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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 14, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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look, one woman says, what’s wrong with this, it’s natural, for me it’s normal, i agree, but the other won’t even listen to the end, you know, she’ll say, no, no, not my passenger, i have one life, i apparently have flashbacks from of the past, that is, go to the energy, to the image, to some kind of response, you hear, you should have given birth yesterday, rose, i’m fine, i was examined, everything is like an astronaut, svetlana, how do you like it? ? such a story is scary, intimidating, disturbing, exciting, tense, you know, every woman wants that very one a stone wall, yes, but sometimes there is such a stone wall, you won’t break through it, so that later, it will become your grave, it will become a slab, a slab on the grave, a stone one, they don’t scare me, i hear, character is fate, one person has such character, he lives his whole life happy, precisely in this. give him a different
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fate, he won’t be able to, someone dreams of someone like pavel, a different character, more free-spirited, more obstinate, he and pavel won’t fit, and that same obstinate one, so you now have information for thought, there is a room where you and your friend will think about it, go over it all, you heard it all, but for now show me a surprise, such a girl, what kind of surprise do you think she will have, well , it’s not clear, on the one hand she’s all so bright and showy, maybe some kind of dance, but kakvarian, kakvarian, or maybe a striptease, galina, please tell me, you ’ve known svetlana for a long time, about 3 years, svetlana is a workaholic, yes, well, that is, she’s like a stomp, yes, so she knows, larisa, she she has an excellent student complex, she wants everything to be in order, because i read that she gets up in the morning, does cosmetics, makes masks, and so on. in fact - well, out of
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friendship, yes, we woke up together, yes, i mean, yes, in the same apartment , uh, for some events, she’s really nice, in fact, many will think that she might be a hostage to her, well, this doll or such a picture, yes barbie, but sveta is very purposeful, she is very ambitious, really, what she did, no one helped her at all, she has a good income, a solid bank account, you know, i already yes... her barbie is not i don’t perceive at all this new psychologist who graduated, she has two professional educations, she is constantly studying, she will do it, yes, she is just a fanatic of her work, a disliked child, well, or i don’t know, she grew up without a dad, maybe she’s good, very a girl, or , on the contrary, she was a super super excellent student, a good student, for example, she was drawn to it, but i say, a good, good girl, that’s how she is in everything, you need to always be good in everything. for everyone, choose a healthy relationship,
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please, why, when can you help, let's see the surprise, quick, light steps sounded on the parquet floor, his happiness, his life, he himself, better than himself, what he was looking for, wanted for so long and so strongly, was quickly approaching him, she did not walk, but rushed towards him by some invisible force. he saw only her clear, truthful eyes, frightened by the same joy that he had. these eyes shone closer, closer, blinding him with my light. she did everything she could, she ran up to him, she gave herself entirely to him, slave and rejoice. she didn't sleep all night either, that's it. i was waiting for him in the morning. she was the first to want to declare her and his happiness to him. she heard his steps and voice and waited outside the door. thank you, thank you,
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svetlana, i always say, if you take a woman, you must understand what fairy tales and what she will read to your children at night, take the flowers and go into the room, dad probably said, that’s it, daughter, so that i don’t see this comrade tomorrow , i’m not 20 years old either, she’s not 20 years old, let’s come to an agreement, if my dear, you understand that you need to win here too, you’re not interested in anything else and that’s doesn’t fit, then let’s just not waste each other’s time here, there’s so little left, my name is...
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shock, because even if he reasoned with his mother that someday i ’ll leave and want to take half, although according to the law this is so, it was probably possible to discuss it with me and come to an agreement. then there would simply be no questions, i don’t think it’s possible not to come to an agreement with me, the only question is motivation, what is actually hidden behind it, that’s all. hello, the program contains information about the most notable events.
