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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  June 17, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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but, probably, sooner or later we will have to somehow make them understand this, the dolls of the heir toti are on the first channel. every country has an animal as a symbol. russia - a bear, great britain - a lion, india - a cow, america - an eagle. for france, such an animal is the rooster. they speak for vigilance and a fighting spirit. so french defense minister sebastian licornu rushed into battle to prove that there was nothing. absolutely. and neither they nor their accomplices have anything to do with the terrible terrorist attack in crocus. with why would the french be so eager? a cap?
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it’s burning, let’s figure it out, maria butina is with you, this is the doll-heir of atuti, good evening, comrades, in the first user comment on the video of the guests’ arrival at the elysee palace on the occasion of the gala reception in honor of the bidens, it was written succinctly in french, but here they are and gathered, all the elderly crabs in one place and absolutely free. of course, what was meant was not the gastronomic value of the american retinue, much less the french political elite, but the fact that all these people short-tailed, invertebrate, ten-legged inhabitants of the seabed. against the background of this starched and pomaded party , the ministerial forces of france , sebastian alya carnu, strangely stood out, dressed as a modest clerk, with either a preoccupied or embarrassed look, he was so unable to control himself that at the moment when he joyfully “oh-la-la ", photographers called on him to pose for memory, sebastian " instinctively puffed out his cheeks,
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this way will go down in the history of franco-american friendship forever, similar to that french delicacy that during his life before to get on a snow-white plate, puffed out his cheeks to appear larger in size and scare away his enemies. i will pick up the phone if putin calls me, it is my responsibility, and i will listen to what he has to offer. no matter how emmanuel macron dreamed, they never called him from moscow. what did he expect after all his performances, even from which? the russophobic european biomass came into a state of alarm and confusion, having once said, macron can no longer retreat, he has to ask others to roll back, lyakarnya in this plan gets even more than sejournay, who, as if by the meaning of his position, would have to excuse the patrons for international attacks, no, it was sebastian who was forced to call moscow to enlist the support of the russian special services on the eve of the olympics in paris. the french intelligence services... had
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some information that could become part of the evidence that would help the investigation find out the truth about the crocus hall attack. we decided, despite the serious disagreements that we have: to transfer to russia information about the terrorist attack that we had. this is one very practical example of the partnership we can have in the fight against terrorism. it was lacarne who was asked to clarify something about responsibility for the proliferation of nuclear weapons, after moscow’s response to the permission given by macron to kiev for use. french long-range weapons, he even comes up with some version that supplying the armed forces of ukraine has purely practical benefits for the ordinary frenchman. we are not at war but it so happened that france is helping the warring country and the ukrainian army. and, therefore, our industrialists potentially have a client who is at war. this is obviously ukraine, but in fact it is not only ukraine that could potentially face this. you now have many export partners. and as you know, our
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model is balanced because there is an export that was expected. but what they definitely didn’t expect was failures in the european elections, sebastian was again called to the elysee palace for a scolding, as if he should have bring tanks to the polling stations, but locarno so dreamed of leading the french army that it seems he is ready to accept all his sins. i come from a family of resistance members. my grandfather took part in the resistance. we can't talk about technical means. about military plans, about doctrines, if we are missing the point, but the point is that this ministry is closely connected with our identity, our roots of our history. sebastien lecarnu was born in 1986 in eaubonne, 17 km north of paris. he took up politics at the age of 16 and became a party activist. for the popular movement, 2 years later he participates in the first regional elections, a year later he becomes an assistant to a deputy, and ends up at 23. party affairs were going as
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well as possible; in 2014, having led the party list in the municipal elections, he became the mayor of the city of vernon, again the youngest, at the same time he managed to lead impressionism throughout normandy, headed the governing council of the museum in gevernia and patronized the festival. whatever the year, the new position at 32 la cornu is already the responsible minister of local self-government, in 34 overseas territories, mainly 13 of these are scattered across the world's oceans. islands and archipelagos with the exception of guiana in south america, work in these meager remnants of the former colonial power of france is extremely restless and even nervous. the latest example of this is the revolutionary situation in new caledonia, where paris was forced to send not only a military contingent to suppress a popular revolt, but also
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macron himself for negotiations; he did not disdain to fly to the musk deer. after the loss influence in africa along with uranium development, macron was forced to forget about pride. as you know, i love history, in an interview with the parisien newspaper i noted that it amazes me how many times after the declaration of independence by african states, we left certain countries and then returned, think about it, the president of the fifth republic seems to understand, that he is personally to blame for the crisis, but does not leave him from his retinue and, moreover, offers the coveted post to the minister of the armed forces of france. the press calls sebastian likarnyu is the eternal shadow of macron , a sapper wandering through his minefield. in august 20, lemont wrote, not without sarcasm:
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apparently the president of the republic attaches great importance to sebastine’s work, having reacted hesitantly to the phrase or card that he is in daily telephone contact with macron. they talk about him with... take his word for a skillful communicator, strategically verified in achieving his goals and a pragmatist to the core, his colleagues in the government are ironic: he will be able to sell sand to the bedunins and will not experience the slightest remorse conscience. it’s so interesting that our story turns out to be a completely different picture, because the french press says that he is almost an eminence grise, who is always behind macron’s back. at the right moment it can jump out and make some kind of radical move, and what do we know about alexey, about him, that can complement our picture, there are versions here, yes, that he is just a shadow, and not just a shadow, a person who knows what is he doing, just pretending to be such an easy
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fool, well, i think if he were just he wouldn’t be a fool in this position, and this is a typical representative of the modern generation.
