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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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well, in conclusion, the cause of mass poisonings in moscow, the nizhny novgorod region and kazan, a salad with beans from a fast food delivery service in the area, the investigative committee reports, the general director of the company, as well as the head of the quality department, were detained, many violations were revealed, the storage conditions of the products were not were observed, there were no documents on expiration dates, and among the suspects was the head of a company that produced canned beans. all victims have symptoms. the same number is in kazan. more people turned to doctors for help in the capital 120 people. and that's all for now. thank you for being with us, time will tell the program right now. hello,
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live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will discuss the most important, most relevant events, we will, as always , talk a lot about the international agenda, about the global agenda, and about what actually determines , where humanity is moving next, what awaits us ahead and , as it were...
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so that somehow everything will resolve itself, it won’t happen on its own, only through very hard work, to unfortunately, for many, in some places it’s very bloody work, i was watching something this afternoon, somehow clicking some buttons, i hear some of my colleagues, and they’re saying something to me, not to me, but something there this is what we have in the kharkov direction, we say we were so excited for a couple of weeks. ago, so everything was happening quickly there, but something was happening here with volchansk, where give us volchansk, why isn’t there volchansk, we no longer hear news from there about the advancement of our troops, well, it’s like this also from the series, when all this is over, this is the most important thing that is needed from all of us - a lot of patience, realism and not running across the locomotive, otherwise you might end up under this locomotive. and informational
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, including the same one, when you throw too much coal into the firebox, throw it in, throw it in, throw it in, then this steam locomotive, heated up, can run over you, so now we calmly threw a little coal, now we’ll calmly push you for advertising, calmly, as in a joke, let's move forward the whole herd, advertisement on the first channel. “excuse me, please, you are covering for criminals and terrorists, you are deeply mistaken, my mother is the best, don’t think that because of mushrooms and a fire i will suddenly consider you a father, procedurally quickly, no, i said no, one chance for three , premiere, watch after the program time: do you have
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any documents confirming that you are a father? i would like to see our life reflected in literature with maximum truthfulness, but how did lieutenant ivanovsky die in the end. played a huge role in the victory over nazi germany, because there were millions of such unknown soldiers. literature is a selective art, i may read it, i may not know it exists. this book, and cinema is still a miracle, you must agree, shipitka made a parable, his work is quite realistic, in the choice that a person makes, and she translated this humanistic interpretation into a religious plan, she made a christian film, people must not fight, find humanity in each other, reach out to each other, here in this thought sat on his mind, and it was very important for him; he really wanted these testimonies of those who survived the war to be as truthful as possible. and honest, but if
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not every generation, then every 30-40 years one must, of course, turn to bykov, this is a writer who raised the eternal questions of the existence or disappearance of man. in person for the centenary of the birth of vasil bykov, the prime minister, today at the first, we elected two heads of poland, two former presidents called them from petro poroshenko, here is the issue of importing ukrainian grain, farmers come, they blockade cities, what is a ukrainian in front of the poles, crawl here on your belly, on your knees, slave, we supply sloes to europe, we are out of here. we are planning world domination, listen, if we are being overheard, it will turn out that we are going to the kremlin together. america now leaves western europe at the mercy of the confrontation with russia. apparently, france and poland will be at the forefront of this adventure. poland is the kind of country that will do anything for money. i hope
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that ukraine will remember that level of assistance. it was a gigantic help that still not compensated. in any case, i would never refuse you, i’m afraid anna vasilievna, you would be exhausted, everything is fine with us, not quite, you fell in love, given
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the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation is now the same: war, beat the enemy to fulfill your duty to fatherland, this letter is in abc and morse code, i tried at home from the sechebnik, thank you. enter komsk, may god help us, admiral, on friday on the first, osana, this is the correct pose, pronayama is breathing control, at
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the first stage of cleansing you must suppress anger. oh, why is nina vasilievna taking so long, now the katukovs are coming, what are we going to do alone? little importance. kattukova is just your regimental horse. and ho-ho, subtle matters, on sunday on the first. who sews like this? it's not about the suit, it's about you. don't be offended, please, it's just very important to choose the right outfit. class! time will tell the program, we continue to work live, live, as i said at the beginning, we are discussing that very complex very
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broad picture of global events, wherever one event is not accidental, looking at which , trying to understand which or analyzing which, we...
