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tv   Odin shans na troikh  1TV  June 13, 2024 10:00pm-12:01am MSK

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million rubles one example of such projects is being implemented by the union of military families of russia in the tambov region, providing targeted assistance to the families of svo participants. among the winners are the mothers' union in the kherson region, the melitopol organization of disabled people, the lugansk institute of child and family development. recipients of grants were non-profit organizations from all four new regions; in just the twenty-second year , the fund has supported projects worth 15 billion rubles in them. among the winners are also ngos from bashkiria and the kamchatka territory.
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they understand that he is welcome there, with this team, with this cordial society, the kids are moving into a big society. in the kaluga region, grant recipients help children, orphans, this is a non-profit organization start to the future, several workshops in ceramics, sewing, solar, pottery, a culinary studio and an it laboratory have been opened here, they help children decide on a future profession, not only try themselves in various fields, but also to undergo an internship at a company and find a job; more than 600 have already received such assistance.
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and konstantin dzhukovsky, channel one. the ceremony of presenting the country's main medical award, vocation, a joint project of the first channel of imenzdrav, took place in moscow. awards to the best, and we continue to talk about them, doctors who never give up in the fight for the life of a patient, performing feats and discoveries in medicine on a global scale. great report on the laureates. olga pautova will start with the authors of the breakthrough in oncology and their patient. lukyan is not just one of the guests
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of the ceremony, but the embodiment of a real medical miracle. several years ago, at the boys were immediately diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma, the diagnosis could have been a death sentence if not for a special drug, it is called a cancer vaccine. he endures, it hurts, but he’s doing great. thanks to these injections, which need to be done once a month, lukyan is full of energy, no different from his peers, and he really wants to go to first grade. i really want to. study at least some lesson, i have never been, how it will be, how it will work, what i will do there, lie in the hospital there for months or come once a month, experience these two minutes of the vaccine and then calmly lead a normal life, it’s incomparable, of course, this vaccine was developed at the petrov institute of oncology in st. petersburg and is made individually each time from the patient’s own blood, scientists isolate smart cells that literally hunt. for
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cancer, we teach these cells, as if in school, to recognize tumors and accordingly activate the immune system, and the main active ingredient of this vaccine is the patient’s own immune system. the vaccine has already helped eight hundred patients with terminal cancer. for this development , the team of scientists received an award in the category of contribution to the development of medicine, because there are no analogues in the world yet. the winners in the unique operation category were cardiac surgeons from kaliningrad. they saved a life. a woman with severe heart failure, her heart expanded and could not contract normally, in such cases the only hope is a transplant, but there was simply no time to wait for it. if we say the heart contracts, it it curls like this and it works, then this patient’s lungs just twitched like a pump. cardiac surgery differs from conventional surgery in that it is limited by time, very strictly, because either your blood vessels are compressed and the organ is in the throes, or your heart itself is stopped. these doctors suggest not
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to wait until the pain, for example, from caries is no longer tolerable, but to predict the very possibility of its occurrence. they developed a test that shows the likelihood of developing forty different diseases, while they won’t drill your teeth, just donate your saliva. the analysis not only makes it possible to establish a diagnosis; more importantly, it may be that it allows, firstly, to assess the progress of the disease, it allows one to predict complications, and allows one to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy. or identified as a key national goal to maintain population, improve health, improve people's well-being and support
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families. all this is connected with your work, with your purpose. there was healthcare. remains absolute state priority. ambulance teams from the kursk, zaporizhzhya, kherson regions, lpr and dpr received a special award for doctors providing assistance during wars and natural disasters; the team from the belgorod region was also awarded the order of nikolai pirogov by minister of health mikhail murashka. i saw what they do today together with them in emergency situations, helping the wounded and stricken. brilliant people. the most talented people, honestly, can anyone be cooler than them? i don’t know, but it seems to me that this is the top level. especially one of the leading awards, alexander rosenbaum, was happy for the laureates of this nomination. he himself worked for several years on speed. russia is
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the only country where doctors work quickly. here alexander yakovich headed the resuscitation ambulance, that is, there is no such happiness anywhere else. there are paramedics everywhere, not even nurses everywhere. ambulance is special forces medicine, yes, every profession, every military profession has its own special units for special purposes, but in medicine it’s an ambulance help, this is special forces, this is the elite. and yet there is one nomination, the laureate, who is always greeted especially warmly, it is called for loyalty to the profession. several generations of healthy children have already grown up before varvara dmitrievna’s eyes. she spent 60 years in pediatrics. she doesn’t even think about retirement, because for her helping is not a job, but a calling. olga pautova, pavel likholetov, gift of fishermen, tatyana bakulin and magomed amirkhanov channel one. vocation award ceremony on channel one on sunday on medical worker's day in
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16:16. well, right now there is one chance for three. today there are two episodes at once. oleg and yana love each other and are going to get married. suddenly oleg finds out that his beloved girl cheated on him with a foreign businessman. yana leaves for finland without telling her that she is expecting a child from oleg. 10 years later, she suddenly returns to russia and tells oleg about her son. after yana’s divorce from her husband, the finnish guardianship authorities, under a far-fetched pretext , take the boy away from her and send him to a foster family. yana is desperate and oleg agrees to help her get her son back.
