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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 14, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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all the paintatoriums, and i did this myself with pleasure, because i have been involved in sports all my life, and for a long time we will run in circles like a circus horse, well, four, until i stop, moscow 1936 the strongest team of wrestlers is participating in the sports competition, here the time has come for the decisive fight, who will win, who will lose, and who will have an unexpected turn of fate, it seems he was injured, he has something new, but samba is also... and a philosophy of life: combat
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educates, builds character, teaches don’t give up even outside the stadium, but anatoly kharlampi and his sambo will help you find yourself and your purpose, i want to punch you in the face, i think here or outside, well , hit while no one is there, well, merci, everything, everything, the desire for perfection, modesty, composure, will and masculinity , here... we are following the development of the program, time, well, that’s all for now, events, and we watch the information channel on the first channel today on the first channel, after which the program will continue, time will tell, the information channel on the first continues its work, live broadcast, program time.
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anatoly kuzichev will show you, or rather , even say this, this is the time to remember our special project, a special program, and after all, we are in every program, now i will explain to you that we will try to remember, we will remember, in each program we actually ask each other the same question: this is what we need to do in order to come to an agreement with them, well, with the collective west or with the americans, but what doesn’t suit us, and what we need to maybe fix for ourselves, what to change, i don’t know, or something... it's so magical to say word, we can’t, that’s all. i can’t come to an agreement, i remember the events of more than thirty years ago, 1987, june, a unique and previously unheard of action began in the ussr, here’s a photo from there, a peace march, it went along the route leningrad, novgorod, kalinin, now tver, moscow, now, became a continuation of the great peace march that took place in the usa a year before, this is american and soviet, in fact. they are marching for peace, you see,
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there, ours are carrying state flags, some state people are carrying flags of the ussr, that means on on throughout this march , people met with flowers, some with what, icons, pies, and so, well, there was such inspiration, there was such a feeling that, well, finally, lord, we agreed, because well, it’s the same goal, the same task, the same ideals, peace, it seemed to us, as it turned out, later we were mistaken, by the way, that's what... as for june eighty- seven, i may have wanted to take part in this march, but i couldn’t, because in may of eighty-seven i left to serve, why did i remember this, but because even we, listen, the pacific fleet, the red banner, yes, a probable enemy, the whole ship is hung with all sorts of diagrams, like them, that means, here and so on, here we are, that means, on a long voyage we see an american, american ship, he always followed us closely and looked closely , what are we doing there, we tie such a... that is
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, a batten to the weather balloon, we tie a batten, we nail two flags to it, a soviet american one, as a sign of friendship, and this was the initiative of our ship commander, probably now we can talk about it i tell you, i don’t know if it was agreed upon, so we launched, waiting for the wind in their direction, the americans were there and we see they were on deck applauding us, well , i say, well, that’s what it felt like in 1987, years passed, suddenly, suddenly it turned out, that we were wrong. that few leaders of the last session would agree, it was such an illusion, uh , for some reason, why something always gets in the way, something always gets in the way, there are different versions, there are different versions, what exactly is stopping us, let’s not i know, from the version, almost conspiracy theories, well, they are kind of conditionally conspiracy theories there of the rachfellers and rothschilds, who have been muddying the waters for several centuries, and before the british formula, which britain does not have...
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the soviet union does not have much time left, perestroika is thundering under the slogans that we lived incorrectly, incorrectly , in fact, this seems to me to explain a lot, because then the ninety-first year comes.
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famous munich speech, when putin honestly said that we understand that you perceive us only as junior partners in some kind of rights, don’t understand who, you don’t agree with an equal conversation, that’s the problem, neither the united states nor the european union are ready to perceive russia as an equal partner, this is the root of all troubles, of course, of course, junior partners - this is putting it mildly, because we are perceived as a breeding ground for western civilization, i would have drawn analogies much earlier,
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the strong, either we are friends, or they are afraid of us, or we are friends, we are weak with us, as if being friends, now i am forced in fact, an excellent topic and a favorite one that is close to all of us, but here we are, so to speak, forced to break the smooth progress of our program, as predicted, now vladimir putin arrived at the foreign ministry for a meeting with
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the leadership of our foreign policy department, as i also understand , journalists will be present at the meeting, and it seems to me that we are not without reason waiting for some statements and so say comments from ours in the country, in the world. therefore, i think it is important to assess the current situation in global and regional affairs, as well as set appropriate tasks for the foreign policy department. all of them are subordinated to the main goal of creating conditions for
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the sustainable development of the country, ensuring its security and improving the well-being of russian families. and work in this direction in modern, difficult and rapidly changing realities requires from all of us even greater concentration of efforts, initiative, perseverance, and the ability not only to respond to current challenges, but also to formulate our own, and long-term, agenda, together with partners, to propose discussing within open constructive discussion of possible solutions.
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the role of africa and latin america is growing, well , since soviet times we have always talked about the importance of these regions of the world, but today the dynamics are completely different, it is becoming noticeable, the pace has noticeably accelerated. transformation in eurasia, where a number of large-scale integration projects are being actively implemented. it is on the basis of the new political and economic reality that the contours of a multipolar and multilateral world order are being formed today, and this is an objective process, it reflects cultural and civilizational diversity, which, despite all attempts at artificial unification, is organically inherent in man. these deep systemic changes certainly inspire optimism and
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hope, because the affirmation of the principles of multipolarity, multilateralism in international affairs, including respect for international law, broad representation, allows us to jointly solve the most complex problems for the common benefit, build mutually beneficial relationships, cooperation of sovereign states in the interests of well-being and security. this image of the future is consonant with the aspiration the absolute majority of countries in the world, and we see this, including from the growing interest in the work of such a universal association as brix, based on a special culture of trusting dialogue, sovereign equality of participants and respect for each other. as part of the russian chairmanship this year , we will facilitate the smooth inclusion of new participants.
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decisions that will set the vector of our cooperation in politics and security, economics and finance, science, culture, sports and humanitarian relations, in general, i believe that brix's potential will allow it to become over time... the discussion about the parameters of state interaction in a multipolar world, about the democratization of the entire system of international relations, of course, is underway, as is the case with i would like to note in this regard that our international colleagues in the commonwealth of independent states, we agreed and adopted a joint document on international relations in a multipolar world.
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be ensured at the expense of the safety of others. let me remind you in this regard that at the end of the 20th century, after the end of the acute military-ideological confrontation, the world community had a unique chance to build a reliable, fair security order. this didn't require much. a simple ability to listen to the opinions of all interested parties, mutual willingness to take them into account. our. the country was committed to such constructive work, but
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a different approach prevailed: the western powers , led by the united states, felt that they had won the cold war and had the right to independently determine how the world should be organized. practical expression of such a worldview became a project of unlimited expansion of the north atlantic bloc in space and time, although there were of course. and if they remembered, then with a grin they referred to the fact that these assurances were oral, and therefore
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not binding. invariably, in the nineties, later, we pointed out the erroneousness of the course chosen by the elites of the west, not just criticized, warned, but offered options, constructive solutions, emphasized the importance of developments that suited everyone, i want to emphasize this, exactly everyone. mechanism of european and world security, a simple listing of the initiatives that russia has put forward over the years will take more than one paragraph, let’s remember at least the idea.
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one country, being confident not only in their own rightness, but also in their strength, the ability to impose anything on the rest of the world, they simply ignored other opinions, at best, they intended to discuss secondary issues that essentially solved little, or topics, which were beneficial exclusively to the west. meanwhile, it quickly became clear that the western scheme , proclaimed to be the only correct one for... ensuring security and prosperity in europe and the world, it doesn't really work. let us remember the tragedy in the balkans; internal problems, of course, they existed, accumulated in the former yugoslavia, sharply aggravated due to gross external interference. even then , the main principle of panadovsky’s diplomacy, deeply flawed and fruitless in resolving complex internecine
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conflicts, manifested itself in all its glory, namely to blame one of the parties, which they for some reason. i don’t really like blaming her for all the sins and bringing down all the political, informational and military power, economic sanctions and restrictions. subsequently, the same approaches were applied in different parts of the world. you and i know this very well. iraq, syria, libya, afghanistan and so on. and nowhere have they brought anything except aggravation of existing problems, broken destinies of millions of people. the destruction of entire states, the proliferation of pockets of humanitarian and social disasters , terrorist enclaves, in fact, no country in the world is immune from joining this sad list. like this now the west is trying to brazenly get into the valleys of the middle east, they once monopolized this direction, and the result is
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clear to everyone today. south caucasus, central asia. 2 years ago, at the nato summit in madrid , it was announced that the alliance would now deal with security issues, not only in the euro-atlantic, but in the asia-pacific region. the yaskati there cannot do without them. obviously, behind this there is an attempt to increase pressure on those countries in the region, the development of which they decided to restrain. how it is known that one of the first places on this list is our country, russia.
