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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 18, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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with me, you and i will further think about what to do with this property, under no circumstances, don’t leave it, under no circumstances pay attention to your mother’s tears, let them live with their grandmother, drink there and do everything that this is your property , and you need to compensate, i will definitely help you, we will do everything we can, you can poison cockroaches, but this is worse than cockroaches, something else surprises me and makes me happy, and gives me hope. how can all these cockroaches give birth to decent people, two decent ones, this is not thanks in spite of, this is understandable, you are very decent, you speak directly as if all these nightmares from your life did not exist, the speech is well delivered, the vocabulary is excellent, you can see the character, god grant that everything works out, because very often people who have experienced hell in their lives , there are two ways. always, do
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the same in relation to everyone else, to children, to your own, you know, well, there are people like that, or vice versa, live according to the principle, whatever you want, as long as it’s not this hell, so i hope that you you will still follow the bright path, this brick flew out of this window, hit a man with an axe, they wanted to get to me, i have a son, he developed a sleep disorder, insomnia, which your son is accused of, allegedly attacked irina. they are messing around, and turning off the lights, and garbage is flying from the roof, but your wonderful son is doing all this, for many years now, why don’t you move out, well, damn it, i’m not a monster, they pretend to be the owners of the house, they spit on people, cans , bottles, throwing, flying, it’s possible to kill them, they’re flying, so my grandson, he almost killed me, why did you beat my grandmother then, why should i take on my grandmother, you there is some kind of agent, a combat agent, a gas-pepper spray, the elders at the entrance. we don’t have a senior at the entrance,
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the fact of the matter is that she is the senior at the next entrance, but she claims that you and your son are not giving her life, good evening, the big game is live and i’m vyacheslav nikonov, here today ostankino television center. our colleague from the ntv channel, together with correspondent alexey ivlev, said goodbye to the deceased valery kozhin; on june 13, they came under fire, targeted fire in gorlovka. both were taken to hospital, unfortunately valery kozhin died. alexey ivlev lost. hand and we, from our entire channel and
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from all our tv viewers, wish him a speedy recovery to valery kozhin’s relatives, we offer our most sincere condolences. he was 46 years old, he was at the very dawn of his creative powers. unfortunately, the work of military correspondents these days is one of the most dangerous. because the kiev regime is deliberately hunting war correspondents, so we really need to take care of them and maybe keep them a little further from the front line. well, the president russia, vladimir putin today began his eastern voyage, he began it... from the city
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of yakutsk, the capital of yakutia, the most beautiful places, of course, lena, pillars, but putin has a business program, and today he met with participants in the program zemsky teacher, zemsky doctor, with young specialists who came to the far east, met with representatives of the it industry of the republic, well ... to the reactive cluster of the labor quarter. putin spoke a lot there about the development of our far east. this is truly one of the priorities, that's what our president said. for russia, the development of the far east is a priority for the entire 21st century, without any pretense. and today the far eastern region is already demonstrating very good growth rates. here’s what you can’t look at, what... the indicator can’t be taken, it is many times,
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many times better than the national average, well, for example, our volume of electricity consumption has... increased several times, and the volume transportation has increased several times, there 1.8, 1.2, and, let’s say, gold production has almost doubled, coal production has grown almost three times, 2.8 times, everything is growing exponentially. in in general, in the far east, of course, we need to implement all our plans for the development of transport infrastructure, this includes the eastern railway range and bama transit. we need to expand, we have plans there, gormadio plans, they are big, large-scale, in addition to this, the northern route needs to be implemented there to the ocean, we need to develop local airlines and
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aurora is already working for us, about 400 local lines are already operated by aurora, but here is unmanned transport - aviation is very promising. for such such distances areas of activity, there is another direction, this is in order to create a comfortable environment for people living in small settlements, this is the development of high-speed internet, and we need to develop a satellite constellation, which we will also do and are doing, by the way, i’m somewhere i will say in the near future that we have very good developments and successes in this area. well, natalya alekseevna, let’s stop sibi again, i just wanted to, you see, we have such parallel associations with these words that the wealth of russia siberia will begin to sprout, you know, a long time ago, when our entire elite and intellectual elite,
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not even the hostile ones that remain now, but quite patriotic ones, did not believe and did not consider this tilt towards the east important, i just always express it.