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the programs are not only family, mikhail mishustin has a report from the head of russian railways. don’t panic, dollar and euro, there is no trading on the moscow exchange, what ’s next, experts on foreign holidays, import transactions and other currency situations. your hero drones, rub 21 million. in 2 weeks, the gathering of the popular front of our dmitry kulko, the fighters advancing under the clock. in a couple of hours, as in the whole month, there was a downpour in moscow, flows through the roofs, swimming through the streets, transport that suddenly became water, a personal cancer vaccine, a st. petersburg development among the prize winners calling, the main award in the profession
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was established by channel one and the ministry of health. let's start with the tragic news: a colleague from ntv, cameraman valery kozhin, died in donbass. was 46 years old. valery, together with correspondent alexey ivlev, an officer who accompanied the film crew, came under fire in the gorlovka area in the dpr. all three were taken to the hospital, but valery could not be saved. alexey ivlev was operated on and is in stable condition. he came to ntv in the fall of ninety-three, a reporter with extensive experience of business trips to a variety of hot spots. points of the world. so today there was an editorial assignment under special conditions. we rely on the doctors, we want to cope.
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nazis to commit new atrocities, the blood of russian journalists is not only on the hands of militants of the armed forces of ukraine, but on the conscience, if they still have the truth, of international officials in vienna, geneva, paris, and, let’s say , in new york. new report from the ministry of defense. in the kharkov region, in the area of ​​the buffer zone, troops of the north group are pushing back the enemy, occupying new lines, including in volchansk. attempts to counterattack in sssu.
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strike on a military plant near kiev, the fire could not be dealt with for more than a day. once again , the enemy’s forward, western solidary is being pushed back and a brigade of wolves of the volunteer corps, operating as part of the southern group of troops, is working there. together with them is the film crew of channel one, reporting by amir yusupov. the enemy will face complete defeat. now we will send a little hello there. there are a dozen more missiles and shells, ours are aiming several guns at once, the enemy is undergoing rotation, the armed forces of ukraine are changing personnel on the front line, hundredths they took them out, they brought them in, as i understand it, three of them, still alive, so far, they are still driving people there, by the way, how the ministry
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of defense of ukraine takes care of its soldiers. so, in almost every forest belt that is now under enemy control, one of the enemy fortifications is being hit with guided missiles. they are flying over our forward positions, this is a tour we have started, now there will be cotton there.
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you are working a polish mortar, how are you guys, everyone is safe, everything is fine, don’t
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worry, under the solidarity in the ssu they are standing in the dark defense, they only snap at drones and artillery, they no longer make any attempts to attack, they tried last summer, unsuccessfully sending people to slaughter, now they are digging deeper and deeper into the ground, they still continue to lose personnel, we blow up every single time, every day, they are restless, they continue it all there.
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the installation was built on the basis of the united institute for nuclear research by scientists from dozens of countries, this is cooperation that cannot be stopped by the unfriendly west to which, the president confirmed, russia is open. report by olga knyazeva. the first steps towards flights to the moon and mars are being taken . during experiments on the basis of our niko hadron collider megaproject, they are studying the effect of radiation in deep space on electronics and humans, selecting materials for astronaut cabins at our future national orbital station, but the final launch of niko will essentially answer the question of how nuclear matter arose . inside this installation, scientists will collide particles with high energies, precisely in the result of such a collision is the substance from which our universe used to consist in the first microseconds after the big bang, even before the appearance of atoms. today, one of the stages
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is now 4 years behind, they refused to build their accelerator, but as a result of cooperation with us, grigory trubnik, director of the joint institute for nuclear research, told the president. the point is that they ordered a lot of things from us, we did it, they refused to even accept it, they said we’ll do everything ourselves, that’s it politics negatively affects the real one, it’s not the right word, it’s not the right word, then every contract lasts for about 3-4 years, so here they are, unfortunately, that’s why the germans now, generally speaking, are reasonable, but we communicate like human beings , they are now all interested in what will happen with us, of course, everyone will come here, regardless of any political ones. of course, of course, despite the sanctions conditions in which we have been living for 10 years, our scientists have assembled a super-installation analogous to the large
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hadron collider. science today is one of state priorities, trubnikov told the president how we are learning to do what we used to import from abroad, that is , we come with technical specifications, say, we say, do it, they don’t know how to do it, they start developing, they start developing, then we give the task , which they did not know how to do before, we are implementing it together, they can test it here, make sure that it works, then they go into the economy, including for... all this is done by our people who once graduated from the best technical universities in the country, the strongest school, then someone went to practice abroad, managed to work there, and now returns, including thanks to what they have...
