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tv   Modnii prigovor  1TV  June 14, 2024 9:20am-10:10am MSK

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he will even receive his prize from his impressed colleagues. alexey zotov, pavel romanov, alexander isaev, maria emelyanova, alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. with this, residents of the european part of russia, i say goodbye, a fashionable verdict will be broadcast next. with me is a fashion expert, evelina khronchenko, a person who knows everything about fashion, and even more. and also alexander anatolyevich, a true connoisseur of music and style. very soon we will meet our heroine and see her transformation, but for now let’s look at the list of her online purchases and try to guess who she is, what she does, what i'm passionate about. fertilizer for plants, guys, well, a gardener, probably yes, she probably still has a pink lamp on the windowsill, yes, we ’ve already heard this somewhere, potato tubers are definitely a gardener, when, probably, after all, it ’s a dacha, it turns out to be a big farm .
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a walking ball for rodents, well, i don’t understand that, a walking ball for rodents, but rodents like it, no, no rodents, guys, a book on astronomy, likes to dream, that’s for sure, yes, well, in general, she likes space, globalist, and also board games, board games, or maybe she likes to entertain someone, grozunov in the heat, we have close heroines in our studio, dima, did we guess something? in this story of plants, she’s involved with plants , even this is already something, yes, board games, and about rodents, the most important thing about a rodent, she’s such a very versatile person, she’s interested in everything, we can’t wait to meet our heroine, daria, come out to us, daria, good afternoon, please tell me how old you are, what
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do you do, i’m 24 years old, i’m mainly involved in journalism, i like writing scripts, i like filming, and taking photographs is my main hobby, but you also guessed it, yes, i really like to do navigation, i have a lot of flowers, i have a hamster at home, and we talked about these thunderstorms, we were mainly fascinated by the walking ball, well, ratters need to run a lot , we put him in a special ball, everything is clear.
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feel the thrill of being her and may be less embarrassed to take more care of herself. dmitry, what do you say to feel more confident inside ? but i don’t like everything, everything is great, but you and dasha, we actually haven’t known each other for long, about 4-5 months, so we met her at work, at first glance, to be honest, i didn’t even notice dasha, that is, she was such a gray mouse, with very few people i talked, i didn’t talk to boys about... i didn’t talk at all, about the appearance, i probably want to remove this black color, i want dasha to be visible, add lighter shades to her, i want to see her feminine, that is, shoes, a dress there , makeup, i want dasha to emphasize her beauty her body, and not hidden behind wide t-shirts, dmitry wants her to live, right, because she is a little. constrained.
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dmitry, thank you very much. daria, do you agree with the opinion of your friends? well, yes, i agree, i really really love voluminous, large things that are very comfortable and practical. well, are you ready to make your wardrobe more interesting? yes, you know, i would really like to change my wardrobe, i want to see myself more feminine, really try to wear something, maybe a dress or some beautiful suit, i want to see myself, well, in another, beautiful one. so what’s the problem? you ’re not just interested in what others think about you, you don’t pay attention to them, because you’re very busy with work, maybe, well , it’s comfortable for me, it’s comfortable for you to dress like that , or it’s comfortable for you to be around there is no one , no one is paying attention to you, watching this world, i feel comfortable when i see the world, but the world does not see me, i like this position of an observer when i can hide from my inner world, as it were, to calmly watch what is happening, i
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like to watch, well, then let’s look at your wardrobe? yeah, we'll watch, evelina, please, extreme. well, in general , to be honest, you can’t call this set of clothes a wardrobe, kindergarten, pants with straps, went to a physical education lesson, first grade, in this garden, just digging those potatoes in the tuber you bought, with her everything is fine, it’s clean, it probably fits you well, you probably like it because of the colors, the volume, but i definitely couldn’t call this set of clothes a wardrobe, you have so few clothes, well... almost my entire wardrobe is here, i’m really very small, i have a laconic wardrobe, i love a lot, but another thing is that this is not a wardrobe, this is some kind of convention, it is rather the absence of it, so i was interested in the topic of what you were talking about, you were talking about the fact that - you are not interested in participating, you are more interested in observing
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in order to make a decision when to hide when to appear on the surface of the water, what is the reason for this, why are you afraid to be active, bright, it was very... a turning point story, after which i really began to wear very baggy clothes and close up, and unfortunately this was the case, these were my school years, i was going to the final exam in piano, it was not rush hour, it was an ordinary morning day, on the subway, unfortunately a man began to pester me and at first he began to paw me around the waist, i said: move away, this is unpleasant for me, i don’t want you to do this, but no one paid attention, then he continued and... at that moment i was already i started screaming, i didn’t seem to shut down, i said: what are you doing, you can’t do that at all, but unfortunately, none of those who were near me at that moment , no one helped me with this, but no one condemned him, but i was driving and
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i still remember this apologetic silence, one grandmother gets up and says: first you dress up like that, and then you pretend that you don’t like it, then why are you dressed up like that and i you ... the next station and i literally started shaking all over, i didn’t understand, why is this wardrobe even my fault, why all of a sudden? and i got to school, came to the teacher, but i couldn’t play, i just burst into tears, i say what’s my fault, why is it my fault, what’s my fault, i’m so ashamed of this, i’m so ashamed, but she naturally it calmed me down, it calmed me down, but it’s a shame, it’s like...
