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tv   Zhizn drugikh  1TV  June 16, 2024 11:05am-12:00pm MSK

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so we ask men here, women here, line up, wall, wall. another wedding game, a cleanup competition, is won by the guest who performs the most fun and mischievous cleanup. bulatekh, spinning top.
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bravo, an accelerating dish, specifically here there was porridge, well, now you’ll surprise anyone with porridge, yes, that’s why we will have an accelerating dessert.
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well, friends, we need to take the last, last photo for the photo report for natasha, let’s all stand together, i ’ll take a photo of you, egor, go higher, one two, three, thank you all, friends, i took a photo seven films on each of them are definitely a masterpiece, oh, at least you know how to print, and develop the film, our ministry will take care of that, but actually galenka, you had other words according to the script, so i’ll say it for you, by the way, to our young people - then you liked the wedding, how did you like the wedding in general, fire, generally super, you directly conveyed the chuvash language. the mood
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hit the nail on the head, everyone is happy, friends, and we ourselves, to be honest, in the future, who will watch, who will participate, in short, it ’s generally super, well, my back hurts, of course, otbrekdance, yes, well, the blood of the chuvar there is a song of the saddle, i’m not tired, well, you just swayed, but your back hurts, everything drives you, i don’t know what for, just thank you, all that remains is to say when... she taught me how to cook churpa, and she gave me a dress that, in your family, passes from generation to generation, in which she herself got married, she is really very beautiful, it would be cool to actually pass this on to our children, a girl, so that she would also wear it for her wedding , yes, renew, a beautiful tradition.
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"dear natasha, we want you with this with a cheboksary bouquet to say that they think that they will appease me with a bouquet, the rogues still appeased me, oh, what is this, a photo report about the wedding, what a beauty, well, look, friends, admire, play weddings with us, anton and anna , i wish you to remain kind to each other, remember more often why you chose to fall in love with each other. dear children, i wish you goodness, happiness, love, good luck, a healthy family, give birth to beautiful, smart children, i wish you never be late for your plane of life, so that they are older respected, did not forget, so that, as at the very beginning of your acquaintance, you still have the same spark in your eyes, even love, i want you to carry this through the years, strong love.
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happiness, to have a peaceful sky above their heads, all the best, all earthly blessings, i wish them. “i married my beloved because she was very passionate, my future husband was very hardworking, how can you not marry someone like that, to get married, my boyfriend just needs to be the most romantic, we need to hope that our blood types to each other." welcome bodrum, this is the life of others.
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was i already in good spirits? was i, what do i know about bodrum? well, practically nothing, they say it’s a great place to relax, seaside, bars, restaurants, yachts, but you understand that i flew here. they told you about vacation, although who knows, maybe the locals also consider childbirth and school a vacation, it’s time to figure all this out and budrm is located
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in the southwest of turkey, on the coast of the aegean sea, only a little more than 35,000 people live here, but this figure... is increasing significantly during the holiday season. first impression: it looks like a city, but not a single high-rise building. the villas are identical and white, no higher than three floors, and if i were a local, then of course i would live in one of these houses. and in the morning i would go to training like ren and pump up my buttocks so as to please all the girls in the gym. or maybe i, like enur, would open my own beauty salon to make men beautiful, don’t be surprised, i’ll tell you everything soon, but of course i would like to be like my grandfather , the mistress of a huge villa of 350 square meters, i prepared a delicious lunch and gathered a noisy
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group of guests, every weekend i would go to the market to buy groceries, by the way, the best place to get to know the residents of the city is the market, the locals really like to come to the market to buy groceries, especially since they are very fresh here and they they shout so much here when they call you somewhere to buy from them, oh, i love these screams, squeals, i love everything, social status, level of income doesn’t matter, everyone goes to the markets, you work here only on saturdays or do you have other days? same you have a market somewhere, well, there is also a market in the neighboring areas, we also trade there, how much do you sell in a day tomato, squash, peas, my trade is going well, i can sell 200 kilograms a day, and you can sell more, i understand, and these are expensive prices for bodrum or
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are these average, for high-quality products this is a normal price, but if some kind of nonsense cost that much, then yes it’s expensive, yours is high-quality, and mine is the highest quality, more often they choose the market for shopping not only fresh products , but you can bargain in the market. i give 30 liras for these tomatoes, 45, you'll pay for 2 liras, four only in cash. the turks even like to compete to see who can negotiate the best deal, give it for 50, and this