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and it seems to me that this has paid for this initial investment many times over, these are the same results, for the sake of which the program is extended and the grants themselves are increased. a decision was made to increase the amount of funding to 100 million per year, to extend the period, because, as far as i understand, i think you and i also met with some other colleagues so that the horizon could be seen planning and...
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first of all, of course, in humanitarian terms, including in the field of medicine, but this is sure to benefit our partners who work here, who came from other countries, who worked, because one way or another these results go to benefit the countries from which they came. the president regularly meets with people of science, heads
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of leading institutes, he is often told what kind of support young scientists lack today, the situation changes from year to year. i would like to. thank you for contributing young scientists to mega-grant competition, and i would like to wish that this program for young scientists is developed in the future and, if possible, expanded, since i myself personally know mature scientists who are actively working or thinking about returning to russia. we met several years ago, it was in the kremlin, in moscow, and the recipients.
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that is, their proposal, their idea, turned out to be absolutely in demand, we will definitely do it further, definitely, 100%, there can’t even be any doubt about it. anna poterova told president, she studied in russia, but ended up studying quantum mechanics in singapore. as soon as she learned that mega-grants for young people had appeared in our country, she immediately applied and will now work in the laboratory of the south ural university. it’s very hot in singapore; you feel much more comfortable in the urals, right? yes, i already felt it. the institute often initiates important scientific projects; it is no coincidence that yesterday the institute’s president , mikhail kovalchuk, received the state prize in the field of science and technology, and vice-president alexander blagov today told putin how common scientific work could be built with friendly countries. now at the kurchatsky institute, on the basis of the kurchatsky institute , an international association of scientific
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organizations has been created, it is called the synchrotron center for synchrotron, neutron and laser research. and it has already included scientific organizations from russia, the republic of belarus, uzbekistan and iran. here we propose to consolidate these processes at the interstate level and announce the initiative of the russian federation to build the creation of a single scientific and technological space within the framework, primarily of the cis within the framework of brixnar. we will do this, absolutely, well... yesterday mikhail valentinovich and i were on our feet, as they say, we talked about this, this exactly corresponds to our interests, the interests of our partners, someone there in the government.
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vladimir putin discussed this by phone today with mohammad mahber, the acting president of iran. since january 1, this country has been a full participant in the association, in which russia, let me remind you,
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is chairing this year. science today is widely presented in the president's schedule. in the evening , vladimir putin held a council on science and education. we will provide details in this issue, now there are other significant numbers. almost half a billion passengers traveled on russian railways. the beginning of the year, the head of russian railways, oleg belozerov, reported to mikhail mishustin. taking into account the holiday season, demand will only increase. as the prime minister emphasized, people should not have problems buying tickets. yuri lepatov will continue. railways are fundamentally important for realizing the goals of accelerated internal development, import substitution, creation of new transport routes. well, in the summer they perform, among other things, another important function of transporting people to vacation spots, the prime minister emphasized.
