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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  June 15, 2024 6:00am-9:46am MSK

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sing a song called love. let's listen to this duet with pleasure. so, dear friends, sergei volchkov, anastasia spiridonova. love. how high my soul flies with you, how easy it is for me to love you, to breathe with you, as if we were born for each other, as... here we
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were all our lives together, i love you so much, a breath of stagnation, with you i’m flying to the ends of the earth , i love you so much, my soul for you, the ocean of my love, how... warm, under the bright sun of your eyes, how bright it is for me, and the whole world around for us, as if you have one soul, as if we...
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alone in the whole universe, i love you so much, breath, but i’m flying with you to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, you have my soul, the ocean of my love, of course. i've been looking for you for a long time, how long i've been waiting for you, i love you so much, breathless , but i'm flying with you to the ends of the earth, i...
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love you so much, breathlessly, i'm flying with you to the ends of the earth, i love you so much , you are my soul, you are the ocean of my love, i love you so much, take a deep breath. gazmanov, today we are co-hosting the melodies of my life podcast, which is dedicated to those...
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artists who shone in the voice project, and it’s with great pleasure that i invite you to admire our charming guest, raisa dmitrienko, you liked taking part in all of this, not too much, it’s nerve-wracking, i wouldn’t have liked it, to be honest, it took me a long time to get ready, i didn’t want to, but i found it one crazy friend who pushed me all the time says: you should be there, you should be there, 2 years...
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and so, in principle, well, i managed to go somewhere with concerts, say, tagan rock, yes, tell me, how else did the voice influence your life, began to be recognized on the streets? the neighbors came up for autographs, i don’t know, these things happened, oh, the neighbors and people around the house recognized everything, yes, yes, they recognized everything in stores , eyes widened everywhere, they said, why didn’t you warn me? rais kondratievna, let's take a look at the screen together with you and live these minutes again in the voice program. i'm no one without you, you took the part, that bounce for my heart, so i must take off you,
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so i will take all of me. bravo, after all, what an amazing thing this is and what an expressive human voice it is fantastic, thank you very much, let's get to know you, what's your name, where are you from? dmitrienko, raisa kandratevna?
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it’s a pleasure in today’s podcast of the melodies of my life, which we dedicated to the project, the voice for you is sung by raisa dmitrenko.
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one b... different ones flash by, my days are still with the same freedom, only the roses fall and the nightingales die, but she is sad. god, love ordered me, and under her satin skin, and under her
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satin skin the sent blood runs. poisoned blood is running, it was amazing, what happened, tell me what song, they said it would be... raisa dmitrenko’s signature song, which one would you choose from the entire world heritage, so to speak, or even in english, i dreamed of singing one piece from the repertoire of gina vaneli, wow, yes , yes, it’s called fly into
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this night, it’s straight up with a jazz spark, because i want to tell you, in the mid-seventies of the last century, here were two names, benson and vaneli. yeah, all the musicians were raving, so to speak, and there was another arrangement, more funky, junky, yes it. the performer did this thing, i fell in love with it and there i had the opportunity to demonstrate everything in all four octaves, and if we take our russian-language repertoire here, that russian-language repertoire, you know, at one time - i was in love with anatoly dneprov, by the way, the bravo group was also one of my favorites, i sang your repertoire in my youth, this is the most favorite song of the bravo group, well, an orange tie.
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thank you, thank you very much, the melodies of my life podcast is on the air, today i, valery syudkin , am hosting it together with radion gazmanov, well experience and skill. do you remember, they used to say that it gives way to youth, enthusiasm, i would even say, beauty, and talent, yes, today we have two charming girls as our guests, they started their journey in the voice children project, and then consolidated their success in the voice project already not children, these are our beauties, ragda khanieva, hello, and elizaveta kochurak, hello, i was relieved by the thought that in front of us now... there is a generation of performers who could potentially take part in all seasons, in all
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different versions of the project voice , no 60 plus it’s too early, no, not yet, now of course yes, 60 plus, and then someone else may become a mentor, yes it happens, anton bilyaev is now a mentor, why not, it would be great, it seems to me that mentors are more worried, than a participant, but this is a big responsibility, it seems to me that it is very difficult, especially at the stage of fights, when you need to make a choice, let us remember together how it was in your case. let’s relive these minutes again, yes, pay attention to the screen, and the road is not long, although it’s hard to walk, there is depth above you, a bright light ahead,
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lisa, ragda, that’s why these songs, about the song the path that i performed in the finale for the children, it was a joint choice with my mentor, pilageya at that time, because the song is very deep, it is quite significant for me, because i was immediately imbued with it, it was even easier in some ways, right? well, to some extent yes, it’s simpler, because you
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misunderstand some points a little, it’s like the second parachute jump is scarier, that’s exactly what i wanted to say, the second one is always scarier, yes, the second time everything was conscious, and it was my decision, right from beginning to end, that well, i want to try this again, the first time my parents said, let’s go, no, no, no, it's always been there. well, we always discuss all the points related to everything there, so the children also spoke loudly , i consulted with my parents, they helped me and always help me. but the voices are no longer children, they seemed to ask me like this, well , do you want, do you want to experience this again , this, this, yes, this, i don’t even know how you need it, how to call it in one word, a spectrum of some emotions, sensations, very different, both joyful and sad, but we will
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continue the profession, i hope the girls continue successfully, they sing all the time.
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years, when they gave me this song, well, for several days i just cried, because i didn’t know how i could convey it, how i could do it, but i love very soviet cinema, to some extent i this helped, because i
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somehow pass each film through myself and... i take something from each hero for myself, before by fulfilling the prayer, i still collected this image, collected all these feelings, sensations, and it seems to me that it turned out a little different, i had a different look, but it still turned out, the second point, yes, i agree with ragda, these are blind auditions, but no longer children, we were all stressed there, everyone was stressed, because... it’s unclear, we went through the whole same procedure, that is , casting, blind auditions, then everything is as it was in the projects before, and how to turn to us, not to turn, i still don’t want to somehow hit the extinguisher with my face, here i am i remember this moment, when we had this waiting room, our fourth season, i dug up somewhere this bumpy tape,
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a large skein, no one had thought about it then, i just had this roll, here i am i go out and just everyone. who participated with me, i handed out these things, says, damn, this is an anti-stress, in the end the editor comes in, invites someone and starts laughing, because we all sit and click this thing, it was very funny, that’s what the song made love you this future of yours the profession that led you to it, what is it like for you? maybe my choice will seem strange, but as a child i listened to a lot of ledzelin and the song baby i'm gonna leave you is not a strange choice, it's a wonderful choice already 80'. turned years old this year, he will probably be very pleased to know that he has a yu, which one? and i ’ve been singing since childhood, and of course, it all started from the family and with my grandmother i loved to sing cossack songs, we sang in two voices, we started it there, and somehow from this i think that
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i went away a little a piece of what that's how it is, let's see my favorite. all the gates, just like in music, our whole entire country, but just now the whole song was just shrinking, everything was biting, very cool, very difficult. i never tire of repeating this, this is a reflection of the traditions of our native culture. in
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the finale of our podcast today, i, as the host, will be pleased to offer you to perform a song with which we wish everyone who participates in the project the voice of 7,000 happy moments. we survived, it’s great that there will be so many future participants and mentors ahead exciting moments, let there be many of them, dear friends, today in the podcast melody of my life, together with radion gazmanov, raisa dmitrenko, sergei volchkov, ragda and anastasia spiredonova, which is also important, we lived together, i’m not afraid of this word, again moments of excitement , inspiration of happiness,
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when the “voice” project brought us all together. let this voice last as long as our dear tv viewers want, that is, forever. therefore, today we wish 7.0 happy moments with this work. after half past one 7 above the ground goldurbin cliff kisna outside the window white clouds lie the night landscape above him the moon flies secret movement in the sky i see endlessly. the birth of your face, you are far from me, the start of another day, but even time
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can’t stop me, fly over the ocean, and disperse the winged fog, clear skies, hug you soon, dear friends, this is the podcast melodies of my life, we hosted it today together with radion gazmanov, well, i am happy to leave you alone with elizaveta and ragda, with our girls, beauties, who will perform a song for you. listen to music, watch the voice project on channel one.
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your footprints are not traced on the sand, where the white bird is in melancholy, where the white bird is in melancholy, circling foamingly, and you, i am only there, where the sound trembles, the edge of the desired pier. and where are your watchful eyes, and where are your watchful eyes, sliding around, intently.
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i am not there, where you are, the hair will not be clouded by the white day, where the pines are from amber tears, where the pines are from amber tears, the morning is caring. i’m only there where you sometimes look at the door with hope and... and like a child with children, and like
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child with children, you are sculpting a snowy woman, i am not there, where is the steamer, the night hummed abruptly, where the vault of the sky is angry, where the vault of the sky understands that without you. you gave birth, i only where i am not, around you, invisible, you know, not a day without you, you know, not a day without you, i can’t live,
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hello, this is a psyche podcast, and we continue to analyze the most difficult situations to look for solutions where it would seem there may no longer be any. each of us has probably experienced this. the unpleasant feeling of wasted time on social networks. our heroine today came to us with exactly this request. marina suffers from addiction to social networks. practicing clinical psychologist olga savkin will try to understand marina’s situation and i hope to give recommendations that will be useful to each of us. so, have you discovered that you are addicted? the thing is, i noticed. that i
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wake up, immediately pick up the phone, fall asleep with the phone, and for a long time i didn’t even think about the fact that this is somehow wrong, that this is something wrong, i’m not sure now, what i can say clearly, i’m sure, i still can’t diagnose myself, i can’t call it an addiction, this should be done by a specially trained person, but i can clearly say that phones and social networks have begun to interfere with my life. everyday life. let’s try to figure out how this happens, can you describe to us your typical day, i wake up, pick up the phone, go to social networks, scroll through the feed and videos, just to quickly, quickly, somehow, i don’t know why, is this happening, that i am like this, to me i need to wash myself, but now, and i go downstairs, sit on the sofa and say, well, now another 5 minutes, and again you take out the phone, that is, yes, i
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continue, i think, now a little more. a little bit, i washed my face, i sit down again, like, now, still, i still want to sleep, and it seems to you that you’re a little relaxed when you scroll through the feed, and the moment is such that of course, when i go to the shower, i i don’t scroll through the feed, thank god, but it’s imperative that i have music playing or some kind of podcast going on, in general, in silence, it’s very difficult for me to stay, that is, as if you envelop yourself with this... some kind of information, yes, yes, that is , it turns out that if i don’t receive information, then i don’t know, i start to feel some kind of anxiety that i won’t be able to do something right now in this life, either i’ll miss something very important, or just what else should i do, at work, how did it all start from there, actually, at first there were small projects, small problems, yes, that is, you seem to if only you could live with all this, not noticing
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that you have a code there. i really want to ask marina, what about you? are you suffering from this or is it a thrill after all, because when you get stuck in the morning, just now a little bit, and your eyes closed, and your body demonstrated this pleasure, what exactly is the suffering, i was thinking about this, by the way, about that am i really suffering, and as if, well, actually not, it’s really pleasure, joy, and so on, but when i understand that this is interfering, that is, i can be more productive, i can
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get high on... or well, somewhere, it’s like, when i’m already there in the process, i get high, returning home, well somehow i even remember, again all the time thinking that damn, i took a picture there and shot it, it would be cool to edit it like this now, like this, and it will collect so much of everything, that is, it’s always it’s like there’s a red line in my life, but i understand that the thrill from some deeper things than just all these clickable things is... longer lasting, and it’s really somehow, well, i don’t know, you can touch it, but uh, the easiest and fastest way, for me, if i’m stressed or there, well, i don’t know, yes always, if i feel good if i’m sad, if i’m happy, that is, it’s always social networks,
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marina, please tell me, what’s the problem that’s interfering, if you imagine for a second that it’s no longer there, it’s just not there anymore, but what then life will happen, well, i don’t know, the first thing that comes to my mind... is that i’m outside the information field, i won’t be able to find out anything about my, for example, the same acquaintances, i’ll somehow be outside trends, i don’t recognize them, i won’t catch them, but if we assume that everything remains as it is, you came to the show today, you’re great spent time, you received some new - joyful hormonal reinforcement, posted a lot of stories from here at once. well, of course, well, that’s it, all the needs have been closed, in our modern times, and nothing happens anymore, and what will happen then if you don’t solve this problem, what will happen to life next? most likely, it will just be very monotonous,
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always, that is, i, in general, if you remember, well, the past week, the past two or three weeks, the morning and evening definitely always begin and end the same, in fact.
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maybe it will become a little different, let's explain to our viewers why this is important, and to marina too, why we need to speak, translate this reflection, say it directly with our mouths, this is me, my position always helps us take ownership of our lives, in general - because if we speak in the third person, or we talk about someone, this is a kind of disconnection from ourselves, which naturally does not cause us an emotional reaction that gives us the very solution that we need. accept or that same insight, yes, that is, it as if it’s not about me, i ’m aloof to someone, maybe even as an intelligent, well-mannered person, i sympathize, i empathize, but this is not with me, this is probably a short version of the answer to the question, what will happen to your life, if everything
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remains the same, only from my position, i will screw it up, firstly, mediocrely, yes, everything will pass by, and absolutely, well, in fact, i will feel... unhappy and 100% i will think about what the hell, why, well, just sometimes, well, somehow, if you remember, there were literally events there for 3 years in a row you spent on something, i spent, i spent on something, that now i’m sitting here, thinking, why and i don’t want to, well, there are social networks, if i understand that i’m in about the same story, like 3 years ago, why do i need this, if in the end i then... i don’t know how long, but i will look back and say, well, how was it possible, when the weather was so beautiful until 2:00 on a day off, scroll through the feed, if i could go out for a walk, everything is fine with you,
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please go, have fun and all that, but still i’m like, well, yes, now, now still a little bit, this one just a little bit more, just a little bit more, and i just don’t want the moment to come when... this little bit is already over, and i’m left like this in this position, yeah, what's the worst thing to miss? from morning to evening there is realization, i wake up in the morning, take the phone and think, i must not miss something, but at the same time i am afraid of the same thing at the end of my life, i heard correctly, perhaps, but there is a nuance when, well, here is my profession, yes, that is, i communicate with people and promote something like times through social networks for them, that is, either. businesses or personal brands and so on , and when i do this for them, i fully
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invest myself with great pleasure, tracking for them exactly all those trends that i am so afraid of missing, but there is a moment that i there is such a desire to do this with myself, and with my own, just to realize myself through these very social networks and the manifestation of some kind of through them, but myself every time i... it’s very strong there, but some kind of thing happens that
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such a stupor that i turn here, like, well , now, time flies by very quickly, that is , i don’t even notice that an hour and a half or two hours can pass there, let’s ask olga about this, from the point of view of physiology or neurophysiology, what happens to marina, and to each of us, who are stuck on the series on small videos, on some tape, because it feels like we are not quite in this situation ... tannin is the hormone of joy. dopamine was once
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given to us evolutionarily so that we could focus, collect our body, express some kind of reaction and got yourself, well, at least food or water, yes, you had fun, remember when you are thirsty, when you drink, what are you, what are you doing at this moment, yes, oh, how good, this is it well, that ’s good, this is actually dopamine addiction, because... uh, we’re very quickly at the expense of, if we’re talking about physiology, due to bright pictures, due to the rapid change of some information, very superficial , however, it is necessary to mention this, because everything that you and i quickly leaf through is embedded only in short-term memory, in the long-term there is nothing left of the word zero, that is, you and i, after 7 days in a row sitting in some kind of tapes, we cannot...
