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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  June 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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as usual, three times, twice short, the third long, with rolls and shimmers, at my command, three, four, hurray, hurray, hurray, happy holiday. hello, on the first channel evening news, andrey ukharev is with you. the russian army liberated zagornoye in the zaporozhye region. news from the ministry of defense and reporting from the front line. gentlemen, prepare your ears. well, for
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victory, it is inevitable, in the case of the wolves brigade of the volunteer corps as part of the south group of troops. a whole special operation to rescue women and children who were hiding behind ukrainian militants in volchansk. we ran to the ruins, got a message from the guys that we see you, we are very worried about you. we'll tell you how we managed to bring the family out of shelling onto russian territory. they won't be able to do anything without us. it is important to note that any serious negotiation processes require the presence of russia. the conference in switzerland ended in failure, why did it need a political get-together at an expensive smoke shop? from small to large, even the president. the cubans are lining up.
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testing of the newest drug, this method of treatment will be available to everyone, and material base for production, it is all in russia, a domestic development that gives hope to millions, one of the main muslim holidays, today is eid al-fitr, mentally we have approached the almighty allah, with our good prayers, good, pious deeds, only in moscow , more than 200 thousand people gathered for morning prayers to see it the way it was intended. on this long path of restoration,
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which took 17 years, there was long, painstaking work, not always easy, the restorers argued, in petergorf after a large-scale restoration, the chinese palace opens. congratulations and words of endless gratitude are addressed today to those who have chosen to save others as their life’s work. russia is the day of the medical worker, the noblest, most important and at the same time the most difficult profession, often requiring special courage and dedication. doctors and nurses, paramedics, orderlies, they are with a person from his very birth, ready to help at any moment, treat and prevent diseases, prolong life, make a huge contribution to the creation of advanced therapies and the development of life-saving drugs. on this special day, congratulations from the president to all russian doctors. i cordially
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congratulate you on this holiday, i congratulate everyone who has devoted themselves to medicine and serving people, who works in hospital clinics, in ambulance and air ambulance services, in federal medical organizations in rural obstetric and paramedic centers, and performs their duty in army hospitals on the front line. the importance of medicine is impossible. appreciate, we all deeply realized this during coronavirus infection, when russian doctors courageously and selflessly fulfilled their medical duty, fought for the life of each patient, regardless of the extreme fatigue over time and the risks to their own health. this period will remain in the history of domestic healthcare as a real feat of thousands and... thousands of doctors,
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nurses, laboratory assistants, junior staff of all our hospitals and clinics, and today, in the conditions of a special military operation, medical... and workers show their best qualities, save wounded on the battlefield, they treat, nurse, carry out complex operations, master and introduce new methods of rehabilitation, do everything possible to support the fortitude of our heroes, in the medical community itself , his decency, mercy and... suffering are put on a par with the skill, knowledge and responsibility of a doctor. the absolute majority of russian medical workers possess qualities, they are passed on from generation to generation, it is very important that in medical universities and colleges attention is paid to instilling devotion to the chosen profession,
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so that graduates are prepared for the fact that their work, as anton pavlovich chekhov wrote, is a daily test of humanity, in honor of the day. the award for the medical worker on the front line was presented to the military doctors of the southern group of troops, who heroically perform tasks in the special operation zone, rush to the aid of the wounded, despite the shelling, carry out a complex operation when seconds count, activists congratulated the doctors who work in the kharkov direction young guard of united russia, every day doctors provide assistance and fighters and local residents. the russian army liberated the village of zagornoye in the zaporozhye region. the line of the vostok grouping of troops is moving forward, occupying more advantageous positions. the enemy is suffering huge losses. during the day , 1,745 militants were destroyed along the entire front line, as well as many armored vehicles, including the german leopard tank, american hambi and maxpro armored vehicles, as well as the polish
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-made krab self-propelled gun. fierce battle in the kharkov region, where russian fighters not only repel enemy attacks, but moving forward. it’s hot in the chasoy yar area, where ours have improved their tactical position. another hot section of the front west of solidar. russian units do not allow the enemy to turn around there and destroy the fortification. the enemy also snarls with drones, mortars, and artillery. every movement is monitored, so you need to act. very quickly, our correspondent amir yusupov was convinced of this. he visited the positions of the volki brigade of the volunteer corps, operating as part of the southern group of troops. and here is his report from the front line. past broken and burned houses. cars with fighters of the wolves brigade are moving to the front line, enemy kamikaze drones are circling over the roads, the speedometer needle of our uaz exceeds a hundred, you left here and the arrivals have begun, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that is, we often copied pizza, arrivals have begun , there were six drops on me once, a little
