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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 15, 2024 3:10am-4:01am MSK

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ballerinas, what ballet is in general, in principle i had an idea, because i myself studied in different circles, went to dances, went to gymnastics, that is, well , my life as a child, it was so very rich in different circles, different areas of activity , and but exactly what professional ballet is, of course, i only understood after crossing the vice at a professional choreographic school, and it was completely the idea and dream of my mother, galina danilovna zakharova, who... at one time, when she was little, she dreamed of becoming ballerina, but her parents didn’t take her because she was an only child, in the city where she grew up there was no vocational school, but still her life was ultimately connected with dance, she graduated from a cultural education school, she danced, danced in groups , in ensembles, in the drama theater, there was also a group in which there was ballet, let’s say, she performed there, that is, she was very...
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to go to kiev, where at that time in ukraine there was the only choreographic, professional school, and it so happened that mom i was a little confused, she remembered about her wonderful... who in the past was a ballerina from leningrad, so she took me to her so that she could just look at my physical characteristics, so she undressed me, asked me to stretch, that is, she looked at my figure, then she asked to stretch the foot, checked the turnout, she said to her mother, why aren’t you taking her to leningrad?
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mom said: leningrad is far away, let her at least enroll somewhere closer, she says: take it, take it, she will definitely enroll, and i immediately did it the first time, why i say the first time, because we have a lot of practice in ballet, that children who don’t get in the first year definitely try to get in the next year, but i got in right away, the enrollment was huge, it was huge, i have in i mean, it’s not even a recruitment, but a competition where it was. 35 people per place at that time, yes, indeed, instead of three rounds, it was four rounds, because there were so many children who scored the required score that the commission was confused and added another round, well, there was a whole the story is with this, that is, every day we had to change tickets, because honestly, my mother thought that immediately after the first round, i would cure her, which means her soul would calm down, which she did, and we would go home.
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we had nowhere to spend the night, tickets, which means we had a hard time, my mother changed the next day, and then i again, every day my mother went, changed these tickets, we spent the night at the school in the basement of the duty officer, she gave us shelter because at that time there was a hotel there, you know how difficult it was to rent, it was still soviet there was time, then we spent the night at the same house on duty, just like that, and i remember how at night i was preparing for the next round at ... the choreographic school, i danced this number to my mother, which i had to show to the commission, that is well, to put it very briefly, this is the story of my admission, the most interesting thing is that when i entered the school in kievskoye, i then lived, of course, in a boarding school, and my mother lamented that well, we have relatives in moscow, in we have relatives in st. petersburg, but here there is no one, and since - why am i talking about this, because i lived in a boarding school, girls from my... class also lived with me,
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uh, someone lived nearby, well, someone went to visit relatives on saturday , on sunday, i was left almost alone in the room, and because of this, my mother was very worried, at first, she came to me almost every week, uh, by train, and spent 2 days with me, then went back to work at night, well, in general, it was so difficult, i cried, my mother cried, it was very difficult, but when such a certain... let's say the moment came, when they began to notice that something was working out, it became interesting, such childish excitement appeared, so the choreographic school sent me to st. petersburg for the vaganovo prix competition, and there i received second place, so i got second place, and another boy from belarus, whose name is igor kolp, and here we are, the only one who, let’s say, penetrated these pedestals, because he took third place, i took second place, everyone else... is this
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the atmosphere of a pioneer camp, or is it kindergarten atmosphere? this is a dormitory, in general, you can say so, a boarding school, it was just officially called that, a boarding school for a choreographic school, there was one dining room for everyone, large rooms, after some time they were divided and we lived there, at first we lived seven people in the room, then they renovated it, i remember, and i lived with my classmate alone. and it was just happiness, there’s one phone number for the whole boarding school, that is, you know, sometimes i can get through to my mother and there are the parents of other children, in the boarding school, well , i don’t know how many, about 100 children, probably lives, well, give or take, at that time there was no cellular communication, no internet,
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nothing, and this only phone, this is the duty officer, only she managed to pick it up, one child spoke, then the phone immediately rang again, calling: it’s enough like this, not only are there quite harsh relations between children in the class, completely unfriendly, after all, there is competition, it’s already felt absolutely immediately by the child, and especially if you’re from a boarding school, there’s no one to stand up for you, your parents live
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in another city, you don’t you can even at any moment to pick up the phone and call them to cry, or you have to run to the post office, long-distance phone, order a call, or wait, sometimes mom couldn’t even get through. to me, i say, because the duty officer received so many calls so that the children could communicate. in general, all this is very, now, i’ve already forgotten about it, of course , thank you for reminding me, this is such a school of survival, probably in life, well, in general, for a child’s psyche this is quite a serious test, if i do, yes, you know, it happened like that , that well, i didn’t know why, it seems i didn’t do anything wrong, but the girls from the room could not talk to me for a week.
