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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 13, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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the competition is serious, because there is something to compare with, recently there was a world cup stage and even there not many countries came, kazan volunteers are ready to help the guests and athletes, they are undergoing the last briefing before the games, in total the competition will be held at sixteen venues. the central stadium near the walls of the kazan kremlin, this is where athletics competitions will be held, athletes from fourteen countries will take part, and especially for the brick games, the stadium was renovated, and the tracks were completely renovated only 400 m, there is also a fresh lawn here, you see. green grass and new stands, so that soon 1,500 spectators will see a great sports festival. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, anatoly mineev, channel one kazan. that’s all for now, we are following the development of the event, the information channel on the first will continue, the program, time will tell, why don’t they want to sign up, no one is coming, now to us, yes, no one wants, we were talking about this peaceful last summit,
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no, we will demand 25, in general, we will demand 25, why? well now let's let's discuss what we care about this and so to speak, what we have, what we have, or rather, how it relates to us and how it can affect everything that happens in the world, interesting, right? let's look at this clip from the american media about this news about the trial of hunter byte.
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breaking news: a jury has returned a guilty verdict in the federal case of hunter biden. in this country, no one is above the law, everyone must be responsible for their actions. in fact, we can say that on the part of justice, hunter biden is treated worse than an ordinary citizen. this has to be every parent's worst nightmare. joe and jill biden were role models for parents of children of drug addicts. point of view this is a huge blow to donald trump, he tried his best to use his conviction as a weapon, but look what is happening, we now see a president of the united states who is the living embodiment of the rule of law, even in relation to his only son. listen, this is the last one the comment seemed very interesting to me, it was well formulated, clearly, and this is what i, excuse me, also really thought about, look, but the truth could theoretically be like this, well, let’s assume, let’s assume that politicians are political technologists.
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everything will end, from the point of view, look, equality before the law, from a political technology point of view, this can really be used, yes, indeed, but of course, here, i think, the republicans will take advantage of this idea, regarding the fact that the power of the democrats in the usa is becoming absolutely criminal, that is, if they try to convict trump for, in general, under flimsy pretexts, by the way, you probably noticed that in parallel there are already kickbacks against kevin.
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you can easily promise anything, just ask me, i’ll promise you everything, landing on the moon, easily here. it’s great there’s hollywood, we’ll film everything you need, mars, order it, that’s it, we’re already on mars, and if you need anything else, just offer it, we have it, you don’t live well, listen, you just watch not so in mirror, you say, you have little money in your wallet, you have a bad wallet, you must understand that america has now become a society of spectacle, now - the most important rule is there are no rules, this is - if you fast forward 30-40 years ago, then there was america, now we see that it is a very technological country in terms of. the use of any technology, look, in america there is a classification of crimes, the most serious crimes are classified with the letter a criminal, because b, c, d and f, like grades in school, are the top ones, accordingly, this crime relates to
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indian trade, tax evasion and terrorism, now look, trump is being tried, according to the classification as of today, he was convicted, this is the classification of a, b, c, d, and. and biden’s son joe is being tried by classification bee, this says that this is not just a crime, but this is the second most serious crime, and what he did, in fact, he didn’t just buy a gun as a drug addict, god bless him, then he could get 3 years in prison, he didn't register it, it's the biggest crime in america when you buy pistol, you sign the documents and say, i guarantee that i am not a drug addict, not a criminal, i am on trial and i am ready to register him with him within 2 weeks... all this is understandable, but this has nothing to do with my father, this is his personal, personal
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flaws, or maybe he didn’t know that... this is new evidence, this is new accusation, remember how trump used to talk about biden, how he was called sleepy joe, and now it’s a dream, and he doesn’t say joe, as he calls it, sergei sergeevich, i think this is a new normality, the fact is that now criminals, in principle, can be completely legal politicians of the united states, this is exactly what we are talking about now, this is the stage of acceptance, well, yes, you see, it so happened, a drug addict bought a gun.
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well, in general, i repeat, it seems to me that the most important thing is still, because well, if we are talking, we are talking, we are not just interested in the fate of the charming, unshaven, so to speak, guy hunter biden, well, i’m being ironic in the words, i i mean, we are interested, of course, in the political background perspective, political perspective, as i understand it, can only be if there is at least some kind of connection, not that there is not some abstract type like this is how you joseph biden raised his son, or the apple is not far from the tree.
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there is one, two, three, all of this is now being investigated, the investigation has now been going on since 1995, and there are a lot of interesting things there, listen, there is a possibility that trump will go to prison, biden will go to prison, because well, the box is open, yes, the pandura box is open everything, everything is possible, and as i understand it, by the end of summer both parties are insignificant. they will simply change candidates as a result and the situation, in fact, regarding both biden and trump is being reduced to the point of absurdity, and, as i understand it, this is being done semi-consciously, because well, there is no other way, it is impossible to put out this fire, which means it must be channeled, sent somewhere - and take it out, well, relatively speaking, into the sea, that’s what they ’re doing now, because the absurdity of what’s happening, it doesn’t lend itself to any legal explanation, she’s she...
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in the last 2 days he signed a sheet for pardon, which was 4 inches thick, 4 inches thick, that is, this is such a pack, he sat there, signed it, signed it, signed it, then there were colossal scandals.
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tied, and we understand perfectly well that trump is now exactly from my moment, as soon as he pardons, why are they doing all this now and you cannot pardon yourself, and if any other crime, you can plead guilty to hunter biden , another story has begun, you now in america they are sorting out how a former president should sit correctly, they are now creating a system of how much it should have security guards, how many guards it should have, the former president should sit there, he has state secrets. who will sit with him so we will put him in solitary confinement to whom will you trust the walls with your secrets
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normally no he cannot be left alone in the car he is the owner of state secrets 36 36 guards who should precedent will not sit with him yes that is, they will sit for a day or two just and where am i i work in prison and we admired this circus in the nineties and wanted to be like them, well, maybe they ’ll give out donalds to each other there trump still doesn’t, well, you see. what’s more interesting here is the number of guards, although of course it’s impressive that there are 36 guards for a theoretically seated president, this is not a joke in fact, because if they started to develop this, it gets on your nerves, here it’s more important, here the fact itself is more important, the fact itself. discussion why should we discuss how one should sit theoretically if something happens, who knows what how a former or current one should sit, well, the former, okay, the president of the united states, this is this, this is just a very important symptom, much more important than the number of guards is at least 36, well, 36 , let’s look at one more nuance, it’s kind of like that, well, it’s a detail, but it’s a pretty significant detail. this publication
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has analyzed politically, which means those who will preside over the trials against hunter biden. to begin on june 20, but was recently pushed back to the nineteenth year, the tax case was supposed to be september 5, it is noted that the judges have much in common, both are appointees of former president donald trump, their combined judicial experience is less than 10 years, each presided over only a few criminal trials and, judging by their limited track record, both handed down
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harsh sentences, it seems to me that this also fits into our idea that this is such a show trial that they have there. this is a very long process, it is worked out in detail, they select them as they select juries, depending on the selection of the jury, a lot depends on the selection of the jury , just as it depends on the selection of the judge and quite rightly, it is obvious that the evening is in the background biden's yard stopped to be languid, indeed, but i think i agree with the thesis that hunter biden
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will make a sacred sacrifice to this political situation around november - still turn to the kings, because he holds all the judges, jokes aside, but in fact, any basis of democracy is built by an independent judiciary, executive power, legislative power does not intersect in any way, but when you come to power, you are the president, you receive lists of your judges, and we say, these guys have authority, no, but how many cases they spent two or three, they will owe you
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more than those who already have established authority and ambition, of course, because from rags to riches, as the americans say. this is a good story, they will instantly pull you by the ears, and you will owe them for life, in these conditions, i agree with alexei alekseevich, to be a president whose son suffered and it is very easy to talk about justice, you go out among the people and say, i suffered sitting, yes i did not make a deal with the law, in this case you will pardon trump, you can be kind, no, i god could have done this, but i even imprisoned my son, because this is justice.
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and biden is a very corrupt family, it’s actually a criminal family, and we treat it so calmly, we treat it, we understand it, but yes, we have such a president, what can we do, our vla, our elite is not considered ours. ..
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yeah, i think that joe won’t be a candidate, i think in august, when the whole party will be, the democratic party, i think they will choose another person, well, let’s show time, we’ll see, great, it’s said, then there’s also this one moment, many believe that yes, this is a process against hunter, this is a way to captivate, distract attention and the criminal case from the president himself, because there are a lot of corrupt cases connected with ukraine, more serious, i don’t think that... this case against is a serious matter, he didn’t kill anyone, he didn’t rob a store, and he didn’t hit anyone in the head, no, he just lied on the questionnaire,
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many americans lie constantly on the questionnaire, no matter how many people understand this, there’s nothing to collect here there is no serious crime, they will get a sentence, they they will receive probation for 3 years they will receive probation, they will serve time, that’s for sure, this is his first crime, as it were, an official crime, as it were, it was necessary to allow a criminal case against hunter to say, well, look what a fair independent court we have, even the president’s son can be judged, but this is all
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a very good peer-to-peer technology, i want, well done, guys, guys, you did a good job, and people, ordinary residents of america, that’s how they perceived it, they understand that there is no independent judging in the states but why. john, please tell me, when you said, something doesn’t let me go with this whole phrase of yours, your prophecy that 99% of the democrats will win there, no matter who is at the head, although of course harris at the head sounds like michelle obama or
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michelle obama , yes, of course it sounds, well, with michelle obama it’s still okay, although it’s also interesting, well, it doesn’t matter, but you are proceeding from some kind of, so to speak, administrative understanding of administrative resources of opportunities, or are you assessing opinion in this way.