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further from here, i took them out to a car, i took people out, on broken wheels, yes, yes, on broken wheels, i drive faster on broken ones than on inflated ones, the enemy is hunting for the car. therefore, at the first line of our defense , military personnel use other transport, sit directly in the cart, everything will be fine, what should i expect from the trip, adrenaline, thrill, here they ride bicycles and motorcycles with electric motors, unlike gasoline ones, they are almost silent, so that they can frag, firstly, i didn’t hear much so that you could at least hear the coptors flying up, try to break away from it, this electric bike accelerates to 100 km/h, so in principle. eat on such carts, as a rule, they deliver a complete set of food to the front line or evacuated, those who provide transportation here are called riggers, according to statistics, it is they who now, in the era of drone warfare, along with attack aircraft, are more often under attack,
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one of the riggers grows vegetables in rocket boxes, onions in grenade boxes , so as not to go crazy, probably because we have been here for quite a long time, the black soil... it collects in the shell craters that explode next to it, and flies over it constantly, especially when taking out the wounded. here the fighters are showing a photo of a colleague, pulled a comrade from the front line and pulled him out, but he himself died. with fyodor, we just sat there not so long ago, we planned a vacation in the fall through crimea, resting for 2-3 days in crimea at home, our plans will not come true. mimonaz is carrying another wounded person, in this area a doctor from the boarding school is taking care of the victims, about 30 people left, boys from the village of listogorsk, she simply purchased and delivered medicines
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along with quadcopters, sights, walkie-talkies, like a volunteer, but when her former charges, graduates of the boarding school where she taught english, started going to the front, also signed a contract, from boarding school number 11, all the teachers, all the teachers are waiting for them, we are all worried about you guys, we really need you, there are a lot of young guys in the brigade, a drone operator with a call sign asthmatic for the sake of... service, i dropped out of college, well, asthmatic, in principle, it’s logical that i have asthma, when the special military operation began, i was 16 years old, so i made a promise to myself that when i’m 18, i’ll go straight to the military registration and enlistment office i had to fight to get you, yes, i had to fight, more than once, they said to the young man, what asthma, why are you there and similar things, but you are not needed there, you are still small, all these things, and what did you tell them, i say that everything is not true, i i want, i can, here i am. he only takes off his balaclava behind the scenes, without it he looks just like a child and
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you can’t give eighteen, but the commander of the assault company with the call sign tula is already approaching 60, he says that even in his youth he wanted to serve his homeland, then it didn’t work out, i wanted to go to afghanistan, i wrote an application , happened so that it didn’t work out, and what didn’t work out, a live wound near the heart and... in the north military district of utula - this is already the third contract, during the first he liberated artyomovsk, during the second he repelled the enemy’s counter-offensive under the solidarity, now here, together with with the rest he pushes the enemy away from the city, the enemy no longer advances, only digs in. diggers, and green beans, by the way, there are positions at dill, which, again, i repeat, we tear to smithereens every day. they are still driving people there, ours are driving them out again, they are not there they manage to rebuild, he
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sends them a small racket, something tiny, something tiny, when it flies up to the target it’s like a needle, its caliber is 152 mm, such guided missiles are burning tanks and concrete pillboxes, the soldiers are now aiming the carnet anti-tank missile system, ammunition with laser guidance to a target about 3 km in a forest belt, they have a small firing point lined with sandbags, so the shaped charge is what you need, it will be very unpleasant, let's go, the missile hits exactly the target, oh handsome, really a little, really handsome, thank you guys, thank you for your work, guys, these are... the coolest, coolest emotions, yet
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it’s not customary to underestimate the enemy here, we change our position quickly, add to that, they can convince us, they can cram us in here, well, we’re here for some reason, it always gives me crap during this dash, that is, i did the right thing now, that i covered you, just like that, and an enemy drone arrives, now we’ll wait. mines are exploding nearby, precipitation continues, what are you guys like, everything is intact, everything is fine, don’t worry, along every path there is a line of trenches where guys take cover during shelling, here is my brainchild, a fighter with the call sign engineer thought out all the underground communications for the military personnel of his unit on this section of the front, in civilian life he worked in the moscow metro, so... here is now an extensive network of trenches called the metro, lines cutting through fields and forest belts
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, they dug for days and nights under shelling and in bad weather, about one hundred meters took 3 months, the enemy fire was so intense, inhuman conditions, in these conditions the guys work, after that they won’t go anywhere to warm up, or wash, or do laundry, the machine gunner shoots, how to drag boards under machine gun fire, well, it turns out in life. there are very few impossible tasks than we imagine, the enemy is bad at reaching our infantry with artillery fire, now with the help of drones they are also mining paths, and with non-standard ammunition, they often began to drop homemade products in the form of cans, a can of sub-energy, a can of dried food, etc. we even found wet wipes and found a chocolate bar milkyway, directly sealed, in it is a cadet with...