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or he’ll just ruin everything, you’re a person who knows the rules of the game very well, yes, here, here something a little different is important, the fact is that we’re used to the fact that it must be a very serious, strong business executive to take up a position, this is normal , this is good, but this is our paradigm, and now we turn this pyramid upside down, as they are supposed to do, so look, he comes and makes a statement, i can lead everything, give me a collective farm, i’ll run the collective farm, it’s possible, who then runs everything, macron and him? shadow cabinet, we talked a million times about whether macron makes decisions on his own, or whether he needs a belbeder croup for this, where is this party that leads, macron is not an independent figure, since these boys are also not independent figures, they needed to just warm the place right now, these are the locums for
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today, these are not the people who make decisions, but is he an idiot? no he very cruel in some things, this is the person who understands perfectly well that the stars are higher than me. will notice, those who stand behind macron, appoint me, and i will be president, but not elected, appointed, yeah, that is, there is little chance here, yes, i also wanted to add that in the west the concept... and there are already professional military men they will be able to do with them, by the way, here is the question about money, when all of france is burning simply from
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burning manure, because people are asking for money. macron in france 24 declares that our military industry is standing up for the military rails. in the next 6 years, we will have to spend 413 billion euros on weapons, on the purchase of new types and development. the germans cannot even afford such expenses for themselves, because they have... then loans from the americans and koreans, and france decided to earn money, and macron understands that in a few years his tenure will end, now his revival party, which was called period france, was created in the seventeenth year, which is headed, by the way, by stéphane sejournet, this is the minister of foreign affairs affairs, he is also a partner of the current prime minister, which includes ours, by the way, is his party, which is now beginning to lose all positions, one of them
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will be his successor, he understands that when he leaves for some positions, he must transfer it to the right hands, now in a few years they need earn a lot of money, because the military-industrial complexes always pay officials very generously, or even put them in positions, we see exactly the same story in the american establishment and how it influences the ipk, from some side now it’s all one big a game, nazar... the first thing i have all the time is pax, this is a civil agreement of solidarity, because these people are all like carbon copies, no children, no
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wife, everything is in some kind of dubious closed, which means unions there together with someone... then they live, he seems to be the only one who has revealed himself, these are hiding, everyone is united by one party, but the most interesting thing, you can imagine, sebastian licarniu at the age of 23 became an adviser for the first time in the history of the prime minister, then for what? servant at the age of 16 he began his career, at 19 he was assistant and adviser to the deputy, it feels like he was passed from hand to hand as such a convenient boy who brings documents, a keeper of secrets, and so on, now this narrow circle, macron’s group, there’s no other way to call it, these guys , perhaps, on which there is good incriminating evidence controlled by him, those who keep will continue to keep his secrets, because further they are collected. move further, some kind of arrangement will take place, we will see, but macron
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already has greater ambitions than the french, his the task is to jump onto the european, or even nato, platform. we have connections from france, elena kondratieva salgera, she is the editor-in-chief of the literary almonac of words and meanings, as well as journalists and will give us excellent analytics on france. elena, hello, what is your opinion regarding the medicine shop? this man has been in macron's government since the very beginning of his rise, that is, in 2017. at the same time, his, so to speak, bouquet of ministries, through which he passed, by the way, without leaving the slightest trace of the environmental transition, yes, he was secretary of state there, then minister, so to speak, of internal authorities, then overseas territories, where his only appearance was.