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begin to treat it, but i assume that diseases and we are not for now, our official forecasts in this sense are quite positive; soon we will have something to do. this is a psyche podcast, and today psychologist
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olga savkin and i are helping to understand the problem of addiction to social networks. see what this all reminds me of? this reminds me of an eating disorder well, tell me it looks like, but you can’t, i know from myself, but like many girls, yes, especially during periods of some stress, excitement, of course, i start to bite, stutter and not adhere to any regime, yes, and you get , when you go to the refrigerator for something. hop, and there is something tasty and you get this short-term injection of joy, you seem to be consoled, yes, you consoled yourself with this forbidden piece, the most interesting thing is that the more. you think that i should lead a healthy lifestyle, i shouldn’t bite, i don’t you have to eat what you don’t need to eat, the sweeter is the pleasure that you get from the braided fruit, it turns out that it’s the same here, no matter how much marina says to herself that her life is passing, that half a day has flown by for her instead of the park or
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exhibitions, anyway, this shameful pleasure doesn’t just remain, it probably gives more and more... yes, there you can very well, logically spin from our examples, which we clearly see, well, that is, you mean , that a person understands what he is leading to, so he can, he can stop, because he understands where this is leading, yes, but that is, more than that, what can be touched, of course, naturally, well, that is, i have a neighbor valentina petrovna, she ate
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a lot, so this happened to her, here’s a real example, but what will happen to us if we don’t get out of social networks, or an alcoholic is afraid, yes... of drinking himself to hell, for example, he’s afraid, yes, or of freezing there in the snow, in a snowdrift, well, at least some horror stories, but here we get no horror stories in particular, we even get this moment waste your life, you still can’t, well, viktor frankl is crying somewhere , yes, who would be very useful now in this search for the meaning of life, yes, but in general this worries you very speculatively, yeah, but here i have already noticed in this conversation that there is absolutely. there is a certain point that i would like to talk about, i don’t want to present clients, but myself, that’s right, i heard, yeah, that is, it’s about self-presentation, yeah, why do we need to present ourselves in a modern way, so that they recognize me, to see love, this is what everyone is looking for, alcoholics, people
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who suffer from chemical addiction, these are actually all behavioral addictions, we are going where it was once lacking, and now i am trying to compensate for it in some very quick, convenient way, and it will be an illusion of recognition, i’m talking specifically about my own manifestation in society, but i have my own goals, ambitions, and this has been since childhood, when there were no likes, comments, etc. it was, now that i understand, for what do i need to do certain actions specifically for myself, and not for the client, i’m exactly lacking... regularity, consistency, constancy, in general, the point is how to delimit the moment, i’m confused about where this one is lack of love, and where we look only with likes, and where exactly is the moment of this realization, how you see it, well, how you want to see yourself there, conditionally after some years,
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is this also connected with what - it’s dislike, or maybe there’s some kind of practicality, and that’s what you want...
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what am i doing, uh-huh, i’m not washing the dishes again, this is what we are used to telling ourselves in terms of not what i’m not doing, but what i’m doing at this moment. i look at social networks, uh-huh, what am i doing, what am i doing, and this question can be repeated so many times when we do not
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come to a final understanding of what i am doing now, this is a very interesting chain, in fact, it turns out to be very deep, so in the end, when we got this answer, you can ask yourself the question, right now am i wasting my life or not, yeah, yeah, this, but she must want to ask herself. the question is already at this moment, when she is absorbed, for example, in short videos, of course, naturally, how to do this, write to yourself i don’t know, a piece of paper so that you wake up in the morning and you see it, of course, in fact, if we knew now the final target picture, where i really want to come, well, or not i want to come, but marin, you want to come, yes, it would be easier to plot a route, naturally, like a gps point, which we set as the final one or we land. taxi we say: please take me to to such and such an address, if we don’t tell the taxi driver the address, he will drive us around in circles,
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making money from us, yeah, in the end we ’ll just lose a lot of time, we’ll never get to the final point, because we didn’t name it, therefore, if we know exactly our gps point, we can build a route there, how far this point should be, this point should be, today, today, for example, i look at social networks. years go back go back, what do i want to get 10 years ago, and 10 more years
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ago, and another 10, so five times, yeah, yes, what do i want, where do i want to be, at what route, intermediate point do i want to stand, then, for example, you and i took 50 years, yes, we rebuilt several decades ago, then every 10 years we build even smaller steps. yes, that is, for each year, what do i want to achieve here, what do i want to achieve here, and then we get to the day, and what do i want to come to this point to do today, and what do i want, i want to wake up in the morning and be without for exactly 60 minutes phone, yeah, and if without a phone, then it’s like, what do i want to be with then or with whom, i’m now a pain in the eye. there is an answer, because i once practiced these morning
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rituals, it brought me great pleasure and resources, and i really left the house with the idea that i was about to move mountains, the world, and well, again , it was always fifteen minutes meditation, but when i specifically set out to practice these morning rituals, to dedicate specifically to myself, i recorded the screen, woke up, my phone was in sleep mode, i didn’t use it i cleaned until this happened, that is, in fact, i turned on the video screen recording, the meditation plays, that is, these 15 minutes are just me, this voice and my well, space, then beauty rituals - these are some very basic exercises, very some kind of basic care, well, it would seem so, i’m even talking about it now, i want to ask. question for you: why aren’t we doing this now, what happened? and who are we? oh, it was cool now, we, we - who is this? and we, i don’t know, i always say that, yes, yes, yes, but
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how many of you are there, there are many of us, as we see, well great, it just might be that there’s some role, she’s the leading one, so who are we? i don’t know, it’s really difficult, i was discouraged, well, that is, as i understand it, there is a marina who is limply stuck in this endless stream of videos, yes, but there is one that is successful. and this answer - by the way, today - and well , excuse me for the background, but this is important, in general - while i was on the train back in st. petersburg, i was talking with my dad, and i explained the situation to him, that i’m now on my way to filming, it’s very interesting to me and i want to, but i need 2 days, conditionally skip work, and i was so worried, that ’s how it is, how could i...
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well, as long as you can, we’ve already talked about this 100 times, you can allow yourself to do whatever you want, well, somehow, what you ’re a great dad, yes, but we really had a situation there, again connected with this super-dependent person, where we really rallied and started discussing all this, that is, they support me very much, and i tell him: you know, here’s me a metaphor just came and this is the answer to your question, i say, you know, i have a feeling that there is adult marina. and there is little marina and little marina, this is where she does some kind of nonsense all the time and sometimes the adults wake up and say, calm down, that’s enough, that is, roughly speaking, she takes her by the hand, even she doesn’t slap her on the head, by the way, it’s interesting, that is, she doesn’t hit her or scold her exactly like everything is fine let's go this is if we are talking about we then most likely this is the answer yes i understand correctly that this
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is what they usually teach clients yes yes. and marina herself is like this technique, yes, when i’m there i’m an adult, i’m a child, and some special relationships are built there to solve various problems, and it turns out that you yourself called for this before, and this morning, this is the first time i have such a great mental state, in fact , when i’m preparing for a meeting with a psychologist, i’m already starting to come to certain insights, solutions, and the explanation, this is a psychic podcast, that’s it? please watch the episode of our podcast on the website of the first channel olga suggested that you imagine yourself at a certain peak point. that's when you've reached some kind of maximum or happiness, or some kind of success, or some kind of mission accomplished, but can you just fantasize with us right now and imagine what it will be like? i don’t know how to explain it or with what, that’s just what comes
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to mind. i feel freedom, i feel some kind of moment. phew, uh-huh, hurray, i did it, i got there, that’s it, well, finally, wow, and it’s not in that sense, finally i ’ve been embroidering this for so long, just like that, by the way, as if you even helped me find the answer to the question, why do i need a hut? what did we start with, where did we start, and why should i get rid of social networks, it’s as if i have the answers right now, i really like it, but can you describe exactly what it is? here you are standing on this stage, i practically even saw the color of the clothes, i really want to check, but do you know what fashion will be like in 30 years, or what? no, i can imagine, just based on the expectations that are broadcast on social networks, yeah, what kind of scene are you in there? so, well, first of all, i have a healthy weight, but super, yes, i have a different weight hair color, it is light and seems to be closer to
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mine, but not directly. mine, but there, closer there, so, so, uh, well, my hair is still long, about the clothes, by the way, i can’t imagine exactly the style and so on, it’s definitely not red, yeah, that’s for sure , well, what are you, i look expensive, i ’m proud of myself, i’m grateful to myself that 30 years ago, yes, i’m grateful to myself that 30 years ago i pulled myself together , mm... well, how can i say, that i now control my life, control my presence in the social field, in social networks, and even right next to me now, today we somehow got to the bottom of it, that i now have exactly this food food right next to me, how to properly control eating behavior and social networks, they’re not even parallel, they’re just like that they walk together, because if we talk now
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and i dream, then it turns out. then , first of all, i am grateful that i learned to control and dose social networks, and as if for some reason it emerges from this in my head that i got rid of - well, dependence on food there and i don’t have this , counting calories and scolding myself for something there and that i get better just by breathing on some bread. marina, i really ask you to remember when you... give this speech, don’t forget that you came to the podcast lab, to the psyche podcast, i promise, both olga savkin and i am journalist natalya losyeva, you can help yourself reduce your dependence on social networks, first, try to turn off notifications, then you need to set a time limit for yourself, strive for it, it may not be possible right away, but
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nevertheless, the cruel measure is mine. delete the social networking application, that is, only on the computer, when you get to the computer and sit down, i understand that this is a pain, but nevertheless, come up with your own system. rewards, well, for example, an exhibition or a ticket to some concert or a new dress, well , something like that, i think that each person, perhaps, has his own reward system, you just need to think about it. a few more tips: never carry a mobile phone, do not take it into the bathroom with you in the toilet room, these are psychologists they advise, they draw conclusions, apparently based on some. uh, in general, studied situations, find someone who will support you , a partner, a friend, a girlfriend, a sister, a brother, a husband, a mother, who suffers from the same addiction, because together, three of you
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will make it easier, spend every week like this self-reflection, how did it work, and in order to understand, even if just a little, but i have progressed, how do you like such advice, colleagues, well, excellent advice,
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i answered this question to myself just a few minutes ago, i already thought o that i’m going home today, to the hotel, and usually when i go i do this, and today i realized that i have my big bag that i arrived with, i ’ll put my phone number there, i’ll get in a taxi and i’ll go like this, great plan, friends, and i wish all of us, let’s at least start with this, that today, when or tomorrow morning... when we get ready for work or maybe in the afternoon, well, in general, in for the next trip, we will hide the phone at the very bottom of our bags or in the most secret pocket, jacket or
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jacket, let's try to live for a few minutes first of withdrawal, and then i am confidently enjoying the fact that life is not passing by, definitely not on the phone. it was a psychic podcast. this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, in case of refusal to accept moscow’s peace proposal to resolve the ukrainian conflict, the western kiev authorities will bear full responsibility for...
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world security. if the west and kiev refuse this peace proposal, then the political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed will be theirs. previously at an extended meeting with the leadership of the russian foreign ministry, vladimir putin formulated the terms of a new peace proposal for ukraine, the goal of which is not to freeze the conflict, but to end it.
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and they will also officially notify us of the abandonment of plans to join nato; on our part , immediately, literally at the same minute , an order will follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. i repeat, we will do this immediately, of course, and at the same time we will guarantee the unhindered and safe withdrawal of ukrainian units and formations. as for the un security council, at which he spoke vasily nebenze, then it was convened at the request of moscow in the world. the decision of western countries to
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strike russian territory with their weapons, the severity of this issue is once again emphasized by the statement made by the british minister of defense grand chaps. on his page on the social network, he spoke out against restrictions on ukraine in the use of weapons transferred to it. even earlier, reuters published a report saying that british foreign secretary david cameron, during a visit to kiev, said that ukraine has the right to strike russian territory with british weapons. these are the same words of cameran. confirmed later by bloomberg. it is clear that, in essence, these permissions were given to ourselves, since, for example, launching the same british long-range storm shadow missiles is simply impossible without the participation of western specialists. now the situation is in the special operation zone, the crew of the geatsent b gun of the dnepr group of troops destroyed the american-made m-777 apu howitzer in the zaporozhye region, the artillery duel was brief, three sighting shells and the fourth is right on target. worked in conjunction with
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unmanned reconnaissance operators, they adjusted the fire, confirmed the hit, the crew of the d-30 howitzer distinguished itself in the donetsk direction, it managed to destroy a fortified enemy stronghold, hit with high-explosive fragmentation ammunition, everything took no more than 5 minutes, gun, personnel the armed forces of ukraine, which is doing the rotation, at this time we try to quickly and accurately work out the... our reconnaissance detects this, reports to our command, gives coordinates, we receive the coordinates and open fire on defeat. the number of deaths in the collapse of the entrance to a residential building in shebekino, belgorod region, has increased to five, the regional governor vyacheslav glotkov announced. the woman died in the hospital. doctors are now fighting for the lives of the remaining victims. on a five-story building as a result of a strike by ukrainian terrorists with a tactical missile. 20 apartments were damaged. the militants fired arrows the
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day before from the direction of volchansk, kharkov region. search and rescue operations at the emergency site lasted almost a day. they are now completed. six were saved. they were trapped on the top floor. they were promptly evacuated using a ladder truck. another confession of a ukrainian prisoner, who, during interrogation, told how everything worked in the ranks of his army. the bosses send their subordinates, probably to death, into the thick of things. and for those who resist, according to the stories of a ukrainian armed forces serviceman. hryvnia, approximately 250 dollars, which must be paid each time in order not to go to combat positions, but only a bribe can save lives, there are huge losses in units, if there should be 500 in the battalion the person in the position leaves about 100 of them, the rest are just sitting at headquarters, struggling like this, and the same guys are getting money, dying, and they are in ruins, even... there are those who, in general,
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are probably from kiev, even haven't come here yet, it's written down in the section. ukrainians are fleeing mobilization in entire villages. the statistics were provided by the representative of the border service, andrey demchenko. and these escapes, according to the official, are becoming more and more daring. this week alone , 40 people were caught at one time in the odessa region. ludolov in ukraine are increasingly being resisted. here is a raid on the village of sarata, near the border with moldova. the footage laid out the obvious.