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potential and there was nothing to eat there either, because it was a huge canteen, which served, in addition to the choreography school, a music school and an art school, that is , there was absolutely no conversation about calories, but in general about how to feed a child who studying ballet, that is, 300 people came there, a huge line had to be stood in order to take this tasteless thing that was offered there. yes, that’s how life is, that’s it this connection, ballerino-teacher, it arises, these special relationships, when there is a teacher whom you trust, who , yes, works with you, these special relationships with the teacher, they arise back in
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school, yes, you are right they said, a teacher you trust is very important for a child to trust, i remember when we had a wonderful teacher, valeria ivanna sulegina, she is still alive. and i communicate with her from time to time, i am very grateful to her, but at some point she had some, let’s say, conflicts with the management of the school, she left, but we, you know, the whole class was just madly afraid of her, madly loved her, idolized her, and incredibly we listened to her, and trusted her, believed her, when another teacher came, i remember, my god, what? we were creating at that moment, that is, we could just do, they give us a remark, and the whole class could do the exact opposite, because there was no trust, there was only that teacher, well, whom we trusted, whom we loved, and he was everything her comments remained
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in our heads, in general, i honestly always i say that what she taught me, i still use in principle in my professional life, how to hold my back correctly, what my hands should be like. it’s arranged that some difficulties, they very quickly for me, you know, are somehow forgotten, and i don’t think about what happened yesterday, i think about how to live today and how, well, let’s say , organize tomorrow day, so now i remembered it, even somewhere with a smile, with irony, maybe what i had to overcome, but it really educates, it strengthens character, and you know, there is. expression of a ballerina's character, yes, tell me, what is it? yes, a ballerina character, it’s hard for me
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to say what it is, but apparently i have it, that’s for sure. the theater podcast is live and i, its host anton getman, continue our conversation with the prima ballerina of the bolshoi theater svetlana zakharova. svetlana, you have moved to st. petersburg, new teachers, new classmates, or probably already classmates. something fundamentally changed when i came to st. petersburg to study, and they took me, so it turned out that after the competition i went straight into the graduating class, although i had to study not for one year, but for two, that is, i jumped over, well, i read that this is a unique case, until today in the history of the vaganova school nothing like this had happened, usually , on the contrary, they take me lower, but they took me straight into the graduating class, i was not ready for this either, this is also completely separate.
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a stranger, one might say, a stranger, and i was so welcomed in the class, they worked with me a lot, studied, the girls and i went, walked, there were shops, museums, a theater, it was very a quest, let's say, to ride like a hare from the village of voroshi, come to take the tram and get to the theater without paying money, and so everyone stood, so, well, it was such an adrenaline rush, such a way to cook something there, eat, we also like... then it's all a bunch.
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i passed the carde ballet, i haven’t danced for a single day, i don’t like that word when they say: i stood in carde ballet, they don’t stand in carde ballet, fortunately there is a lot of dancing there, but i haven’t danced for a single day in carde ballet, they immediately started giving me solo parts , at first there are very small twos, fours, i at first i danced the big swans, everyone knows the dance of the little swans, in this, yes, yes, in marinka it’s a four there.
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happened somewhere literally, maybe six months later, because my work in maria in the bahcesarai fountain, but this is already a theater, because somewhere in april or may , i don’t remember now, i remember that it was spring , i had already danced giselle, this was also such a unique case, i was 17 years old. when i came to the marinsky theater at the age of seventeen, i had already danced such a difficult role, if we talk about bagchesarai fountain, there are two main characters, maria, who danced once...