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transportation of products to the east of the country through the eastern landfill increased by almost 5.5%. last year we transported 7,4000 containers, this year there will be more. traditionally, the difference between russian railways is two criteria, first of all it is the level of safety in relation to all railways in the world, we occupy, yes, first place according to the above tons kilometer. and one more important element, we are the point. on the baikal-amur mainline
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, russian railways, as oleg belozerov reported, plans to reach an absolute record in terms of traffic volume, exceeding both soviet and pre-pandemic indicators. yuri alepatov, zulfiya khakimova, ekaterina belova, sergey valetov, channel one. the industry, like our entire economy, is developing under sanctions. today , britain expanded its list by 42 positions, including 11 companies from third countries, including china. london. follows senior american partner, who uses so-called secondary restrictions to put pressure on those who cooperate with russia. this policy was harshly criticized by the chinese foreign ministry. normal economic and trade exchanges between china and russia should not be disrupted or used as a tool to denigrate china's containment. the united states indiscriminately applied unilateral sanctions around the world , created problems, seriously undermined
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sovereignty and... this approach does not help the main source of risk in the world. from this day, solve problems, but only turns into after american sanctions, the moscow exchange has canceled trading in dollars and euros. how will the exchange rate of these currencies to the ruble be determined in the future? and what do citizens and companies need to know? the official position of the central bank and answers from experts are from kirill brainin. just as taxi prices rise when it rains or snows, the desire of some participants in the foreign exchange market to make money against the backdrop of new sanctions sometimes results in unpleasant numbers in the operating cash register. but panic is a bad financial advisor, especially in the central bank is assured that there is not a single reason to rush to exchange offices. yes, trading in dollars and euros on the moscow exchange has stopped, but this does not interfere with determining the exchange rate. here are the written explanations of the central bank on this matter. the bank of russia
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will calculate the official ruble exchange rate according to. exchange market, the rate will remain uniform and market, only the range of data for its calculation will change. it should be noted that the international foreign exchange market and the domestic foreign exchange markets of most countries in the world are over-the-counter. exchange trading of currencies is not necessary conditions for the convertibility of the national currency, free circulation of foreign currency and market exchange rate formation. currency transactions between banks or on digital platforms are used as over-the-counter platforms. the rate is fixed. does not change, just like the ability to choose those who want to buy currency, absolutely nothing more favorable conditions in banking applications, and as you can see, there have been no dramatic changes in quotes from major players; at the moment we do not have any increased demand for purchasing currency, if you see, there are actually fewer clients in the office today than usual, probably due to weather conditions in moscow, we constantly monitor
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the current... dynamics of the exchange rate on the market, and set the exchange rate in accordance with these dynamics. in fact, the exchange rate has changed slightly since tuesday, by no more than 1 ruble. in general, everything is as before, experts only advise taking a deep breath and following simple rules. for those who, for example, are planning a trip abroad, some kind of vacation, they just need to buy currency in advance. those who they are engaged in export-import operations, they are already experts in finding the best courses and the best. conditions, therefore, the reality in which we find ourselves will fundamentally not change anything for citizens. and here, by the way, are the reasons: firstly, according to the same central bank , the chinese yuan has long dominated in the structure of foreign exchange trading, almost 54%. and if we talk about trade in a broad sense, the share of the dollar and euro there is even lower. over the past 2 years, the role of the us dollar and euro in the russian market has consistently decreased.
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this is the result of trade redirection. flows to the east and changes in the currency of payments to rubles, yuan and other currencies of friendly countries. these currencies now account for about 80% of foreign trade payments. the exchange rate of the ruble to key currencies is determined by the balance of demand and supply of currency from foreign trade activities and does not depend on the trading platform on which transactions are concluded. experts also do not expect a shortage of unfriendly currency. last month, according to the central bank, inflows from exporters increased by 13%. again. no conditions for speculation, in general , the government has been preparing for possible sanctions against the moscow exchange national settlement depository since the spring of 2022. scenarios for this case have been worked out, in fact , the market reaction speaks for itself: today we saw how, instead of storming the 100 mark, the ruble dropped by level 85, trading today is in the range of 85-88 rubles per dollar, and many market participants
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predict that... appropriate funds, those who have one who needs currency, investments and money is the desire to buy these instruments, and the third is the rules that should ensure their interaction, if there is the first, second and third. regardless of sanctions, regardless of any external pressure, this mechanism will still work, outside of, not under any pressure. there is even an opinion that washington and its comrades have something to thank for: with an endless stream of sanctions, they largely
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help us create a financial system independent of the dollar and euro. yes, the habit of looking at the exchange rate of american and european currency becomes more and more irrelevant in the morning, but new opportunities also open up, the main thing. go to extremes. the only advice is to remain completely calm and continue to go about your business and perform those actions that you did not perform. if they have savings, they accumulate them, they consider it necessary to invest them profitably, so to speak, then today they need to continue to be interested, including in the russian stock market, which has now dropped somewhat in this wave, and for this it creates conditions for what is possible some securities are simply more profitable to buy.