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saves money well, for example, if something costs 70 liras, you can easily buy it for 60, of course, there is a measure, for example, a 20-30 discount. percent - this is normal, more may offend the seller, well, there is an exception, during this time i bought my daughter dates, she loves cashew pickles. i paid 200 liras, in fact they cost 400, i just bargained so well that the seller could not refuse, but you are screaming, why, no one is screaming, but you are screaming, everything here is delicious, fresh, i shout so that people know about it, apparently, only you have everything fresh here, because everyone else is silent, well done, oh 'kay, that's it, that's it. yes, thank you, well, come on, then shout, i don’t hear anything, in short, but
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the strawberries are the freshest, if between meat and fish they choose the latter because it’s cheaper, then the turks don’t know how to save on sweets, because they can’t deny themselves when it comes to sweets, in bodrum almost every resident has a sweet tooth. no wonder, because love turkish children literally absorbed sweets with their mother’s milk, but i’ll tell you about that a little later. food is a cult for turks, so even in kindergartens they develop a special menu for children, what do they eat there? so what is it? this is a milk soup with meatballs, very tasty, here we have pasta. pasta all over the world, that is, it is pasta with tomatoes.
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there are no free preschool institutions, in the state there is a monthly fee, on average 500 l, and you also need to buy stationery, private kindergartens in on average 25,000 liras per month. in the one i came to, i have to pay 240,000 lire in 9 months. this price includes everything, parents just have to pay for the kindergarten, bring diapers and the child. at 2 years old, teachers teach children potty training and hygiene. brings the kids in at 8 a.m., breakfast starts at 9:30 a.m., and classes begin. two-year-olds have four lessons ; older children have six. children under 3 years old are supposed to sleep. a couple of times it’s free, but if
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you’re consistently late, then the duty group costs 850 liras per month, in groups there are an average of 18 people and two teachers, for teachers get their work in a public kindergarten on average 39,300, in a private one - training takes place according to the program of the ministry of education, but each kindergarten itself adds its own features, for example, classes in the pool or creative clubs. honestly, remembering my childhood, i hated going to kindergarten so much, there was semolina porridge there, it was constantly sleeping, closing your eyes and not moving anywhere, here children have a swimming pool from the age of 2, children come.
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if i hadn’t conducted my own experiment, you know, i went and took off my bag
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i left it here, completely forgot about it, came, it’s lying there, i’m wondering, am i so lucky or is it really so safe here, let’s go check, now i’ll find out everything, there are cctv cameras in the city, but the secret of such security is not at all in the security. this is an elite resort, we have a completely different mentality, taking someone else’s things is simply not accepted, brother, lie down for a minute, things.
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when i was caught for another 2 hours, it turns out that i was still shooting in the trench, something was in the way, i thought, my hand was just broken, let ’s go on our toes now, now, come on, one, two, heart wounds, such wounds are very rare, when we saw this, we were shocked that he survived at all, they found a fuse in my leg, my friend had one in his heart, we did not expect to survive, but thanks to our to the doctors, we stand here alive in front of you, when i arrived home, i only found out then that... i was operated on with a bulletproof vest on the day of the medical worker, mine in the heart, today on the first,
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i love russia because it is my homeland, for the smart and wonderful people who live here. russian people work for me - this is a person who has honor, dignity, happiness - this is to enjoy every second, every minute spent in this wonderful world. a large family is good, firstly, it’s fun, not only for parents, but also for children, all the time is devoted only to family, children, yes, who else do you have, dad, sister, so that they respect each other, listen to each other, always give in , the family rests on this, wishes for the year of the family for all families of our country - this is health to everyone, all the best, love in the family and with loved ones. turkish world leaders come to relax in bodrum celebrities, year after year, rent one of the snow-white villas and organize parties there. the first thing tourists love about
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bodrum is our white villas. for guests it ’s beautiful, but for... these houses call the city the second greece, and the locals are happy to take advantage of this similarity, because the city lives on tourism, during the season the townspeople give their best, they say here that if you work in the summer, you’ll rest in the winter, for a year , a successful realtor can earn $100,000. and i even know those who earned 5-10 times more than this amount. wow, why am i surprised: the cheapest villa for rent can cost about 100,000 liras per month, the most expensive - indefinitely, and 50,000 euros per day is not the limit. i decided to take a look at one of these. villa 10,000 m.
