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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 17, 2024 2:35am-3:21am MSK

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march sixty-five announced this, he says: so i know him, he was at my nephew’s wedding tomoda, well, he immediately says: well, let’s go to him, then all the journalists at once, everyone was looking for some facts, everything to print, here yuri flokin came to me, wrote everything there, told me, they invited us to the blue light, this yuri flokin announces, all the cosmonauts who are already... the eleventh are sitting, which means it’s all up to him, and he says, we have prepared a surprise for alexei arkhipovovich lionov, he is sitting here school friend, yuri mikhlin with his father, in general, all the events, everything - that’s it, some anniversaries, all the holidays, everything, we celebrated everything together, we had a family tradition, without fail, on january 14 the old new year, we gathered families, all the children had a wonderful time. there were no phones, everyone wrote
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greeting cards to each other, so he always wrote: congratulations, he signed everyone: vika, oksana, svetlana, lyosha, and this is for their eightieth birthday, all four, four friends, all four friends, the penultimate time was june 23, 1919 years, that's just it birthday. we came to him, a book came out, the time of the first, so we brought these books, he signed these books for us all, and the last time we and this time oksana was there, do you remember they raised the flag, yes i remember, of course, they raised the flag andreevsky, i, too, in tribute to the navy , always raised the andreevsky flag over the houses in the star town in the summer, they arranged a formation. we all stood on the line, they
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raised the flag, and i remember the story of pyotr kolodin, when he was still alive, he loved to go to our bathhouse, gagarinskaya, bathhouse, gagarinskaya, why? because gagarin was given a finnish country house, made of finnish birch, by komsomol members of finland, but he already had a dacha, and since he loved a bathhouse, and there was no bathhouse, he decided that this house should be a bathhouse for the astronaut, so he said that...
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to go somewhere there on business, to stop by, he says, and of course, we’ll meet your mother, we’ll come home, well, alexey arkhipovich, apparently he was going to some kind of official meeting, so he put on a jacket, hero of the soviet union, colonel, they went and met my mother, and so he says, then his mother tells him, who stayed there for not a month, even a little more, came to her homeland, to a small village there, and since she was in moscow, she gathered the whole village.
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so he says 28 minutes, now the cosmonauts leave for hours, there it’s 6-8 hours, this is considered normal work, but now the cosmonauts leave in a fixed position. and alexey arkhipovich, he was on an open voyage, and it was very, it was, it could have ended in tragedy, in fact, because he then had troubles with difference in pressure and inflated the spacesuit very much, and the arms and legs came out of well, yes, the spacesuit increased in size, but he managed to do it himself without the help of the earth, without reporting to them for what then and he got it on the one hand he got it, but after he ...
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he’s already scared, he’s no longer a second foreman, a cadet, cadet popovshka is ready, now 5 m is already scary, but i remember in nikolaev, when on the 10 m, well, i was a gymnast, i jumped like a class, i stood for a long time, i couldn’t i could decide to bend from 10 m, here i can’t imagine how it’s like in outer space, you go out, there’s nothing above you at all, you don’t know somewhere. and i can’t imagine, the cosmic abyss, yes, even with a parachute, he says how many, he has more than 200 springs there, it was still the first, it was unknown to anyone, so of course, he was ready for any surprises, let’s just say, he of course he was preparing, he was being prepared, but what happened to him, i
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think, was in advance, of course, no one could, no one could have guessed, but on the eve of the flight, when korolev tried to ask some more questions, he said: well, we’ve already worked out. thank you very much for such a wonderful conversation, today we remembered the man who was the first to go into outer space, he really became famous not only in our country. but throughout the world, this is alexey arkhipovich leonov, this is the space stories podcast, and i am anton shkablerov, you can watch all episodes of the space stories podcast on the website of the first channel sometimes i feel connected, between those who
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are alive and who were taken away by the war, and although the five-year plans are rushing by, everything is about... this connection, this connection is getting closer and closer, i am connected, no matter how loud the battle has subsided, my verse remains a report from the battle, from cauldrons, encirclements, abysses, defeats, from great bridgeheads, victorious battles, i am connected. i wander through the partisan forest, carrying from the living to the dead, no, nothing is forgotten, no, no one is forgotten, not even the one who lies in an unknown grave.