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although i haven’t been there, they told me that there, despite the fact that it is a sharply continental climate, and there, remember from the geography, there are verkhoyansk frosts up to 80 -80, there the summer is hot, sparkling with the bright sun, so, that is, it is also unique nature, in its own way, is also pearl, i was in the far east and in khabarovsk, in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, everywhere there people are much more, i would say, patriotic. those who understand this is kind of the edge, here they are, they are very dependent on the general situation, despite the fact that it seems that now the war is actually going on with europe right now, it could start, it won’t affect them, here they are feel, therefore
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the attention of the state, people, scientists, cultural people, public figures like us is very important, let's go there, send books, yakutia is very interesting and i i’ve been there, but i can’t say that i’ve seen yakutia, because what is yakutia? these are five frances, five frances, yes, only here is yakutia, this is absolutely stunning, of course, nature, in many places absolutely virgin nature, these are amazing colors, this is really a place where it’s worth going, here’s another place where it’s also worth go there, it’s really very beautiful there. it's called north korea, and the president of our country, vladimir putin, is planning to come there tomorrow. his official visit to the korean people's republic begins democratic republic. well , everything is ready there for putin’s meeting, you see his
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portraits along the main highways of khinyan, they have prepared eight carpet runners, yeah, there are always carpets there. the paths are the longest in the world, they are from the plane's ramp and and and to the airport airfield, that is, this is a reception that... will really be remembered, i am sure, in our country, in korea, here is the church, the life-giving trinities that function in pyongyang , there are two priests who were educated in the trinity of sergius, that is, yeah, it was quite prepared for the president to also visit this place, but putin published an article in the central newspaper of the democratic people's republic of korea, the newspaper nadong sinbun. there, he highly appreciated
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the dprk's strong support for the russian special operation and especially emphasized that the dprk, like us, opposes western hegemony. let's listen. pyongyang remains our staunch like-minded ally and supporter, ready to resolutely resist the extermination of the collective west, to prevent the emergence of multipolarity. a world order based on justice, mutual respect for sovereignty, and consideration of each other’s interests. the united states of america is trying its best to impose on the world a so-called rules-based order, which is essentially nothing more than a global neo-colonial dictatorship based on double standards. countries that do not agree with this approach and pursue independent policies are faced with increasingly severe external pressure. us leadership is considering such natural legal the desire for independence and independence as a threat to one’s own.
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to deal with the main issue with the un security council sanctions against north korea, two factions have emerged, one believes that you just need to silently not implement them, not say anything, but simply not follow them in fact, the second faction, apparently, in my person believes that we need to make some kind of good political show out of this, because that’s how yuri ushakov, the presidential aide, put it yesterday: unlimited sanctions.
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against which korean missile launches and or bazdush balls it’s not that serious generally speaking, but on july 7-8 it is possible to sign a trilateral agreement between south korea, japan, the usa, well, some asian one there needs to be another option, so a deal in which it was implied that we were withdrawing from the north korea sanctions collectively with the security council when it accepts the terms of some kind of peace agreement on everything.
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in the field of living standards than south korea when we left it in the seventies . then it’s our own, but then we
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we began to play along with our so-called western partners, and how it ended, in general, what is the point of us observing sanctions against each other, if the united states imposed sanctions on us and north korea, yes, of course we must, but silently or still, or we will declare, that we will not comply, i think we can say, taking into account what you named, because...
