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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 15, 2024 1:40am-2:26am MSK

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marxism, communism, or the library of adventures, we can bring up any work of pulp there, that is, generally fiction, science fiction, well , anything, on any topic we can just sit with you and talk there and talk, and he says: you - you’re not you understand that a guy comes in like this, well, how did we talk, he says you, i just started talking, you mean 100,000 rubles. he says, well, yes, 100,000 rubles. don't you understand? this is a talking dog, and he, i just heard, we were talking, yes he is standing, he is standing millions, millions of dollars, and this guy is like, you know, his hair is popping, already in a suit, i say, well, first of all, he gave you everything, we continue the podcast of jokes, renat, mikhail stayed with us in the studio and are ready to tell a couple more amazing stories anecdote. please, renat, you said
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that you like short jokes, but you know some, long ones , artistic and theatrical ones, i love them, especially when they tell some stories there, you know, who are film actors who work in the theater there, just sometimes you listen already even you even know this joke, you just know for the ears of the sweet how it sounds from the lips of some master there, you don’t like those, well, i like the long ones, but i also like those a little bit. stupid, come on, we are all like that, yes, when there is a steppe joke like this, when a reporter, steppe joke, when a reporter, a reporter came to a shepherd, in the steppe there, a ram is grazing, so they ask him, tell me, how much wool are your sheep they give a year, he says, well, it depends on what kind, he says, well, white, let’s say, white, he says, they produce one and a half tons of wool a year, he says, but the black ones, and the black ones? they give everything, let's continue
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to write, he says: tell me how much food they consume, this is how much feed this grass is, he says, well, again, it depends on what kind, if white, he says, then they eat about 3 tons a year , he says, and the blacks, and the blacks eat 3 tons a year, somewhere he says stop, what are you, he says, are you driving at all or something, you can’t say normally, just unite, why are you stalling for time?
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to a student: there are 500 bricks on board the plane, one brick fell out of the plane, how many are there any bricks left on board? the student says, well, it's easy. 499, the professor says: correct, the next question is: how to put an elephant in the refrigerator in three steps. the student says: first, open the refrigerator, second , put the elephant in there, third, close the refrigerator. professor, okay, how to put deer in the refrigerator in four steps. student, the first thing is to open the refrigerator, the second is to take out the elephant, the third is to put in the deer. because the deer is still in the refrigerator, professor is great, next, can granny walk through a swamp with crocodiles, student, of course it can, because all the crocodiles are at the lion’s birthday party, professor, okay, and now the last question, grandma went through went through an empty swamp, but still died, what happened to her, student, drowned, professor,
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no, no a brick fell on her, which fell out of the plane for a retake, that is, i always imagined that this is who sits and makes up such jokes, and there, well, there’s one joke, when a guy is lying at home on the couch and doesn’t call the girl, hello, hi, she says, hi, i say, what are you doing, she says, nothing, i’m alone at home, my parents have left, they’ll only arrive tomorrow. he says maybe i can come to you then? she says: come on, come on, he says that we’ll drink wine there, maybe he says, come on, let’s watch a movie, yes, she says, come on, come on, well, we ’ll give each other a massage, yes, she says, come on, come on , let's kiss there, yes, come on, come on, let's make love, come on, come on, who is it? about
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a son, it means two friends meet, and he says, what’s wrong with you, he says, your eyes are so huge, he says, son, son, i had a son, can you imagine, after? after five daughters, i had a son, after five daughters , a son, he says who he looks like, like you or there or his wife, he says, but we haven’t looked in person yet, some jokes that can be called anecdotal happened, you had something, of course, yes, of course, we them, uh, what was happening in our lives, we pulled out the stage with kozyzyakami, no, no, and we show it like that, it was clear from your command there, like this everything happens. we had a case when we a competition for one song they wrote about a migration service worker and an illegal immigrant about love, yes, i remember that, this is the song, and i think we went somewhere to baku on tour, we’re lying in a hotel, we just arrived and a woman calls azamat and screams on the phone at him,