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and apparently, the whole calculation is about everyone’s ability to simply speak on camera, the rest is assumed to be the work of advisers, so is sebastian likurnyuk himself really ready for such a position, this is a big question, since very an interesting video where he is asked specific questions: what other questions can we
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to provide ukraine at the moment, what kind of assistance can we provide, moreover... has already been done, since they, so to speak, are just all out of breath, out of breath, and can’t get out of it even with that broken equipment, and where is the french minister of the armed forces at says in all seriousness: well , here, for example, the french military industrial enterprise did an excellent job in preparing ukrainian agricultural farmers, since cesar installations artillery installations hydraulic mechanical... parameters very similar in general, not much different from tractors, so if they are properly trained, they will be able not only to repair them themselves, but to water them anywhere, that is , this is what the minister of the armed forces tells you, elen qualifies him as a person who is, well, conditionally random at this position,
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now i will explain to you, the most important, the most important characteristic of him is one of the testimonies, one of the close... important testimonies about his personality - this is what i will quote verbatim, as his close friend says. sebastian is very good at keep your own ego in check. in politics, this is a very rare gift, but in macron’s circle this gift is absolutely necessary, since mr. macron absolutely cannot stand it if someone casts a shadow on him, that is, he needs people
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voicing his line, looking up to him, even if they are taller than him. broadcasting with absolute confidence, without asking yourself questions, everything that he needs to broadcast. sebastian likurnyuk, as you know, he is so good at remaining silent at the right moment that he is practically his personal life, despite all possible attempts, no one knows anything. elena, thank you very much for your opinion, but there is an important factor: is he playing such a modest person that he is supposedly afraid when he is asked questions, because there is such a type of people.
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that perhaps he listens, she said well, not advisers, but advisers, uh-huh, the subtleties of the russian language, apparently he listens to these advisers, that’s why he behaves this way, then the question arises, this is the most important thing, with whom can he communicate dialogue, if all moral principles are destroyed, how much? we'll talk to you right after a short commercial, stay tuned. they were like a friendly family, there is no need to talk about this, you don’t understand how dangerous it is, kidnapping. on the life of a policeman, all sorts of hostages, i watched tv there, i shot, oleg, he will get him out of there, the police are looking for a woman and a boy,
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no one is looking for a man and a girl, we look like circurods, honestly, for europe the best thing is when a father leaves their children, they call him the biological father, i didn’t leave you, then why weren’t you with us, by the way, our estonian colleagues left with dogs, they will be adopted soon. colleague, you need to save him, he started this mess himself, let him sort it out himself, in my opinion, through what, a minibus, or what? we can’t go to a colleague, you know, it’s better if we stay here, not a colleague, to dad, he did everything for me, for you, and we give it to him, one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program. veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, burbon steirsman,
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stellar group product, mankatcher whiskey, product of stellar group, gin сnop, product of stellar group, two stars, fathers and sons, from the twenty-third. on the first of june, we elected two heads of poland, two former presidents, we called them from petro poroshenko, here is the issue of importing ukrainian grain, farmers are coming, they are blocking cities, what is a ukrainian in front of a pole, on his belly, on his knees, crawl here slave, thorn we supply to europe, we 're out of here, we're planning world domination, listen, if we're being overheard, it will turn out that... together we're going to the kremlin. america now leaves western europe at the mercy of the confrontation with russia. apparently, in the avangard this adventure will be france and poland. poland is a country that
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will do anything for money. i hope that ukraine will remember that level of assistance. this was a gigantic help that has not yet been compensated. you still have to pay for it. and yes, and we will remember every penny for you. in any case, i would never refuse you. ayutna vasilyevna, you would be exhausted. we are fine? not really. you fell in love? given the personal