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today it is proposed to burden the western economy with this: nato countries should necessarily give at least $40 billion a year to ukraine for weapons. half of the amount goes to the united states, said alliance secretary general stoltenberg. according to him, nato military supplies will continue, although the western bloc supports the swiss peace summit. after such words there are even more reasons to talk about him, the so-called. no, but in fact, nato is for peace. some summits today west.
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ducks the group of seven summit, which kicks off in the southern italian coastal resort of borgo gegna, represents perhaps the weakest meeting of leaders in years. most guests are distracted by elections or domestic political crises, disillusioned by years in power, or desperately clinging to it. on the eve of his trip, joe biden's anti-rating broke another record. voters have never rated his work so low. in canada and japan , disappointment with the current government is growing. chapters france and germany are in a political knockout after the devastating elections to the european parliament. macron even dissolved the french national assembly after them. well, for british prime minister sunak, the current g7 summit will most likely become a farewell trip to international meetings.
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in 3 weeks , parliamentary elections will take place in britain, in which the ruling conservatives will almost certainly suffer a crushing defeat. party leader sunok is now trying with all his might to reach voters. in that. once to attract attention, he decided even before the start of the summit, announcing new sanctions against russia and providing kiev with a new portion of financial assistance. in this way, he hoped to stand out from the rest, if the g7 countries had failed to agree today, the main topic of discussion in italy should have been the fate of russian financial assets. the west, at risk of going broke maintaining ukraine , has long been looking towards frozen reserves, but did not know how to justify open robbery. this plan involves the use of income from assets. russia no longer receives they make a profit, but the asset holders receive interest. it would be possible to provide ukraine with a loan that could be repaid over
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several years using this interest flow. in total, kiev was promised to provide $50 billion in this way, but in italy the countries had yet to agree on the details of such a plan. there is mutual agreement on the $50 billion package, but there is no agreement on how individual shares will be calculated. some officials argue that they should be based on bb'. while others propose a division based on the relative volume of frozen assets that are located on the territory of a particular g7 state. the problem is that the bulk of the frozen reserves , about 200 billion euros, are in accounts in belgium, and this country is not part of the big seven, and in the european union, decisions are made on the basis of consensus, so the decision taken by politicians could well have encountered obstacles, persuasion doubters came to puglia. why did zelensky approach biden, it remains unclear, perhaps
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he wanted to remind him of the meeting planned for this evening in italy, kiev and washington signed a security agreement for a period of 10 years, although for both biden and zelensky this is too distant a planning horizon, any of the next us presidents will be able to it’s easy to cross out this document, the more important it is for the western bloc to try to win over to its side other countries, those who do not unconditionally take the side of ukraine in this conflict either. italy decided to hold a summit leaders in apulia, this was not a random choice, we did it because apulia is a region in the south of italy, we want to convey to you the idea of ​​the g7, which, under the presidency of italy, wants to strengthen the dialogue with the states of the global south. the message that the g7 conveys to the whole world when deciding on the use of income from russian assets. the countries of the global south will also probably hear
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that this step is unlikely to add confidence to western policy. pavel krasno, dmitry volkov and dalyasya rozhedinova channel one. is our the ministry of defense showed footage of maneuvers of missile formations of the leningrad military district. this is one of the fragments of the second stage of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. they are carried out by order of supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin to maintain the readiness of the union state to defend territorial territories. integrity and sovereignty. there is also a testing site in belarus, and tactical nuclear weapons have been stationed there since last year. the maneuvers of the ground unit are supported by fleet aviation. during the execution of tasks, mobile formation twelfth main directorate, ensured the delivery of training nuclear ammunition to field storage points, position area of ​​the missile brigade of the operational airfield of attack aircraft. together with belarusian colleagues, the preparation and delivery of missiles with special equipment and the suspension
