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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 13, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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before this, he was able to deliver and land infantry at the desired point. after the fire, our fighter decided to evacuate the vehicle from the battlefield so that it would not fall to the enemy. for courage and bravery in performing a combat mission, the driver was presented with a state award.
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alexander sirsky once again admitted the sad reality for the ukrainian army; the ssu will not be able to hold back the onslaught of our guys. the enemy continues to conduct active offensive operations of varying intensity virtually along the entire front, concentrating the main efforts on pokrovsky and kurakhovsky direction. here the enemy concentrated the largest number of its assault units from eight shock brigades. war correspondent marad kharulin is in direct contact with us. let's find out the details. what is happening on the fronts now marat, hello, what direction can you tell us about and how is the situation? good morning, ruslan, well, the kharkov direction was announced, because such very serious events are brewing here, i ’m afraid to even talk, but we’re all talking about a big offensive, but now i’m i’ll tell you the facts, you decide for yourself what ’s going on, but we’re all keeping our fingers crossed here, well, if you take from the belgorod region, the kharkov direction, then the main military operations are going to liptsa. and volchansky,
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yes, so to speak, the direction, here in liptsy, a week ago, remember, there was such an announcement of a counter-offensive, they somewhere within a week the forty-second ukrainian brigade, yes, they attacked such a village deep, well, for 4 days, five attacked , then they ran out and sent the thirteenth operational brigade to su, here they are yesterday, this is the thirteenth operational brigade, i want to say, this is such an analogue - a private analogue of azov, it is maintained by such a businessman, a skinman, a nazi, and this brigade became famous, in quotes, in the summer of twenty-two, in the fall, in the winter of twenty-three for reprisals against civilians , when they entered our liberated territories, yes, our territories earlier in the kharkov region, such very cruel guys, well, on june 12, they tried to attack deep, they received it properly, and today they have me there... as it were
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there was a lull, yes, they seemed to have gone to reorganize, our sources report that they fought again because the nazis refused to go to fight, because they were given such a good deal, that is, here two brigades stood up on a counter-attack, and they, here literally 3 km nearby, the line is green, not boring, cheerful, yes, well, it’s like a chain of settlements, they have a very serious fortified area there, you know, a small river flows like a pestilence and there is very... this whole massif, we passed the field, we cleared the greenery, we walked calmly, you know, they they counterattack, there they fight head on deep, yes we...
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the day before yesterday in chuguev for reorganization, they fought, fought, who then brought them out there in our catch-up iskander sent, sent greetings, as if, apparently, we don’t like it, this, well, they don’t like this brigade very much, precisely because this english, what’s-his-name, whoever they have there, king, yes, blessed them there, how they look with their eyes, well, there’s a parade in front of him, he accepted the parade , yes, that’s why we sort of screwed them out there very properly. and they were replaced by this
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unit thirty-sixth marine brigade , a very famous brigade too, this is the same brigade that surrendered at... a factory in mariupol, in short, yes, it’s not like it, it’s generally known for what, it’s already been defeated three times, and also prepared in the uk, well, today they tried to enter, they counterattacked for 2 days, in the northern, let’s say, far part of volchansk they tried to counterattack, they tried to somehow stop, let ’s say, stop our advance at the aggregate plant, and that is, bypass metalworkers street.
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forward calmly, but now, according to my information , somewhere in the area of ​​​​vostochnaya street we are now carrying out a clean-up operation, this is just such a leisurely, calm work, you know, we are just calmly moving forward, not counter-attacking, not attacking, but clearing up, liberating to a kind of territory from the nazis, well, at the aggregate plant itself there is already about half, well, a third, it’s hard to say, yes, but the main administrative building has been cleared, there seems to be something around there... it’s located at the far end from us air-raid shelter, here we are moving towards this air-raid shelter, there is the main stronghold, but through the gaps in the far wall they are trying to get reinforcements there, but this is such a shooting battle, we again calmly clear all of them there , well, ruslan,
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just say two or two words at a time , so it is necessary, because the kharkov direction is still coming from kupinsk, and here we need to pay attention that there have been losses in this direction since the beginning of june. the highest according to our ministry of defense uvsu, somewhere in the region of 500 people, every day, our they are advancing, now they seem to have covered, today there is good progress, the main fortified area, and the steppe novoselovka, this is the main road that goes to route 026 to kupinsk, ours are moving towards petropalovka very good traffic, and for 2 days all the crossings have already been flying, again like would be demolished, but this is for...