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situation that has developed between us, the situation is now the same: war, beat the enemy, fulfill your duty to the fatherland. this is a letter from abc and morse. i tried at home from the sechebnik. thank you, but today is the last time we see each other. unfortunately for us, the revolution overshadowed us. the future is approaching darkness from us, i order the officers to surrender their weapons, brotherhood, we have no place to wait for cartridges, and to hell with them, we have always beaten the enemy and will continue to beat them, unimportant news, gentlemen, the reds are approaching komsk, may he help us god. admiral on friday at the first, the most famous graduate of our childhood home is
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yura shatunov. this project, tender may, simply blew people’s minds. that every man needs to implement, i did it. in memory of yuri shatunov, on sunday on the first. maria butina is with you again, tute’s doll-heir, it turns out that the french minister of defense has something to hide. so, medicine, first a short story, and then we’ll discuss it. it seems that the name of french defense minister sebastien licarnu will not
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stop appearing in news headlines years. this time lekarniu got into a serious reputational scandal. parisian media found out that lecarniu has been close friends with alexandre benala, former security advisor to immanuel macron, for at least 10 years. this benalla is another guy. firstly, he is actually to blame for the large-scale protests of the yellow vests. demonstrations erupted with unprecedented violence after footage of benalla brutally beating protesters was published. then he, being off duty. and for fun in the ranks of the police, wearing police badges differences, used force against two participants in the demonstration, and then had the stupidity not only to deny what he had done, but tried, using his connections, to get the cctv footage incriminating him destroyed. secondly, benalla, after his dismissal from the elysee palace, headed a french private military company in africa, managed to appear in murky stories of money laundering, and also received
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an official... charge of corruption. benala is suspected of having acted as an intermediary in various contracts, using his position and connections in the elysee palace. so, the media found out that benala and likanyu are close friends. adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the doctor is being named as a potential candidate for the post of prime minister of france. journalists and investigators wonder who really runs the french state and come to the conclusion that it is not even macron, but his former security guard.
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one of them is the head of these armed forces, this is truly scary and not funny anymore, so it will be possible, if anything, to ask macron presses the nuclear button, he is a country that has nuclear weapons, which means you can send troops into the territory of another country, they have no taboos, they will not stray from their own, they are already sending this regiment there, which was formed, as we know, under napoleon and they will probably directly participate on our land - directly with professional armed forces, listen, but they are not there now, i have a question for you, are there any french there in general, regular mercenaries there, that is, then why, then what is this whole game for? minister, have you discussed with zelensky the possible dispatch of french instructors to ukrainian territory? simple question, simple answer, no, we are back to the issue of equipping and training the brigade. 4,500 soldiers is a lot, it requires training, as
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well as an engineer. somehow the french should get even for performing this marnezon ballet, well , mr. macron must have allowed himself to say, but he’s already gone, nothing can be done, this military campaign had to be on paper with only one on the other hand, naryshkin clearly said that there are about 2000 soldiers and officers, they are preparing to enter, this needs to be commented on somehow and checked how russia will react to this, russia responded that we will hit carefully, but forcefully, and it is also possible
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that ... the bait was cast for a hypothetical freezing of the conflict in principle, i agree with my colleague, indeed the french army is present there, and we encountered it, as a rule, french military personnel, be it people who, as it were, entered into a voluntary contract with the army ukraine, whether they are career officers of nato or the french army, they, of course, never appear on the front line of defense or attack, here is such, you know, a game of...
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sent him for two hundred, they wrote everything off, but no, high-ranking officers were disguised to the victims of a helicopter crash, but in general within the framework... you know very well, not the french, but the british , but at school the french began to play, so to speak, some of the supporting roles in great britain now, the vector has shifted from the united states to great britain, to the main focus and initiator of the campaign in ukraine to destroy ukraine and
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fight russia, then the french themselves do not want to fight, so their instructors, their teachers, both on french territory and on individual territories.