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of aviation weapons under the carrier aircraft have been carried out. issues of ensuring combat duty with training nuclear ammunition are currently being worked out. news investigation of crimes that do not have a statute of limitations. to court delivered two participants in the attack on russian military personnel, which occurred in the chechen republic a quarter of a century ago. then 15 soldiers were killed and almost 30 were wounded. employees of the investigative committee and the fsb, with the support of the russian guard, detained the militants. according to the investigation, they voluntarily joined the gang of basayev and khattab in october 1999 and took part in an attack on russian military personnel in the area of ​​stanitsa chervlyonaya, shchelkovsky district of the chechen republic. the defendants have been charged with armed rebellion and banditry. for the lives of military personnel. implementing the principle of the inevitability of punishment, investigators
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of the investigative committee continue to identify the participants in the attack who are hiding from law enforcement agencies. and again about our soldiers, who today thank everyone who helped the common cause. as part of the “everything for victory” project, channel one military correspondent dmitry kulkov introduced a fee for drones; they are extremely necessary for the upcoming yar. grigory emelyanov, about what the response was to what drones will do. 50 quadcopters for the fourth brigades: the fundraising announced by the popular front by our military correspondent dmitry kulkov as part of the campaign “everything for victory” was completed in just two weeks we managed to collect the required amount - 21 million, here on your screens is our report of your contribution to the common cause. all the money that you donated as part of this collection and was spent on a quadcopter is what fighters need today; we conducted this collection in a very short time, in just over two weeks.
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therefore , many thanks to all the people who helped and carried out the collection. the legendary fourth brigade is a glorious battle path, many liberated towns and villages of the lugansk people's republic,
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copters, all reconnaissance groups, in each battalion, at the brigade headquarters there are dozens of screens on which the picture from all the drones that are in the sky appears. dima filmed these shots about two weeks ago at the front line of uchasoyar, where the fourth brigade is fighting on the southern flank. today, complex attack actions are only possible if you actually have a lot of drones. however, what does a lot mean? there are never too many of these birds. the material is consumable and is constantly needed by the front. dozens of them rise into the sky before each assault.
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so there are drones that are guides, sometimes they take out prisoners or bring in infantry, it’s just that the infantry follows the drone itself, and also fpv, comics for the results of work, which we see every day on television screens in telegram channels, and the so -called big wings , conducting reconnaissance at the operational level. over the entire period of the northern military district , the popular front has collected more than 13 billion rubles to help military personnel, it’s simply unrealistic amount, thanks to the popular front, great gratitude. he has helped us many times already, these collections, which are so necessary for our military, are made up of bricks from your large and small contributions, where big and small do not mean more or less important, where everyone can turn out to be a lifesaver for someone. grigory emelyanov, ilya ripnin, andrey podgornov and sergey nashchekin, channel one. the readiness of regions
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to quickly respond to natural disasters. the situation with floods and wildfires became the main topic of the meeting, which i spent. now there may be intense rain in the far east, which threatens to complicate the flood situation. patrushev gave instructions to check the condition of protective structures. there are 33 natural fires in transbaikalia alone. there is a high risk of large fires occurring in two dozen regions. in the far eastern federal district, the fire situation is expected to worsen. this may affect you first of all. northern regions of the khabarovsk territory, yakutia and transbaikalia. problems remain with the maintenance of power lines and strips diversion along railways and highways. here, as an example, quite recently such facts became the causes of fires in buryat, in the khabarovsk territory and in transbaikalia. i ask