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a year, yes, again a change of school, again a change of city, again a change of team and again a change of teacher, but still you are already an accomplished ballerina, still- after all, you are already a big, serious ballerina, you are already a star, so the transition to the pipes of a big theater with other traditions, with a different school, with different relationships, with different internal rules, it was psychologically difficult, no, it was not difficult, i was to ready for this, but... the only thing i really cared about was it’s hard to say goodbye to my beloved teacher, olga nikolaevna moiseeva. she had already passed away, but at that moment she was such a close relative to me , that is, she was the teacher who made me a ballerina, all the ballerina parts, she passed everything on to me, she was
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vaganova’s student, that is, she gave me so much she told me, she showed me everything so well, just on...
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probably, at that moment i was ready to move to the big theater, the only thing is that if i rewind my life, then from my first appearance at the marinsky theater, 3 months passed, and i received the first invitation from the bolshoi theater, yes, yes, yes, yes, that is, the first time i didn’t give my consent, only the fourth time i gave my consent, every time i visited he brought moscow with him on tour... inviting me to the bolshoi theater, when anatoly genadiv aksanov invited me for the fourth time, for which i am very grateful to him, promised support, care, in general, well , that’s all, he did everything for me , i accomplished everything, yes, yes, yes, and i really was like god in my bosom, for me at that moment the main thing was that i could freely
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continue to travel to the theater in which i had already signed contracts, so... it was freer, i probably even felt better. light, when did you feel like you were a star? to be honest , i still don’t feel it. light, tell me, i see how much you are now enthusiastically involved with youth and young dancers and very young dancers, is this an attempt to start a teaching career, someday, or is it just a desire to help children, teenagers...
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when you become a mother, when a woman becomes a mother, many of her priorities change, this happened to me, too, when this little miracle appears in your hands, your dearest, and you understand that your performances, your rehearsals, this whole world career, the press and many, many things around, it all just like that is pushed back completely... into the background, well, somehow it becomes side by side, it becomes not the main thing, yeah, but the main thing is this little man, who is yours blood is flesh, so i began to think: about children, and you know, here’s my mother, she is also such an ideological, let’s say, inspiration for me, she once told me: let’s organize
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a charity festival for children, so little is being done for children, specifically a dance festival, it turned out that in our country we did a festival not only for professional children, there were performances on a professional day, but there were a lot of performances by groups that, well, let’s say, do more. for themselves, that is, for many children this is not a future profession, this is not an artist and a ballet, well, in our country there were so many amazing interesting choreographic groups, they are different, i don’t know how many, but we got to the point where we have - somewhere in the festival in one festival, something like 500 children came from all over our country, it was an amazing action, at that moment i somehow realized that the children needed to be helped, why they were studying in choreographic groups in order to get on stage, and i offered them more , it’s all for charity, the festival took
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themselves and arrival, and accommodation, food, everything, everything, everything, and children from different cities in russia, they flew on trains, rode in buses, went to moscow, in luzhniki, we held this wonderful event, that is, for them it’s also and travel, this is for... the head of the educational program in sirius in the direction of choreography, here i, of course , began to work more closely with professional children, children, well, as a rule, who study at a professional choreographic school, and this is somewhere from 11 to 18 years old 19 years old, that’s how they come. and graduation courses, yes, graduation courses, which during the year, well, can come too, children come throughout the year in groups, classes, and in the summer i once did such an experiment,
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i offered it to the children themselves, to everyone from all over the country, but exactly those those who study at a professional choreographic school should submit applications on their own, and this worked out very well, now children have more opportunities to come to the center in the summer.