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custom, the fact is that they are very good they work with the police, the japanese, when the police have a need to imprison someone from the yakuza to carry out, so to speak, a plan for the yakuza, for imprisoning the yakoza, they
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come. anna, if i’m not mistaken, good, thank you, good afternoon, shevarina anna, moscow, i was listening to your broadcast just now, and to be honest, i’m just feeling anger and a sense of injustice, because while a person whose son is under investigation is participating in the presidential race, and trump was found guilty in principle, for example, the famous american actor kevin stacy literally burst into tears because he spent all his money on litigation, which also found him innocent,
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now literally. forced to sell his house, everything he has left, is this really what the american system of democracy looks like, in general, maybe in this case it’s time for the world to open its eyes and see that this country cannot be called a leader, in principle, in any way - then to be equal, yes, and the charges turned out to be far-fetched, but kevin, this is an excellent question, ah, thank you very much and for the question, i’m even getting ahead of myself, i’ll say, i saw the article today, guys, you can’t find kevin space yet, this piece that anna was talking about, i saw nyusali today, but about the fact that... here’s biden they say he did a lot, he was good, so to speak, and he rallied there, and it was trali-wali who put together the coalition, but he says, pay attention, he says, no one looks at the united states anymore as a single, so to speak, unconditional leader, he says, it’s just so to speak, as that is, staffing as the leader of a certain coalition, we are talking about international reputation and authority, but that’s not why when she says why maybe it’s time to open your eyes, but they are opening little by little, well, thank you very much, our guys found this video case, it’s really
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poignant. seriously so all the stuff from the house in baltimore i'm going to have to go into escrow why was the house foreclosed on because i can't pay the bills i have to pay you're bankrupt i still owe on a lot of court bills that couldn't pay, do you mind if i ask, how much you owe is a significant amount.
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the main values ​​are justice, otherwise do you think there is justice in america in general, the judicial system is wonderful justice, that such a word is generally suitable in the current conditions for the states, when the judicial system itself as a whole , the state treats its citizens this way when they are left alone with practically nothing to...
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because of the accusations were not confirmed, and he lost his life, but that’s the point, it turns out that the public wave can cover the actor and he will be washed away, and at the same time, if she covers the president or the president’s son, nothing will happen to them, but remember how it all began, thank you very much, you’re great, great question, but remember how it all began, how bright it was , fresh, how - these women and men with burning eyes accused these and 27 years ago he grabbed my leg, scumbag, yes, yes, yes, and how
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the public was indignant? this rush, in fact, yes, indeed, it is absolutely irrational, but i must say that with the help of this wave, as i figuratively said anatoly, it was washed, it was blurred... when if you, no matter whether you are a woman or vice versa , a man, i don’t want to offend anyone, i won’t list all 72 genders, i’m kidding, that’s what it means, and you come and say that’s how much years ago i was subjected to, i was subjected to trawling , everything, this is enough reason, although well
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, it’s kind of nonsense, well, it’s enough reason, because because there is a social wave, there are demands, there is a request for everything, and the same judges are considering this wave, this is an emotional accusation as a legal one and so... they are smashing stores, stealing from there, stop, let's go back to looking at what happened to
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the organization black lives matter, it is also nine-digit, and the largest corporations, such as those that were named today, pay a percentage there, paying off this , it's called a racket, racket, roof, that's absolutely correct. new system, we you, we will show you how to screw you up, only it is called public, they have democracy, societies don’t have bulls with chains against you, but we will set the public on you with everything, pay, that is, the usa has turned into a mafia corporation, which has its own ayabuns, has its own mafia bosses, where there are concepts of rules, they are the rules above the law and so on, then it is clear why there is such a weak president, they need an absolutely controllable weak president, because... but look strong on him, a strong mafia, the mafia, still the country, and the president in general, well , strong mafia structures, mafia clans
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in the form of transnational corporations, which at one time simply split the congress of allocating funds supposedly to ukraine, in fact, into their own own needs, and remember, it’s a funny story, when they came out we have, that means we have, i have what’s called a... the position is called, someone said, that means he comes to him there, he says, there is a position, but it has changed, well, damn it, over the course of just, well, days, we saw this about congress, it’s normal for america, it’s normal, it’s also become normal, but what is american democracy, and this is when the democrats are in power, here’s the other one, this is the simplest thing, you must agree how beautifully they package this mafia structure, and this the candy is still bought in many places, and many people look at it. no, the majority no longer believe, they don’t buy, you know, many, when they open the candy, no, listen, it’s important here, they’re afraid, still most of the world, of course, that’s about it, they accept it, well, it’s a mafia business organized, it is organized on total
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fear, if there is any doubt about this fear, then some aircraft carrier moves there and this fear is restored, the level of fear is restored, but if another force arises, law enforcement bodies that put in charge. gradually engage, displacing the mafia structure and its influence, fear disappears, institutions appear that have degraded precisely on the territory of the united states of america, un institutions, they are being revived, perhaps they should be transferred to some other countries for a speedy recovery, if if we want a speedy recovery recovery takes years, of course, if not decades, but years is faster. is actually done, of course, so i think, as soon as this chain of vicious dependence on united states, it will be interrupted, like cutting an umbilical cord, this organism is new, public, global security, fair trade rules, absence
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of sanctions and so on, it will instantly begin to grow, you see, because there are resources for normal, competent, calm trade, distribute these resources, there are a lot of them, and it will become very much that america is so calm. burning, for example, this or that ship in the red sea, yeah, well, it burns and burns, but it didn’t drown, but it didn’t drown.
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minister of as many as three key areas in germany, and ecology, economics, and energy at once robert habeck. dependence on russia is decreasing because germany has managed to get rid of russian gas. the siems company, part of the mercedes-benz concern, is moving to poland, this is treason, it harms the state. they are moving military personnel to ukraine. did he call for arms to be given to ukraine at the end of twenty-one, when he was in kiev? it's so unkempt. i don't understand. what am i doing, what am i saying, i accidentally became a minister, not guys, this is
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a professional with a capital p, husband and wife - one satan, they write this in co-authorship, she held his body tightly so that it could not squirm, his neck broke with the click of a heel on the tile, a book for children, he knows perfectly well how to influence the younger generation, they have no spiritual future, they they will demolish the traditions of the germans, they will demolish the culture of the germans, the globalists found him through these books, this was his job application. robert habeck, bad writer of german history, dolls, heir to tutti, today on the first, would you like to help your country, how, excuse me, you have what i need, comrade peredunov, our head coach of the ussr in sambo, so i’m confusing, a replacement. vasily
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oshchepkov is invited to a friendly match. but now there is a more interesting enemy. and who? no. do you want to learn this? there is no effective method against firearms yet. and comrade oshchepkov showed. the army has made its choice; oshchyopkov will coach the national team. you lost before you even started. you can't win a fight with that attitude. do you want to bury the most? my disciples, if i write on him, they will imprison him, where is he? they took it as a denunciation, a denunciation, yours, consider it mine, the legend of samba, the premiere, tomorrow after the program time, we wish all the athletes good luck, may the strongest win, the vampire score, rosemary's baby, a few more nerve-wracking films from made the name of this man known to everyone world, my first
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film, not made in poland, was called disgust, it did a lot to strengthen in me the feeling of joy from work, when everything is forgotten, all that remains is faith in yourself, a wonderful person, i think that a little faith was of great importance for soviet cinema, is due precisely to the fact that this is a film without an ethical assessment of the behavior of the heroine, what do you think is the main difference between - working in soviet cinema in american, a sense of self, my own pride, talent, of course, i have to step on myself throat sometimes, in general , the main thing in my life is that i study the philosophy of language, the philosophy of rhythm and the philosophy of plasticity, matodor, tomorrow is the first, forward, it’s a little hard, dear, well, be patient, he was thin, in general he looked more like alain dellon than to porthos. valya said, well, a very good role, well, the most important thing in
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life is to eat, drink, fight, in general i’m a positive person, in life there is such a baggage of terrible mistakes, sometimes you sit down and think, lord, how good it would have been if it had n’t been so. well, vanchika, the only thing is that now i’m the only one visiting you, there’s practically no one left. he is a very gentle person, very careful and attentive, i envy him. this is a cat, and this is some kind of raccoon, a woman who really captivated him with her love, this is lida, she is strong. she is loving you are young, young, soul, soul, for the eightieth birthday of valentin smernitsky on saturday at the first, your idea of ​​​​happiness, mutual love, struggle, soldier, you
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are alive, you again climbed to the front line, where misanbat is, and in my opinion, you are his are you just idealizing? dr. push will stay here, so i won’t go into conflict, i won’t go into conflict with myself, then i’ll go, it’s not an eternal battle, it’s your volodka who sometimes likes to say, we need a person like you, to command the health of the whole region, the territory is like two frances, inna makarova, why are you doing this then? forever, but completely, alexey botalov, decided everything from the very beginning. in the film "my dear man" on sunday on the first. the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live. the russian military arrived in cuba;
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the frigate admiral garshkov was the first to enter the port of havana. a little later, the nuclear submarine kazan and escort ships. a wonderful shot. you look at them and your eyes are filled with joy, this hasn’t happened for a long time, and now we are finally back in cuba, and cuba greets us very, very cheerfully. the official reason for coming to cuba is that our fleet, and the ships of the northern fleet, have completed exercises on the use of high-precision missile weapons in the atlantic ocean, but now the crews are planning a meeting with the command of the cuban navy, and of course , an extensive cultural program, this cultural program will most likely include... a study of the comments of western politicians, comments on social networks regarding their presence in cuba. here is one such comment shared by an advisor, assistant us president for national security jake salevan, who answered a very alarming question from american journalists about our presence in cuba very simply: we control everything, this is a normal teaching,