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there are several key points like this, such as a comprehensive agreement between these three countries, let’s not forget about aokus, where japan is also being dragged, that is, in fact, here's a step at a time in a step purely of this anglo-saxon tradition, they are creating a powerful tension point in this very region , the main goal here is of course china, as for our relations with north korea, well
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, probably after all, it would be legally wrong for us to violate the un charter and the like, come on... secretary of the united states department of state matthew miller. we think that strengthening cooperation between russia and the dprk should be of great concern to everyone who is interested in maintaining peace and stability on the korean peninsula, maintaining the global non-proliferation regime, compliance with the un security council resolution and, of course, supporting the ukrainian people who are defending their
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freedom while repelling russian aggression. we believe that no country should support the strengthening of these relations. well, let's read what the new york times wrote today. this week , russian president vladimir putin will visit north korea, where he will meet with the country's leader kimchin for the second time in the last 9 months. countries are strengthening their military connections to support putin's actions in the ukrainian conflict with the help of north korean weapons. the trip, which began tuesday , underscores north korea's growing strategic importance to putin, especially its ability. supply much-needed types of conventional weapons for the war in ukraine, well, i would like to say that the western press is somehow not up to par, and analysts, it seems to me, are very shallowly trying to assess the possible potential for improving relations between russia and the dprk completely different level, because when i became today
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remember that we are brought closer to north korea, firstly, our neighborhood brings us together, north korea is a neighboring state, maybe someone. living in the european part of russia forgot about this, we need to look more often at the map of our native country, this is our neighbor, therefore good neighborly relations, this is important, we are united by history, because it was the soviet people, it was russia, that essentially liberated korea from the japanese militarists , in korea they remember and are grateful, but besides this there is also an important geopolitical factor, the united states, with its inept, stupid, dead-end policies, was once appointed. good neighborly relations, possible logistical relations, we will not , but here we have history, culture, comment on whether there is military cooperation or not, let the new york times talk about it, our sources will say what
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needs to be said in the interests of russia and north korea, therefore, we have brilliant prospects for... americans, it is clear that korea was just a japanese colony, from which they did whatever they wanted, there were sex slaves there everything, everything, everything, everything, all the japanese atrocities are very good there. it’s clear that what the americans did to us, almost 5 million people died there, they will never forgive us, well, tomorrow
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we are waiting for the start of the president’s visit, and after the advertisement we will talk about what is happening on the fronts of the special military operation with boris rozhin about how the west is going to help ukraine. one chance for three. premiere. watch the time after the program, take a look, thank you, what should this phantom do, kiss the first one who goes to this door, water war is your only beloved woman for life.
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and what do you tell me to do? to live, to live is always better, but i love alexandra vasilyevich, she should be next to us, even if now we see the future, as if through a dark glass, but faith, hope, love remain with us, and love is the greatest of them. admiral on friday on the first.
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he’s already turning around, well, what are you waiting for, you’re keeping quiet, calm down, misha, calm down, you can’t mess around here, comrade colonel, the right flank has run into mines, serbak, forward, well why are you standing, i’ll shoot you, in war, as in war, june 22 on the first, come on, maleshkin, well done, moleshkin, press on, maleshkin. in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk. we remember a wonderful person, an amazing woman,
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a colleague, a friend. anastasia zavoratnyuk, seventy-first year of birth. she didn’t feel very well, everyone thought it was just a nerve injury. they went to get checked and discovered a brain infection, well, that is, one could say, almost on their birthday. i noticed that she had a new one on her chest. art, only it can defeat living after death, a person can only live in
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death, on saturday on the first, and sana is the correct posture, bronayama is control of breathing, at the first stage of purification you must suppress anger, oh, why is this nina vasilievna so for a long time? yes, now the katukovs are coming, what we do with you alone is of little importance, katukova is just your regimental horse, and ho, thin fabrics, on sunday, at the first one who sews like that, it’s not about the suit, it’s about you , yes, don’t be offended, please, it’s just very important choose the right outfit. klavde, the most famous graduate of our childhood home is yura shatunov, a little warmer for...
