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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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because, as far as we know, ekaterina is under prolonged stress, her psychological state, well, in any case, is a little shaky, she is under stress, accordingly, i would definitely not say that this is a direct threat, for so that we can do this later, listen, when a case is opened, i hope, about a threat to life, the court will declare the investigation, and a psychiatric examination by a psychologist, sanity, insanity, right? there she will pass it, you don’t even have to ask, it will pass, otherwise she will lose her child and sit in prison, period, but what can i say, you will still act as you are used to, right, no, why not, what will make you cringe, because i gave up everything i did before, i gave up social activities, i burned all the documents that i had been collecting for 12 years,
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the examination, i promise you, you will be given a psychiatric diagnosis, psychopathy with a word for litigiousness, are you a psychiatrist? no, i have such a diagnosis, so far, my father handcuffed me to this battery, just like that, so she threw my daughter out of the apartment, took away the keys, well, you led a normal life, well, you were drinking, you lost your temper,
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the second daughter is in the studio, so that we can already understand with whom we want to be mentally prepared for your exit , let’s call her. good evening, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today, the president of russia, vladimir putin, began a working day of meeting with the governor of the moscow region vorobyov. we discussed the problems of one of the largest regions of our country, including talking. for the problem of shareholders,
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quite acute problems for the moscow region, which should be resolved in the very near future, and then it was announced about vladimir putin’s generally very busy program for the entire next week, tomorrow he has a visit to yakutsk, and from there, let’s hear how his route further determined, in fact. kremlin website. at the invitation of the chairman of state affairs of the democratic people's republic of korea , kimjeun, vladimir putin will pay a friendly state visit to the korean people's democratic republic on june 18-19. republic. well, on the same source , a message about the next visit of the president immediately appeared. meetings with the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party will be held in hanoi. chan thanh man plans to discuss
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the state of prospects for the further development of a comprehensive strategic partnership between russia and vietnam in the trade, economic, scientific, technological and humanitarian fields, as well as exchange views on current issues on the international and regional agenda. the most important visits to korea people's democratic republic.
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usa. the united states reacted harshly. no country should give putin a platform to promote his war of aggression or otherwise allow him to justify his atrocities, a spokesman for the us embassy in hanoi said. vietnam's foreign ministry did not respond to a request for comment. that is, the americans are still dictating to vietnam with whom to build relations and how. in general, of course, we survived. well, actually, yes, the united states is in shock, firstly. the failure of the conference in switzerland showed that the global south still remains quite sovereign and will proceed from its own interests, and secondly, vietnam, well, it would seem, yes, vietnam was drifting, drifting, well, strictly speaking, and the conditionally komsomol elite in vietnam was
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pro-american, but the recent arrival , accordingly, the president’s establishment of order there, that is, the return of virtually vietnamese sovereignty, is a shock for the united states, especially on a strategic level...
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they have been and are talking about the aggressiveness of north korea, this is a constant conversation, but to me i would like to ask the question, against whom have the north koreans committed aggression there for the last half century, yes, it is clear that it is not against anyone, during this time the americans have already committed dozens of aggressions, quite large-scale and so on, but as for vietnam, well, yes, the americans tried vietnam gets, as it were , into their camp on an anti-chinese wave, but... in vietnam, of course, i was there, they will never forget those 5 million lives that the americans took from them during this completely merciless war in vietnam, when they are there they also destroyed forests, destroyed the jungle with this
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orange, the so-called agent orange, which simply destroyed all life in the vicinity of tens of square kilometers. it was a terrible war, the vietnamese remember it well. the komsomol members had forgotten, but representatives of the older generation recalled that then, of course, the soviet union was together with vietnam and really helped the country a lot in gaining its independence, first from the french and then from the american invaders. well, let's see, a new page in relations with korean people's democratic republic. with vietnam, well, in our country, there are serious changes in the ministry of defense, first it was announced today that defense minister belousov visited the control center of our country’s ground forces,
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they, as you know, are now bearing the main burden in a special military operation, here they are from here, from the high-tech center for managing these operations...
