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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 18, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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respect for sovereignty and consideration of each other’s interests. the united states of america is trying its best to impose a so-called rule-based order on the world, which is essentially nothing more than a global neo-colonial dictatorship based on double standards. countries that do not agree with this approach and pursue independent policies are faced with increasingly severe external pressure. the united states and its satellites openly declare that their goal is to inflict strategic defeat on russia, at the same time. all these years they have immediately rejected all our attempts to peacefully resolve the situation. russia has been and will be open to equal dialogue on all the most difficult issues, but no matter how hard they tried, all their attempts to contain and isolate russia failed. it is gratifying that our korean friends, despite many years of economic pressure, provocations, blackmail and military threats from the united states, are equally effective in defending their interests. we are also ready for close cooperation to improve international relations. more democratic and
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stable, for this we will develop alternative mechanisms of trade and mutual settlements that are not controlled by the west, jointly resist illegitimate unilateral restrictions and at the same time build an architecture of equal and indivisible security in eurasia. well, where would we be without the americans? the white house has already promised to closely monitor the progress of this visit. the western press writes that our president’s visit to phinyang is very worrying.
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sanctions imposed on his country, persuade others to violate sanctions and sell to russia weapons, as well as establish new relationships with countries around the world, despite the conduct of a special military operation. since the beginning of the conflict in ukraine, president putin has promoted the idea that western dominance is coming to an end, visiting those who agree with him, or at least are open to this philosophy. with such visits , putin shows that russia has many friends all over the world, in asia, latin america, africa, among those countries that are disappointed... russia, and naturally, this is annoying, you know, to endure a fiasco such a failure, the united states, is it really pleasant for them, of course not, of course, it’s understandable, this is the reaction, but nevertheless, it is obvious that they, vladimirovich, are afraid of cooperation now between russia and the dprk, including, and what to expect from this visit, what do you think? well, actually. after the words
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of vladimir putin, there is nothing special to add; first of all, expect a truly strengthening of cooperation, good neighborly relations, cooperation in all sectors that are possible, while yes, we understand perfectly well that this is being done in order to prove the west, that the attempt to isolate russia, north korea, and a number of other states, it essentially failed, by the way, in the west i even see more screams. calls not putin’s visit to the dprk, but the upcoming visit to vietnam, there is such a noise and commotion there that’s why it’s worth it, but i repeat, indeed, we can argue for a long time that at one time, well, probably certain mistakes were made when we joined some security council sanctions against north korea, this could have been avoided, we could have imposed it.
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restrictions from the un, at all the resolutions, you look now, for example, how zelensky cursed the minsk agreements, in full view of all western leaders there in this very thing. in switzerland, some of you actually remembered, here are representatives of the rules-based world , that these minsk agreements were approved by the un security council, someone remembered, no, no, everyone, everyone turns a blind eye, no, yes, yes and it must be, they think, that is, we, in this world based on rules, can violate any decisions security council, we can, contrary to the un decision, recognize kosovo there, which, note, participated in the swiss conference,
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this is in conditions when the cost of labor there is minimal, there are more than 180 defense factories, the military-industrial complex, located underground, in the thickness, which means , rocks, they cannot be detected or destroyed from satellites, there are only 10 factories that produce shells, these are unique
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north korean developments, i’m not even talking about ballistic missiles that the united states and nuclear weapons can get, these are hypersonic complexes, this is heavy artillery, its own unique one. 170 mm, hitting more than 50 km, these are heavy rocket systems with a range of 600 or more, there are missiles weighing almost a ton, this is a serious force that is preparing to resist, they have been preparing for this all their lives, not only in south korea, together with the americans, so the emergence of such strong allies now destroys their entire concept of a war of attrition, when russia simply gets tired of fighting and the military-industrial complex of the collective west. well, conditionally speaking, it will overpower us, but it turns out that in their calculations you can’t change the mathematics, you can’t change it, in their calculations our military-industrial complex is more powerful than the entire collective western one, and if you add north korea, iran and china, then for them the union is not not things are happening in their favor, so this is a problem for them, but