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it’s quite hard to get rid of it if, without psychological help, without support , you feel that it’s stopping you from buying and from being able to try it on, especially from the opportunity to go into... in some more, well, let's say, pronounced things, then this means that all this needs a psychological pill, have you had any such experiences? yes, there were, i naturally asked for special help, we worked through it, during the time i was going through this, i got used to comfortable, voluminous clothes, they became colored, but they still remained shapeless, that is, it’s just so big -
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experiences that are not directly related to the wardrobe. thank you, evelina, alexander anatolyevich, what do we have here? dasha, dear, so as not to stay for a long time on that page with the story that happened, your piano class, morning, and the unpleasant incident. how long ago was this? well, it was in the eleventh grade, well, about 5-6 years, yes 5-6 years ago, it’s time to talk about it in the very past tense, or maybe forget it altogether, well, i would do this if i were you, alexandrevich, it’s impossible to forget, i’m a very big girl, i remember very well
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a similar situation in the subway, alas, this happens not only to you, it’s a pity that no one stood up, and they even scolded you, and what were you wearing at that moment, can i find out, i had such a simple thing? it was a pretty plain dress, blue, there was a t-shirt, that is, the shoulders were open, very tight-fitting, and an ordinary skirt, just below the knee, the most usual. in order to play a concert, you haven’t listed anything provocative just now, this could have happened to anyone, at any moment, alas, unfortunately, he could have pestered anyone, that is , in other words, you are not to blame for that incident, even alexander anatolyevich, if our the heroine decided to get on the subway in a swimsuit; this person would have no right to even touch her with a finger; of course, it is clear that this is outrageous. and this should not happen anywhere and never, but alas, this is what happened, it’s definitely not your fault, daria, look, you’re
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still under the impression of this situation, such situations really happen a lot, what touched me more was the behavior of this man or an environment that didn’t stand up for you and no one did anything that struck you in this situation, this word is shameful, it just drove like a nail into my mind, and i’m really still ashamed. for this situation, because i realized that no one around me would stand up for me, and i had to fight back myself, and i’m ashamed that i couldn’t protect myself, so with my voluminous wardrobe i’m trying to somehow protect myself once again, yes, i’m dear, the real point here is not how you look, dashenka, the point is that you shouldn’t be ashamed, those around you who didn’t provide any help, who didn’t turn off this nogger should be ashamed, he should be ashamed , but this impossible, unfortunately. how could you stand up for yourself? you are a small, fragile girl, well, essentially, a child who is going to
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a piano class, i beg you, what could you do, how did you scream at him, but was he scared? no, alas, at that moment you were almost helpless, defenseless, that’s the fact that no one stood up, this is of course terrible, there’s nothing to reproach yourself for, but you can’t correct people, stay with us, we’ll continue the fashion meeting after advertising, don’t let i'm going crazy. it's better to go crazy when the staff goes crazy mind our immunity, here they are bluish immune cells, then the immune system literally eats the human body alive. a unique medicine has been created in russia that has overcome the madness of our immunity. about this and many other breakthroughs, in the program to live healthy, dedicated to the day of the medical worker. today on the first day, let's listen to this silence
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and breathe in the mountain air deeply, we are in the kislovsk national park, this is the main park of our country, we are in a place where there are only narzans all around, the usefulness of this narzan is known to everyone, it gives a different taste regular dish, we will visit avatar rocks. and of course, we will drive along that very beautiful road, where you can literally see elbrus on the palms of your hands. let's go, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, i'm just fighting because i'm fighting. on june 10, people's artist of russia valentin smernitsky, a legendary partos and beloved actor of several generations, turned 80 years old. i played shakespeare, gogol, and chekhov. in the theater i always had such serious roles. talented actor. they have