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listen. we saw these russian naval forces heading to cuba under the bush administration, under the administration. predated the west, it placed its nuclear ships in america's backyard. there are four russian ships right behind me, before going on air to you, i could hear russian sailors singing russian anthems from here. all this very reminiscent of an event from the past, when the soviet union supplied cuba with everything it needed. it looks like vladimir putin has something to say to the united states. russian nuclear ships
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are heading to cuba. the russian ministry of defense said its armed forces conducted an exercise in the atlantic ocean en route to cuba. during these. the exercises included testing the launch of high-precision missiles. for reference, cuba is located approximately 150 km from florida, usa. these exercises happened immediately after the united states gave ukraine the green light. on the use of western weapons beyond the borders with russia. the world watched in horror as the cuban crisis nearly plunged the planet into nuclear war in 1962; decades later, tensions again reached boiling point when russia sent its nuclear warships to... this is the nuclear submarine kazan and the frigate admiral gorshkov. admiral gorshkov is the first warship of the russian navy to carry the new zircon hypersonic cruise missiles. cuba, a key ally of the former soviet union in the cold war insists that none of the warships carry nuclear weapons and that they pose no
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threat. however, the message moscow is sending is fraught with consequences. all this is a kind of part of a hybrid war. they look and say: it turns out that somehow we were a little scared there, i don’t know, but we see, and we control, it’s like serious forces are shown here, not so far from cuba, that’s all. were looking, as the american media and television channels say, we see along the beach, or that’s it calmly and under control, as jake
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salevan says, of course they tensed up, pay attention to how much force they were forced to use, first, to escort our group, and i’ll remind you that we made such a small thousand-kilometer detour so as not to immediately go directly to cuba to approach, and also to walk very beautifully along the coast of america, that’s why they had to accompany, they had to watch. and for some distance our submarine kazan, and i’ll remind you, is the fourth generation yasen, but it was underwater and they lost, they couldn’t find them, here they are supply ships and that means our frigates have gone ahead, there is no submarine, where is it left, what is the route, moreover, they understand perfectly well that there are cruise missiles out there , especially hypersonic ones , are not yet available to them from the point of view of interception, and this confuses them very much, and the most important thing is that we are currently conducting exercises:
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what can we get, if necessary, including the closest target, it is clear that the distances small, it is clear that we are in we will not hit the depths of america with this grouping,
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it is clear that we did not plan to do this, but to show our flag in this place is enough to show so boldly now, this is an important signal. here is the signal, andrei franovich said, what political signal do you see in this, and what will the americans see? well, first of all, it’s very nice to see the ships of the northern fleet. serious, even the footage that you showed as a political signal from the american media speaks about this very clearly, because well, the main theses are that putin has something to answer, russia has come to our backyard, the fatherland is in danger.
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something needs to be changed in their policy, but they don’t want to change anything, they are happy with everything, the whole world is not happy with it, they are happy with it, of course they don’t want to, vladimirovich, what do
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they need to change and are they ready for this now, because it would seem , well, one frigate, well , yes, with hypersound, which does not exist, well, one nuclear submarine, well, it would seem that aircraft carriers, or rather even aircraft carrier groups, and aircraft carrier groups, are on the international agenda there, in large numbers around the world, they are dissecting here, as it were... one russian frigate, how scared are you? well, i don’t think they are completely scared and frightened yet, but the americans have a foreign policy formula in which they act through one hand, through two, that is, there is no direct clash with russia, no, there is a ukrainian hand, the ukrainian hand is separately supported by europe , very strongly supports, it turns out that america has come up with some rules in which they exist. united states of america which touch it’s impossible, for whom everything is according to the rules, according to their rules, in which, well, how do you have a reason
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to enter into some kind of conflict with us, no, this is different, in this regard... soviet american tanks were stationed in berlin for a day, everyone really thought now how to save political face and these tanks should put in reverse gear or turn the turrets at least so that they don’t aim at each other, it was then in this era that the conversation arose: what really awaits america in the event of a third world war and what is victory in the event of a third world war? wars then
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they report to the american president that victory means the destruction of the soviet union. the sound will reach, and they understand that it is technically impossible to intercept, even if it starts somewhere out there from siberia, right under our noses, then we move on to the americans understanding what victory is, victory is not the destruction of russia, victory for americans - this is to keep their territories intact, the destruction of new york, this was not invented today, this is precisely from those times of the cold war, and let's give the formula
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old, she was, if you don’t want to talk to laurus, you’ll talk to shaigu. it means, according to this formula, the americans do not believe that russia has any reason to somehow try to threaten america there, how is this possible, this is such an arrogant political superiority, but what are we for? in principle, it seems to me that vladimir putin has already said very clearly and clearly that let’s give weapons to those who can reach them, then it’s not only the houthis, then it’s not only the houthis, then this is a huge number, and here we need to talk specifically with points of view american investment. politicians, where american interests in business, do not necessarily reach washington or new york, but really no one wants world war iii, but the transatlantic corporations that feel great in the cobalt mines feel great in the lithium mining, uranium, that's where can be reached, and this is, in principle , support for the non-colonial spirit that exists today in third countries, in the global south, so i think
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that really rhetoric and escalation, they moved to another level, and the point is not that... it somehow threatens someone, no, it clearly states what the price of an american victory will be if they have plans to destroy the russian federation, but you are right , usa in america, people in general are very sensitive to any blows to their interests, why interests, not only territories, therefore, after our ships and submarine ended up in cuba, new sanctions were introduced against russia and now the g7 summit is taking place in italy, there ... of course, the most important topic is russia, new sanctions against it, and also another aid, for now, as we call it, independence, although there is nothing left of independence there, vladimir zelensky also intends to come to italy for a personal meeting with joe biden, let me remind you that joe biden is on the swiss summit organized by zelensky will not go, in parallel with this
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, a meeting of the heads of military departments of nato countries is taking place in brussels, where everyone immediately gathered. course towards a natural escalation of the military conflict in ukraine, jens stoltenberg said a lot there, but here he is joyfully welcomed the decision of many countries to allow the use of their weapons for strikes deep into russia. i welcome the allies' reduction or relaxation of restrictions on the use of weapons against military targets on russian soil. according to international law, ukraine has the right to self-defense, and the right to self-defense also includes ... russia, if they could not do this, then we would ask them to try to defend themselves on their own, with one arm tied to their back. self-defense is not escalation, self-defense is a right enshrined in the un charter, and we have the right to help ukraine defend this right. and by doing this, panato's allies do not become parties to
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the conflict. a very specific statement, that is. self-defense is a right, we are denied this right, and the participation of third countries in the conditional self-defense of ukraine is in no way an escalation of the conflict, much less a drag on... he openly stated that he has conditions, or rather even an ultimatum , he said that if russia receives such attacks from western if you don’t like weapons deep into your territory, then just withdraw your troops, well, of course , the simplest formula, because they don’t escalate in any case, but in the meantime, the west is ready to continue pumping weapons into ukraine, german defense minister boris pistorius is at the meeting.
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we are trying to understand our enemy, which means that the right to self-defense is the sacred right of any country, and the participation of third countries in helping a conditional, well, not conditional, specific ukraine, which is, like , self-defense, this is not an escalation conflict, why britain is now telling us this mantra again: withdraw your troops, everything will end. here you need to share their global strategy, what they plan to do. from what they claim. stoltenberg, who, by the way, like his colleagues, constantly refers to international law, the law of war, which he, others, the geneva agreements
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refer to in a huge number of different agreements, declarations, only isolated excerpts were made to him that the country has the right to co-defense , in accordance with these legal regulations acts, which, by the way, to which they usually do not refer, they have a so-called rules-based peace, this is what... there is a term called warmongers, then hostilities begin , countries that supply weapons to this country, are already a party to the conflict, since the second one is the instigator of the conflict, that is, he always says, the conflict has begun, all neighbors, all efforts of the whole world should be aimed at stopping the conflict, at least stopping the fighting and then reaching the so-called...
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the first modern french long-range cruise missile or british stormshadow will fly into the territory of our ancestral territories, this is a fact for us when we strike your bases, through the hand, as colleagues said, not directly, through those who have the ability to reach, but such we have a lot of opportunities, and they also have a lot of such vulnerable points, then we’ll come back and talk about whether these countries had the right to self-defense through those bases that are located illegally? on their territory, and we will return to this conversation let's continue talking, but right after a short advertisement, oleg, why are you disgracing yourself,
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excuse me, who are you cleaning the rooms, who is my fiancé, who is finnish, and who am i? i'll go and wait there, who am i? and you are a friend, a very close friend. wedding? what wedding? i agreed out of stupidity, well, it happens, sorry! listen, i ’m leaving for finland, i’ll return the ring to you, one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program, i want to talk to him, and i won’t let you ruin his life again! well , hello, oleshka, god forbid i go crazy, a staff would be better. crazy when you go crazy mind our immunity, here they are bluish immune cells, then the immune system literally eats the human body alive.
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a unique medicine has been created in russia that has overcome the madness of our immunity. about this and many other breakthroughs in the program to live healthy dedicated to the day of the medical worker. tomorrow on the first. all i want is to look in the eyes of the world community not as a half-hearted person, but, first of all, as a person who evokes sympathy .