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no, not the british. france decided to experience a new colonial redivision of the world. in africa they are squeezed out, it is very difficult to do. and ukraine, eastern europe is, this is a new africa, where you can now put your people on resources. why should france miss opportunities to gain control of deep-sea ports, for a reason, everything else appears there in the odessa region champagne. this is a trade-off for safety. we help you hold this region, and you are ours. you give enterprises the opportunity to work here and make money, this is security in exchange for territory, as they once did, so the emergence of specialists is now very justified, macron is trying to redistribute where the americans squeezed him out, from australia, from other countries, there is too
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much of a game going on , there the british, together with the americans, pushed him, here he can play by yourself, that is, this is an attempt to take conditional revenge, and having seen the new repartition of the world, somehow get settled in this matter, right? a very common question: france is a nato country, if it is included, does it mean that the bloc will fit in or not? macron has already stated that he will not fit in in any way, but some kind of legal disagreement arises. on the one hand, if we use nato articles, we see that, of course, if france is defeated, then we can find and pull the work of nato countries and get them involved. this will be a belli incident for countries nato, and those words that macron says, that in this case we have nothing to do with the nato countries, he looks like bush jr., when his special representatives always said two phrases, and i really liked them, now he speaks like a simple person, so now as the president of the united
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states of america, france is repeating the same thing now, france is now declaring itself as an independent state, otherwise it will be a nato country. and yes, a very important point, look, because britain did very... small bet on ukraine, now you will not find a huge number of financial interests inside ukraine. the united states of america took more of these interests; they pocketed ukraine. where is france? and france is now starting to fight not with american interests, they cannot defeat them in any way. they say: our brothers, we made a tunnel through the lomanche, it’s so great that we are together. france is now beginning, together with britain, to divide zones of influence, but to divide on this basis: we are still ready to send our soldiers sacrifice them. give us your interests. and his call was to show that he is not alone, and he is not nato, but they have a mini-coalition.
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those who need to be looked at with loving eyes, but he doesn’t make any impression anymore, he just doesn’t know how to speak in public, he doesn’t know how to speak, he doesn’t look like a person who has his own character at all, he serves as a servant and conveys someone’s position , how interesting that the so-called defense ministers of most eu countries are completely unsuitable for these roles, let's let us also remember one factor: likagnu was... the minister of the losing france, france,
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which lost its traditional territories in africa. we always remember that france , especially in africa, did nothing, well , it stored nuclear waste there, mined something, exported something, treated it like such a garbage dump, the backyard is french, but by and large, france lost centuries-old territories where it was, no one in france went there, but everyone knew that it was there. after all, medicine, with all of it, with all of it craving for brutality, this is the minister of agreements, this is the minister who wants to reach an agreement, and you know, there is one place where they come into contact, and this is far from france, this is the city of gyumri, 102 military base, because france is authorized by the new entente, like them they call themselves, by the way, the new entente, france is authorized by the new entente in the armenian direction, that is, for them... using the traditional ties of armenia and
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france, to squeeze russia through french participation, through the supply of weapons, to squeeze russia out of its main caucasian outpost. why france? england can't do this, why? yes, because england is the operator of the other side, armenia - this is azerbaijan and turkey, naturally, this is the english direction, no one here will move them, so here is a bad good policeman, a bad good country. france wants to gain a foothold in armenia, and here our interests will meet again, but we must also remember that look at the article in the telegram of foreign affairs in the uk and france, here it is on the basis of the english, on the english platform that the withdrawal is announced europe from the common, joint with america.
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actions of european armies, because they assume an unfavorable scenario for the development of the united states, after the elections, yes, anything can happen, americans, well , too americans, you have to understand that for america, nothing exists except america, they don’t even know, what borders america has with other states, this... this is how it is in school, but they understand that they are left alone, they need to negotiate, the doctor is trying to find out where they will be allowed to stay, then, by the way, speaking, this... all explain why he is like this, there is no need for a military man who will lead a military campaign, which means france is focused on negotiating, this does not mean that it is in our favor, this means negotiating or building alliances, so in fact, it’s very cool that the topic of armenia has been raised, what they are doing there and in general, what this
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really threatens us all with, colleagues, there is a point that seems to lie on the surface, well, it is well known, yes, that there is a colossal armenian lobby. north, south, west, east, yeah, that's what it is there are logistics flows by rail, which can hypothetically connect russia, with the countries of the persian gulf, at the same time turkey and the caspian coast, now all this is blocked, they do not need us to have a prosperous, peaceful, calm region, here in in particular on
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the territory of armenia, this is a minimum for them, and at a maximum, it would be great for them to light all this up, let’s see what the doctor himself says about armenia. we have countries that are not members of nato, and which may experience direct or indirect destabilization of the situation. moldova, this is a very specific example. this is a country that may fear pressure one way or another. and what happens in ukraine has a very big impact on what happens in moldova. and the second country, dear to our heart, armenia, which is obviously experiencing destabilization and a security threat, because there is also a turbulent situation there. so, ah. still in the area of ​​attention or root, two states that are very close to us are moldova and armenia. what game is he playing? we'll talk right after the commercial, and not let’s forget to remember that quite recently it was llekarnu that blinken met with. why? in
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a few minutes. it is important to travel around russia, because you need to learn the traditions of different cities, we are from the city of nizhnevartas, our city is famous for oil, gas and good people, the famous place in voronezh is the kitten from lizyukov street, rostov-elikkev.
