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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  June 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. our new peace proposal for ukraine.
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usurped and held illegally, the presidential term of the previously elected head of ukraine has expired along with his legitimacy, which cannot be restored by any tricks. a detailed conversation between the president and diplomats at a time when, due to the fault of the west, the world was in danger, a massive blow at enemy airfields and military rear areas. details and summary from. defense in a week,
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the enemy lost almost 13 thousand fighters and many equipment. a terrible accident in blagoveshchensk, a drunk driver at high speed crashed into a group of pedestrians on the sidewalk, there were dead, including children. the history of the birth of not just a new martial art, but an entire system of sports education, one of the best in the world, the legend of samba. big premiere on the first. well, let's start with the footage that we are receiving from shebekin at these moments. ukrainian terrorists during the day, direct fire hit a residential high-rise building. reportedly, the shelling was carried out from volchansk, kharkov region by rocket.u. as a result , one of the entrances completely collapsed. at this moment it is known that two people were killed and at least five were injured. they have already managed to evacuate the people trapped at the very top; rescuers quickly brought up a ladder truck. in addition, houses were pulled out from under the collapsed structures. two residents, the removal of the rubble
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continues, this is what the governor of the belgogorod region, vyacheslav lotkov, said. information on the destruction of the entrance to a five-story building in shebekino. emergency situations ministry employees rescued two residents from the rubble and rescued two more from the fifth floor using a ladder. at the moment, the number of wounded has increased to five. three were taken to medical institutions; two received medical assistance on the spot; they refused hospitalization. 79 emergency services personnel are working at the site of the house collapse. 21 units of equipment and temporary accommodation centers are ready to receive residents from the affected apartments. work at the site of the tragedy are continuing, after the clearance of the rubble is completed , a decision will be made on the future fate of the five-story building, a hotline has been organized for the relatives of the victims, as well as residents of the building , we will monitor messages from shibekin. russia has come up with a new peace proposal for ukraine. vladimir putin formulated it today, emphasizing that
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we are not talking about freezing the conflict, but its complete completion. for this, a number of conditions must be met, the president listed them and added, full responsibility for the continuation the bloodshed lies with kiev and its western curators, who with their policies have already brought the world to a dangerous point. important statements by the head of state were made at the meeting with the leadership of meade. kirill branin listened attentively. extended meetings with meade's leadership do not happen very often. the past took place back in november twenty years. provoked by kiev and its allies, but all this time our country has been making attempts to resolve the conflict through negotiations, it is ready now, these are the conditions. ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. kherson and zaporozhye regions,
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and i draw attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions, within their administrative boundaries that existed at the time of their entry into ukraine. as soon as they declare in kiev that they are ready for such a decision and begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions, and also officially notify about the abandonment of plans to join nato, our side will immediately, literally at the same minute, order a ceasefire to begin negotiations. i repeat, we will do this immediately. naturally, at the same time we guarantee the unhindered and safe withdrawal of ukrainian units and formations. a note to those who constantly talk about the need for a strategic defeat of russia and at the same time accuse our country of unwillingness to come to an agreement. according to the president, it is already obvious to everyone that attempts to defeat russia on the battlefield are even and it’s time to come out of the looking glass and listen to proposals while there is an opportunity.
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let me emphasize the main thing: the essence of our proposal is not some kind of temporary peace or suspension fire like this, for example, how the west wants it to be restored. loss to rearm the kiev regime, prepare it for a new offensive, i repeat, this is not about freezing the conflict, but about its final end, and i will say again, as soon as kiev agrees to a similar course of events proposed today, they will agree to a complete withdrawal their troops from the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, and really begin this process, we are ready.