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of my time, i am not a pawn, an informed source in moscow, on saturday on the first, i just fight because i hold on. on june 10 , people's artist of russia valentin smernitsky, a legendary partos and favorite actor of several generations, turned 80. i played shakespeare and gogol, and chekhov, in the theater i had all such serious roles. sometimes it’s difficult, but i can cope with it, but they have a very complex character, at some point the time of reckoning came, he lost the precious people closest to him, my son died because of my sloppiness, he fell into bad company and there drugs appeared our exclusive today is a people's artist.
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an exclusive with dmitry borisov premiered on saturday on the first. sklif is a legend. since the time of count sheremetyev, all the modern successes of the institute are based on the history that it had, an experiment on humans and people are at risk. the chief neurosurgeon of the russian federation compared the sklifosovsky institute to a soveonosov, that is, it is a machine that is constantly in operation, which allows you to implement everything that has been done in science directly into clinical practice. we have the most experience in the world multiple level treatment. that is, when
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more than one splint is broken, there are several of them, anesthesiologists, we are ready, the world champion in bodybuilding, the germans turned him around and twirled him and said, take him to russia, i’ve been to a lot of medical institutions, this is the humanity that specialists have niskifosovsky, i have never met her anywhere, the doctors pulled me out of the other world, i thank them every time, they succeeded, i succeeded, we all succeeded. medical worker sklifosovsky institute on sunday on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, the final on sunday on the first. the so
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-called peace conference of zelensky in switzerland is getting closer and closer, but there is basically nothing left of the conference there, just recently there were reports that neither nato secretary general en stoltenberg, nor the head of the un antonio guterres, and vladimir would come to this summit zelensky decided to go on the offensive in advance, despite what had already been announced. 78 countries that have confirmed their participation, this is not enough for him, and he calls on them act. leaders must understand that they have come to take part in a global peace summit, not just to take photos. and here, about just taking a photo, questions arise, as they say, because many people are planning to go to this conference, well, purely formally for show, it was imposed on us, suppressed from all over the world, the americans suppressed there, the british suppressed, we...
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about that , that they have already received the final document at their disposal, well, the plan for this final document upon completion, which should to present, this plan includes only three of the ten points of the so-called zelensky formula, which does not address the key issues of resolving the ukrainian conflict.
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the text of the statement will contain only three points from zelensky’s peace formula, we are talking about the safety of nuclear power plants, food security about... yes, biden will not be there, there will be no chinese representatives there, guterres will not be there, johns stoltenberg will not be there, but maybe someone else will join in the near future, the pope is there, i don’t know what well, it’s not in vain that zelensky went to see him, or someone not zelensky, someone went from him, well,
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let’s start with the g7, with the g7, which has just begun, which will most likely be one of the key issues to be considered. this is the provision of the next tranche of material assistance to ukraine. now the figure is 50 billion. and these 50 billion, one way or another, should be taken from the blocked seized assets of russia. please note that literally 10 days ago stoltenberg’s call for european countries to collect a consolidated 100 billion in benefit. ukraine, now we are talking about 50, i say again, at the expense of russia, so far there are two cautious conclusions that europe no longer really wants to spend its money, it already wants to put the expropriated money into circulation, this
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of course does not mean that europe is in no way running out of money, but somehow i don’t really want to spend it anymore, stolpenberg’s calls have gone away, and today this issue will be considered at j7. secondly, that without this help ukraine will have a very hard time economically, without being shy about this, zelensky himself says, experts admit this, we’ll see how it ends, in fact, after the end of the summit everyone moves to switzerland, well, some move, some don’t move, some fly overseas, well, in general they move in space, but you see, here, it seems to me, the action itself that will take place is not so important. switzerland, well, everyone will eat deliciously, go for a walk, take a family photo, sign some documents on three points, on two points, even on the most neutral points, so this action is not so important as further attempts at manipulation will be important, the actions that
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took place in switzerland will be heard in 78 countries, then a large number of public organizations, well, world-class, will be heard.
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there must be stakes, the question is, why gather in switzerland, moreover, it is clear from eighty countries, the european union there is 29 countries, just who are the other countries, why do they need to participate there, i believe that there are such subtle political aspects as- that once, uh, let’s say, a high-ranking meade official asked, listen, why do you need this there, this is, well, a small country in africa, he says, wait, wait, for some this is a small country in africa, and for others - then this is one vote in the un. and i believe that this one voice in the un, this is sometimes also very, very important, and there is a rejection of
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third market countries for such players as britain, this is an absolutely colonial power, which today is neo-colonial, for countries such as france, there was not enough for more stoltenberg got there, because stoltenberg will come, yeah, you are threatening us, that is , third countries, they are very distancing themselves from powerful powers, from the same g7 group, in this regard, a conversation with...
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is deceitful for western society in some part many people are actually in it, and what does nato even plan to do? after all, nato or the americans or the british are turning it into an organization of a global gendarme. let me remind you that nato has long outgrown the short pants of the north atlantic. nato wants to influence like a gendarme proactively start wars and subjugate countries around the world. the americans want to make nato a gendarme who... will operate , including in southeast asia around china. now the americans are creating
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nato rapid reaction troops of 3,000, which will not be subordinate to national states. they called stoltenberg, he answered the phone and said these troops are flying away to fight there, and the country, no parliament is needed, nothing, they just picked up and left, for example, this german brigade, which will be in the baltic states, this is precisely an element of the rapid reaction forces, and then we will see the merging of the focus that is being created around, which means china, together with nato, this will be the globally dominant such structure, but this is in their plans, in reality everything will be different, so you they won’t stretch this budget, they really need to. yes, nato and america are now very expensive, these are all their ambitions, plans, it is very, very, very expensive, this is what i wanted to bring to the point that any empire has a cycle of rise and fall, its fall begins exactly from the point when it spends on the maintenance of its outposts is more than it earns from the countries that it controls, the americans have a negative
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balance, catastrophically towards this point, so now they must reset this soap bubble or... cover new territories, that is, without a big conflict they can’t hold this huge machine, why do the americans shift it to the europeans? yes , because 2,000 of their bases with a budget of almost a trillion dollars is no longer affordable for them, the planes and therefore the ships are rusty requires more money than is currently being spent, because 2,000 bases around the world are very expensive, large salaries, americans need to shift this time to someone, but european countries are not rubber either, they will also force them to pay in the end. they are already forcing, and how much 2% is needed is already not enough gdp in order to fuel these nato ambitions, but i think there will be 5%, this is the bankruptcy of many states, including in italy, most likely, but transnational corporations, who make money from arms supplies have become so enamored that they it’s very difficult to stop, let me remind you that germany allocated 100 billion euros for
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the re-equipment of the bundeswehr before the thirtieth year, they already came, they said the money had run out, more was needed, but this money did not come out of thin air. this money was set aside for social needs, for payments for especially rare diseases, and so on, this was taken away by social spheres, will be taken away again, well, that means the standard of living of citizens will worsen, and germany has always been a stronghold of indicators of how things should be and what what did they do with germany now? well, you have to ask the people who live there, when in small towns, the number of immigrants far outweighs the number of local residents, and not older ones, which is huge.
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give him a big head start, because it ’s really true to tell a hundred percent lie, but with such a sad face and honest eyes it ’s worth a lot, a great specialist just really wants to retire, it will be necessary not only to find a replacement for stoltenberg when he leaves, because really in this in terms of plan , he really turned out to be in the right place, you ’re telling zelensky now that he’s just, well zelensky must be put in charge, but an interesting, interesting move was born during today’s dialogue, but no, listen... it’s clear, this is a defensive alliance, i wonder who they were defending against in yugoslavia when they were hammering it from above for 100 seconds more than a few days, well, i’m just curious, that’s why, well, listen, what can i say, we all understand everything about nato, i absolutely agree with andrei frantsevich that now they want to extend their influence to southeast asia, and i think that they have there
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the porridge will brew for many, many more years, and of course, as long as the alliance is with nato, as long as it fulfills the task, as long as it is needed, the largest countries today need it, both the united states and its allies europe. as long as this toolkit is needed, of course, it will exist, well, unless something global, completely global, happens, when little of anything will exist at all, but we try not to talk about this, when you really, really inflate the bubble, no matter what it is it wasn’t strong, sooner or later it will burst, advertising and we’ll continue. minister of as many as three key areas in germany and ecology, economics, and energy at once robert habeck. dependence on russia is decreasing because germany has managed to get rid of russian gas. the siems company, part of the mercedes-benz concern, is moving to poland, this is treason, it harms the state. they are moving military personnel to ukraine. did he call for
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arms to be given to ukraine at the end of twenty-one, when he was in kiev? it's so unkempt. i don't understand what i'm doing, what i'm saying. so i accidentally became a minister, not guys, this is a professional with a capital p, husband and wife - one satan, they co-authored this, she held the body tightly so that it could not squirm, his neck was broken. robert habeck, bad writer of german history, dolls of tutti's heir, today on the first, my system. is intended for practical use, using it during sports competitions, well, it can be dangerous, but this is exactly what we need, viktorovich, well, how can i
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make fighters out of these blockheads in 3 weeks, you are viktor, you are driving me into a corner, there is i have one guy, he’s sitting there, bro, don’t you step they see it as shooting or whatever, i’m walking, but i learned to fight where i learned it, and somehow myself, we have several pain zones, now i’ll show you some options.