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on sunday on the first, a big game live, here on copper, the speaking head of the white house, john kirby made a statement about when and at what conditions will ukraine be accepted into nato? let's listen. i firmly
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believe that at some point nato will be part of ukraine's future, but first they need to win the war. firstly, we are doing everything possible so that they can do this when the war is over, no matter how it looks as a result, there will still be a tight border between these countries, as well as a serious threat to the ukrainian people. that is why the president of the g7 summit signed a bilateral security agreement between our countries to make sure that in the long term the military-industrial complex of ukraine can continue to provide. troops with everything necessary, this agreement implies assistance from the united states, the decision to expand the alliance is made by all its participants, the united states cannot do everything on its own, as if by magic. well, really it’s actually an amazing statement, because well , the conditions for joining nato are victory over russia, which means never, but it was also said that no matter how it ends, there will be some kind of border, yes, that is, they assume any the outcome, in
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fact, when they say ukraine.
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europe is one way or another suffering because of this war, but the united states is getting rich from this, in fact, this is the role of ukraine, and the puppet regime in kiev is ready to continue to sacrifice its population and any prospects for a normal development in ukraine, because obviously such tasks cannot be fulfilled, that is , well, these are mocking conditions, but this is the current policy of the united states, and of course, against the backdrop of the events at the front that we are now observing, this sounds especially cynical, because the russian army is now advancing. and liberates territories, that is, if you look along the front line, then well, in the zaporozhye direction there is still a relative calm, that is, there are positional battles, on the vremevsky ledge our troops continue to advance in the harvest, there is progress in our favor and expanded the zone of control around staromayorsky, in the ugledar direction, our troops continue to advance east of the konstantinovka ugledar highway, there are battles on the outskirts of konstantinovka, in krasnogorovka our troops
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are still a little... in the center of the city and on the southwestern outskirts, to the west of avdeevka , our troops began the assault on yasnobrodovka, there is a slight advance at karlovka, the zone of control at novoaleksandrovka, kalinov and sokol has expanded, here the enemy also cannot yet stabilize the front, on chasofyarsky direction, our troops continue the battle for the western part of the canal microdistrict, next to the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, there are also battles to the north and yusar in the seversky. ledge , our troops have consolidated in new positions in the rozdolovka area, already close to the outskirts of the village, battles also continue near the vym station, as i am north of vesyoly, in the krasnolyumansky direction without significant changes, in the svatovo-kupyansky direction of our troops there are advances in the ivanovka area, in the peschanoye area in the starmakhovka area, in in the senkovka and petropavlovka areas , positional battles are taking place in the evening; in the kharkov
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direction, our troops were completely repelled from... thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen, as always, with an accurate analysis of what is happening on the fronts of a special military operation. we have been hearing about american f-16 aircraft for several years now, for some reason they are training pilots. then they can’t decide where these f16s will come from, suddenly a publication appears in the british times, which says that in fact no one is even in a hurry to cook pilots for the f-16. let's listen. the head
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of the verkhovna rada commission on arms and ammunition, alexandra ustinova, said: by the end of the year we will have fewer trained pilots than fighters. according to her, kiev asked washington to provide at least 10 more places for training, but his request was rejected in washington, they clarified that the places in the queue for training were already taken by other countries and that the united states cannot violate its obligations to them, training at there are currently only eight pilots. a pentagon official said: that ukrainian pilots have difficulty understanding the english language and the flight program, which is why training progress is rather insignificant. these are not arguments, these are excuses, they continue to come up with them again and again,” ustinova said. but apparently, the situation is actually the same for ukraine . worse than the times writes, anyway, let's listen to ex- us army officer scott bennett. everyone knows how wonderful ukrainian f-16 pilots are. even a chimpanzee can do better. ukraine has no
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pilots for the f-16, the pilots will be british, german, french or american, and this will mean war. putin said this, this would mean a declaration of war, so i think that this is all a bluff, it’s stupid that people in america and europe still don’t. as carriers of nuclear weapons, this is already a retaliatory scare for the west, especially against the backdrop of those exercises on the use of tactical nuclear weapons that we cited. as for the pilots, pilots may have been trained for a long time, because just a year and a half ago