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local residents did not dare to intervene when the patrol arrived; the captured man heroically fought back alone until he was pinned down. here’s another video of a young guy being dragged into a car by representatives of the shopping mall. residents respond by setting fire to minibuses, which they consider to belong to military registration and enlistment offices. and, as local public pages write, even schoolchildren take part in this. for them, being sent to the front at the age of 18 becomes a real threat. such projects, according to information from knowledgeable sources, are already being prepared in ukraine. and that's it for now. that's it, mm, good morning, hello, hello everyone, everyone who is celebrating the weekend with the first channel, on the calendar june 15, saturday, what a wonderful summer day that we are celebrating together, with great pleasure, this is timur soloviev. weekends always fly by, yes, so please, let 's not waste a minute of this beautiful saturday morning, we'll walk through the most beautiful wilderness of our country, we'll find out is it possible to save money on air tickets at the height of the holiday season? it’s probably possible, yes,
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yes, if so, then let’s go on a raid with employees of the state inspection for small vessels, abbreviated gims, ask the wind to fill our glasses. from the sail, this is how we can save money, the wind can help us, let’s collect the first chanterelles and, of course, we’ll prepare something tasty from them, and most importantly healthy, but of course, that’s not all that awaits us today, we start according to tradition with warm-ups, russian champion in oriental dancing, wow, olga miroshnikova is already turning on the music, let's go, good morning, i've been belly dancing for 17 years, this is great. a way to maintain a slim figure: in an hour of exercise you can lose up to 500 kilocalories. if you don’t like dancing and want to lose those extra pounds, take up gymnastics. feet together, take a wide step to the right, squat deeply. we tilt our body as if we were crawling under
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a fence. we don’t round our back, we keep it straight. it will be more convenient to do this if you move your pelvis back a little. pull your left leg towards right, we rise. and we continue, let’s slightly complicate the movement, while lifting we kick to the side, move with a comfortable amplitude so as not to lose balance,
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it’s so windy, you know, the wind knows where to look for me, that’s how i would say, even he even knows where look for clouds, but not only clouds are driven by the wind, in general, why do we drive the wind now, it’s the wind in our heads, because it’s morning, today is world wind day, we congratulate you, congratulate you, right now dmitry kuzmin invites us to fill the wind blows our sails and get to know it better, the footage is not for the faint of heart. window washers were blown from the 51st floor in china and no one was hurt. the strongest wind on the planet has a racing car speed of 407 km/h, 113 m/s. where does such power come from? from the point of view of meteorologists, everything is simple. wind is the movement of air relative to the earth's surface, from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure. point twelve
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on the bafforth scale is a hurricane. 32.7 m/second or more. in our climate, in moscow, the moscow region, there have never been hurricanes. if you think about it, the wind is a huge force. the romance of great discoveries is still alive in us ; sailors are still taught to sail on sailing ships such as the legendary barque of the seeds. nikola is equipped with a motor, he does not deny himself to us on a sailing trip, an incomparable pleasure, even if you crossed the atlantic ocean three times, in the indian one miraculously survived a hurricane, like those that do not stop in the roaring forties, the terrible latitudes of the southern hemisphere , it blew at 70,
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80 knots, well, this is on the beaufort scale, this is already a hurricane, a hurricane of the first category, gusts wind put the boat on board, the mast went under the water and the boat went down with... we made friends with the wind long ago on land, flour mills almost disappeared from the usual landscape, wheeled carts under sail and even a railcar, who remembers, back in 1930 the soviet union was the leader in conquering the wind, the first station in... supply interruptions put windmills on their sites, like sergei. 3 kw literally out of thin air. from 3 m/s
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it begins to rotate, depending on the increase in wind, its power generation capacity increases. the accumulated energy is enough for a day to power all electrical appliances in the house, even in style. dmitry kuzmin, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. a talented designer will make clothes from apple peels. this is an innovative material. our brand is the only one in russia that uses this apple leather. synthetic felt, we took it and made a collection out of it. recycled raw materials are used in its production. these are plastic bottles that are lying around everywhere. recycled plastic, for example, this is the product i’m wearing. on on board our electric car is the most modern one.
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rom castro - product of stellar group, pechora vodka, product of stellar group, vodka. veda: a product of stellor group. old barrel cognac is a product of stellor group. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. i don’t need another fate, as long as the day begins and ends with you. 61 years together. another completely magical story is opening up before us. we will create miracles. we already have a tree here, we have wallpaper here, very lively and very delicate,
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there will be such a pink kitchen, as it is called antique rose, pink antique, the place has become many times larger than it was, the space is so breathable and thanks also, of course, to the ceiling, because this bleached stain lay on it, and it’s like fog, about comfort, the premiere is today. at the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, the summer series of games, the final tomorrow after the program time, this is how it happens in life, you go to work, you don’t suspect anything, then? bam you understand, i need to go on vacation, i have you know, how does this first sign happen,
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you want to cry all the time, that means you need to go on vacation, it’s very similar, brush your teeth and somehow it hits you, at the height of the holiday season, many people understand this, and right away, that it’s time to roll in, the price of air tickets is going through the roof, but as practice shows, the cost of air tickets can account for almost half of the entire vacation budget, by the way, and is it possible to somehow save on this, i think it’s necessary now. what we'll do, it's high season, we haven't bought plane tickets for vacation, prices, softly speaking, they bite, but there are still options to save money. just recently, two large russian airlines had a sale, about 50% discount. to avoid missing out on promotions, advises tourism expert mikhail lozanov, subscribe to the airlines’ social networks, this is the first thing. secondly, we always look at tickets in incognito mode. we're being watched. yes, so you can say, big brother, yes, all airline aggregators have a robot on their websites that tracks your
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search queries, there are a lot of queries, the price may increase for you, i am interested in two directions: novosibirsk - there are relatives and sochi - there is the sea. tickets for four, round trip. on weekends, holidays during children's holidays, the first and last day to fly is much more expensive, daytime flights always cost more than early in the morning, late at night, i choose the most profitable one. dates time: novosibirs 79,000 rub. sochi - 107 without luggage. by the way, in my case it’s cheaper to pay for it additionally. we only have two suitcases between the four of us, but today is thursday. mikhail advises not to rush. to book tickets from monday to wednesday. i'll keep an eye on prices throughout the week. what other options are there to avoid overpaying? often , in destinations where there are charter flights or block seats purchased by the tour operator in advance, it is more profitable to simply buy a package tour. with the hotel conditionally two stars, without meals. this mainly applies to trips abroad. you can save money in
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countries where there is a so-called low season. in russia, subsidized air tickets will help you do this. popular routes, this year there are 270 of them on the list from the federal air transport agency, some tickets for everyone, some only for beneficiaries, 7.5 for one and 7.5 for the other, for a pensioner the amount is escalating - says anatoly ivanovich, this is the second time he will fly from the primorsky territory to moscow to visit his daughter and grandchildren. i continue to monitor tickets, today is saturday, according to experts, they should be the most expensive, we are checking. moscow-sochi for four, round trip 114. rub. let me remind you that on thursday the amount was 107,000, novosibirsk unchanged. by the way, i also subscribed to two channels where they sometimes post tickets at competitive prices. but, as a rule, these are last-minute tours, they are not suitable for me, and there are no promotions yet. it's 2:00 a.m. tuesday and i'm still hunting for tickets. sochi - 99. rub. novosibirs has neighboring dates,
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a little cheaper. well, are you going to work? natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov. first channel. on the calendar is saturday june 15th, you know what in the old days girls did on this day, they weaved wines and gave them to young people they liked, in this way, without words, they simply spoke with their actions in their feelings, i judge today that yes, judging by the fact that i’m without wine, there’s no talk of sympathy, but right now let’s find out what the stars and astrological forecast tell us, both of these days are generally excellent, guys. cheerful, generous, good-natured, cheerful, they know how to enjoy life, both are not averse to eating delicious food, although you can’t call them particularly gourmets, but they know a lot about simple healthy food, they both love when there is coziness and beauty around them, so if you need to decorate house, to repair or update something, this is for them, they are also very campaigning, they love all kinds of parties, going on a visit can take everyone out into
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nature or even on some kind of trip, pay attention here, before you get behind the wheel, check if everything is in order... how much fuel is in the tank, pump up the stingray, but be careful on the way , and on such days we do not spare money for any pleasure and entertainment, because of this, aries run the risk of seriously spending money, and they themselves will not regret it, but family members may not understand, please be selective in making new acquaintances, tomorrow evening may come guests. these days taurus are active, energetic, what won’t they take on, everything works out if you also somehow encourage your loved ones to do their homework? and in general, you can move mountains, and tomorrow is a great day for shopping. the twins have a normal summer weekend, however, it may turn out to be a little confusing, perhaps some mistakes, misunderstandings, the effect of a broken phone, but the stars warned you, the twins ladies’ advice has faded personally for you. gossip, rumors, zero attention. cancers will have the opportunity to figure something out, decide
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some problem, there may be some loss. a falling out with one of your relatives is not excluded, or maybe you are just too... nagging your friend, a good weekend for leos, when everything is generally going well, however, an obstacle may arise in some matter or something will go wrong, but this is nonsense, next week everything will work out, be careful with fire, the virgins will be able to resolve an issue that is important to them in an informal setting, there will be a chance to bring some kind of relationship from the category of business to friendship, whether you need to decide this yourself, but something entertaining is also in store for you, libra will have to work around the house, maybe fix something or send it in for repairs, this weekend is very good to agree on something with someone, win someone over to your side, and take care wallet, smartphone and documents. the luminaries advise scorpios to have at least one day off and free them from all sorts of busy plans and be thoroughly lazy, only if you decide to go for a swim, swim where you should and don’t get carried away with alcohol.
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sagittarians are in the spotlight these days, they are invited somewhere, people want to communicate with them, it may even get a little tiring, what should i do? what others have messed up, be careful with food , some messes, finish or correct in unfamiliar establishments. aquarians can mislead you or provide you with unverified information, so don’t rush to believe everyone. the lady's aquarius reflected the hint. these days are very good for cosmetic or anti-aging days. pisces can be slightly spoiled by some overlaps and inconsistencies, but just never mind, these are all little things, as compensation you will have a meeting with some interesting people, good news, and be careful on the roads, good luck to you. we remind you that today is saturday, it is june 15, and today the state
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inspectorate for small vessels celebrates its birthday, you understand, we congratulate all gims employees on the holiday, we speak with... thank you for the fact that they have been maintaining order and safety on the rivers for 40 years and reservoirs. many gims employees will celebrate their holiday at their workplace today, so you hear beautiful music coming from there. savings from the river bank, this is them, we take them from all congratulations to all souls, morning in stroginsky bay, the first vacationer is already on the water, inspector alexander kozhurov enters the raid, your workplace is beautiful, i’ll tell you, yes, undoubtedly, every time they are surprised, admiring their workplace, people envy that the most beautiful sunsets , undeniable sunsets and sunrises, where does it begin? a working day, well , our working day begins, like ordinary people, with coffee, and then , accordingly, patrols are carried out on water bodies, the task is to ensure safety,
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first of all to check that everything is in life jackets, according to statistics , in 90% of cases they save you in a crash, where are your life jackets, they didn’t give you, who didn’t give you, over there where you got this boat, behind the forest, somewhere there, i understand that it’s hot, but ... the safety rules for me are not tied, well, if you are tied, then this is understandable, but you can still capsize, suddenly you don’t know how to swim, how do we know, so far there is only a warning, violators understand and cope with one word. the second danger is entering the shipping lane. but aren’t you afraid that boats are passing by, it’s dangerous, well, we adequate people, you think that you will have time to sail, with such explanatory conversation. you still have to be a psychologist, on the one hand. because you come across different people on the water, you need to find a common language with them, and come to an agreement so that he understands, convey that information, we do everything, let’s say, for the benefit
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of people, so that they feel as comfortable as possible at sea, here a simple warning won’t do the trick, not only is access to the shipping channel also towing a skier, for violating the regional navigation conditions, paragraph 164 from 5 to 10,000 rubles. and if your friend doesn’t present it now, at least two life preservers. the driver has his own excuse, he succumbed to temptation, couldn’t resist, decided to please the woman, alexander is just passing his license, i’m sure he learned all the rules by heart, not a single woman will lead astray, let’s check, 17 points, three acceptable mistakes, the fourth is out, well, how are you doing, well, young man, alexander sergeevich, he passed the test, he passed, i believed in you, let’s give five, there were some mistakes, right?
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“it’s like i’ve been to a warm place, ” he says, after two cups of elderberry tea, not “it’s tricky to visit warm places,” his
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mother answers. viktor pastukhov probably also drank a magic drink in childhood, and since then he always starts hunting for elderberry flowers in june. here is our elderberry, it is collected only in linen bags; by the way, his mother sewed them for him. if we had wrapped it, for example, it would have started to rot and we would not have gotten that fresh aroma, so it is very important to hunt not only for the product, but also to transport it correctly, deliver it to the kitchen and cook it fresh, so straight let's go to the kitchen, we'll check that now, by plane from kaliningrad to a dacha near moscow, hello, hello, well, our bead has arrived from kaliningrad, can i smell it? oh, what a wonderful smell, it looks so beautiful, such flowers, viktor made kvass straight from elder flowers, the recipe is very simple, well, zazozh, zazozh, very tasty,
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very, very sour, no sourness at all, just for this amazing, add lemon, i would never have thought that this was kvass, guys, this is something with something, well, for this kvass, i also have an answer, season the finds were new potatoes and chanterelles, great, what a waste in june without a fragrant harvest, victor even brought pink salt for him, i took rose petals. fragrant, growing on the shores of the baltic sea and sea salt, i mix it together, i like its color, aroma, amazing color aroma, great, you and i combined the forest and the sea, yes, it’s time to explain what kind of profession our hero has, he is a gastronomic scout, an expert on regional products, knows a lot about the gastronomic hits of any city in russia, can create a healthy lunch, but literally
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from everything that grows under... so, our today's hero victor, he is also a gastroscout, gastrodetective and gastrohound. victor, tell us after moscow, where will you go next and what will you look for? in the summer i go north in search of new combinations, it is seaweed that interests me, and there is a huge amount of berries, cloudberries, shikshe, i will look for combinations of tundra, sea, and today victor was inspired by ordinary onions.
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zosh, in the summer, just have time to try what nature provides. our program, you won’t believe it, continues, on the calendar june 15th is saturday, gardeners gardeners. of course, this morning is greeted at the dacha, and those who are not there yet are probably going there to visit them, to the gardeners, because that’s what it is, it’s prestigious. by the way, there are greenhouse beds there. planting seeds, seedlings, seedlings is half the battle, after all. this all needs to be taken care of, now oksana stankevich will talk about the basic rules of watering that will help the crop become healthy, useful, and rich. the right polyp is the secret of a good vegetable harvest. it would seem that there is nothing complicated here: turn on the hose, water the plant and you’re done, but
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you can’t just water them with a hose... and you can’t. remember, cucumbers are tropical plants, so they love warm water, not lower than 25°. and in the hose from the well, it is icy. if you treat cucumbers like this, they will experience a shock, drop their ovaries and produce a smaller harvest. therefore, we do this: pour water into a barrel and leave it in the sun. it will warm up during the day and by the evening it will be ideal for watering. another important rule: cucumbers are excellent water drinkers, so you need to water them daily. we give each plant a palette at the root, and then spray it on the leaf. everything with tomatoes on the contrary, they do not tolerate sprinkling if
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there are leaves. they will be wet and they may get sick, so in the greenhouse i separated the two crops with a partition, frequent watering of tomatoes is also contraindicated, they drink rarely, but a lot, i always wait for the soil to dry out properly, and then i pour 3-4 liters under the bush. in order to use water economically exactly for its intended purpose, let's use... a trick: i cut off the top and bottom of an old canister and got this blank, i divide it into three parts, use a screwdriver to make a hole in each part, now i'll show you why all this is necessary, i put the container on the bush, bury it in the ground, it turns out to be a limiter for the hole, now the water won’t spread out when watering, but will go
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right under the bush, we thread a rope through the hole and tie up the tomato, on the plastic itself you can write the name of the variety so as not to forget, it’s convenient and practical, not a drop past. as for the beds in the open ground, there are also little tricks here. we water all types of greens, cabbage and zucchini often, otherwise there will be no harvest. tomatoes and carrots not every day as the soil dries out. and onions and garlic even less often, once a week will be enough. i foresee that many will say that we, city residents, come to the dacha only on weekends. we don’t have time to water the garden often, i understand, i’m like that myself, and automatic drip irrigation was invented for us, we’ll start installing it in a week. retro is proof that fashion moves in
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a spiral, retro is always in trend, by the way, julia: there are more and more people who love old, touching things with history, and appreciate them, search for them, collect them and surround themselves with them, well apparently there is yes in this, for example, in this. guests just come, and he, choose what you will drink tea from, and especially for retro dishes, the retro sideboard is not from grandma from the private classifieds site 5,000, delivery
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was more expensive than this gray, if you have the same one, congratulations, it’s no longer old, vintage, i still remember it very well, you open it and go through all these porcelain cups, saucers, plates, naturally they drove around. but nevertheless, in the case of not isolated cases, the demand for soviet furniture, dishes and appliances increased by 12% over the year, here is the second reason, maybe we tired of minimalism and cold, impersonal interiors? i think it’s great when the interior is complemented by something that has some kind of history, when not all interior items are completely new, well, here’s a little bit of a picture you get, designer yulia bykova, while going through old things, found a record player at her parents’ house and repaired it for the living room listens to records on vinyl, his parents are delighted, we are also pleased, and what content for social networks is also unusual, such a retro style, a cozy family atmosphere, playing from records, music, you also catch the third reason,
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it falls into the trend of conscious consumption, if you can not buy new things, restore old ones, i really want to add here such an old soviet chair with such wooden armrests, a little bit... useful, this is the main thing the principle that designer olga nikicheva follows, right now, under her leadership, we will build a stylish organizer for all sorts of little things, you definitely don’t have that, and you don’t even have little things, you’re big, okay, yes, you’ll definitely need plastic bottles, but
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you won’t need money, that’s great, dear friends, today we’ll make a practical , original organizer for storing all sorts of little things, literally from what you find at home, and these are three plastic ones: bottles that you’ve been meaning to throw away for a long time, scraps of cotton, rustic braid, the most ordinary wooden rulers, napkins from grandma's chest, everything is very simple, we cut off the bottom of the bottles, and now we prepare the design for our organizer, in four rulers we make a hole with a drill, at the same distance, we also make a hole on four sides on
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plastic blanks, about a centimeter from the edge, and now we take on the decor of the elements of our organizer, lay out the rulers on... the fabric at a short distance, glue them, oops, cut off the excess, fold the fabric and glue it, the rulers turned into stands for our organizer, we covered the plastic blanks with fabric, applied glue and... now we glue the fabric on the sides, cut off the excess fabric. we close the edge
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with braid, place a napkin on the bottom, we get these are three shelves, the structure can be assembled, we connect the entire hole manually, that’s all the work, you can store anything you want in such an organizer, it’s beautiful, always in sight, and most importantly, nothing. i had to buy it. our program continues, on the calendar is saturday, june 15th. on the night from saturday to sunday, the entire muslim world begins to celebrate kurban bayram. karina makaryan will talk about the history of the holiday and its traditions. on the night of june 15-16, the entire muslim world celebrates kurban bayram, the holiday of sacrifice. starts with morning prayer prayers in all mosques. in arabic, if you translate the word kurban.