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cognac monteshoca - a product of the stellar group rom kastro a product of the stellar group pichora vodka a product of the stellar group veta vodka a product of the stellar group cognac old barrel a product of the stellar group. they were like friends family, there is no need to talk about this. jaana, you don’t understand how dangerous this is, kidnapping, an attempt on the life of a policeman, all sorts of hostages, i was watching tv there, jana was shooting. oleg, he will get them out of there. the police are looking for a woman and a boy, but no one is looking for a man and a girl. we look
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like circurods, honestly. the thing is, when a father abandons his children, he is called the biological father. abandoned, then why weren’t you with us, by the way, our estonian colleagues came out with dogs, soon they will be taken, colleague, we need to save him, he himself is this he made a mess, let him sort it out on his own, in my opinion, through what, a minibus, or what? we can’t go to a colleague, you know, it’s better if we stay here, not a colleague, to dad, he did everything for me, for you, and we ’re giving it to him, one chance for three, accept look after the program, it’s time, gentlemen, officers, behind. the german squadron, friedrich karl is in front, i see no other way out than to lure the germans to the mines. in any case, i would
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never refuse you, i’m afraid vasilievna, you would be exhausted. we're fine, no completely, you fell in love, given the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation is now the same, war. to beat the enemy to fulfill your duty to the fatherland, this letter is in abc and morse code, i tried to study the textbook at home, thank you, but today we see each other for the last time, to our misfortune the revolution has obscured the future from us, darkness is approaching, i order the officers to hand over their weapons, ammunition we have nowhere to wait, and to hell with them, we have always... beaten and will continue to beat! bad news, gentlemen. the reds are approaching omsk. god bless us. admiral. in
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friday on the first. in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk. we remember a wonderful person, an amazing woman, a colleague, a friend. anastasia zavoratnyuk, born in her seventh year. she didn’t feel very well, everyone thought it was just a nerve injury. they went to get checked and found out, well, one might say, practically on their birthday. i noticed that she had a new mouth on her chest, a new pendant. i turn around and say: she tells me: no one knows this, i say, but i already know. i say you need to buy chap, here it is, if somewhere.
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a person can live after death only in art, only art can defeat death. on saturday at the first, well, what a grandmother in a leather jacket, young, cool, dad fools around like no one else, and not because others don’t want to, just others don’t know how, alena generally looks super, as if this is a brother, sister, when you joined, i realized that no one had any questions about the song anymore.
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to develop one’s own influence, including military influence on armenia and moldova, the french minister of the armed forces, sebastian licarnu, speaks about this.
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why? why do they need moldova, and what does the new geopolitical order have to do with it, what role will france play in this? indeed, it’s good, we talked about armenia, but what does moldova have to do with it? yes, sergey? everything is very simple, i liked that literally a month ago a huge amount of materials were published. including in the american media dedicated specifically to france. and you know in what context, france is the only european country that , if nato leaves, for example, the americans stop selling that volume of military equipment, ammunition, france can provide for itself in a short period of time. it would seem strange. everyone said that germany is a powerful country that can fully equip its army. but no, it turns out, france. and france now wants to pull the blanket over itself. if only some time ago, those looking behind... but
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romania and moldova cannot be distinguished from france. they are the ones who say that everything needs to be done to hold a quick referendum, to unite this country in order to actually reach the borders of the conflict with russia. yes, transnistria. and then that's it very simple: france wants to play some other, new geopolitical role. rich moldova, no, romania is rich, no, but the balkans are a different story, they have a different geostrategic goal, they don’t need useful skopami in moldova, which... they need these gates, whoever controls the balkans will have more chances dominate in europe, they want to beat the united states of america, but the problem is that america does not need this, why are several figures being grown now, are they growing, and are there any chances this is our today's hero, and he is always a backup, but how often do we see when the backup becomes the main one, like a jack
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-in-the-box, by the way, macron also talks about the balkans, come on.