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here he will meet with us president joe who, by the way, will also not come to switzerland for the very summit that he organizes, well, the so-called summit that he organizes, but in the white house reports that... as a consolation prize, ukraine and the united states will sign some kind of security agreement. the agreement concerns the support that kiev is already receiving, speech about the use. there are no american forces in ukraine. the agreement does not contain specific dollar figures, it includes a commitment to work with congress on sustainable funding in the future, which we will do, and also sets out the framework for our engagement with ukraine with other allies to ensure that ukraine gets everything necessary for effective self-defense and deterrence of russia. zelensky continues to be given bright promises at nato. end stoltenberg, who, by the way, also did not have time to attend the forum.
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it’s funny, it’s clear that stolteng doesn’t need this at all anymore, as if he wanted to go somewhere else,
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they wanted to appoint him there to the oil industry, to gas affairs, they even wanted to appoint him to look after the economic affairs of ukraine, he would be happy i got away from all this, but it’s like this, but they force him, they hold him and he says things that we we hear, well, last year for sure, you all should chip in. this is almost the european union, these are two coinciding structures. the european union, one way or another,
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ukraine is still part of europe, and this situation, taking into account russian interests , will still need to be resolved. and we already see that, well, in the european union they are saying that let’s somehow come to an agreement, but at the same time, so that the russians also participate in this. and, if you really want some kind of solution. ah, nato, it can’t act like that. nato demands only one thing: victory over us, but in nato all the generals, they are generally sane, they understand perfectly well that it is impossible to defeat the russians, this has never happened and will never happen, which means we need to make some kind of consensus decision, yes, this is a consensus decision like since it looks like this, deceive the russians, try to sell them something, some kind of next game. which will distract them, and we will slip them an agreement and sign everything. listen,
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but time has passed, since 2014 - this is a time of deception, we were constantly deceived, no one will trust them anymore, so that’s all it’s clear how it will end, and this is the most important point, in the west and this is also visible among the expert community, everyone wants russia to win, in fact, because they all want it all to finally end, and there is only one way it can end: i imagine how zelensky reacted to these words of stoltenberg, he said yes, defeat russia in nato. i imagine
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zelensky even answered: “well, i would never say that,” yes, but he took the word “never” and for some reason framed it in such a complicated way. i came across the most interesting thing the other day, like in ukraine promise permanent membership. in 2007 , yushchenko said: in 10 years ukraine will be in the eu, then in the fourteenth poroshenko, in 10 years ukraine will be in the eu, prime minister groysman is there, in 10 years ukraine will be in the eu, now i see zelensky said, in 10 years ukraine will be in the eu and nato, requests are growing, imagine, but all the time this magical deadline is passing.