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we work for results, every shift ends with a big grandiose holoconcert, every program, well more correctly, the children, all these 25 days that they are in sirius, they are preparing for it, they are preparing for the concert, they are learning a new repertoire, new variations, some, we have very cool master classes on modern choreography, children really like modern choreography teachers. also practice and beautiful numbers are specially staged for them, children take duet dance courses, i invite teachers, i really like to invite even
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artists who still dance, but who can work well with children, and for children this it’s also interesting, not just a teacher, not just a teacher, but in front of them stands a star, an active artist, this is very interesting, we have stage makeup lessons, we have lectures on... there is a theater podcast on the air and i, its host anton getsman , we continue our conversation with prima ballerina of the bolshoi theater svetlana
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zakharova. i know that... you have been experimenting with neoclassical productions for quite some time, i know that choreographers create works especially for you, you are asking to license some works choreographers you like, that’s what concerns modern dance, you look in this direction, modern dance has been present in my creative career, well, literally from the first years of working in the theater, because then... john neumayer and william forsythe appeared , and balanchine, although today it is a classic, but at the time when i was a young ballerina, this was not the case, it just wasn’t there in russia, and it all flooded into our theaters, and we, you know, this is how it is everyone began to learn this with such zeal, not only did we begin not only to learn this, we tried to dance with...
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in ivan the terrible, yuri nikolaevich grigorovich, that is, it’s absolutely a classic, this is a dream, but at some point, when you have already danced 13 different editions of swan lake
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around the world, when you danced there. throughout russia, modern dance over the past 20 years has been presented in such quantity, in such diversity that i think that it can outweigh any central european country, nevertheless, modern dance is still such a serious phenomenon in the theatrical, in the theatrical context of moscow, st. petersburg it is not, although there is a group in moscow, a professional group of modern dance , ballet moscow, for example, but nevertheless it’s all
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the same. this territory is still very unstable, why do you think? well, it’s all about the choreographers, i think we took a lot from the west and studied and did not raise our own choreographers, well, of course we have boris yakolich eifman with his author’s theater, we have the amazing yuri posokhov, such bright choreographers of the stars, them i i'm still waiting for it to appear when it's born, i'm working. with young choreographers, which i somehow support them too, but this is so, you know, pointwise, well, you can’t say that we have foresights, we have kilyans, we have bolons, matseykas and many- many, and these great choreographers, who, in general, well, this is already a classic for the west, but we still haven’t, let’s say, raised, haven’t brought up such people
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, that is, i understand what you’re saying. that this should be done, i believe that this it is necessary to practice so that it is a big risk, this is a risk, you know, here are young choreographers who do not yet have a big name, who do not have a large, large repertoire list for theaters, for companies, to entrust artists, to entrust time, this is a risk , because you can get a small death, or you can get, yes, well, that is, you have to take risks, yes, i think you have to take risks, and where does the choreographer come from? if he has no practice, and you argue with choreographers who do something for you? no i do not i bet, sometimes i, yura posokhov, our amazing choreographer, who has staged a lot of performances in the big theater, every time he, and he can literally choreograph so many movements in just a few bars of music that you stand there and think, this is i tell him that it ’s impossible to do, and he says: you always
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say that, and then... you do it, well, that’s about the maximum of my arguments with choreographers, that at first i’m afraid, and then, when it’s all over their movement and coordination enters the body, where it already seems that more could be done total. light, tell me, do you see yourself as a teacher? i will say this, i like to correct when i come to sirius, i like working with children, i like to build a system, what they should, what to learn, i can hold rehearsals, there the teachers ask me for opinions, ask what... then comments, as soon as i get to work, of course, as about...
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a violinist, sometimes it seemed to me that it just so happened that my husband, vadim repin, he was away from home more time than me, so he came, even here i am in milan, there in paris, somewhere else. he, when he had a few days, he always came there, or to moscow, naturally, then our daughter, anechka, was born, at first, we took her there with us until school age, my mother traveled with me all the time, vadim flew to where we were, that is, we were a family all the time, when you are on tour everything is somehow easier and simpler, because you went to class in the morning, rehearsed, the second half of the day, you have free time, you walk with your family, everything is wonderful, in general...