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hello, i’m larisa guzeeva, this is a podcast of letters, my guest is oglaina batnikova, today we will remember the poet yulia drunina, who... may 10 would have been 100 years old, hello, hello larisa, when i was in school, girls then rewrote poems, you are nearby and everything is beautiful, and the rain and the cold wind, thank you, my clear one, for being in the light, thank you for these lips, thank you for these hands, thank you, my clear one, for being you there is light, then nearby, but they might not have met each other at all, my only one, thank you,
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nature, that is, she was an amazon, she wanted to go to war, i think it was simply impossible to stop her, and no one was the father and no one i could have stopped her, but she wanted, she even added a year to herself to get to the front, i i left my childhood in a dirty car, in a train of infantry, in a medical platoon, in distant gaps, i listened and didn’t listen, i got used to everything. in the forty -first year, i came home from school to the damp dugouts
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from a beautiful lady like my mother and change my mind, because i couldn’t find a name closer than russia, she worked as a nurse, that is, she worked, and she should also have been promoted to senior nurse sergeant . she was accepted only when she returned from the medal for courage with the order of the red star; she still had a dream of becoming a poet, poetess, but she was not completely like that, it seems to me, no, i think that she was an idealist and was simply eager to go where
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the main events were taking place, where the people were, where the country was, she wanted to be at the forefront , she went to dig trenches in podmaža, first before she became a nurse, and there she was surrounded, experienced some events, and then she returned to the front, by the way, when she was surrounded, she got lost - she got lost and many were injured, some died, her friend zina died, zina was, no, zina was after that, many years later, zina was then, a blonde soldier, she called her friend zina, samsonova, with whom they served together, here is a poem dedicated to zina, quite large for drunina , it ’s quite famous, zinka, we lay down by a broken fir tree, waiting for it to start to get lighter, together under an overcoat... on the chilled rotten earth, you know, yulka, i’m against sadness, but today it doesn’t count, at home in the apple
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outback mom, my mom lives, you have friends, my love, i have only one, the house smells of claws and smoke, spring is bubbling beyond the threshold, it seems to the old one that every bush is waiting for a restless daughter, you know, yulka, i am against sadness, but today it doesn’t count, we barely warmed up - barely, suddenly an order to step forward, again nearby in damp chenille, a light-haired soldier... walking, every day it became bitterer, they walked without rallies and banners, surrounded by our battered battalion and fell under the orsha. zinka led us into the attack, we made our way through the black rye, through craters and gullies through mortal boundaries. we didn't wait posthumous glory, we wanted to live with glory, why is the soldier lying in bloody bandages with a light braid? i covered her body with my chenelle, clenching my teeth. the belarusian winds sang about the remote gardens of ryazan. you know, zinka, i am against sadness, but today it doesn’t count. somewhere in the apple grove, your mother lives, i have beloved friends, she had you alone,
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the house smells of sourdough and smoke, spring is just beyond the threshold, and the old woman in a colorful dress lit a candle near the icon, i don’t know how write to her so that she doesn’t wait for you, for me they are heroes, even the fact that you experience this at a young age, death, when they kill for your country, in front of your eyes and you become a witness, it already somehow reshapes you, yes it... already somehow reshapes you, you a completely different view, a different concept, a different position in this life, she had specific traumas after the war. oskolog proletiya, we will definitely talk about this too, here is nikolai starshinov, when he appeared, well, she came from the front, she had no clothes, she was in chenille, a worn tunic in tarpaulin boots, she had nothing else, just these military clothes, she entered
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the literary institute, and there she meets her husband, let's say, just for that...
