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tv   Odin shans na troikh  1TV  June 17, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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a policeman is wounded, a policeman is wounded, there is a shootout on the corner of marathonte and raikimu.
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stop, stop, stop, stop, hey, get in quickly, come on, come on, come on, come on, cafelanti, we 're late, oleg berezhnoy, you better come with us, these are the guys with you and...
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who are you anyway? bor, sasha fell asleep, maybe you can take him home? no, now he’ll get some sleep, rest, and work out some more, no, fight, i’m tired, let ’s take the child, then next time you come, work out, and why aren’t you watching tv, you’re broke. how
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it broke, it’s new, well, just like that, it worked, it worked, it went out, tamara vitalna, let me tear it down under warranty. you'll take it back under warranty, just put it in the box, it's in the room, okay, tom, hi, how are you, yes , okay, so what? but you don’t watch the news, do you? the tv is broken, so what? let's go to my place. yes, well, what happened? well, let's go, let's go, borya, i'll go to my neighbor's, and you know, he was with... that the boy wants to return to his family, that he was dragged away by force, but it was he who
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stopped my car, he lured me into the forest, and there they were already there. you know, not really, explain, but he is a member of a gang, i mean, he was comfortable with them, i mean, they were like a friendly family, there is no need to expand on this, yes, yes, i understand.
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you helped us a lot, hold him for now, take time so that he doesn’t blurt out anything unnecessary. tell him this is important for his own safety. criminals must be sure that he has not yet been found. how much to hold? at least three days until we catch them. i understand, yes, and also, soon you will have a press, tell them that these russians are still in the country, the danger remains, citizens we ask you to take precautions, let them report any suspicious persons to the police, don’t specify anything in particular, and also
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say that all efforts are being devoted to searching for them, i understand.
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he's never seen you in a dress, aren't you afraid of scaring him off? i'm actually counting on that, we're interrupting the program for an emergency message. she just started shooting at us, we hid behind that car, i immediately called for help. i see that constable juha has blood all over his face and is lying on the ground. tonight, former russian citizen yana kettunin, who stole a child, started a shootout with the police. there is a victim.
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is this for you, mom, put the vase down, did they steal
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the car? the owners of the car found it, did they figure it out from the car? we need, we need to find out what she’s doing in helsinki, most likely this is their backup plan, they realized that they couldn’t get across the border and are now acting according to the backup plan. cross the border, i don’t know, in the trunk, do you remember the story with our finnish diplomat, who took a child from russia to finland in the trunk? you need to find out who is helping them, they don’t care about finland, there was a big scandal, three of them won't fit in the trunk, what? helsinki, if you are in helsinki, come see marya.
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tarja, why did you take dad’s gun, he didn’t allow you to touch it, you’ll have wine. yanka was shooting back in helsinki, the video shows that she is with the boy. oleg was either taken, or they split up, so that they wouldn’t be detained together. it’s strange that in helsinki they would have crossed the border long ago, but that’s it. andrey evgenevich. allow me to substitute, oleg’s
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mother was hospitalized, it’s me, what’s wrong with her? i don’t know, the neighbor called, they said they took it away quickly, of course, that means it’s like that, now you’re going to mother to the hospital, uh-huh, find out, maybe she needs something, there’s medicine or some kind of help, right back, there’s something, a jacket, yes, you’re saying that i’m... now in helsinki, yes, i’m sweating they showed, well, strange, good, good, they are sneaking into the embassy, ​​which means they haven’t taken oleg yet, otherwise according to all the news they would have cut him off, but are you still here or something, run, come on, eat, run.
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tyoma, hello, yes, alive, alive, what will happen to me, well, you catch like a rat, we are working little by little, slowly, this is not in the general staff, well, you understand. yes, tyoma, listen,
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your help is needed internationally, it was delivered very quickly, so the consequences of the heart attack are minimal, i can say something more specific only when we receive the results of all the tests. and you, who you are, daughter, sister, bride. sister, what is the difference between you, big, yes, we are from different mothers, doctor, tell me when she comes out of the coma, we will get the test results, we will accept her. now, now the main thing for you is not to worry, your older sister will still need you, thank you, goodbye, hello, heart attack, now in an induced coma.