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the time has come, nothing like that happened, the most interesting thing is that events are now happening in the theater of military operations, i mean ukrainian theater of military operations, the events now are really very important, some consider this a turning point, it must be admitted that again the ukrainian side is trying to portray something like a counter-offensive, we naturally repulsed all these attempts. nevertheless, the supreme commander-in-chief and the minister of defense of the air force are making
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such serious changes, because they understand perfectly well that all those people who come to their place, they also in general have distinguished themselves quite well, and there will not be any serious disruptions or shocks, it’s routine, in fact, i wouldn’t like to use such a word, although in this situation routine is good, nothing changes, that’s it... with the planes that denmark is already promising to supply to them, macron says that he will prepare
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more and more more pilots for the ukrainian f-16, but in fact the f-16 is a rather outdated aircraft model, in comparison with the aircraft that our rostec supplies today, rostec announced the delivery of a new batch of su-34 bombers, this is our main one now a warhorse. on the field combat, and these are aircraft of the latest generation, they are no longer even the same ones with which we began a special military operation, they are already naturally modernized, in addition, well, in any case, american-ukrainian sources reported that we are already installing, and then they put the s500 air defense and missile defense systems on combat duty, that is, this is a new generation of anti-missile systems that... of course, they are head and shoulders above the american patriots that
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zelensky dreams of, and this really creates qualitatively, qualitatively superiority to us - on the battlefield. boris aleksandrovich rozhen is in direct contact with us now, i think he will agree with me that this - a qualitative update and improvement of our combat score and ball - will play a really big role here. good evening. good evening, yes, of course, we see how the war promotes new technological solutions in many areas, accordingly, some old solutions do not stand the test of time, they die out, this is a normal process, naturally, during combat operations and during active work in the meantime, we see how quickly the appearance of the army begins to change, its technological level, in fact, for the s500 this will be the first real war, where it will be, where the system will, say, fight with the complexes of our the main enemy, that is, these are nato various types of weapons,
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so the fact that it will already appear on the battlefield is also an important stage, i think , of course, everything will not stop there, these systems will certainly be further developed taking into account enemy tactics, technological level of the enemy, and competition for armor shells will certainly continue not only in the field of air defense, but in the field of aviation in the field of drones and so on, that is, this... of course, it will also be reflected in the course of hostilities, and where is our army continues to conduct active offensive operations in most directions, if in the zaporozhye direction it was relatively. there was a lull due to bad weather, the last days had strained the positional character, and intensified fighting continued on the temporary ledge for the harvest, which about a third is controlled by our troops, in the ugledar direction our troops continued the offensive in the direction of the ugledar-konstantinovka highway and also fought on the outskirts of konstantinovka, in
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krasnogorovka our troops today advanced further into the city center in the direction of the northern outskirts and continued to clean up. southwestern western outskirts of the city, in georgievka our troops have almost reached the outskirts and partially moved to maksimil’yanovka, here the situation for the enemy is threatening character, to the west of avdeevka, our troops have recently expanded the zone of control north of novoalleksandrovka and have already begun to conduct active operations in the direction of vozdvizhenka, this is the last settlement before the key supply route krasnoarmeysk, konstantinovka. which is supplying a significant part of the entire enemy group in the donbass, as well as our troops have advanced a little near karlovka in the kalinov area, continuing to advance in the direction of novoselka first from novopokrovsky, which was liberated just the other day, which means that in the chasofyar direction , fighting continues in the western part
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of the kanal microdistrict, where our troops are gradually pushing the defenses towards the city center, and there are also fierce battles to the north and south. about 15 hours ago, on the northern ledge , our troops have already made serious progress today into the razdolovki along the railway, almost reaching directly to the outskirts of the settlement, there is also advance from the southeast today, there is an advance in the area of ​​the station excavation to north of vesyoly, the battles of uspornoye and belogorovka also continued, in the krasnolimansky direction our troops fought in the severyansky forestry and - near the village of terny, in the svatovo-kupyansky direction, we have small advances in the area of ​​​​the villages of ivanovka and stelmakhovka, so there the blackbird lost a whole a number of important landing positions, well , in the kharkov direction , fierce battles continued for the center of volchansk, our troops control the aggregate plant, which the enemy held for a long time, but