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regardless of nationality, profession, status. this is the most important day when all pilgrims gather in the valley of mount arafat, and pray all day long, read the holy quran all day long, and ask the almighty all day long for forgiveness of sins, mistakes, and self-correction. during eid al-fitr, it is important to forgive grievances,
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make peace with everyone, it is forbidden to refuse help to those in need, to swear, to do hard work, but you can and should have fun, arrange a holiday at home, it is celebrated in the best dresses, often in green shades, are considered one of the favorite colors of the prophet muhammad. when men go to the mosque, they always put on skullcaps, girls also put on these little caps, this is a small mini-skullcap for women. even more important is the festive table in the family. kudyusovo is a favorite dish of tatar cuisine on the menu. we have every holiday, it is not complete without a dough dish, in the dough, of course, yes, they differ only in the fillings. if kostby is ours - there is dough in it - mashed potatoes, yes, ah, potatoes, triangles - we have potatoes, or duck, or beef, or lamb, some kind of fatty meat. the table should be bursting with treats. there are always a lot of guests on eid al-fitr, a reason to get together with the whole family, friends, and neighbors. we are going to. about 30 people, yes, there are now
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more and more children, the main meaning of this day is to gather all your loved ones, treat them on the same day, help those who do not have the opportunity to celebrate this holiday, and therefore a sacrifice is made, yes, and this meat is distributed to the poor, to those with many children, who is not able to set such a table there, eid al-adha is celebrated for 3 days, in some muslim countries the first day of the holiday is considered an official day off, karina makaryanko: konstantin struchkov, andrey ivanov, channel one. sports games of the brics countries continue in kazan. the leopard brixik mascot has become a real favorite among both fans and athletes. find out more from our colleague, sports journalist of our mascot, channel one, igor prudnikov. brix games are just gaining momentum, and fans of athletes in kazan have already got their own favorite, whose popularity is simply off the charts. this is the adorable leopard tournament mascot. the energetic leopard tirelessly
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keeps order, although it doesn’t always work. during the competitions, briksik supports absolutely all the participants in the games , energizes the fans with his energy, and in the evening he happily walks along the streets of kazan, of course, because they greet him there too. especially with music, especially in the summer, it has a very strong hold on people around, many are afraid, but i think they are afraid nothing, you need to open up, be hidden to the world, suddenly people come up, hug, dance, so cozy, hug, want to hug, beautiful, so plush, like a bear , so fluffy, brixik, you are my king. i wish all teams to win, so that
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the strongest win at these games. the gaming mascot has all the qualities that real champions have. agility, strength, speed, strength of character, but this does not prevent him from being an affable, lively guy. brexit was born in asia, like the first brix and then ross games, and developed along with the tournament. rumor has it that the now matured leopard has real superpower and fulfills the wishes of those who love sports. i have a dream, i want to run 10 km. brixic, i dream of running a 20k marathon someday. very much, brixic, i dream of becoming an olympic champion, it’s real, hello, good morning, timur soloviev and yulia zemina are meeting you today,
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dear friends, tomorrow we will all celebrate the day of the medical worker together, they say that we should congratulate the day before holiday is not accepted. all this is understandable, but i wish everyone health workers, patience, success, kindness and from the bottom of my heart it is not only possible to say a huge thank you to them, but simply necessary, i believe, 11 villages and hamlets, 9,000 inhabitants, everyone knows oksana aleksandrovna veselova, she is a local therapist, you go, you think, what will i have today, how many people? yes, sometimes from twenty, these are just happy days, probably, when... sometimes people are busy in the garden, in the vegetable garden, and sometimes there are 60 people, you can’t let go of the phone either, you’re in communication all the time, because these are ours fellow villagers, and there is no such thing that the person came with all the ends, this is word of mouth, this is someone's godfather, someone's matchmaker, someone's brother, and
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it turns out that well, you need to help like your own all the time, she lost consciousness right in doctor's office, cardiac arrest: they revived me, performed resuscitation, and i am alive and well, god bless her. after appointments, visits to patients, on the street everyone you meet greets you and hugs you like a dear one, i take pills, i’m very glad to see you, every yard, wherever you turn or ask, everything about her they know and admire and value her. and dreams that such a doctor will be with us longer. being 94 years old is not a reason to sit at home, says novosibirsk anesthesiologist mikhail egorovich vantsov. as long as i am alive, as long as i walk, as long as i move, i will go to work. he has 35,000 total investments under his belt. these anesthesias
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were very serious, very difficult to pass, because the seriously ill, they... this is a small part of the dynasty, at the moment there are 19 doctors in ten medical specialties, patients are waiting for everyone, so it’s easy to bring everyone together impossible. thank you very much, this sunday we will gather around the screens to remember all the doctors thanks to whom we are alive and well. on the air of channel one on june 16
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, the solemn ceremony of awarding the best doctors of russia, the vocation prize. anna soldatova, lilya lobkova, channel one krasnodar. region, crimea, novosibirsk, moscow. what are we planting? planting forests, a leaf on which dew falls, forest freshness, moisture, and shade, that's what, today is today, that's right. samuil yakovich marshak. forests are the lungs of our planet. in fact, the forest is that's life. and there are no such thing as too many forests. these little tufts of greenery are future trees. look how many there are. in one greenhouse there are about 400,000 spruce pines in a nursery in the arkhangelsk region, they are grown to be planted in place of burned and cut down forests. the conditions for babies are odd: their own peat pot, regular watering, fertilizing, treatment against insects, grown seedlings are sent to the hardening area with fresh
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air, in the same pots, this is important. this gives us a closed, closed root system. the survival rate of such a seedling is 99%. and he can plant. all summer in the heat, even this pine tree is already 2 years old, one of these days it will go into the forest, here there is always preparation before planting new trees, there was a burner here, first the wood was cut down, we then... for preparing the soil we made a wedge, here is a tractor that will plow the crops, plant them using a planting pipe, pots with seedlings immediately into the prepared soil, the same technology in the koma republic, in this territory it was decided to plant 2 thousand pine trees, one tree every meter. the main task is not only to plant a forest, but one of the main tasks is to create mature forest plantations. to do this, it is necessary not only to plant seinze from sleep, but also to implement it. annual care for them. not all seedlings take root; nature makes its own selection, so they are regularly checked, counted, and
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additional trees are planted. in the krasnoyarsk territory , forest restoration continues after major fires in 2019 and 22. then more than 100,000 hectares burned. several thousand have already been planted on each hectare. trees. this year they are adding another 500. pine, spruce, cedar, it takes at least a century for the seedlings to become a forest. this is very. a complex process, and the most important thing, uh, that is , this is work in nature, many say that we breathe fresh air here, in fact it’s heat, rain, mosquitoes, dirt, sometimes it’s almost impossible to find people for such work, everything the forestry department manages to find workers, restore forests and even experiment, they are growing blue spruce, this is our first experience, we decided grow large plants. closed root system, that is, there is little experience in russia, this is barely a year, after another couple of years it will be planted in
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the forest, in addition to planting, mineralized strips are now being made in the forests to protect against possible fires, new trees will be planted before the beginning of autumn. elena savina, channel one. good morning everyone again, they say that it turns out that today is saturday, hello, what are you doing, it’s the weekend, of course, that’s it, summer, the weekend. he’ll go to the dacha in just a day, or maybe for two, there’s all sorts of cool ideas, or even in a short a road trip can make all the difference when there is, for example, a refrigerator in the car, you can have sandwiches for a week, cold drinks, it ’s absolutely beautiful, but home craftsman alexey buyadzhin will tell you how to make this refrigerator with your own hands. you need a thermal container for your car. i suggest you don’t buy it, make it yourself. take a large plastic canister, step back about 7 cm from the lid and cut off the top part, now attach the part to the plywood and
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trace it, reduce the markings on all sides by 2 cm, cut it out with a jigsaw first the resulting rectangle with rounded corners, now we cut out the middle, we have a frame. we apply it to the insulation, mine is 3 cm thick, we trace and cut out two such parts, i also cut out four blanks for the walls of the future thermal container in advance, we cover them with metallized adhesive tape, then we will install the resulting parts into our canister, fill the bottom to the mounting container foam, on it we fix one piece of insulation, the second also on the foam. we attach it to the lid and cover it with insulating panels. walls of the future thermal container,
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fill the cavity with polyurethane foam, glue a plywood frame on top, and on top of it a self-adhesive seal for the door. now we fix the lid of the container, the door hinges will help with this, and the lock will be made from a furniture latch, so we have a thermal container. almost airtight, and it’s also very large, and even if you go on a picnic in a large company, everything will fit in it, well, i don’t know a single woman, there’s probably not one on the planet who wouldn’t be happy with a bouquet of flowers, for example, even one roses, roses, yes, yes, she is still the queen of flowers, yes, it’s not for nothing that they call her that, right now, let’s meet her majesty. rose and take a walk through the rose gardens of russia. yes. sochi's riviera park has one of the
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largest collections of roses in russia. 33 varieties and 6.00 bushes. and everyone is so different. here, for example, is a unique variety called pink intuition. an unusual color combination of fuchsia pink and white. but in what store will you see this? here they look like butterflies, and some with feathers and lines with... some kind of fringe, that is absolutely incredible, coffee, brick paint. in our country, roses have been grown since the 16th century; it is believed that the russian climate is not very suitable for the queen of flowers, but this is not the case. prevented 100 varieties of rose from taking root here; this is the favorite flower of polina from engels. i associate roses with the book marin, the little prince, and my grandmother grew roses at the dacha, and i try to grow roses on the balcony too. and in the garden of stavropol resident alexander panomariov there is one of the largest private collections of roses in russia. 800 bushes and 80 varieties. chiyna town,
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blue parfum, monster wood. the most fragrant. during cultivation, that there was nothing for her , apparently someone the breeder persuaded her , threatened her, so she dropped the thorns, and some flowers amaze with their thirst for life, here is jumilia, it seems to you that the rose is a delicate plant, more capricious, it grows even among stones, these roses later... you can’t guess what color they are, the bremen musicians seem either peach or bright pink, the blue rhabsody is not far behind, it has an unusual color, depending on the lighting, it can be from light blue to such a pronounced purple, here
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a whole valley grew 2 hectares. guests from other regions like the flowers so much that they say at least stay and live here. anna and vitaly came from barnaul. we in siberia can only dream about this. thank you very much for creating such beauty. roses are not only beautiful, but also fashionable. here is a crimean necklace, the pride of the breeders of the southern peninsula. the flowers on the bush always seem to be sleeping, never fully opening. this is a fashionable trend in the selection of roses, a creation that grew in antiquity. this is what it seems like. antique roses, there is a boutonniere on a prom dress. of course, breeders are chasing trends, but at the same time they are also concerned about the climate stability and the duration of their flowering. why do they need to grow healthy and bloom for a long time to our joy? mikhail volkov, natalya kravchenko, elena savina, channel one. summer is a wonderful time for vacations, big trips, trips, new roads. this
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weekend we are traveling with channel one. yes, we will discover new corners for ourselves. our homeland, let's dance on the tyuvazhskaya wedding, wow, let's meet new interesting people, there, i think, wedding, and not only there, at home, comfort is definitely on video, in general, stay on the first channel, forget about, forget about the tv remote control, in these you won’t need the weekend, just the first button, that’s all, beauty, i came to you with greetings, to tell you that the sun has risen, the sun has risen, and zhanna bodoeva is the incomparable host of the program. the life of others has not yet eaten. in bodrum , almost every resident has a sweet tooth. zhanna eats sweets and looks around, but in bodrum, handsome men think only about themselves. i was told that men here in bodrum go directly to the hairdresser and get their hair done almost every day. for a turkish man, a beauty salon is like a holy place. the authorities may not approve of the husband's choice here.
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before going to the tax office, you need to get a certificate. we have to hope that... the blood types are suitable for each other, otherwise the wedding may not take place. chuvazhskaya blood, fire. we are having a wedding, today is the first one in a dude style, the groom is wearing women’s jewelry. that is, we have men in beads, women in protupeh - it's just very traditional. well, just like that, i played and played and played for my husband. the heroes of the program are about the comfort of a couple from moscow, who have been together for 61 years. “i love you, you can convey it through the heart, through the soul, through actions, through deeds. we will update their kitchen, with bread, with salt, we will meet galina and victor with lamps made from real bread. from start to finish, everything, here are our hands, work. wow, chandelier, caramawai. in the show today, our first item is clothes made from fruits. a good housewife will cook charlotte, but a talented one. the designer will make clothes from apple peels.
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the program “i love my country” says hello, the show has gone, you are somewhere there, you are somewhere there, right, right, beyond the horizon, row above the gorge in kislovodsk, the hosts of the program have gone, now i can imagine what the birds feel, the floating rocks here, the avatars, the nuts are not milky and the shores are not jelly, honey, there are a lot of honeys around here. herbs, that’s why this place was called that, well, honey, well, honey, you won’t be full of the spectacle, they will feed you, even ordinary dishes are cooked in mineral water, that is...