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the enemy cannot get close to our positions, and the sage also prevents heavy fire from recently several mercenaries tried, by mistake, although they met from different countries, and the balts, from poland, from romania, two
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french caught, they got a little lost and went straight to the machine-gun point. one started shooting back, and two surrendered. no matter who they threw here, they never managed to approach solidar. last year's so-called counter-offensive on this sector of the front was unsuccessful. now the militants are on the defensive. our people are preparing to attack. amir yasupov, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, vitaly zaitsev. first channel. a military photojournalist for an information news agency was killed in the donetsk people's republic. he was filming a report in the area of ​​​​the st. nicholas monastery near ugledar, at a time when ukrainian militants attacked the territory with drones. we express our deepest condolences to nikita’s family. this is the second tragedy in a week; on thursday, an ntv film crew came under fire from the armed forces. cameraman valery kozhin died. correspondent alexey ivliev was seriously injured.
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meanwhile, in switzerland , the so-called meeting convened by kiev ended in nothing. the peace conference in the final communication, a set of old theses, the document was not supported by 11 countries, including the brix state, india, brazil, south africa, the united arab emirates, and the vatican did not sign. the conversations boiled down to the obvious: in the absence of russia, conducting a dialogue about a settlement in ukraine is pointless. the head of the swiss foreign ministry summed it up in plain text: not a single issue can be discussed without moscow. representatives of the west as a result left the event before it ended.
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a feeling of celebration, at least for a while, a touching concern, considering that grief was also not long in coming, because, as german newspapers wrote, scholz had to return from sunny italy to uncomfortable berlin. together with the sdp executive committee, scholz will have to review his party's worst national election performance in more than 130 years. in fact, at the g7 summit the press was unkind not only to scholz, but also to all the leaders of the seven, except the hostess of the meeting, george miloni, feel confident .
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will probably lose the elections and leave the post of prime minister, they are already openly mocking them, calling those gathered in italy lame ducks, ghosts and a procession of the living dead. one by one, haunted-looking world leaders walked through the arch to be greeted by their hostess, devastated and broken on the election battlefield. it was a parade of the living dead, everyone received a consoling handshake and a photo with miloni, although all this was not the same it was upsetting, at the meeting with miloni he seemed to be counting on a hug, probably in his soul he had already thrown off the burden of power, for biden this is also an unbearable burden, in italy he again surprised, behaved strangely at the meeting with the pope . biden moves closer to dad to maybe kiss him or talk, literally, head to head. the pope is in absolute shock. and here, during the parachute show, i simply forgot about everything
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and wandered off about my business. even american newspapers wrote that biden has never... was so bad. biden's health will shock allies at the g7 summit. one of them said it was the worst condition he had ever been in. the us president has attracted attention with a series of bizarre actions, including awkwardly greeting miloni during their meeting on thursday and walking away from his colleagues during a skydiving demonstration, forcing the host prime minister to lead him out arm-in-arm back to the other leaders. the presence of zelensky, whose presidential term in ukraine had already expired , only complemented this picture, although he was somehow centuries called for a reason, saying goodbye to big politics, here they decided to finally slam the door and go for a long-planned robbery; for the west, ukraine turned out to be an expensive kept woman, in search of money for... we reached a political agreement to
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provide ukraine with additional financial support in the amount of about $50 billion by the end of the year. this will be possible thanks to a loan, for the return of which it will be possible to use profits from russian assets frozen in our jurisdiction. we're not talking about confiscating these assets, but about the interest accrued on them. the phrase “political agreement” means that the plan has not yet been worked out in detail, but the west did not want to delay this decision, because it is unknown what composition the seven will gather in a year, european leaders may change, and the next summit may come from america already a different president. the european nato countries hope in this way to build a barrier against the nightmare scenario that looms on the horizon, a return to the white house, insulting europe, despising nato and hater. donald trump, but even this does not explain why kiev and washington were in such a hurry to conclude a security agreement at the summit, like the papers signed with other countries,