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“we have come unacceptably close to the point of no return, calls to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrates the extreme adventurism of western politicians, they either do not understand the scale of the threat that they themselves create, or are simply obsessed with the belief in their own impunity and their own exclusivity, and both of these can result in tragedy. obviously, we are witnessing the collapse of the euro-atlantic system. security. today it simply isn't there. it actually needs to be created anew. all this requires us, together with our partners, with all interested countries, and there are many of them, to work out our options for ensuring security in eurasia, then offering them
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for broad international discussion. this is precisely the instruction given in the federal message. meeting, we are talking about formulating, in the foreseeable future , an outline of equal and indivisible security, mutually beneficial, equal cooperation and development on the eurasian continent. what to achieve this, what principles must be followed? first, it is necessary to establish a dialogue with all potential participants in such a future security system. and first, i ask you to work out the necessary issues with open states. noted that the russian proposal does not contradict, on the contrary, it complements and is fully consistent with the basic principles of the chinese initiative in the field of global security.
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second, it is important to assume that the future security architecture is open to all eurasian countries that wish to accept participation in its creation. for everyone it means that european and nato countries too, of course. we live on one. on the continent, no matter what happens, the geography cannot be changed; one way or another we will have to coexist and work together. yes, now russia’s relations with the eu, with a number of european states, have deteriorated, and, as i have emphasized this many times, it is not our fault. the anti-russian propaganda campaign, in which very high-ranking european figures are participating, is accompanied by speculation. that russia is supposedly going to to attack europe, i have spoken about this many times, there is nothing to repeat in this room
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many times, everyone, we all understand that this is absolute nonsense, only justifications for the arms race, in this regard, allow yourself a slight digression, the danger to europe does not come from russia, the main threat to europeans in the critical... ever-increasing , almost total dependence on the united states, in the military, political, technological, ideological and information spheres, europe is increasingly being pushed to the margins of global economic development, plunged into the chaos of migration and other pressing problems, deprived of international subjectivity and cultural identity. sometimes one gets the impression that the ruling european politicians and representatives.
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when the conflict in ukraine ends, how can this ensure the military security of europe? i don't understand. the us summits are investing in military technologies, and in the technologies of tomorrow, in space, in modern drones, in strike systems based on new physical principles, that is, in those areas.
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and not extras who follow the will of others and hint. charles d-gol spoke a lot about this in the post-war years. i also remember well how in 1991, during a conversation in which i had the opportunity to personally participate at that time, german chancellor helmut kohl emphasized the importance of the partnership between europe and russia. hoping that sooner or later new generations of european politicians will return to this heritage. as for the united states itself, the ongoing attempts of the liberal-globalist elites ruling there today to spread their ideology to the whole world by any means,
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other influential eurasian associations from southeast asia to the middle east. fourth. we believe that the time has come to begin a broad discussion of a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in eurasia. at the same time, in the future it is necessary to work towards a gradual reduction in the military presence of external powers in the eurasian region. we understand, of course, that in the current situation this thesis may appear. unrealistic, but this is now, but if we build a reliable security system in the future, in there will simply be no need for such a presence in regional military contingents, and by and large, to be honest, today there is no need, occupation is all that matters, in the end we believe that the state and regional structures of eurasia themselves must determine specific areas of cooperation in the field of joint
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security. from this, we ourselves must also build, based on this, we ourselves must also build a system of working institutions, mechanisms, mechanisms, agreements that would really serve the achievement of common goals, stability and development. in this regard , we support the initiative of our belarusian friends to develop a program document, a charter for multipolarity and diversity in the 21st century. it can formulate not only the framework principles of eurasian architecture, based on the basic norms of international law, but in a broader sense, a strategic vision of the essence, nature of multipolarity and multilateralism, as a new system of international relations, replacing the western-centric world. i consider it important and ask you to thoroughly study such a document with our partners and with all
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interested states. i will add that when discussing such complex, complex issues, of course, we need maximum broad representation, taking into account different approaches to positions. fifth, an important part of the eurasian system of security and development should certainly be issues of economics, social well-being, integration and mutually beneficial cooperation. solving such common problems as overcoming poverty, inequality, climate, ecology, production. mechanisms to respond to pandemic threats crises in the global economy, everything is important. the west, through its actions, not only undermined military-political stability in the world. through sanctions and trade wars, he has discredited and weakened key market institutions. using the imf, the world bank, distorting the climate agenda, is holding back the development of the global south.
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losing in competition, even.
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will take another step towards the destruction of the system that they themselves created, and which for many decades ensured their prosperity and allowed them to consume more. than they are earn through debts and obligations to attract money from all over the world. now it becomes obvious to all countries, companies and sovereign funds that their assets and reserves are far from safe, both in the legal and economic sense of the word. and anyone could be next in line for expropriation by the united states and the west. these funds are foreign countries. maybe they are, already now there is growing distrust in the financial system based on western reserve currencies, there has been an outflow of funds from securities and debt obligations of western states, as well as some european
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banks, which until recently were considered an absolutely reliable place for storing capital, now they are already exporting gold, and they are doing the right thing, i think that we need to seriously intensify the formation of effective and safe ...
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was this the case, then there is no doubt that the russians and ukrainians, who are united by a common history, culture, spiritual values, millions of related, family, human connections, would have found a way to fairly resolve any issues and disagreements, but the situation is different: the roots of the conflict are not in bilateral relations, the events in ukraine are a direct result of global and european...
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as i said today, after the end of the cold war they set a course for further geopolitical restructuring peace, the creation and planting... of an order based on rules into which strong, sovereign and self-sufficient states simply do not fit. hence the policy of containment of our country. its goals of this policy are already in openly declared by some figures in the usa and europe. today they are talking about the notorious decolonization of russia. in essence, this is an attempt to provide an ideological basis for the division of our fatherland along national lines. well, actually.
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people, both russians and ukrainians, representatives
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of different nationalities, who were united by the russian language, culture, traditions, historical memory, position, moods, interests and voices of these people, millions of people who live in the southwest, were simply forced to take into account, take into account the then ukrainian presidents and politicians who competed for this post.
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in the southeast of ukraine, to wipe out from them, including the younger generations, a good attitude towards russia, a sense of our historical community, so they again decided to act by force, simply to break the people in the southeast, do not care about their opinion, they arranged for this, organized, financed, of course, took advantage of difficulties of an internal political nature, but in ukraine, but still consistently and purposefully prepared armed states.
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that your ears will fall off, but there you can, because against russia, millions of residents of ukraine, primarily its eastern regions, opposed the coup, as you know, they began to be threatened with reprisals, terror, and above all...