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of the global south itself, in an article dedicated to this, gives the opinion no, of course this is what i would draw the attention of the countries of this not a world summit without russia, what kind of world can we talk about? simply put, with this summit zelensky and ukraine are trying to expand the pro-ukrainian coalition, well, directly and openly, these are the countries that. who were invited there by deception, saying: let's talk for peace, yes, about everything good, so that they know that it doesn’t matter what they sign, they won’t sign, maybe they won’t even sign anything at all, but all of them, that’s all who will come there, maybe even with good intentions, they’ll just say, look what an anti-russian pro-ukrainian coalition we have now,
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that’s the idea of ​​this summit, conveniently, let's see how it works out, there are some doubts. let's take a break for a short commercial and we'll be back very soon, don't switch. minister of as many as three key areas in germany, ecology, economics, and energy at once, robert habeck. dependence on russia is decreasing because germany has managed to get rid of russian gas. the siemens company, part of the mercedes-benz concern, is moving to poland, this is treason, it harms the state. they are moving military personnel to ukraine. he called for giving. ukraine had weapons at the end of the twenty-first year, when he was in kiev, i was so unkempt, i don’t understand what i’m doing, what i’m saying, so i accidentally became a minister, not guys, this is a professional with a capital p, husband and wife, one satan, they co-authored this , she held her body tightly so that it could not squirm, his neck broke with the click of a heel on the tile, a book for children, he
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knows perfectly well how to influence the younger generation, they have no spiritual future, they will demolish the traditions of the germans, they will demolish the culture. german globalists found him from these books, it was his application for a job, robert habeck, a bad writer of german history, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, god forbid i go crazy, it’s better to go crazy with a staff when our immunity goes crazy, here they are bluish immune cells, then... the immune system literally eats the human body alive. a unique medicine has been created in russia that has overcome the madness of our immunity. about this and many other breakthroughs in the program to live healthy, dedicated to the day of the medical worker. tomorrow on the first. my
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system is designed for practical applications. using it during... competitions, well, it can be dangerous, but this is exactly what we need, victorich, well, how can i make fighters out of these blockheads in 3 weeks, victor, you are driving me into a corner, i have a boy alone, he’s sitting there, bro, are you going to shoot or something, i’m walking, but where did i learn to fight, and somehow myself, we have several pain zones, now i’ll show you some options, right in the face? i want to give it, i think, is it here from outside, well, hit it while no one is there, well, merci, that's it, that's it, you can put me back in jail, she spat on you for your self-pain, the legend of samba, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, i’m fighting, simply
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because i’m fighting, june tenth was the 80th anniversary of the people’s artist of russia valentin smernitsky, the legendary partos and beloved. several generations, i played shakespeare and gogol, and chekhov, in the theater i always had such serious roles, talent, acting courage, charm, the love of women, two women were in love with him, mila pashkova and masha vertinskaya, and he seriously decided , familiar from them getting married, actors, they have a very complex character, sometimes it is difficult, but i can cope with it, but once the time of reckoning came, he lost those closest to him, precious people, my son died because of my... he i fell into bad company and drugs appeared there. our exclusive today is people's artist valentin smirnitsky about family tragedies and personal happiness. my father was very sick and my mother was very sick. was not up to me, i proposed to him myself, and he didn’t refuse, grandpa, the coolest, oh,
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exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere in saturday on the first, sklif is a legend since the time of count sheremetyev, all the modern successes of the institute are based on... the history that it had, an experiment on humans, people take risks. the chief neurosurgeon of the russian federation compared the sklifosovsky institute to an aircraft carrier, that is, it is a machine that is constantly in operation, which allows you to implement everything that has been done in science directly into clinical practice. we have the most experience in the world in the treatment of multiple, multi-urn, that is, when more than one spine is broken, their some. anesthesiologists, we are ready. world champion in bodybuilding, the germans turned him over, twirled him and said, take him to russia, he visited a lot of places and medical institutions, this is the humanity that
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mlefosovsky’s specialists have, i have never met it anywhere, the doctors pulled me out of the other world, thank you them every time, they succeeded, i succeeded, we all succeeded, on the day of the medical worker, skleifasovsky institute, on sunday at the first. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, final, on sunday on the first. yesterday the united states imposed sanctions, yet another new sanctions against about 300 individuals and legal entities for allegedly helping russia in
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a special military operation. they decided to punish companies in the russian energy, metallurgical and mining sectors that are capable of developing our military-industrial complex. among these companies is the moscow exchange. here is an important point, from today our exchange. moscow will not be able to conduct trading in dollars and euros, the central bank immediately clarified that currency transactions will continue to be carried out, but they will be carried out on the over-the-counter market, that is, companies and citizens can continue to buy and sell dollars and euros through russian banks, and as many already understand and paid attention to today, there is no excitement in our banks on this topic, sanctions also affected companies from china that allegedly supply to russia... the range of dual-use products that we allegedly use in military production is now with the head of the center for political economic research at the institute