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as i understand it, they are afraid not only of what we can give to the dprk, but more precisely , on the contrary, most of all they are afraid of this, because they may be collaborators with us. yes , at the official level there is no official confirmation yet, but we too we can supply technologies there, and the dprk army with our technologies with our satellite reconnaissance, to put it mildly, is a force to be reckoned with in the region against the backdrop of a very unstable situation there, are they afraid that some new conflict may appear there, well in the sense of the old flare-up, the asia-pacific region is generally a zone of main, in fact, their interests after europe, they understand. that europe is now on fire there, that suits them, and it would be nice to start a conflict here, so the formation of new blocs, like aucus, against china, the formation of new centers of instability, control over transport flows, control over arms supplies, the weakening of china and its blockade from
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the sea, we now see the deployment of a huge number of forces in japan, the philippines, the middle and short -range, typhon, which uses cruise missiles. including ground launch and so on, this is all a confrontation against china, and china understands perfectly well that russia and north korea are its allies, including in this conflict, if it unfolds there, and there is no specific, well, let’s call it that conflict, when north korea suddenly starts fighting with the americans, everyone else will join in, china, russia will remain on the sidelines, we understand that they will dismember us and try to destroy us one at a time, but there is still an important point that could be the result of this meeting. after all, they are talking about what will happen, perhaps a document on strategic alliance with north korea will be signed, i will remind you that when europe and the united states scare us with the fact that now the military contingents of the countries nato, well, under their national flags, will enter the territory of ukraine, we have the same mirror opportunity
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of using allied troops who will be there with us, and north korea is the leader in the world in the number of special forces, more than 200,000 special forces, there are whole battalions of them. only snipers are trained to conduct combat operations in the mountains, and special forces are the most trained, that is, all the troops together with musicians and cooks can recruit 250-300 in europe now. that's it in fact, this is not the most correct figure, you need to look, but north korea has 2000 ready to be sent to the combat zone, moreover, in preparation for a major conflict, they really want to gain combat experience so that the military personnel from there return not just with anniversary medals , with military orders, this situation can greatly change including...
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the united states, those countries that were supposedly going to express their support for ukraine, but in fact nothing happened, because everyone came, well, most of them came to the opinion that, after all, there is nothing without russia. it won’t work and dozens of countries refused to sign the final document, in addition, the countries that signed now continue to disappear from the list of those who supported this communication; today it became known that rwanda, following iraq and jordan, also disappeared from the list of signatories of the statement, that is, they simply withdrew their signature, by the way, they say that iraq and jordan were generally extremely surprised that they signed something like that, and very strange things were happening around. this conference, but there is another very revealing political statement, which directly indicates that
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not everyone agrees with the anglo-saxons that only they, the united states and the british, will rule the roost on the planet, but they will squabble later. the minister of defense of spain , after the so-called conference on ukraine, came out categorically against sending troops to ukraine. victoria, well , in general, of course, this whole story, signed, withdrawn, it doesn’t look like...
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the signing or stated signing of this memorandum or communication falls off,
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therefore, the information effect was not achieved, but russia’s participation in the conference was announced by many present at this site, because, probably, they heard, including the signals of the countries of the global south, which said that no, we will not go to this gathering without russia, therefore , somehow this informational attack had to be carried out on the very essence of the summit, which does not lead to peace, as was said. i had to fight it off and some talking heads in the form of the leaders of these countries began to say that yes, it would be nice for russia to also accept participation in one of the summits, even kuleb, who cannot be suspected of rationality, he had to say something on this topic, but this does not mean at all that this will be embodied in real political steps, that the conversation with russia will continue, because that those statements that were made by vladimir putin on the eve of this summit, this swiss conference, they were not called anything other than an ultimate.