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swimming pool, spa, gym, restaurant, in general, what can i tell you, you can, in principle, never leave here and here, these are the villas where the rich and famous relax. marc jacobs, gigi hadit and even mick jagger. what kind of parties have not seen the walls, this. ly, but the main thing for me is not this: local residents can earn quite good money here, from a waiter to a cook. hello, this is your coffee. oh, thank you very much, wait, how long have you been working here? i’ve only been here for a month, but for me it’s already like a second home, my family. first month,
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was it difficult for you to get a job here? yes, you have to be a pro, be able to communicate with people, i have a lot. for example, my waiter averages 30,000 liras per month unlimited tips, but then it’s not interesting, thanks for the coffee, then you, but
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i still managed to look into one of the rooms, the area of ​​this room starts somewhere from 150 m2, well, it’s a normal , pleasant, bright room, here there is, of course, a bathroom, a dressing room, as you can see, yes, let’s go further, i’ll show you, here so from your room you go straight out onto this terrace, here you have breakfast, if you don’t want to meet other guests, here you can relax, sunbathe, of course, there is crazy strong security everywhere, and video surveillance, both at the entrance and upon check-in, in general, well, i like it, i like it if like it, then please pay the money and live your life.
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we travel as crowded as possible, in winter, of course, this is not the case, there are four standing places and 18 seats, you can’t take a fifth standing place, otherwise there will be fines, but if
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a family comes in, then we will accommodate, in general, it seems that it’s impossible, but if necessary, you can, the same goes for stops, here they are required to disembark at stationary stops, but if there is a special situation, for example, a heavy suitcase, then they can stop next to you so as to drag less, work is comfortable from 7:00 in the morning until 12 at night, they leave every 15 minutes, they don’t try to get through here without a ticket, if you don’t have money, then we ’ll just transport you for free out of the kindness of our hearts, i’m a student, so i use dolmus all the time, it’s the most convenient form of transport, it often travels until nightfall, sometimes it’s difficult to fit in with a suitcase , when there are a lot of people, but i’m not complaining, and they say they must drive very carefully or there will be fines, but there is one type of transport in the vigorous. where the faster the better, these are sailboats. when your
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child goes to play football, well, i understand, you need to buy a uniform, there, i don’t know, well, the ball is a last resort, that’s right, when your child goes sailing, it turns out that you need to buy a yacht, let’s go and figure it out, it is believed that in bodrum children primarily study. ride a bike, and drive a sailboat, oh, from the age of 7, boys and girls come to a yachting school so that at 18 they can already masterfully catch the wind, what, it takes 10 years to study, hmm, is it really so difficult, listen, tell me please, what are you doing, just keep your pair, i keep a pair for catching the wind, my new friend is 9 years old, she’s been learning to sail for 2 years now , it all looks scary, of course, a little fragile girl, a huge sail , strong, strong wind, and it’s not hard for you
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to carry it, explanation, it can be, of course, hard, especially when the wind is very powerful, no wonder , that in the first year of study a third of boys and girls give up training, in fact, at the beginning, control may seem difficult, because the coordination of movements is not perfected,
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baby, hold on, you already have a wounded finger, you can do it, be careful, what a nightmare! but it turns out it’s worse for students not to fly away or get hurt, but to tear the sail, because it is expensive in itself, and the sport itself, like golf in europe, is elite, fashionable for those who can invest large amounts of money in it. tuition costs 5,500 liras per month, and you also need to spend money on your own sail and additional clothes. about a thousand euros, this is an elite sport, but very popular, and in general, you buy a pair of clothes once and last for a long time. but then contributions will begin here and there, participation in races, however, if you perform well in competitions that are held in bodrum, almost every weekend you can win a nice prize, but until it comes to that, parents will have to invest half a million turkish lira for 10 years of study, and this is only school fees, i would
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tell my child before the competition, just try, don’t win , just kidding! let's go, let's go, the finale of the eighth season of the three chords project, it's very captivating that you, like a child, enjoy what you do, it's great, a wonderful vocalist, it's so nice.