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has to do with a very important visit tomorrow, which our president, supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin, will make a state visit to the democratic people's republic of korea. which we call north korea, although it is the democratic people's republic of korea, everything is already ready for a meeting there, it is clear that they know how to meet and hold such events in the korean people's democratic republic, i think that tomorrow we will see in all its glory how they know how to welcome dear guests, but in addition to - so to speak, meetings, concerts of all kinds of festive events, i think that this is a very important visit, well , suffice it to say that the russian
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delegation includes the minister of foreign affairs, first deputy prime minister denis mantsurov, who oversees, among other things, and above all, i think, the military-industrial complex, and deputy prime minister alexander novyk, this is the fuel and energy sector, defense minister andrei belousov and his deputy for weapons alexey krivoruchko, minister of natural resources, minister of health, minister of transport, head of roscosmos, arzhd and the governor of the primorsky territory, that is , strictly speaking, even in terms of the composition of the people who are part of this delegation, but one can imagine how wide a range of issues they are going to discuss how important among them are issues related, well, to that very difficult, alarming situation in the world, and today, i think that this is certainly not at all accidental, putin’s decree on this order was published
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president of the russian federation on the signing of an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership between the russian federation and the democratic people's republic of korea. and at this moment i ask and many have asked me, they tell me: “listen, here is a comprehensive strategic partnership, what is this in general, how is this in general?” to be honest, i didn’t know what to answer, well... i know that you will all be with me, you will tell me, well, well, i’m kind of trying to understand, here we are, so that it’s clear where we’re going to what level we have now at the moment, before the signing of this agreement, we now have a comprehensive strategic partnership with someone, this is like with whom, that is, we will now have with the dprk like with whom, i think it will be like with the dprk, after all it will have its own special form here too.
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i haven’t seen this document, it is not yet accessible and because it will still be signed, discussed, and so on, but because of how relations are being built between russia and pyongyang, because with whom they are building a system of relations between russia after the election of putin, china, uzbekistan, pyongyang, 19-20, i remind you.
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i think it’s quite obvious that something is happening that is partly the answer to your question, yeah, you asked, that’s what will happen, yes, you know, the hardest thing to answer is such questions when nothing is clear, yes, that’s when it’s not not a single clue to say anything in response. in my opinion, right now a new political reality is taking shape, and i would take its purely ideological report back from friday, because when putin proposed this plan, a peace plan, then, if you like, it put our opponents, here is the collective west, plus china, uzbekistan,
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the territories that will become part of the russian federation, they will always be part of the russian federation for all time, this is not discussed under any circumstances. secondly, there will be no truce along the line of contact today, which means that these territories must become part of the russian federation in full, as happened following the referendum. why am i talking about this, why is it important? remember kissinder's plan, let's stop the war on the line contact, then we’ll start negotiations,
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yes, even if, even if we conditionally agree somewhere that crimea will remain, even this territory will remain, here... imagine that ukraine’s non-bloc status is emerging, putin says, then a system is needed collective security, which will be ensured for ukraine, and for russia, and for pyongyang, and for beijing, and so on. and now the most important thing is what, what are the thorns for the modern collective
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west, and what can be taken out of this point in order to disagree, to agree with to the rest.
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now a very important point, since putin will never take a step back, he has already said this publicly, the only question is that now there is a certain lacquer of time, it is difficult for me to say what it is, in order to answer the question of when in general , this construction can swing to one side, yes, that is , if you imagine that the collective
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west, continuing to think within the framework of its ideas about the world, continues to solve everything... right there on the battlefield, it must solve one problem, it is very obvious, there there must be some kind of at least minimal military success, yeah, you talked about karkhov today, but somewhere there must be a step back, one, two, three, then they say: we opposed putin’s plan, we started the machine, yes, here you go, here you go, now imagine that this is not happening.
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made of flesh, made of blood, there are people behind them, and they like to have lunch, drink coffee, if a politician says, let’s throw f-16s there and the front will come to an end, then an ordinary german, he says, and what are you f-16 they threw it, but the front didn’t sway, i don’t like it, says an ordinary german, you see, it seems to me that now the situation is so very simple, it’s been a few months when around... this comprehensive plan of putin, from which not a single hair can be taken out, yeah, it will develop like this this situation there on the battlefield, it will give an answer about the future of the world, because as soon as...