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of the new society, vasily georgievich koltashov, gets in touch with us. let's find out the details. vasily georgievich, hello. hello. what happened yesterday? and let’s clarify again, about the moscow exchange. correct me if i'm wrong, but for the first time in the entire history of moscow. exchanges , as of today , the dollar and euro are not traded on the exchange, that is, our citizens who want to agree among themselves that some want to sell or companies, others want to buy this currency, from today they cannot do this, because the americans banned it, i explained it correctly, yes, the americans banned it, but in general, the most reasonable citizens have not done this for a long time, because in order to carry out transactions in dollars or euros, for this you need... firstly, to have some companies abroad that are disguised as non-russian companies, in turn, these companies, they are already paying, for example, for what some industrial equipment,
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which is bought in the countries of the european union, but these companies can be in the countries of the former soviet union, in kazakhstan, in kyrgyzstan, anywhere, yes, they can be in the united arab emirates, in saudi arabia, somewhere else in indo-china, in in general, these companies can be located anywhere and... of course, nothing is prohibited for them, but it seems to me that it was no longer wise to deal openly with the dollar and euro, uh, as for the problems that everyone is most afraid of , yes, because now i’m already i know that in kazakhstan they are worried, some of our citizens are worried about what is happening, we need to remember that cash dollars will not disappear, now they may try to play on the fact that oh, that’s it, now that means you won’t see them, then this is not true. because the united states, together with the european union, long ago banned the import of cash dollars to us, well, the euro is also understandable, yes, and they still exist, and the reason is that
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the united states. holds in circulation only according to the us federal reserve system $1.150 billion in cash, with 90% roughly in $100 bills in banknotes. the americans, on the one hand , are trying to prohibit us from working with the dollar, on the other hand, for many decades they have been trying to push these cash dollars into all spheres of the world economy, into all trade, including the drug business and smuggling of all kinds, but we know this from films where, in general, -that's before... it realistically shows how mafiosi run around with entire briefcases stuffed with hundred-dollar bills. this is also part of the american politics and securing the dollar, that is, in this sense , there are enough dollars in cash, they will be there - regardless of what topic they are trying to push there now, at least, as i understand it, for ordinary citizens, this will not affect much in that regard , that if someone wants to go abroad on vacation,
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according to our tradition, they come to the bank and buy. currency, dollar, euro, any other, it will all be the same as before, this will not affect people, but large companies that sell our goods for border, sometimes in foreign currency, but they need to buy something, cars are brought, for this market it will somehow affect or not, for companies that openly conducted transactions in western currencies, but for them it is of course unpleasant, well, probably , not a surprise, because - this was expected, everyone should be prepared for this morally and, in general, organizationally, that is, it is necessary to switch to national currencies, they talked about this, this process of transition was taking place, in general, now for russian companies who are engaged in import, import, export, yes, then there are attempts to receive payments in dollars, well , yes, for them now it will be almost impossible to do, but large companies are under sanctions, our banks are under sanctions, and
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by the way, they predict that the russian economy will grow, that is, at the same time as these sanctions, which means that the international monetary fund issued a forecast, and excuse me, the world bank issued a forecast that the russian economy in 2024 will grow not by 2.4%, by 2.9%, but we expect, of course , more, but this is their forecast, that is, they they themselves don’t really believe that somehow this will break the russian economy, why is the russian doing this, why are they doing this, because
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yes... in fact, in advance, knowing that you can’t introduce everything at once, because there will be no effect , they are trying to create many waves of all kinds of sanctions, which give rise to waves of rumors, worries and political speculation on this topic, and naturally, this is a big strategic work that the american state is conducting against us, we should not expect that they will give up sanctions there yet, they will now subject to sanctions and a third country and a company there, that is, this situation persists. therefore, we will have
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to live in these conditions, realizing that the united states is an enemy that will relentlessly harm us, trying to destroy the russian economy, destroy our trade, destroy the foundations of growth of the russian economy, and all other countries of the world, as you rightly noted, they will also understand this, for some reason everyone understands who has independent administrations, that the united states is dangerous, that any game with them, well, for example, when americans seduce others countries, for example india or... brazil, given the chinese sales in their market, in western markets, then this is still a dangerous game. in our case, well, we will manage in foreign trade without the dollar at all, it is not clear why we should manage in dollars, because well, use these dollars, in principle, the dollar is a currency that is quite seriously depreciating in gold terms in the 21st century, this the century began with the fact that for a troy ounce of gold they gave 280 dollars, now it is more than 2,300 dollars for this troy
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ounce however, as long as the dollar is backed by the us army and nato as a whole, no one there cares how much gold there is, everyone understands perfectly well what this currency is actually worth. thank you very much, vasily koltashov was in direct contact with us, but they also introduced a number of sanctions, they also said that now it turns out that western companies are not allowed to sell their technological solutions from the it sector that allow them to manage enterprises, i would like to ask, what about us? there were also such people, it turns out there were, but nothing, now russian it specialists are rubbing hands, they say, well, finally, we have a larger market and now our it companies will develop, in general, we’ll see how events develop, we will definitely tell you everything, well, now let’s move to armenia, there... the situation in yerevan has become tense to the limit, protesters storm police cordons while deputies are fighting in parliament, but the reason for such discontent among demonstrators is the policy of prime minister nikol pashinyan. yesterday the opposition again
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demanded his resignation, people came to the building government, but the police, as always , acted democratically, as you can see, very very democratically, harshly, using stun grenades against the protesters. eventually.