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where are the wife and child? not my wife, she’s my, you know, she’s, why did you get involved in all this? because of a girlfriend with a child? yes, everything is complicated there, the child, he seems to be mine. please stop crying, if you don’t help me now, then i can’t handle it alone, we are forbidden to approach the russian embassy, ​​especially to establish surveillance on it. i don’t understand what you mean, i’m on vacation, one chance in three.
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that we are going to the kremlin together. america gives listen, if we are being eavesdropped, then western europe will now be at the mercy of the confrontation with russia, apparently, france and poland will be at the forefront of this adventure? poland is a country that is for money will do everything. i hope that in ukraine they will remember that level. help, it was a gigantic help that has not yet been compensated, well, you still have to pay for it, yes, and we will remind you every penny what the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship is, the vavan and lexus show on wednesday on the first. if you consider kindergarten or nanny, expensive sports, it turns out that you either need to save money from the cradle to raise a child, or save on everything.
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or earn a lot? i went to visit my new friend didem to find out how young families live in bodrumi. i knocked, forgive me, welcome to our home. meraba, what a little doll, hello, come quickly, now i’ll show you everything. yes, thank you, oh, you have such a big house, your family lives in a nice house. 350 km in size, there are five rooms on three floors, three bedrooms on the top, two guest rooms on the bottom. there is a spacious kitchen, a living room and a terrace, there is a garden and a swimming pool and it doesn’t cost much, 2.5 million euros. it is my husband. welcome, thank you, do you three live here? oh, well, did you buy this house or is it on rent? bought, that is, young
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people here. the cheerful ones can afford to buy such a house. no, usually young people rent apartments or live with their parents, but our situation was not entirely standard. our relatives helped us, my father and grandfather, we are all architects. and realtors, grandfather and father bought this land and built 10 identical houses, this is our family business, we rent them out, so we managed to make money and buy one of them for ourselves. it turned out that everyone's favorite little white houses played a cruel joke on the locals, or rather, the law, which was adopted back in the last century, on the height of buildings, it is impossible to build higher than three floors, all in order to preserve the recognition of the city and its atmosphere. also associated with seismic activity. there is no way to break the law on the height of a building; if you decide to build a house higher than three floors, you will be fined and may even be sent to prison, and the house will be demolished. it turns out that there are many people who want to live in bodrum, but
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there is not enough housing, so rental and purchase prices are constantly rising. it's very expensive here earth. plus, the price of housing is affected by how many houses can be built on it, whether it is close to the center or to...
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we have an assistant with a small child, i would not be able to clean all these rooms. it turns out that in bodrum, in large houses , it is customary to have a cleaner; he finds her on the recommendation of friends. it is not easy for an ordinary person on the street to get such a job. she comes twice a week to tidy up from 9 am to 5:00 pm. for one visit we pay her 1.00 liras per month, which comes out to 800 liras. i was told that in general in turkish families the husband cooks very well and most often he does it. this is true. my husband loves to cook. and i make it delicious. he also helps with the child. in general, men in turkey like to spend a lot of time with children, but of course. it also depends on the person, but mine is exactly like that, and since our baby is calm and quiet, we even have competition for who will sit with her. perhaps this is why, despite expensive sports kindergartens and minimal support from the state in bodrumi, it is customary to have two more children, i don’t
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know, maybe they just like giving birth. already then, when her water almost breaks , contractions begin, and the most important thing is that at this moment relatives can come with her, and in any number, even mom, dad, neighbor, husband, friend, employees, that is, everyone who fits in room, they can come, oh my god, everyone can be present, as many as can fit in the room, our women in labor are in a good mood, they laugh and communicate. so it’s like a holiday, i probably wouldn’t want such a support group for myself, especially since in peoples you won’t meet unfamiliar faces, in it is customary in turkey, the doctor who manages the pregnancy, he delivers the child, more often turkish women choose private maternity hospitals, there