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we don’t find out the big, most interesting one, the day after tomorrow, based on the results of the visit, part of, of course, we can only guess from the composition of the delegation, i even, i even i know her, but hardly this is the place where you can discuss it, no, if somewhere it is possible it is here, but apparently it is also impossible here, it’s not worth it here either, yes, i mean that exactly, that’s why i just read out the composition of the delegation, as they say, further...
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participates in sanctions against the korean people's democratic republic, as well as sanctions against iran, and as in sanctions against iran, that is, what is interesting to me here is that - these steps presuppose for
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ourselves a fixation that we have already gone some other way, because well it’s impossible to be, as it were, at the same time a strategic comprehensive partner of north korea and that means continuing this. many of our international treaties in terms of changes that have been adopted in our constitution, then i answer your question: we will act as dictated by our
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security, our strategic objectives, i do not rule out that we can raise relevant issues at the security council, well, these are the issues to talk about, if these decisions are not supported, and they will not be supported, because that there is someone there to vote against, that means. prospects, we were looking there for issues that would cover our security, our technological capabilities, understanding, but today we understand that these resources are not there,
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this, this, this, these opportunities are closed to us, which means we will look for them on other sites, this is what i’m talking about, because it’s clear that we should look at this story naturally with our own eyes, but i put myself in the place of a north korean, not necessarily the leader of north korea, there is who should stand in that place, well, here are the north koreans, and i understand that they most likely look at this story in much the same way as we look at our relations with china, and regularly say, no, well, of course, they are with us, which means here they have t-t, but they are with the west too, because just recently there were vasya-vasya, and if the west offers them something interesting and tasty, then perhaps later, and then probably, well, we will have to do as ... some well steps, however, it depends on how much for us now, in addition to the development of relations, partnerships and so on, as far as
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practical for us right now. so, let's start with the fact that for many decades the soviet union and korea were bound by a mutual assistance friendship treaty, now such treaties simply do not exist in format, yeah, but what we are reading now is actually a reading of the same thing with syria, syria had such a treaty, with afghanistan there was in 1978, we entered there according to it, accordingly, yes, accordingly,
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you need to understand what treaties are like. a completely unique direction of power, this is the far eastern thing, which i can say, if we take futurology and military futurology, then we need to understand the following thing: in the confrontation with the west, which certainly includes china, us, and north korea, each of us has our own role, china today cannot be a country that can slam a saber on the table and start tearing everything apart, because china is a huge technological, financial
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pyramid, such an everest. world, which cannot afford to take such steps, we have a turnover of 800 billion dollars, so much with the united states of america, but let’s be realistic, in this case we are in a state of war with the west, the west now, you’ve already talked about this, is in such a hysterical state when it understands that it will not be possible to simply save ukraine, and over the past weeks, we have been discussing the history of the fact that the west constantly talks about escalation and drawing in some first. and then, one way or another, yourself into this conflict, in this case a completely unique role of north korea arises, which firstly, on the one hand, it is completely independent from anyone, it is not at all afraid of any sanctions, it does not lose anything from breaking with the west, in general there is nothing to do , unlike china, the most important thing is that it has been in the cold for many decades a war frozen by the united states, while having a huge army, a huge military-industrial complex, it
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has been going on for many decades. has no combat experience, well, it turned out that way, so in this case, let’s say, we can assume that the counterweight on the scales is the ideas of the west, the entry into ukraine own troops, it may well appear, for example, a corps of korean volunteers who, that is, you go so far in military futurology, i’ll say right away that i’m involved in military futurology, no, i made all the reservations, you just had to add that , this is a completely irresponsible private evaluative opinion within the military, since i always answer for my words.