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the police are looking for a woman and a boy, but no one is looking for a man and a girl. we look like circurods, honestly, for europe the most then when a father abandons his children, he is called the biological father. i didn’t abandon you, then why weren’t you with us, by the way, our estonian colleagues left the legacy with dogs, they will soon be taken, colleague, we need to save him, he started this mess himself, let him sort it out himself, in my opinion, through what about a minibus, or what? we can’t go to a colleague, you know, it’s better if we stay here, not to a colleague, to dad, he
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did everything for me, for you, and we give him one chance for three. premiere. watch the time after the program. so, friends, expensive, best drinks for hot weather, we prepare a special type of iced coffee with orange. why? there is much more about this in the program. great, great. tomorrow on the first. we chose two heads of poland, two former presidents, we called them from petro poroshenko. here is the question of importing ukrainian grain, farmers are coming, they are blocking cities, what is a ukrainian in front of a pole, on his belly, on his knees, crawl here as a peasant, we supply sloes to europe, we are getting out of here, we are planning world domination. listen, if we are being overheard, it will turn out that we are going together to the kremlin. america is leaving western europe at
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the mercy of the confrontation with russia now. apparently, france and poland will be at the forefront of this adventure. poland is a country that will do anything for money. i hope that ukraine will remember that level of assistance. this was a gigantic help that has not yet been compensated. well, you still have to pay for it. and yes, and we will remember every penny for you. what is the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship? show vavan and lexus. tomorrow on the first. take a look, thank you, what should i do about this, kiss the first person who comes through this door, water is war
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for you, the only beloved woman for life, you are my wife, i am your husband, it will always be like this. on march 2, emperor nicholas ii abdicated the throne. power passed to the provisional government. monarchy. i beg you. room leaves after half an hour. if we don't make it now, we're done for. and what do you tell me to do? she's always better. but i love alexandra vasilyevich, she should be next to us, even if now we see the future, as if through a dark glass, but remain with us faith, hope, love, and love is the greatest of these, admiral, on friday on the first, this
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year we celebrate the seventy-ninth. year, comrade gotsman, that is, my grandfather, was able to destroy 150 manpower alone and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, where are you now, friends, when i go out as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents, who went through the whole war, these are the heroes who gave us life,
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these are the young ones who have now taken their places, low bow to you guys, this is not de. i was born and raised in donbass, my my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me, first of all, this is a great honor in memory, on june 22, on the first, we are transported to the front, news from there, groups west and east in their zones. responsibility took more advantageous positions, and the fighters of the south and north improved the situation along the front line, including near volchansky and leptsy in the kharkov region, the enemy suffered heavy losses. over the past 24 hours, over 1,700 militants, the list of equipment destroyed included american bradley and maxpro armored vehicles, 37merki howitzers, polish self-propelled guns krab, here
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there are still very active battles going on in the kharkov direction, what’s happening there right now, we’ll find out from war correspondent arti igor zhdanov, he’s in direct contact with us, igor, hello, over to you, where’s the hottest thing right now and how’s the situation? good afternoon, well, the hottest thing is probably now in the vicinity of volchansk, where our fighters are. under the control of our fighters, this also complicated the position of the ukrainian armed forces militants in the multi-story building; they found themselves practically cut off from the rest of the garrison across the volchi river, from the garrison ukrainian forces, of course, now the ukrainian command is making active attempts to somehow... evacuate its fighters from there, this is especially felt because the command of the armed forces of ukraine has now sent its elite units, in particular elite snipers, in response to those professionals
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who work there, on our side, the fighters of the aida group from the special forces akhmat sniper drank a lot of blood, frankly speaking , of the ukrainian armed forces militants, to this the ukrainian command was forced to respond by sending their regular units, as you understand, and these are of this level... because they still have reinforcements , you now carefully say a half-circle, they break through, and there is an understanding of how
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many there are, this is what is located north of the volchie river, a multi-story building, where ours, where our guys blocked the militants, how many there is an understanding of them there, i won’t tell you the exact numbers, but absolutely for sure, at least one unit of up to 10 people. i’m talking about the elite, i’m not talking about how many teroboronists there may be, mobilized, i’m speaking carefully, firstly turn, because the situation is very dynamic, it is literally what was relevant an hour ago, now it can change, and then everything will return to normal again, because they are trying to get them out of there, and with all their might and means alive, they are absolutely trying pull out, but given that our aerospace forces destroyed a huge number of crossings and destroyed bridges. it’s very difficult to cross the volchiye river, you have to cross the rivers into the ssu, you have to create fonton crossings, which, in principle, are very quickly noticed and are destroyed by fire from both our artillery and
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our fpv drones, as well as, well, accordingly the work of the aerospace forces. now the enemy is not having success in this, but again he is stumped here, one might say, because he could not help but respond to the strengthening of our group in volchansk, because well, you all saw the so-called peace conference. conference in switzerland and the fact that what a farce it has turned into, how the ukrainians, their most zealous allies there like the usa and poland , are trying to give out victory where there is absolutely none, when ukrainian translators they misinterpret the words of the italian prime minister when they say that she allegedly said something that she did not say, now media victory is very necessary, so they are paying for it, including with a lot of blood. that is , the volchansk counter-offensive, which they have been dreaming about for a long time, dreaming about and even announced, doesn’t really smell to them yet, it doesn’t smell like much to them yet, but they
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are still making attempts to knock out our fighters from there, because for them volchansk is a huge loss and strategic, tactical and media, but they are just nothing they can’t help it, because just as it will be difficult for us later to cross the volchi river, just as it will be very difficult for them now. this is inaccessible, so we are now, for our part, we have now wedged ourselves, in fact, into their defense in volchansk, we are now systematically expanding, we are consolidating along the volcha river, we are expanding the flanks, expanding control there, so that later on some broader front, to be able to maneuver, to be able not at one point, yes, but somehow to confuse the enemy and not let him understand at what specific point we will strike the next blow, in general, i would like to urge all the hot heads not... they are circulating in the streets,
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these problems, they are not yet, i cannot say that they somehow are strongly felt at the front, this will have a delayed effect, the enemy, this applies to all sectors of the front, is snapping, snapping actively, they, this is not some kind of thing, they have not turned into a whipping boy, our fighters are doing very hard, very difficult , sometimes heroic work in the forefront, you need to believe in our fighters, again, understand that the enemy is just like that...