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this and that tanks, we agreed on everything, of course, they should be in full the rights, freedoms and interests of russian-speaking citizens in ukraine have been ensured, new territorial realities have been recognized, the status of crimea, sevastopol, donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson zaporozhye regions as subjects of the russian federation, i believe that russia offers an option that... will allow real to end the war in ukraine, that is, we call for turning the tragic page of history and , albeit difficult gradually, step by step, but to begin to restore relations of trust and good neighborliness between russia and ukraine, and
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in europe as a whole. in the future, according to the head of state, the agreements could become the basis for dialogue on the creation of a global security system, but only real dialogue, and not its imitation. before the draft peace agreement was thrown into the trash in istanbul in the spring of twenty-two, each time with the participation of international mediators, vladimir putin spoke about one such episode for the first time. after the russian army occupied part of the kherson zaporozhye region, they offered their mediation in the peaceful end of the conflict many. western politics, one of them was on a working visit to moscow on march 5 , 2020, march 5, and we accepted his mediation efforts, especially since during the conversation he referred to the fact that he had secured the support of the leaders of germany and
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france, and also high-ranking us representatives. during the conversation, our foreign guest inquired. a curious episode. he said, if you are helping donbass, then why are russian troops in the south of ukraine, including the kherson and zaporozhye regions. the answer was on our part, this was the decision of the russian general staff to plan the operation, and today i will add that the plan was to bypass some of the fortified areas that the ukrainian authorities built in the donbass over 8 years, and primarily for the liberation of mariupol. it was then that a clarification followed from a foreign colleague, well, a professional person, i must say, will our russian troops remain in the kherson zaporozhye region, and what will happen to these regions after achieving the goals of the northern military district? on this
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replied that in general i do not rule out the preservation of ukrainian sovereignty over these territories, however, provided that russia has a strong land connection with crimea, that is, kiev ... must guarantee the so-called easement, the legally formalized right of russia’s access to the crimean peninsula through the kherson and zaporozhye region, this is the most important.
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the day of hostilities meant new casualties, but in ukraine, as we later learned, the services of a western mediator were not accepted; on the contrary, as we learned, they accused him of taking pro-russian positions, well, in a rather harsh form, i must say, but these are details. the mediator at that time was the israeli prime minister bennett, what was then known to everyone, the next attempt at negotiations failed, and the kherson and zaporozhye regions. the republics of donbass have chosen their own path. residents of the kherson region and zaporozhye expressed their position during the referendums.
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the kherson and zaporozhye regions, as well as the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, became part of the russian federation. and talk about there cannot be a violation of our state unity. the will of the people to be with russia is unshakable. the issue is forever closed and is no longer discussed. this is to talk about what intractability leads to. there is more. a much earlier example concerns the events on the maidan, namely february 2014, the very height of the coup in kiev. on 21, at the initiative of the american side , vladimir putin had a conversation with barack obama. the bottom line was this: the american leader unequivocally supported the kiev agreement of the opposition government. moreover, he called him a real breakthrough in the chances for the ukrainian people so that the violence that breaks out does not cross all conceivable boundaries. and then, during the conversations, we jointly actually developed the following formula: russia
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will try to convince the then-current president of ukraine as much as possible, behave with maximum restraint, not use the army, law enforcement agencies against the protesters, and the united states, accordingly, so it was said, will call on the opposition, as they say to order, to the liberation of administrative buildings, to... police units from kiev to uvel, and what about western colleagues, on the night of february 22, then
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throughout the following day, when president yanukovych left for kharkov, where the congress of deputies of the south-eastern regions of ukraine and crimea was supposed to take place, the radicals, despite all the agreements and guarantees from the west, like europe, as i just said, and the united states, took control over the building of the rada, the presidential administration, by force. seized the government, and not a single guarantor of all these agreements on a political settlement, nor the united states the states and the europeans did not lift a finger to fulfill their obligations, call on the opposition, liberate seized administrative facilities, and renounce violence. it is clear that this course of events not only suited them, it seems that they were the authors of the development of events. exactly in this vein. a further chain of events led ukraine to where it is now, implementing
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the western concept of war to the last ukrainian, under the leadership of a man whose term of office had expired. and the constitution of ukraine clearly speaks about this, and back in 2014, the constitutional court confirmed by a special resolution that the presidential term is exactly 5 years. the court's decision was final and not subject to appeal. all. what does this mean in relation to today's situation? the presidential term of the previously elected head of ukraine has expired, along with his legitimacy, which cannot be restored by any means.