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, some people with ukrainian with stripes they train on f16 simulators, and 10 - then i suggested that it was quite possible that they would also transfer the a10s that remained in europe after the exercise, but... there is one thing, during this time there were no pilots left in ukraine, that is, those pilots who were, well, roughly speaking, in the ukrainian air force, there are practically nothing left, they are already using reserves, that is , there are old people who have retired, there are young people who are not trained, but again this is not a problem because find a pilot on f16 is very easy in the world, is it a mercenary or is it lieutenant john johnson, this is the tenth question, in principle we also understand this very well and are also ready to give an answer to this as well as how they will be used, whether they will be used with airfields, say, nato, the same poland, romania, with a jump airfield, say, in ukraine, either they will work directly, or they will not work, these are, let’s say, well, second
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-level questions, i would pay attention, if you allow to the statement that interested me, well, first, the admiral seemed to as i said the whole truth, we will support, we signed, but first of all, who are they with? the influx that comes from europe is 1.7 gigawatts, that is, ukraine is now energy insolvent, by the way, especially today, and you know why, because today they have blackouts, hourly throughout ukraine, from 0
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to 24 hours, so what are the reasons consumption growth due to warming and working days, so the energy supply to critical infrastructure facilities will not be limited. from zero to 24 without light, especially since here you still need to take into account the moment, not just generation disappeared, and ukraine was divided into local sections, the soviet energy system, that's what ours was killed...
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constant initiatives, although nothing depends on him at all, this is such a talking head of the alliance, which voices thoughts mainly from washington, but sometimes from revelations are breaking through, here are interesting revelations about the financial obligations of nato and individual countries, let's listen to him: 2/3 of the defense spending of european countries goes to new orders from the united states, over the past 2 years their volume amounted to 140 billion dollars first. russia's invasions, nato allies have provided unprecedented
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levels of support to ukraine, allowing ukrainians to fight back and survive as a sovereign nation, but this winter and spring we have seen serious delays and pauses in aid deliveries, with consequences on the battlefield. we can't let this happen again. i propose to introduce long-term financial obligations for our allies; the stronger our long-term support, the more moscow will understand that they will not be able to wait out us, and the sooner this war will end. we have to make sure. of all defense expenditures of european countries , including in support of ukraine, in reality this is just money that orders go to the united states for military orders.
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leonid volkov, one of the leaders of the extremist organization fbk, he directly called sanitary activities, and what he called the murder of russian military personnel. it seems to me that everything is completely clear here. ivan zhdanov is also one of the leaders of this very extremist organization. he proposed urgently demanding that people donate to the armed forces of ukraine, that is, to the army, which is in in a state of conflict with ours, with our army, our soldiers are shooting. please, the press secretary of this same navalny, she
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wrote that she was donating money, even posted photographs of shells that were bought with her money. finally, yulia navalnaya actually stood in solidarity with foreign states and called on them, with some internal forces, to carry out a coup. well, this is already provided for in our criminal code, so in my opinion everything is quite clear here. but stoltenberg continued. phonate initiatives, and he managed to attack china quite seriously, and china has already managed to respond, let's listen to stoltenberg first. china plays for both teams. they support the russian military economy and share a lot of electronics technology, but at the same time try to maintain normal economic relations with european nato allies. at some point we have to consider the issue.
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or responsible party in the ukrainian crisis has always been committed to promoting peace, we would like to advise the parties concerned to stop shirking responsibility and sowing discord, refrain from adding fuel to the fire and inciting confrontation, and do something practical for a political solution to the crisis? well, mr. len said everything very
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competently, so i’ll add a completely unexpected thing to his speech, you nikolai said something about the appointment of enemies of me. chinese, so here’s the episode: the year was 1590, the spanish army, that is, not an army, but just a gang, had just taken over manila in the philippines, that's just the territory around the city, and then a few years after that, the governor of manila wrote a letter to his king saying that now we need to conquer all of china, well, if i wrote before... you need 60-80 for this soldier, now i admit that i got carried away, but 1.23 will come in handy, plus japanese pirates for logistics, but the most important thing is that one way or another, china is such a terrible state, so terrible, so many crimes are committed there, or rather all the crimes that generally think, including sodomy, for some reason he
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mentioned that when we conquer it, then the entire civilized world will applaud us, then in spain there was a rather ... strange, but smart king, who wrote in response that he issued an order , which prohibits any governors of manila from moving ahead, and writing any nonsense to madrid about the conquest of china, because you need to trade with china, not fight, and somehow i don’t particularly see such kings of modern leaders, these are the types of governors who support , well, how much whatever, well, in fact, china is very difficult to intimidate with sanctions, it always goes both ways.