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on the one hand it consists of some accidents, but if you look back, these accidents all, of course, line up into a pattern. i am eternally grateful to you for coming, you are, of course, uh, a real hard worker, and i think that your stellar
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career is absolutely deserved, because this is what you, of course, through very hard work, deserve, thank you very much, thank you, this was a theater podcast and i host it. a pioneer and you won’t be afraid, i heard so much about it that i forgot about my aerophobia, it started like this, what and how it’s as if i’ve already bought it, and it’s like i’m already in my touring backpack, somehow it tuned me in. hello everyone, this is a podcast
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and i’m tatyana gevarkyan. diamonds are a girl's best friend, or so marilyn munro sang in 1953. how has the attitude towards jewelry changed? in our time, today our guests are singer olga seryabkina and jewelry stylist yuliana kotsoeva, here is ol, and today i am minimalism, in minimalism, just completely practically, well, by the way, i’m not on purpose, how important is this for you, well taking into account the fact that i’m also an artist, not just a person who can, can ignore this topic, yes, but now, for example, i really like the generally minimal, light touch. with jewelry, but - almost all the jewelry left my wardrobe, went to my girlfriends, to friends and even to the children of my girlfriends, and i practically don’t use it, but i like a minimum of jewelry, although i’m the one who
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just put on everything myself, i i don’t know, i had it, well, almost like african women, i understand perfectly what you mean you say i had a story. i hosted one big concert with my friend, who is a fairly well-known tv presenter, but she is cool, a very good professional presenter, we are not neighbors and... and in principle at that time i adhered to minimalism, that is, i had some kind of evening dress and some minimal decoration, she comes into my room and says, well, how are you, she got ready there, and i see that she has some kind of luxurious floor-length dress sparkling with stones and rhinestones, here she has a necklace, stones, everything sparkles, huge earrings, some beautiful clusters of stones, elbow-length bracelets, rings, and we are standing next to her in the mirror. we look, i say, well , it’s clear, we’re like a princess and a maid,
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we’re about to go out on stage, and she looks like that, says, listen, i’m missing something, i say , i mean, you’re missing something, she says, well yes, so she reaches for her cosmetic bag, rummages through the jewelry, puts on a tiara and says: now, everything is in order, and she really felt organic in this, so i wonder how choose the right... jewelry wardrobe for yourself, where are these edges today in twenty-four? it seems to me that the main thing is for a person to feel comfortable, because i’m like olga, there is also such a day, i get up, i have only one wedding band, and i put on at most a couple of small earrings, and i feel so good, calm, i well, i’m just comfortable, but sometimes there’s a day like this, i can be nervous, i can go somewhere, this is also some kind of protection, well, it seems to me so, well, tell me about your maximum, oh, well, this is the maximum body kit you have, what is this? multi-layering in the neck, it’s from the choker that i get jewelry like this, there’s a
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jewelry talisman, these are definitely some things that are never taken off, and you hide the talisman under your clothes, no, it just fell off, here’s the number 11:11, just like on the clock, i saw it often 11:11 i accidentally came across this pendant and i took it, and now i don’t take it off, that is , some talismans that i always wear , this pendant, a couple of rings in my ears and one here, and it happens, for example, today i was a little worried and i need, for example... obsidian, this is my favorite stone, i rub it a little like this when i’m worried, that is , i need it today, damn it, i need it, for example, here put it on, that’s how it turns out , that’s how it all turns out, that’s how it all turns out, there are also a lot of stones, a stone of love, a stone against, when, for example, a person is heavy with some kind of anger or something to slander you, if, for example, you put on a black stone, an agate bead, then everything that a person says bad will be returned to him, this, by the way, is also like that, you need to be more careful with people who have stones on them, and even sterling silver. protects very sterling ones, and what makes it different, i
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have a piece of jewelry, it’s just like that, someone thinks it’s from the evil eye, sterling silver, it’s just very strong in energy, these are the ones from the netherlands, these ones from amsterdam gothic different brands, sterling silver is very protective of energy, i read all this, i really like it, but this stone definitely needs to be worn or i just remember that there were stones that you just carry with you in your purse, in your pocket, yes, which you can just put in your pocket, you can use as decoration, you can put a hole in a bead somehow, i ’ve heard a lot of stories from my... friends about rose quartz, that it brings love, reveals femininity, uh, it really has something to do with this, i’m not asking if this is so, but i, i have one story with rose quartz, one friend just told me that i saw she has a rose quartz bracelet, she says: this is a stone of love, i really want to find my love, i listened to something like that, and then i thought, damn, something’s not working for me, and i was on the passage in kitay-gorod, there was a shop where a woman was selling stones, i bought this bracelet and just wore it wore it. and as they explained to me, i need to put it on the bedside table at night so that it is charged with energy and then