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the document does not oblige ukraine’s allies to anything, and besides, the next president will be able to tear it up, however, events without obvious meaning, but with the participation of zelensky, have long become the calling card of the current western elite. this fully applies to the so-called peace conference in switzerland, it. the beginnings were uncertain, the closer the intended date, the more difficult it was to grasp the meaning of the meeting, and the fog that had thickened the day before from the swiss alps completely hid it. the idea of ​​zelensky’s entourage, it seems, was to demonstrate to the public that ukraine is supported by almost the whole world, but to implement such a plan, mass participation is needed. there was no doubt that european losers would follow the zelenskys to switzerland. sunok. scholz and macron kept their promises, but even biden decided not to attend the conference. the summit will include delegations from 92 countries and eight organizations. what about the heavyweights? let's put aside the advertisers from
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europe. china will not come, russia was not even invited, brazil sent an ambassador, a minister from india, and a representative from indonesia. south korea refused to participate altogether. south africa - representative, mexico, minister. oh, vice president of the united states, what's her name? this is a catastrophe. vice president. however, she also left on the second day, and even verny scholz did not wait for the end, and the japanese prime minister kishida spent only 2 and a half hours at the conference, but an even greater disaster - this is the caliber of some participants, like the new zealand minister of correctional services, and the complete absence of countries like pakistan or china, and it was for them that everything was started. they sought to bring together as many countries as possible, primarily the countries of the world majority, the countries of the global south, to convince.
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the failure became deafening; people refused to participate in the conference even on the day it began. the swiss forum is not a free platform for discussing paths to peace between russia and ukraine. all results
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already predetermined. i am canceling my meeting trip to switzerland and asking europe to discuss how to end the war rather than prolong it. 11 countries, although they sent representatives to the declaration, did not sign in the end. among them are india, brazil, south africa, saudi arabia and the emirates. that this meeting of europeans is a kind of ritual, a way to show their devotion to a previously lost cause, because it is absolutely clear that peace will not be achieved at this summit, it is impossible to
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negotiate without... the first channel. and another disappointment for zelensky, also in switzerland, biden’s adviser salevan said that the white house cannot guarantee kiev’s compliance with the security treaty. we are talking about the agreement signed at the g7 summit. washington promised ukraine military support for 10 years, but salevan clarified that these agreements, quote, are not set in stone, and can be canceled if, for example, donald trump wins state elections. well, he, in
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turn, has already stated. the barbaric mobilization is dragging the ukrainian economy into the abyss, bloomberg writes. journalists calculated that the number of workers at ukrainian factories and enterprises decreased by more than a quarter. people are fleeing en masse from the ubiquitous military commissars. the new law on tightening mobilization finally freed the hands of the ludolov. even emergency doctors are being rushed to the front. it turns out that now no one has armor. but even such draconian measures
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lead to the situation on the field. don't change. ivan kanavalov will continue the topic. gun shot. the scheme of a ukrainian counter-offensive in exchange for western weapons and money remains for zelensky, apparently the only one accessible to his understanding. the lives of ukrainian soldiers in exchange for western iron. an attempt to organize a local counter-offensive in the kharkov region on the eve of the swiss conference turned into another fiasco. all enemy attacks, including in the area of ​​volchansko and kupyansk, were repelled by russian troops. which then moved forward again and improved the situation along the front line, but for the armed forces of ukraine all this again turned into big losses, which almost total mobilization could not solve in a state, guys, guys, this is odessa, the military registration and enlistment office called an ambulance to a man who felt ill, it is not reported whether the doctors were able to help, but they tried to forcibly mobilize them, a fight broke out, and
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others came to help them... ambulance brigades, as it turned out, odessa doctors were simply taken and deprived of their armor, they sent lists from the military registration and enlistment office that they would appear within 48 hours to update the data, and the authorities also said that everything would be fine, this is just to update the data, in order to we then put you on reservation, i came to the military registration and enlistment office in kiev.