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it is not the enemy who is weak, but it is our fighters who really need to understand perfectly well that they are strong. well, naturally, kiev, of course, doesn’t like our successes, and gritting their teeth, they are forced to admit them, but only the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrski, in order to somehow keep a good face in such a bad terrible game, is trying to convince everyone that it’s not everything is still lost, and russia's advance will certainly be stopped by f-16 fighters as soon as they appear. in ukraine. on in the kupyansky, pokrovsky, kurakhovsky and vremeevsky operational directions , the enemy is carrying out active offensive actions of varying intensity, trying to break through the defenses. fierce fighting continues in the areas of glubokoe chasov yarostorsky, rabotin, krynok islands in the coastal part of the left bank of the dnieper. the enemy understands perfectly well that as a result of the gradual advance of new weapons and equipment from our partners and the arrival of the first f-16s, his
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chances of success will be. transition to active offensive actions, but at the same time, ukrainians generally have a lot of questions regarding how things are going about disrupting the preparation of reserves, not allowing them to do so at the front, but zelensky doesn’t give a damn about this, he continues to demand a fatherland counter-offensive, that’s what the ukrainian telegram writes about all this... attempt the local counter-offensive organized by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky on the orders of zelensky in the kharkov region on the eve of the swiss conference turned into another disposal of soldiers’ equipment. the main task set by zelensky for sirsky was just to create the impression before the peace summit in switzerland that the ukrainian army is not only retreating, but advancing, but the attempt to counteract the ukrainian armed forces failed, and the russian army resumed its offensive again,
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which cannot be discounted. and another problem that beset the armed forces of ukraine, namely, a significant lack of mobilization resources. despite this, zelensky is in a hurry to prepare the offensive of the ukrainian army, which promised western sponsors for new loans. they are not changing their plans for banking even though the military themselves believe that this year you can’t attack, but you need to focus on defense, gain strength and prepare personnel. by the way, it’s surprising, it feels like all these pleas from syrsky for f-16 fighters were heard by the head yesterday.
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ukraine, accuse the united states of america of deliberately, i emphasize, deliberately disrupting the training of ukrainian f-16 pilots. head of
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the commission. i say again, i deliberately accuse the united states of america of deliberately failing to prepare and say that we will have more f-16s than we have prepared. ukrainian pilots, what does this mean? and this means that stoltenberg clearly already knows about the plans, sending, of course, nato pilots, no matter how they will be formalized, retired, it means they will be replaced there or by someone else, but the fact is that there are not enough ukrainian pilots to service all these airplanes, so these very indicative reservations, before we spoke according to freud, now we can speak according to stoltenberg, by the way, about loans is also wonderful today. article on the front page of the financial times, which directly states that zelensky is surprised by something, ukraine i’m surprised that this is so, they don’t write off the multibillion-dollar debts that these same western creditors incurred in ukraine, in ukraine they don’t
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understand how this can happen, we’re fighting for you, we ’re dying for you, and you’re not restructuring our debts, but you have to pay in august, that is, if not, then a default will be declared, very significant, by the way.