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the difference between working in soviet cinema and american cinema, a sense of self, my own pride, talent, of course, i step on my own throat sometimes, and in general the main thing in my life is that i study the philosophy of language, the philosophy of rhythm and the philosophy of plasticity, matodor, tomorrow on the first one, forward, it’s a little heavy, honey, just be patient, he was thin, in general he looked more like alen delanovich.
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games. the final. on sunday on the first. good
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afternoon. this project helps children in our country take their first steps towards their dreams. our new hero's dream is dancing. meet me. this is kirill buyskikh from makeyevka, he has been living under shelling since he was 14, my name is kiril. thanks to our project, we got to know many unique and talented guys from donbass, but kirill struck me in a good way with his obsession with dancing. i must say, he has everything for this, hard work, and charisma, and, of course, talent, but kirill also
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has it. courage, because every dance trip for him is a risk to his life. there have been regular arrivals here since 2014; when someone flew nearby, all the windows were knocked out, but that didn’t stop us from working. we delayed kirill a little while filming and he was late for class. thanks to this situation, we met his dance teacher. let me introduce you to him. hello! when there were active hostilities, there were no classes, now we are pushing them, there would be fewer delays, there would be in general, it’s super simple, kiril, you stay, we continue classes, goodbye everyone, goodbye, bye, start, every count and chug, chug, move, pum-pum, back, let’s go. it’s good
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how important the role of a parent is in a child’s life, to see that seed, that spark of talent that is placed in him by god and to be able to develop it - this is pricelessly important. the successes that you will see in kirill are largely due to his mother; she herself is a choreographer and the most important teacher in the boy’s life. give me some transverse twine, well done, pull up your socks, please, here you go great i. a little bit, don’t creak, come on , be patient, well done, give me your leg, pull, pull, twist, that’s great, face, yes, well done, smart girl, that’s how it should be, good, mom will only say criticism, nothing else, in general, he will praise him like that, once a year, on his birthday, on new year’s, just like that, so that he doesn’t get wound up, like a mother, i love him very much, like a mother, like all mothers, my grandmother
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loves him, recently in rostov, my son, i love you i’m proud, kirill is not the only child in the family, he has a younger sister caroline, unfortunately girls are not an easy diagnosis, so kirill is not only my mother’s pride, but also, most importantly , support, what can i say, hello, hello, are you worried, yes, my son helps me all the time with caroline, the two of them are like water, she loves him very much, you love me, they are great in this regard, but they don’t go out with me, after that incident i don’t let the two of them go out on the street at all, in the destinies of the children
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of donbass there are almost always... terrible events: 2 years ago, my mother sent kirill and korolina grocery shopping, this usual trip could have ended in tragedy; the children miraculously escaped during the sudden shelling. so we came out of there with caroline, we were walking hand in hand, i had bread and milk in one hand, suddenly we heard the shelling start, i grabbed caroline tighter and we...
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understand, during that shelling on the playground in front of their house, they died two neighbor children. during this shelling , four children were playing on this playground. and thank god that caroline and i were not in their place. mom wouldn't have survived that. kirill’s main dream is to continue practice dancing and receive appropriate professional education. and his mother wants it to be away from makeyevka for obvious reasons. as a mother, i will be glad that my child will study not here, far from all these events, i believe in your capabilities, if you try with me, you will get admission anywhere. for me dancing is just everything, it’s something i can’t live without, perhaps every child has their own idol, i have one too, for me it’s miguel, he has such, such charisma, such confidence in ourselves, in order to make
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kirill’s dream come true, we contacted representatives of the choreographer and stage director miguel and unexpectedly received an answer that kirill was expected in moscow, we tried to keep everything secret until the last moment, and kirill didn’t even know where he was going , we want... for you to be happy, satisfied, motivated and in general, for your dreams to always come true, so we hope that this step towards your dream will be great, let's start, yes, yes, we are expecting, let's go, well, this main surprise, hi, hi, great, where are you are you dancing? in donetsk, but of course, i have a lot of friends there. it’s great that kirill and miguel quickly found a common language, and miguel even invited us to his office. on the way we managed to talk about a lot. how do you remember such a trivial question, such
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a number of movements, yes, so that later they can be reproduced correctly, without messing anything up, it’s, well, it’s still like poetry at school, only here your body remembers and muscle memory works, there ’s nothing complicated here , well, of course, that's what everyone says, who is good at taking everything away. yes, nothing complicated at all, some kind of nonsense, look, oh, thank you, where did you go, well, come here, we can go there, you can’t, come in, goodbye, bye, i’ve never seen such large dance studios, it’s really super. after talking, we moved on to the most important thing. to dancing and miguel even agreed to be kirill’s personal choreographer, let’s have an individual viewing from miguel, come on!
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tired, well, listen, well, you have a cool , mobile body, a movement that’s not fully completed, that’s what’s holding you back, you know, the base is very good, you may have a great future in terms of dancing, so, attention, a bag of gifts, such a good idea, and most importantly, attention, a certificate, this is a full course of training, i highly advise you to attend this event, this camp that we hold every year in sochi. i give you the opportunity to get to know yourself, from july 19 to 29 this year, take any
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accompanying person with you, attend class together, your mother will be there, for example, thank you very much, but you’re welcome, dance, most importantly, dance, another dream of kiril was visit legendary theater aly dukhovaya todos, kirill received... an invitation, but only on one condition: to pass the dance test. kirill had no idea what awaited him, he only knew that he needed sneakers with him. kirill, you know, the todos theater, the rakhov theater danced, so we arrived at their main base, right? yes, and today a master class awaits you here with the leading soloist of the theater, not only does she dance amazingly, but she is also, by the way, from donbass, that is, i think you will definitely find a common language with me, and we will dance. compatriots, i have prepared a choreography for you,
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polina, so, well, i also invite you to dance today, i’m hiding, you dance well, however, i don’t know anything, even i don’t know, but good. let's start, of course, with a warm-up in one direction; for warm-ups , synchronicity is also very important, yes, in this way you and i , as it were, energetically unite play dvalin level slozhdets yes here i will already let you go once two three double pho and five threw back, uh-huh, step, arms outstretched, don't give up, yes, follow the schedule, hands, original, shak, kick, well i i watched you, it was impossible to tear myself away. this is very cool, kirill, you’re like, oh, a little tired,
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a little tired, a little, don’t admit it, show me what happened, of course, we’ll show you, you’re ready, let’s go, come on! thank you very much, well done overall, it was important for me to learn some lessons, advice, some benefit from this master class, i succeeded. kirill is a great fellow, he managed to pass the dance test, an important, one might say, fateful meeting lay ahead. now we have come with you to the allahova todos dance theater, here there will also be a grandiose event, but before that there is an important matter, you are called to the manager’s office. will you go, do you trust me? okay, let's go ahead, here's
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the manager's office waiting for you, seriously, seriously? hello, hello vladimirovna, hello, hello, sun, hello, hello, this is our kiril, i was just in shock, just completely, and i felt that warmth, that... enthusiasm, for me it was just unexpectedly very pleasant, it’s colossal that you have such a desire, you need to be in love with it do, now i literally dance everywhere, i can’t stop dancing, everything is correct, i went out instead of running, i did it like this, and they told me, alka, you can run normally, you’ll finish school, now i’ll look at you , if everyone. ok, come to us, come to
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us, yes, we will train you here, we will teach you, we will all be happy if everything works for you, thank you, thank you very much, yes, here you are on stage, beautiful, count you, one two, three and, five and six and behold, one, two, three, 5, 6, 7, okay, well, we need it, he needs to come to us education. look, you'll enjoy it and here's a gift from us, can i give you happiness? come on,
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of course, well, like a class, normal in size, it suits you, thank you very much, well, this is the only way to study here, there are no options, you need it my dear, good luck, we are waiting for everything, may you always have bright impressions in life, who make your heart beat with joy, we hope that we were able to take a step towards our dream, you are awesome, god grant that everything works out for you, thank you.
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i think that kiril managed to do not just a step, a real leap towards your dream. the whole team is proud and admires his achievements, and an invitation from allah herself is worth a lot. now i know for sure that dreams come true, that to achieve them you really need to work, and i definitely will. to go towards my dream, i saw live what i want to strive for and who i want to become, good afternoon, the big game is live and i am vyacheslav nikonov, oh sports and peace - pierdo coubertin once said when organizing the olympic movement, but now the olympic movement is already more associated with the war, at least against our country for sure. but there are forces in the world that
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still implement the olympic principle, and this is , first of all, the brix state and their allies. opening today in kazan. brix, the brix games, in which a large number of athletes take part, from a huge number of countries, in fact, most countries on planet earth, and i am sure that these games are unlikely to be much inferior to the olympic games, president vladimir putin sent a greeting. the brix games are welcoming and original. kazan and moscow. cities rich in their history, multinational culture, and traditions. and at the same time, modern, looking to the future. all this fully reflects the spirit and character of brix himself. a union of sovereign countries that are developing dynamically
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while maintaining their identity. together they solve large-scale problems and set an example of true partnership.