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in order to actually pit china and vietnam against each other, and we remember that there was a whole vietnamese policy direction towards rapprochement with the united states. it must be said that the current management, it is this program. as if suspended, now it is underway, again, we see that there is an attempt to bring vietnam and china closer together, to remove all these confrontational issues, and if russia also gets involved in this process and also makes its contribution in this case, then we will receive enormous support , you know, just like for any rocket, because we know that we need a launch pad, for us this political far eastern launch pad will become the very table with the help of which we can operate in a completely different way in the west. to the beginning you said a very important thing, i want to say about it, because well, we’ll probably talk about military affairs later, but i want to say that when i am often asked, if only the war would end at all, you also sometimes hear from people, or when it will end, and somehow it sounded
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like i would like to see a peaceful sky above my head, i suddenly thought then i said that you understand, there are two peaceful skies, there is always a peaceful sky above your head after the end of any conflict, but there is a peaceful sky above the heads of the victors, there is a peaceful sky . yes, question with what eyes do you look at this sky? and these are completely different skies, you know? yes, therefore, for us there is only one question: yes, we need the end of the war, but we need a peaceful sky of victors above us. i think that we have no option for a peaceful sky above us, like over russia, if we do not win this conflict, it will be some kind of sky like a sheepskin, the most peaceful sky is a reliably covered air defense of the global system. that’s right, well, it’s very important that you said this, and it’s important. for the understanding of everyone who watches tv, is interested in this topic, because i, well, i’m a realist, and i understand that over 30 years there has been a certain kind of, well, some kind of inertia in the perception of north korea, because well, i’ll say it again - the liberal
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part, including even our culture they did everything to memeize this, to turn it all into a complete meme, and many are like, well, north korea, well, that’s north korea, well, that’s what you are, that’s what... you said , this is very important to understand that there is no agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership with democratic people's republic of korea, if this had not been discussed and agreed with the people's republic of china, given their special nature of relations, there would not have been what you said about the fact that this is a very important valence for china for obvious reasons, because that they had already begun to put very hard pressure on them about the fact that these guys were from russia. you must move away, this is also obvious, this is the story that, as you say, the launch pad or platform there and so on, today i i wrote about this, well, it’s like japan is nearby, which since soviet times we have called
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the unsinkable us aircraft carrier, south korea is nearby, which in a military sense is actually the entire military base, in a sense this is also the same conditional, potential asymmetrical one. response to the talk that we will attack the territory of the russian federation, remember when vladimir vladimirovich said, well, then we’ll think about it, maybe we’ll also give something to someone somewhere, and i think that a visit to democratic people's republic of korea, it should, it should also be perceived from the point of view of this topic, because of course we all immediately jumped on the houthis, i mean , i was also joking here about how they would find something here and there in the caves, well let’s be realistic, the north koreans don’t need to look for anything in the caves, or rather this way... they’ve already had everything in their caves for a long time, in the literal sense of the word, because they have it all located there in the mountains, and no one knows what’s there they have it located, but something else may appear there, and if before that, the rocket fell somewhere short of reaching the sea of ​​japan, then it’s possible,
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i wrote today completely irresponsibly in my telegram, perhaps we will soon witness powerful leaps of the korean military-industrial complex, well , after all, the scientists killed them.
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you want to say that this story has been building for a long time, it just wasn’t
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so public, i’m talking about respect, yeah, respect between government officials, this is exactly what really worries our western partners, i’ll explain why, because when western countries try to achieve their goals in relation to china or russia, what they create is an extra-legal territory, a territory outside the law, this was at one time - yugoslavia, kosovo, yes. this is north korea, sanctioned absolutely without reason, although there were questions there, of course, but nevertheless ukraine, you were absolutely correct in making this correlation, because ukraine and north korea were placed in extra-legal conditions, that is, they were outside the international rights, ukraine arbitrarily, independently, so to speak, of its own free will, and north korea was forced to do this.
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on a different level, with other actors,
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it may be more interesting, because as you know, the game go, it is much more complex than checkers, so, if you understand what i’m hinting at, here they are now playing it, in fact, this is a response to the formation of the famous aucus of this strange military bloc, but it’s really a japanese game, but sorry, well, it doesn’t matter, okay, what’s the difference? moreover, in this situation it is quite obvious that in the first place the head here is precisely japan, because it is she who has been assigned a critical role, she must play the role of a destabilizer in the pacific region, yeah, and under what conditions, well, most likely the transfer of nuclear weapons, because japan will not, i apologize, will not go to china without nuclear weapons, this is not a nation, i wouldn’t bother with nuclear weapons if i were them, but nevertheless, given the population density.