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is an examination of any level of complexity, i gave birth in a private one, there are such prestigious maternity hospitals where they take great care of the mother in labor, and there is no need to worry, and it costs 25 thousand lire. on average, the package, the introduction of pregnancy and childbirth, and it does not matter how the baby is born, although turkish women often choose a caesarean section. as a doctor, i am on the side of natural childbirth, but women, out of fear, most often ask so that they have a cesarean section, if they still agree to a natural birth, i offer painkillers, i always joke, they don’t give you bonuses for childbirth, so you don’t have to endure the pain. so, when a woman... gives birth, she comes to such a luxurious, spacious room, lies here, rests, but unfortunately, she can afford it, well, if the birth went well, just one night, if it was caesarean, then
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of course, two nights, a little more, if suddenly the husband becomes bored and lonely at home, he can come here and huddle here like this - sofas, the child is with the mother all the time, but it’s interesting that, of course, when a woman is lying down, she gave birth and she suddenly wanted a cup of coffee, she ... “hello-hello, hello, can i have a cup of coffee, please, yes, yes, turkish coffee, yes with sugar, they bring her coffee so that after childbirth the milk comes in, the woman in labor is sure to be fed, with everything, anything, there is no diet, if you want sweets, you want coffee, as they say, the very diapers, a turk must love turkish coffee and holwa, then a cup of coffee, she can come out here, on the terrace, you know, and admire the mountains,
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the sea, well, tell me, in such conditions, we wouldn’t all want to give birth and give birth, give birth and give birth, ah, beauty, of course, i would like to stay in such conditions longer, but on the other hand, why keep a woman in labor in the hospital if everything is fine, and it cannot be otherwise, because the child’s health was taken care of even before... before his conception, do you think, without which it is impossible to get married in bodrum, that’s right, without certificates, with tests, yes, you heard right, i was surprised myself when they told me about it still visiting, with family. before going to the turkish zaks, we definitely had our blood tested, received a certificate, only with this piece of paper can we submit an application, otherwise they won’t sign it, but i’m wondering, what if suddenly?
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in total, all the modern successes of the institute
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are based on the history that it had, an experiment on humans and people are at risk. the chief neurosurgeon of the russian federation compared the sklifosovsky institute with an aircraft carrier, that is, it is a machine that is constantly in operation, which allows implement everything that has been done in science directly into clinical practice. we have the most experience in the world in the treatment of multi-level trauma, that is, when there is more than one symptom. sklifosovsky institute, today on the first,
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your idea of ​​​​happiness, mutual love, struggle, soldier, you are alive, you again climbed to the front line, where misanbat is, but in my opinion, you are simply idealizing him, dr. push will remain here, so for the conflict , i won’t go into conflict myself, but i will, eternal one. yours, this is your volodka, sometimes he likes to talk, we need a person like you to command the health of an entire region, a territory like two frances, inna makarova, why are you doing this forever, and just jump off completely, alexei batalov, decided to start everything from the very beginning in the film, my dear man, today on the first. it will be hot,
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what, where, when, summer series of games, finals, watch the time after the program, syphilis, leprosy, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, in the presence of these diseases, love is love, and the health of the nation comes first, so that children are healthy and beautiful, by the way , about beauty, it is given more attention here attention, in the morning, when i wake up, i ’ll put some patches here, i’ll put
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a mask on myself like this, then a mask on my hair, then some other light mask, in general, tomorrow i’ll have a massage afterwards. men, i was told that the men here are in good spirits, go straight to the hairdresser, get their hair done almost every day, is this true? well, not exactly every day, but once a month, or even a week they definitely stop by, but how could it be otherwise? men love to do everything, eyebrows,
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manicure, pedicure, hair care, but the most in demand is beard care. men they go to the salon primarily to relax.