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the country's leadership begins to influence the military, to please politicians, it is unnatural to influence the course of hostilities, it is very beneficial for us, as soon as it begins to drive soldiers for some kind of event,
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security conference, forum or nato conference, soldiers there when the operational situation does not allow this , for us it is very beneficial when you come to the battlefield, look at maps, communicate with officers, which hold sections of the front... he says: we have no problems with weapons, we have problems with targets, because everyone is camouflaged. the equipment is hiding in pigsties, in some kind of fortified positions, personnel move only at night, we can catch them in small groups when they move there, but as soon as there is an offensive from their side, this means that they come out from all the cracks and begin to move in columns in some groups in our direction, and this is where we strike at them, so don’t ... a prepared attack on our positions, this is exactly how it happens, for us it is actually very profitable, but it also cannot be said that this is a very easy job, i will remind you that it was not for nothing that ukraine held two large forums, defense forum
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and attracted western companies, especially in the field of drones, to produce them on the territory of ukraine, and if the billions of dollars allocated for the same air defense missiles don’t work out much in units, then in terms of drones, they really are now... this requires 200 people, plus a prepared infrastructure and a trained technical staff, ukraine
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doesn’t have any of this in such quantities, let me remind you, the f-16 is such a delicate machine, let’s call it that, that a rather rough landing on a soviet airfield with slabs will simply break its chassis suspension, it will lie on the belly of the plane. is out of action, so the west is now afraid to put ukrainian pilots behind these planes, because it will become an asset. the hottest battles are now taking place in
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the kharkov direction; the enemy needed to show some kind of success. and zelensky even reported about it before the swiss summit. success turned out to be a phony success indeed. the enemy did not push us back anywhere beyond any borders. but there are now positional battles going on there, battles for the aggregate plant on the northern bank of the volchi-volchanska river. enemy unharmed battalion groups are attacking our troops, who are maintaining their positions. moving away from leptsev in the village of gluboye, he fails to get us out of there, but this is the most tense and bloodiest section of the front today, where almost all the reserves were thrown; in the remaining sections of the front , we had the greatest success, as was the case earlier in the spring in the north. west and north of avdievka, here we come across two such very tense directions for the enemy at once, this is firstly, north of ovdeevka ocharetina a front line is being created threatening the toretsky
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district, which is based on new york from the south, this is a powerful fortified area that has been strengthened for the last 9 years, the attempts of the militia to storm new york have not yet led to success, the second direction is northwestern ocheretina, where we we are now fighting for the complete liberation of novoalleksandrovka and a highway between this settlement, actually a road route from pokrovsk to konstantinovka. 7 km between our troops and this road there is another fortification based on the village of vozdvizhenka, and well the enemy understands perfectly well that the loss of cutting this communication will significantly worsen the position of his group in the hour ravine in konstantinovka, but he cannot exclude the possibility that we will move on to more large-scale military operations and begin an assault on taretsk, which is directly adjacent to gorlovka, in the ugledar direction messages came from the other side of the front sight ... they are not
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confirmed by our sources, that the enemy left the south-eastern coal-dark position on one of the battalion-level units, thereby creating the very threat of a breakthrough by our troops, well , i repeat, this has not yet been confirmed by our sources, these are our most successful large-scale advances, but in general, if we compare with what happened in may after the start of the kharkov offensive or in april, when it was.. the number of territories liberated by us has decreased by more than half, which is generally understandable, because the nature of the fighting has changed , instead of breakthroughs, as was the case on ocheretina in april or in the kharkov direction, as was the case in may, we crossed over again and returned. , more precisely to the tactics which at the end of august '22, the now former minister of defense shoigo called a barrage of fire, when we, in general , slowly, systematically push through the turnover line. enemy. mikhail borisovich, maybe you know which
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enemy grouping, which units we have trapped in high-rise buildings in volchansk, because today igor zhdanov told us that the enemy is throwing huge reserves there to get them out. who could be there, what are these elite units , why are they so important for the ukrainian command, that they throw a huge number of people there, essentially death, in order to pull out those who remained there. directly in these high-rise buildings. there are no elite units, the elite units were transferred in general to the volchanskoe and kharkov directions in order to stop the advance of our troops, and the battles now are not at all for the liberation of those hundreds or however many remain in these high-rise buildings, the junta warriors who are actually targeted saying they don't care, they are trying to recapture the aggregate plant and not let our troops go directly to the northern bank of the volchiy river, yeah, which will allow us to further develop the offensive . to the southern part of this city, this is what