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oleg, hi, listen, i've been drinking, please pick me up, address. to card 9 a11. ian, ian, i'm upstairs.
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are you completely out of your mind, this is a man from the court, did you want to bang him or something, just scare him, you need to tie him to a chair to find out where my son is. your cuckoo has gone completely crazy, this is a crime, i’m not
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going to sit in a comfortable finnish zone because of you, you know what, i’m going home to my mother in russia, and you better call your lawyer, oleg, you’ve already arrived here, you are already an accomplice, i understand, no, i didn’t do anything, no one saw me, i ’m leaving, it’s clear, fuck it, now he’s definitely an accomplice, tie him up, i won’t torture him. “i don’t know how, i’ll have to learn, i
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need the address of voight’s adoptive parents, well, you find out the address, then what, it’s none of your business, don’t touch the dog, cherry, cherry, cherry, you’re afraid, you bastard, but i remember you like asked, begged, forgive me, this is my job, this is his job, he says, so we need to know where vojta is now,
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or you tell us, or you will die, i don’t know. i swear, this is not my competence, i don’t know, the information is with the boss, in the archive, in the archive, what does he say, he swears that he doesn’t know where the voyta is, he says that all the information is in the archive, i swear, i don’t know, the point is archive, all the information is there. “you better come to terms with it, the system works correctly, it stands for the protection of the rights of the child, if the child was taken away, then it was right, right, right, you bastard, what kind of person is this, and what are you doing, lord, look to this creature, he says that it’s right that i have a son taken away, right, yes, right, that the child was taken away from the mother, right, bitch , do you have someone dear to you? there is someone you love, there is, there is, i ask, something beloved, but shut your mouth , please,
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please, don’t touch the cherry, please, look how afraid he is for his dog, have you seen this iconostasis, well, where to go , be careful, i’ll give it here, cherry, and the devil, and the devil, now we’ll take it? cherry and we’ll give it to another family, but please, please, in short, the plan is this, squirrel, “we’re going with you, you take it.”
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archive folder with voight’s case, and give it to me, so if you throw anything out, he will break your neck, you understand, don’t you understand that this is a crime, what exactly, it’s all one crime, he says.” it is necessary, we will return the cherry only when everything is over, please feed him only this food, okay, only this is suitable, the rest is not for him, don’t worry, he won’t die of hunger, what is he trending, i don’t understand, he’s worried about his black. , says that you should love him like your own, yes, don’t worry, i like dox, got it, hello, good afternoon,
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this... wait here, i'll be a minute, no, i'm with you, you can't, i need to go to the archives, i can't take you there, sit here, if you want something? cherry is with you, i understand everything.
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hätä numero, mitä asia?