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republic, and parliamentary, presidential, this is the essence, and the chairman of the verkhovna rada, acting president, by virtue of articles 106 and 119 are vested with special powers, including in the field of defense, security, the supreme command of the armed forces, everything
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is spelled out there in black and white. from a legal point of view, what is happening in ukraine is a usurpation of power, a criminal offense. with the full support of the west, which signs a security agreement with zelensky, a piece of paper that actually means nothing, given the illegitimacy of the signatory. there is a good chance that this will come up later; now the american and european partners are ready to turn a blind eye to formalities for the sake of the next summit in switzerland and the expected new senseless ultimatum to our country. as you know, they began to actively promote the initiative to hold a so-called high-level international peace conference in switzerland. in ukraine, and they plan to hold it immediately after the summit of the group of seven, that is, the group of those who, through their own policies, instigated the conflict in ukraine. what the organizers of the meeting in switzerland are proposing is just another ploy to divert everyone’s attention, to reverse the cause and effect of the ukrainian crisis,
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to set the discussion on the wrong track, to some extent to indicate the appearance of legitimacy of the current one. executive power in ukraine once again, because it is natural that no truly fundamental issues that underlie the current crisis, international security and stability, the real roots of the ukrainian conflict in switzerland, of course, are not going to be discussed in principle, despite all attempts to give more or a less decorous view of the conference agenda. already now we can expect that everything will come down to general conversations of a demagogic nature and a new recruitment.
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in this regard, i would like to emphasize that without russia’s participation, without an honest and responsible dialogue with us, it is impossible to reach a peaceful solution in ukraine as a whole on global european security. it would seem that it is high time to admit the obvious, but the west is still raising the stakes, and meanwhile the world is getting closer to the dangerous line. kirill branin.
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regarding ukraine and the role of the west in current events. our president clearly and in detail presented the only possible the path to ending the conflict in ukraine, which creates the preconditions for avoiding an extremely dangerous escalation and for building common indivisible security for all and in the eurasian space in the world as a whole. the above excludes. any double interpretation or distorted understanding, and removes the ground from under any imitation of the peace process, from under any efforts to replace the movement towards peace with propaganda
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activities carried out by the west to maintain its hegemony. after today's speech by the head of the russian state, it becomes extremely obvious that the main obstacle to establishing lasting peace is the lack of will and responsibility of the western elites. and in confirmation of these words. this proposal demonstrates russia's desire to achieve military goals while expecting ukraine to give up even more territory.
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this is not a peace proposal, but a proposal that involves even greater occupation. this again shows russia's goal to control ukraine. the meeting of nato ministers in brussels ended today and ukraine, except traditional promises, brought nothing. allies. could not agree on long-term financing of kiev's military needs. let me remind you that back in the spring stoltenberg proposed to allocate $100 billion a year for this, but the idea was immediately rejected. now they are talking about a smaller amount, about 40 billion euros, but it cannot be agreed upon due to disputes over which countries should chip in how much. alexey ivliev, an ntv correspondent who was seriously wounded the day before during an attack by ukrainian militants on gorlovka in the donetsk people's republic.
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special conditions, but the guys had many such business trips all over the world. valery kozhin died as a result of his injuries. the officer who accompanied the film crew was seriously injured. tonight our army launched a massive strike with precision weapons on enemy military airfields and enterprises that serve the needs of vysu. explosions thundered in different regions, including in the kiev, khmelnitsky, cherkasy, nikolaev and... kharkov regions, well, in just a week there were 19 group strikes, during which there were energy facilities supporting the operations of military-industrial complex enterprises were hit, the infrastructure of military airfields,
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the storm shadow cruise missile storage facility, drone ammunition depots, as well as temporary deployment points for nationalist foreign mercenaries were damaged, the ministry of defense reported. in just a week, the enemy lost about 13 thousand militants, many armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as three aircraft in the ssu and two helicopters. a mig-29 fighter was shot down by air defense equipment, and su-27 and su-25 aircraft were destroyed. in addition, during weeks, 13 us-made atacoms operational-tactical missiles, three us-made patriot missiles, two neptune anti-ship missiles, two us-made harm anti-radiation missiles, eight guided bombs, hamer, made in france and jaydam were destroyed. made in usa. 46 rockets. highmars, vampire, hurricane and alha. as well as 465 unmanned aerial vehicles.