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italy donated aid to hospitals in odessa, it was aimed at the recipient of assistance in the form of diesel generators. where did they end up? in the restaurant where the mayor of odessa loves to dine. this also happens there.
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hungary resisted most of all, unfortunately, i say, in the past tense, such rabid support for the nato-ukrainian conflict, but apparently they were already strongly pressed, and now they have succeeded. it says: hungary will not participate in nato actions in ukraine, but also budapest will not block all subsequent decisions of the alliance. prime minister orbán has made it clear that hungary will not participate in nato efforts to coordinate aid to ukraine. i accept this position. i am glad that today the prime minister and i agreed on the terms of non-participation in hungary in nato support for ukraine. hungarian representatives will not participate in such activities.
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having formulated its position, hungary was she is forced to admit that she does not have the strength to change the situation. i am an alliance, primarily in ukraine. however, i asked the secretary general to clarify that all military actions on... well , the stakes are rising very strongly, it is impossible not to notice, new sanctions, including against the moscow exchange, armenia, we understand perfectly well that this is happening, hungary, who added pressure, in the end they violated, by the way, the nato charter, what will this lead to next, this will all lead to the fact that the stakes will continue to rise. approximately the situation now is when this whole
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party sits at the table, plays with marked cards, and of course bluffs, moves these chips, i hope to intimidate us by saying that they have very good cards, in fact their cards are bad, but as for hungary, one must understand that hungary does not have the political weight, just like slovakia, to oppose this entire nato bloc. you even look at germany , such a powerful country in industrial, military, well, in general, such a political weight, and nevertheless, she also cannot resist, and what stoltenberg said is actually what i said the previous time in this studio, anyway, in any case, the americans are in charge of nato, and he said, here is stoltenberg, he is implementing nato political leadership. the military leadership of nato is carried out by the americans
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; it has always been this way, the american general christopher cavoli, who is with his headquarters in wiesbadan in the german city, so he will exercise all this control over the expenditure of funds to help ukraine, if before, when things were more or less going well for ukraine, well, not shaky, not great, but now, when ukraine is just frankly starting to lose and... in fact, the telegram codes are received by real and nato generals and just the political leadership, now they were just running around, like mice started running around the barn, that’s because they understand that they still need to do something, they can’t let ukraine lose, which means they just need to put pressure on all nato countries, and they won't go anywhere, nowhere they won’t get away, they will pay this money, where will they put pressure next, well, who else are the hungarians, well... i’ll be honest, i don’t believe that
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they were completely crushed, of course they will turn out, in fact, orban’s position must be respected, he more than once expressed all these thoughts that yes, we will have to agree, but we will resist to the last, you, as long as he is the recipient of the distribution of these funds from the european union, yes, that is, in any case, they are dependent, you remember how the european union refused to allocate funds to hungary... which belonged to her, yes, and then handed them over in parts as orban pragmatically, cynically, if you like, simply took and agreed to all these positions, in fact, he has now announced that he will not block the appointment of a new nato secretary general after stoltenberg, it was not for nothing, it was no coincidence that literally a few days before, the future secretary general of nato came there, as i understand it, after hungary’s consent, no one really doubts this, markrew. that is, he came, convinced him, he lifted all his prohibitions,
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again, probably not, not for nothing, probably, he bargained for himself a whole series of preferences, by the way, stoltenberg’s position that we are releasing hungary from the obligation that we impose on everyone else, well, you see, like this, like this cynically, according to the nato charter, all nato decisions, if nato is at war with someone, the whole of nato is at war, then wenger said, well, if we suddenly go to war, then you can. said yes about the fact that yes, we understand that the united states, of course, makes mainly decisions in nato, and no one can object to this, always this is how it was, i think, this will be the case until, in any case, the americans occupied a significant part of europe, so in this sense i say again, orban’s position has not changed, especially, he both bargained and bargains, as far as possible, he really tries to state something that would be interpreted. as an independent position, so in this sense he is a unique