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it was that policewoman, hello, yes, yes, yes, what were you talking about, about health, you understand that we got caught, that’s enough, satya, i got caught alone, you can be free. let's get to the bus station yourself, you're not little anymore, let me get behind the wheel, i'll take you, you can't drive in this state, ian, hello,
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good afternoon, i have an appointment. how are you? fine,
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well, i'll go then, go ahead. come on, why are you sitting, get out of here, get out, oleg, get out! ball
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of the vampires, rosemary's baby, and several more nerve-wracking films made the name of this man. in the american, a sense of self, one’s own pride, talent, of course, the ability to step on one’s own throat sometimes, and in general in my life the main thing is that i study the philosophy of language,
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the philosophy of rhythm and the philosophy of plasticity, matador, tomorrow on the first, we did not expect this , they did not expect, a certain victor louis, citizen of the ussr, we led him, an unremarkable figure, never, nothing, nowhere, journalist, unofficial voice of the kremlin during the times of leonid brezhnev. i read your sensational material about the change of russian leadership. it's amazing. what kind of connections do you have there in the kremlin? my neighbor works in the kremlin as a janitor. a man, a mystery, behind the most notorious events of the era. yes, who will print them? well, there's no one here, but i could smuggle them to the west, that's where they're screwed. an informed source
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in moscow, on saturday on the first. they will kill him there you will be to blame for this. the security of the country costs one person. are you okay, you need help, they, i don’t know, she was already with the folder, but
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why did she come here, i can’t say, it’s all confidential, you understand, yes, yes?
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i’ll help, seriously, yes, great, great, we need to plan everything, do everything clearly, we’ll only have one chance, in short, the plan is this: we break into the house of these dosages, tie them up, take our son and rush across the border, we need weapons , huge guns, such that their shirts would fly off, when i point the gun at them, yes, we need a man, we need a man who will get us a gun, well,
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hello. “hello, this is for you, thank you, hello, thank you, why don’t you let me in, come, excuse me,
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“you’re married, i just invited you to visit, yes, i missed you, then oleg came here, he’s helping me in court, well you understand, yes, i’m good, i’m also helping the voyage as best i could, yeah, yanochka, i’ll get a drink now, why don’t you drink for the meeting?” “yes, and you, and we already, yes, ah, well, ok, come on, hello, why did i invite you? oleg, here, with me it became boring, well, what common interests can we have, yes, i am a woman, he is a man, sometimes we don’t even have anything to talk about, yes, but you seem like men, yes, you
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should have interests. general yes, well, well, let's have one more, well, one, one, one, here, well, oleg got it right, i want to go hunting, yes, i want to hunt this finnish bear, wild boar, well, boar, yes, but i have a gun no, uh-huh. well, i thought, maybe you’ll give him yours, but for a while, he ’ll go hunting and give it back, yonochka, that’s not possible, i can’t give you my gun, if oleg wants it, i i can sign up his hunting club, he might be there with an instructor, no, my dear tomi, we need your guns.
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for the sake of voyt, for the sake of voyto, it’s not for your sake that i can’t give you my gun, they’ll put me in prison, what kind of a coward are you, and you never loved him, that’s why you don’t want to help us, he’ll be like a son to me, and so didn’t happen there, i’m sure any problem can be solved without a gun, when they took my son away, did you decide? my problem, you weren’t even around, a real man would have torn everyone apart if they touched his woman and son, men
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no, but i see, okay, i ’ll decide everything myself, right? well, tomi, let’s go to this ikea of ​​yours, it’s not ours, it’s from shetsk, yes, well, don’t be so upset.
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and you just can’t handle the blows, and anger, you know, gives strength, like a state of effect, effect, yes, it was effective then, yes, where did you learn to swear like that in russian, so what? yes yanochka, if i didn’t speak russian, i didn’t get sweets, yes, yes,
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when i found out that voyta is not your son, hey, it’s late. "very late, at the beginning, when yanochka gave birth, he looked like her, yes, yes, so it happens, then he began to change, but not for me, i somehow, well, this also happens, we wanted a second one, but it didn’t work out, i tried, i went to the doctor, the analysis said that i couldn’t have a child, then yanochka confessed , i screamed, got furious, left yan, yours refused, it’s my fault, the fact that he was taken away, because one parent was left, then
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yan, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, of course, but we can ask one, come on, if we ... sometimes we will see each other, well, when i come, russia, you won’t mind, yes i will what, meet, hey, thank you, don’t think, i’m not a coward, and i’m also against the jumenal system, it’s very tough, hard, no, but it’s the law, i we we, listen, it’s still a long way off, no, get out of it at the turn there will be a hardware store, we bought our boat there, and what do you want to buy there, so for
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the household, for the household, yes. yes, and he is looking for you, i need to discuss something with you, whether it’s that you received a complaint from the inspector of the juvenile service, if this happens again, he will consider it as pressure on the official. i saw him once.