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the battles are for, and not for some pseudo-elite units, we have been convinced for many years, more than two years now, that they don’t give a damn about any units, just like the elite brigades of the marine corps, which they buried in containers in these pseudo-bridgeheads, which no one except the political leadership of the junta needed, just as they didn’t give a damn about azovites surrounded in mariupol, there are a lot of examples, including we remember all these landings. the nackenburg spit of elite units who were simply sent to slaughter, so there is no point in talking about this, there is nothing so valuable there, the fighting is directly for volchanst, and what’s more, since we are moving from... now along the border, from volchansk to the border to the east, expanding the zone controlled by us in this direction , the enemy understands the value of wolfism even more, because having lost it, he opens up a wide range of opportunities, let me remind you in this direction, we can choose where to move next, i ’m not even talking about the liberation of kharkov, but
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simply we can move, including to kupinsk, creating a threat of encirclement of another enemy group that is located north of kupinsk to is now in full combat readiness to enter the war. we now have 500,000 troops at a high state of readiness, and we have significantly increased defense spending, investing in advanced f-35 aircraft, ships, battle tanks and more. but this is not in order to wage war, this is
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in order to prevent war, eliminate any opportunities for misunderstanding, show moscow or any other capital of a potential enemy, anything... no military attack on a nato ally, generally threats and preparations for war - this is a source of funding for both the entire nato and soltenberg personally, but apparently many are well aware of what nato is and the flagship of the north atlantic alliance , the united states, i don’t know, specifically this was done or by accident, but look what happened in one of the stores in the city of zaporozhye, this city is under the temporary occupation of the kiev authorities, in general, the residents of zaporozhye... when they saw this store, they were in real shock, i go for a walk around my hometown and i’m passing through, i think i ended up in 1941, but i don’t seem to feel it, no, wait, wow, what is this,
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nazi fascist symbols, in the middle of the city in zaporozhye, oh, the loaf is not shaking. the city center, nearby, and also american flasks, amazing, that is, you see, america is on ukraine has even already been equated with the nazis, but at least that’s how i saw it, but the french publication here also cannot stay in the country from what is happening, they are very worried about the fate of ukrainian women, and the express publication writes that due to the lack of men, the ssu is en masse recruiting women to various positions, and...
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we will take russia into nato. john kirmin, coordinator for strategic communications at the white house national security council, made this promise to the ukrainians. we all understand that then nato, in nato their they will take it posthumously in the form of some kind of flag or reminder, but it doesn’t matter. true, just a few minutes before kirby’s statement
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, nato secretary general en stoltenberg once again reminded kiev that no consensus on ukraine’s membership in the alliance currently exists. it turns out that all that remains for ukrainians to constantly dream about is the unrealistic to the grave, vladimir vladimirovich, you know, in fact, all this is so hackneyed already, this carrot from nato, how effective will it be now we will tell you let’s take it, but if this is it, if it’s not okay , carrot, i can even imagine this dialogue, and zelensky is calling kirby says, when you take russia into nato, well, as soon as you defeat russia, we’ll take it into nato, well, i would never say that, yes, yes, well, that is, okay, that is. in this case, they even cut off this carrot from ukraine, but nevertheless, you know, they still stubbornly go on sending the military to slaughter, understanding perfectly well what this is about.
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after all, kirby was not the first to say this, and before the summit in switzerland, stoltenberg himself said, that ukraine needs
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to win in order to join nato, and we will prepare at the july nato summit that a powerful text, this is the only volume of promises from nato for ukraine, the ukrainians are satisfied with this, as for lishenko, when he says that we do not protect everyone, this everything is true, everything is true, and there is no need to open the borders, because we know that the tskashniks are recruiting precisely those who must defend their own. that last year , even before the preparation of this big so -called counter-offensive , there was an increased volume of mobilization of these twisters in the streets precisely in the eastern regions, where it was necessary to dispose of the population, which one way or another may sympathize with russia in the event of the occupation of the territory of the russian federation, that’s all, they protect themselves with the hands of those who need to be destroyed, lishenko, in full accordance with his ideology, then there is no matter how much they put pressure on them, they make promises.