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today on channel one our everything is about comfort, weddings, the lives of others, well, i like it, let’s go, i love my country, tomorrow we’ll play . i like it, if you like it, then please, svetlana neimanes, victoria bolenskaya, joseph kobrin, channel one. saturday morning continues right now, we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello. procrastination with the adoption of new russian initiatives to resolve the ukrainian conflict will lead to the fact that the situation will continue to change.
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process with the aim of serving someone’s selfish interests, but a serious and thorough conversation on the entire range of global security issues. if the west and kiev refuse this peace proposal, then the political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed will be theirs. earlier, at an extended meeting with the leadership of the russian foreign ministry, vladimir putin formulated the terms of a new peace proposal for ukraine with the prospect of creating an equal eurasian contour.
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kiev regime, prepare it for a new offensive. i repeat, we are not talking about freezing the conflict, but about its final completion. and i will say again, as soon as kiev agrees to a similar course of events proposed today, agrees to the complete withdrawal of its troops from the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, and really begins this process, we are ready to begin negotiations, not putting them aside, i repeat, ours principled position: neutral, non-aligned, non-nuclear status of ukraine, its...
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use of weapons transferred to it. even earlier, the agency published a message saying that the head of the foreign ministry is great. in the zaporozhye region, the crew of the geocent b gun
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of the dnepr group of troops destroyed the american-made howitzer of the ukrainian armed forces m-777. the artillery duel was brief. three sighting rounds and the fourth right on target. and in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the group of forces, the center delivered a powerful blow to the enemy by the crew. who died when the entrance to a residential building collapsed in shebekina, belgorod region, this was announced by the regional governor vyacheslav glotkov. a woman died in the hospital, and doctors are now fighting for the lives of the other victims. on a five-story building as a result of an impact. ukrainian
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terrorists hit 20 apartments with a tactical missile, the militants fired the day before from the direction of the volchansk-kharkiv region. search and rescue operations at the scene of the emergency lasted almost a day, they are now completed, six were rescued, they were trapped on the top floor, they were promptly rescued evacuated by bringing up a ladder truck. ukrainians are fleeing mobilization in entire villages. the representative provided the statistics. border service andrei demchenko, and these escapes, according to the official, are becoming more and more daring. this week alone , 40 people were caught at one time in the odessa region. ludolov in ukraine is increasingly resisting. here is a raid on the village of sarato near the border with moldova. eyewitnesses posted the footage. the military commissars arrived with machine guns to their advantage; apparently, they did not expect a warm welcome and were not mistaken. residents ran out their homes to drive them away. they didn’t mince words.
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patrol, they didn’t dare to intervene, the caught man heroically fought back alone until he was tied up, here’s another video from a young man in kharkov, local residents, when the guy arrived, the representatives of the shopping center drag three of them into the car , the residents in response set the micro on fire. buses that are considered to belong to military registration and enlistment offices , and even schoolchildren, as local public pages write, participate in this; for them, being sent to the front at the age of 18 becomes a real threat, such projects according to information informed sources in ukraine are already being prepared. the meeting of nato defense ministers ended in failure for secretary general jens stoltenberg, he is trying to push through a plan to help ukraine, he has already halved its volume to 40 billion euros per year, but the ministers and this project do not...
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spend their weekends, so for our colleague allata in saturday is, of course, another reason to challenge a celebrity, yes, today is yuvi, the finalist of the show, the voice of georgy russkikh, he has a difficult task ahead of him - to sew and swing in a rocking chair, today my colleague is visiting me according to the show, the voice that has now decided to sneak into my column georgy the russian is only yours. georgi, good morning, listen, well
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, the finalist of the voice project, i congratulate you with all my heart, just imagine, millions of people who sing or dream of singing would like to be in your place, this is a super result, a super victory, you sing just very- very cool, not only are you handsome, you are also talented, look, today i brought two beautiful, incredibly elegant, foreign zamozhian fabrics, materials, you know what we will do, sew i'm wearing a dress... i'm kidding, of course, we'll learn how to make a gomag, tell me what color you choose, let's have orange, come on, today we'll make a gomag with our own hands, we've already looked at the instructions, the task is to get ahead of your opponent, start, attention, march, so, so, the first thing you need to do is fold the fabric in half, you remember, look, so, start gathering, i’m already starting to fail, that’s it, that’s it, you, you’ve already done the gathering like a shameless person, so i’m cutting it off. we'll get it, oops, we're putting the assembly together,
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so, well, i'm done, the edge, yes, well, take the second one, it should be double-sided, here i am, yes, i ’ll assemble it, but i wouldn’t want to lie on it, well, wow, we’re assembling gomaki on the first one, well, well, the second edge is gone, come on, great, great, well done, now the main thing is that you lasted in it for at least a minute, checking the author's hammock, georgiy rus, it hurts, how do you like the hammock, georgy fell, he is redoing it, and i am already ready to fasten my mighty hammock. georgy, well, you collapsed, it turned out in such a way that, frankly, i worry, because after thirty bones are fragile, it’s very high here, okay. fine,
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i can wish you luck, but i see how she gets out, so everything seems to be, and i sit once, twice, did you even see me there? guys, luck smiled on me today, but georgy still gets a medal. georgy, do you know why you are receiving a medal? honestly, no, for the most beautiful fall on good morning. my hero, please wish something for our viewers, come out of any situation as winners. georgiy, thank you very much, thank you, good luck in everything, we keep our fingers crossed for you, have a nice day, good morning, good morning, yo! in anapa, in all-russian children's center smena started the all-russian children's festival marathon the road to the circus. elena savina met the festival participants and will now share her impressions with us. the children's
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festival marathon road to the circus has started in anapa. mark also came for a shift, to rest, to train, with many goals. from this shift i expect to gain new friends and acquaintances. i am impressed by the mentors here, because they treat us like their students, although in
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general these are not our coaches, but they also treat us like their children, that is they also love to instruct us, give us some new elements on... they tell us, they help us if something doesn’t work out for us, master classes every day, famous circus performers give us advice, now go boogin, go the second leg here, evenly, evenly, evenly, they correct the technique and teach the children to look for flaws on their own, when we practice, i make sure to put one, let’s say, child, i ask the other children what mistakes you noticed, so that during your rehearsals... in your mugs, yes, that in the studios so that they could correct each other. the road to the circus is first and foremost a festival, which means a performance competition. for the halo concert, i decided to prepare my balancing act on reeds, and because i love it very much, it
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conveys my character very well. the winners will get a chance to join the best circus companies in the country. and they are children, ready to stand on their heads or perform with their eyes closed. the numbers are different, it seems that the most talented people are already here, mikhail volkov, marina sidorova, liliya lopkova, channel one, here we are all week, timur, spinning, spinning, something, spinning, spinning, work, home, home, work, chores, all sorts of things, it’s true, well, on saturday that’s it, stop, that’s it, yulia, slow down, exhale, find time for the whole family to do something interesting, well , for example, the whole week is full of worries, it seems like the children are on vacation, but no one canceled their classes, and work too, and they are also at home 24/7, which means mom is at the stove almost around the clock, so i want to exhale, get distracted, and mother and
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children, preferably in the park, preferably by the water, it’s finally saturday, which means there’s a moment for myself. anything that feels good to hold with your finger at this moment, if you need to calm down, yes, oh, then it’s something viscous, soft, viscous, you can use plasticine, it’s straight, you see, it’s viscous, it’s so pleasant, it it will calm us down, you can
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roll it, make different balls, a couple of packs of soft plasticine at work and at home won’t hurt, the boss or the children shout, for example, are you koloboks? there are a lot of different receptors here that are connected to our brain, it’s more like a synchronization of left and right hemispheres, yes, when both the left hand and the right hand work, it receives tactile signals, returns us, perhaps to childhood, when we were hugged, that’s why all sensory materials return us to a state of peace and balance, a state of peace returns us and drawing the same same elements, be it hearts, circles or flowers, in 45 minutes of any drawing... attention can decrease from 18 to 15 units, and this is a very good result.
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if you are very angry, here i would rather emphasize the color, and some red paint, and you can take brush and splash it, thereby reacting this anger from within on the canvas, on the paper, if you don’t have paint at hand, then tear this paper, crumple it up and throw it somewhere, if, for example, some straight... bush, sadness, you take watercolor paper, drop drops, they spread, as psychotherapists say, if you want to solve a problem, draw it, that’s what you could do with money, it’s a joke, but if you need to add a mood, it’s prosperity, blue , blue, green, yellow on paper, and also it’s better on the asphalt, in order to also please your inner child, that is, it turns out that the best way, when something goes wrong and you can’t cope with emotions, is to sit down with the children and start... it’s about switching, among other things, i can
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express my feelings with the help of paints and some artistic means, i can draw my pain, i can draw my sadness, and then transform it into something bright, draw and live your emotions with pleasure. irina materanskaya, channel one. humor is the most important thing in our life, we can’t live without a smile, when you smile, everything goes better, then i’ll tell you a joke, if i see a sad person, then i’ll sing a song or something else, the most important thing for me is that people around me smile, a sense of humor it is always appropriate, but you need to know in what moments, laughter prolongs life, laughter is an emotion and laughter charges us for a new achievement. there is food on the table, a cucumber with potatoes, i’m not afraid to work,
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especially with a louse, smiles and so that there is simple human happiness, russia, we love you we love, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, cnop gin. product of steller group. montechoca cognac. product of stellor group. rum. castro, a product of stellor group. kvn. major league. third quarterfinal. watch the time after the program. we remind you that today is saturday, it is june 15th. and today the state inspectorate for small vessels celebrates its birthday. understand? we congratulate all gims employees on the holiday and say thank you for
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maintaining order and safety on rivers and reservoirs for 40 years. many gims employees will today we celebrate our holiday at work, so you hear beautiful music coming from there from the river bank, it’s them, we congratulate them with all our hearts. morning in stroginsky bay, the first vacationer is already on the water, inspector alexander kozhurov. with its beautiful, sunsets, undeniable, sunsets and workplace, people envy, what are the sunrises, where does your working day begin? well, our working day begins, like ordinary people, with coffee, and then , accordingly, patrols are carried out on water bodies, the task is to ensure safety, first, check that everyone is wearing life jackets, statistics are the ones that save you in 90% of cases in a crash, where are your life jackets? they didn’t give it, who didn’t give it? over there,
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where did you get this boat? behind the forest somewhere? i understand that it’s hot, but the safety rules, i’m tied, not well, if you ’re tied, then that’s understandable, but you can still capsize, what if you don’t know how to swim, how do we know, so far there’s only a warning, violators can handle it with one word . the second danger is entering the shipping lane. but you are not afraid, it's dangerous that boats are driving by? you still have to be a psychologist on the one hand, because you come across different people on the water, you need to find a common language with them, and come to an agreement in terms of making sure that he understands, conveying that information, we do everything, let’s say, for the benefit of people, so that they we felt as comfortable as possible on the water, here you can’t just get by with a warning, not only is going out on the shipping channel, but also towing a skier, for violating the regional navigation rules,
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paragraph 164 from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, and if a friend doesn’t present it now. .. uh at least two life preservers, a fine of 15 to 20 thousand, the driver has his own excuse, he gave in, couldn’t resist, decided to please the woman. alexander is just passing his license, i’m sure he’s learned all the rules by heart, not a single woman will lead her astray. let's check, 17 points, three acceptable errors, the fourth - for elimination. well, how are you doing? well, young man, alexander sergeevich, he passed the test, he passed, i believed in you, come on! five were some mistakes and two were acceptable errors - this is a departure - approach to the pier, no big deal, that is, the person is a little bit practice and i'm sure you'll learn. he is still in shock; once he receives his license, his dream will come true: to spend the summer with friends on the water on a trip along the volga, where he sailed. just one working day, but how many emotions? maria
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kuskova, stepan erofeev, sergey folendesh, natalya kaldaeva, channel one. the calendar says saturday june 15th. you know what in the old days girls did on this day, they weaved wines and gave them to young people they liked, in this way, without words, they simply said to their actions, leave them in your feelings, i am today without a link, sorry, empty-handed, i’m without wine, there’s no talk of sympathy, well, right now, let’s find out what the star, astrological forecast will tell us, both of these days are generally excellent guys, cheerful, generous, good-natured, cheerful. they know how to enjoy life, both are not averse to eating delicious food, although you can’t call them particularly gourmets, but they know a lot about simple healthy food, they both love when there is comfort and beauty around them, so if you need to decorate the house, repair or update something , this is for them, not very good yet sociable, love all kinds of parties, going to visit, can take everyone out into nature or even on some kind of trip, pay
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attention here, before you get behind the wheel, check if everything is in order with your swallow, how much fuel is in the tank. .. download, well, be more careful on the way, and on such days we do not spare money for all sorts of pleasures and entertainment. because of this, aries run the risk of seriously spending money, and they themselves will not regret it, but family members may not understand, please be selective in making new acquaintances. tomorrow evening maybe guests arrive. these days taurus are active, energetic, and whatever they take on, everything works out. if you somehow motivate your loved ones to do their homework, you can move mountains, and tomorrow will be great. for shopping. the twins are having a normal summer weekend, although it may turn out a little confusing, there may be some mistakes, misunderstandings, the effect of a broken phone, but the stars have warned you. gemini ladies advice was bloomed personally for you. there is zero attention to gossip rumors. cancers will have the opportunity to figure something out, decide some problem, there may be some loss. a break-up with one of
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your relatives is not excluded. or maybe you're just too picky with each other? good weekend. in leo, when everything is generally going well, however, an obstacle may arise in some matter or something will go wrong, but this is nonsense, next week everything will work out, be careful with fire, virgos will be able to resolve an issue that is important to them in an informal setting , there will be a chance to bring some kind of relationship from the category of business to friendship, whether you need to decide for yourself, and something else is shining for you entertaining, libra will have to work around the house, maybe fix something or send it in for repairs, in order to agree on something with someone, win someone over to their side, and take care of your wallet, smartphone and documents. the luminaries advise scorpios to have at least one day off and free themselves from all sorts of plans and have a good lazy time from the heart. only if you decide to go for a swim, swim where you are supposed to, and don’t get carried away with alcohol. sagittarians are the center of attention these days, they are invited somewhere, people want
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to communicate with them. it can even get a little tiring. what to do, this is the price of popularity? lonely. tomorrow evening you have a chance, something like a date is promised by the stars and capricorn, even these days you may have to clear out some rubble, finish or correct what others have screwed up; be careful with food in unfamiliar establishments. aquarians can mislead you or provide you with unverified information, so don’t rush to believe everyone right away. the lady's aquarius hinted. these days are very good for cosmetic or anti-aging procedures. pisces may be slightly spoil. some glitches, inconsistencies, just never mind, these are all little things, as compensation you will get to meet some interesting people, good news, and be careful on the roads, good luck! bon appetit, if you are having breakfast now, and for those who are thinking, imagine someone having breakfast, wondering what to cook, maria suggests not to think,
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write down the recipe right now, flat croissant, flat, the trend of the culinary season is flat croissant, for those who don't like crumbs from i’ll try to make a regular, pot-bellied croissant. both options: from puff pastry and from a ready-made croissant. puff pastry can be used either with or without yeast. you need to take it out of the freezer in advance so that it thaws at room temperature. don't forget to cover with film or a towel to prevent the dough from airing. i cut it into a triangle without rolling it out. i will have a large croissant and two small ones. i make a cut at the base. and roll it up, stretching it slightly, place it on parchment at a large distance from each other, cover baking paper and carefully roll it out
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with a rolling pin, place the baking sheet on the opposite side, press the empty one on top and bake directly with it, otherwise the dough will begin to rise in the oven, temperature 180°, time 15 minutes, i wonder if it will be possible to prepare a flat croual? from the finished product, i have several of them, i roll them out with a rolling pin, oh, it crumbled, this croissant was not in a bag and dried up, but these are soft, i’ll try, i press it well, it seems to work, i melt the butter in a frying pan, put the croissants and press it with a plate, if you have there is a waffle iron or grill, use them, it will be more convenient, turn it over, a minute and... a good way to revive yesterday's croissants that no one wants to eat anymore. what's in the oven? i remove the pan, turn it over and cook for another
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five minutes, let it cool. for decoration, i decided to take ready-made multi-colored glaze and dilute it with milk. for 50 g of powder, three teaspoons of liquid. i coat half of the croissant with glaze and sprinkle with ground nuts. and i decorate the blue ones with sprinkles, put them on a wire rack to dry, i made the pink ones from dough, they turned out the most beautiful, look how the homemade flat croissant is similar to the store-bought one, the blue one from the ready-made croissant, it turned out not so thin, but also a workable option, tasty, and most importantly, it’s convenient to eat less crumbs, the experiment was a success. sports games of the brics countries continue in kazan. the leopard brixik mascot has become a real
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favorite among both fans and athletes. find out more from our colleague, sports journalist from our channel one mascot igor prudnikov. the brix games are just gaining momentum, and the fans athletes in kazan have already found their favorite, whose popularity is simply off the charts. it's charming. the mascot of the tournament is a leopard named brixik, he is ready to embrace anyone. nice, affectionate, plush. the energetic leopard tirelessly keeps order, although it doesn’t always work. during the competitions , briksik supports absolutely all the participants in the games, energizes the fans with his energy, and in the evening he enjoys walking the streets of kazan. of course. and there he is greeted with warmth, and what a a leopard will refuse to dance with a beautiful girl, simbol brix, i want to dance, especially to music, especially in the summer, this
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has a very strong hold on people around me, many are afraid, but i think there is nothing to be afraid of, you need to open up, be hidden to the world, so people suddenly come up, hug, dance, so cozy, you want to hug and hug, so beautiful, plush, like a bear, so fluffy. brixik, you are my king, and i wish all teams to win, so that the strongest win at these games. the gaming mascot has all the qualities that real champions: agility, strength, speed, strength of character, but this does not prevent him from being an affable, groovy guy. brexit was born in asia, like the first brix and then ross games, and developed along with the tournament. rumor has it that the leopard is now mature. has a real superpower, fulfills the wishes of those who love sports. i have a dream, i want to run 10 km. brixik, i dream of running
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a marathon. 20 km is ever very strong. brixik, my dream is to become an olympic champion, it’s real. good morning everybody, who celebrates this day with the first channel. it's saturday morning, to be precise, yuliy zemina is with you, that's for sure. yes, and timur solovyov. good morning everyone. so, you can only breathe in the wind, as was the case with. the wind knows where to look for me, so i’ll tell you, it even knows where to look for the clouds, but not only the clouds are driven by the wind, in general why are we chasing the wind now, it’s the wind in our heads because today is world wind day, we congratulate you , congratulations, right now dmitry kuzmin invites us to fill
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by the wind. our sails and let's get to know him better, the footage is not for the faint of heart , window washers were blown away from the 51st floor in china, spoiler, no one was hurt, the strongest wind on the planet has a racing car speed of 407 km per hour, 113 m/s. where does this power come from? from the point of view of meteorologists, everything is simple: wind is the movement of air relative to the earth's surface, from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure. point twelve on the bafforth scale is a hurricane. 32.7 m/s or more, in our climate in moscow, the moscow region, there have never been hurricanes, if you think about it, the wind is a huge force that can change the landscape, climate, drive warm currents to the poles, transport seeds, facilitate the flights of birds and make history, people tamed the wind, conquered the oceans and new continents, the romance of great discoveries is still alive in us, sailors now they teach how to sail on sailboats, such as the legendary barxido.