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the responsible departments to check the condition of their facilities. almost a month's norm. remains fell in just a few hours today in the northern western districts of the capital. the heavy downpour was also accompanied by a thunderstorm with squally winds, the roads, surface metro sections and underground parking lots were flooded, buses were running through the windows in the water, and even short short circuits due to leaking roofs in several high-rise buildings. and according to weather forecasters, this is not the end. oleg shishkin, more details about everything. what kind of surn is this anyway, where does all this water come from? when the streets turn into rivers before your eyes, you feel as if you are in the scenery of a disaster movie, especially when water floods the floor of the bus, and outside the window, as if motor boats are raising a wave of capital taxis, in these frames the regular bus 672 route was caught in a water trap, it flooded a little and not up to the roof, the passengers
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had to get to the most of the world, as a result of extremely heavy rainfall, the bus was hit by flood waters, the lives and health of passengers are not in danger. the case when klyazminskaya street in the dmitrovsky district of moscow, named after the river of the same name, fully justified this name. passenger cars, like buoys, froze in the water right on the roadway. these residents of the capital biberev, caught in the rain, did not find anything better than to swim in the muddy water. and the courier, judging by the backpack of one food delivery service, set sail for necessary. this turned out to be the fastest way today. place an order, monstrous, powerful, unprecedented, muscovites cannot hold back their emotions, describing on social networks the mega-rainfall that hit the capital and turned the streets into wide expanses of water, on rimsky, you see... along the house, what kind of lawns, streams carried away cars on the road parts. solaris begins to float, floats away, but there is no way to save it.
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water flooded cars in underground parking lots. but this is the bottom rage of the parking lot, so now it’s also up to the top. heavy downpour glass roofs of shopping centers withstood, staircases turned into waterfalls, rain paralyzed traffic on some capital highways, and drivers are afraid to cross a huge puddle on rublevskoye highway, as a result. and a dead traffic jam, and it’s not even rush hour yet, the elements and the metro were jammed, traffic on the section of filyovskaya leniya between the vagartionovskaya and funzovskaya stations was temporarily stopped and water accumulated on the rails, in the pilyovsky park a pond overflowed its banks, like a flow in a mountain river . mozilovsky prus, pioneer metro station. according to weather forecasters were most affected by the northern, north-eastern and western districts of the capital. almost a month's worth of precipitation fell there in a few hours. it will rain in moscow until late evening, and then bad weather will come.
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national projects for technological sovereignty have appeared; while their development is underway, putin instructs to indicate in the materials specific requirements for results, new products and technologies. it is critically important to provide objective, but at the same time strict deadlines for the implementation of such decisions, from the formation of a scientific basis to testing, testing the technology and transferring it to mass production. that is why it is so important to coordinate the efforts of scientific groups involved in all national projects and dispersion. here the forces and means are unacceptable, in this regard, the situation raises questions when
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dozens of organizations are engaged in one scientific topic, and with varying degrees of success, while other areas no less important for the country remain, as they say, undisguised. vladimir putin is not against competition, it’s about something else, you can’t spread yourself thin, that’s what it’s all about, that’s what it’s like it's a fine line, you have to find the golden mean. today, many of our institutes do not have an approved long-term research program , and there is no monitoring of its implementation. unfortunately, today we see that the scientific profile of institutes is blurred, and even the name of the institutes, which was based on their specialization, often no longer coincides with the topics that they deal with. also , the analysis that we carried out shows such an island, broken nature of the scientific landscape.
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telecom $25 billion in turkey, that’s it at the expense of russia, this is mainly a source, so that it is clear, sovereign funds, this is managed by rosatom, alexey evgenievich is great, he manages tens of billions of dollars, they think that this is not enough, this is mainly budgetary, well, not budgetary, government funding.