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the year, as you know, happened the historical reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia, in kharkov, kherson, odessa, zaporozhye, donetsk, lugansk, mariupol, peaceful protests against the coup d'etat began to be suppressed, terror was unleashed by the kiev regime nationalist groups, there is probably no need to remember, everyone remembers well what happened in these regions. in may of the fourteenth year, referendums were held on
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the status of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, in which the absolute majority of residents spoke in favor of independence and sovereignty, the question immediately arises: in general, people could express their will in this way, could declare their independence, well, those sitting in this the audience understands that of course they could, but... you don’t need to be reminded, but nevertheless, since the media works, i will say that article one, paragraph two, of the charter of the united nations, gives this right, let me remind you, in this regard, the notorious kosovo precedent, they have already talked about this many times in their time, now i will say it again, a precedent that countries
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they created the west themselves, in an absolutely similar situation, they recognized the separation of kosovo from serbia as legitimate. held in 2008, followed by the well-known decision of the un international court, which on july 22 , 2010, based on paragraph two of article one decreed the charter of the united nations. further quote: no general prohibition on unilateral declarations of independence follows from the practice of the security council and... next quote: general international law does not contain any applicable prohibition on declaration of independence. well, this means that moreover, it was also written there that those parts of the country, whatever it may be, that decided to declare their independence are not
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obliged to contact the central bodies of their state, the former ones, everything is written there, they wrote everything with their own hands in black and white. so did these republics of donetsk and lugansk declare their independence? well, of course, yes, but the question cannot be any other way, we will even consider what the regime in kiev did in this situation, completely ignored the choice of the people and unleashed a full-scale war against the newly independent states, the people's republics of donbass using aviation, artillery, tanks have begun. bombing and shelling of peaceful cities, acts of intimidation. and what happened next? residents of donbass took hands in arms to protect your life, home, rights and legitimate interests. in the west, the thesis is now constantly heard that russia started the war, but as part of a special military operation, that it is the aggressor, therefore,
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including on its territory, strikes can be carried out using western weapons systems. ukraine. once again i want to emphasize that russia did not start the war, it was the kiev regime, i repeat, after the inhabitants of part of ukraine, in accordance with international law, declared about its independence, began hostilities and continues them, this is aggression, if we recognize the right of these peoples living in these territories to declare their independence, but how, and what then is it? is this aggression? and those who over the past years have helped the military machinations of the kiev regime are accomplices of the aggressor. then, in 2014, the residents of donbass did not resign themselves; the militia units held out, repulsed the punitive forces, and then drove them back from donetsk and lugansk. we hoped that this would sober up those who
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unleashed this massacre. to stop bloodshed, russia entered and made the usual, with the usual calls, with calls. this will lead to taking into account the legitimate interests and demands of donbass, enshrining in the constitution the special status of these regions and the fundamental rights of the people living there, while maintaining the territorial unity of ukraine. we were ready for this and were ready to persuade the people who live in these
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territories to resolve issues in exactly this way, more than once we proposed certain compromises and solutions, but that’s all. kyiv is simple threw it into the trash, as representatives of the ukrainian elite later openly confessed, they were not satisfied with any of these, not one of the articles of these documents, they simply lied and dodged as best they could. the former chancellor of germany and the former president of france, in fact co-authors and, as it were, guarantors of the minsk agreements, suddenly later also. directly admitted that their implementation, it turns out, was not planned, they just needed to talk about the situation in order to gain time to put together ukrainian armed formations, to pump up and...
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subhumans, they threatened them with violence, but we will come and get even with everyone, that this is like genocide in the center of europe in the 21st century, in europe and the usa they pretended that nothing was happening, that no one noticed anything. at the end of the twenty-first, at the beginning of the twenty-second year, the minsk process was finally buried, buried, moreover, by kiev and its western patrons and...
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in full accordance with international law and with article 51 of the charter, and we appealed to the kiev authorities with an appeal in... withdraw your troops from donbass, i can tell you to say, we had contacts and we immediately told them, get the troops out of there, that’s it, everything will end there, this proposal was almost immediately rejected, simply ignored, although it had long given a real opportunity to close the issue peacefully, on february 24, 2020 russia was forced. announce the start of a special military operation. addressing the citizens of russia, the residents of the donetsk and lugansk republics, the ukrainian society,
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he then outlined the purpose of this operation: to protect the people in donbass, restore peace, to carry out the demilitarization and denazification of ukraine and thereby remove threats from our state and restore the balance in the field of security in europe. at the same time, we continued to consider it a priority to achieve these political and diplomatic goals. let me remind you that already at the very first stage of the special military operation, our country entered into negotiations with representatives of the kiev regime, they took place first in belarus, in turkey, we tried to convey our main idea, respect the choice of donbass, the will of the people living there, withdraw the troops, stop the shelling peaceful cities and towns, nothing more is needed, we will solve the remaining issues. later the answer was: no, we will fight. obviously, this is exactly what the team from the western hosts was like. now i
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will also say about this. at that time, in march, in february-march of the twenty-second year, our troops, as you know, approached kiev. there is now a lot of speculation about this in ukraine and in the west. what do i want to say about this ? our formations were indeed stationed in kiev and in the military departments of ukraine. head unit there were different proposals for options our possible further actions, but there was no political decision to storm the city of three million, no matter what anyone said or speculated. in essence, this was nothing more than an operation to force the ukrainian regime to peace. the troops were there to push the ukrainian side into negotiations, to try to find an acceptable solution and thereby end the war unleashed by kiev against donbass. back in 2014, resolve issues that pose a threat to the security of our country, to the security of russia, and, oddly enough, in
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as a result, we really... managed to reach agreements that, in principle, suited both moscow and kiev. these agreements were initialed on paper in istanbul by the head of the ukrainian negotiating delegation. well , that means the kiev authorities were happy with this solution to the issue. the document was called an agreement on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for ukraine.
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about the prohibition of nazi ideology, any of its manifestations, everything is written there, in addition, ukraine, in exchange for international security guarantees, would limit the size of its armed forces, accepted the obligation not to enter into military alliances, not to allow foreign military bases, not to host them and contingents, not to conduct military exercises on its territory, everything is written on paper, we , for our part
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, are the wording proposed by kiev, and we in general, they did not object to them, understanding that the main thing was to stop the bloodshed and war in donbass. on march 29, twenty-two, we withdrew our troops from kiev, because we were assured that it was necessary to create the necessary conditions for the completion of the political negotiation process, to complete this process, and that one of the parties cannot sign such agreements, as they said. our western colleagues with a gun to their heads. okay, we agreed to this. however, immediately, the next day after the withdrawal of russian troops from kiev, the ukrainian leadership suspended its participation in the negotiation process, staging a well-known provocation in buncha and abandoned the prepared version of the agreement. i think it’s clear today why
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this dirty provocation was needed, so that somehow explain the refusal. from the results that were achieved during the negotiations, the path to peace was again rejected; this was done, as we now know, on orders from western curators, including the former british prime minister, during whose visit to kiev it was directly said, no agreements, we need to defeat russia on the battlefield, achieve its strategic defeat, and we moved on. intensively pumping ukraine up with weapons, they started talking about what needs to be done to us, as i just reminded, strategic defeat, and some time later, and this is well known to everyone, the president of ukraine issued a decree by which he prohibited his representatives and even himself from conducting any negotiations with moscow, this is this episode from our attempt to solve
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the whole problem peacefully i'll wrap it up again. march 5, and we accepted his mediation efforts, especially since during the conversation he referred to the fact that he had secured the support of the leaders of germany and france, as well as high-ranking us representatives. during
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the conversation, our foreign guest inquired. a curious episode, he said: “if you are helping donbass, then why are russian troops in the south of ukraine, including the cherson and zaporozhye regions.” the answer was that this was the decision of the russian general staff to plan the operation, and today i will add that the plan was to bypass part of the fortified areas that the ukrainian authorities had built in the donbass over 8 years, and primarily for liberation of mariupol. that’s when a clarification followed from a foreign colleague, well, professional people must be given, whether our troops, the russian ones, will remain in kherson and zaporozhye. authorities and what will happen to these regions after achieving the goals of the svo? to this he replied that in general, i do not rule out the preservation of ukrainian sovereignty over these territories, however, provided that russia
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has a strong land connection with crimea, that is, kiev must guarantee the so- called easement, a legally formalized right of russia’s access to the crimean peninsula through kherson and zaporozhye regions.
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conflict, because every day is fighting action meant new victims of loss, but in ukraine, as we later learned, the services of a western mediator were not accepted; on the contrary, as we learned, they accused him of taking pro-russian positions, well, in a rather harsh form, i must say, but these are already details, now, as i already said, the situation has changed radically, the residents of the kherson region... zaporozhye expressed their position during the referendums. the kherson and zaporozhye regions, as well as the donetsk and lugansk people's republics , became part of the russian federation. and talk about
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there cannot be a violation of our state unity. the will of the people to be with russia is unshakable. the issue is forever closed and is no longer discussed. i want to repeat it again. it was the west that prepared to provoke the ukrainian crisis. and now he does. in order for this crisis to drag on endlessly, to weaken and mutually embitter the people of russia and ukraine, they are sending ever new batches of weapons ammunition, some european politicians have started talking about the possibility of stationing their regular troops in ukraine. at the same time, as already noted, it is the current true the masters of ukraine, and this, unfortunately, is not the people of ukraine, but the globalist elites located overseas, are trying to place
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all the responsibility on the ukrainian... they will put in this place other people who are also dependent on the west, but not yet so tainted reputation, hence the possible idea of ​​canceling the next presidential elections in ukraine, now those in power will do everything, then they will be thrown into the basket and will continue to do what they see fit, in this regard, let me remind you of what they now prefer in kiev , don't remember, yeah and in general in the west they prefer not to talk about it. what are we talking about, back in may 2014 , the constitutional court of ukraine decided that further quote: the president is elected for 5
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years, regardless of whether he is elected in early or regular elections, in addition, the constitutional court of ukraine noted that further quote, constitutional presidential status. do not contain norms that would establish a period other than five years. the end, quotes, period. the court's decision was final.