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i understand everything, it’s boring, it’s quiet, they don’t
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kill anyone, you need to transfer from us to helsinki, where your father worked, this has nothing to do with it, there’s a woman sitting downstairs, saying that her husband was kidnapped, maybe it’s a real deal, get busy.
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so cherry, cherry, come quickly, oh, eat.
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don't argue with me, please, this is a fight , do as i ask! what do you need? we have a warrant to remove your child. that your son is in danger, where is it? tell me, we will find him anyway, he is here!
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your master betrayed us, ian, i have the police on
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threshold, bastard, kill the dog. i will find you, don’t hide, take the dog away, what kind of woman is this? what are you looking for? what 's going on here? kaisa received a signal that
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her husband had disappeared, she said that he could be here, she didn’t say anything else, i know you have him. why did you come here, and why do you love you, i asked, it was kaisa, tommy’s wife,
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such a jealous bitch, i don’t understand how he lives with her, i’m asking you, why did you come here, i asked. well, you thought i would leave you alone, but you didn’t think that we could arrest both of them, let's not get worked up about this now, let's come to an agreement with you, i say, you do it, otherwise nothing will work out for you and me at all, that's understandable, understandable, that's all, but you didn't think that i was just worried. you, so i couldn’t leave you alone, do you think it’s a policewoman, she suspects something, but it’s unlikely, she came with
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kaisy, and this is not the first time kaisa comes to this house with the police, in search of tommy, she kidnapped him the dog so that he gives it a folder containing the address foster parents. who? this is russian. i was at her house. there's a dog there. where have you been? at her home. you yourself sent me with that woman. doesn't matter. i understand that this is funny. in his office there is a clock in the shape of a dog, a clock in the shape of a dog, well, on the dial his dog has kakus hands, it doesn’t matter, i’m sure. that this russian woman wants to find her son, she doesn’t care that it’s illegal, and for the child it can be traumatizing, and this is a complaint from a lawyer, this, as
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you say, russian, it says that you illegally entered her home, you yourself me sent there, kaisy believes that this russian is stealing her husband for orgies.
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are you in the mood? hello, that's how they asked,
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are you kidding me or what? no, it’s better than... it’s silent, easy to load, there are arrows included, are you stunned, come on, let’s get into the house, quickly into the house, quickly into the house, very powerful, cutting right through a person, to death, only we kill we’re not going to gather anyone, yes, but i’m already... “well, you can use it as you want, there’s no number there, they won’t find me using it, well, you should
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have brought a sword, ivinga, that’s an option, not at all.” option, this is an option, i bought something here, oh, well, i don’t even know what ’s funnier, are you stupid, or what, does it hurt?” i think it’s funny, very scary, yes, i’m sure they’re his they’ll give it back right away, give it here, okay, a working version, yes, yes, well, let’s go, 5 minutes to get ready, i’m great, kiss me, fuck you, yanochka, i’ll really miss you oh, you know, your wedding. suit, why,
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why are you burying it, i don’t know, well, don’t throw it away, take it as a souvenir, thank you, no, no, no, you’re afraid of the kaisa again, no, well, well, what are you, well, well, just not necessary. tomi, i’m not russian enough for this, tomi, i would kill you at night. give me a suit.
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i fight simply because i fight. on june 10 , people's artist of russia valentin smernitsky, a legendary partos and beloved actor of several generations, turned 80 years old. played shakespeare, gogol, and chekhov, in the theater i always had such serious roles, talent, acting courage, charm, love, women, two women were in love with him, sweet pashkova and masha vertinskaya, and he seriously decided of them to marry, actors, they have a very difficult character, it is sometimes difficult, but i can cope with it, but once the time of reckoning came, he lost
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the precious people closest to him, my son died because of my sloppiness, he ended up in... me, i myself made an offer, and he didn’t refuse, grandfather, the coolest, oh, my father was very sick, my mother had no time for an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere was on saturday on the first. your idea of ​​happiness, mutual love, struggle, soldier, you are alive, you again climbed to the front line, where mitsonbat is, but in my opinion, you just you idealize, dr. push will stay here, so i won’t go to conflict, i won’t go to conflict, then i’ll go, it’s not an eternal battle, that’s
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what volodka likes to say sometimes, we need someone like you... to command the health of an entire region, a territory like two france. inna makarova, why are you doing this forever and completely jumping off from tranbay? alexey batalov decided to start everything from the very beginning. in the movie "my dear man". on sunday on the first. tomi, you have to pick her up. yes, but, yanochka, i don’t even know her. that's it. you don't know anything, you were just asked support the dog, they'll take her away tomorrow, that's it, bye, take care of her, feed her only this food, got it, yes, bye, good luck!