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why did you write a number about me, it turns out there’s a woman in kamyzyak who worked in the migration service, she fell in love with an illegal immigrant and it’s all about the song, he taught her to play chess, that’s all of us... we got there there probably five times per song, she watches on tv, so yes they are in general, but they are not she, i immediately thought that she had a rat in her team, leaked something, you don’t understand, only the two of us knew about chess players, you know, this is a game for two, i remember in the days when there were all these promotions, look under the hood, that is, the games were there, you know, and two of my friends told me that they come to the village store, but it’s all there... you know, like the village has a village store and that means everything is in win these and there are a lot of cars there , an apartment there and a bunch of other prizes some caps there and that means there are also a few liters of this drink there you can win there they mean they took the bottle, opened it and poured it
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one of them looks and there under the cap it says 3 liters that is and there you can win nothing there that is you buy a small bottle they bought a liter and there and then they come up to this rural saleswoman, she ’s such a portly girl, you know, she’s all cheerful, they come up and say: oh, she ’s like that, she says, about 3 liters, she’s like 3 liters , he says, like what? well 3 liters, here you go you have everything here, cars, apartments, caps, you can win there, as many as three, as many as five, another 10 liters from the promotion. she looks at 3l, she sees that it’s 3l, he says, well, come on, she, what should i give you, he says, well, what should i give, they’re already starting, well, 3l, the game is like that, she, and no, i play such games i don’t play, mishanka, but there
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are some regional ones like that , remember the joke, it immediately comes to mind, well , this is an old one, i don’t know, this is probably some kind of soviet joke about what? "yes, but she's the daughter of a billionaire, that's me department, and then i go to the board of a swiss bank, i say, you want a simple siberian man to be a member of the board, yes, but he’ll take rockefeller, well, that’s my
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department, then i go to rockefeller, i say, you want your daughter to marry a simple siberian man, in our family all are financiers, jews, yes, but he is a member of the board of a swiss bank, he says: wait a second, susie, come here, mr. kissinger has found you a groom, this is a member of the board of a swiss bank, she says, ugh, these financiers, they are all dead, yes, but this is a siberian man, yes, of course, this changes things, changes things, when a russian belarusian and a kazakh are on an uninhabited... they also get an old joke, in my opinion, and a belarusian starts gardening there , all the potatoes are as they should be, everything is growing , the russian there, his cattle appeared like this - then they meet, they say let's unite in one household, we'll live together, we'll have everything, they unite
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, there's a knock on the door, the door opens, a kazakh is standing there and says hello, am i your new local policeman? young, which means he’s quite a leucenant, so green, dabbled with makarov, somewhere he stood in an outfit there in a guard and lost it somewhere, so hand over the outfit now, now a new one of the same kind will arrive. and he’s looking and it’s not there anywhere, i already have it, and i lost the gun, what is putin, god, looking for me, they’re going through everything there, pussy, he’s looking, he’s opened all the bedside tables, in the closet, on the windowsill, nowhere at all, in the hallway , in general, he’s just panicking, that’s it, there’s no service weapon, that’s it, now he’ll be deprived of his rank, there will be other ones, where’s everything, no, no pistol, that’s it, and he’s already where, where i was, where i was, what i did, what did i do, god, what will happen to me, i smoked, i smoked, that’s right, he’s crawling out into the street and under the bench, crawling near this smoking room , it stinks of bulls, in general, he’s wearing just ironed trousers crawling in the grass where you
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pistol-gun sowed, looked there with his hands in general, all of this got out of it, he got all the black hands, these bulls are lying around, he once again under the bench there, back there, everything crawled out already here, such holes there on his knees, he’s just where where he’s just crawling here katya misha's parents called the children home, they are in the sandbox we were playing and he crawls crawls crawls suddenly little katya comes up, she has a makarov in her green bucket, and he crawls there, like this, he comes up, like an uncle policeman, and this is not your gun, he looks at her, no, i lost mine , jokes, tv series, come on, oh, jokes, no, turkish tv series, now, you know, they’re like that, now they’ve somehow taken over, i’ve already started telling them in turkish, it would be funny, this is the second part of the joke, when the guy is lying... on the couch and a girl calls him, he picks up, she says to him: hi, he says:
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hi what are you doing? nothing, he says, i’m lying on the sofa, he says, my parents have left, they’ll only arrive tomorrow, what if you come? he says: come on, come on, she says: we'll watch tv, yes, come on, let's drink wine, yes, come on, come on, we'll give each other a massage, yes, come on, let's kiss, yes, come on, let's make love , oh, i got the hint , i’m leaving to summarize our conversation, yes, look, look, despite the fact that, despite the fact that you are not a fisherman, in general, and neither of us are kazakhs, that is, that’s all like hobbies, they can be different, but still friendship, as you say, yes, it can appear suddenly. yes, as misha said, he started going for walks with dogs, became friends with someone there, yes, if