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a very complex character, sometimes it’s difficult, but i can cope with it, but someday the time of reckoning was coming, he was losing the precious people closest to him, my son died because of my sloppiness, he fell into bad company, and drugs appeared there, our exclusive today is people's artist valentin smirnitsky. about family tragedies and personal happiness, my father was very sick, my mother had no time for me, i made an offer to him myself, and he didn’t refuse, grandpa, the coolest, oh, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow after the evening news, brother , let's go, three minutes, you see, now we'll press it for better became i start to provide him with medical assistance, then a tank starts working on us, because we are fighting against
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the nazis, and disabling medical personnel is an important task, first they work on the crosses, that is, so that no one can provide help when a close friend is ill , you drop everything and go, we dropped everything and went, because no one will help them except us, when i was hooked for 2 hours already, it turns out. i was still shooting in the trench, something was getting in the way, i thought my hand was just broken, let’s go with the nanostrike now, now, come on, one, two, heart wounds, such wounds are very rare, when... we saw it, we were shocked that he survived at all, they found a fuse in my leg, my friend had one in his heart, we we didn’t expect to survive, but thanks to our doctors we are standing here alive in front of you, when i arrived home, i only found out that i was operated on in a bulletproof vest, on the day of the medical worker, mine in the heart, on sunday on the first. dar, i also wanted
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to ask, tell me, this situation, here it is it tore you apart so much, and maybe before that there were also some moments in life that were also painful for you in relation to the way you were dressed, or there was something else in life that this time it was some kind of... then the point of no return, well, yes, before that, of course , there were such moments, i still remember september 1 of the first grade, it was an ordinary school line, like everyone else. there are people in life, you had it, i had it, there was a line, after which we were all seated, of course, smart, beautiful in the classroom, and i was sitting at my desk, the lesson began, and my neighbor according to the party, it was a boy, and he turns around and says, my god, what an ugly thing, a nightmare, i won’t sit with her, and she also has glasses, and she also has plates, and what
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is this, and why am i with she was imprisoned, i don’t want to sit with her, and that was the moment when... my holiday ended , the period of 7 long years at this school began, when , unfortunately, with those classmates, i didn’t have any friendships, they always told me like ugh, leave me alone, you're not beautiful, all these years, yes, all 7 years that i was at my first school, there was this attitude, daria, well, you came home, and mom, like parents, that we have quite a large family, it has many children, i’m the second of four in... that period it was quite difficult, getting me into some other school, okay, but they said something, somehow consoled me, you told me about this situation, yes, they tried to somehow console me, he said: don’t worry, they will outgrow it all, just be patient, don’t react to it, you are above all this, they are they’ll outgrow it, it will go away, until the fourth grade i was fiddling with them like this, okay,
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elementary school is over, the kids have calmed down a little and have changed a little, probably for the better, and you, dasha, have changed too. or was this bullying constant throughout school? well, the starting point for me was the seventh grade, it was my birthday, i brought candies, they were so small in the package, they started throwing them to play, and i still remember how the class teacher read me so strictly, she said : dasha, you can’t do that, you i brought these candies, why did you even do that, our whole school is now dirty, everything is covered in these candies, in the end it turned out to be a very guilty birthday, right? i really didn’t have a party on my birthday again, that’s straight, i don’t know, you never wanted to put them all in their place with some radical measures, for example, the first thing to spit on them is to actually go to another school, even if not in the primary grades , already in adolescence, well, in the seventh grade, this became the turning point when i really left, i really i chose a school that i like and asked for
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my russian language tutor, a very wonderful woman and she simply helped me change my whole life. she went with me through all the entrance tests, submitting documents, she took me to this wonderful school, so there was a friend who helped you and loved you heartily, we moved to another school, there were other people there, they studied with you, everything is fine, i was accepted into the team right away without any obstacles, that’s literally the first quarter and i myself i don’t recognize myself, and my parents don’t recognize me, i learned to take care of myself, i began to look at how they dress and try to dress similar, probably, daria, some boys appeared that i liked, in the eleventh grade, already literally before graduation, yes, it still overtook me, i couldn’t hide from it, love will overtake you, yes, but it most likely overtook me, conquered me, i