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politician for nato and the european union, well, the problem now for the entire collective west is that the rules that the americans set are not have nothing to do with the laws, because the laws are, as it were, equal for everyone, and here are the rules that can be interpreted in different ways, if the big white gentleman allowed hungary, well, okay, let them bend, but then they do not participate in hostilities, that means it’s possible, this is what ukraine is actively learning, political decisions in ukraine are made, as it turns out, not by vladimir zelensky, but by the head of his office, andriy germak, at least that’s what the british media write, and not just anyone about the times newspaper , head international department of the publication, former correspondent in kiev. maxim tucker released a major material criticizing andrei ermak. senior government military and diplomatic sources have expressed alarm over vladimir zelensky's growing dependence on andriy yermak, his chief of staff, who is accused of amassing personal power and usurping democratic
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processes. in a number of interviews he is characterized as the de facto head of state. there is also growing concern that zelensky is increasingly relying on a handful of sycophantic voices inside the country, a concern that has become even more acute as the number of officials with direct access to the president dwindles and yermak’s team grows. the dismissal of commander-in-chief zaluzhny and deputy prime minister kubrakov, who were valued in the west, are also associated with the actions of ermak. ivan pavlovich, well, explain to us this position of the british, are they dumping iermak, are they dumping zelensky, are they dumping ukraine, or are they playing some other game?
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will deal with it, no questions at all, tsirsky a traitor to russia, his own people will deal with him, it ’s all clear with him, budanov, a terrorist , whom many western countries recognize as a terrorist, he has done a huge amount of troubles, and war crimes, for which he will still be judged, yes, here is ermak, a man who , in general, since he is a gray cardinal, this is again an interesting point, you will remember where the word gray cardinal came from, because... this is not cardinal richelieu, because he was a red cardinal, yes, and he seemed to resolve issues, and the gray cardinal was mazarin, but smaller, thicker, shorter and meaner, that’s what he is, yes, that is, in this case, what we are dealing with is that they explain to zelensky through ermak, that
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zelensky, well, in general, you’re already, in in general, guy, we are going to dump you, but when this happens, we are... the reason is that you are so talented, perhaps, i don’t know, there is a commander, an actor, and so on, suddenly i overlooked this one behind your back scoundrel, that’s what we’ll judge you for, well, apparently they’ll have to be judged, that is, what is a european court in anglo-saxon style? we know very well, that is, they will come to an agreement, they will blame everyone, then they will merge everyone, but in the end the press will write the following: that ermak, who stood for... behind zelensky's back, he destroyed this, that means, the president of a free ukraine, in the end he destroyed ukraine, in fact, for this to happen, we will simply win, which i already said before, defeat is still ahead, who to blame, zelensky is not good, we need to blame ermak, but at
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the same time having said that zelensky was simply blind, deaf, and so on and so forth, yes, one thing more precisely, it was not by chance that you mentioned the name of the author of this material, maxim takin. i just want to say that i always follow this person's content, why? because he is, in fact, well, he works with the british intelligence services, this can be seen from the provocations that he throws in, but the main thing is that he is the pr man of kirill budanov, recognized as a terrorist in ukraine, the fact that suddenly budanov’s pr man ran into ermak indicates that there is a huge squabble going on behind the scenes, let's give them more topics to squabble, or rather they themselves... will be happy to throw it at themselves, they don't have enough money, it looks like ukraine is going under the hammer in full , they decided to sell off state property and supposedly send the money to war, listen. the government plans to auction about twenty state-owned companies, including the ukraine hotel, a shopping center in kiev, and mining and chemical