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you can safely sit in ambush at our house. i don't mind. maybe at least i’ll finally get to have grandchildren. i remember that in order for you to be born, your father and i sat in ambush almost every day. when we arrived
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home from the clinic, he told me. and then he went into an ambush, and he was gone. i thought that by buying this house, i could distract him from work, immerse him in the family, in everyday life, but he... didn’t need it, taria, i want child, mom, what are you doing, i want a child,
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could you give birth to a grandson on me, but i can’t wait for you, so i myself, very funny, mom, i’ll go to my room, otherwise my head hurts.
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she wants to steal him.
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when did they leave? yes, about two hours ago, where? didn't they say? no, maybe her ex knows. i was also here with them, with a small dog, i need to get into the house, they know me, so you go, take the machine gun, hide it behind your back, introduce yourself as a courier, like delivering groceries, in finnish it will be
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he kuriri toenruka, repeat, kuriryu, i smoke, yes, when they open the door, you take the machine gun and burst in and shout, makhan tayamun, it’s like standing and not moving. oleg, where did you go? sit in the car, please put away this toy of yours, someone will see it, god forbid, i’m looking, take a closer look, i have to act, oleg, i said, sit in the car, my neighbor called me that you’ve returned home,
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nothing you want to tell me, you see, now they will all run out of the house, along with the voyta, then the fire department will arrive, and then, then, i will press this, a fire will appear next to the house, a commotion will begin, everyone will start run back and forth, we will have a few seconds to pick up our son. well
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, okay, they planned everything in advance so that the inspector would remain silent, they took his dog hostage, i’m sure it’s russian, they decided to kidnap him, i’m sure they’ll take him to russia, you know, again.
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i’m calling the police, definitely, we’ll call the police together, i’m not kidding, you want your dog back, i need the address of the adoptive parents of this russian’s son, my little boy, cherry, so what? that's my little favorite cherry.
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well, that’s okay, that’s how our northern ones seem to work colleagues, nothing special, in general, like us, it’s normal, yes, you’re here. what is it, what happened, how do i know, the batteries are dead, oh my, but oleg, are you serious, you were just running around like a bonny, but you forgot about the batteries, how do i know? everything worked in the store, i just said, damn, where can i get the batteries? he planned everything, of course, let's hurry up, this... you have
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batteries there, an electronic friend, come on, let's go, who's going to get your son, i'm blocking you. if i don't come back, then go without me. come on, go.
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well, where are you, get out of the car, mom, be quiet? legs, don’t even think about it, go out, no, you have no choice, you sit down, your son will return to the foster family, well, no, i won’t sit down, i’ll shoot, go ahead, shoot.
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get away from her, drop the weapon, quickly, clearly!
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in short, so, you refuel, i’ll go, get something to eat and cry, that’s it, oleg! what is it? quiet, yes here, yes. what is it? quiet, can you, okay, do you understand that i need to come here? they also stopped for gas, let's get out of here,
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quickly! listen, we don't have gasoline, the guy wants to eat, he's hungry, the policeman won't let us down. i found out, it means there are no directions, everything is in order, you’re getting gas, i went to get food and pay, hand over your cap, i’ll be quick! so i need to go out.
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sit down, let's go, our faces are hanging everywhere.