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cheerful wind, cheerful wind, cheerful wind, although nikolai’s yacht is equipped with a motor, he does not deny us sailing , an incomparable pleasure, even if you crossed the atlantic ocean three times, in the indian ocean you miraculously survived a hurricane, like those that do not stop in the roaring forties, the terrible latitudes of the southern hemisphere, which blew at 70, 80 knots. but this is on the buffort scale, this is already a hurricane, a hurricane of the first category, gusts of wind put the boat on board, the mast went under the water, and the boat went down from the height of the wave, with the mast down, but inside the boat, you know, like in horror films they show, so she turned over, all the food was in this water, things were in the water, everything turned out okay, everyone is alive healthy, we have long made friends with the wind on land, flour mills have almost disappeared from
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the familiar landscape. back in 1930, the soviet union was the leader in conquering the wind. the first station in 1931 in balaklava. now the largest of our nine in edegei is 150 mw. just for the whole of maykop - 150 thousand inhabitants. and where there are interruptions in the central power supply, they install windmills on their sites, like sergei. 3 kw literally out of thin air. 3 meters per second, its rotation begins, depending on the increase in wind, it increases power generation capacity. the accumulated energy is enough for a day to power all electrical appliances in the house, even in style. dmitry kuzmin, denis panomariov, stanislav kizhnyakov, ksenia makhlyak, channel one. this is how it happens in life, you go to work, you don’t suspect anything, then bam you realize,
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you need to go on vacation. sometimes this is the first sign, you want to cry all the time, otherwise you have to do something very similar, you brush your teeth and somehow it comes, you won’t be able to shed tears in the midst of the holiday season, many people understand this, and right away, that the time is approaching, the price of air tickets is going up, and as practice shows, the cost of air tickets can amount to almost half of the entire vacation budget, by the way, is it possible to somehow save on this? i think it is necessary, now let’s do this. it's the height of the season, no air tickets have been purchased for vacation, prices are steep, to put it mildly, but there are still ways to save money. just recently, two russian airlines, large ones, had a sale of about 50%, there was a discount so as not to miss the promotions, advises tourism expert mikhail lozanov, we subscribe to the social networks of airlines, this is the first, second - we always look at tickets in incognito mode, we are being followed, yes, so
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to speak, big brother, and everyone. airline aggregators have a robot on their websites that monitors your search queries. there are many requests, the price may increase for you. i am interested in two directions: novosibirs - there are relatives there and sochi - there is the sea. round-trip tickets for four. on weekends, holidays during children's holidays, the first and last day to fly is much more expensive, daytime flights are always more expensive, than early in the morning, late at night. i choose the most favorable dates and times, novosibirs 79. rub. sochi - 107 without luggage. by the way, in my case it’s cheaper to pay for it additionally; for four of us we only have two suitcases, but today is thursday, mikhail advises not to rush. book tickets. from monday to wednesday, i will monitor prices during the week, what other options are there to avoid overpaying? often in destinations where there are charter flights or block places purchased by the tour operator in advance, it is more profitable to simply buy a package tour with a hotel,
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conditionally two stars, without food. this mainly applies to trips abroad; you can save money in countries where there is a so-called low season. in russia, subsidized air tickets on unpopular routes will help you do this. this year, aviation has grown on the list. there are 270 of them, some tickets for everyone, some only for beneficiaries. 7 s to one and 7 s to the other. for a pensioner, the amount is escalating - says anatoly ivanovich; this is the second time he will fly from the primorsky territory to moscow to visit his daughter and grandchildren. i keep monitoring the tickets today is saturday, according to experts, they should be the most expensive, let's check. moscow sochi, for four people there and back 114. let me remind you that the amount was on thursday. 7,000 novosibirs no changes, by the way, i also subscribed to two channels, where sometimes they post tickets at competitive prices, but as a rule, these are last-minute tours, they are not suitable for me, and there are no promotions yet. 2:00 am on tuesday, i continue to hunt for
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a ticket, sochi - 99. rub. novosibirs has neighboring dates, a little cheaper. well, are you going to work? natalia kovaleva, denis ponomarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one. summer, summer. lovely, uh-huh, and berries for you, and flowers, and mushrooms, a wonderful time, just now the first chanterelles have started to appear, and the elderberry has also bloomed, if you still know right now who it is, yes, if you are not running into the forest , you’re rushing to collect all this in a basket, which means you simply don’t know how to cook all this, this is pure waste, darina griboyedova, what a telling name convinced of this, will convince you and me too, good morning! remember anderson's fairy tale: mother elderberry? in it, a mother makes tea for her son with a cold. i am like “it’s like i’ve been to warm lands,” he says. after two cups of elderberry tea, it’s no wonder to visit warmer regions, his mother answers.
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viktor pastukhov probably also drank a magic drink in childhood, and since then he always starts hunting for elderberry flowers in june. here he is our carrier. he collects only in linen bags; by the way, his mother sewed them for him. if we wrapped it, for example, in plastic, it would start to rot and we wouldn’t get that fresh aroma, so it’s very important to hunt not only for the product, but also to hunt for it correctly transport, deliver to the kitchen and cook straight fresh, so we go straight to the kitchen, we’ll check that now, by plane from kaliningrad to a dacha near moscow, hello, hello, well, our butina has arrived from kaliningrad. yes, you can smell it, oh, what a wonderful smell it looks so beautiful, such flowers are straight from elderflowers. victor made kvass, the recipe is very simple, well, zazozh, zazozh, very tasty,
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very, very sour, without sourness you can’t do anything for this since it's amazing, add lemon, i would never have thought that this kvass, these are guys, something with something, well... i also have an answer for kvass, seasonal finds, these are new potatoes and chanterelles, great, what a bounty in june of the amateless harvest, victor even brought pink salt for it , i took rose petals, fragrant, growing on the shores of the baltic sea, and sea salt, i mixed them together, i like the color, the aroma, the amazing color aroma, great, you and i combined the forest. and the sea, yes, it’s time to explain what kind of profession our hero has, he is a gastronomic scout, an expert on products in regions, knows a lot about the gastronomic hits of any city in russia, can create a useful vow, but literally from everything that grows underfoot. so, our
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hero today is victor, who is also a gastroscout, gastrosleuth and gastrointestinal. victor, tell us after moscow, where will you go next and what will you look for? in the summer i go north in search of new combinations. it’s seaweed that interests me and there’s a huge amount of berries, cloudberries, shiksha, i’ll look for a combination of tundra, sea, and today. ordinary onion, so we got these mini-baths, very it was great to season with potatoes, chanterelles and greens, that is, we would have collected the whole dish in one small onion, and my story as a gastroscout is to inspire chefs, take them out into the countryside outside the city, to cook like this when they are hungry from what they have, so that they have the most local, most realistic pictures and images. but fresh air, of course, helps with this. zosh,
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in the summer, just have time to try what nature provides. guys, children to the table, uh-huh, when mom says like that, it means she’s done i've prepared it and it's time to eat. but if dad calls you that, then the fun is just beginning, and the whole family will be cooking. father of three children, alexey ivanov, is ready to share his experience right now. children, today we will learn how to peel potatoes, a useful skill that will come in handy always and everywhere. my name is alexey ivanov, i have three children, and today everyone will be at their limits, but first we need to wash the potatoes, otherwise our children will be dirty too. i’ll show you three ways: first, i cut the potatoes like this here in circles, we make notches so that... it’s convenient to pick up the peel with a knife, you take it
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like this carefully, control it with your thumb, cut it little by little, will you try it? yes, the second option is to peel the potatoes from top to bottom, it will be easier for the child, but the disadvantage of this method is that the peel turns out to be quite thick. great, if the child doesn’t know how to handle a knife, then a vegetable peeler will do, i hold the potato like this towards me with these movements, try it yourself, well done, the most important safety precautions, let the children do everything under your supervision, but for you anya, the task with an asterisk, you will need to peel the potatoes with one spiral. whoever lost cooks dinner, we agreed, yes,
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tadam, anya cooks lunch, we all did a great job, now we need to clean up, and we’re all waiting for lunch. well, bon appetit to you too! our program, you won’t believe it, continues, on the calendar june 15th is saturday, gardeners, gardeners, of course, greet this morning at the dacha, and those who are not there yet are probably going there to visit them, the gardeners gardeners, because this is prestigious, by the way, there are greenhouse beds, planting seeds, seedlings, seedlings is half the battle, because you need to take care of everything, now oksana stankevich will tell you about the basic rules. vines, which will help the harvest become healthy, useful, rich,
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the right polyp, this is the secret of a good harvest of vegetables, it would seem that there is nothing complicated here, turn on the hose, water the plant and you’re done, but you can’t water them with a hose, remember, cucumbers plants, therefore, love warm water at least 25°, in a hose from a well it is icy, if you treat cucumbers like this, they will experience a shock, drop their ovaries and give a smaller harvest, so we do this: pour water into a barrel, leave it in the sun, during the day it will warm up by the evening and... for watering.
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another important rule: cucumbers are great water drinkers, so you need to water them daily. we give each plant a palette at the root, and then spray it on the leaf. with tomatoes it’s the other way around, they don’t tolerate sprinkling; if the leaves are wet, they can get sick. that's why i'm in the greenhouse. divided two cultures partition. frequent watering of tomatoes is also contraindicated. they drink rarely, but a lot. i always wait for the soil to dry out properly, and then i pour 3-4 liters under the bush. to use water sparingly and exactly for its intended purpose, let’s use a trick. i cut off the top and bottom from an old canister and got something like this. i divide it into three parts:
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using a screwdriver i make a hole in each part. now i’ll show you why everything is done. this is necessary, i put the container on the bush and bury it in the ground, it turns out to be a limiter for the hole, now the water will not spread when watering, but it will fall right under the bush. we thread a rope through the hole and tie the tomato, on the plastic itself you can write the name of the variety so as not to forget, it’s convenient and practical, it won’t be missed. as for the beds in the open ground, then... there are also little tricks, all types of greens, we water the cabbage and zucchini often, otherwise there will be no harvest, tomatoes and carrots not every day as the soil dries out, and onions and garlic even less often, a week at a time will be enough. i foresee that many
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will say, we are city residents, we come to the dacha is only on weekends; we don’t have time to water the garden often. i understand, myself. this is what automatic drip irrigation was invented for us; we will install it in a week. retro, proof that fashion moves in a spiral, retro is always in trend, by the way, yulia there are more and more people who love old, touching things with history, and appreciate them, look for them, collect them and surround themselves with them, well, apparently there is, yes in this, for example, in this old camera there is a change or in a cup, in a cup soviet era, what is it? the fashion for the soviet is returning, because, firstly, it is beautiful, tea pairs in the shape of a peony or a white swan, previously like jewelry, they were taken out only on holidays, very beautiful, this is viburnum dulevskaya, or lilac, alexander fedoseev is not
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a collector, not a fan of the era , i just like it, calm down or something like the warmth of a lamp, just. guests come, and he, choose what you will drink tea from, and especially for retro dishes, a retro sideboard not from grandma, from the private classifieds website 5,000, delivery it came out more expensive than this sideboard, if you have the same one, congratulations, it’s no longer old, vintage, i still remember it very well, you open it and go through all these porcelain cups, saucers, plates, of course they drove, but nevertheless , the cases are not isolated, the demand for... furniture, dishes and appliances increased by 12% over the year, here is the second reason, maybe we are tired of minimalism and cold impersonal interiors. it seems to me that it’s great when the interior is complemented by something that has some kind of history, when not all interior items are completely new, well here’s a slightly out-of-the-way
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picture. yulia bykova, a designer, while going through old things, found a record player from her parents, repaired it, and her parents listen to records on vinyl in the living room. we are also pleased with this, well , what kind of content for social networks is also unusual, such a retro style, a cozy family atmosphere, music playing from records, this is also the third reason, it falls into the trend for conscious consumption, if you can not buy new, restore old, i really want to add something so old here a soviet chair with wooden armrests like this, slightly varnished, some public spaces, cafes, restaurants make. a completely soviet interior, what they have in common is warm light, due to the fact that in the soviet years there was a lot of wooden furniture, which adds just that cozy flavor with its texture. the fashion for soviet things is most often just a desire to feel the taste of childhood again. varvara fedorova, vasily valetov, andrey ivanov, anna ryabova, channel one. on
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the moscow stage md, musical: don't be afraid of anything, i'm with you, looked at it. attention, today there is a millionth spectator of the performance here, don’t be afraid, i’m with you, and this is a record, so many spectators. for a year and a half after the premiere , not a single production in russia has ever attracted audiences. on stage is nikolai fomenko himself, a member of the legendary four secret. her music is at
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the heart of the production. this was also a surprise for us. we thought that everything would be successful, but of course not so much. and in this regard, we decided to record a new album and wrote it, came up with it and will sit down at the end of july we'll get into the studio to the fullest, i hope we'll delight you with unexpected new sekretov music. well, today there are surprises from the organizers. the lucky one was maxim smirnov, who came from kazan to moscow with his mother for a couple of days. she said what musical we were going to see, what group it was dedicated to, resumed her playlists, listened to all their tracks again and, of course, started singing along, it was impossible to resist. don't be afraid, i'm with you. alice knows how to knit.