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don’t know why, because it was naturally the first experience, nothing like that directly ... there was no way to think of it there was no clear plan of action, there wasn’t one, so i decided to honestly approach the person and tell him that i liked him, i decided that it would be fair, honestly, it’s easy for a person to find out, but the reaction that followed, of course it was not very pleasant, and he made fun of me and began to tell this to his friends and thanks to my classmates who were for me, they naturally put him in his place, but... due to the fact that it was for some kind of public display, she me i finished it off very badly, again i had to take the briefcase and give him a whack in the head for behaving like that in front of everyone, and were you also in love? yes, it was, naturally, at the university, i was filming football, taking photographs, i really like taking photographs, and naturally, i liked one of the bravest ones there, as
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always, so, i’ll quickly explain, girls don’t like football as much as football players, continue, yes, well, we somehow started to be friends, communicate, but somehow it was, every time we were somewhere, well... we communicated normally, we talked there, everything was fine, but every time horizon his friends appeared, he seemed embarrassed by me, he constantly went somewhere, oh, i’m embarrassed, i don’t have time, i have to study a university program there, and it lasted and lasted, in the end he told me that you know, you of course, he’s a good person, but on the inside, you’re a great girl, i’m sure you’ll find yourself a good guy, but i’m uncomfortable with you, i’m embarrassed. and left, i don’t know, smart, interesting, listen, you know, not every person will tell something like that about themselves, brave, exactly, only with such a core,
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internally prepared to tell such details about herself, she would never have said what she said if dasha had not been internally ready for this, so it seems to me that yes, of course, these are very painful memories, so i'm an adult. and auntie, you know, i can tell you in detail, second by second, how the same situation happened to me, despite the fact that it was the demi-season period, i was dressed in completely closed, naturally rather shapeless clothes in the winter here such, you know, very serious, but that didn’t stop a similar situation from happening, absolutely similar to yours, i remember it scrupulously to this day, but it doesn’t evoke any emotions in me, but it does for dash, but it will go away later, although i can’t. to say that remembering this, i experience some pleasant sensations, so there is nothing pleasant, but this does not dramatically affect the way i dress now, and i think that dasha
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has just come to the border of experiences when she can just stop reacting to it, yes reacting to it, absolutely right, and this is very courageous, evelina is absolutely right, it is very courageous to tell the whole country about what bothered you, what happened, what you didn’t like, well done. but this is not enough, zarya, dear, it’s time to take a step, one question, do you consider yourself beautiful, it seems to me, internally, i don’t imagine myself beautiful, i can’t imagine, but for me you are very beautiful, i can’t stop looking at you enough i can’t, you look at yourself very harshly, very monotonously from one angle, look at yourself differently, and stylists will help with this.
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see it as a plane ticket in order to get from point a to point b, as a nasty , uninteresting subject that must be passed in order to receive your honors diploma, but if you reason in this paradigm, then no matter how no matter how you feel inside and no matter what happens in your life, you will always be protected, you will always be protected in your wardrobe. do it, you are brave, you are strong, evilina said it right, you are standing here in front of us and telling this story, this is already so cool, people live in this
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a lot and for a long time, you are still very young and you have already come to tell us to start this new life, do it yourself, do it, no one will do it except you, we will help, but you must do it psychologically yourself, and you can do this, but now... we ask you, go to the stylists' room, and we are waiting for you in a new transformation. we continue our fashion session, while the heroine is in the stylists' room, let's get acquainted with the trend of this season. pea prince. attention to the podium.