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put it on again, that is, the stone should rest, i wore it then one day i looked and it became white, transparent, that is, it was just so pink , became transparent, i started googling and they told me that here it is for you i gave away strength, gave away energy, and after some time i meet a person with whom i am still together to this day, what an amazing story, well, it seems to me that it’s connected after all, i would like to believe, it makes sense to believe in good things , here in some bad omens... it seems to me that you shouldn’t believe, that is, for example, if you believe that in a black cat, then yes, you will also receive from this black cat all the time, the same cat is just different colors, yes, well, i, for example, you always know, sometimes you’re driving on the road, when a black cat crosses the road, all the drivers stop, there’s this congestion, a traffic jam, because no one wants to pass first, i’m always the person who offends everyone, i think, well, what the hell are idiots, and i always drive by and... everything’s fine , nothing
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bad happens to me either this day or the next day, but is it important to believe in this or does it work autonomously with your sense of trust in this stone or why are you wearing it, if it has a purpose? well, i wasn’t skeptical, i’m here i didn’t put it on because at least something would help me, no, i just thought, if this is so, it would be cool, i’ll put it on, it seems to me that they work on their own, because when i was in vladikavkaz, there’s a big one there a mountain that you touch and you receive some kind of energy, every third person comes up, and the man stood with me. and he says: look at this mountain, it has been here for millions of years and will be for millions of years, can you imagine the strength and energy in it, he touched it and left, it turns out that yes, the stones themselves work, on...
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well, i’m comfortable, cool, in general i think it’s very, and i’m very interested in chatting to find out in general, maybe i need to change my mind, because i really also have a wedding ring, my favorite studs, which - well, they’re just super comfortable even today that’s all, but tell me about your stage jewelry wardrobe, it also has its own specifics, you also need nothing to cling to your clothes, otherwise it could all end badly, it’s true, for example, i really love earrings, but before i couldn’t live without big rings, here you go like yours, for example, very bright earrings, but because juliana brought them to me today, they’re very cool, thank you, super, thank you, but since i wear special ears, when you put them on, it’s very uncomfortable for others in general anything else,
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accessories on the ears are almost impossible, but it’s inconvenient for me, yeah, but for the stage, in principle , that’s it, at one time i wore... grillz, i didn’t exist without them, what are grillz, well, for jewelry teeth, that is, i had real jewelry with real real diamonds in my teeth, i had them several, i even have them, but they are removable, yes, they are removable tables, and how do orthodontists feel about this, that’s what i did there, that is, conventionally, i made and casts, and they cast me from gold like this, i actually had real gold ones gypsy teeth. as if, wait, but the gold teeth, it was the culture of rappers, when they inserted these gold teeth into themselves, apparently i had seen enough of something and wanted the same, but i had a frame there, just like this, for example very delicate, very feminine, different and it was very bright, when you, for example, sing into a microphone, and
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if like us from such a distance as you and i, then everyone is probably watching, yes, well, it’s a little bit sticky. moment, well, in general, this is a bright accessory that, in principle, attracts attention, by the way, this is an easy life hack for those who, it seems to me, want to, well, attract attention to themselves, make some interesting accessories, gold teeth, for example, it could be just some kind of stone, they also do the same, you can, yes, just like that, whoever has a small one here slit, i have often seen in american singers where there is a small slit, just a small diamond here that is attached to the other side of the jaw, everything is there on the teeth and it is very beautiful. who has shcherbinkovo, well, as one of my friends recently told me with delight about a new guy she met, he had a tattoo inside his lips, i have one too, wow, yes, there is 04 0403, this is the date of birth of my best friend , who lives in st. petersburg, you have everything in numbers, right, this, this, by the way,