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i can say so, or when there is a children's theme, this educational one, when you start walking and they appear there, you start communicating, and that is, she can appear suddenly, you can also suddenly lose her, but someone moved somewhere out there, my best friend, i don’t remember his name, but that’s what we’re talking about at the beginning we laughed, one of my best friends, but that’s why friendship should still be valued, even the best ones. that, probably, what unites us is still humor, yes, and the fact that we played in kvn was generally great, there, well, thank god, we didn’t hear something about it somewhere , so, i would like to address our viewers, maybe after today’s episode or right now, you will still remember about some friend of yours, just call him or write, i think this will only make things more positive everyone, yourself, and of course, your friend, that's it, keep your friendship, tell each other funny stories, jokes, this
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should make everyone a little more positive, in fact , this is what podcast jokes exist for, so we say goodbye to you for today, thank you, dear friends, thank you, friends, for watching until we meet again, the crimson month, oh, yes, the stars are shining brightly for us, oh, yes, my friends will tell me about him, we are him alone, in the reflection, narrowed to i am not, the one who is on the same line will not become a support. oh, they’ll tell my friend about him, we’re the only one, show him,
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nagada young woman, tell the truth, tell the truth, dear, beloved, show, bewitch, tell fortunes, nekoda young woman, tell the truth, truth, tell the world, my beloved. ribbons and silk, i add taste, all this night i expect miracles, oh, my friends will tell me about
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him. we are his alone, say news, peace zhivane, vishvetu wash the morning of the breakup, oh, yes, my friends will tell me about him, but him alone.
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i don’t want lukassi’s donation.
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hello everyone, this is not a podcast format and, as always, my permanent presenters are with me in the studio, these are karina cross, valya karnival, behind me is the gypsy band, these are roma, anton, arkady and alexey, and today we have an unusual format, now it’s not the format that reveals talents, today three musicians will come to visit us in our studio, they are... beginners, one might say, from the people . and just yesterday they watched us on tv, and today they will present their extraordinary covers of the song of our guest today. and our guest is not an easy one, i am sure that absolutely every person in our big country knows all her songs. meet the inimitable, charming and incredibly cosmic
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polina gagarina. hi hi. but i want to shock you. you know when i am today. i was preparing for this program, i read a very flashy, loud headline on the internet that polina is stopping her musical activities, polina, tell me that this is not so, well, first of all, i want to say that i definitely won’t stop until june 29 , june 29, luzhniki, the show of my dreams that we are preparing, we just don’t see the white light. in order to show our beloved viewers a real fairy tale, and that all this is possible in our beloved country, and the bienza will have to move, wow, this is a loud statement, yes, this is a loud statement, god help me, yes, and this show will not be about me, but about all the viewers, i know
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that you are opening up new horizons for yourself you have several acting... works, despite the fact that the teachers at the acting school said that you took someone else’s place, i played in several films, and now a six-part film novel will be released, where you won’t recognize me, i myself, i came to the voice acting, i said, god help me, it’s so scary, okay, let’s get started, wait, who are you playing, who are you playing, is that makeup? classic makeup or what? no, why, they just washed off all my makeup, yes , a movie novel, red lines, i play a writer, in fact, the rule of our current unusual non-format, they will come to us today. three amazing beginning musicians, they are from the people and will cover your songs, that is, they will perform covers, our task is to tell this cover, well
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, who will be in front of us to the person, this artist who will perform in front of us , either yes or no after the performance covers, thus, two will reach the semi-finals, and accordingly polina, you will have to choose one artist from the two since you haven’t done this before. who is lucky enough to sing a duet with you on this stage, someone's dream will come true, pauline, in one of the most popular music shows, where you are a member of the jury, you did not turn to the artists, well, actually the participants, the artists who are 135 times like you is the figure impressive? no, i thought more, but i actually didn’t tell the truth, i just assumed, but it seems to me more, that’s just our participant, to
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you didn’t turn around, i knew that they would come for me, our first participant, marya with a cover of the song, there is no more drama, marya bulygina, 18 years old, works as a street musician , is studying to become a producer, has independently mastered playing several musical instruments, and a glass, the audience liked her performance at the show, her voice, but did not prompt the mentors, among whom was polina gagarina, to turn around their chairs, today i decided to meet the star again to finally get the coveted yes, my soul is so sick, i can’t warm myself with my breath alone, and yes, they play themselves master and something hurt right in the heart. our ships went beyond the horizon, i will raise a white flag over my head, just know that now i am not an enemy,