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i don’t know, this is my fourth time at this performance, i adore it, i bring all my friends to this since i showed my classmate,
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more than a hundred people work on the project every day, the shows continue. rita larkina, mikhail volkov, evgeny morenkov, channel one. our program continues, on the calendar saturday, june 15, on the night from saturday to sunday, the entire muslim world begins to celebrate kurban bayram. karina makaryan will talk about the history of the holiday and its traditions. on the night of june 15-16, the entire muslim world celebrates kurban bayram, the holiday of sacrifice, which will begin with the morning prayer of namaz in all mosques. in arabic, if you translate the word qurban, it means to be closer to the almighty. if we open the holy quran, we will see the feat of the prophet ibrahim alayhi-salaam, peace be upon him, or the biblical version of abraham. the almighty, having given this test to the great prophet ibrahim, showed that there is no need to shed human blood and gave a sacrificial animal in return. it is believed that this event took place in mecca, on the site where
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the sacred kaaba, a shrine in the form of a cubic structure, stands. all muslims pray in her direction. here for eid al-adha millions of pilgrims come from all over the world, dressed in identical white cloths, a sign of equality before the almighty, regardless of nationality, profession, status. this is the most important day when all the pilgrims. they gather in the valley of mount arafat and pray all day, read the holy quran all day, ask the almighty all day for forgiveness of sins, mistakes, and self-correction. during eid al-fitr, it is important to forgive grievances, make peace with everyone, it is forbidden to refuse help to those in need, to swear, to do hard work, but you can and should have fun, having a holiday at home is celebrated in the best outfits, often in shades of green. considered one of the favorite flowers of the prophet muhammad. men always wear skullcaps when going to the mosque. girls also wear these
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little caps. this is a women's small mini skullcap. even more important is the festive table. the kudyusov family has a favorite dish of tatar cuisine on the menu. every holiday is not complete without a dough dish. and in the dough, of course, yes, they differ only in the fillings. if kostbe is ours - the dough is in him - mashed potatoes, yes, ah, potatoes. triangles are potatoes for us, and duck, or beef, or lamb, some kind of fatty meat. the table should be bursting with treats. there are always a lot of guests on eid al-fitr, a reason to get together with the whole family, friends, and neighbors. we gather about 30 people, yes, there are more and more children there now. the main meaning on this day is to gather all your loved ones, treat them, that same day, help those who do not have the opportunity to celebrate this holiday, and therefore a sacrifice is made. and this meat is distributed those with low incomes and large families who do not have the opportunity to set such a table there celebrate eid al-fitr for 3 days in some muslim
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countries, the first day of the holiday is considered. look how many there are. there are about 400 thousand in one greenhouse. pines and spruces are grown in a nursery in the arkhangelsk region to be planted in place of burned and cut down forests. the conditions for babies are odd: their own peat pot, regular watering, fertilizing, treatment against insects, grown seedlings are sent to the hardening area fresh air, in the same pots. it is important. this gives us a closed, closed root
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system. the survival rate of such a seedling is 99. percent and it can be planted all summer long , even in hot weather. this pine tree is already 2 years old. one of these days he will go to the forest. here, there is always preparation before planting new trees. there was a fire pit here, first the wood was cut down, then we prepared the soil with a wedge, and then with a tractor that would plow the crops. planted using a planting pipe. pots with seedlings immediately into the prepared soil. the same technology is used in the koma republic. it was decided to plant it in this area. pine trees every meter. the main task is not only to plant a forest, but one of the main tasks is to create mature forest plantations. to do this, it is necessary not only to plant pine trees, but also to provide annual care for them. not all seedlings take root. nature makes its own selection, so they are regularly checked, counted and additional trees are planted. in the krasnoyarsk territory , forest restoration continues after major
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fires in 2019 and 22. for every this several thousand trees have already been planted per hectare; this year they will add another 500 trees, pine, spruce, and cedar; it will take at least a century for the seedlings to become a forest. this is a very complex process, and the most important thing is that it is work in nature, many say that we breathe fresh air here, in fact it is heat, rain, mosquitoes, dirt, it’s difficult to find people like that. work is sometimes almost impossible, yet the forestry manages to find workers, restore forests and even experiment, so they grow blue spruce. this is our first experience, we decided to grow large plants with a closed root system, that is, there is little experience in russia. this is barely a year, after another couple of years it will be planted in the forest; in addition to planting
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, mineralized strips are now being made in the forests to protect it from possible fires and planted. new trees will be available until early autumn. elena savina, channel one. taking something unnecessary and making it into something extremely useful. this is the main principle that designer olga nikicheva follows. right now, under her leadership, we will build a stylish organizer for all sorts of little things. you definitely don’t have that, and you don’t even have little things, you’re big. okay, yes, you will definitely need plastic bottles. and you won’t need money, that’s great. dear friends, today we are with '. a practical, original organizer for storing all sorts of little things, literally from what you find at home, and these are three plastic bottles that you have been meaning to throw away for a long time, scraps of cotton, rustic braid, the most ordinary wooden ruler , napkins from your grandmother's chest, everything is very simple, we cut it off bottle bottom. and now
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we are preparing a design for our organizer. we make a hole in four rulers with a drill at the same distance. we also make a hole on four sides on plastic blanks. from the edge, and now we take on the decor of the elements of our organizer, lay out the rulers on the fabric at a short distance, glue them, cut off the excess, fold the fabric and glue it, the rulers have turned into a stand. for
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our organizer, we cover the plastic blank with fabric, apply glue and apply it, now we glue the fabric. by sides, cut off the excess fabric, cover the edge with braid, put a napkin on the bottom, you get these three shelves. the structure can be assembled by connecting all the holes manually. that's all the work is, you can store anything you want in such an organizer, beautifully, always in sight, and most importantly - you didn't have to buy anything. on the calendar june 15,
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saturday, that's how you spend your weekend, for our colleague allata on saturday - this is , of course, another reason to challenge a celebrity. yes, today her counterpart is the finalist of the voice show, georgiy russkikh, he will have to it’s not an easy task to sew and swing into a rocking chair. today my guest is my colleague on the show , the voice, who has now decided to sneak into my section, georgy russian, georgy, good morning, listen, but the finalist of the project is the voice, i congratulate you with all my heart, just imagine, millions of people who sing or they dream of singing, they would like to be in your place, this is a super result, a super victory. you sing just very, very cool, not only are you handsome, you’re also talented, look, i brought two of the most beautiful ones today, incredible elegant, foreign zamozhian fabrics materials, you know what we will do,
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sew me a dress, right, just kidding, of course, we will learn to make a hammock, tell me what color you choose, let's orange, come on, today we will make a hammock with our own hands, we already looked at the instructions, the task is to get ahead of your opponent, to the start, attention, march, so the first thing you need to do is fold the fabric in half, you remember, so, start assembling, i’m already starting to fail, that’s it, that’s it, you ’ve already done the assembling, like a shameless , so, i cut off the test, oops, we assemble the assembly, so, well, i’m done, the first edge, yes, well, take the second, it should be there. third-party, yes, i’ll collect it, but i wouldn’t want to rely on it, well , wow, we’re collecting gomaki on the first one, so well
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, i got the second edge, come on, great, great, yes, i’m ready, you’re great, now the main thing , that you lasted at least a minute in it, checking the author's hammock, jurgerus, it hurts, how do you like it? georgy fell, he is redoing it, and i am ready to attach my mighty hammock. georgiy, what are you doing? collapsed, it turned out in such a way that, to be honest, i worry, because after thirty the bones are fragile, it’s very high here, okay, no, okay, normal, i can wish you luck, but i see how it gets out, so, well, that’s it, 1, 2, 3, 4, did you guys even see this? today i was lucky, but georgiy still gets a medal. georgy, do you know why you are receiving a medal? honestly, no, for the most beautiful fall on good morning. my hero. please wish
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our viewers something. come out of any situation as a winner. georgiy, thank you big. thank you, good luck with everything, we keep our fingers crossed for you, have a nice day, good morning, good morning. in the sochi riviera park, one of the largest collections of ros in russia, 33 varieties and 600 bushes, all so different, for example. what a variety of pink intuition is not like, an unusual combination of fuchsia-pink and white colors, but in what store will you see this, here they look like butterflies, and some with feathers with dashes with some kind of fringe,
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that is, an absolutely incredible coffee shop , brick paint. there are roses in our country grown since the 16th century, it is believed that the russian climate is not very suitable for the queen of flowers, but this did not prevent roses from taking root here. this is polina from engels's favorite flower. i associate roses with the book “the little prince”; my grandmother grew roses at her dacha, and so did i. i also try to grow roses on the balcony, in the garden of stavropol resident alexander panomariov - one of the largest private collections of roses in russia, 8.00 bushes and 80 varieties, chiinatown bloom, monster wood, the most fragrant countryman with the smell of strawberries and golden celebration with the aroma of currants, eltoro smells like caramel, she has no thorns, apparently someone breeder persuaded her during cultivation that she was not in danger. that’s why she dropped
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the thorns, and some flowers amaze with their thirst for life, like jumilia, it seems to you that the rose is a delicate and capricious plant, it grows even among stones. these roses then grow when they find good conditions, they transform even more and delight their owners. and chameleon roses grow in kislovodsk. you'll never guess what they are colors. the bremen town musicians seem like a peach.
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but also fashionable, here is the crimean necklace, the pride of the breeders of the southern peninsula, the flowers on the bush always seem to be sleeping, never fully opening. this is a fashionable trend in the selection of roses, the creation of antique roses, it seems that these are such old roses, there is a boutonniere on a prom dress. of course, breeders are chasing trends, but at the same time they are also concerned about the sustainability of their flowering duration in the luxury climate. and why everything, so that they grow healthy and bloom long time for you and me. to the delight of mikhail volkov, natalya kravchenko, elena savina, channel one, here we are all week, timur, spinning, spinning, something spinning, spinning, work, home, home, work, chores, all some kind of truth, well saturday that's it, stop, that's it, yulia, we slow down, exhale, find time for the whole family to do something interesting, for example, draw, the week is full of worries, it
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seems that the children are on vacation, but no one canceled activities with them, and work too, and they are also at home 24:7, which means mom is practically at the stove around the clock, i really want to breathe out, get distracted, both for mother and children, preferably in the park, preferably by the water, it’s finally saturday, which means i’ll have a moment for myself, today my friend lena, a psychologist, is with me. a gestalt therapist and also an art therapist part-time, this therapy is art, paints, pencils, plasticine, well, this is such a message to our unconscious, if we cannot find the answer from our heads, then we can always turn to our assistants, but not we feel calm, such an inexplicable excitement, or even vice versa, it’s very good for us soul and want to share, put paints, pencils, crayons in your hands, or anything that feels good to your finger at that moment. hold,
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if you need to calm down, yes, oh, then it’s something so viscous, soft, viscous, you can use plasticine, it’s straight, you see, it’s viscous, it’s so pleasant, it will calm us down, you can roll it, make balls various, a couple of packs of soft plasticine at work and at home won’t hurt, the boss or the children are shouting, for example, and you’re making koloboks, they’ll be surprised that you’re so calm at... an imaginary flower, as we call it, kinetic sand is also suitable, fingertips, but here we have a lot of all sorts of receptors that are connected to our brain, here it is rather a synchronization of the left and right hemisphere, yes, when both the left hand and the right hand work , it receives tactile signals, returns us, perhaps to childhood, when we were hugged, which is why all sensory materials return us to a state of peace and balance.
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drawing the same elements, be it hearts or circles, also returns to a state of rest. or flowers. in 45 minutes of any drawing, the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, can decrease attention from 18 to 15 units, and this is a very good result. if you are very angry, here i would rather focus on the color, or some kind of red paint, and you can take a brush and spray it, thereby sort of releasing this anger from within. drops they spread, as psychotherapists say, if you want to solve a problem, draw it, that’s how it could be done with money, a joke, but if you need to add a mood, it’s prosperity, blue, blue, green, yellow, on paper, and even better on the asphalt, in order to also
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please your inner child, that is, the best way when something goes wrong and you cannot cope with emotions is to sit down with the children and start drawing, this is about switching including me. i can express my feelings with the help of paints and some artistic means, i can draw my pain, i can draw my sadness, and then transform it into something bright, draw and live your emotions with pleasure, irina matheranskaya first channel. we remind you that today is saturday, it is june 15, and today the state inspection for small vessels celebrates its birthday, you understand, we congratulate all employees.
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what's the most beautiful sunset? undeniable sunsets and sunrises? how does your working day begin? well, our working day begins like ordinary people with coffee, and then , accordingly, patrols go on at water bodies. the task is to ensure safety, first check that everyone is wearing life jackets. according to statistics, it is they are in 90%.