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troubles after that, because they had a daughter, so they got married with nikolai starshinov, but they didn’t have a job, it’s the same as when you enter the literary institute, these connections play a role there, somewhere to work there, somewhere like that, but the phone didn’t ring, no, well, look, look , you see, now, after a while , we say, here she is a poet, he is a poet, that’s how it is romantically, that’s it, they actually lived, there were two people who got married, a child was born, there was nothing to eat, you know. that's it, where is the love? love simply disappears, but at the first attack of hunger. nikolai starshinov recalled that yulia drunina was not a housewife at all, she did not know how to run a household, and how he and he reproached her that she did not know where the literary editorial office was located, so they wanted to be poets, but she did not know , where the editorial office is located and did not know who is in charge of the poetry department, although this is very
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practical things, that is, she really wanted to be a poet, but, well, she couldn’t do anything for it, right? that is, no no, well, of course, listen, well, all female poets suffered from this, they were all uneconomical, they had no idea how to survive, but it’s like part of the image, you know, just like artists, yes, i don’t know how to do anything, everything falls out of my hands, i only know how to love and write, you know, create, that’s because if , on top of everything else, you sew a little, then it’s somehow funny, it doesn’t fit, it’s like you’re bad poetess, but it’s like if an artist is so collected and so on, she’s basically mediocre. that’s why you need to be, of course, you need to be a little crazy, absent-minded, like that, so therefore, the same thing in this sense, julia supported, of course, the image of a real poet, she went through very difficult this situation when she had to sit without money with a child, she even described that it was more difficult for her than at the front, of course, because at the front war is war, lunch is on schedule,
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here suddenly you have to answer for everything, very soon she appears... alexei kapler, kapler, of course, because the man from tv, with such a destiny, is a beauty, an unreal handsome man, an unreal handsome man, an adult, with such a train, so famous, and , by the way, he accepted her daughter as dear, and his daughter went straight to him, you know, after she remembered him very well, yes, well, because starving is somehow not very good, you want everything, the war is all over... larisa, it seems to me that there’s a problem there, maybe nikolai starshinov and yulia drunina had, maybe even not only in this poverty, because even the very fact that nikolai, remembering his wife, he says that she was mismanagement and did not know where the department was, this is the poetry department, yes, this already says a lot that, after all, there was some kind of discord, somehow they probably didn’t get along, but kapler, he idolized, well , first of all, he is 20 years older than her, of course
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he will do good, from a letter from alexei kapler, my twig, we are starting a completely new life . in which it will not be the same as before, happiness mixed with bad, there will be so much happiness, there will only be you, as the smartest, most beloved, most unforgettable woman, well, everyone wants to hear such words, but this is a dream, especially since he was married, he promises, after they met secretly for 6 years, they both deceived their spouses, you know, and it ’s just that he’s always making up stories in runes, my wife is sick, i... i haven’t been sleeping for a long time, they’re sleeping, everything happens the same as in their previous life, or even better. 6 years is a long time, then she took him away, and his wife, well, 6 years. ok, no, being a mistress is one thing, but taking her as a husband after 6 is another thing years, for example, i don’t know of such stories of cases where a man, after 6 years of being in
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a love relationship, in the status of a lover , took the same mistress as his wife, as a rule, even if they get divorced, they marry completely different people, this is also known, therefore here she was like a warrior, of course, she was his, but it also seems to me that... he had some kind of reverence for her, he was a lady's man, but after his relationship with drunina, they began to call him henpecked, look, he was, of course, a lavilas, and one story, so much courage is needed and what kind of masculine core to have for svetlana alliluyeva, this is the pure death of the relationship with the daughter of the almighty stalin at that time. not only that, but the first time he was closed, so to speak, yes, he served his time, came out and the first thing he did, he again gave a telegram to svetlana, as if he was not afraid, he was closed again, this means that he was not
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just handsome , he was not just a fatal man, he was not just uh, well, men and men, and it’s clear why women fell in love with him, but the man turned 50 years old, this today's 86, oh well, no? and when they told me that even women , before sitting on the sofa, before watching a panorama of the next release
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, put on a make-up, they put on makeup, they put themselves in order, this is just to see it on the screen, but years are years, for example, i understand, she is 30 years old, and also already old for those times, suddenly such a television star, adult, mature, wealthy, everything opens up to you, eyes, heart, chest, hands, my beloved, why do i write so ugly and you have no talent to write everything as it is, coquetry, yes
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such, oh, the author of the script, a human amphibian of a striped flight, does not know how to express, does not know how to find words, of course, yes, despite the fact that the twisted soul and hearts described comedies, yes also from a letter from alexei, i congratulate you, a miracle, a random spark, there is a big real account that is given to us only rarely, rarely, and even then we cannot fully understand, but it is, according to this account, mine, our beautiful light, one-piece , i bow at your feet, one-piece, what a word, here i am i say, he is a talented man, that is, the point is not only that he was a tv presenter, that he had connections, money, opportunities, but also talent, and you also know, how conscientious he was, because he had money, he thought it was some kind of... but then
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a western star comes and she is not paid fees for the interview, and alexey considered this unfair, but since there is a lot of red tape to write letters with papers, it would be necessary, it would be good to pay, otherwise it’s somehow inconvenient , it’s a shame for the state, he gave his... nothing to myself, yes, no, a man, he was of high class, and this story with alliluyeva speaks about this, because well, imagine, there is a girl there, i can imagine it, a girl with whom there was not even an affair, there could have been an affair and had just turned 16 years old, yes, but he was watching her, that is, she was the one who later described this situation, it seemed as if no one explained why he was assigned to the camp, but in general everyone understood that it was because he wrote letter.