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i really like numbers, i also treat them like they treat me, how interesting, i try not to get attached to... numbers, dates, letters and no tattoos, in fact, i always really liked tattoos on other people, but naturally competent, beautiful, sometimes i have thoughts when i have some idea and i want to get this tattoo, because i think that this is also, well, this is a kind of accessory, well, it’s just that accessory, which you cannot change, but that is, you suddenly want, i don’t know, this cat is not here here, and here, or somewhere else, well... i can tell you right away, they tell me this so often, how you don’t get tired of them, how well, you want something else, why did you do this, then a year later i don’t see it, you don’t notice it, it’s like a mole, there ’s some kind of birthmark there, it’s just there and there, it doesn’t get boring, and what trends are the most relevant this year in the twenty
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-fourth, because after all, even jewelry in our time is an investment, it costs the same as jewelry used to cost, that’s what? it has it makes sense to invest in what will last the longest, because it happens that you bought some kind of jewelry and don’t wear it afterwards, but there are some things that you suddenly realize that you haven’t taken them off for a whole year, because they fit into any your image, by the way, this is true, there are some absolutely mediocre purchases, and there is something right through the years with you, now yuliana will explain to you and me, because we, apparently, intuitively buy such things, we accidentally end up, tell me how... really make such conscious purchases so that it fits into your wardrobe. to begin with, i always collect a base, that is, what i will always wear is a couple of rings so that, well, i just have a security ring that i wear on my little finger. does it close the whole thing with a panic button you have, which sends a signal to the remote control? yes, to my husband, but it turns out that all the fingers are covered by the last
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finger - this is the little finger, and i put a ring on it, that’s it, everything is closed, that is, i’m safe, wait, please tell me, that is, let’s say, if i don’t have such a large number of accessories, i can, of course, put it on here, this, this will be in any case, what kind of security ring, well, i call it a finger, well, a security ring, that is, i get, it's like closing a door. you leave the house, lock the door , i leave the house, put on the security ring, that’s it, i feel comfortable, i can’t do this with my forgetfulness, i ’ll forget him, i’ll spend the whole day re-switching, we have reminder rings, rings promises, a lot of things, i need this, a reminder ring, by the way, i also need it, it has a knot, we have many russian brands, they make a small knot, this is a ring of promises or reminders, it’s like they used to always draw a star for themselves here with a pen , so as not to forget something, you can also, by the way, this is a great option for a gift, for example, to a friend or someone you know well, for example, a forgetful person, you know how many such rings olya i will have then, i think that on
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my next birthday everyone will come to me with such a ring, i don’t have so many fingers, and the main thing is to tell everyone different sizes, yeah, yes, so that they fit on different fingers, and also write in the technical specification that there must be a diamond there, otherwise i won’t remember anything, really, this in general, it’s a must, yes, but what other trends are there like this... right now the trend is towards silver lace and they make frames like this out of it , seemingly repeating the shape of the lace, and they make earrings out of it, like this long ring completely also made like lace - some kind of chokers in in the form of lace, bracelets, this is now becoming a trend again, and bows, butterfly bows, let’s talk about vintage, because i have such a significant part in my jewelry collection that occupies vintage, that’s exactly vintage... vintage is more like about individuality, because you will know for sure when putting yourself on, you will
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know exactly what this is, well, practically no one will find it, but it’s about uniqueness, about some kind of memory, also about value, i just don’t have vintage in general, i never i’ve been to all sorts of flea markets, but i dream of going, i like vintage jewelry, for example, there is a great, very amazing brand, this is a lady who makes vintage jewelry, that is, she really takes rock crystal. she cuts it out, makes a drawing inside, fills it with paint and can add a detail from the 16th century, which was taken there from the diadem of some princess, she also makes it on rings, on mala, on such a small piece of rock crystal she cuts out portraits of pets, elderly women , which they come and make it all from diamonds, gold, with different sapphires, so she makes these as if they were vintage, but they just collect everything in italy, they really like collecting there, they really like vintage , she brought them to... now, well, this is very cool, because it still turns out that in jewelry you can, in a piece of jewelry you can
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put a lot more ideas and ideas that will then warm you for a very long time and support some of your ideas and values, not all that gold that glitters we were convinced of this today, watch not lykomshity and the lab podcast on the first website. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. listen now to ukraine and the west, vladimir putin has named everything that is needed not for... frosts for the final end of the conflict. direct hit.


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