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and now the circle is closed, the executive power in ukraine is again, as in 2014, usurped, held illegally, in fact is illegitimate, i will say more, the situation with the cancellation of elections is an expression of the very nature of the real guts of the current kiev regime, which grew out of the armed coup of 2014, is tied to it, and there are its roots. that, having canceled the elections,
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they continue to cling to power - these are actions that are directly prohibited by article 5 of the constitution of ukraine, i quote: the right to determine and change the constitutional system in ukraine belongs exclusively to the people, and cannot be usurped by the state, its organs or officials. in addition, such actions fall under article 109 of the criminal code of ukraine, which specifically refers to the violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or the seizure of state power, as well as conspiracy to commit such actions. in 2014, such usurpation was justified in the name of revolution, now it is military action, but the meaning of this does not change. in essence, we are talking about a conspiracy of the executive power of ukraine, the leadership the verkhovna rada, the parliamentary majority controlled by it, aimed at usurping state power.
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there is no other way to call it, which is a criminal offense under ukrainian law. further, the constitution of ukraine does not provide for the possibility of canceling or postponing the presidential elections. continuation of his powers due to martial law. what are they referring to now? what is in the ukrainian basic law? so this is that during martial law, elections to the verkhovna rada may be postponed. this article.
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what they want, it is clear that there is a political and propaganda component here, the united states and its satellites somehow want to support their proteges, give them weight and legitimacy, and nevertheless, if later in the same united states they conduct a serious legal examination of such an agreement, i ’m not talking about the essence now, but about the legal component, then the question will certainly arise, who are these documents? with what authority i signed, it will turn out that all this is a bluff and the agreement is insignificant, the whole structure will crumble, i will also remind you that, well certainly. if you want to analyze the situation, you can pretend that everything is normal, but there is nothing normal there, i read it, everything, everything is written in the documents, everything is written in the constitution. let me also remind you that after the start of the special military operation, the west launched a stormy and very
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unceremonious campaign, trying to isolate russia in the international arena. today it is clear to everyone, it is obvious that this attempt failed, but from my idea to build some kind of similarity. international anti-russian coalition to put semblance of pressure on russia, the west, of course, did not refuse, we also understand this. as you know, they began to actively promote the initiative to hold a so-called high-level international conference on peace in ukraine in switzerland. moreover, they plan to hold it immediately after the summit of the group of seven, that is , the group of those who, through their own policies, instigated the conflict in ukraine. what the organizers of the meeting in switzerland offer only. another ploy to divert everyone’s attention, reverse the cause and effect of the ukrainian crisis, and start a discussion about a false trail, to some extent indicate the appearance of legitimacy of the current executive power in ukraine, once again,
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because it is natural that no truly fundamental issues that underlie the current crisis of international security and stability are based on... the roots of the ukrainian conflict in switzerland, of course , in principle, they are not going to discuss, despite all attempts to give a more or less decent appearance to the conference agenda. already now we can expect that everything will come down to general conversations of a demagogic nature and a new set of accusations against russia. the article is easy to read by any means to increase the number as much as possible, to increase the number of states as much as possible based on the results. imagine acting as if western recipes and rules are shared by the entire international community, which means our country must accept them unconditionally, we were, as you know, naturally not invited to meet in switzerland, because in
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essence, this is not a negotiation, but an aspiration groups of countries will continue to push their line, resolve issues that directly affect our interests and security, at our own discretion, i want to emphasize in this regard, without the participation of russia, without an honest and responsible dialogue with us, it is impossible to reach a peaceful solution in ukraine as a whole on global european security. in the meantime, the west ignores our interests, and at the same time, forbidding kiev to negotiate, all the time hypocritically calling us for some kind of negotiations, it looks simple. uh, idiotically, on the one hand, they are forbidden to negotiate with us, they call us to negotiate, and they also hint that we we refuse negotiations, some kind of nonsense, well , we live in some kind of looking-glass world, but firstly, firstly, we would give kiev
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the command to lift the ban, the self-ban on negotiations with russia, and secondly, we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table , even tomorrow, we understand at the same time... all the uniqueness of the legal situation, well, there are legitimate authorities there, even in accordance with the constitution, i just said this, there is someone to negotiate with, please, we are ready, our conditions for the beginnings of such a conversation are simple boil down to the following, you know, i would now spend some time reproducing the entire chain of events that took place once again, so that it would be clear that for us what i am about to say is not today’s reality...
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we, of course, wanted would expect that such a decision on the withdrawal of troops, on non-bloc status, on the beginning of a dialogue with russia, on which the future depends. the existence of ukraine in kiev will be accepted independently, based on the prevailing realities
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and guided by the true national interests of the ukrainian people, and not according to western pointer, although there are, of course, big doubts on this score, and nevertheless, what i want to say again in this regard, what to remind you of, so i said that i would like to chronology the events again, let’s spend time on this. so, during the events on the maidan in kiev in 2013-14 , russia more than once offered its assistance in the constitutional resolution of the crisis, which was actually organized from the outside. let's return to the chronology of events at the end of february 1914. on february 18 , armed clashes began in kiev provoked by the opposition. a number of buildings, including the mayor's office and the trade union building, were suspected. february 20, unknown.
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kiev and expressed dissatisfaction with the then authorities, intending to use them for their own selfish purposes as cannon fodder. they do exactly the same thing today, carrying out mobilizations, sending people to slaughter. as is known, its guarantors were official representatives of germany, poland and france. the agreement provided for a return to the parliamentary-presidential form of government. holding early presidential elections, the formation of a government of national trust, as well as the withdrawal of law enforcement forces from
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the center of kiev and the surrender of weapons to the opposition. i will add that the verkhovna rada adopted a law excluding criminal prosecution of protest participants. there was such an agreement that made it possible to stop the violence and return the situation to the constitutional field. the opposition, moreover, called it a real breakthrough, a chance for the ukrainian people
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so that the violence that broke out did not cross all conceivable boundaries. and further in the course of conversations together we actually developed the following formula. russia will try to convince the then-current president of ukraine to behave as restrainedly as possible, not to use the army or law enforcement agencies against it. protesters, and the united states, accordingly, so it was said, would call the opposition, as they say, to order, to vacate administrative buildings, to ensure that the street calmed down, all this was supposed to create conditions for life in the country to return to normal , in constitutional and legal field, in in general, we agreed to work together in the name of a stable, peaceful, normal developing ukraine, our word.
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radicals, despite all the agreements and guarantees from the west, like europe, as i just said, and the united states, took control of the building of the rada, the administration, the president by force, seized the government, and not a single guarantor of all these agreements on a political settlement, neither the united states nor the europeans lifted a finger to fulfill their obligations to call on the opposition to release the seizure. captured administrative objects to refuse violence, it is clear that this course
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of events not only suited them, it seems that they were the authors of the development of events. then we persuaded kiev, the western capital , to begin a dialogue with people in the southeast of ukraine with respect for the interests of rights and freedoms. no, the regime that broke through to power as a result of a coup chose war. in the spring and summer of 1914, he launched punitive actions against donbass. russia again called for peace. we have done everything to
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resolve the most pressing problems that have arisen in within the framework of the minsk agreements, but the west and the kiev authorities.
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there, regarding demilitarization, everything was clear, everything was spelled out, the number of this and that tanks, everything was agreed upon, of course, the rights, freedoms and interests of russian-speaking citizens in ukraine should be fully ensured, new territorial realities, the status of crimea, sevastopol, should be recognized, donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson.
