatarstan appreciated the level of organization and hospitality. he addressed the athletes and guests of the forum. sports games under the auspices of our organization are an important part of a comprehensive political, economic and humanitarian interaction. the role of brix in world affairs is growing rapidly, so i am confident that the popularity and attractiveness of the games will also grow, as a competition free from political interference and pressure, truly uniting athletes from all over the world. moreover, for the first time this year they are being held in an open format, which means that the games will become another symbol of expanding intercultural dialogue, a significant contribution to strengthening the friendship of peoples and the fruitful interaction of states in
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the interests of people and overall development. wish the athletes, their mentors, successful starts, bright victories, and the spectators, fans, bright and unforgettable impressions. the russian national team in most events is represented by stars of the first magnitude, winners and medalists of world championships and olympics. however, victory is not guaranteed for anyone, so the games promise to be hot. hello, dear friends, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, i am with you, its host,
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writer alexey varlamov, and today we will talk about one of the most wonderful russian poets of the 20th century, igor hollin and my guest is a writer, blogger, journalist. arina hollina and, very importantly, the daughter of igor sergeevich. hello arina. to be honest , i knew little about igor hollin before. today, when i was preparing for this broadcast, of course, i watched something, i ’ll tell you honestly, the more i learned about cholino, the less i understood it and the less i understood its fate. therefore, i am especially interested in talking with you, maybe you will be able to dispel some of my doubts and perplexities. first of all, we're talking about your father. we don't seem to know very little, but it is not very clear how reliable this is, well, that is, we know that he was born in 1920, it is written that his father was a tsarist officer, his mother was a seamstress, then his father is not very clear under what
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circumstances he dies, his mother gives his children to an orphanage, in fact, it turns out that hollin grew up almost an orphan, at first he was in orphanages, then he ran away from there, was a street child, and ends up in a military school. and then the war begins after some time, he fights throughout the war, reaches the rank of captain, gets wounded, receives military awards, that is, in general, we actually have before us such a good biography of a correct soviet man in the best sense of the word, yes, who overcomes all these difficult circumstances in life, then a misfire occurs, and he falls under the investigation says that yes, that he hit like...
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so go to this very vanguard, go to the underground, that’s how it seems to you, his choice, it was his own choice, that’s how the circumstances turned out, that’s how the lot fell, how do you generally explain the mystery of his biography, when you are a child, you are not at all interested in the biography of your parents, unless they, relatives and someone tell you that mom and dad, they did this there and then, that is, you just have parents and you and you live well with them. absorbing what is in front of your eyes, and so i very
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gradually asked my dad something about his life, and i remember that somewhere in my teens, but maybe 13-14 years old, i came to him with the same the very questions to which i did not receive an answer, i say: dad, well, i don’t i understand why you can’t tell me there, well, about something from your life, and he told me, but with such a preface that he is not a man of the past, look, this moment when something happened there, some- then a fight with this soldier, they sent me to such a soft zone for a year, yes, it was in lionozovo, in fact, where the leonozov school of poetry, famous in narrow literary circles, was already being formed, it happened to him that he came to this zone, and there, except more or less not some kind of harsh regime, he also meets there, well, as they call it, the head of the zone, this is his comrade in arms, and he, not only gives him concessions, well... he can be let out for a walk there for an hour or two for
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the boundaries of this settlement, plus this comrade wrote some poems, well, dad says they were idiotic, he, as dad said, of course he himself had idiotic poems, but in general they both started writing some poetry there, this dad's first experience was when he was walking, because of this poetry he went to the library that was there in leonozovo, where the wife of evgeniy aleanevich krapevnitsky worked as a librarian, this is precisely the person around whom this whole leonozov group happened. and who was the teacher who raised heinrich sabgir as a poet by correspondence, and askarabin was his son-in-law, and he also somehow taught limonov a little at the beginning of his journey, yes, well, that is, he really was a very iconic person, that’s how it is there was practically such an informal literary and artistic cultural institute. evgeniyevich's wife olga, she, uh, said, when dad came to this library, what is it, she was a librarian, yes, she was a librarian, then that’s all... this is for me this poet of this and some kind, you know, we have something like that they will ban
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it, they will allow it, and at some point the bloc was banned or something and dad didn’t know, she somehow asked him something carefully, well, in general , they got to talking, she called him and said to come to us, young poets gather there young artists and he began to wander there and this is the tower of vyacheslav ivanov yes so dad says that of course he wrote absolutely monstrous poetry back then and... for a long time they were monstrous, because of course he was absolutely, according to him, and most likely so, absolutely uncultured, he had three classes of education there, that’s all what he absorbed, he absorbed there, so i don’t think there was any opportunity for him to go towards official poetry, because if something really inspired you, and you are a fairly young person, he was then 26 years old, well, at the beginning, then of course you, you probably remain sure of this, no matter how difficult it was in... soviet times, but with children's poetry these were games, which means that
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all informal poets, artists, anyone, creative people, had their own , stronger, probably than today’s environment, in which there were, of course, some people who were involved in spirit, people who achieved great success, for example, sabgir, genrikh, why did he write so many cartoons, well, scripts, and published so many, because he something... a dad who came from a completely different place wednesday, he was such a person, a little
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hysterical, so to speak, he just didn’t understand that he didn’t pull it off, and he quit, and heinrich was very successful, he made very good money from it, he really made a knitted horse, he has a lot of wonderful cartoons and children's books, you know, on the one hand , your father's path is absolutely unique, but on the other hand, well, you can remember, for example, eduard kachergin, a little similar.