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of course, in the end he was knocked out of there, in turn, the enemy is trying to counterattack in the leptsov area in the direction of the village. goes from victory to victory, from victory to victory, that this counter-offensive, which is supposedly going on in the kharkov direction, brings enormous results, but in fact the counter-offensive there brings huge losses, and nothing more, naturally cannot turn the tide in any way, but in kiev there are powerful clashes between demonstrators, some
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marching under lgbt flags, others under azov flags. and those who wanted under the flags of azov to get to those who are marching under the lgbt flag, but the valiant ukrainian police saved some from others, but the number of those who belong to the category of hooligans, that is, those who do not want to get on the battlefield, has now been replenished with a whole symphony orchestra, the kiev, main ukrainian orchestra, which chose to stay in germany, since most of the men who... are found are people of military age, and naturally, they can be sent to the front along with the violins, which they, of course, do not want, but in germany they can join those ukrainian fans who are now - there - in connection with the - european football championship, where they can just jump with them and
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shout that whoever doesn’t, who doesn’t jump, is moskal, than the ukrainian fans themselves are there they're working on it now. good reinforcements for the ukrainian armed forces are jumping very, very briskly, i must say, and of course, the so-called peace summit in switzerland was declared the most important victory of ukrainian diplomacy, which in fact turned out to be a colossal failure not only ukrainian, but also all western diplomacy, but more on that after the advertisement, one chance in three at. watch the time after the program: we chose two heads of poland, two former presidents called them from petro poroshenko, here is the issue of importing ukrainian.
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money to do everything, i hope that in ukraine they will remember that level of assistance, it was a gigantic assistance that has not yet been compensated, well, you still have to pay for it, yes, and we will remind you every penny what the true the price of polish-ukrainian friendship, the vavan show and lexus on wednesday on the first.
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given the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation is now the same: war, to beat the enemy to fulfill a duty to the fatherland, this letter is in abc and morse, i tried at home from the textbook, thank you, but today we see each other for the last time, to our misfortune, the revolution has overshadowed the future is from us, darkness is approaching, i order the officers to surrender their weapons, bravery. we have nowhere to wait for cartridges, and to hell with them, we have always beaten the enemy and will continue to beat them, unimportant news, gentlemen, the red one is approaching
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omsk, may god help us, admiral, in friday on the first, in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk, we remember wonderfully. a person, an amazing woman, a colleague, a friend. anastasia zavorotnyuk, born in the seventy-first year, she didn’t feel very well, everyone thought it was just a nerve injury, they went to get checked and found out, that is, you can almost say yes, on her birthday, i noticed that a new, new pendant, i turn and say, she tells me, no one knows this, i say, and i...
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only it can defeat death on saturday on the first, what a grandmother in a leather jacket, young, cool, dad fools around like no one else, and not because others don’t want to, just others don’t know how, alena generally looks super, as if she were brother-sister.
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two stars, fathers and children from june 23 on the first. on the eve of the so-called peace summit.
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the united states was represented by kamalo and harris, of course, an outstanding politician, but still not biden, and even before the president, but if there were top officials like macron, scholz, meloni, then they came there either opening, or closing, but, but only for one of them to be there for all two days of the conference, in my opinion there were no such people at all. well, even ukraine was represented by former president zelensky, and not by anyone else. and finally, the decisions that were made there, but they were about nothing, we’ll talk about these decisions later, and they were signed by as many as 78 states, which it would seem could be passed off as some kind of success, but in reality it turned out that these are actually 50 countries that support.
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exposed the western position as a whole, he was of course, a failure, as for the statement of the field commander zelensky regarding the fact that ukraine, or rather, that russia signed the minsk agreements in order to win the elections, in fact, to gain time, yes, in fact, those who signed them from the western side, merkel and oland just admitted that they signed them in order to deceive russia, to gain time .