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i emphasize that this is a personal opinion, so, north korea and i tried to create an investment reality, a joint investment reality, this happened during during the presidency of dmitry medvedev, but it didn’t work out, precisely because we were distracted by various other issues that preoccupied both china and russia, and north korea, well, oleg viktorovich said about it, we still tried somehow, well look for answers to all questions there for answers to all questions, but they were not found in europe.
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korea, because if what happened between the year 1924 and 24 had happened, this would have been an attempt to bring south and north korea closer together, which.
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become a us proxy in the region - this is south korea, because the number two candidate is that south korea, apparently, will come to terms with this fact in the future, so yes, indeed, what china and russia, in my opinion, will need to do, in which direction to work first of all, and i i think that's exactly it. russia will now be doing this, judging by the representativeness of the delegation that came through. this is still a unilateral effort to unify south korea and north korea. yes. because in north korea, despite this hatred, these the balls, everything else, understand perfectly well that a divided people, like the germans in europe,
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must still be a single organism. yes. and when a single organism is divided, when it conflicts with...
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the future system of collective security, this is a demonstration of what putin wants, yeah, this, by the way, is the answer to the question of many, well, we understand why, but what do they need from this, well, i think they benefit from this, the north koreans, i
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mean, they benefit from a lot from this, including, as was just said, they benefit from this, well, no matter how we don’t seemed, perhaps, impossible. well, this is really a divided people, and for them this is important for both the northern and the southern, despite all the ideological differences, plus give me back the big map, in fact, that’s why , of course, tomorrow we’ll talk more about the northern one . there you guys say, give them back the big map. they’re sitting listening, it’s interesting, it means the program well done, but this is like an indicator that the program is interesting, so this is a conversation about... what you are asking about is how quickly it will end, how much longer to wait ? or don’t like it, the answer to the question of when and how it
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will end, it has an answer only on this map, therefore, as was quite rightly said, a visit to north korea is part of exactly... here are ours, here are ours and by the way, from here to there, it’s like this, if on this map look, it’s very far here, from here to there, it’s not so far there, but it’s even closer to the govai, that’s what we’re talking about, why it’s important. what we discussed and what we will continue to discuss, well, about north korea, and about non-north korea, and not about
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korea, all this right after a short, very interesting advertisement on channel one. mr. nauseda, the new and old president of lithuania kisses the ukrainian flag folded into a triangle in the funeral. this is news for lithuanian mothers that such a flag will knock on our homes.
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cnop gin, a stellar group product, monteshocaca cognac, a stellar group product, rom castro, a stellar group product, pechora vodka, a stellar group product, veda vodka, a stellor group product, hurray, hurray!
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lieutenant, he’s already turning around, what are you waiting for, shut up, calm down, misha, calm down, you can’t mess around here, comrade colonel, the right flank has run into mines, chorbak, go ahead, what are you worth, i’ll shoot you, in war , like in war, june 22, on the first, come on, maleshkin, well done, maleshkin, press, maleshkin, in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk. we remember a wonderful person, an amazing woman, a colleague, a friend. anastasia zovratnyuk,
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born in the seventy-first year, she didn’t feel very well, everyone thought it was just a nerve she had slept with, they went to get checked and found out, well, that is, you can almost say yes, on her birthday, i noticed what was on her chest a new one has appeared, a new pendant mouth, i turn around and say:
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i won’t wake up, i understand, hands, i see you’re not touchable , we’ll get married anyway, i won’t go after nazar, i love the bear, varka, make up your mind, you have to
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start a new life, i’ll get a job at a factory, we’ll rent a room somewhere for you too, the rapids are ahead, mom, misha, where, they didn’t find him var, father said, you’re on the rapids, you crashed, hold her, jump, i said, now i’ll shoot, who killed him, father, how did you end up on the shore?