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good neighborliness between russia and ukraine, and to restore relations of trust in europe in general. having settled the ukrainian crisis, we, including, together with our... partners in the uec, the sco, who are still making a significant, constructive contribution to the search for ways to peacefully resolve the ukrainian crisis, as well as western, including european states, are ready for dialogue, could to begin the fundamental task that i spoke about at the beginning of my speech, namely the creation of an indivisible eurasian security system that takes into account the interests of all states of the continent without exception; of course, this
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should not be an imitation of the peace process, it was worth serving someone’s selfish will, someone’s selfish interests, but a serious , detailed conversation on all issues, on the entire complex of global security issues. dear colleagues, i am sure that you all understand well what large-scale tasks russia faces, how much we need to do, including in the foreign policy area. i sincerely wish... you success in this difficult work to ensure russia's security of our national interests, strengthen the country's position in the world, promote integration
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processes and bilateral relations with our partners, for its part, the state leadership will henceforth provide the diplomatic department with the necessary support to everyone involved in the implementation of russian foreign policy. thank you again for your work, thank you for. patience to pay attention to what was said, i am sure that everything will work out for you and me, thank you very much, well, in general, usually such speeches, such statements are considered to be called fateful, unfortunately we have little time for discussion, but very i would like to discuss, of course, so i won’t even bore non-experts or you with my questions, this is just the impression and the main thing from what i heard.
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how it happened - in the twentieth, there, in the twenty-second, or rather, the year, well, there is no point in it. and what is most important now, on the one hand, he canceled, on the other hand, excuse me, he breathed life into this dead format, because now western countries have in their hands, in fact, russia’s proposal, something that has long been expected, specifically a road map , i'm afraid, that the main stumbling block will be that it is not negotiations, but here it is... very much about a truce, this is very important articulated, namely a long-term peace, a peace agreement, comprehensive with guarantees and so on, here this is the beginning of a very important process,
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putin it has just been launched, this is a very important process, now western countries have an alternative, they are stuck in the fact that the conflict is inevitable, that we are only increasing the degree of it, putin essentially just said, here is an alternative, here is our proposal, here our readiness, you choose, something needs to be done now for them. the question arises, is this generally possible in principle, putin said that we are ready to negotiate, this is fundamentally important, that we do not believe that the west should be destroyed, that we cannot coexist with
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it, that is, we are ready to return to the issue of mutual peaceful coexistence, but naturally we still want a guarantee of our own safety, in fact, what we wanted at the end of the twenty-first and beginning of the twenty-second. that is, this one the point is fundamental, we are ready to negotiate with the west, indeed, a very specific mechanism has been proposed, clear, precise proposals from russia, one, two, three, and this is very different.
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specifically, you heard, that is, the recognition of the territorial borders of russia, as they have developed now, the withdrawal of troops from the correspondingly new subjects of the russian federation, and within the borders, within the borders of ukraine for the ninety-first year, yes, well , accordingly, as we understand them, yes, and well, i think that just from the point of view of nato, ukraine’s non-participation in nato is the simplest thing that can happen now, that’s why, that’s why it’s really a very important point, what if
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the united states and europe refuse this. this means that they are further provoking this escalation, when indeed we will again return to the issue, excuse me, of the use of nuclear weapons, but we have made a proposal for peace, so accept these conditions, we will end the conflict, putin emphasized, this is not about a truce, but about complete end of the military conflict in ukraine. as you remember, sergey viktorovich lavrov said, well, this was his formula, every subsequent proposal from russia will be worse for you, worse than the previous one. this is important, and this is actually the paradigm we work in. please, sergei vladivich. i think that the army of western journalists and editors, after the president’s speech, found themselves in a difficult situation, because it is very difficult there, but to consider, to find some evidence that could be interpreted as some kind of threats to the west, some kind of ostracism , and so on , just not a single word, not a single one phrases are impossible to catch on to anything, to come out with the headline: “putin is threatening, putin is, so to speak, rattling weapons, there is nothing at all,
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a completely different intonation.” in fact, it depends on them how the political guidelines will be implemented, in this sense, of course, it was very important for the president to communicate, to look the diplomats in the face, and for them to look him in the face, this is
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the first point, the second point, of course. whether to help your country, how, excuse me, you have what i need, comrade peredonov, our head coach of the ussr sambo, i mean i’m knocking down, vasily oshchepkov is invited to replace him for the friendly match, but now there is a more interesting frag, who? no, you want to learn it this way, effectively.
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premiere, watch the time after the program, we wish all the athletes good luck, may the best man win, i don’t need it. 61 years together , another absolutely magical story is opening up before us, we will create miracles,
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a tree has already settled here, we have wallpaper here, very lively and very tender, there will be such a pink kitchen, what is it called, antique rose, antique rose, this place has become... many times larger than it was, the space is so breathable and thanks also, of course, to the ceiling, because this bleached stain lay on it, and it’s like a fog, about comfort, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, forward , it’s a little hard, dear, well, be patient, he was thin, in general he looked more like alain dellon than porthos, i suggest a fight, valya said, well, a very good role , well, the most important thing in life. eat, drink, fight, actually i’m a positive person, in life there is such a baggage of terrible mistakes, sometimes you sit like that, you think, lord, how good it would be if it weren’t so, well, vanya, now i’m the only one
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visiting you, there’s practically no one left, he’s a very gentle person, very reverently attentive, i envy his granddaughter, this is a cat, and this is well... i played shakespeare, and gogol, and chekhov, in the theater i always had such serious roles, talent, acting courage, charm, love of women, in him two women were in love, mila pashkova and masha vertinskaya, and he was serious i decided which one of them to marry, actors, they have
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a very complex character, sometimes it’s difficult, but i cope with it, but once the time of reckoning came, he lost those closest to him, precious people, my son died because of my sloppiness. got into bad company, and drugs appeared there, our exclusive today is people's artist valentin smirnitsky about family tragedies and personal happiness, my father was very sick, my mother had no time for me, i proposed to him myself , and he did not refuse, grandfather, the most cool, oh, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow after the evening news, major league, third quarterfinal. tomorrow, after the program time. sklif is a legend since the time of count sheremetyev. all
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the modern successes of the institute are based on the history that it had. the experiment on humans and people is at risk. the chief neurosurgeon of the russian federation compared the sklifosovsky institute. eternity that nefosovsky’s specialists have, i have never seen it anywhere, the doctors pulled me out of the other world, i thank them every time, they did it, i did it worked, we all succeeded, on the day of the medical worker,
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the skleifasovsky institute, on sunday at the first, we continue kirlovna, i repeat, i have a concept today. we are at least aiming at the formation
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of a new structure, a new configuration of european security, but what is even more correct is the formation of a new concept of international global security, from which everyone will actually benefit, and thanks to this, in general, a situation similar to the ukrainian one, they are, well, just less will likely be repeated because all we have today is the wildest desynchronization between the fact that we have international relations. entered a new stage with the end of the cold war, and international law and the key agreement system remained at the level of the yalta sub-dam system, and we were never able to level it out, in an amicable way, now in switzerland we need to hold a conference not on ukraine, but on global world order, and well, you see, as for the new design, putin even, well, if i understand correctly, even hinted at it, so to speak, some not so much parameters, well, maybe some general philosophical outlines, even, but remember, it ’s not all that different. focused on europe, he said, in general, it’s time to withdraw all
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extra-regional forces, what are they doing here, but aren’t these elements, so to speak, not a hint of some new or new old approaches, multipolarity, anti-colonialism, everything, all these are the basic, so to speak, doctrinal provisions on which we have been emphasizing as much as possible lately, another question is that i really want to be heard, and i really want to join into some constructive interaction, a constructive important moment. for the purposes of a special military operation, on the one hand, on the other hand, this is the presence
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of a subject of negotiations with whom you can sit down, come to an agreement, and these agreements can be counted on to be implemented, therefore zelensky is deleted from the list of negotiators, and the president explained why we cannot sign anything with this person, who is now no one in terms of status in ukraine, and now it seems to me that very an important goal for resolving all issues is the topic: to realize, with the help of your armed forces, your military potential. on the other hand, the same topic, i don’t know if everyone paid attention to this, the topic of de-infection is closely related to what the president said, one, one, one of our negotiation rooms...