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there is no more drama, there is no water, it doesn’t hurt anymore, it doesn’t hurt anymore, it doesn’t hurt anymore, we asked for a complete rework, not to get attached to melodies, that's how you feel, beckoning, well, first of all, it was really a cover, because i recognized my melody, it was remade into... let's say, lounge rock, some kind of, yes, romantic, let's call it romantic lounge rock, okay, i liked it, wonderful timbre,
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noir mood, in principle this song is very suitable, let's see when manya performed - in her voice, you didn't screw up, i remember exactly, let's see how it was, what i was carrying, yes, good , why didn’t i turn around, because there was a very cool beginning, so convincing, and my hand reached for the button, i’m already thinking that now the dynamics will start and i’ll directly hear how the actual dramaturgy of the song develops, i didn’t have enough hooliganism from you, although all for you have this, the girl said well, it’s not a chapel at all. firstly, you shouldn’t
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be upset under any circumstances, because i ’m now explaining the same thing to my daughter, that it’s precisely this, it’s frustration, it ’s mistakes, losses, some failures that actually make us see, you say, you’re interested, interesting means that when it’s interesting, we discover the genre , we begin to dig into it, we begin to delve into it, why, how they do it, how they do this technique, and we begin to repeat after them, we begin to study, study, and from moreover, the more you know, the more you can process it like this, and it will be absolutely uni, unique, compose your own, i compose mine, which is in french, polina just said, unique, unique. switched to french, it seems to me that you still have a very long way ahead, but it is very cool, that is, i sincerely see that you are a very interesting artist, i just have
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the feeling that you don’t need to sing with polina now, you need internet, this is my personal opinion, because you are completely different, forgive me for interrupting you, but i want ask one of the queens of the internet, valya carnival, please tell me your opinion about this song, about the song, about mani, about everything, because by the way, i can tell you that this is a priceless gift, everyone tops you from their areas they give the most precious thing they have, they give their time, they give their advice. you're incredibly cool, really, bright, and you know what's most amazing, you're so shy, but when you sing, you completely liberate yourself, that's what's cool, you like to sing because your soul wants it, that's right, and you were able to touch my soul, polina gagarovana, yes or no, yes, karina cross, yes or no, not because it was bad, but it was very cool, but you
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don’t need it at the moment, so no, yes, anton lavrentiev, no, and i’ll explain why, what are you even doing, wait, i, like you and i, met at rehearsals, yes, i can tell you, i really like the way you sing, i really like your timbre , i really like the direction you are moving and what vibe, thanks to your parents for they put it in you, but you have to work, so i say no, thank you very much thank you very much, thank you. our next participant is soya with a cover of the song disarmed. osiyat saygidova, or as she calls herself, soya, 21 years old. despite her young age, she has already managed to become a star in her native saratov and even in moscow, and has also collected millions of views on social networks. among her subscribers there are not only russian stars, but even hollywood artists. today i came not only to conquer the presenters with my talents, but tell me what she is ashamed
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of. our orbits have connected, there are no others for us, you are so drawn to, but like a magnet, it’s no longer a secret, i’m disarmed, because i really need you, i really need you, i need, i need you, i’m disarmed, because i really need you, i really need you, i need you, i need you, assiyat actually has covers flying online, one of his covers, yes covers, got 60 million views, on which song? and it was
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a song by duncan lawrence arcade, and he even signed up for it, can you imagine, after this, the only question is, why are you ashamed of polina gagarina, please answer, everyone immediately forgot, i have already calmed down, but i have to tell you, in general , i performed as your opening act, i came up to take a photo, at the time of this photo you told me, don’t step on the dress, don’t step on it, and it did, lord, i beg you, i can appreciate the vocal abilities, they are wonderful, it’s... very beautiful, everything is musical, very harmonious, and if it were absolutely like this, if if i just didn’t know these words, it would be a very cool summer song like this with hook, this tu-tu, there ’s one moment that doesn’t bother you, let’s say, well, again, i’m not the last resort, but i cried to this song, well, that is, right here, this is the next thing i wanted to say, yes, i just i really like the way you performed it,