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it is believed that the flominka dancers got small, round mirrors sewn onto their black clothes in gypsy culture, they were believed to ward off evil spirits, after a while, the mirrors were replaced with a print, but in spanish the name of this fabric is translated as small moons . polka dot, more common in the world... the name of this fabric in english began from the moment when the polka dance became popular. this happened in the middle of the 19th century. the point is that this dance became so popular that they started adding this word to absolutely everything, just to increase sales. in 1857 , the term "dot shelf" first appeared in fashion journalism, it was associated with a description of a muslin handkerchief that was embroidered
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by hand. peas, of course, it was an american publication, they have quite figurative, clear and apt language, accordingly, the term has not changed in any way since then. in the mid-20th century , christian dior added popularity to this print, in the eighties and nineties of the 20th century centuries, many designers have interpreted polka dots in their own way, but i would say that emun laro has greatly succeeded in this. the two most famous ladies who carried. peas of different sizes to the broad masses - this is , of course, julia roberts in the beauty of princess diana in her social appearances. the average size of a basic pea does not exceed 2.5 cm, starting at about seven millimeters. as for the variation, the larger the pea, the stronger its expression. therefore, if you are a big fan of large peas, be very careful with them; you can wear them, but very
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dosed. neatly, if we talk about its properties, then the main function of peas is simplification, that is , no matter how formal the dress is in style, but if the outfit is made in a pea print, such solemnity and luxury can be leveled, translated into a public language and not constitutes the problem that is dictated by, well, for example, bright red lipstick against the background of a black tuxedo, it seems like such a strict beauty, it’s scary to approach, it will cost me too much, so if... you are choosing a dress for a first date, then a dress with polka dots is best. is it worth making some chic luxurious evening dresses from fabric with polka dot print? for this purpose, you can be inspired by those designs that the eighties and nineties gave us in huge quantities, when you do this, be extremely careful, do not carry over from the eighties and nineties , patterns one in one of your favorite
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magazines, i... i know you have an old pile hidden there, always be inspired by new solutions so that your new thing does not it looked as if you had pulled it out of your grandmother's chest and altered it for today's needs. thank you evelina. well, we don’t have to wait long, soon our heroine daria will appear on the main podium of the country, after her transformation. vampire ball, rosemary's baby, a few more tickles. films made the name of this man known to the whole world, my first film, not made in poland, was called disgust, it did a lot to strengthen in me the feeling of joy from work, when everything is forgotten , all that remains is faith in yourself, wonderful man, i think that the great importance that little faith had for soviet cinema is due precisely to the fact that this is a film without an ethical assessment of the heroine’s behavior,
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what do you think is the main difference between? another completely magical story is opening up before us, we will work miracles. we already have a tree that has settled here . the wallpaper has become gray, very lively and very delicate, there will be such a pink kitchen , as it is called antique rose, antique pink, the space has become much larger more than it was, in the spaces it is so breathable and thanks also, of course, to the ceiling,
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because this bleached stain lay on it, and it’s like fog, about the comfort of the prime minister, tomorrow on the first day, forward, in life there is such a baggage of mistakes scary, sometimes you sit there and think, lord, how good it would be if it weren’t so, well, now i’m the only one who visits you, practically. who is not left, he is a very gentle person, very attentive, i envy his granddaughter, this is a cat, and this is some kind of raccoon, a woman who he was really carried away by her love, this is
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lida, she is strong, she is loving, you are young, young, young at heart, for valentin smernitsky’s eightieth birthday, tomorrow. on the first, was i already in bodrum? was that i know about bodrum, well, practically nothing, i give 30 liras for these tomatoes, 45, for two liras you will give, four and only in cash, the first thing tourists love bodrum for is our white villas. how long have you been working here? i’ve only been here a month, but for me it’s already like a second home. i'm very interested in what kind of people come here. everything, that happened within the walls of this villa, remains within the walls of this villa. without which it is impossible to get married in bodrum, without a certificate, with tests. a man and a woman must match each other’s blood type, only with this piece of paper can you submit an application, otherwise they won’t sign it. men go to the salon primarily to relax and chat. i