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it failed, the world majority did not support the escalatory western, western option, it also became quite obvious that american... by states, 60 is the maximum they can get, the actual heads of state plus kamala haris, there were 50, 58 of them, they can’t collect more, plus they asked for a whole series of signatures from countries, from several more states and reached the signatories of the final declaration to... i'm sorry, they really wanted to reach participation to 100, signing also to 100, none of this worked out, but this third, unfortunately, firstly, it, of course, disproportionately controls the economic
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world here are some resources, drag and drop them themselves within the framework of the neocolonial system, and unfortunately, with this third one they can block the most democratic body with modern ones... and there , by bribing someone else a little from small states, block the decision, and just fall short of 2/3, by the way, we carried out an analysis of the voting, you know, there is some kind of dependence, that americans are more supported by those countries where the military budget is smaller, in general by those who... are easier to put pressure on and so on, but this is a failure swiss summit with my point of view will have some practical consequences, then nevertheless, this will be an escalation option according to a terrorist scenario, those who shout these chants about the fact that whoever
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does not jump is a muscovite who jumps, he will soon die like a cannon like a cannon meat. next, what other consequences will there be? here we see, for example, that... the so-called political emigrants have become more active, or rather they are trying to present themselves as political, as political immigrants, there they are mainly figures who grouped around navalny, this is his widow and there are a number of other names, they actually cease to be political migrants, they begin to make statements that already boil down to calls for terrorist activities right on the territory.
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apparently the transformation of the ukrainian regime, the kiev regime into a more terrorist one, this is the only option that remains, which remains with the west, and as for russian peace initiatives, this is how we have seen these days, in all countries except western ones, the attitude towards them is exclusively benevolent and even i would say, it causes bewilderment that the westerners are not clinging to this... this straw is the last opportunity to save face, to save their political position, to understand why they do not take advantage of this opportunity, the countries of the world majority cannot, well, we can, because we are absolutely confident that the west will not
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move away from its positions of supposed superiority, from its colonial positions, and in fact primitive russian approaches to the rest of the world, this is obvious. only one line push russia the united states, well , there has simply been no other strategy for many years, well, the united states was represented by kamala haris, a person who, well, plays absolutely no role in american politics, probably doesn’t even understand anything about american politics, not to mention world, well, she said the same words as zelensky, in fact, there were probably few speechwriters there for this instruction, which was needed. was announced at the summit, but there was a more serious person, salevan, assistant to the president for national security, who actually leads the entire ukrainian agenda in the white house, he is the main figure there, in recent days he has made
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a couple of statements, including in geneva, which in my opinion are worth noting. the first statement concerned what actually happened when signing the agreement. now about security with ukraine, the united states did not guarantee them anything at all. let's listen. if we look at history, then the agreements that were reached. that they still failed to drag
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switzerland and china. let's listen. each the country has its own decision, but from our side it looks like russia turned to china and asked not to go, and china complied. we believe that this is not a positive signal in terms of china's commitment to establishing a just peace in ukraine, as russia's demands are becoming increasingly extreme, including what president putin stated recently. and if. you will pay attention to the list of countries present, the results of the summit, which confirmed the principles of the un charter, to which china also signed, then china must be here to support a just world based on these principles and international law. the fact that he sided with russia on this issue is not a positive change. regarding the agreement that was signed, in my opinion, on june 13 between the biden administration and kiev, it is that there should be. a certain certificate is given, in america there is a certain
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classification of agreements, contracts that the state concludes, one of them, or one category is agreements that are called agreements between executive branches of government, this agreement, why the americans resorted to it, because this is really an agreement between the government, this agreement does not require passage and discussion. in the us congress and is not , as it were, an internationally binding treaty binding on the united states of america, regardless of which political party or which political force controls the executive branch of government. in order to create, perhaps, such an operational moment in america, so to say, there is this institution of agreements on operational, so to speak, agreements between the performers. the meaning of these agreements is very simple, it
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lies in the fact that this is not just an agreement between the executive branch of government, so we say the biden administration has concluded a corresponding agreement, and here it is very important, not the administration, that is , as the executive branch of government, but the president, then there is biden, here is the biden administration , in this combination biden has the most important meaning, which means that any change. already in this case, the president creates for his successor, even if he is a democrat, the opportunity, so to speak, to declare that this obligation was signed by my predecessor, this is standard american practice, it does not apply to me at all, i can either change this agreement, or, on the contrary, even abandon it in general, and this once again emphasizes, american analysts very clearly said that it emphasizes the possible nature of the administration’s activities , you know, well...