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the tracer tutti is on the first day today. i would like to see our life reflected in literature with maximum truthfulness. bekov writes that how lieutenant ivanovsky died ultimately played a huge role role in the victory over nazi germany, because there were millions of such unknown soldiers. literature is a selective art, i may read it, i may not know about the existence of this book, but cinema is still a miracle, you will agree. she filmed a parable, his work is quite realistic, in the choice that a person makes, and she
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translated this humanistic interpretation into a religious plan, she made a christian film. people should not fight, find a person in each other, reach out to each other, this one sat in him thought, and this was very important to him. i really want these testimonies of survivors of the war to be as truthful and honest as possible. if not every generation, then every 30-40. years, we must, of course, turn to bykov, this is a writer who raised the eternal questions of the existence or disappearance of man in man, on the centenary of the birth of vasil bykov, the premiere, today at the first memorial of anastasia zavorotnyuk, we remember a wonderful person, an amazing woman, a colleague , friend, anastasia zavoratnyuk. and seventy-first year birth, she didn’t feel very well, everyone thought that it was just a nerve inflammation, they went to get checked and
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found out, well, that is, you can almost say yes on your day. i noticed that a new one appeared on her chest, a new pendant, i turn and say: she tells me: no one knows this, i say, but i already know, i need to buy a burqa, if it was transported somewhere, taken, then it was all in vain, thanks to the doctors and nurses, it didn’t end up anywhere, i wanted to come up and say, this can’t be happening, get up when in the morning there were creepy, monstrous... singing publications about how there was a lot of makeup, i wanted to give a face to someone who had no makeup at all, a person can live after death only in art, only art can defeat death, on saturday on the first, hurray , hurray,
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he fought, not yet, who hasn’t yet, they brought us. cut with detail and raise the bunk strangely, we're going, we're going, not a single shot, this is the worst thing, when you shoot at peace in your soul, i have a categorical order from the commander to take the falcon, rocket, lieutenant, krisha, forward, lieutenant, he’s already turning around, what are you waiting for, shut up, calm down, misha, calm down, you can’t mess around here. comrade colonel, the right flank ran into mines. cherbak, go ahead, why are you standing, i’ll shoot you, in war, as in war, june 22, on the first, come on, maleshkin, well done, maleshkin, click, maleshkin, the most famous graduate of our childhood home is yura shatunov,
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a little warmer behind the glass, but angry. on the first, the information channel on the first continues, we are working live: theft is no longer a crime in the west, especially if you steal from the russians, listen to what the united states treasury secretary, janet yelin, said. immediately after the outbreak of hostilities in ukraine, the united states, our
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partners in the global coalition, made a decision for...
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it has already taken place, frozen assets, it has already taken place, but it is important to understand that, firstly, we very clearly and scrupulously assess where, what amounts do we have and how much have they already earned, and most importantly , foreign investments in the russian economy, enterprises, shares are frozen for large sums, so immediately, well , formally they are not frozen, they work, but you cannot sell, withdraw money from the country, we did not stop, but at each of these enterprises, which, we know, the owners, many want to sell, there is a certain ban , and as soon as actions begin on their part, in a mirror image, all this will begin to flow into our russian economy, there will be a lot of screams, they will immediately run to their leaders, but it is important to understand the following: as soon as the americans do this, they they will cut down the branches of their strategic power
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in this world, this is stability, investments that are being made. into american securities, currencies, everything else, that is, the countries of the world will immediately, immediately begin to get rid of american, that is, securities, debt receipts there, and so on, realizing that at any moment... we will turn off the gas, for example, so that this does not happen happened, this is exactly what they are doing now, we, china, the sco, brix, the eurasian economic union, are creating an alternative system of mutual settlements, we are actually creating an alternative reality that is not directed against. simply, which should exist on its own, i remind you that russia was ready for this, we created our own analogue of swift, called spfs, a system for transmitting financial messages of the bank of russia, we actually moved away from
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dollars of mutual settlements in the eurasian economic union, you and i are in a union, we live in five countries, and even more allied states with belarus, where only 7% of dollars are used for trade turnover, in the near future brix, we saw that the forum, which was now held in st. petersburg.
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in stock, in fact, they still have this story with the financial system, i do not share the view that they have already sawed off the branch, they really created such a situation for themselves by freezing reserves, russia cannot reach them, but these funds continue to be in the funds work, they continue to bring income to the institutions that we once trusted, indeed, and elen clearly notes that the income that the institute brings to the money that is being circulated by russians, russia can no longer lay claim to these funds, these same tactics elected.
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observes the situation without trying to lead it into complete confiscation and theft, outright, here elin clearly drew this line , here is a short conclusion: they have decided, the american, european, all these western bonds, lies, terror, i don’t know, have clearly emerged, intimidation and theft. news on channel one. hello, it’s news time at first, and we’ll tell you the most important events right now.


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