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go to the salon once a week, more often than i, the lives of others. premiere on sunday on the first. your idea of ​​happiness. love, fight, soldier, you're alive, you climbed to the front again the region where misanbas is, and in my opinion, you are simply idealizing him, dr. push will stay here, so i won’t go to the conflict, to the conflict myself, then i will go, an eternal battle, your sometimes likes to talk about volodka, we need someone like him a person like you commands the health of an entire region, a territory like two frances. inna makarova, why are you doing this forever and completely jumping off the tram, alexey botalov, decided to start everything from the very beginning in the film “my dear man, on sunday on
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the first”. there are only a few moments left until how our heroine will see herself after the transformation. but first, let's remember what kind of daria came to our program? i’m 24 years old, i mainly do journalism, she was such a gray mouse, i want dasha to be visible, i feel comfortable when i see the world, but the world doesn’t see me, my god, what an ugly thing, a nightmare, i won’t be with her sitting, that was the moment when my holiday was over, he always said to me like ugh, leave me alone, you’re ugly, in the subway, unfortunately, a man pestered me, but no one i didn’t judge him, why then are you so dressed up, what’s my fault, i’m so ashamed, this is a turning point story, i can’t wait to see our heroine, i suggest we don’t languish anymore,
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daria to the podium. daria, how do you feel in a new image, to be honest, it’s unusual for me, such a beautiful, bright image, i see myself in the mirror for the first time and i think, wow, beauty, really beauties, applause, alexander anatolyevich, what can we say, you yourself they said it,
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beauty, you believed in yourself, now you just signed, this is wonderful, before you they could have said this to themselves, it’s unlikely why, but i didn’t feel it inside, now it’s directly felt in me, inside and outside, it’s all visible, it’s all there. i think it’s even a little scary, no, it’s somehow completely unusual, it’s just very bright, i’m not used to it yet, i’m not used to it - that’s understandable, but it’s just a pleasant shock, it seems to me so, why don’t you like to reward yourself with some kind of... then with compliments, this is very important, you see, you just said to yourself, beauty, smile, you feel warm and happy, and the third time i’ll do the same more often, do it all the time, of course, this is what i’m getting at, evelina, our stylists have found for you... an interesting solution to using the most
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fashionable skirt of the season, namely a transparent pencil skirt, in your case, having such beautiful legs, this is a very correct decision , plus, white color is always what you really want in the summer, but in the situation that the stylists considered, i would still use, perhaps not silver shoes, although these sandals suit you very much, but... . black, why? because they issued you have a black frame of glasses, and i, as a person who knows everything about heavy black frames of glasses, know for sure that it must be supported with something black in order not to weigh down the upper part of the image, accordingly, there is something with this then light black shoes, perhaps sandals with the same context that we see here now in this silver, will fit very well, similarly. perhaps even some sports shoes that are not too heavy and low-cut with
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black elements, with combined elements containing black graphics, but most importantly bright black, this will be exactly what will support the image. well, now the second image is waiting for you, go to the stylists’ room. now i’m wondering, elena zoya, how do you react to the new daria? i see that she has started to feel confident, and besides, guys will start to pay attention to her, but i think there should no longer be any complexes in this image. i agree, dmitry, but what about you? i'm shocked, i like absolutely everything from this gray black mice, just wonderful. a wonderful person has appeared, it is very important that you all be
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nearby and support her in this, further, so that she does not return to the past, and not only in girly voices, beauty, well done, no complexes and so on, but also in low frequencies, beauty , add this, add, our heroine is ready to show us the next image, daria, come out to the podium.
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“daria, how do you like your second image? it’s very light, elegant, so airy, i can’t recognize myself, and it seems to me that in this image you can definitely go on a date, wow, well, you’re already getting ready for a date, she doesn’t stop smiling, you smile, it’s wonderful, these are all the characteristics, they absolutely accurately reflect your mood, in order to get that very gait that will... uh, help you in all your plans, you need to discipline yourself a little in your wardrobe with less comfortable things than this light airy dress, so do your homework, this dress is great for relaxing, it provides you with the opportunity to take a long stride, a fast gait, fast movement from point to point b.