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enterprises. privatization has two main goals: to raise money for the state budget, which 5 billion is missing this year. well, it looks like the final sale of ukraine, that is, now everything that remains in state ownership will go under the hammer, under the supposedly good pretext: we don’t have enough money for the war, we will send it to the war, we are of course with you we understand that they will not send money to any war, but will steal from their pockets, not in order to benefit anyone, this is natural in order to make profits and profits , they want to get profits from the remains of ukraine, but i would like to say the following, i... to you i say sometimes and here are such insights, here is another insight of half a trillion euros,
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this is now the amount that they want to invest for the supposed restoration of ukraine. in fact, in my opinion, from my point of view, according to my insides, this amount is being proposed, or rather, it was announced for zelensky so that he would finally agree to negotiations, and with e.g. in order to lose these territories that are now occupied by us, that is, they tell him: we will give you a lot of money, and you have already announced a trillion euros amount, do you understand? 500 billion, yes 500 billion euros, let’s conclude a peace treaty, and we ’ll invest what you have left of ukraine, well, naturally, it is understood that some of it will naturally go to his villas, to his dachas , on his wife, well, he knows how...
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when zelensky spoke, but nevertheless, that is, you understand, now there is a lot of discord, in the west they understand this, and for them the most important thing is that this discord is all- did touch upon pro-western figures, they nominated markarova, they nominated ermakan instead zelensky, who will be responsible for all these failures, these defeats on the battlefield. well, but now, i think that nothing will work out for them, zelensky
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will have to answer everything in any case, and the west understands this, but can’t do anything, they have some kind of complete, complete time pressure , some kind of stalemate , the main thing for them is that no one from this team suddenly switches and starts working with us, you know, they are very, very afraid of this. the word negotiations is heard more and more often and they are forced to go to them, they want towards this, but they are not going at all, our guys are moving forward. boris alexandrovich, rozhen is joining our conversation. boris aleksandrovich, hello, how is the situation at the fronts? they say volchansko is there, despite the fact that all possible reserves of forces have been deployed there and even promised to go on a counter-offensive, our guys are having some success there. good afternoon, yes, indeed, despite the fact that the enemy has been taking it quite seriously over the last couple of weeks. counterattacks in the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy in volchansk itself, our troops were able to repulse, and the enemy suffered heavy losses, in recent
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days the initiative has returned to us again, we have advanced east of volchansk, there is also progress in the central regions of volchansk, the enemy has already admitted this morning that our troops already control part of the aggregate plant, which is located in the center city ​​and which dominates the area, is one of the main nodes of the enemy’s defense, the enemy has actually lost part of this node, and our troops also stabilized the situation in the area of ​​​​the village of gluboko, this is the leptsy area, where the enemy launched the most serious counterattacks, but even here he actually achieved nothing, but what about other sectors of the front, there is the chasyar direction, is there progress there and are there any fundamental changes at the front now, because marat khairulin told us today, that there are a lot of contradictions within the armed forces of ukraine, they are literally fighting among themselves, because some are trying to rule the others... on the front line, and they refuse? well, again, internal contradictions within the armed forces of ukraine are aggravated precisely by their failures at the front,
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their inability to completely stabilize the situation there, since our troops, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy has pulled reserves to kharkov, are attacking in various directions and achieving success, that is, if you look at the front, then in the rabotni direction our troops are already completely pushed the enemy north from rabotin, on the vremevsky ledge our troops after the capture of staromayorsky now... the battles for the liberation of harvest, in the ugledar direction our troops were successful are moving towards the konstantinovka ugledar supply route, this will jeopardize the entire ugledar group. in krasnogorovka, our troops are completing the defense of the southwestern part of the city, well, now our troops already control about 55-60% of the city, to the west of avdeevka, our troops today are actually completing the liberation of novoleksandrovka, novo-pokrovsky, and they are also about to enter there are precincts there. our troops are advancing in the kanal microdistrict, there is a gradual cleanup and stabilization of the situation there, well, in the svatovo-kupyansk direction