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waiting, yes, they commit suicide, this is how many people sentenced to death, they take their own lives, sometimes i think, maybe kapler was so brave, and out of fear that there was still no life, no prospects ahead, so he entered into this affair with svetlana alliluyeva, no , it doesn’t seem to you, it seems to me that this is, well, the first time, okay, but i could fall in love with those crazy blue eyes, with red hair, by the way, she was beautiful, it doesn’t say with those transparent eyes until she’s old. but the second time, when he was already released for the same reasons, so to speak, for the same rake, it seems to me that this is love, you know why, because he wanted to let the woman he loved know that he loved her, because, of course, after 5 years in the camps, of course, he forgot a long time ago and cursed him, but as the reason for his be, here he makes it clear to her that no, i was serious about this feeling, it was not a joke, it seems to me, this is the feeling i have, well, in general, a man who had something to love for.
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the most important value, enjoy the most homely music project, two stars, fathers and sons from june 23rd on the first, of this the last poem of the cycle, which is called love, again you lie in the night with your eyes. having opened an old argument with yourself, you say, he’s not so beautiful, but your heart answers, well, everything doesn’t go to you, damned dream, you keep thinking where is the truth, where is the lie, you say, it’s not so he is smart, but his heart answers, so what then?
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fear is born, everything falls, everything collapses around, and you tell your heart, you will be lost, and the heart answers, well, well, today we are talking about yulia drunina, here she is, well, as if she was deprived prosperity in childhood, then she comes across a husband-father, who everything...
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that is, what kind of woman can tame such a man, especially since everyone from the outside even said that he loved her madly, so almost everyone constantly sent her the day of the letter, when she was not there, and in general they were together all the time and he cared about her very much and these trips to the crimea, yes, they loved the crimea very much, they went to koktebel to the house of writers' creativity and from there they walked and they spent a wonderful time there life, and then don’t forget. ok, this is when you are today you’ve already been to nice, america, paris, everywhere you have something to compare with, in those days it was impossible to get anywhere, everything had to do with the sea, or it was some kind of voucher that you had to earn in the trade union, either you have to be the wife of some famous writer, or alexei kapler, yes, in order to eat there freely, or a national artist, so
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suddenly there are five in one. it turned out, and most importantly, that his daughter became very attached to him, because relatives always feel whether their relatives love them, that is, they are inside relationships cannot penetrate, the child cannot understand what is happening there about... the relationships of adults, he understands that his mother loves, he sees it, julia, who suddenly got the opportunity to live, create, love, write, a capler who passed through such millstones, suddenly they meet a gentle, beautiful, well , practically young for his age, so i have letters that alexey kapler wrote, the glider house of creativity, drunin, it’s already... three o’clock in the morning, i’ve already packed my things, there is a need to confess, that i love you very much, my infinitely dear, chapler again, i miss it at all, i’m just terribly shocked that i can’t call you in your room whenever you want,
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i’m unaccustomed to living separately, the vestibular apparatus is not designed, i’m losing my balance, again chapler, he sent her these notes on the train, good morning, chapler, there’s just a carriage there in such and such a place, i made a forced march in your honor in the morning to... well, it always pierces me when i look at you, and i’m so proud of you, as if you were my child, and i gave birth to you like this, your person is always and forever, well, this is amazing, of course, it’s just that all this lasted 19 years, that’s
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a very long time, that is, the relationship was alive until the very end, he was so mature that he understood that he would leave someday and much earlier than she did, and he was very worried about this reason, and he aimed at her in every possible way... it wouldn’t even occur to you to write a script, a striped flight, oh yes, a striped flight is written only when everything around you is blue and green, and the amphibian man is such a romantic script based on the novel by alexander