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conflict, we have no illusions, but we know the position of the world majority, which would like to minimize conflicts, at the same time prevent the new colonial system from protecting its sovereignty, in this in relation, we are talking about readiness for negotiations, we connect this with issues of collective security, primarily in order to further unite the world majority on the idea of ​​a multipolar, fair world, well, yes, the only question, answer briefly: but they will hear, i repeat, it’s still information they say
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the properties of the receiver, not only the transmitter, i want to say again that the west, it is quite consistently moving towards its goals, towards its goal setting, why this strange conference in geneva, without russia, what is it in switzerland, yes, in switzerland, why is it needed in order to solve a number of issues of information warfare, information war, but in general, i understand, okay, thank you, georievich, well, actually, what russia has done. it’s not even that there was a proposal for peace, for the world, russia, so to speak, publicly declared peace as it sees it for itself, made proposals, we are waiting for an answer, colleagues from the big game program, i am sure, will continue to discuss this speech of vladimir putin , see you, good afternoon, live big game, i am vyacheslav nikonov, president putin made a policy statement
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on the eve of the so-called swiss peace conference, he couldn’t even help but speak with a peaceful... ukraine to recognize russia’s sovereignty over four new russian regions, over the donetsk, lugansk people's republics republics, kherson, zaporozhye regions, within the administrative boundaries in which they existed in ukraine before the start of a special military operation, begin the withdrawal of their troops from
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these territories, recognize their non-aligned status ukraine. well, in fact, take on the obligations that they have already taken on under the istanbul agreements. well, then at the end of his speech the president developed his thoughts, and indeed, as always happens, the most important thing was said at the end. let's listen to putin. the essence of our proposal is not some kind of temporary peace or suspension of fire. how is it, for example, how does the west want it, in order to restore losses, rearm the kiev regime, prepare it for a new offensive, i repeat, we are not talking about freezing the conflict, but about its final completion, and i will say again, as soon as
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kiev agrees to a similar course of events proposed today, they will agree to the complete withdrawal of their troops from the dpr, lpr. zaporozhye and kherson regions and really begin this process, we are ready to begin negotiations without delaying them. i repeat, our principled position is the following: neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status of ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification. moreover, everyone generally agreed with these parameters during the istanbul negotiations in 1922. of course, they should be in full. ensured and rights, freedoms and interests of russian-speaking citizens in ukraine, new territorial realities, the status of crimea, sevastopol, donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions as subjects of the russian federation are recognized. in the future, all these basic fundamental
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provisions should be recorded in the form of fundamental international agreements. naturally, this also presupposes the lifting of all western sanctions against russia. i think. what russia offers an option that will allow us to actually end the war in ukraine, that is, we call for turning the tragic page of history, and, albeit difficult gradually, step by step, but to begin to restore a relationship of trust and interrogation between russia and ukraine, and in europe in general . and this is what the russian peace plan now looks like, which, as sergeevich lavrov said, we will promote. with china, while the russian president proposed to fix these proposals with international agreements and subject to cancellation sanctions. powerful move? of course, vyacheslav alekseevich, i think that this is one of the main speeches and initiatives of russia in recent
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times, and this, unlike the swiss surrogate, is a real formula for peace. this is really the most important thing he said. president, that if the west proposes a temporary freeze, if the west is trying once again to deceive russia and gain time to remilitarize the kiev regime, in order to then again try to inflict a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield, then russia does not need a temporary respite, russia needs a real sustainable peace, and this real sustainable peace is possible subject to territorial permission and the president.
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understood that the western deception with a truce, with some kind of freeze, is aimed at stealing russia’s victory from russia, in order to humiliate russia once again, accordingly, everyone understood that what are the parameters of the world, this is everyone more or less understands, this can be detailed in a more professional language, but this is essentially clear, the main question is how to get there, that's how to get there if you are on the path to peace. this is a western barricade armed with an unwinding flywheel of the military-industrial complex, with an attempt
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to look for shells all over the world, to produce something with tens of billions of dollars that are pouring in, but a lot is stolen, but something goes into weapons, here they are they built a barricade on the path to peace, because the main question is not about the conditions of peace, for many they are understandable in general terms, but it is very good that they deterred... the kiev regime, and also the provocation in buche, as our president rightly said, was organized in order to justify all this,
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the question is how to get there, and it seems to me that how to come to peace, to this question, the president also partially answered that we will cooperate with common sense in the world community, the plan will be promoted jointly with china, i think, i have no doubt that dozens of countries... around the world, uh, the so-called world majority support this plan. i ’ll even say more, i think that in fact, uh, in switzerland there will really be discuss a peace plan, but not a peaceful one, this quasi-plan of zelensky, some kind of cut-off of three three points. but i am absolutely sure that in switzerland throughout this conference they will be whispering about what our president said. this will happen. the real agenda of the summit, they will rack their brains on how to twist everything, how to try to blur it all out again, how
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to strengthen their barricade on the path to peace, how to break out of the fact that against the backdrop of this peace plan it is obvious to everyone that they are having a summit wars, which must justify the fact that firstly, they will not have a plan, it is already generally known that in switzerland they are not going to offer anything other than a grain initiative there. to take a family photo, that so many countries have come to congratulate the fact that direct attacks on our territory have begun, which putin also said today very, very convincingly, in any case, he proved that the ukrainian constitution is now a legitimate
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president, which he is. ..
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wanted to defeat nazism, it seemed like they were ours allies, now they recognize pure fascists, not just, well, real fascists, yes, that means the statement of our president is absolutely connected with this situation, in military terms, to fulfill those tasks that were set quite easily, in general they are now being fulfilled, and demilitarization, the military-industrial complex of ukraine is actually destroyed, and it... was not destroyed even by us, it was destroyed by the campaign itself by the approach of the americans, who demanded that the verkhovna rada, at one time, make the first law to break military cooperation between russia and ukraine, and accordingly, our military-industrial complex was very closely connected, naturally he died, all other tasks, in general,
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are quite easy to complete, well, for now. what ’s not very good, a special military operation has been going on for two years, we haven’t completed all the tasks, we still took berlin in 1945, and not in 1941? well, well, then we were at war with all of europe, that’s also a question, by the way, many will say here, well , how can the president propose to recognize the reality of reality there, well, within russian constitutional borders, but what about odessa, what about nikolaev, what about the rest there?
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and therefore, the agreements that he signed with western countries on the additional militarization of ukraine for the next 10 years do not have legal force. firstly, it’s just filkin and a letter, these are political declarations, yes, none of them
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will be ratified, secondly, they are illegitimate due to zelensky’s illegitimacy, so if we sign with legitimate players in ukraine represented by the verkhovna rada or who the verkhovna rada will determine, but...
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so, the most effective way in the fight is pain, pain is what we must find in the enemy and pull out, i myself will come out against the mistake, i would have come up with this myself, the system, if it is real, lives as long as there are
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students, it’s stupid, but it’s stupid, we live normally , well, he wants to train someone from chips, well, let him train, you ’ve seen him, what a spy he is, a buffoon, but you ’re in vain, after all, he once worked for the tsarist intelligence service, well, you seem to be a fighter, but what are you don't you fight like that? i’m afraid we won’t prevail, i’m used to learning from the enemy, that’s what we stand for, the legend of samba, premiere, watch after the program time, romca product of stellor group, ball of the vampires, razmari's child, several more nerve-wracking films made the name of this man known throughout the world.
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actually, i, my pride, talent, of course, i step on my own throat sometimes, you in general, the main thing in my life is that i study the philosophy of language, the philosophy of rhythm and the philosophy of plasticity, matador, today i’m on the first, i don’t need a different fate, just if the day began and ended with you, 61 years together, another one completely... history is opening up before us, we will create miracles, we have already got a tree here, we have wallpaper here, very vibrant and very tender, there will be this pink kitchen
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, as it is called, antique rose, pink antique, the place has become completely different there’s more space than there was, it’s so breathable and thanks also, of course, to the ceiling, because this bleached stain lay on it and... it’s like a boom about the comfort of the premiere, tomorrow at the first one, all i want is to look in the eyes of the world community not an executioner, and above all a person who evokes sympathy. victor louis, a secret agent of the soviet intelligence services, who carried out the most delicate orders of the authorities. they instructed to publish the stolen manuscript and settle on it. maybe they’ll put him in prison too, anti-soviet propaganda, eight years in camps, a journalist on the instructions of andropovo, transmitting the necessary information to the west, but he’s using you like a dog.
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an informed source in moscow, tomorrow on the first day, i’m fighting, simply because i’m fighting, on june 10, the people’s artist turned 80 russia to valentin smernitsky, legendary partos and beloved.