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she resorted to just such a palliative in order for these military actions to continue at least until january 25, to tell kiev that here the americans will really support it, and accordingly say, well, support the biden administration. trump has already stated that it is clear that he will throw this kind of agreement into the trash can, but it must be said that he did not do so here. made a very important statement regarding
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ukraine at his election rally, he stated that, in principle, yes, he does not like the agreements that are being reached with ukraine. let's listen. i think zelensky is probably the greatest businessman among politicians of all times . every time he comes to our country, he leaves with 60 billion dollars. so here’s the beauty: a few days ago he left with 60. billion dollars, upon arrival home he announced that he needed the same amount, and so on endlessly, ad infinitum, i’ll deal with this even before i enter the white house, as the chosen one president, and you absolutely.
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did not fall to the level of the conference and, in fact, it was supposed to be a fundraising event for biden’s election campaign by and large , that is, in this regard , ukraine had to report on its successes, new contributions were required from the participants so that ukraine could make strategic defeat of russia, and
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thus it should have brought quite significant assets to the treasury of both biden and zelensky, in fact, that’s why no one... went straight, because it became clear that the conference turns into nothing, even before it starts, that is, all this has gone to waste, but if we talk about the documents themselves, i would by the way remember one more indicative thing, the budapest memorandum, which ukraine appealed for quite a long time, in fact it was denounced by the united states in in embassy comments in 2001, when sanctions were first imposed against belarus, minsk stated that this was a violation...
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the us secretary of defense. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. we have chosen two heads poland, two former presidents, received a call from petro poroshenko. here is the issue of importing ukrainian grain, farmers come, they blockade the cities. what is a ukrainian in front of the poles? on the belly, on your knees, crawl here, servant. we supply terno to europe, we come from here. we are planning world domination, listen, if we are being overheard, it will turn out that we are going to the kremlin together. america is leaving western europe at the mercy of the confrontation with russia now; apparently, france and poland will be at the forefront of this adventure. poland is a country that is for money will do everything. i hope that ukraine
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will remember that level of assistance. this was a gigantic help that has not yet been compensated. you still have to pay for it, yes, and we will remind you every penny, what is the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship, the van and lexus show on wednesday at the first, gentlemen, officers, the german squadron is behind, friedrich karl is ahead, i don’t see any other way out how to lure the germans to mines. in any case, i would never refuse you, ayusyan vasilievna, you would be exhausted, no matter what.
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two stars, fathers and children from june 23 on the first. good afternoon, dear russia! my beloved russians, love in your homeland is comparable to love for your mother. my dream is to go on a trip with my whole family, with my younger brother, with my parents, to swim on the volga, to see our nature, to admire our region. this is the only city that has both a nuclear power plant, a thermal power plant and a gas station. in ryazan there are mushrooms with eyes. come find out if this is true? a corner of russia is an eye's home, where the fogs are blue. outside the window, where are our russians and the words of the song russians, let comfort,
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prosperity and goodness reign in every home. i love you, russia! the big game at the so-called peace summit in switzerland clearly did not work out, the mountain did not even give birth to a mouse, i don’t even know, something much smaller than a mouse, the declaration that was agreed upon there essentially included only three substantive points: the first is that the use of nuclear energy and nuclear installations should be safe, but this is more likely for ukraine, which is shelling the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, should be provided... in the seas, well, bearing in mind
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the possibility of delivering ammunition and weapons to ukraine, actually by sea, well, all prisoners of war must be released in the course of a full exchange, given that we captured a much larger number of ukrainian prisoners of war than them, then we must supply additional armed forces to ukraine. at the expense of their prisoners of war, well, it must be said that the demands, of course, are, to put it mildly, arrogant, and secondly, well, it certainly has nothing to do with the world, already the reaction of the world media to the results of the summit, it predictable, assessed as a failure, well, let's see what the guardian writes, the key world powers did not sign the joint peace summit communication, the disappointing ending of the ukrainian peace summit, the participants were unable to propose concrete steps to