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to the poles, on your belly, on your knees, crawl here, holob, we supply thorns to europe, we get out of here, we are planning world domination. listen, if they overhear us, it will turn out that we are going to the kremlin together. america now leaves western europe at the mercy of the confrontation with russia. apparently, france and poland will be at the forefront of this adventure. poland is the kind of country that
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can do anything for money. i hope that ukraine will remember that level of assistance. this was a gigantic help that has not yet been compensated. well you still have to pay for it. and yes, and we will remember every penny for you. what is the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship? show vavan and lexus. on wednesday, on the first. gentlemen, officers, there is a german squadron behind. friedrich karl is ahead, i see no other way out but to lure the german into mines. in any case, i would never refuse you. you would be exhausted. we're doing well, not really. are you in love?
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thank you, but today we see each other for the last time, to our misfortune, the revolution has obscured the future from us, darkness is approaching, i order the officers to surrender their weapons, brother, we have nowhere to wait for cartridges, and to hell with them, we have always beaten the enemy and will continue to do so. beat! bad news, gentlemen. the reds are approaching omsk. god bless us. admiral, on friday, on the first. well, what a grandmother in
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a leather jacket, young, cool. oh, in vain, aunt.
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thank you, beda! “can i ask you now to stop crying, we
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can’t behave now, we need to be happy now, you know, and not attract attention to ourselves, we need to be ordinary, because...” please stop crying, honey, if you you can’t help me now, i can’t handle it alone. mom, your eyes are teary, go wash it, and i
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’ll order us some food, yes, come on, uh-huh, hey, hello, my, i’m listening, we have two cheesecakes, one eclair, chocolate cake, a glass of hot chocolate,
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hello, good afternoon, i need to talk to a diplomat or consuls, on what issue? you can’t name the purpose of the visit, you know, the child was stolen, it ’s us, what, why aren’t you watching the news, i say, the child was stolen, we, this is my child, but it doesn’t matter, the point is that we are being persecuted, we need help, just a second, what? you have there?
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please come in, they will receive you now, yeah, thank you, sit, sit down, yeah, so, the child was stolen, i know where the wife and child are, she’s not my wife, you know, she, the child, he, in short, is not my wife , in terms of? somebody got involved in all this because of a friend with a child? yes, everything is complicated there, the child seems to be mine, but in short, help
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us, please, but how can we help you? you stole a child from foster parents, attacked a police officer, you know that your girlfriend started a shooting in the city center, no, they, no, they weren’t caught, but it’s a matter of time, so we can’t help you, will you leave us or what? listen, i’m anna kettenin, a citizen of finland, you see, her son is a citizen of finland, he was actually born here. and you are now an international terrorist, clear, clear. if
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you call, at least you can, you can rest here for a while, but then you will still have to leave the embassy, ​​you understand, it’s clear.
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hello, rom, it’s me, don’t you know why mom isn’t picking up the phone? the same ketunan who contacted us by about the child? yes, well, how did it end there? but nothing, she’s no longer a russian for a long time, it’s not our competence, clearly, tolya, i was asked from a friendly department to help this family with at least something. any thoughts on
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how? well, we can’t help kettanin, manafinka. a man can have his apportation arranged. think about what you can do. fine. tolya. just without consequences. got it, will you be ordering anything else? no thank you, check please, okay mom!
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where was oleg when i was little? in russia, why didn’t he come to us? could not, but now i could, now i could, when he found out that you were taken away, he... immediately came to save you, and why didn’t dad save me, voita, tom’s dad tried very hard to help us. “it’s strange, oleg
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didn’t live with us, but he immediately came to save me, and dad lived with us, but at the same time he was only trying, why is that? and i know why, why? because oleg is a rescuer, right? yes, exactly, rescuer.
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are you ready? listen, i have a request to you, purely humanly, give us time to leave, and don’t tell the locals that i was here, you didn’t. can you tell me where this cafe is located, why alet? didn’t live with us like dad, it happened that way, well, if oleg is my real father, he should have lived with us, yeah, he didn’t want me, yes, yes, what, but no, no,
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then he didn’t want me, or no, i didn’t want to, after all. now is not the right time to ask such questions, mom and oleg, you have 2 minutes to follow me, who are you, why should we, he is waiting for you at the embassy, ​​quickly follow me.