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time will tell the program, we continue to work live, live, now leaving for advertising from the block where we discussed tomorrow's visit of vladimir putin to the democratic people's republic of korea, from where he will then go to vietnam, and we talked about that, of course, any, let’s say, partnership here, and especially with the dprk, is understandable. well, we say the dprk, we understand that this is somewhere in brackets, and even without brackets, the people's republic of china, and that this is generally not some separate region taken there, but that today there are no separate regions taken, that it is all one as it were , a common board, so to speak, on which they play, i don’t even know that there’s either hundred-cell checkers, or gough, some very complex game, even in numerous vertical and
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horizontal levels is therefore important. everything, and not only we here understand this, it is understood by ours, which means our current opponents, who in general, we even, in my opinion, have already stopped even ironically calling them partners in quotation marks, are already, well, like opponents, enemies, and so on further, they also understand this, this is evidenced by the headlines of the western press, including regarding vladimir putin’s visit to the dprk, western officials also talk about this, well, here’s kirby for an example, please. what can you say about putin’s trip to the dprk that a partnership agreement might be signed there? it is not surprising that he is heading to north korea after the so-called elections, we are not worried about his trip, we are worried about the deepening of relations between these two countries, we will certainly be watching this very, very closely. very very
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carefully, because here is china. and lately, it seems to me, in relation to china, the west, collectively and primarily the united states, has begun to denote, it seems to me, a certain greater degree, well, not just harshness, but in general the tonality, as i hear it, has changed a little. this tone sounds something like this: guys, for more than two years we’ve been looking at the fact that you, well, it’s not like you’re helping the russians, but you’re not leaving them either. you need to decide, because otherwise we will decide, well, even stoltenberg, although it would seem that stoltenberg cares, he voices what he is allowed to voice, but even he is allowed to voice it, listen, china is trying to get both, they support the russian military economy, share many technologies related to microelectronics,
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which are key for russia in creating missiles, at the same time china is trying.
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wide recognition of the world community. nato is a cold war relic that needs to rethink its own existence rather than slander china. it was not the chinese country that initiated the ukrainian crisis in...
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the power of russia, if china does not change its behavior, some consequences may await our trade relations, and this is a question we must decide, and blinken says there at the same joint meeting, as us president joe biden has already indicated, we are really concerned, but not that china is supplying russia with weapons, that’s not what it does, but what it does, how as i have said many times, this provides critical support to russia's defense industrial base. and blinkin claims that beijing supposedly supplies us with 70% of machine tools, 90% of microelectronics and says that this allows russia to maintain the defense industrial base, keep the military machine running, support the war, therefore it must
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stop, yes, just imagine, therefore it must stop, why? well, because we kind of want it that way, here i have a question: do you agree or disagree? i'm interested in the fact that it seems to me that their tone towards china and its...
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rag, understanding what they are doing in front of literally, so to speak, waving the red chinese giant, this is an obvious challenge, that they are twisting the arms of europe today , this is what stoltenberg actually said, because
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europe, according to my information, has lost approximately 16% of chinese exports over the last year, because it was under the pressure of the united states of america, which forced it to curtail economic cooperation with... not just one gate, it was not just victorious america that announced, which means it began economic pressure on china, received from this is an economic profit, the fact that they visit europe is understandable, they visit it during
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the ukrainian crisis, on the chinese track, but if we take the overall relationship of the collective west with china, this is inexplicable, and rightly so the late kissinger said that you are just friends, you are just pushing with both hands and your feet. china into the arms of russia, something that i have been fighting against all my life, for kisinger it was a political phantom, he understood that from the point of view of... the big chessboard, i quote brzyzinski, one thing cannot be allowed: the rapprochement of china and russia, which you do, i said old kissinger, shortly before his death, you just push them into each other's arms, so from the point of view of political logic, this is inexplicable for me, i can assume that the calculation however, american analysts say that china is indeed facing certain economic problems, there is a slowdown in growth rates, there is...
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a need to reorient sales markets, because european markets are being lost, there are a number of problems that, in general, you know, are associated with with a change, with a change in development strategy, and with many internal reasons, but imagine that you can click like this, as is done primitively, due to harsh pressure, diplomatic, waving a rag around taiwan, declaring china needs this trade war to solve the problem of rejection. china from russia or a change in china's position on the ukrainian crisis is complete nonsense, so the answer to your question is very simple, this is a political, political miscalculation, an obvious political miscalculation that western strategies are making today in the chinese direction, i understand, thank you, yes, i disagree , that this is a miscalculation, i think that this is fraud, in the classic form, because it is an imitation of a conflict, well, one with elements of a real confrontation.