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resolve the conflict, american policy. the well-known foreign minister of the nazi kiev regime said that negotiations with russia cannot be avoided, even he said so, by the way, many of the top officials who attended this conference had a lot of fun, for example, macron, who said, but we are not at war with russia, and we have nothing to do with it at all, this is a man who has been telling us only one thing for 3 months, i will send troops,
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french troops to ukraine, i will show everyone, he was very cocky strongly, yes, so... which he didn’t do, but now he has agreed to this, scholz generally said that leave, leave me and germany alone, in fact, his speech was about this, if we talk about it, you chelachevich correctly noted , that in these points that were discussed, but here in fact, the main thing that would really be worth discussing, and you could talk to us, is the exchange of prisoners, well, really, come on, but they know how many prisoners we have, we know how many they have, but the position is strange, there are 400 names on the list the prisoners who are with us, who under no pretext, it means, zelensky does not want to take, one, two, some of the prisoners went over to our side to the beat of drums with banners, recorded a video, guys, do what you want, even send them to siberia, the most terrible prison, just don’t return it back, they say this, why is this not discussed at this conference, when everyone understands,
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they don’t understand it, because they don’t know it, they don’t know how many prisoners there are, how... in the 14th century we had about 30 battles and wars with russia, russia invaded finland during the second world war, we lost about 10% of our territory, including the land where my grandparents were born and where my father was born. well, my two grandmothers were born in ukraine, yes, what would he talk about, but actually he probably fought 30 battles means finland was part of sweden,
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we had no relationship with finland, and then the invasion. ours to finland, well, really, who ensured the blockade of leningrad? well , hitler’s ally marshal energei, and here ’s fin, and to be honest, i also paid attention to this ugly statement, because well , what stroop said, this is at the level of what was in the canadian government in the canadian parliament, this just a glorification of nazism, we gave them a chance for this unfortunate finland to be among the powers winners because after all, having agreed to reach a settlement with them, when they went, when they broke the blockade of leningrad, they began to advance, they immediately said, let’s negotiate, well, they still took time when finland declared war on hitler once in march 40, in march, that’s right, in 1945, they were actually accomplices of the fascists, which also means accomplices of the fascists, they simply, they were fascists, they fought against us as
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part of the hitler coalition, blockaded leningrad. switched sides at the last moment, but i would like to say that, by the way, switzerland, this is neutrality, this is a country that is certainly an accomplice of fascism, which until the last day ensured an economic non-blockade, as, by the way, neutral sweden is also supposedly neutral, but after the summit a serious statement followed stoltenberg, what's really on the minds of peace activists, let's listen, nato is negotiating deployment. more nuclear weapons in the face of the growing threat from russia and china, the head of the alliance said. jens stoltenberg added that the bloc must demonstrate its nuclear arsenal to the world to send a direct signal to its enemies. he said there had been consultations among nato members on putting the missiles on alert and called for transparency to be used as a deterrent. in the not-too-distant future, he said, nato could
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face something it has never faced before, namely two potential ones. nuclear-powered adversaries china and russia. it is estimated that the uk has around 40 of its 225 nuclear warheads deployed. the usa has about 1,700 of. 3700. france does not provide nato with its nuclear arsenal because of a long-standing decision to remain independent on deterrence. and now they are not in a state of combat readiness. stoltenberg's statement is nothing more than the moment of truth of this summit in switzerland. this is, in general, the implementation of orvel’s idea, the well- known one that war is peace. and this whole idea was made as a house curtain , perhaps according to the classical ones.
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you start to scramble for something, you have to have it, although of course you can scramble, in the united states of america, the nuclear detachment has not been updated for a long time, and those menetmen that they are now testing are new
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generations, in fact they are old menetmen, and there is simply no superiority in strategic weapons systems, not to mention tactical ones, neither the united states nor nato, nor in quantitative terms, not in quality. because our strategic forces are all modernized by 96%. these are the most modern weapons systems that ensure the absolute security of our country. our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we transmit word on the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it.


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