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and the president presented state awards, i would especially like to join in congratulating antonovich sadovnichev, rector of moscow state university, where i have the honor to head the faculty of public administration, viktor antonovich axios, the hero of labor of our country, and at the same time putin said, in my opinion, very important words for everyone about what, well, listen. yesterday late at night, well , almost at night, i met with all the commanders of our groups, yeah, it made a very good, positive impression on me, all adults, serious, but quite young people in age,
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professionals, fully aware of the fact that what are they doing now, what should they do? to do tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, everything they do is coordinated, reasonable, yes, very, we have a wonderful galaxy of commanders, at such a high level, at a lower level, it’s just, you know, this feeling, as our people say, a sense of hope arises when you communicate with people of this level of class, so we should also have a sense of hope in connection with... than a very qualified command staff and in the past days our armed forces inflicted quite powerful blows on the ukrainian armed forces , the s- complex was destroyed 300 in poltavskaya area in the vicinity of kiev, most likely this is the vasilkov airport, they still
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cannot put out the fire there, although it has already been burning for more than a day, there were attacks on dnepropetrovsk, and they were repelled. rozhen is closely following the progress of the special military operation, boris aleksandrovich, what news do you have from the fronts, good afternoon, yes, against the background of the attacks, our troops continued to maintain the operational initiative in most directions, if you look from south to north, then on the rabotinsky ledge our troops continued to expand the zone of control around rabotin. which means that on the vremevsky ledge, our troops have advanced a little more in the area of ​​​​the already staromaisky one, they are expanding the zone of control there, assault operations continue in the harvest, that is , they are putting pressure on the enemy there, but while he is holding out in the center of the village, in the ugledar direction our troops have advanced a little more to south of mikhailovka, konstantinovka-uledar, there are also
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battles on the outskirts of konstantinovka in krasnogorovka , our troops are now defending the southwestern part of the city, there is significant progress there, assault operations are also continuing. control of the northern part of the city, where the enemy is still clinging, to the west of tavteevka our troops again made serious advances , the liberation of the villages of novoleksandrovka and novopokrovskoye was almost completed, and there were battles. on the outskirts of karlovka, on the outskirts of yasnobrodovka in the direction of sokol and kalinov, the enemy there is suffering heavy losses, including in western equipment, in the chasofyar direction fighting continues in the western part of the kanal microdistrict, the situation there continues to worsen for the enemy, there are also fighting west of klecheevka, on the northern ledge, our troops are advancing north of veselov and in the razdolovka area, there are also small advances near belogorovka, according to...
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the ministry of defense reported. as part of the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces, the personnel of the missile formation of the leningrad military district practiced combat training tasks for covert advance to the designated position area, and carried out electronic missile launches against conditional enemy targets. personnel involved in training of naval crews, carried out trips to sea in the designated patrol area. how does this even work? how often do such exercises take place, well , if we are talking about exercises of non-strategic
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nuclear forces, then this is the first exercise since the times of the soviet union, that is, we have not conducted such exercises before, but after a lot of work was done to update our and strategic nuclear forces and tactical, operational tactical nuclear weapons, such exercises have become relevant, in addition to the fact that... on the territory republic of belarus, we had a warehouse of this type of weapons, that is, it was necessary to conduct such exercises, on the one hand, so that the personnel of the units clearly understood the instructions that were happening, well, which must be followed when receiving equipment of this type of weapons, moving to points , from where this will be launched and electronic launches were made.
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of which - works for the russian spring, what do you have, nastya? yes, this is, unfortunately, yes, it is very
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difficult news for us, we have already lost a very large number of war correspondents for the northern military district, well, they were injured, unfortunately, we cannot save them, because, as we remember, since the fourteenth year, war correspondents have been hunted by the ukrainian country, and even if we put the press inscription on our body armor , then this hinders us rather than helps us. well, in this case, yes, we sympathize with the guys, we hope for a speedy recovery, but we have good news, the group of troops of the center of the 228th regiment has now occupied novopokrovskoye and is already moving. towards the falcon, that is , there are also battles going on there, the guys are great, they are defending the heights they have already taken, and now, that means, the ukrainian side does not recognize the fact that we have actually already entered novopokrovskoye, well , this is, as always, their policy, they they admit their defeats only when the whole world is already talking about it, which is why we are very
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happy for our guys, we hope that our offensive will also go... successfully in all, in all directions, as it is actually going now, i want you more let me remind you once again that, especially in connection with the fact that our journalists suffered because we need rap funds, for which we are collecting, now this new collection, it is already being carried out for medical vehicles, for medical equipment, for helping the wounded, this is also very important now, because the offensive - this is precisely the active phase when there are more wounded than when we are actually on the defensive, that’s why help us. and the spectators of the big game collected 50 million rubles, with which we bought rap, distributed it to the guys on the front line, now this the rap that we will collect goes to medical transport to help the wounded, thank you very much, and our appeal is also to our viewers, here is the qr code by which you can go to those accounts through which you can provide assistance to purchase funds now
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for the medical protection of our guys. providing the necessary medical care, but take care of yourself. thank you, and we have already started talking about cuba, our ships actually went there, and a submarine arrived, which the americans had been looking for for a long time, and it demonstratively, in my opinion, she sailed along the coast of florida, which greatly irritated the terrible american command, which could not yet detect it in any way, but in any case. according to yahoo, the united states is keeping a close watch on what our small flotilla is doing there. let's listen. a spokesman for the us northern command said: in accordance with standard procedures, we actively monitored russian ships passing through the atlantic ocean in international waters. air and sea forces northern command conducts defense operations. the deployment of russian
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ships is part of normal naval activities. posing a direct threat to the united states. the american group included three smss, as well as a coast guard boat and a maritime patrol aircraft. according to american intelligence estimates, none of the russian ships carry nuclear weapons. how can they know this, in fact, i would like to ask, i would like to ask, they don’t know how to say she has sailed there, but they say that they know that there is a nuclear weapon there weapons, there are no nuclear weapons there. but i must say, judging by how they scared away all the vacationers on the beach. miami and miami is located about 60 miles from havana, there is a lot of footage that there are planes, helicopters flying over the beaches, constantly, scaring the whole city, then the visit of our ships is given very great importance, well, anxiety, as they say is obvious, and the messages that we see from the american military command, in my opinion, are aimed at somehow reassuring
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their american public, for sure we know that there are no nuclear weapons, this is... an ordinary visit of the russian fleet, which does not pose a direct threat to the united states of america, but i think that no one planned to create a threat to the united states of america, here to send a signal that, in fact, the flotilla may arrive in a different composition, it may linger there, it may deliver something there, it seems to me that the words of the united states of america and its military are precisely aimed at changing public opinion.
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don't use nuclear weapons, we don't hit you nuclear weapons, in practice this means that they want to get freedom, complete freedom of hands at the pre-nuclear level, but the fact is that nuclear deterrence arose
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precisely as a continuation of competition in the field of conventional weapons and as a continuation of conventional war, the so-called conventional, nuclear deterrence itself arose in order to prevent large-scale wars with the use of nuclear weapons. conventional weapons, because they will definitely turn into nuclear weapons, so the united states is trying to somehow revise these rules and get impunity, russian actions are completely clear, americans are vulnerable , we know that they are aware of their vulnerability, but as you said, they are playing very dangerous games politically, these are really very dangerous games, for some reason they believe that russia can bluff , you know, that’s who, what about putin? he’s not lying, if he says that something will be done, it will be done, and rest assured, if you were hoping that there would be no russian response to permission to use their weapons on our territory, this is a big deal
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misconception, but it seems that our successes on the battlefield are now causing great concern in the west, and in recent days, today, too, they are behaving just like snakes in a frying pan, they are literally bursting, but more on that after the advertisement. i'm sorry, listen, i'm leaving for finland, i'll return the ring to you, one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program, i want
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to talk to him, and i won't let you destroy him again six, well, hello, oleshka, monte shoka cognac , a product of the stellar group. vampire ball, rosemary's baby, a few more nerve-wracking films made the name of this man known throughout the world. my first film, not made in poland, was called disgust. he did a lot to strengthen in me the feeling of joy from work, when everything is forgotten, all that remains is faith in yourself. wonderful person. i think that the enormous significance that little faith had for soviet cinema is due precisely to the fact that... this is a film without an ethical assessment of the heroine’s behavior. what do you think is the main difference between working in soviet cinema and american cinema? sense of self, self pride, talent, of course, the ability
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to step on one’s own throat sometimes, in general , the main thing in my life is that i study the philosophy of language, the philosophy of rhythm and the philosophy of plasticity. matador, tomorrow on the first day, we didn’t expect this, we didn’t expect it. a certain victor louis, a citizen of the ussr, we led him, an unremarkable figure, never, nothing, nowhere, journalist, unofficial voice of the kremlin during the times of leonid brezhnev, i read your sensational material about the change of russian leadership, it’s amazing what kind of connections you have there in the kremlin ? mine works in the kremlin a neighbor, a janitor, a man, a mystery behind the most notorious events of the era. yes, who will print them? well, no one here, but i could transport them to the west, there they will be torn away, people have the right to know the truth, the only legal soviet millionaire, all this will have to
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be paid for someday, and i have already paid, an informed source in moscow , on saturday on the first, he will be killed there; the security of the country will be to blame for this. worth one person, i fight, simply because i fight. on june 10 , the people's artist of russia turned 80 valentin smernitsky, legendary partos and favorite actor of several generations. i played shakespeare and gogol and chekhov; in the theater i always had such serious roles. talent, acting courage, charm, love of women. two women were in love with him, mila pashkova and masha vertinskaya. and he was seriously deciding which of them to marry.
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such a company, and drugs appeared there, our exclusive today is people's artist valentin smirnitsky about family tragedies and personal happiness, my father was very sick, my mother had no time for me, i did it to him myself offer, and he didn’t refuse, grandpa, the coolest, oh, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first.