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the barbaric mobilization is dragging the entire economy of the country into the abyss. this is the conclusion of the bloomberg agency, which is difficult to suspect of pro-russian sympathies. he estimates that conscription and the exodus of workers are reducing the workforce by more than a quarter. the shortage of able-bodied men and women is becoming a burden on the large and small businesses that form the backbone of the wartime economy . it's a puzzle for the president vladimir zelensky, who is desperately
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trying. replenish its strength while ensuring that shortfalls do not harm the economy it needs to stay afloat. as bloomberg, deputy head of the central bank of ukraine, stated. nikolaychuk compared to 2021, the total workforce decreased by 27%. 2 years ago, according to various sources, more than half a million workers in critical sectors of the economy received reservations. most of all in the fuel and energy complex, transport industry and agricultural sector. but now only flight or a bribe can save you from the front. the mobilization age has already been reduced to 25 years. and ukrainian sources say that in may the chapter. us state department blinken demanded that zelensky begin mobilizing eighteen-year-olds, otherwise they would quickly find a replacement for him. ukrainian women are ready to fight with military commissars for ukrainian men to the last. get out of here,
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are you filming? yes, i'm filming. leave. who did you come to pick up? why aren't you fighting? so that's all, guys, this would be a statement to the police. here mom was not around, and dad was not a military commissar rowed with the children. well, say hello to everyone, mom, hello, our situation is interesting, he took me to the checkpoint along with the children and the dog. already caught.
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remained, he himself gave up, the ingenuity of zelensky’s lure catchers is proactive, now their probe teams are increasingly operating together with support teams that imitate the eyes of the people. people dressed in civilian clothes participate in catching people and mobilizing them so that they seem to represent the opinion of the people, a life hack invented by the ukrainian authorities, now they seem to attract more citizenship, this partly works, but although you see, it comes to the point where grenades are thrown into the yard by the skashnik. their cars are set on fire, this is becoming more and more frequent, but the ukrainian military commissars of the police are more frightened by the possibility of ending up in the same place as their victims, in these photos the cargo van in which 32 ukrainians broke through the border from transcarpathia, detained them already on
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the hungarian side, as all fugitives, police officers and sbu officers of the dnepropetrovsk and zaporozhye regions are confirmed by ukrainian publics. and against this background, stoltenberg’s statement on meeting of nato defense ministers in brussels. we must ensure that ukraine wins, this is the absolute minimum for ukraine to become a member of the alliance. once again, the main condition for ukraine to join the alliance is victory over russia, that is, never. but the war must continue until the last ukrainian. let us remember that the istanbul agreements were aimed at avoiding precisely this. russia guaranteed peace in exchange for ukraine's non-aligned neutral status. at the suggestion of the western owners, kiev chose. path war in the hope of nato membership, now these masters in the person of us secretary of defense lloyd austin are telling kiev. i don't see any desire or indication that we will continue to expand in the near
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future. the defense ministers of the alliance countries could not even agree on the allocation of annual assistance to ukraine in the amount of 40 billion euros. a characteristic point was noted by the new york times in the new agreement on security guarantees signed. ukraine and the usa this week. there is another clause hidden under the security agreement: either party can terminate this agreement by sending written notification through diplomatic channels, which will enter into force after 6 months. that is, the united states can withdraw from the treaty immediately after the presidential elections, their elections. as is known, the usurper zelensky canceled his own. well , we remember well how americans can unexpectedly abandon supposedly allies, for example, in afghanistan. ivan kanavalov, irina. in hamburg, a man with an ax attacked police officers, footage was captured by passers-by on one of the city's main tourist streets. a man walked in a crowd of football fans, in some moment he attacked the law enforcement officers, they
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tried to neutralize him with pepper spray, and then opened fire. after several shots , the attacker fell to the ground. it is reported that he was injured, there is no exact information about his condition. a little later it turned out that he also had a molotov cocktail with him. in havana today, about a thousand cubans lined up in the rain to board russian ships. frigate admiral gorshkov, carrier of hypersonic zircons atom. submarine kazan the president of the country has already visited, after which he wrote on social networks that he was impressed by what he saw. the visit to cuba of the tactical group of the northern fleet is now being closely watched in the states. the pentagon sent its submarine to guantanamo bay, and military planes and helicopters took to the skies. the western press draws historical parallels. associations with the cold war era even behind the counters of american bars. michala kinchenchenko will confirm. can you do a cuban missile crisis for me? understood. legacy of the cold war,
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which can be encountered in almost any bar on kiyvest, the harib crisis cocktail, very similar to the famous cubo libro, also rum, cola, lime, ice, only the strongest rum is supposed to be added here, after all, the crisis was very serious, the higher the degree in international relations, the stronger drinks, in response to a request to come up with something suitable for the current political situation in the world, the bartender does not think about... what is the idea of ​​​​this cocktail, what political taste should i feel? vodka shows the severity of the situation, and then the sweet transition with notes of orange and quite a bit of cranberry, first strong, then aromatic middle and a pleasant aftertaste, that is, you believe that everything will be fine? i don't believe everything they say on the news. americans are already