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our troops are now moving at ivanovka and stelmakhovka, in general, in the majority. and who am i? i'll go and wait there, who am i? and you are a friend, a very close friend, wedding? what wedding? i agreed out of stupidity, well, it happens, i’m sorry, listen, i’m leaving for finland, i ’ll return the ring to you, one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program, i want to talk to him, and i won’t let you destroy
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his tin again. well hello, alyoshka! the legend of sambo. comrade peredunov, our head sambo coach of the ussr. effective reception against firearms do not yet exist. and comrade oshchipkov showed. you just want to bury it. premiere tomorrow, after the program time. ball of the vampires, rosemary's baby and several other nerve-wracking films made the name of this man known throughout the world. my first film, not made in poland, was called disgust. he did a lot to strengthen in me the feeling of joy from work, when everything is forgotten, all that remains is faith in yourself. wonderful person. i think that the great significance that little faith had for soviet cinema is due to precisely because this is a film without an ethical assessment of the heroine’s behavior. what do you think is the main difference between working in soviet
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cinema and american cinema? sense of self. "your pride, talent, of course, i step on my own throat sometimes, and in general in my life the main thing is that i study the philosophy of language, the philosophy of rhythm and the philosophy of plasticity. matador, tomorrow on the first. all i want is to look in in the eyes of the world community, not an executioner, but above all a sympathetic person, victor louis, a secret soviet agent. special services, carrying out the most delicate orders of the authorities. they ordered the publication of the stolen manuscript, solzhenits was whistled for it and he was imprisoned. anti-soviet propaganda, eight years of camps. a journalist, on andropov’s instructions, transmitting the necessary information to the west. yes, he uses you like a dog, he will tell you to bark and you will bark, one of
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the most influential and controversial people. of my time, i’m not a pawn, an informed source in moscow, on saturday at the first, forward, it’s a little heavy, honey, well, be patient, he was thin, in general he looked more like alena delon, than on purtos, i propose a fight, valya said, well, a very good role, well, the most important thing in life is to eat, drink, fight. in general, i am a positive person, in life there is such a baggage of terrible mistakes, sometimes you sit there and think, god, how good it would be if this were not so. well, vanya, now i’m the only one who visits you, there’s practically no one left, he’s a very gentle person, very kind and attentive, i envy his granddaughter, this is a cat, and this is some kind of enosik. a woman
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who really attracted him to her love, this is lida, she is strong, she is loving, you are young, young, at heart, for the eightieth birthday of valentin smernitsky, on saturday on the first, this is our chuvash outfit, i got married myself, 37 years old, my husband and i are already, this is passed on , the future daughter-in-law, were traditionally used in the groom's suit...
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where did we decide to hold the wedding? our premiere, we're playing a wedding. on sunday on the first. your idea of ​​happiness. mutual love, struggle! soldier, you are alive, you climbed to the front line again! where is misanbad? but in my opinion, you are simply idealizing him! dr. push will stay here, so for the conflict? i will not enter into conflict with myself! yes, i will go! not an eternal battle! it’s your volodka who sometimes likes to talk! we need a person like you to command the health of the whole region! territory like two frances. inna makarova. why are you doing this forever and completely? alexey batalov. i decided to start everything from the very beginning.
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in the movie "my dear man". on sunday on the first. as one famous western fairy tale says, russia sleeps and sees, as if...
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i’m just addressing the ukrainians, you compare the statement of western officials, they tell you that russia will attack a nato country after it wins in ukraine. epishistorius already names the date, the twenty -ninth year. what does this mean? this means that neither pistorius, nor the west, nor stoltenberg believe in the victory of ukraine, you are simply being used as expendable material in order to weaken the enemy, whom they consider an inevitable enemy.
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in general regarding expansion, regarding what status ukraine will have, we were told that it is their sovereign right to enter into nato, give them this right, we warned, we implemented it, but they are sincerely promoting the topic that we will attack, let them be afraid, as our president said, but we are not going to attack, then the news comes first.


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