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directly into clinical practice. we have the most experience in the world in the treatment of multiple multi-level trauma, that is, when more than one spine is broken, there are several of them. anesthesiologists, we are ready. world bodybuilding champion. the germans turned him over and twirled him and said, take him to russia. i ’ve been to a lot of medical institutions, and this humanity that denifosovsky’s specialists have, i’ve never seen it anywhere. doctors pulled me out of the other world, i thank them each. on the day of the medical worker , the sklifosovsky institute on sunday at the first, a big game live, today the g7 summit opened in italy, everyone has already arrived. states, joe
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biden also arrived, with difficulty getting off the plane, then, naturally, getting lost in space, as happens with him, and at the same time, the defense ministers of nato countries and countries that supply weapons to ukraine are meeting in brussels, naturally, the main thing is being discussed question how to help ukraine won, and the united states announced a new package. help, let's listen to us secretary of defense lloyd austin. president biden announced a new military aid package for ukraine that will include air defense interceptors, armored vehicles, anti-tank weapons and artillery systems. i am proud that our contact group has already allocated more than $98 billion to ukraine since february 2022. our coalition continues to find innovative and sustainable ways to meet ukraine's most pressing needs. well, as always
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produces the most consumable material, and what is most needed in defense, but the key point, of course, air defense systems, is loudly stated, but in fact a fairly small amount is supplied, because, as has been discussed here more than once, the production of air defense systems is a technologically complex, technical project for the military-industrial complex of nato countries, well, however...
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germany is in no hurry to deliver its patriot complex, there was a statement from the german ministry of defense that they would of course deliver it, but after training ukrainian personnel use this system, but in general, training the patriot system takes, as far as i know, about 24 months, so exactly 2 years to get qualified, most likely, of course, there will be german personnel who will come closer, but so far they are pretending this is the case in such a way that they will teach ukrainians. well, and at the same time
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, they supposedly believe in the victory of ukraine, and even more so they put the victory of ukraine over russia as the main condition for ukraine’s possible entry into nato. let's listen to jens stoltenberg, nato secretary general. i i hope that at the upcoming summit the allies will make several important statements regarding the transfer to ukraine of military equipment, air defense systems and artillery shells necessary for ukraine’s victory. without this, of course, the question of its membership in nato will not be discussed. we must be confident that ukraine will win; this is the absolute minimum necessary for ukraine to become a member of the alliance. we, of course, welcome ukraine's voluntary support. but the longer this war goes on, the more important predictability and accountability become fair distribution of costs. i think nato can play an important role in this regard. of course, we appreciate what the united states and our other allies have done, but we also saw how the united states spent 6 months agreeing on additional assistance to ukraine. we also
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see that not all nato countries have kept their promises. if we turn this from voluntary supplies into commitments to nato, then of course the supplies will become larger and more reliable. the absolute minimum that ukraine must accomplish to join nato is to defeat russia, except there is also transparency there, reporting there, and so on and so forth, well, it’s not military figures at all, it seems that the card sharpers gathered there are distorting all the time, because initially - the idea that appeared in ukraine was embodied even in its legislative acts regarding nato was as follows: in order to gain security, you need to join nato, but now it turns out: in order to join nato and get some kind of mythical security, it turns out that it is not only necessary to fight with russia, but it is also necessary to win this a war in which it is virtually impossible to win, well, you and i have always been convinced, and i think that all colleagues will agree that, of course, no one
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ever intended to accept ukraine into nato, and it was enough to say, when russia demanded to explain the situation, to give no guarantees ukraine's entry into nato, that ukraine will not join nato... there would be no conflict, there would be no war, there would not be everything that we see today, but the west cynically uses ukraine, and in order to maintain influence on public opinion ukraine, he is constantly dangling some new carrots, in the face of this very horse or donkey, as they are rightly called, those who follow the mirage somewhere further, but today it seems to me that they are already openly saying that this will never happen , and honestly, well, we are probably
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of the kiev regime, so every dollar that, it means, will be squeezed out of international financial institutions, it should be partially worked out through the support of the kiev, kiev regime, by the
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way, in the last week some appeared that signs that maybe in argentina they were also thinking that the scheme was some kind of fraudulent, some kind of financial pyramid, because it was announced... that argentina would not go to the summit in switzerland, but it seems that this means this meeting , which in ukraine, yes, in support of the regime, after all. they explained that somehow you won’t go to switzerland, you need to promise that you will help the kiev regime, so they seemed to say that they would go to switzerland after all, so this is the scheme that supposedly america will help someone, what is supposedly you can beg for something there, the economy is empty, the economy lives by robbing others, well, what can you beg for there, you can only integrate into the american struggle to rob someone, here you asians... well
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, argentina began to be drawn to support the kiev regime, so the vassals work off what they are entitled to before their master, and all the american vassals are ruining their country, but now there is no american vassal who has an improvement in the situation in the country. yes, that’s true, well in america they say there is some improvement, in any case, the biden administration is talking about this, but there, too , the people somehow did not feel these improvements very much, in any case, 80% of americans believe that there are no improvements, but only deterioration, but at this meeting of defense ministers in brussels they said about the supply of f-16s, as a settled matter, and about allowing these f-16s to attack our territory. stoltenberg confirmed this. that the allies have reduced or weakened restrictions on the use of weapons against military targets on russian territory,
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according to international law, ukraine has the right to self-defense, and the right to self-defense also includes striking legitimate military targets on the territory of the russian aggressor. if they were unable to do this, we would ask them to try to defend themselves with one arm strapped to their back. self-defense is not escalation. self-defense is a right enshrined in the un charter, and we have the right to help ukraine. with his hand tied behind his back, yes, they copied the words of our president at the beginning of a special military operation and often remember the word international law, although they themselves always play by the rules, that is, this is juggling, the mixing of terms leads to yes, there is also an interesting term with one thing that can be interpreted one way or another, but they are silent. that they have been carrying out such attacks for a long time and there were even frank admissions
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that they shot down planes on our territory, i’m not talking about the fact that belgorod was always subject to shelling and other territories, but here we are talking about the fact that europe, which becomes, firstly, mandatory in helping the kiev the junta, the representation of military assistance, will also become responsible for these attacks, that is... with these countries, and these countries have now become european, i mean, portrayed, well,
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they have become the same countries in which the united states once carried out military operations that they are pursuing in order to raise democracy there, and we know that when they invaded for democracy there in libya, there in iraq, in afghanistan, no one saw democracy there, now they do the same thing, but without the invasion produced by nato countries, i think that in this way, these sacrifices that ... all of europe made - this is most likely inevitable, if someone there doesn’t come to their senses, if those right-wing forces don’t suddenly slam on the brakes, although i doubt this will happen in the near future, will lead to an escalation of the conflict, or rather its going beyond other boundaries, and apparently they believe that in this way , by bluffing that they will do this and so on, they understand that in fact we are not bluffing, we are not bluffing, we speak, but... we speak openly, we warn the whole world, we tell the whole world, that is
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, there are no complaints against us, but those who play with these marked cards hang out with various concepts, they think that it will bring them, will not carry them, yes, will not carry them, but nevertheless escalation continues militarily, of course, on the economic front, they can’t do anything about the russian economy, but they are introducing new, new, new, new packages of sanctions, which they believe should already... the states. the us treasury is taking sweeping new steps to increase pressure on... russia, rather than increasing the risk of secondary sanctions against foreign financial institutions, limits the ability of the russian military industrial base to use certain us software and information technology services. the measures are directed against more than 300 individuals and legal
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entities, both in russia and abroad, including in asia and the middle east. in europe, africa and the caribbean. the ministry of finance has set its sights on russian architecture financial system, which was reoriented to promote investment in the defense industry and the acquisition of goods necessary to continue the aggression in ukraine. the new measures are also aimed at limiting russia's future revenues from liquefied natural gas. the state department is targeting more than 100 entities and individuals involved in developing the future of russia's energy, metals and mining industries. gosznak gold and gas mining company, russian children's movement and youth, the movement of the first, the pioneers are also under sanctions, the national settlement depositary,
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the chapter is included in the lists of individuals. world champion in artistic gymnastics nikita nagorny, as well as citizens of the people's republic of china, belarus, the republic of south africa and offices of russian banks in china and india. well, you know, sometimes it seems that the american state department is following the path of a telephone directory, flipping through everyone in a row in these sanctions and recording, well , the appearance, for example, of the head of the gogauzia in sanctions against russia, well... to put it mildly, it is doubtful and strange, but this is a signal that if you cooperate with russia, you will have some problems, in principle, the americans, it seems to me, have forgotten that what is going wrong in the world today as much an economic clash as a political clash, they are trying precisely by economic methods, by introducing these sanctions, by persecuting those who cooperate
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with russia, to achieve their goals, but the decision to cooperate with russia, i mean serious world players, world players from cooperation with russia, it’s just that this will be done more and more clearly, less and less secretly, because the americans have adopted for themselves a policy of exclusively stick, but in today’s world situation, this policy will not give them any results, because i will emphasize again and... actions are pushing for a political decision, for the need to cooperate with russia, otherwise you simply must renounce your subjectivity, completely lie under the united states of america, which world players will definitely not agree with. in fact, the blow to the moscow exchange is such a serious blow to our country’s foreign trade instrument. well, i must say that already 54-56% of all trading there is carried out
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in yuan, there are no dollars or euros there, many of them. they continue to sing after the advertisement, the minister of as many as three key areas in germany, ecology, economics, and energy, robert habeck. dependence on russia is decreasing because germany has managed to get rid of russian gas. the siems company is moving to poland, part of the mercedes-benz concern - this is treason,
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it harms the state. they're moving the military to ukraine. called for arms to be given to ukraine back at the end of twenty-one, when he was in kiev, i’m so unkempt, i don’t understand what i’m doing, what i’m saying, so i accidentally became a minister, not guys, this is a professional with a capital p, husband and the wife is one satan, they write this in co-authorship, she held the body tightly so that it could not squirm, his neck broke with the click of a heel on the tile, a book for children, he knows perfectly well how to influence the younger generation, they have no spiritual future , they will demolish the traditions of the germans. they will destroy the culture germans. the globalists found him through these books. this was his job application. robert habeck, bad writer of german history. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. god forbid i go crazy, the staff would be better off going
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crazy. and when our immunity goes crazy, these are the bluish immune cells, then the immune system literally eats the human body alive. a unique medicine has been created in russia that has overcome the madness of our immunity. about this and many other breakthroughs in the program to live healthy, dedicated to medical day employee. tomorrow on the first. would you like to help your country? how? sorry. you have what i need. comrade peredunov, our head sambo coach of the ussr, then i’m knocking it down. replacement. vasily oshchepkov is invited to a friendly match. but now there is a more interesting frag. and who? germans.