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on the ship's course, so you're not afraid that boats are passing by, it's dangerous, well, we are adequate people, you think that you'll have time to sail, with such explanatory conversation, you still have to be a psychologist, on the one hand, because people are different on come across water, we need to find a common language with them, and come to an agreement in terms of making sure that he understands, conveying that information, we do everything, let’s say, for the benefit of people, so that they feel as comfortable as possible on the water, here you can’t just get by with a warning, not only is the exit to ship's passage and towing of a skier for violating the regional conditions of navigation rules , paragraph 164, from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, and if a friend does not present at least two life preservers now, a fine of 15 to 20 thousand , the driver gave in to his excuse, could not
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resist, decided to please women alexander is just passing his license, i'm sure he's learned all the rules by heart, not a single woman will lead astray, let's check 17 points, three acceptable mistakes, the fourth is out. well, how are you doing? well, young man, alexander sergeevich, he passed the test, he passed, i believed in you, give me five, were there any mistakes? oh, yes, two errors that are permissible are departure, approaching the pier, no big deal, that is , a person, a little bit of practice, and i’m sure he’ll learn. he is still in shock, with the receipt of his license his dream will come true, to spend the summer with friends on the water on a trip along the volga, where he sailed only alone. working day, but how many emotions? maria kuskova, stepan erofeev, sergey folendysh, natalya kaldaeva, channel one. bon appetit if you are having breakfast now, and for those who are thinking, can you imagine someone having breakfast like this and wondering what to cook? maria suggests not to think about it,
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write down the recipe right now. flat croissant, flat. the trend of the culinary season is flat croissant. for those who don’t like crumbs from a regular, pot-bellied croissant, i’ll try to make both options: from puff pastry from a ready-made croissant. puff pastry can be used either with or without yeast; you need to take it out of the freezer in advance so that it thaws at room temperature. do not forget cover with film or a towel so that the dough does not dry out, i cut it into a triangle, no... i will have a large croissant and two small ones, i make a cut on the base and roll it up slightly, stretching it, lay it out on parchment at a great distance from each other. cover with baking paper and carefully roll out with a rolling pin, place
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the baking sheet on the opposite side, press the empty one on top and bake directly with it, otherwise the dough in the oven will begin to rise, temperature 180°, time 15 minutes, i wonder if it will be possible to make a flat croissant from the ready-made one, i have them a few, i roll it out with a rolling pin, oh, it crumbles. this croissant was not in a bag and dried out, but these are soft, i’ll try it, press it well, it seems to work. i melt butter in a frying pan, put in the croissants and press them with a plate; if you have a waffle iron or grill, use them, it will be more convenient. i turn it over, just a minute and it’s done. a good way to revive yesterday's croissants that no one wants to eat anymore. what's in the oven? i remove the pan, turn it over and
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cook for another five minutes, let it cool. for decoration, i decided to take ready-made multi-colored glaze and dilute it with milk. for 50 g of powder, three teaspoons of liquid, grease half of the croissant with glaze, sprinkle with ground nuts, and decorate the blue ones with sprinkles, put them on a wire rack to dry, i made the pink ones. made from dough, they turned out the most beautiful, look how a homemade flat croissant looks like a store-bought one, a blue one from a ready-made croissant, it turned out not so thin, but it’s also a workable option, delicious, and most importantly, it’s convenient to eat fewer crumbs, the experiment was a success, summer, a wonderful time for vacations, big trips, trips, new roads, this weekend we are traveling together with the first channel. let's discover new corners of our homeland, we'll dance at a chuvash wedding, wow, we'll meet new
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interesting people, at the same place, i think, at the wedding, and not only there, you'll definitely feel comfortable at home, in general, stay on the first channel forget about, forget about the tv remote control this weekend you won’t need it, just the first button, that’s it, beauty, i came to you with hello, to tell you that the sun has risen, the sun has risen, and... the compared host of the program the lives of others have not yet ate. in in bodrum, almost every resident has a sweet tooth. zhanna eats sweets and looks around, but in the cheerful mood the handsome men think only about themselves. i was told that the men here go to the barbershop in good spirits and get their hair done almost every day. for a turkish man, a beauty salon is like a holy place. the authorities may not approve of the husband's choice here. before going to zaks, you need to get a certificate. we have to hope that our blood types will suit each other, otherwise the wedding may not
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take place, blood chevar, fire, let's play wedding, at the first one in a dude style, the groom has women’s jewelry, that is, we have men in beads, a woman in stupid clothes, it’s just very traditional, well, like that, she played, played, played for her husband, the hero of the program about the comfort of a couple from moscow, where is that , the program “i love my country”
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says hello, the show is off, you are somewhere, you are somewhere there, right, right, beyond the horizon, hovering over the gorge in kislovodsk, the hosts of the program have left, now i can imagine what the birds feel, the rocks floating here are avatars, and the rivers are not milky and the banks are not jelly, honey, here... tomorrow we will play the wedding “the life of others”. well, do you like it? if you like it, then please.
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svetlana neimanes, victoria balenskaya, joseph kobrin, channel one. dear friends, tomorrow we are together, we will all celebrate the day of the medical worker, they say that it is not customary to congratulate on the eve of the holiday, all this is understandable, but to wish all doctors health, patience, success, kindness and to say a huge thank you to them with all my heart is not only possible, but also simply necessary, i support, 11 villages and hamlets, 9,000 inhabitants, everyone knows oksana aleksandrovna veselova, she is a local therapist.
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someone is a godfather, someone is a matchmaker, someone is a brother, and it turns out that you need to help like your own all the time. valentina vorona lost consciousness right in the doctor’s office, cardiac arrest: they revived me, performed resuscitation, and i am alive and well, god bless her. after the appointment, visits to the sick, on the street everyone you meet greets you and hugs you like your own. i take pills. and we dream that such a doctor would be around us longer. 94 years is no reason to stay at home, says novosibirsk anesthesiologist mikhail egorovich ivantsov. as long as i am alive, as long as i
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walk, as long as i move, i will go to work. he has 35,000 total investments under his belt. if you add up the entire total medical experience of all the ephetovs, you get 600 years, among the efetovs there are two doctors of science and six candidates of science, this is a small part of the dynasty, at the moment there are 19 doctors in ten medical specialties, patients are waiting for everyone, so bring everyone together it's simply impossible. thank you very much, this
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sunday we will gather around the screens to remember all the doctors thanks to whom we are alive and healthy. on the air of channel one on june 16, there was a solemn ceremony of awarding the best doctors of russia, prizes, vocations. anna soldatova, liliya lobkova, channel one, krasnodar territory, crimea, novosibirs, moscow. this is how it happens in life, you go to work, you don’t suspect anything, then bam you realize, you need to go on vacation. i know how the first sign happens, you want to cry all the time, that means you need to go on vacation, it’s very similar to brushing your teeth and somehow something comes up. we won't be in high season holidays, many people understand this, and right away that the time is approaching, the price of air tickets is going up, and as practice shows, the cost of air tickets can be almost half of the entire vacation budget, by the way, and is it possible to somehow i think it’s necessary to save money, i think it’s necessary, now we’ll do it, it’s the height of the season,
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vacation tickets haven’t been bought, prices, to put it mildly, are steep, but options for saving... there are still options. just recently, two large russian airlines had a sale of about 50% was a discount so as not to miss promotions , tourism expert mikhail lozanov advises, subscribe to the social networks of airlines, this is the first, second - we always look at tickets in incognito mode. we are being watched, so to speak, and all airline aggregators have a robot on their websites that monitors your search queries. there are many requests, the price may increase for you and me. there are two directions: novosibirs - there are relatives and sochi - there is the sea. round-trip tickets for four. on weekends, holidays, during children's holidays, the first last day is much more expensive to fly. daytime flights are always more expensive than early morning and late night flights. i choose the most favorable dates and times. novosibirsk - 79. rub. sochi - 107 without luggage. by the way, in my case
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it’s cheaper to pay extra; for four of us we only have two suitcases. today is thursday, mikhail advises not to rush, book tickets from monday to wednesday, i will monitor prices during the week, what other options not to overpay, often in directions where... there are charter flights or block places purchased by a tour operator in advance, it may be more profitable to buy just a package tour with a hotel, conditionally two stars, without meals. this mainly applies to trips abroad; you can save money in countries where there is a so-called low season. in russia, subsidized air tickets on unpopular routes will help you do this. this year there are 270 of them on the list from the federal air transport agency, some tickets for everyone, some only for beneficiaries. 7.5 in one and 7 and a half in the other. for a pensioner the amount is escalating - says anatoly ivanovich, he is already the second from the primorsky territory if so, he will fly to moscow to visit his daughter and grandchildren. i continue to monitor tickets, today is saturday,
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according to experts, they should be the most expensive, we are checking. moscow sochi, for four round trip 114,000 rubles. let me remind you that on thursday the amount was 107. novosibirs without changes. by the way, i also subscribed to two channels where they sometimes post tickets at competitive prices. but as a rule, these are last-minute tours, they are not suitable for me, and there are no promotions yet. it's 2:00 a.m. tuesday and i'm still hunting for tickets. sochi - 99. rub. novosibirs appeared neighboring dates are slightly cheaper. well, does it work? natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one. summer. summer. how lovely. yes. and berries for you, and flowers, and mushrooms, it’s a wonderful time. just now the first chanterelles have appeared.
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hunts not only for the product, but also to transport it correctly, deliver it to the kitchen and cook it straight fresh, so we’re going to the kitchen by premix, we
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’ll check that now, by plane from kaliningrad to a dacha near moscow, hello, hello, well, it’s arrived, yes our elderberry from kaliningrad, i can smell it, oh, what a wonderful smell , it looks so beautiful, these flowers are straight from elderflowers. victor prepared kvass, the recipe is very simple, well, zazozh, zazozh, very tasty, very, very sour, no sourness at all, it’s just amazing for this, add lemon, i would never have thought that this was kvass, this is, guys, something with something, well, i also have an answer for this kvass, seasonal finds, these are new potatoes and chanterelles, great, what a... zosh in june of the amateless harvest, victor even brought pink salt for it, i took the petals roses, fragrant, growing on the shores of the baltic sea, and sea salt, i mix it together,
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i like its color, aroma, amazing color aroma, great, you and i combined the forest and the sea, yes the sea, it’s time to explain what kind of profession ours has hero, he is a gastronomic scout, an expert on products in the region. knows a lot about the gastronomic hits of any city in russia, can create a useful vow, but literally from everything that grows under his feet. so, our hero today is victor, who is also a gastroscout, a gastrodetective and a gastroheck. victor, tell me later moscow, where will you go next and what will you look for? in the summer i go north in search of new combinations; i am interested in seaweed and there are a huge number of berries, cloudberries, and shiksha. a sought-after combination of tundra, sea, and today victor was inspired by an ordinary onion, so we got these mini-baths, it was very cool to season
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with potatoes, chanterelles and greens, that is, we would have collected the whole dish in one small onion, and my story as a gastroscout - this is to inspire chefs, take them out into the countryside to cook like this hungry from what they have so that they have it. it’s so local, the most realistic pictures and images, but fresh air certainly helps with this. zosh, in the summer, just have time to try what nature provides. guys, children to the table, uh-huh, when mom says like that, it means she has already prepared everything and it’s time to eat, but if dad calls like that, it means all the fun is just beginning, and the whole family will cook, father of three children alexey ivanov is ready to share his experience right now. children, today we will learn to peel potatoes,
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a useful skill that will always come in handy. you control it little by little, you cut it, you try, yes, the second option is to peel the potatoes from top to bottom, it will be easier for the child, but the downside of this method is that the peel turns out to be quite thick, which is great, if the child does not know how to use a knife, then
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a vegetable peeler will do, where is that possible? potato towards you with these movements, try it yourself, well done, the most important thing is safety precautions, let the children do everything under your supervision, but for you anya, the task with an asterisk, you need will peel the potatoes with one spiral, whoever loses will cook dinner, agreed, yes. tadam, anya is preparing lunch, we all did a great job, now we need to remove the cleaning, well, we are all waiting for lunch, well, bon appetit, and to you, our program continues on
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the calendar. saturday june 15, on the night from saturday to sunday, the entire muslim world begins to celebrate kurban bayram. karina makaryan will tell you about the history of the holiday and its traditions. on the night of june 15-16, the entire muslim world celebrates kurban bayram, the festival of sacrifice. will start with morning prayer namaz in all mosques. in arabic, if you translate the word qurban, it means to be closer to the almighty. if we open the holy quran, we will see the feat of the prophet. ibrahim alayhi salam, peace be upon him, or the biblical version of abraham. the almighty, having given this test, showed the great prophet ibrahim that there was no need to shed human blood, and gave a sacrificial animal in return. it is believed that this event took place in mecca, on the site of the sacred kaaba, a shrine in the form of a cubic structure. they pray in her direction all muslims on kurban bayram , millions of pilgrims from all over the world come here,
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dressed in... a sign of equality before the almighty, regardless of nationality, profession, status. this is the most important day when all pilgrims gather in the valley of mount arafat and pray all day, read the holy quran all day, and ask the almighty all day for forgiveness of sins, mistakes, and self-correction. during kurban bayram , it is important to forgive grievances, make peace with everyone, it is forbidden to refuse help, need.
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a dish made from dough, in dough, of course, yes, they they differ only in the fillings, if kastyby is our dough with mashed potatoes, yes, potatoes, triangles are our potatoes, and duck is either beef or lamb, some kind of fatty meat, the table should be bursting with treats, on eid al-adha there are always a lot of guests, a reason to get together with the whole family, with friends, neighbors, we gather about 30 people, yes, there are more and more children there now, the main meaning of this day is: to gather all your loved ones, treat them, on the same day, help, who does not have the opportunity to celebrate this holiday, therefore, a sacrifice is made, and this meat is distributed. those with low incomes, those with many children, who do not have the opportunity to set such a table there, celebrate eid al-adha for 3 days; in some muslim countries, the first day of the holiday is considered an official day off. karina makaryan, konstantin struchkov, andrey ivanov, channel one. what are we
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planting? planting forests, a leaf on which the dew falls, the freshness of the forest, the moisture, and the shadow that the sozha today is today, everything is right, as samuel yakolevich wrote, marshak, the fox is. the lungs of our planets, in fact, the forest - this is life, there are no such thing as too many forests, these small tufts of greenery are future trees, look how many there are, in one greenhouse there are about 400 thousand, spruce pines are grown in a nursery in the arkhangelsk region to be planted in place of burned and cut down forests. the conditions for children are odd, a personal peat pot, regular watering, fertilizing, treatment against insects, grown seedlings are sent to...
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but they check, count and replant additional trees. in the krasnoyarsk territory they continue to restore forests after major fires of 2019 and 22. then more than 100,000 hectares burned. several thousand
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trees have already been planted on each hectare. this year they are adding another 500. pine, spruce, cedar, it takes at least a century for the seedlings to become a forest. this is a very difficult process. and most importantly, this is work in nature. many people say that we breathe fresh air here, in fact it’s heat, rain, mosquitoes, dirt, sometimes it’s almost impossible to find people for such work, but the forestry department still manages to find workers, restore forests and even experiment, so they grow blue spruce. this is our first experience, we decided to grow large trees with a closed root system, that is, there is little experience in russia. this is barely a year, after another couple of years it will be planted in the forest, in addition to planting, mineralized strips are now being made in the forests to protect against possible fires, new trees will be planted until the beginning of autumn. elena savina, channel one. so, you can only breathe in the wind,
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as it was said in one of my favorite movies. do you agree with this statements? julia, or in general, what is your attitude towards the wind? well, i don’t know, something like that, something frivolous, so windy. you know, the wind knows where to look for me, just like that, i would say, it even knows where to look for the clouds, but not only the clouds are driven by the wind, why do we drive the wind in general, now it’s the wind in our heads, because in our morning , today is world wind day, we congratulate you, congratulate you, right now dmitry kuzmin invites us to fill our sails with wind and get to know it better, this footage is not for the faint of heart, windows were blown off the fifty-first floor in china, no one was hurt by the spoiler. the strongest wind on the planet has a racing car speed of 407 km/h, 113 m/second. where does such power come from? from the point of view of meteorologists, everything is simple. wind is the movement of air relative to the earth's surface, from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure.
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point twelve on the bafort scale is a hurricane. 32.7 m/second or more. in our climate in moscow, the moscow region , there have never been hurricanes. if you think about it, the wind is enormous power capable of change. the romance of great discoveries is still alive in us; sailors are now being taught to sail on sailing ships, such as the legendary barg sidov. although the yacht nikolai is equipped. with a motor, he does not deny himself to us on a sailing trip, an incomparable pleasure, even if you crossed the atlantic ocean three times, in the indian one miraculously survived a hurricane, like those that do not stop...
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we have long made friends with the wind on land, flour-grinders mills have almost disappeared from the familiar landscape, wheeled carts under sail, and even a trolley, who remembers, back in 1930 the soviet union was the leader in the conquest of the wind, the first station in 1931 in baloklava, now the largest of our nine in edegei 150 mw, just for the whole of maykop - 150,000 inhabitants, and where the central power supply is too much.
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ends, even somehow i didn’t understand anything, somehow everything flew by quickly, it’s a pity to say goodbye to you, there’s no need anymore, yes, we ’re saying goodbye to you, and your weekend is just beginning, bye-bye, bye,


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