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you have an amazing voice, you are very talented. but it seems very strange to hear this song in the format, well, at least that feedback from this song, when you are just and he is my favorite, that is, as a rule, it seems to me that this song, well, i don’t know, is yours it was with this song by polina, because i don’t seem to have you, i asked for value, that’s because for me it’s an association with something very painful inside, and therefore it was possible that such a dissonance was created because of this, not even because it doesn’t,
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but if we talk in general about the image , we just saw that there is talent, there is a gift, there is beauty, there is music, there are fresh ideas. cool, so, anton, do you have an opinion about osil, yes, please, your verdict, yes or no, opinion, i did not initially consider this cover as a cover, well, that is, this is how a person would make a song, and sometimes it’s a new song, it sounds different, it’s very good, it’s modern, it’s a cool voice, that is, if we consider it as a separate song, so in this regard i’m very impresses, so we are misinformed, here, but here. such a moment that this is my opinion, that is, for me it’s like that, val, and you, i really liked it, now, looking at how assiyad remade it, it’s not a cover, she remade your song, you know right away, it’s like that too internal
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pride for us, for the newcomers, so to speak, because we, well, you weren’t afraid to do it, you have a super cool timbre, you did it very nicely, the only thing, you know, what i would change about all this is how you look. .. just like a fatal girl like that, but i would put a marshmallow-colored dress on you so that the image would look super harmonious, i give you a giant heart, i really liked it, to be honest, and if the song would start, what do you think, i think so , the time has come for clear answers, yes or no, i will now ask each of you, you just say yes or no, to what just happened here, to this, what happened here, what happened here, polina gagarina, yes or no, right?
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for me to stop as a result of our voting, we have three yeses and one no, thank you very much, asiyat, please come in, thank you, i don’t need another fate, as long as the day begins and ends with you, 61 years together, another one a completely magical story opens up before us, we will create miracles, a tree has already settled here, we have here... the wallpaper has grayed out very lively and very tender, there will be such a kitchen in pink color, as it is called antique rose, pink antique, there is generally many times more space than there was, the space is so breathable and also thanks, of course
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, to the ceiling, because on it this bleached stain lay down, and it’s like a fog, about comfort, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, dear friends, donetsk,
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doctors of the ambulance teams of lugansk, zaporozhye, kherson, kursk and belgorod are being awarded, there will be good morning, there will be day. lisa sang for the first time in the courtyard in front of an audience one of my mother’s friends, now the grinkevich group is organizing their solo concerts and writing original music. to be in music, in quotation marks , next to polina gagarina is the dream of lisa and lev. i stopped loving you, you are still just as
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beautiful. changed, you matured, became even bolder and your heart beat and your heart beat the same. thank you very much, how did you meet together, how did you become together as a creative tandem and a family tandem, please tell us about you, we worked amazingly for a long time, we studied together. met at the institute at the music faculty, she was sitting in front of
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me in the choir, right here, i looked, walked around, well then we met, talked, and it turned out that we worked in different projects, in the urals, we flew from the urals and have been here for 2 years already, i liked the beginning very much, i myself like to recycle, let’s say, my old stuff, i like the verse, i generally like everything that concerns drum and base, some kind of stuff, i really like any boss parts and actually i don’t even know what, then there you did the maximum, but this is enchanted, it turned out to be not enough, well, it’s not the same song, as if you should drink it this way and no other way, from a technical point of view, just like with peta, just like arty, with peta, they were probably too careful, it was possible, it was possible to give the gaskup, yes it is possible i had to give it back, thank you very much, polin, karina, please, i really liked the guys, but i didn’t like the choice of the song
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again, well, it’s like in general, no, well, no, really, in general the word, it seems to me, is very difficult singing your songs, why is it difficult, i say it myself, not because i’m attacking, well, really, i don’t know the words, i myself i think i’m not under a spell, but vacka, to be honest, i really liked the way you came out, i ’m like, wow, now there’s going to be something interesting, you really did... cool, juicy, but i really want to join polina’s words that if you choose from your reading and from polina’s reading, i just 100 million thousand percent chose polina’s option and version, however, i don’t know, this is some kind of fundamental song, and i join kara’s words about what are your songs really, except for you, it seems to me, no one will sing as needed, but if we take into account what we have about...