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but the president’s message is extremely clear, it is important to do, i will say in simple words, not only what we want, what we can do, what is prestigious and profitable, but also what is needed for the fatherland, to orient the government towards this goal, which the sixth subroutine was launched on your instructions. program of fundamental scientific research, it will ensure the creation of a scientific and technical basis in the interests of defense of state security, primarily the solution of the problem of the military-industrial complex, we will continue to work in the formation of a qualified order for specific research results to meet the needs of our army from the ministry of defense to the defense industry enterprise. for success , it is important to overcome the personnel shortage,
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and therefore the quality of teaching of exact sciences is important to develop not only in advanced lyceums, but that's all. locally in schools, cities and small towns, the head of this center told me today with regret, they conducted research, but in schools, most high school students want to be bloggers, the topic was picked up by the director of the presidential physics and mathematics lyceum number 239, maxim patusevich, it’s too late to talk about how children in the tenth and eleventh grades define themselves, but in the main school... i would like to draw attention to teaching in the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, this is foundation for everything else, i argue that if, for example, mathematics in the fifth, sixth, seventh grade is taught poorly, then further self-determination of the student in the field of engineering and natural science specialties is no longer possible, a blogger then at least, then a blogger,
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a creative producer god knows by whom, before,
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here children calmly move from class to class, in the vast majority, without acquiring the skill of systematic work and without acquiring the skill of serious mental effort, so , unfortunately, or fortunately, studying mathematics, natural sciences require serious mental effort, this is serious mental work in which all three words are important, you said that both children and families should measure up to what is needed for the state, somehow this sounds harsh, although of course, toughness is necessary, but it’s possible that it won’t turn out the way we want for the best, but it will turn out as always, so i think, if i understand you correctly, you just need to create the conditions so that people want it, so that their motives arise , motivation arose, and here of course the state has a lot to do, it soon turned out that the fairy tale old man khatabych,
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published in 1938 , is an inexhaustible source of examples and allegories that are relevant in our day. it all starts with respect, but old man khatabych, in order to express his respect, addressed volkina, otherwise volka ibn alyosha, mentioning him accordingly... they do not dare, interaction with the regions is very important here, it is very important that the regions, understanding the importance of this area of ​​​​activity, they put their shoulders to their
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the programs included this component related to the creation of conditions for the proper functioning of scientific and educational centers. all decisions made at meetings of the council for science and education will soon be sent to the president for signature. konstantin, marina eliseeva, the winners of the presidential grant competition were announced in moscow today; more than 1,300 non-profit organizations from all regions of our country will receive about 3.5 billion rubles for the implementation of necessary important initiatives. and those who consider it their duty to help others, valentina solovyov. the recipient of the largest grant of this competition is the central clinical hospital of st. alexei. 40 million rubles for the project to provide.
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in addition, in such mobile complexes, doctors are engaged in transporting the wounded from donbass and other regions to moscow. since march 2022, we have provided assistance to more than 18... throughout our history, the area of ​​family support, motherhood, paternity and childhood has taken absolutely first place, which means that in this area we have ultimately supported 515 family support projects through two competitions
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billion 200 million rubles were allocated. one example of such projects is being implemented by the union of military families of russia in the tambov region, providing targeted assistance to the families of svo participants, among the winners is the union of mothers in the kherson region, melitopol organization. here they created an amateur hockey league for people with disabilities, somehow i began to feel differently in this life, i found a lot of people, what acquaintance is, it’s a mini-society, and
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the mini-society is so sincere, where the players and a person with a disability is accepted, he is welcome there, already with this team, with this soulful society, children are stepping into a big society, in the kaluga region , grant recipients help orphans, this is a non-profit organization a start to the future, here from because thanks to the support we were able to create all this, as sergei kiriyenko noted, the number of such good initiatives in our country is growing every year. for the twenty-third year we are now summing up, 8,235 socially
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oriented non-profit organizations received only federal government support, not even regional support. the total amount is 37 billion rubles. that is, in general, the scale is in accordance with the decisions of the president, and the scale of support for social guidelines. in twenty-five. valentina slavyova, olga kovalenko, veronika ilvuchenkova, lyubov filippova, anastasia slobodenyuk and konstantin dzhukovsky. first channel. the ceremony of presenting the main medical award of the country of vocation, a joint project of the first channel of imenzdrav, took place in moscow. awards for the best, and we continue to tell about them, doctors who never give up in the fight for the life of a patient, performing feats and discoveries in medicine on a global scale. great report on the laureates.


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