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fed up with this crap. well, there are ships sailing somewhere there, and that’s okay. the russian warships that docked in the port of havana this week in the american media really made a lot of noise and even temporarily overshadowed the endless political and judicial squabbles that have been going on in recent months. television screens and newspaper pages. a russian nuclear submarine and three russian ships arrived in cuba today, what are these warships doing. nobody ignored the nuclear submarine kazan, but according to maritime traditions, it is supposed to be saluted exclusively by heads of state and russian sailors during their official visits. cuban president miguel diaz canel bermudez personally welcomed him;
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he visited the frigate of the submarine, after which he published photographs of the meeting on social networks and called the guests from russia friends, then, that such honors were awarded to a small flotilla of warships forced the americans to draw the appropriate conclusions. right before our broadcast, i heard sailors singing the russian anthem. it feels like you've stepped back in time. not so long ago, the soviet union supplied cuba with everything it needed, in recent years. a lot is returning against the backdrop of the war in ukraine, in exchange for support from cuba, vladimir putin sends more oil and more food here. now there are a lot of russian tourists here, all this helping cuba cope with economic difficulties, literally, as long as the russians are here, the lights are shining here. but washington politicians are not happy about these lights. for many years after the end of the cold war, no one in the caribbean was able to challenge their power. now, it seems, those times are becoming a thing of the past. of course, most observers pay attention to
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the message that is thus sent to washington, in whose backyard these ships ended up. american administrations have consistently, throughout for many decades, including during the cold war, the caribbean was seen as their backyard, and what is happening now is a clear show of force. according to the russian ministry of defense, several hours before entering havana, just 30 miles from the american coast, russian ships conducted training exercises without actually launching missiles. that is, it was essentially a computer simulation of strikes against groups of a fictitious enemy. we are always closely monitoring any foreign warships near u.s. territorial waters and, of course, we take this seriously. but these maneuvers do not pose a threat to the united states. the soothing tone of us officials completely coincides with official statements also made by the russian cuban side. the maneuvers of the military fleet do not pose any threat to the security of the region. in these times of extremely complex international relations
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, this is an exceptional example of mutual understanding, which is all the more surprising given that the americans never stop repeating the need to protect vital us interests thousands of kilometers from its borders in ukraine, here they have a strike group of modern russian warships right under their noses, and nothing special comes out. on board the russian ship that arrived in the cuban port are zircon hypersonic missiles capable of reaching the united states. and the united states has nothing that can shoot down these missiles. there is also a russian nuclear submarine in the same area, weapons aboard these two ships capable of wiping out the east coast of the united states. cards. this. unless, of course, we are talking about nuclear weapons, and not about high-precision missiles with conventional warheads. well, how do they feel now in the white house, knowing that they are 12 minutes from death, there is no salvation. the secret service simply won’t have time to get you out of the white house, and this is not a nuclear explosion, it’s just a zircon missile that will fly in and hit the white house, and it cannot be stopped. this is exactly
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what we did to the russians, they live with it all the time. we in the west think that this is normal, but the russians have shown that too can play this game. how much? the words of official statements made from washington are at odds with reality, it became clear from the actual maneuvers of the american armed forces. the united states is closely monitoring russian warships sailing along florida to cuba. the pentagon brought ships to the mf in a state of heightened combat readiness amid the arrival of the russian fleet in havana. from the air, our ships were accompanied by a poseidon reconnaissance aircraft, which, in order not to lose sight of the kazan nuclear submarine, dropped acoustic buoys along its route. and here is this map. testing of the latest russian hypersonic missiles, two american submarines, plus
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two more warships equipped with onars to track submarines, air patrols and even naval drones tracked the russian fleet. they have other possibilities, this sign marks the southernmost point of the us mainland, in a straight line to the cuban coast, as the inscription says, from here only 90 miles, that is, less than one and a half hundred kilometers, in order to monitor the island of freedom back in sixty-two, just in the year of the caribbean crisis, the united states built an electronic
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reconnaissance complex on the neighboring cape, a secret strategic facility that is still forbidden to film and show, however, it is unlikely that even with its help the americans could see . something new, the russian sailors did not deviate even once from the planned voyage plan and, after a five-day stay in havana, on monday they will set course for the shores of venezuela, and in the meantime they are receiving numerous enthusiastic guests. russian submarine in cuba right now i have to see this. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, anastasia beristenko, channel one usa. the centenary of the creation of the legendary dzerzhinsky division was celebrated in luzhniki today.