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they were like a friendly family, there is no need to talk about this, yana, you don’t understand how dangerous this is, kidnapping, an attempt on the life of a policeman, taking hostages, i was watching tv there, i shot, get them out of there, the police are looking for a woman with a boy, no one is looking for a man and a girl, we look like terkurodov, honestly, for europe the best thing is when a father abandons his children, they call him a biological father, i didn’t abandon you, then why weren’t you with us, by the way, our estonian colleagues left behind with dogs, they will soon be taken in, colleague, do we need to save him, he started this mess himself, let him sort it out himself, in my opinion, what is the route taxi through, or what? we can’t go
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to a colleague, you know, it’s better if we stay here, not a colleague, to dad, he did everything for me, for you, and we give him a... look after the program time, we have chosen two heads of poland, two former presidents, they received a call from petro poroshenko, there is a question of importing ukrainian grain, farmers are coming, they are blocking cities, which such a ukrainian in front of a pole, on his belly, on his knees, crawl here slave, we supply thorns to europe, we get out of here, we are planning world domination. listen, if they overhear us, it will turn out that we are going to the kremlin together. america now leaves western europe at the mercy of the confrontation with russia. apparently, france and poland will be at the forefront of this adventure? poland is the kind of country that will do anything for money. i hope that ukraine will remember that level of
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assistance. it was a gigantic help that still not compensated. well, you still have to pay for it. and yes, we too. we will remind you every penny, what is the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship, the van and lexus show, tomorrow at the first, this year we celebrate the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory, we will talk about songs of the war years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt songs are - these are the ones that were heard in our films, death is not terrible, on february 17, 1944, comrade gotsman, that is, my grandfather, was able to single-handedly destroy 150 manpower and knocked out
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two tanks, one of which is a tiger, where are you friends now, when i go out as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the whole war, these are the heroes who gave us life, these are the ones who are young, who are now took their place, bow? i was born and raised in the donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me , first of all, this is a great honor for the memory, june 22nd on the first, the groom, we smile, we take pictures for the wedding album, not for the passport, i i asked you to at least not come in sneakers today, you didn’t come in sweat either. i want to give birth, preferably two and up to twenty-five, because i don’t want to be an old-timer, a great idea, really, of course, subtle matters, on
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sunday on the first, let’s go with you to paris, if i stay, i’ll live the biography of someone else a man with someone else's wife, someone else's trousers, someone else's job, let's go, what kind of grandmother in a leather jacket?
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two stars, fathers and children, from june 23, on the first. big game on first. ukraine in the eyes of the western public and politicians more and more resembles a suitcase without a handle, which seems like... it’s a pity to throw it away and it’s hard to carry, the volume of aid to ukraine is constantly decreasing, this is clearly visible from this table,
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now there is less than ever before, at first there was a special military operation, but it’s not only in numbers, but in the mood that now dominates in the west, but british political commentator and blogger katie hopkins said this very well, let’s listen to her, she says that she will be happy to make peace and end the war as soon as the europeans stop being assholes. alas, for now our
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leaders prefer nuclear armageddon rather than listen to his proposals. one way or another, now the lie that was preached is dying before our eyes. i ask everyone who still has ukrainian flags in their profiles, maybe you can finally remove them. thank you. as the english say, excuse her french. but in fact, at the world cup, romanian fans chanted putin putin when romanian football players of the ukrainian national team were smashing, and serbian fans hung out flags russia, after which the flags of russia were banned at the championship, but where it participates in those matches where ukraine is, but the flags of the donetsk people's republic have already appeared, so the world is changing, the world is also changing as well as... tiredness from ukraine imposed by this kind of thing with aspiration means nervous love for her
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, people are tired in france. in germany, i drove through there a year ago and stopped, no one is particularly interested in this, they are being forced to treat us with an attitude much better than is possible, well, what is being implanted by the press and the elite, of course, but nevertheless, here is pushkin, again, here i am reading him, or rather the story of the creation of his poem to the slanderers of russia , it turns out that this is his wife, well, it doesn’t turn out, this is known.