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for me it’s like, a block, it’s a block, yes, ah, there was a moment, you reworked it, you made a completely new one out of it, like it would be some new creative opus, and i was interested in listening to it, what confused me was that for some reason you put a wall in this wall, you sang, you didn’t sing at the artist, didn’t you sing at the viewer, you sang, there was a certain pressure and... the energy didn’t flow, and now it’s time for unpleasant
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questions, laconic answers. parina sergeevna, yes or no? i, i can't, i don't i can, well, you do, yes. polina gagarna said yes. karina cross. i support polina. this is for her to sing together. that's why i say yes too. val. and i support polina and karina, so i also say yes. anton lavrentiv says yes. thanks guys. we have four yes. i invite you. our studio, beautiful soya, please come in, dear, my friends, i congratulate you, you are in the finals, look, the rules are very simple, i have two songs, the words of which i will now give to you, since you guys got four votes from four, you get to choose, i'll choose, come on, of course, what kind of song, the performance is over, the performance is over, soy, you get a song that polina sergeevna gagarina loves very much, which can be distorted in one direction or the other, the song shagai. but since you actually took, or rather gained four
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votes, you actually start, but i must tell you that we have reworked this song as much as possible, so that it is not similar to the song that you are used to hearing, consider that you are on corporate party and you they turned on another soundtrack, but there was nowhere to retreat, there was a children’s move behind us, so we wrote our novel about love. words are not enough, just a few words, sit with me, talk to me. i want to remember how the snow falls, the snow falls slower than usual, how the soul wanders naked around the room, soon the echo of a new day will sound, starting it, without me, don’t wake me up,
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set me free, the performance. it’s over, the lights are going out, and there are a lot of things, no more, stop, the show is over,
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there’s no need, just so as not to return to your own hands, but it’s easy for me, unusually, impossible find the words, i dance when i’m sad, look how i can dance, i’m on the edge, but you’re normal, and you shouldn’t be on the edge with me, but it’s unusually easy for me. it’s impossible to find the words, this is my, my life principle, this is my, my signature style, don’t try to bring back the one you once let go, don’t bother,
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walk, walk and load. polina sergeevna, now the floor is over to you, tell me, well, with whom will you sing a duet, i’ll sing soya, hurray, well listen, i can say here that guys, this doesn’t, doesn’t change what you fantastic musicians, a fantastic couple, you met polina gogariny, you gave us so many wonderful minutes, you gave us a huge thank you, it... was a super experience and i’m very glad we met, thank you very much, we are just happy, it’s a gift of fate, it’s ours the best moments, about the bird singing and the gift, i will be very happy to see you all, absolutely everyone, and manechka
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too on my show in luzhniki, so on june 29, soya, dear, you become the winner of our show podcast non-format 2020. fourth year, now polina sergeevna will leave her autograph with this amazing marker, and i’m sure, after june 29 it will cost billions to write yours in russian or in latin, in russian, everyone held their breath, i’m the only one broadcasting in the night broadcast of the first channel, my friends, it was an exclusive release, wonderful, this has never happened, especially here, in our cozy, wonderful place, we were happy to see all these wonderful people, how... how young they are, how kind, so talented right now, while polina sergeevna is writing her autobiography on this convenient golden disc, i can tell you that the guys and i, my wonderful co-hosts, karina cross, vari karnival, gypsy band, are giving up this stage to polina gagarina and the singer.


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