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what finland, there, there, there are police, i have a construction site, i can’t, it’s clear, everything is with you, i’ll go myself, wherever you go, to finland, to save my sister, and you sit here at your construction site. they will be accepted, if they haven’t already, the police work there, unlike tamara vitalna, that tamara, oleg’s mother, is sashkin’s tutor, she’s the same, if that’s all she’ll see, she can’t stand it, she has a bad heart, our sashka studied mathematics with her, i know, i know, so now you’re taking your son and going to study with her. math, it’s the holidays, you need to get ready for school,
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they have training, so you’ll pick it up, get dressed quickly. tamara vitalievna, hello, you ’re at home now, but no, at the market, it’s very good, and you know, my sashka, he’s completely gotten away with it, and they’ve given him so much for the summer, and if boris comes to see you now with him, you you can work with him, we are very urgent you must, under no circumstances, let her watch tv. yes, only you are there at the market, please, do not linger with anyone, do not chat, we need it very urgently, yes, we have agreed, with them is a russian man of medium build, light brown hair, looks 30-35 years old, we ask citizens to be vigilant , criminals and armed men are dangerous, there are victims, among them the police commissioner, who is now in the hospital,
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her condition is assessed as moderate and serious, the police suspect that criminals are gathering. don't get distracted when i drink to the leaning tower of pisa, it looks like you'll be an accomplice, okay, okay, what is this, what is this, what do i have, and you accept thanks? kvn, third quarter final, on saturday, on the first. this is our chuvash outfit, i got married myself, 37 years old, my husband and i are already, this is passed on to my future daughter-in-law.
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women's jewelry was traditionally used in the groom's suit. yes, very beautiful, disco ball, your mother-in-law can make you some dough. they can say put the needle in there, you must say find the needle in the dough, in the dough, if i find the needle, it means everything is going well, i’m getting married, the bride price always goes differently, sometimes it’s very funny, sometimes it’s very strange, let’s go strong, it’s so tasty, you just can’t imagine where we decided to hold the wedding, our premiere, we’re playing wedding. on sunday on the first.
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halo, semyon, this is mark, yes, do you remember?
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concussion, they called me from the ambulance, clearly, at least they said thank you, for what? for taking your
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gun away, thank you, thank you.
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you are complete idiots, yes, i understand, you need to look in roadside hotels, campsites, etc. are engaged, inform me about all minor
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incidents, hoarding, hijackings, report everything, okay, okay, by the way, about the hotels, why did you run away, i had to hurry, do you want to discuss what happened, no, i want you to hold me in the know. only under one condition, which condition, a date, the case materials in exchange for a date, you will send me by mail.
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where did you get this from, did you get it from the policeman, why, so that they would kill us, yes, where did this woman even come from, who? it was either this freak with a dog who gave us away, or tomy, poor tommy, oh, tommy, let's go out, we can't go to the border now, our photos, photos of our adoptive parents. they show it everywhere on tv, they made such a fuss, if you had told me right away what you were going to do, oleg, you, as always, would have chimed in with your comments, because your plan was crap from the start, my plan was,
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my plan was perfect, so far we wouldn’t have understood what really happened, we would have already been at the border if your tom had not betrayed us, tom is not mine, let’s start with this, it is still unknown who betrayed us, yeah, what should we do? oleg, there must be at least some way out? well, what are you silent? think.
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where, well, where is your embassy, ​​helsinki, well that means there, do you think they will help us, do you have other options, or something, what happened there when i asked for help to return my son, in fact, you have not been russian for a long time , you went with your russians, you know where, let’s hope that they will help me as a russian. and we need to change the car, we’ll take everything we need, why change the car, because the police are probably looking for this one, we ’re lucky that they didn’t take us to gas stations, i i said that there was no need to go there, oleg, how are you going to change the car, there are still 2 months before school, we need to start studying in advance, i have an a in mathematics, well, there is no limit to perfection, the guys and i
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wanted to play, instead of playing, work out there’s orbital mathematics, you know, it went like clockwork, and now oleg and i will be with the prisoners, i’m stunned, look, tamara vitalievna, don’t talk, hello, tamara vitalievna, welcome the child prodigy, who, small, adult, yes , you will say too, small, of course, tamara vitalievna, can i watch this game on tv with you, just don’t turn it on loudly, no, i won’t be loud, we are at the representative office of the ministry of foreign affairs in st. petersburg, i ’ll remind you that today... in the morning the former russian woman yanna kettunin, together with current employee of the ministry of emergency situations oleg berezhny, kidnapped her child. girl, wait, please, girl, where are you going? girl, wait, where did you go? so, come on, wait, please, my name is natalya, i need an appointment with some high-ranking not recorded? no, but i have an urgent matter. are you assigned? no. please sign up either through the website or through the application, there is a printed qr code.