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behind them, behind the diplomatic numbers, i don’t think you were right, they are at the embassy, ​​you see, a russian diplomatic official helped them escape from the police,
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krisha forward, lieutenant, he's already turning around, what are you waiting for , shut up, calm down, misha, calm down, you can't mess around here, comrade colonel, the right flank has run into a mine, chorbak, forward, what are you aiming for, i'll shoot you, in war, as in war, june 22, on the first, get up, maleshkin, well done, maleshkin! the most famous graduate of our childhood home is yura shatunov, it’s a little warmer behind the glass, but in the bitter frosts, this project, this affectionate mayu, simply
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blew people’s minds. he planted a tree, built a house, and gave birth to a son. three commandments that every man needs to implement it, i did it. in memory of yuri shotunov, on sunday on the first. katerina, i invited you to a serious conversation. is it bad for you to call someone, don’t bother me, don’t you see, i’m making you an offer. fool subtle matters from june 23rd on the first, i see right through that you are not like that, and what do i need, if not a general, real love, and
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maybe a good portion of seletka under shupa, today you will smell in this office, okay, us no one will definitely find you here, the police cannot enter here, but they can conduct surveillance. so that we don’t go near the windows, it’s clear, no one should know that you’re here, you ’ll have to behave very quietly, okay? okay, that's it, up to...
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the numbers are on the left. oleg, do you think you can trust him, who, this gorchakov, and that there is a choice, there is always a choice. “let's get out of here, maybe
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he left it here on purpose, and in the morning the police will show up and take us from here under warm little white hands, what are you thinking of, i would like to turn him in, i would have turned him in a long time ago, but when did he have time, alone he didn’t need it just with us, that’s what informational, russia helped finland catch dangerous criminals, he will also drag the press here in the morning to hand us over beautifully, so that the whole world can see. "bring a blizzard, why are you so sure of him, what do you want from me, you want to get out , come on, go away, i ’m not here of my own free will, in case you forgot, you dragged me here, now i’m hanging around like that, well , let’s talk you out of it, say that i set you up, well, my mother has a heart attack, what’s the news on i looked at the tv, the artificial komi
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has disappeared, hey!
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son, get off the windowsill, please.
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anatoly vasilyevich, good morning, hello, evgeny dmitrievich asked you to come in, okay.
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i always go there, you have 2 hours, thank you, window sill. i'm deaf, i 'm telling you, don't sit there, i'll sit where i like, it's fine, i'm telling you, get off the window sill, don't give orders, what are
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you, what am i, i'm telling you, get down in window sill, don’t touch me, and don’t touch mom, and don’t give orders anymore, you left mom alone, and she had to shoot from... the gun and why did you come in general, we don’t need your help, we can handle it ourselves, and i myself will save my mother, before this everything worked out somehow without you, now it will work out, go back to your russia, vitya, good morning, hello, victor, so get off the window sill, immediately get off the window sill, give us, just like that, well, you too, leave, excuse me, well, how ’s your mood, it’s clear, so, today you ’re leaving, where to sweden,
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my people will take you across the border, then by ferry to estonia, but they gave you to russia, everything is so simple, yes, everything is very simple, you will get to the border.