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and that for him these are some of the most difficult memories of life, well, for many it is like that, well, well, well, there are people for whom something hell, well, for him it’s hell, there are people who, yes, are traumatized by the war, and professional military men, not professional ones, but for them , from a moral point of view, this is not such a shock, not such, not such disgust, it causes, here dad always, everything connected with his own war memories only caused... well , just real horror, it’s all very interesting, yes, that he really seemed to avoid these memories, he walked away from them, but you know what a thing , if only for him literature was a form of such escape from terrible reality, this would all be very understandable, but since these are the main poems written, the best poems written by your father, they are about another hell, they are, as it were
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, about another very difficult side of life, but this famous barracks poetry, here , well... how, there is irony, but still, it seems to me, when you read his poems, that the people who live in these barracks, they are doomed to live there, they don’t even try to escape, it’s like gorky’s play at the bottom, like this, i don’t know, look, i i’ll tell you, i can’t say for my dad what he thought about this and how he thought about it, but i can tell you my perception, i don’t have that, it seems to me that if specifically cancerous poetry, then on the contrary there is some kind of stormy. like zovshchenko’s communal apartments, life is so stormy, so bright, funny and active, you know, this is what, this is the post-war period, when people lived, of course, terribly poor, and were naturally exhausted in every possible way, exhausted by the war, everything was destroyed, well a lot very and, but at the same time it
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was, it was the beginning of life, yes, it was the end of the war, what happiness or such a huge war is happiness.
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through the expansion of cities and the monstrous crisis of housing shortage, yes, it was in haussman’s paris, before haussman’s, respectively, and in moscow after, well, before the war, after the war it was, it’s very, well, it’s very bright, it seems to me, colorful and of course, well, in the everyday sense, it’s monstrously uncomfortable, we continue, this is a podcast about the life of the wonderful, with you i’m its leading writer alexey vorlamov. we are talking today about the poet igor hollina, my guest is writer, blogger, journalist, arina hollina. still , it’s surprising that it was those barracks, or the barracks in which igor hollin lived, yes, in which kropevnitsky lived, if he lived in baraki, or somewhere nearby he lived in leonuzova, but that’s how it all- yes
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, there was some kind of house there, yes, sabgir was here, yes, rabin was here, it’s interesting how exactly this place, yes, this toponym, it was he who gave this absolutely amazing one. a phenomenon that i think everyone has heard of, and the leonuzov school, well, listen, this is of course it was only from evgeniy leonidovich krapevnitsky, uh-huh, yes, because, let’s say a few words about this man, who was he? well, it turns out he was a teacher, he drew a little, composed a little, but to be honest, you can’t say that he and he himself didn’t consider himself talented at all, and by the way, i realized now that i don’t know, well this is again due to some reason that dad didn’t really like. these biographical conversations, not only mine, other people too, i don’t know who he was initially, but i generally remember this for sure, that somehow he also didn’t fit in with the soviet regime, he didn’t have a job at all.
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gave very great hope, dad says that he wrote himself, dad, such nonsense, such terrible poems, well, in principle, like probably
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all young authors, no matter what they did, drew or acted on stage or wrote, but he gave them all great faith in myself, well , i’m still interested, my father wrote poems, yes, he tried to somehow distribute them, well, it’s clear that it’s acceptable in official literature there, but i don’t take children’s literature, i take adult poetry, it was unlikely that it could pass censorship there, artistic councils something like that, yes, but... was there something like that? in the sense of the kgb claims? well, no, not to dad, because their circle was generally not
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dissident, that is, those who did not interfere, as if, well, it’s clear that on the one hand everyone could suddenly, as it were, receive complaints, of course, they were all persecuted , well, i don’t mean formals, but there was even some famous piece in the newspaper, of course he was not alone, anyway, this is all some kind of community, yes. it doesn't matter of course, all the time they gnawed, directly scolded this name, well, yes, because there were also literary newspapers, some other publications with cultural departments, where you mean you praise some wonderful author who writes everything, it means village, how some person was a non-party member, became a party member and in general everything began to play with different colors, yes, and there you need to say a little that there are such renegades, that is, to understand that this is not such persecution. when, depriving them of everything, they already had nothing, as far as i understand, so what else really captivates me about him is even these photographs of him, look
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at the memories of people who knew him, and he was very tall, slender, handsome, yes, that is, he undoubtedly had an officer’s bearing or just some kind of masculine bearing, yes, women liked him, well, it’s clear that he is such and such an absolutely unbroken person, yes, that is, he was a nonconformist not only in his poems, not only in his poetics, but one might say. in general in its appearance, am i right? you know, uh, most of this literary and artistic circle, my father’s close contacts, i don’t remember anyone with a broken spirit, there were still some incredibly cheerful people, it would seem, yes, this is a generation that survived the war, lost a lot of loved ones there, that’s all, in general very much informal, who in general go under some crazy number of articles, if to them...
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and ala dad here something is 28 already 30 maximum, you know, the evolution of people of the post-war
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generation can very well be judged by their paloma. you know, when you have cheeks like this, it's it means some fifties, you know, a person has already eaten a little, already a more well-fed sixties, well, this is somewhere after the war, after this tribunal zone, dad, well, to be honest, imagine him in a jacket in a tie, i didn’t even think that, but he generally liked to dress well, i read, but not always, well , it was all the most standard clothes, i don’t know everything there... the stakhanovites, well, they dressed exactly the same way, no, well just in the sense that everyone dressed like that, there was no other fashion, just in my understanding, here is a poet, but he is a conformist, he’s informal, he basically can’t put on a tie, he basically walks around all the time now , maybe, and maybe even in some eighties, well, although in the seventies and eighties men’s fashion was very formal, there weren’t, well, there were punks in england a little... they just started, but they weren’t either.


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