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so, girl, wait, please. please, i have an urgent matter, if you don’t leave now, i will call the police, the finnish police are now looking for a couple with a child, we are actually broadcasting live, i am yana ketunin’s sister, now we have a unique opportunity to communicate with a relative of yanna ketunin, please tell me, did you know about i knew what your sister was going to do, i would have gone to help her myself, but i couldn’t. this one won't let me in. please tell me why you refuse to help our compatriot, because her child was taken away from her. but it’s not written down anywhere. hello, you will be received now. thank you, we will take all necessary measures to resolve this
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issue. yes, accept it. i understand, it’s scheduled by appointment, where are you going, why can there be people there, well, there’s no one.
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vojdo, vojdo, vaido!
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where are you from here, baby, please help us, in the forest, my mother, we need help, of course, don’t worry, tell me what happened, she sprained her leg, vitka, vitak, vitka,
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remember, maybe there was something noticeable nearby, a big tree or a stump, there was nothing, forest, boy, don’t be upset, like call you, we will find your mother soon, everything is fine.
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exactly, exactly, let's go, voito, anteksi, sorry about that. tommy, tommy, tommy, get up,
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wake up, tommy, take off your suit. why did you take this dog? jaana asked. i didn't know it wasn't her dog. you knew everything. agreed, so what now? you're in the house now, man, you decide, it's a detective, didn't say anything, hello, hello, can i talk to tommy?
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i just want the truth, you too, who
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can she call, ask for help, me, oh god, yes, of course, you're an idiot, don't you understand, okay, okay, and if she calls you, you'll immediately inform the police, i i understand correctly, yes, for me personally.
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do you think it’s not dangerous to go to the embassy now? of course it's dangerous, so i'll go alone, alone? yes, the three of us can’t shine right now. how will you get there alone? well i hope you give me explain how to get there, you can speak russian at the embassy if you forgot. mom, i'm hungry. listen, be patient a little, i’m talking to my mom. i don’t understand, now, oleg, oleg, behind us, you see, i see , lie down on the floor, i beg you, tell him, lie down on the floor, baby, come on, it’s dirty, please, vitenka, lie down on the floor, come on , not now, not before that, come on, come on, come on,
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okay, okay, you're as normal.
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why was the child taken from his mother? did she want to bring a finnish citizen to russia? that's all? no, there's a lot more. she did not let the child go anywhere. she was always with him, did not give him freedom. this is also considered a violation of the law. plus she resisted during the removal of the child. look, do you think the sentence was correct, of course, everything is according to the law, you will find them, we will find them.
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hello, what do you allow yourself, put on a show, i’ll also put on how you are going to help my sister, how you are going to get them out, your sister has been
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a finnish citizen and a criminal for 10 years, and her accomplice is an international terrorist. the only thing that can help them is that they are not killed during detention, if they get to the embassy, ​​they will remain safe for some time, in any case they will be alive, they will be very lucky if they are not found earlier.
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uncle rek has nothing new, but there are rumors that you are conducting a secret investigation, mom? better answer, why are you bothering with this russian? it’s important for me to understand why she
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did this, any mother will explain to you, i understand the motive, i don’t understand, uncle river, i see a lot of injustice and bias in her case, why didn’t she fight for her son according to the law? he also reasoned, always got angry, meddled when people broke the law, although everything could have been solved, called everyone idiots and drank heavily. and what would he do in my place? what matters is what you do, and you will stop her business. and you will relax on vacation, and if the boss finds out that you are delving into the russian case,
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you will be fired, it’s them, it’s them, calm down, you’re safe, now we’ll call the police, there was a child with them, what are you talking about, what kind of child, child which they stole. hold it, you have a simpler face, you are an ordinary tourist, in short, sit in the car, go to the cafe in an hour, i’m here...
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hold it, where are you going in case of emergency, okay, oleg, be careful. mom, i really want to go to the toilet, honey, pee
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the bottle, i can’t, voita, now i really need to be patient, i’m peeing now. hold on, let's go, come out.
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my family makes me happy, because the most important thing in life for a person is his family, each family, as a unit, must try to pass on everything we have to our children, with our children. spend time so that they learn something new, something... suggest, my dad loves to fish, he, he even took first place in fishing competitions, family is the basis for me. “for her sake i live, for her sake i breathe, my three children, this is the most precious thing, in my opinion, for a woman, to be a father for me means to be a support, a wall, i wish the family in the year of the family, that they be happy, healthy, live fine."