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on the battle line. 46 ukrainian soldiers were captured. soldiers of the russian guard have their own tasks in the special operation zone, including the famous division named after derzhinsky. she turned exactly 100 years old. today, viktor zolotov awarded those who particularly distinguished themselves; the division itself was awarded the order of suvorov by presidential decree. ivan prozurov watched the ceremony. the order of suvorov, the head of the russian guard viktor zolotov pinned to the banner of the dzerzhinsky division, along with four more orders, is the highest assessment of military labor. at the formation of the selected unit , the head of the russian guard and veterans of the division were shown the work of the dog handlers of the honor guard. rpk. the division is deservedly considered elite and bears
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a high rank. promising forms of service organization are being introduced into practice, new methods of performing tasks are being developed, current methods of training units are being developed, which subsequently form the basis for the activities of the troops. the merits of the oldest formation of troops to law and order are appreciated by the state and the presentation today of the high state award of the order of suvorov is another statement of the special assessment of the country's leadership, the courage and bravery of the divisions' military personnel, their steadfastness and readiness for self-sacrifice. a centuries-long battle path, several generations of heroes ready to come to the rescue at any moment, these vitesi are ready for anything, to work in the mountains and under water, to fight saboteurs in the rear
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and to carry out the most difficult tasks on the front line. the legendary special forces vityaz appeared after a company was created to guard the moscow olympics 80. now it is a selected unit in the dzerzhinsky division. i serve russia! maroon berets appeared here for the first time; a sign of special distinction is awarded to the best of the best after an exam outside human capabilities, forced marches, hand-to-hand combat, as well as marriage shown in battle. we must stick together and stand strong for each other in battle and peacefully. not the main thing is who is against, the main thing is who is nearby, they are constantly working in the northern military district zone, not only special forces, sappers, snipers, mortarmen of the division, tactics of action, it has changed coordinately, we here must be head and shoulders above all other units, not i think about myself, i think, comrades, about you, i have all the military in my family, they understand everything, it’s a man’s job to be the first in the hottest spots, training ground.
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divisions with an area of ​​several tens of hectares, here military personnel regularly hone their skills using various types of weapons and various equipment, for example, this lightweight multi-purpose all-terrain buggy is now helping to practice the evacuation of a pair of snipers after completing a combat mission. the fighters fought the basmachi in central asia, detained enemy spies, guarded government communication lines, fought in... the great patriotic war defended moscow, this was the main task. at the parade victory of the forty-fifth, it was zerzhinsky’s motto that granted the right to throw fascist standards at the foot of the mausalee. for what kind of sins should i bear this disgusting thing? when i come home, no one will give me their hands. then the decision was made to wear gloves. these were dark brown leather gloves. in the late eighties, the geography of travel covered the entire soviet union, when conflicts broke out in
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the republics. even from abroad , people were brought in for whom it was important to destroy the soviet union; now they are trying to destroy our russia, but i think they won’t succeed. the yalta conference, the world festival of youth students, the olympics in sochi, the world football championship, the division’s personnel worked everywhere, now this is the calling card of the russian guard. for services to ensuring law and order and public safety in the zone of special military operation, the division was awarded the order of suovor. state awards were presented to soldiers who distinguished themselves in the special military operation zone, and the head of the russian guard also took part in the opening ceremony of the monument felix dzerzhinsky, who personally formed the special purpose division and whose name it now bears. ivan prozurov, vyacheslav chereshka, mikhail artyukhin, marianna soboleva, natalya sidorova and kirill danilov. first channel. a monstrous accident in blagoveshchensk, the moment was captured by surveillance cameras, the driver
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of a foreign car. flew off the roadway onto the sidewalk at great speed and rammed a crowd of pedestrians, most of them children, two schoolchildren and one woman died on the spot, two more people died in the hospital, doctors are fighting for the lives of five victims, already it was established that the driver of the car was drunk, a criminal case was opened against him, the man had previously been convicted, a spontaneous memorial was formed at the site of the tragedy, residents of blagoveshchensk were carrying flowers, toys and candles. you are watching the evening news, and then we will tell you about the concert in the commune about the big premiere on the first, do not switch, my system is intended for practical use, using it during ... sports competitions, well, it can be dangerous, but that’s exactly what we need, viktor ivanovich, well, like me, one of these blockheads i’ll make fighters in 3 weeks, you’re victor, you’re driving me into a corner, i have one guy, he’s sitting there, bro, don’t you step up and shoot
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, are you here or something, i’m walking, but where i learned to fight, and somehow, we have several pain zones, now i will show some options, pa,
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the most influential and controversial people of my time, i am not a pawn, an informed source in moscow, tomorrow, on the first day, i fight, simply because i fight. on june 10 , the people's artist of russia valentin smernitsky, the legendary partos and favorite actor of several generations. i played both shakespeare and...