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my family makes me happy, because the most important thing in life for a person is his family, each family, like a unit, should try so that everything we have is best passed on to our children, spend time with our children so that they they learned something new, something was suggested to them. my dad
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loves to fish, he even took first place in fishing competitions, family is the basis of everything for me, for it i live, for it i breathe, my three children are the most dear, in my opinion, for a woman, being a father for me means being a support, a wall, i lived every year for my family, so that they would be happy, healthy, and live well. the big game live we continue to discuss the peace plan of russian president vladimir putin. he proposed to begin negotiations with ukraine subject to several conditions being met. neutral. non-bloc
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status, nuclear-free status of ukraine, demilitarization and denazification, ensuring the rights and freedoms of russian-speaking citizens, recognition of four new subjects of the russian federation federation at the level of international treaties and the abolition of all western sanctions against russia, if the plan is not adopted, then the following conditions for kiev will be much worse, on the other hand.
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it’s simply not, it needs to actually be created anew, all this requires us, together with our partners, with all interested parties, and there are many of them, to work out our options for ensuring security in eurasia, then offering them for wide international discussion, this is precisely the instruction given in the message federal meeting, we are talking about formulating an equal contour on the eurasian continent in the foreseeable future and...
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changing it, we will have to coexist and work together one way or another. third, to promote the idea of ​​a eurasian security system, it is necessary to significantly intensify the dialogue process between multilateral
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organizations operating in eurasia. we are talking primarily about a union state, the organization of a collective security treaty, the eurasian economic union, and the commonwealth of independent states. cooperation organizations, we see the prospect is that other influential eurasian associations, from southeast asia to the middle east, will join these processes in the future. fourth: we believe that the time has come to begin a broad discussion of a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in eurasia. at the same time, in the future it is necessary to move towards a gradual winding down of the military presence. external powers in the euro-asian region. if we build a reliable security system in the future, with such a presence in regional there will simply be no need for military contingents. yes, by and large, to be honest, today there is no need for this. only occupation, that's all. fifth. an important
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part of the eurasian system of security and development should certainly be issues of economics, social well-being, integration and mutually beneficial cooperation. well, indeed, the principles that we have put forward for many years, putin is returning to them now and is proposing that the west return, as it were, to the negotiating table, but at the same time, the subtext, in my opinion, sounds so that if the west does not want to participate in this, we will do without the west, so it is, vyacheslav alekseevich, this process is already underway today, a eurasian security system is already being formed, without the west for now, the basis of this system is the shanghai cooperation organization. eurasian centers of power: russia, china, which already includes all the key india, iran, pakistan, other eurasian centers of power are striving to join this organization, so this is really being formed, this is
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the first, second, this is a very important point, which the president noted that eurasia must build its security system without the participation of extra-regional forces, have.
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another thing is that the americans did absolutely everything to tear europe away, because for the americans this is the main geopolitical nightmare in general, and united eurasia, that is , europe, russia, china, india. and where then is the place of the united states in the world in general? well, there, somewhere, somewhere at the top of this map , the united states, perhaps, will find its place. but putin really emphasized what you noticed, that the main thing is the threat to european security, not russia.
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what is the main threat to european security? usa. let's listen to the president. after the russian army occupied part of the kherson zaporozhye. regions, many western politicians offered their mediation in the peaceful end of the conflict, one of them was on a working visit to moscow on march 5 , 2020, the fifth. march and we accepted his mediation efforts, especially since during the conversation he referred to the fact that enlisted the support of the leaders of germany and france, as well as senior us officials. during the conversation, our foreign guest inquired. a curious episode. he said: “if you are helping donbass, then why are russian troops there?” in the south of ukraine, including the kherson and zaporozhye regions. the answer on our part was that this
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was the decision of the russian general staff to plan the operation. then a clarification followed from a foreign colleague, well, a professional person, i must give my due, will our troops, the russian ones, remain in the kherson zaporozhye regions, and what will happen to these regions after achieving the goals of the northern military district. to this he answered that in general. i exclude the preservation of ukrainian sovereignty over these territories, however, on the condition that russia has a strong land connection with crimea. at that time, in march of the twenty- second year, the negotiating partner announced that in the future he was going to go to kiev to continue the conversation, now with colleagues in the ukrainian capital. we welcomed this as a general attempt to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. however , in ukraine, as we later learned, the services of the western mediator were not accepted;
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on the contrary, as we learned, they accused him of taking pro-russian positions. but in fact , there were several moments in putin’s speech that he revealed for the first time to the public and to our television viewers, to all of us. we, for example, did not know the details of these negotiations, but in fact this is an illustration of what really happens.
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crawling wounds means strengthening your position. russia is always ready for peace, but it is no longer ready to play along with all sorts of western tricks and attempts to somehow deceive us, in general, the rest of the world community. and we see that over time it becomes more and more difficult for the west to misinterpret the russian position. and even the same prime minister benet, he is also some. he revealed details of his contacts in moscow a year ago in an interview, in general, then
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it was already clear from his interview that in kiev he received such a decent spanking, yes, that he generally tried, well, something was also reasonable positions, reasonable positions are not needed by anyone in the west, so i apologize for repeating once again, reasonable positions, it doesn’t matter what is reasonable for a reasonable israeli. the main threat to europe is the united states of america, that's what our president said. the danger for europe does not come from russia; the main threat for europeans is the critical
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, ever-increasing, almost total dependence on the united states. in the military, political, technological, ideological and information spheres, europe is increasingly they are pushed to the margins of global economic development, plunged into the chaos of migration and other pressing problems, and deprived of international subjectivity and cultural identity. sometimes one gets the impression that ruling european politicians and representatives of the european bureaucracy are more afraid of falling out of favor with washington. than to lose the trust of your own people, your own citizens. if europe wants to preserve itself as one of the independent centers of global development of the cultural and civilizational forests of the planet, it of course, we need to be on good, good terms with russia, and the main thing is that we are ready for this. but are europe ready? of course
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not, and the president indicated this, because the clientele is still american, and these are the people who run the european ones. horror, that means he’s saying this: well, i won’t do it, then he doesn’t care anymore, there’s already been a new election, which means the situation has been created, but what is the president talking about, that is, in europe, but there’s no not a single politician and there is not a single, let's say, even a single political structure left that
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i could take myself, as it were, courage, but something. create something new, there are americans, they say this, and what they say is what is happening, so indeed, you are absolutely right that for europe there is no worse enemy than the united states, but this is , you see, this is a paradoxical situation, i now see that many, for example, european military experts who are, it seems, are not even pro-russian and so on, they reason like this,
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further, because you can only win in one case, or you won or you agreed, the americans cannot understand this, so they want to win, but they are the only ones, only right, ivan alekseevich is absolutely right in the sense that the united states has no opportunity, there is no military strategic plan, there is nothing that could to influence russia, and the president today, listen, we are already... quite a lot, as it were, discussing, and his theses, and theses are one to one, each one is right on point, but they have something with that the answer to these theses is no, well, of course, they have only one answer, strategic defeat of russia, for now this is actually point one, if you do not agree with point one, see point one, that is, the only thing that can, of course, to
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some extent break this link is the dependence of the pro-american elites on... in washington, but all this, of course, does not help ukraine; on the contrary, it pulls it deeper into tarisina, and we will talk about this together after the advertisement. with our military expert boris roshin, go ahead, it’s a bit heavy, honey, just be patient, he was thin, he generally looked more like
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alena delon, than on purtos, i propose a fight, valya said, well, a very good role, well, the most important thing in life is to eat, drink, fight, actually i’m a positive person, in life there is such a baggage of terrible mistakes, sometimes you sit down like that, you think, lord, how was it? well, if it weren’t so, well, vanya, the only thing is, now i’m the only one who visits you, there’s practically no one left, he’s a very gentle person, very kind and attentive, i envy his granddaughter, this is a cat, and this, well, what a... then a raccoon, a woman who really captivated him with her love, this is lida, she is strong, she is loving, you are young, young. for the eightieth birthday of valentin smernitsky, tomorrow is the first one, this
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is our chuvash outfit, i got married myself, 37 years old, my husband and i are already, this is passed on to the future daughter-in-law, women’s jewelry was traditionally used in the groom’s suit, yes, very beautiful, descoshar, the mother-in-law can force you to take revenge on the dough, and they can go there, she says, let the needle go, you must, she says, have i already been to bodrum? was! what do i know about bodrum? well, practically nothing. i give 30 liras for these tomatoes? 45. you will pay for two liras, four
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and only in cash. the first thing tourists love about bodrum is our white villas. how long have you been working here? i've only been here a month, but for me it's already like a second home. what kind of people come here? i'm interested. everything that happened within the walls of this villa remains within the walls of this villa. without which you cannot get married. cheerful, without a certificate, with tests. a man and a woman must match each other’s blood type, and only with this piece of paper can an application be submitted, otherwise it will not will sign it. men go to the salon primarily to relax and chat. i go to the salon once a week, more often than i do, the lives of others. premiere on sunday on the first. your idea of ​​happiness. mutual love. soldier, you are alive, you again climbed to the front line, where mesanbat is, but in my opinion you are simply idealizing him, doctor push
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will remain here, so i won’t go into conflict, into conflict with myself, then i will go into eternal battle, that’s about volodka yours sometimes likes to say, we need a person like you to command the health of the whole region, a territory like two frances, inna makarova. why then do you jump off completely forever? alexey batalov decided to start everything from the very beginning in the film , my dear man. on sunday on the first. now let's press it so it stops better. i begin to provide him with medical assistance, and then a tank begins to attack us. because we are fighting against the nazis and disabling medical personnel is an important task, first they work on crosses, that is, so that no one can provide help when
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it’s bad for a close friend, you leave everything and go, we left everything and went, because no one will help them except us, when i was hooked for another 2 hours, it turns out i was still shooting in the trench, something got in the way, i thought my hand was just broken, let's get on our toes now. such injuries are very rare, when we saw this, we were shocked that he survived at all, they found a fuse in my leg, my friend had one in his heart, we did not expect to survive, but thanks to our doctor, we are standing here alive in front of you, when i arrived home, i just then i found out that i was operated on with a body armor, on the day of the medical worker, mina in the heart, on sunday on...