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blinkin suddenly stops by the doctor's office in paris, let's see how they spend time together, let's try to determine by body language whether the body is a friend or not a friend? i think what we have created, minister licarniu, i, as secretary of state, austin and others, is truly extraordinary in terms of providing artillery systems, ammunition, air defense systems, which still help today.
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i was just passing by, suddenly arrived in paris, which means i decided to make joint statements, honestly, if i cut them off from each other, then these are completely two different people who do not conduct a dialogue, one dissuades the necessary speech, and the other, but what do you see, the novel, when blinkin speaks, alekarnu stands next to him and is silent, he is natural, what serious facial expressions he has, he sits, his face, his eyes rotate, he twitches, he reacts to him very vividly. he perceives him, then he didn’t like something in his words, and he thought about what blinkin might not like if he said this, at that moment he goes to the left, begins to look at the sheet, then when he begins to speak, pay attention, he usually, when he gives an interview or communicates with someone, looks normally, looks into the eyes, we can see this in any interview, when she communicates with reporters, in this case i see that she begins to speak his face is straight, only at the very end
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of the interview, some things that can actually talk, but before that... when he talks about his attitude to events, about his attitude towards ukraine, he doesn’t even look at him, and yet, he talks constantly with his eyes down, which is not typical for him when he speaks about what is... in fact, if they had given it to him, he would have, you know, started such a war in africa, that war game , they just didn’t give it to him, they drive him from place to place, alone, here he is owed, the other one, they are running him around, he is very much, they are looking at him there, looking there, looking, who is what this is not completely americans, this is a fact, because they are clearly looking in the other direction, and also, look, if you take them, let’s now take the doctor of the same gabriel attal and...
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look at the expression on the doctor’s face at this moment, he’s tense , he nods, but it’s a stress factor, but he purses his mouth, yes, yes, and then the whole dialogue regarding the fact that we are friends there and so on, well, listen, when we are friends, you at least turn your body to the one with who are you talking to, and so he’s having some kind of conversation going on at the doctor’s office here to the right, and this one’s comrade somewhere right, by the way. and blinken, interestingly, looks to be in a losing position, he understands that he is unstable in his position of power, and it shows. previously, when we watched blinkin, a year ago, for example, we saw him so
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dominant there, but here he seemed apologetic, saying, well, we need it, this is a must, would you add? yes, i would return to the question of the presidency, i also see it in such a way that either otal or him...
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but his orientation is not a secret that is so closely guarded, it seems to me that, unfortunately, there another secret, but at the same time they clearly hinted to him that the amount of compromising evidence, you know, that’s how much my experience in analyzing such situations and so, say, being in different statuses in america, shows the following, it’s already there through analytics that everything is always thrown in -a percentage of compromising evidence with a hint that we could...
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is everywhere, of course, they want to fill their companies with money for some event-related things. i have already said that macaron is now pushing out a figure of more than 400 billion euros for armaments. twenty-second year, autumn, macron, very pretentiously on board the dixmund helicopter in toulon, presented a new national security strategy, where he said, we and france will be the new geopolitical center, he and america are in serious, in fact, in a serious confrontation, it is france that the british and americans have pushed aside for 60 billion euros submarines for australia, creating aucos, then. the americans said:
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you don’t need french for 60 euros, you need american for 125. therefore, we are talking about a lot of money. what are the competitive areas in france has nuclear technology in the world, and we are their number one enemy here. aircraft manufacturing, americans, russians. and most importantly, of course, the military-industrial complex. and macron is not happy that the americans are now reshaping the european market. it was macron who said: “why should we buy f-35 aircraft instead of french ones, or at least joint ones?” why do the eu countries buy american tanks and not french ones, which we want to make together with the germans, and let me remind you, we are talking about a joint european tank, the americans are all this is being systematically destroyed, so the french want to win back theirs, and a few words about why moldova and armenia, and because france is the main investor in the construction of vineyards there and before wine production, all the winemaking in moldova was bought up by the french.
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gaining more and more momentum, just about, this whole lump of atrocities, villains and atrocities is about to explode, and such characters can only be a mess, some naive, maybe even timid in some places, the more terrible who is behind them? maria butina was with you, tute's heir doll, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day.


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