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i, or as they say, okay, we will not supply russia with anything, how will this change the situation, this will change the situation in a catastrophic way, because russia will be forced to use strategic nuclear weapons in order to survive in this situation, that is, mr. blinken , well, let’s just think a little about what he’s saying, and a little bit in advance, mr. blinken proposes...
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all countries should enter into a nuclear conflict, charms, that’s all, that’s it, because russia can’t lose, it’s nuclear power, this is beyond logic, it means that mr. blinken has some other hidden goal, so i think that the hidden goal is to continue to play, to continue to pull out this one, someone says pause, someone says this is pulling money out of congress and so on, the goal of these people... most american politicians are just lobbyists, they lobby for certain interests of large financial industrial groups, to whom financially, to whom they financially industrial groupings say: listen, pull, here you throw it, you say this, you say this here, these guys will break, they will get scared, russia is threatening with nuclear weapons, a nuclear baton, here it is, give me money, give me money, because they achieved their goal, 61 billion was allocated to the american military-industrial complex and nowhere.
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has not gone away, congress has not gone anywhere, although many people, congressmen said, healthy-minded people, what are you doing, you are just throwing wood instead of putting out the fire there, the debate is long, but there are literally two objections: first, if all this was started with a purpose there pump up your military-industrial complex, then you don’t dare two main tasks: the russian-chinese partnership is not destroyed and china’s position on ukraine does not change, then everything you say makes sense, but very minimally. you know, then i’ll allow you to argue with you too, in my opinion, just with both of them, to argue with everyone, so i think that here we are dealing with a very seriously calculated long-term, not even a game, but an understanding, in the long term americans understand very well that in a year or two in the future, if russia cannot be stopped, then the world will be completely different general geopolitical situation. in this
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case, today’s behavior of the americans rather reminds me of a game in a casino, when the player understands that everything is merging, playing for everyone, but the americans are now trying to play for everything, because now they can provoke china, when russia, say, is drawn into a conflict, if it will suddenly be possible to push it away from russia, this is an ideal, if not, then again provoke china towards taiwan, and thereby begin the same...
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situation, there is still hope that china also has its own fifth column, there is a huge business that was focused on the usa, on europe, there is a party part, the party elite, which was also once associated with ensuring precisely these interests of china, and there is a party group there that would be happy to change the vector in any case, that is, i repeat, the usa, in my opinion, is now trying to play for everything, because either you will get lucky, or then you have to prepare. well, you see, that’s why i say that it’s not very clear here, right here we’re just going to go into this layer now we won’t have time, you say that it was necessary to rinse them a little, they may have rinsed them,
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but then there is trump, who says, here you are, i can answer this, because they practically drove a nail into my coffin, i want to rehabilitate myself, in my theses make a lot of sense if... considering that the united states really hopes, and not only hopes, they are confident that they will come to an agreement with china and with russia in the end, which is why now they are so calmly allowing a nuclear conflict, that's why now they can talk so calmly about this, this, the fifth, the tenth, because they know that europe will respond with money, europe will respond with its standard of living, europe will respond, and europe, unfortunately, is now beginning to understand.