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do you want to learn this? there is no effective method against firearms yet. and comrade oshchepkov showed. the army has made its choice and will coach the national team. you lost before you even started. you can't win a fight with that attitude. herself do you want to bury mine? my disciples, if i write on him, they will imprison him, where is he? they took it as a tribute, a denunciation, to yours, consider it mine, the legend of samba, the premiere, tomorrow after the program time, we wish all the athletes good luck, may the strongest win, let's listen to this silence, let's breathe in the mountain air deeply. we are in the kislovodsk national park, this is the main park of our country.
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we are in a place where there are only narzans all around, the usefulness of this narzan is known to everyone, it gives a different taste to an ordinary dish. we will visit avatar rocks, and of course well, let's drive along that very beautiful road, where you can literally see elder elbrus on the palms of your hands. let's go, the premiere, on saturday at the first, forward, it's a little hard, dear, but be patient, he was thin, he generally looked more like alain delon than purtos, i suggest a fight, valya said, a very good role, but the most important thing is life, eat, drink, fight, in general i am a positive person, in life there is such a baggage of terrible mistakes, sometimes you sit down and think, lord, how good would it be? if it weren’t so, well, vanya, that’s the only thing now i’m the only one visiting you, there’s practically no one left, he’s a very gentle person,
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very kind and attentive, i envy his granddaughter, this is a cat, and this is some kind of raccoon, a woman who really captivated him with her love, this is lida, she’s strong , she is loving, you are young, young, young. to the eightieth birthday of valentin smernitsky on saturday on the first. your idea of ​​happiness, mutual love, battle, soldier, are you alive, have you climbed to the front line again? where is misanbat? but in my opinion, you are simply idealizing him. dr. push will stay here. so for a conflict? i won’t go on my own, then i ’ll go, eternal battle, it’s your volodya who sometimes likes to say, we need a person like
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you, to command the health of an entire region, a territory like two frances, inna makarova, why are you doing this forever and completely jumping off the tram, alexey batalov decided to start everything from the very beginning in the film “my dear man”. on sunday at the first, the big game is live, the new york times today came out with a headline that, in general, pretty well reflects what is happening now at the summit g7, weakened western leaders gather in italy to discuss an ungovernable world. well, let's really see, there are politicians who don't even enjoy the support of their own voters. biden is already hopelessly behind trump in the united states of america. scholz
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just... received with his party 14% in the elections to the european parliament, sunok, most likely, will no longer become prime minister of great britain after the elections in early july, macron received a knockout blow in the elections, he is now in the election campaign for a new parliament, where, apparently , the japanese leader will be defeated, his popularity now does not exceed 14%, well, actually this corresponds to...
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paid for from income received from frozen assets of russia. our proposal will send a clear message to mr. putin that we are focused on the long term. he will not be able to hold out longer than ukraine in our coalition. the proposal is consistent with domestic and international law and does not preclude taking additional measures with our partners in the future regarding these assets. well and what kind of additional measures did you decipher?
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edition, let's listen, the leaders of the g7 countries have agreed to use profits from interest on $325 billion of russian central bank assets to help kiev, the profits will be used as collateral for a loan of up to $50 billion. according to a representative of the french president, theoretically the loan will be repaid using income from frozen russian assets, but if for one reason or another russian assets are unfrozen or the proceeds from russian assets will... be insufficient to finance the loan, then we will have to consider how to share the loan load, the source noted. well, ivan alekseevich, this is your favorite topic, the topic of robbery, since the west, in my opinion, has only succeeded greatly in this, and indeed the west, well, the west has always lived by robbery and the colonial company created later by the system of neo-colonialism, although often now it is becoming more classical again
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colonialism than neo, this. bid disappears, but they are now trying to find some kind of legal cover, the fact that they say that something there complies with international law, well, this is pure manipulation of international law, and no, there is nothing legal in their actions, there is nothing legal in their actions , in this sense, you know, i think that maybe it would even be better if they just openly robbed, this desire to stretch supposedly international law - it just... really discredits international law in the eyes of those countries who really believe that the international order can be just. the west says only one thing: the international order, at least the western one, may just not be fair, and in general they, they, like brix , discredit, they say, the brix countries will be even greater robbers than we are, they have their own, their own style they are trying to rob
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this for... more than half of the world economy with 70% of the world population, what kind of isolation? through this cooperation, we will naturally resolve our economic issues, that’s what they really demonstrate, they they show the world that no one will develop until independence from the west is achieved, playing by western rules means only one thing, that at
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any moment... this, it seems to me, after this decision, is an attempt to destroy the world system, this world system is trying to preserve. make it fair, and the westerners are finishing off this world system with everything that everyone was poor, but elena also revealed, so to speak, a certain secret, a formula that they are guided by, that putin will not be able to hold out longer than ukraine our coalition, i have big doubts that it will be able to hold out until november, and i’m not talking after november, when biden, in general, has no chance of winning the elections.
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normal economic trade exchanges between china and russia should not be disrupted or undermined, nor should they become a tool to denigrate china's containment. we call on the us to immediately stop abusing illegal unilateral sanctions, focus on a ceasefire,
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stop wars, restore peace and play a constructive role. we will also accept everything necessary measures to resolutely protect the legitimate rights and interests of chinese companies and citizens. and it looks like the european union will join. to these american sanctions against china, including introducing prohibitive duties on chinese electric cars of 25%, although this will be a decision of the european commission, that is, ursul and fondern , bypassing the governments of national states that simply object to this, well, as they say, let's trace the whole way, watch your hands to understand what the united states is doing, the beginning special military operation, summer 2022, the united states takes for... the so-called reduction in inflation, but it is not about inflation at all, it is essentially a protectionist law that invites capital and manufacturers to move to the united states of america because they receive money there a lot of things besides cheap electricity and gas. then
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the northern streams explode, an artificial energy crisis is created in europe, at the same time energy prices skyrocket, and some producers moves to the territory of the united states of america, the states receive another support from the us government, increasing duties on chinese electric cars and other chinese goods, so in principle there is absolute logic, the united states of america, under the words of protecting democracy, freedom in ukraine, universal human rights values, they return pump up their own industry, creating preferences for it in... give their industry to the states and sever their own contacts with china, well, america should still develop its
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industry, that would be nice, because you can’t just transfer production, but you have to find workers, engineers, and where in america can you get them now, in the middle of nowhere, no, but biden has a situation inside the country. in his election campaign it is getting worse and worse, in fact, the court finally issued a verdict against hunter biden, he found guilty of committing criminal offenses, it was he who signed that he did not use drugs when buying weapons, but he i just smoked drugs both before and after signing the corresponding paper, it is clear that in america it is a criminal offense for up to... 15 years, the jury verdict is guilty on all charges, now he, in fact, like trump, was suspended from reporting the verdict by the judge, the judge said it would take about 250 days, that is, this
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is just in time for the elections, but if for trump, the indictment against him added about 6% of popularity, then for biden and hunter the situation is exactly the opposite, nevertheless biden... came to wilmington, and kissed grandson and, of course, arranged hugs with hunter, immediately after he was declared a criminal, thereby, a cannon during the civil war, no, i'm serious, how many times have you heard the phrase: blood
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in the name of freedom, wash everyone away, oh, please, no , i'm serious, by the way, if someone wants to overthrow the government, if things get out of control, you know, they will need f-15 fighters, rifles will not help them, in fact, he talked about the civil war in the united states, so exactly...
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they are idiots, yes, they haven’t grown up to order
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based, based on rules, restrictions in political, social rights, it sounds like this, something inhumane on the verge of fascism, but in the united states this is quite, quite possible, because many either do not know or forget that in fact, after the civil war, the united states dealt with the southerners in the most cruel way, that is, it was... such a robbery, such social and political discredit, we had nothing like that during the civil war, well, a civil war, bitterness, then, after all, some restrictions, still some kind of reconciliation, it took the americans decades for this, but what biden actually says: i will not give up power, i will defend myself with the entire force of the army, this is of course a very strong statement, which indicates that the depth... the state is confident that it
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controls the army 100%. yes, we see, in my opinion, the despair of people who can do nothing to maintain their global hegemony, can do nothing to break russia and do nothing can do to make their own voters fall in love with themselves. gathered in italy, the leaders of the g7 are people who, for the most part, do not even have their own political power. future, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news, see you again at 17:00, don't miss it. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. successful german hunting.


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