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in the salon is 2.0 liras, and the most - the least a girl can leave is about 3000 liras, for example, if complex coloring is done, what do women like to do most in the salon, what services? the main thing is that the hair should glow with health, so they are very fond of coloring when doing care procedures. experiments can change one's hair color into a blonde from a brunette on the contrary in one go, as soon as their hair does not fall out from such experiments, and other services in in the salon they do it as often as once a month , manicure, pedicure, they tint the hair if there is gray hair, i go to the salon once a week,
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i just need to get a beautiful beard done, more often than i do, and you have a wife, of course you do, and my wife, how often she goes to the salon, is not like that. gentlemen, i’m making a sensational statement, oh, lord, for the first time in my life i came to the gym for you, i confess, i can’t stand it, i really can’t stand it, dancing, shmants, yes,
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these are your sports ones, god, what well, yes, i don’t understand what this is for joy, you know, but they say that turkish men really love to spend time here and meet turkish women, is this true, i don’t know, i just need to drink coffee, god, how can you love this, some kind of nightmare? and most importantly, no, well, i was told, i don’t know if it’s true or not, that men are very careful that they have a beautiful butt, of course, we pay attention to the butt and thighs, so that the muscles play beautifully when you walk along the beach. women always evaluate the back and butt and give it special attention if a man has beautiful ass, no girl can resist. i don't know. girls, like any of you, but i pay attention right there, what am i, i immediately, you know, i
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have nothing in my head except my butt, right, but i pay the least attention to my ass, okay there there’s also the abs, okay, there’s also the shoulders, and the butt has nothing to do with the man, you know better, men in bodrum work a lot on their feet, and pumped up butt thighs are an indicator of strength and endurance, as well as health, to come... every day to the gym you have to give up your butt 10,000 liras for six months, an average of 2,500 per month, individual lessons with a trainer another 1,00 liras, it is not surprising that a trainer receives an average of 50,000 liras per month. i’ll tell you one secret, we train so much because we want to motivate women with our beautiful bodies to also take care of themselves. do you have a wife, a girlfriend? not yet, but while working out at the gym there is a chance to meet the ideal woman for me. yeah, that is a life hack, girls, that is, if you want
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to meet, as they say, go ahead without going to the gym, this is not your bar, you drink coffee there or something else, you make masks there, so i want to tell you that i can never devote any time to my butt, i give myself to people all the time and this is how i communicate and communicate, yes, our women also love to communicate, but i would like them to pay more attention. time for themselves, of course, they have other hobbies, children are there, but sports are also needed so that they are in a good mood and do not grumble at us, only turkish women curse for a reason, of course, when your men surrounded by some beauties disappear for days, we have jealous women and jealous men, this is national, i like it when people are jealous of me, i will not miss the opportunity to talk to a girl, but i will definitely show the ring, i will say that...
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file for divorce , but in order to go through all the procedures, it’s easier not to get a divorce. you can only get a divorce through the court; there are two options: divorce by mutual consent and divorce based on claims. in this case it is necessary .
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without even thinking about making money and at the same time always having food, and this homeless dogs. anyone who has been to turkey knows that they really like to care for animals here, look, there are a lot of them here, but few people know that there is a whole system for caring for animals. hello dogs, we always take care of dogs, you can’t pass by without pouring water or giving them something to eat. i have my own dogs, but i look after the ones that live on the beach. such love for smaller brothers is
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a national trait of the turks, although it is fixed at the city level.
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towards change, it is so important to stop for a moment, pet a stray dog, hug a child, breathe in the salty sea air, see the beauty in everyone around, and it doesn’t matter whether he dyes his hair or does hair removal, goes to the gym or lies on the couch all day, throws noisy parties or cooks a delicious dinner for two, it is important that happiness does not require any conditions, well, perhaps only. so that the cut group matches. bodrum is freedom, sunshine, beauty around happy people, the opportunity to live the way you have always dreamed of. watch in the next episodes. i keep figuring it out relations between turkish men and women. do you pay attention specifically to men's hips? i'll test turkish humor. now watch what
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happens. ay, waved. that’s all, and i’ll figure out what to do in bodrevo in retirement, this is my friend. hello, there is a news release on the first channel, in the studio maxim sherafuddinov and briefly the main thing. from unique rescues in operating rooms to daily exploits on the front lines. today we congratulate health workers on their professional holiday and honor those for whom.


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