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me, i proposed to him myself, and it was not my father who was very ill, my mother had no time to refuse, grandfather, the coolest, oh, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow after the evening news, vampire ball.
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what do you think is the main difference between working in soviet cinema and american cinema? sense of self, my pride, talent, of course, the ability to step on my own throat sometimes, and in general the main thing in my life is that i study the philosophy of language, the philosophy of rhythm and philosophy of plasticity. matador, today on the first. you're watching the evening news on one. first and we continue: a festive concert for those whose calling is to save lives. for the day of the honeymaker, which will be celebrated next sunday
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, the national philharmonic orchestra conducted by vladimir spevakov performed in one of the most famous hospitals in our country in the commune. the musicians played right in the foyer of the medical center, their favorite classic words of gratitude to the doctors. i would like to wish my colleagues exactly not here, but i am for there not to be a hall, but for there to be another building, which when completed will be a complete, so to speak, cycle of human life of help throughout this life, because from birth to the last day, when a person leaves his life, happiness to you, health, personal happiness, at the loginov clinical research center, the doctors were congratulated by the musicians of the chamber ensemble... soloists of moscow under the direction of yuri bashmet. the artists
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thanked the medical workers for their dedicated work. premiere on the first channel. a vivid story about how real martial art was born in our country. the legend of samba, a great movie about sports and great masters who created the world's best system of sports education and changed the course of history. kristina levieva has already watched the film and will tell you why you shouldn’t miss it. let's support the athletes, comrades, the tension of battles and the intrigue of competitions, the great era of discoveries and difficult times when only hope could save, if someone tells you that they know who invented samba, it’s a man brought together, two coaches, two martial artists, they wanted to change soviet sports, in the end they changed the course of history, this is how sambo was born, the history of sambo is the history of our country and... it seems to me that now the time has come to rethink and
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tell some things , on the one hand, sambo is a type of martial arts that we should be proud of, because all of our champions, khabib and emelianenko, they all use sambo, yes, from another country, we don’t know what sambo is, that’s why our film talks about the origins sambo, you must field a team of your best against yushiri’s students, win, preferably devastatingly, on the first channel of the premiere, a film legend... as much about sports as about the destinies of people, two great creators of our martial art: viktor speredonov and vasily oshchebkov and their student anatoly kharlampiev. martial art is also creativity, it flies to us from somewhere from above, there is such a desire to realize it, with peredonov he is one of those people who are completely attracted, insanely passionate about this idea of ​​​​creating his own national type of wrestling.
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moscow 1936 the strongest team of wrestlers is participating in the spartakiad, now the time has come for the decisive match, who will win, who will lose, who will have an unexpected turn of fate? it seems that he was injured, he can, but samba is also a philosophy of life, combat educates and strengthens character, teaches not to give up even outside the stadium, but to anatolia kharlampi and his samba. it will help you find yourself and your purpose,
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i want to punch you in the face, i think, here or outside, well, hit me while no one is there, well, merci, that's it, that's it, the film was released in wide release at the end of last year and has already won the hearts of millions of viewers, the film impressed those who know first-hand what samba is, it shows a fairly accurate technique that... is performed during fights, it also shows work on grappling, throws, in principle, the picture of the fight itself is quite plausible, the desire for perfection, modesty, composure, will and masculinity, these are the main features of a real master of martial arts, and anatoly kharlampyev, a student who found his teachers and was not afraid to follow them. kristina levieva, maria emelyanova, veronika lvuchenkov and konstantin zhukovsky, channel one. so, the film is a legend about itself.


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