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protection of the peoples of donbass, proof of the valor of the division’s military personnel is more than 1,500 state awards that they received during a special military operation, two division officers were awarded the high title of heroes of russia, on behalf of the director of the russian national guard, commander-in-chief of the national guard troops, army general. kurban bayram, on one of the main holidays muslims around the world are celebrating islam today, vladimir
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putin congratulated believers in russia, noting their contribution to the unity of the people and the development of interethnic dialogue. almost half a million people gathered for common prayer in moscow and st. petersburg this morning alone.' traditionally, it is customary to spend the holiday with family and friends, generously share treats and provide care to those who need it. ramzan kerimov about how they celebrate eid al-adha in different cities of our country. must be clean, healthy, at least a year old. this is how a lamb is chosen for sacrifice on one of the two main muslim holidays - kurban bayram. there are special places for this in kazan. there is a queue here by appointment, because there are many people willing, everyone, of course, wants to pick it up. the most well-fed, the housewives are already setting the tables with all their might and preparing to receive guests, so we are preparing pies, pancakes, er, pilaf, er, all sorts of assorted dishes. this eid al-adha is very big for us holiday, everyone celebrates each other , they go and invite each other also for kurban bayram - a special
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holiday prayer. it’s morning, it’s six o’clock , all these people are heading here to the main mosque of the terrible heart of chechnya. usually several thousand believers of different nationalities gather here, but who are united by one faith and one holiday. eid al-adha emerged from the legend of ibrahim. in the bible, for example, he is known as abraham. the almighty decided to test him and ordered him to sacrifice his own. son, casting aside all doubts, the prophet went to the end, but at the last moment ibrahim was allowed to replace the sacrifice with a ram. the main meaning for muslims is to be submissive to god, to do more good deeds, to ask for forgiveness on this holiday and to forgive people. and after the prayer of sacrifice, the meat is divided into several parts: for oneself, for relatives and in need, it is customary to help widows and orphans; those who could not buy a lamb for the holiday in chechnya, dagestan and ingushetia were helped by the fund. akhmat kadyrov. more than 22,000 animals were distributed here. also for the children of all the deceased participants the svo in chechnya helped with money.
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the head of the republic, ramzan kadyrov, congratulated muslims on the holiday. so that there will always be mutual understanding, the mercy of the almighty, so that there will never be wars again. so that we always treat each other with love and respect. as the almighty tells us: love each other, be together. and this is footage from moscow, holiday prayer in the cathedral mosque. we mentally approached allah almighty with our good prayers, good, pious deeds, and these days we also prayed for forgiveness of our sins, about the mercy of allah almighty, about the bestowal of blessings on our country, our people. and his boundless assistance to our defenders of the fatherland and the long-awaited victory
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for all of us. eid al-adha is important for muslims because it marks the end of the pilgrimage to the holy places in mecca and medina. hajj is one of the five pillars of islam. this year more than 25,000 believers from russia went on pilgrimage. this is a feeling that cannot be described to a person who has not been here himself. and some people even all life work to get here, everyone wants, after visiting the hajj, to perform eid al-fitr here. the holiday will last 3 days, in nine regions an additional day off was announced on monday, every muslim will have time to do everything necessary. ramzan kirimov, ibragim amirkhanov, islam ustarkhanov, svetlana kostina, anastasia slobodenyuk, andrey mikhailov and alexander kovalev. first channel. you are watching the evening news and this is what will happen next in our program. an entire special operation to rescue women and children who ukrainian militants provided cover in volchansk. we will tell you how we managed to bring the family out from under
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shelling and into russian territory. oncovaccine, the results are impressive. russia is preparing to test the latest drug, a domestic development that gives hope to millions. to see it as catherine ii herself intended. in peterhof, after the large-scale
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finale, look after the evening news, where the wife and child are, not the wife, she is for me, you know, she, did you get involved in all this because of a girlfriend with a child, yes, everything is complicated there, the child seems to be mine, because please stop crying, beat, if you don’t help me now, then i can’t handle it alone, we are forbidden to approach the russian embassy, ​​especially to establish surveillance on it, i don’t understand what you mean, i’m in vacation, one chance for three, premiere, tomorrow, after the program, time, get off, window sill, don’t touch