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hello, this is a podcast deception of substances, with you olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, and well-known with me endocrinologist, zuhra sharipovna pavlova. day of the medical worker, we decided to talk about the hype topic: do we need doctors, doctors, doctors, when there is an excellent search engine, when there is artificial intelligence , and so on. here is zukhra sharipovna, from above, so to speak, the internet. what can you say on this topic? for now , it won’t be possible to do without a doctor, although some things can be solved, and statistically, yes, there is less need to do this in hospitals, they cope with this very well, this is an artificial intellectual history, but as for making a diagnosis, taking an anamnesis, questioning,
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examining, this is the doctor, well, here i am... i’ll give an example - again to this thesis, and what do people most often look for on the internet, yeah, information about headaches, stomach pain, cough , fever, fatigue, weight change, skin changes, and so on and so forth, to be honest, these symptoms seem to me to be suitable for almost all diseases, except water in the knees, but what was there in this wonderful work. well , it's a headache when i ask a person, do you have a headache, i’ll ask where it hurts, how often it hurts, when it first appeared, it’s aching, it’s stabbing, it’s pressing, it’s bursting, and at the same time your face turns red, does it hurt somewhere else, it radiates is this pain somewhere, is it accompanied by tinnitus, do your eyes hurt at the same time, what did you eat
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before, did you sleep well, well, that is, everything, everything is yes, that is, in... artificial intelligence will not ask , and the patient will not ask this question to artificial intelligence, so this is pulling out information - this is such a medical consequence and this medical consequence is like cards in a puzzle, they put together the whole picture, and even after carefully questioning and examining everything about the person, you still won’t treat him, well, unless it’s a non-vital situation, right now, but not not some kind of appendicitis. or something else, bleeding, then you will definitely send the person for examination, and you know what he needs to get tested and what is not needed, if you just score, let’s say, abdominal pain, abdominal pain, yes, well something will give out this one there artificial intelligence, and if you describe the symptoms or suppose a lump in the throat, yes , patients often come with this symptom of a lump in the throat, they entered this symptom into the search engine,
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after some time they were given the probability that they have hypothyroidism. hypothyroidism is a disease in which a condition in which the synthesis of thyroid hormones , the production of thyroid hormones is reduced, hypothyroidism develops, from the word hypothyroidism, thyroid gland, and there, too, all the same symptoms that i listed, except for the stomach, the head, the weakness, well , in my opinion, there is no cough, there may be one, maybe there may be one, there is a sore throat, which seems to be a cough, and so on, that’s how it turns out. such a compote, someone, you know, people are built differently, someone quickly cut off everything that was interesting to him, what seemed to him, that’s it, he left, everything else, well, somehow ignored, for all possible diagnoses, including, by the way, appendicitis, if there is abdominal pain, he chose hypoterriosis for himself, yes, yes, maybe that’s it, here, and the stomach, abdominal pain, hypothyroidism is very
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often accompanied by constipation, constipation syndrome, when this is all. so, then the stomach may hurt, so here you go, this logic, it is still built by the human head, and an experienced head, where there is knowledge and experience gained, many patients in the past, this picture is emerging, therefore, on the one hand, it’s good for the doctor, he gets a lot of abstracts and summaries, he grows professionally faster, but for... the patient, this is such a dump where he can in a huge pile to find something useful, but everything else can be harmful, so understand whether he took what he needed, whether he took it in some wrong direction, and god forbid, they can also give out treatment there, and some drugs that are available to us you can buy some by prescription, then self-medication begins, well, yes,
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this is actually a real problem, when everyone, as we found out, has a headache, a stomach ache, and so on and so forth, the same thing with the neighbor, with a friend and so on and they share pills, by the way, with an elderly person generations of this are all over the place, yes, and it definitely helped me, it will help you too, and for some reason no one thinks that this can even lead to very serious consequences, yes, it is a direct contraindication for someone to take this, well, let's get back to this to a person who came with a lump in his throat and decided that he had hypothyroidism, yes, you ask questions, you understand that there is nothing related to hypothyroidism, but the person has this... emotional state, increased anxiety, there is a direct anxiety syndrome, that's it this is a feeling, it is not connected with an increase in the volume of the thyroid gland, or
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sometimes there is a nodule that, well , let’s say, puts pressure on something important there, so this sensation arises, this is an absolutely neurological situation.


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