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belyaev , but there was also a second inspiration life, and romance, and it so happened that yulia dronina tamed this lavilas, this moscow star, everyone then laughed at... the real thing, there is no such thing as unhappy love, it doesn’t grow up like that, that’s when something happens, don’t be afraid to get into the epicenter super-powerful explosion, which is called hopeless passion, if a flame bursts into the soul,
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souls are cleansed in fire, for this with dry lips, thank you, whisper to spring, here she associates love with a cleansing flame, and you larisa argue that she is an amazon, but she has it... with yulia drunina, well, we’ll trace further now, everything was fine with poetry when she had everything in her heart, in her soul there was such more or less peace, quiet and
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well-being, yes, this can be traced, that is, when she there were difficult times, she didn’t write poems, when everything was fine, the poem of the show, where the wife and child are, not the wife, she told me, you know, she, what is this anyway? got involved because of a girlfriend with a child, yes, everything is complicated there, the child seems to be mine, too, please stop crying, honey, if you don’t help me now, then i’m not alone i can handle it, it’s forbidden to approach the russian embassy, ​​especially to put surveillance on it, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, i’m on vacation, one chance for three, premiere, tomorrow, after the program, time, get off, window sill, don’t touch me, and don’t touch mom, and don’t give orders anymore, we don’t need your help, we can handle it ourselves and i’ll save my mother myself, well, hello, baby, we chose two... two former presidents were in poland, they got a call
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from petro poroshenko, there’s a question of importing ukrainian grain, farmers are coming , they are blocking cities, what is a ukrainian in front of pole, on your belly, on your knees, crawl here, holob, we supply sloes to europe, we are out of here, we are planning world domination, listen, if they overhear us, it will turn out that we are going to the kremlin together. america is leaving western europe at the mercy now. poland is a country that will do everything for money, i hope that in ukraine they will remember that level of assistance, it was a gigantic assistance that has not yet been compensated, well, you still have to pay for it, yes, and we still have every let us remind you of a penny, what is it? the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship, the vavan and lexus show. on wednesday at first. this is
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a podcast letter from me larisa guzeeva. my guest is oglaina batnikova. and we say today, we remember today yulia drunina, who would have turned 100 years old on may 10. of course, they were happy, the old crimea is so beautiful, they are happy in crimea, all the people were filmed in crimea, this whole love story was written.
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what to drive, the world begins to change, the country begins to change, but by that time she is already an honored person, she already has several poems that everyone remembers, several collections of poems, there are poems that she remembers, probably everyone remembers, i ’ve only seen them once. hand-to-hand combat once against eve and
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a thousand in a dream, whoever says that war is not scary knows nothing about war, in general, in my opinion, everyone remembers this verse, that is , she already had such merits literary by that time, and even kapler, he is one of the telegrams, dedicated to her, he read her books, she was away, he read her collection of poems and wrote, that there, dear, i admire and so on, that is, he also admired her gift not only as a woman, but also her literary self, i would say, maybe there is no other way to the poetess’s heart other than to admire her poetry, probably, well, with such a cramp as yulia drunina’s, it seems to me that it was possible to survive.
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still goes into taking care of the family at this age, about grandchildren and so on, it’s as if it wasn’t for her, a woman, when a woman is a woman, she turns on the program: i must survive and i must survive in my posterity, and it doesn’t matter, war is perestroika, but i don’t know whether life is collapsing
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or it is being reborn, the empire is being reborn or, she must survive, she must somehow protect her offspring, but she... was not interested and it was unnecessary , what she then did to herself, well, just like tsvitaeva, yes, the children remain, by the way, she has a poem dedicated to tsvetaeva, where she is about suicide, i would like to read it now, to marina tsvetaeva, in moscow , in an old alley, i grew up not knowing then that i had risen here marina, the star of the russian sky, and then in the thundering trench, when the earth was burning, did not know that the dark neck was...
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