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you see, they went too far, that’s how they went too far with their attitude towards us, when they hugged us, but at the same time criticized us a little, we listened to this as soon as we realized that no matter how wonderful we were, their relationship was not based on that we are worse or better, but because we prevent them from ruling the world, it became indifferent to us, and i think this happens during general work. well, time really doesn’t always work as quickly as we would like, but rather it’s really on our side. jeffrey sachs, a famous economist from columbia university, drew an interesting analogy to the current situation in ukraine. let's listen to him. we see that ukraine is becoming the afghanistan of europe. i mean, afghanistan was at war for decades and it was destroyed.
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now the civil culture of ukraine is destroyed, the economy.
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actually engaged in this drug business, well, i must say, they not only provided protection, as far as i know, the main flow just went by plane through our territory to riga, it was the main transshipment point in general for the drug trade for the whole of europe, and then for the united states of america, and they were transported simply by american military aircraft, from the vietnam war, returning to money, this is very interesting, when
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it means, firstly, kirby says that 2/3 of american money is data, who? stoltenberg, stoltenberg, data in ukraine went to america, an american arms concern, and, this means that european money, as i understand it, has gone there forever. and here we must remember the behavior of the americans in the first and second world wars, that is, they first fully used these wars for their military and non-military industry, or at least they lent money, so that later all of europe would owe them, not only europe, but also soviet. union too, and then, if something needed to be done there, they joined the war, as such, at the last stage and not with very large forces, a habit, however, well, yes, a habit, but afghanistan was defeated for 20 years, and after that they were simply blown away by the wind, everyone even forgot in the american political class exactly what afghanistan was, well , in fact, no one knew what afghanistan was , why do they need to know this, in america
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70% of respondents, when our troops... generally ignoring public opinion - this has become the main trend in the west now, elections to the european parliament were held, where, in general , the peace party clearly strengthened its position, but is now underway negotiations for new leadership the european commission, the european union in general, old figures, the figures of the hawks, are re-emerging, which has caused the understandable indignation of viktor orban, the prime minister of hungary, let's listen, the will of the european people was there. the result of the european elections is obvious: right-wing parties have strengthened, left-wing and liberal parties have lost ground. the european national party, instead of listening to voters, teamed up with the socialists and
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liberals, today they made a deal to share the top positions in the eu. they don't care about reality. we should not be naive, they will continue to support migration and send even more arms money to russia's war with ukraine. well, i must say that... not in the european parliament, a deal between the leaders of the countries of the european union. so, yesterday a political publication reported that there is no unity. there is no unity until the gynecologist and part-time head of the european commission, ursula fondelein, has not yet secured what she needs.
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it is quite minimal, no, such democracy, let’s say, like we have, like this may sound strange, as for money, there is a lot of money involved here, i’ll just remind you that when the aid package in the united states in ukraine was being blocked by the republicans, what speeches were made by officials, what are you worried about, there 80%, there 70%, this remains with us in america, nothing gets to ukraine except junk, but ukraine as a result is as you rightly said. in the best traditions of neocolonialism, it becomes due, if i’m not mistaken, on august 1, that is in a little over a month, ukraine will have to pay 20 billion dollars, now it will receive interest to pay off that debt, or rather loans, to pay interest on
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this debt, it owes everything to everyone , but it will pay with its lands, its wealth , but in fact, in europe democracy is truly something that does not play any role, just as the european parliament does not play any role.


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