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games. the final is on sunday on the first. did you know that 30 varieties of plums are grown in the urals, all of them are unique in their qualities for human health. about ural plums, about failures at the dacha, about everything you need to know for life. russian federation putin in the ministry of the initiative to resolve the ukrainian crisis, foreign affairs. he put forward a new peace which. includes such items as
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our putting forward conditions for peace negotiations, and these conditions are the neutral non-aligned nuclear-free status of ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification, ensuring the rights and freedoms of russian-speaking citizens, recognition of four new subjects of the russian federation, and recognition by international treaties, and, well, abolition , of course, all western sanctions against russia. and putin, speaking, revealed a whole series of diplomatic secrets, one of these impulses, the starting points of the entire ukrainian crisis, was, of course, this conspiracy to overthrow yanukovych, the breakdown of the agreement on february 21, 2014, we have always believed that the government of european states,
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germany, france, and poland acted as guarantors. it turns out, no, there was also the united states of america, let’s listen to the president, it took place on the initiative of the american side, then the conversation with my american counterpart. the point was this: the american leader unequivocally supported the kiev agreement of the opposition authorities, moreover, he called it a real breakthrough and a chance for the ukrainian people to break up violence has not crossed all conceivable boundaries. and then, during the conversations, we jointly actually developed the following formula: russia will try to convince the then-current president of ukraine as much as possible, behave with maximum restraint, not use the army, law enforcement agencies against the protesters, and the united states, accordingly, so it was said, will call on the opposition, as they say to order, to the release of administrative ones.
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conflict, therefore, of course, without the united states, even a hypothetical settlement would be impossible, but the united states was once again deceived, yes, it has already been said that... in fact, russia was forced to launch a special military operation, precisely because this series of deceptions on the part of the west had already reached an unimaginable limit and began to directly threaten our security, but we clung to peace until the last, and before the coup in ukraine, after the coup in ukraine, we tried every time to resolve the situation peacefully.
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political experts presented in our studio, but also boris aleksandrovich roger, our permanent military expert, boris aleksandrovich, good afternoon, what did you note as the most important thing in the president’s speech? good afternoon, if we talk about the most important points, in my opinion, this is again an indication that russia does not consider zelensky a more legitimate president and of course they will not sign any serious agreements with him, in fact, this nullifies the meaning of zelensky’s participation in the so-called peace summit, because
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the forces of the countries that are in favor of a speedy end to the war in ukraine, here, but again we see that if initially for the purposes of the ssu there was no kherson and zaporozhye, then the refusal of the istanbul agreements led to the fact that ukraine lost kherson and zaporozhye, and
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the refusal of these proposals actually lays down, well, essentially a veiled threat that if you refuse, in the future, there may be other regions that were not included in the initial goals of the north caucasus, which may appear there , and there will be responsibility for this. will bear both the current leadership of ukraine and the west, which is prolonging the war and blocking peaceful agreements, a diplomatic torpedo is a good expression, we take, we take into service this torpedo, of course, boris aleksandrovich, and of course, what’s new on the fronts of the northern military district, there is clearly an intensification of hostilities, in any case, the intensity of shelling, it has clearly increased, more the enemy launched 60 uavs in the rostov region alone, but we also delivered a very powerful blow. our high-precision systems, what on the battlefield? yes, if we talk about our strike, it is worth noting the defeat of the mlrs system, which was used to launch attacks, that is found, destroyed in the rear, that is, excellent work, there were also
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regular arrivals along the old konstantinovo in the cherkassy region, that is , the fuel depot in kiev did not completely burn out, which was extinguished for several days, and that is, the blows were delivered more than serious, at the front we see continued expansion of the zone. control in the rabotin area, we see continuation of the battles for the harvest, continuation, well, continuation of attacks in the direction of the konstantinovka ugledar highways, there are also small advances there, the battles in georgievka have actually ended, most the village is already under our control, there is an advance in krasnogorovka, in the avdeevka direction to the west of avdeevka, our troops have already completely taken novo-alexandrovka, cleared out novo-pokrovskoye and there are already battles in that direction. novoselka is the first, there is also progress at karlovka in the kalinov area. in the chasvyar direction, battles continued for the kanal microdistrict. on the northern ledge, our troops have advanced seriously north of vesyoly in the razdololovka area;
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there are no changes in the krasnolimansky direction today; there are no changes in the svatovo-kupyansky direction progress in the strelmakhovka area was in our favor, well, in the kharkov direction , intensified battles for the center of volchansk continued in our country. there is progress, the enemy has again resumed attacks in the leptsa area, is trying to attack in the direction of the village of glubokaya, there are essentially oncoming battles here, in general, the initiative is behind us everywhere, this is a very good background for those i mentioned, but this is precisely the fighting in
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the area volchanskaya and leptsa, because it is obvious that syrsky tried to carry out something like a local counterattack, everywhere they received a rebuff, our troops worked very well, but nevertheless this testifies to what you are saying, that they still snarl about certain forces they still have, we must be prepared for ... when the united states throws them a little money every time there are weapons, their activity immediately somehow comes to life, and this, by the way, is a very interesting moment, look, every time and as soon as money is touched, suddenly they are like this and that means unit units like the third assault brigade, and the main ones are half of the goats, they suddenly for some reason decide to fight, before the money appears... everyone on the battlefield, especially, so to speak, the experienced ones
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, the situation already comes down to the fact that those who are fighters, they are basically already there only to earn money, these are pure mercenaries, they are no longer predators or defenders of ukraine, everyone else is being driven to help them, these people are simply dying, herbats.
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conditions if ukraine agrees to a neutral, non-bloc, nuclear-free status, if ukraine carries out demilitarization, that is, it sharply preserves its armed forces and denosification, renounces its nazi ideology, ensures the rights and freedoms of russian-speaking citizens, which are now being trampled throughout the territory of ukraine, recognizes the new subjects of the russian federation, and this... others will also recognize countries of the world
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interested in resolving the ukrainian issue, and of course, the west will lift all anti-russian sanctions, if these conditions are met, we are ready to talk about this, about the creation of a common european, as well as pan-euro-asian security system. this is such an important initiative that says that we are on the right path, because our cause is right, the enemy will be defeated and... victory will be ours. we'll hand over to the news and see you again at 5:00 p.m. do not miss. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. russia makes a new peace proposal for ukraine. the goal is not to freeze the conflict, but to bring it to an end. vladimir putin spoke about the conditions today.


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