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the task is to find in the store, with the help of girlfriends , a skirt of mid-length, a narrow pencil, to find in the store shoes, pumps, well, you can... with 8.5 cm heels, on top you can use any t-shirt, absolutely any shirt, you won’t be able to walk like that in this skirt , as you feel comfortable, in these shoes you will not feel as comfortable as in sports shoes, this will be a trainer for you to develop that gait, which, in much the same way as a straight back, provides absolutely any set with an ideal demonstration, and no matter what clothes to you was not. in the future, and no matter what kind of skirt you wear, if you listen to the skirt, that is , you liked it in the end, any one will sit you will not need to do anything, the skirt itself will guide you through life and lead you to the system of body language that you now i need it because you are still shy, i see it, daria, it seems to me that you are strong,
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wonderful, you have overcome so much, well, just work on yourself a little more and everything will be fine, now go into the room. stylists, the third look is waiting for you, and we are waiting for you. anya, are you happy with your transformation? girlfriends? yes, i especially liked the second image, because it seems to me, firstly, it emphasizes dasha’s eyes, because they are such a wonderful green-blue color and the blue dress sets them off very well, and the curls add volume to her face, and how- then... they immediately give some kind of status and make it more beautiful, more feminine, finally, the most important thing is that she feels comfortable, this dress, as she noted, it really seems to make her soaring, soaring along this podium , i hope so too, soaring through life. it's time to see our heroine in her final image. daria on the podium.
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build a normal wardrobe, you need this base, consider that you already have ballet shoes, you already have black trousers, you already have a white shirt, but there can be several of them, it is absolutely not necessary to limit yourself to one, so i would really like to, so that in addition a tuxedo appears in your wardrobe, because this is a very versatile and comfortable thing, a one-piece jacket appears,
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a pencil skirt appears, which i mentioned above and stiletto heels classically at any heel height that you master, in which you will be comfortable, and so on... further, that is, such basic simple things that would seem uninteresting to buy, but which will create a basis for your wardrobe, a constructive basis, on which you can now put these cherries on the cake, there is no turning back for you, you have already crossed this line, after which a woman talks about herself as nothing other than a beauty, you have already said this here many times, you understand, so please go beyond the border where the life of beauties begins and... you are wonderful, so much love, so much devotion, so much friendship, how great it is,
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daria, daria, we applaud your new image and the work of our stylists, we give you all three sets of clothes from programs are a fashionable sentence, wear them with pleasure, and if you, like our heroine daria, want to take part in the program, then fill out the form. on the website of the first channel, the first channel represents. god forbid i go crazy, it’s better to have a staff and a bag. when our immunity goes crazy, that's it they are bluish immune cells, then the immune system
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literally eats the human body alive. a unique medicine has been created in russia that has overcome the madness of our immunity. about this and many other breakthroughs in the program to live healthy, dedicated to the day of the medical worker. so, friends, this news has really spread all over the world. the first targeted drug against ankylosing spondylitis has been registered in russia. bechterew's disease is a severe lesion of the spine, which leads to complete immobility of people. i want to show you the final stage of ankylosing spondylitis, they are on our screen right now. these are people, twisted into... three deaths, who are alive, but it is almost impossible to call it life. what happens clinically? becker's disease
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is an autoimmune inflammation of the joints of the spinal column and ligaments, which can also involve large joints of the body. look, this inflammatory process then leads to the fact that our spine turns into... like a bamboo stick, not bending, absolutely true, but not like this, not bending, like this bending a person in three deaths, this is an autoimmune disease, this is a disease when our immunity, our immune cells begin to destroy us, this huge vessel is the blood inside our vessel, the red cells are red blood cells, these bluish, large cells are leukocytes, so part of the leukocytes called lymphocytes
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really go crazy, normally lymphocytes are supposed to protect us, protect us from infections, protect us from cancer, they always know for sure, this is theirs, i won’t touch it, but this is someone else’s, i ’ll eat this , but something happens, something changes, and these same cells... begin to eat their own, with ankylosing spondylitis they eat ligaments and joint capsules, the result is complete immobility of patients. one of the most striking tests for you to understand drama, it is not only that when a person is called by name, he is forced to turn around like this. another thing is that the mobility of the chest is practically zero, because everything here, too, is overgrown. i want to invite you to join us. a very famous rheumatologist,


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