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me, and don’t touch mom, and don’t give orders anymore. we don't need your help, we can handle it ourselves, and i myself will save my mother, well, hello, baby, we have chosen two heads of poland, two former presidents received a call from petro poroshenko, here is the issue of importing ukrainian grain, farmers are coming, they are blocking cities, what is a ukrainian in front of a pole, on his belly, on his knees, crawl here, slave, we supply grain to europe, out of here, we are planning a world state. “listen, if we are being overheard, it will turn out that we are going to the kremlin together. america is leaving western europe at the mercy of the confrontation with russia now. apparently, france and poland will be at the forefront of this adventure? poland is the kind of country that can do it for money , all i i hope that in ukraine they will remember that level of assistance. this was a gigantic help that has not yet been compensated. well, you
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still have to pay for it. yes, and we will remember every penny for you. what is the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship? show vavan and lexus. on wednesday on the first. well, what a grandmother in a leather jacket, young, cool. dad fools around like no one else. and not because others don’t want to, others just don’t know how. alena generally looks super, as if she were brother-sister, when you joined, i i realized that no one had any questions about the song anymore, i added it, the audience just started to go wild, i’m drawing you, i’m drawing you, you have such a wonderful son, he’s so active on stage, you have love on stage too, that’s the most important thing, come out with my mother,
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to sing together like this, in general this is such a thing for a mother, this is... you watch the evening news on the first and we continue: russian military rescued civilians in the kharkov region, in volchansk, where fierce fighting is now taking place, our drone found women with three children. for more than two weeks they hid in the basement of their own house; ukrainian militants destroyed it and set up firing points in the yard.
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all the horror is behind us, the family is safe in russia and thanks our people. report by anna prokofieva, we noticed them, here she is a woman, here the girls went, here they came out, it’s just terrible, now svetlana, three daughters and mother are safe in a russian temporary accommodation center, they still can’t believe that managed to get out alive from the battle-torn volchansk. now everyone has their own place, where to sleep, but no one pushes anyone on... it doesn’t get along, yes, they threw their arms and legs over each other when they slept, yes, because the two of them slept together in the same place in the cellar, how do you like it here, yeah, it’s not a big deal, i didn’t even want to go out the steps, because the box was too big, the woman was so big that she could lift nastya, she put it on her leg like a tractor, and a flying tractor, no reset.
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that nothing is a shell for these girls, baba yaga is no longer a fairy-tale character, that’s what they call a heavy attack drone converted by militants apu from an agricultural drone. the family lived in the basement under the ruins of their home for more than two weeks. what was it like in the cellar? they drank pickles, ate tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, whatever they pickled. the ssu set up firing points in the broken yard. they were hiding in our barn when they were shooting, that is, they, they knew that the guys wouldn’t shoot at peaceful people, they were hiding behind you, yes, yes, it was scary, yeah, grandma asked them for water, they said then they didn’t come again, how many times they asked for water, how long they ran through us, even the candles could not get water, and
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no one brought water, not even... a sip, they knew that the children knew, knew perfectly well, and did not react in any way, the whole family left volchansk before the beginning. we almost didn’t go out into the street, there was a forced evacuation of children, they hid us at home, they once wanted to break down the door to our house, we sat and drank tea then, but the neighbor came out on time and said that we had left there, they then left, i was afraid that they would take us away. many people said that they took them away like that, they were lost, they said that they had taken them somewhere else to the camp, and then could not find them. when the front line moved a little, and it was no longer possible to remain under fire without water and food, the women decided to take the risk
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of signaling for help to the drone, indicating that there are children in the shelter, how he froze, here is the drone, i say, mom, let the girls go up the steps, then the girls head down, the sun is shining, they waved their hands up.
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whatever it is, for them home is already here, and that’s good. anna prokofieva, mikhail fedorov, natalya sidorova, channel one. the most important research on the path to a breakthrough in the treatment
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of cancer. several russian research centers are currently developing anti-cancer drugs. they are called cancer vaccines. during preclinical testing, they showed impressive results. solovyov, about developments that give hope. we measure the length of the tumor, its width and height. these mice were implanted with human pancreatic carcinoma, the final stage of the experiment, and they were given a third dose of the cancer vaccine. institute named after hertzina developed a drug based on a virus isolated from the intestinal microflora of a child. we introduce an oncoletic virus into the body; in this case, these are not pathogenic entraviruses. they attach to the tumor cell, are internalized, that is, they penetrate inside the tumor cell and are included in the reproduction cycle, that is, the virus multiplies
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and leads to the death of the cell, the cell is destroyed, this is lysis, that is...


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