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apparently, at the forefront of this adventure there will be france and poland. poland is the kind of country that will do anything for money. i hope that ukraine will remember that level of assistance. this was a gigantic help that has not yet been compensated. well, you still have to pay for it. and yes, and we will remember every penny for you. what is the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship? show vavan and lexus. on wednesday on the first. gentlemen, officers, the german squad is behind, friedrich is ahead. i don’t see any other way out than to lure the germans to the mines. in any case, i would never tell you
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refused. ayusenna vasilyevna, you would be exhausted. we're doing well, not really. are you in love? hello, there is a personal situation between us. the situation now is the same: war, to beat the enemy to fulfill a duty to the fatherland. this letter and morse code, i tried to study the textbook at home, thank you, but today we see each other for the last time, to our misfortune, the revolution has obscured the future from us, darkness is approaching, i order the officers to surrender their weapons, we can’t wait for cartridges from anywhere, and to hell with them, we have always drunk the enemy and will continue to drink. unimportant news, gentlemen, the red one is approaching omsk,
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god help us, admiral, on friday the first, this year we celebrate the seventy- ninth anniversary of the great victory, let's talk about songs of the war years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt songs are these those that were voiced. in our films, death is not scary, we met, the great song that alexander vasilyevich alexandrov wrote when the most terrible battles took place, and of course, this song is a symbol of our army, on february 17, 1944, comrade gotsman, that is, my grandfather was able to destroy 150 manpower alone and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger. where are you now, friends, when i leave as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents
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who went through the whole war, here they are the heroes who gave us life, here are the young ones who have now taken their places, low bow, you guys, this is my grandfather, he fought bravely for his homeland, i was born and raised in the donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me this is... when you joined, i realized that there were no questions for no one had any more songs left, it was added and the audience just began to go wild, i
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draw you, you have such a wonderful son, so active on stage, you have love on stage too, this is the most important thing, go out with your mother, sing together like this, in general, this is something like this for a mother, so well, this is cool, i’m touched. oleg has been completely taxed at the embassy now , and he and yanka and his son promised to help, but everything will help
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, everything will sit there kakosan, but there must be a way to sit there forever correctly. and when to sleep later, yes, how is it, oleg, at the embassy, ​​everything, everything, well, estonia, so estonia, estonia. estonia, this is estonia, vasily, mother, what are you talking about, estonia!
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with oleg, what with yana, you shouldn’t worry, you watched the news, what day is it today, tamara vitalievna, calm down, i don’t know anything myself, and you’ve already watched the news once, that’s enough, hello, oh, tama vitalievna, and here i am i brought you some oranges, what kind of oranges, are you
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kidding me? he’s mocking, yes i am, yes, roma, what’s the news, why are you stalling, i just said hello, came in, the opresins, what’s wrong with them, they’re at the embassy, ​​everything’s fine, everything’s fine, visitors, please move out of the room, natasha.
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it will suit you, you too suddenly became 10, the police are looking for a woman with a boy, no one is looking for a man and a girl, let him dress up as a girl too, no one is looking for a woman and a girl either, you are good, so i have no time to argue with you, downstairs in 15 minutes, it’s clear, i won’t put on this dress, oh, what a capricious girl, that’s enough, both of you, quickly put on the dress, and you stop getting it. better shut up, help, we look like tsirkurodov, honestly, it’s the best thing for europe, in this form it’s here for you
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will be the last thing they pay attention to. so i need your documents, why, if they take you with them, you will be sent again to finland, and sweden and estonia , you will receive all the necessary documents in sweden, and the embassy cannot give any information about what is happening here, the embassy has nothing to do with it, of course, you are not here and have never been, so i threw away my mobile phones so that they wouldn’t be tracked, that’s right, here are two phones for you.
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come on, be careful, you too.
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it was that policewoman, she saw us, yes
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hide, yes, she was watching the embassy, ​​and what to do now, but nothing, she is not here officially, which means it’s harmless, and good, that’s good. get out of the car, i said, get out, hands up so they can be seen, turn around towards the car.
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there's a big game on the air. i think that, undoubtedly, the main diplomatic news of the day, the main news on russia's supposedly popular agenda, is the upcoming trip of president putin. to the democratic people's republic of korea and vietnam, but we basically knew that such a trip was planned, but today we're talking about it was officially announced, and moreover, it is assumed that the president will be in korea tomorrow, i want to ask about this senator andrei ivanovich denisov, who was ambassador to china for many years, and naturally you are well, let’s say, familiar with korean issues. tell me, what is the significance of this trip, and then about vietnam? well, the upcoming visit of the president to the democratic people's republic of korea, at the invitation that
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north korean leader kimchong-un conveyed to him in the fall of last 2023, then it was reported, that we accepted this invitation, well, now it is being implemented, this is of course a kind of sensation in the good sense of the word, because... this is an important event that really attracts attention. by the way, vladimir vladimirovich putin was already in the korean people's democratic republic, almost a quarter of a century ago. this was in 2000, these were the first, first, not even years, but months of vladimir vladimirovich’s stay in the presidential chair. i remember there were these kind of dramatic weather conditions back then, it was that... vladimir vladimirovich made a state visit to beijing, china, and from there he was supposed to fly to henyang. it was just like this during the rainy season, the summer
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monsoon rains, everything was flooded in beijing and...


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