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and i have one more question that i didn’t know whether to ask today or not to ask, because it seems like, well, absolutely, but about ours, about ours, well, well, probably within the framework of this about fifth columns, what i’m talking about i want to ask, this is not exactly a fifth column, but i had an interesting conversation with one person, and who told me he says: listen, why don’t you kill these internal ones, this fifth column of ours? foreign agents, i go well, that is, foreign agents, why don’t you kill them? i say: listen, damn it, as they say, don’t mention this famously , don’t touch it, it won’t stink, he says: no, no, no, this is wrong, it’s absolutely necessary, you ’re making a big mistake there, a lot, there’s little point, that’s a squeal a lot, it makes little sense, but he
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tells me: well, look, you ’re missing this, and look there, i even specifically asked my guys, i think, that i will discuss it there, not discuss it, look. we’re discussing everything here, there’s global politics, there’s the chinese, the americans here and there, there are these same agents who seem to be in this shadow of theirs, where we can even go, you know, like a rotten basement that we don’t want to go to look, but there are some devils in this basement, for example, he says, well, look there in the basement, what kind of devils are there, otherwise you are hovering there somewhere, i say, well, let's see , well, right there in the basement there are a lot of devils, well, i pulled one devil out of there, which means that the devil was literally in april 20'. four year old says this guy, this is a foreign agent, some kind of foreign agent, but i don’t know who he is, this is the first time i’ve heard him, so they poked me there and said: look, damn it, i’m reading, really damn, well, in his case, the shaitan means that these are drones, ukrainian, that means tatarstan,
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and people are starting to contact me, when will the prorokhov plant be developed? to be honest, for me it’s nonsense that i’m on should be shown on the first channel, but since people ask... well, as they say, ask, we answer, i have a question for you, this is what to do with this, this is how i think everything would be done here, if i i understand, this gentleman has been outside for a long time, gentleman, yes, but these ones, which he may of course be lying, these activated ones and so on, this is generally a topic that we need to raise, well, you know, today there are no unimportant topics, this is the time when any topic, especially when... when such words are uttered, even in a generally political way you know, the marginalized - the person - whose name no one will listen to, but remove him. yes, when such words are uttered that let’s
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destroy a gunpowder factory, that means in tatarstan and so on, it’s clear that ours, there is a political part of this matter, which belongs to us, we must have a law enforcement, there is a law enforcement, that’s what it said in advance , yeah, look for what is said about, who is said about, what consequences this may have, because you know, here is crocus city. showed how how it is it happens and how it ends, so i, for example, am not against talking about our fifth column, another thing is that i see what is happening to it, how it has changed lately, where it has been driven in the positive, good sense of the word, what is left of it in reality, but it never happens that the political vlasovites do not insert their 3 kopecks into any political situation.
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ashurkov, he worked for navalny, there is also some shmashurkov, which means there is also some other person with the last name naki, that means something he was carrying something like that there, some kind of chalk, when they ask me, that’s what you’re doing with them...
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they’ll imprison you, some of them were imprisoned, yes, they communicated, they started selling this political product there, the product is rotten,
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there are few people anymore, i’ll explain why he, it did a disservice to a lot of foreign companies, because foreign companies ordered them to conclude, what will happen if we resign, if we leave the russian federation, because of sanctions, what will happen, they told them, sorry, i can be insider information now i will tell them they said, yes, a year or two, three at most. russia will fall apart, you will return and take everything practically for free, so what if you turned out to be wrong, and now companies, having lost money, are trying, i don’t know, to somehow return to the russian market, that’s all, and the ones responsible now are these same advisers, things are very bad for them now, as i already said, what pays well always ends very badly, now they are in a very weak position, and i am sure that now there are only two ways for them, the first is for... we are pulling out exactly those who like this character, like one former
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state duma deputy, by the way, who i don’t want to just mention on air, these people, you mean, ilya ponomarev, terrorist and extremist, yes, marked, foreign agent, foreign agent, scoundrel, brute, i have personal scores with him, so i don’t have any scores with him, but so - there are simply no exceptions to what i just wrote down, they don’t exist, just two words, well, two words won’t work, three,
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that means , first, today, for example, in kiev he was, if not killed, then at least seriously. a certain kazakh oppositionist, who very strongly, so to speak, attacked his president, about how to work, but i wanted to say something else, they cannot be underestimated, the main thing is what they do, they are trying to work, look for their environment here, that is, the main thing is why do they exist, why do they get money, they get it in order to corrode here, so the task is to keep it here, what they are there, we’ll figure it out someday, the main task is to understand what will happen to... here for whom they work and just this environment is very it’s understandable to strictly stop advertising on the first channel. gentlemen, officers, there is a german squadron behind, friedrich karl in front, i see no other way out than to lure the germans into mines.
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in any case, i would never refuse you, ayusyana vasilievna, you would be exhausted, everything is fine with us, not quite, you fell in love, given the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation is now the same, war, to beat the enemy to fulfill your duty to the fatherland , this is a letter from az morse, i tried to study the textbook at home, thank you, but today we see each other for the last time, unfortunately for us the revolution for...
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admiral on friday at the first, this year we are celebrating the anniversary of the great victory, let's talk about songs of the war years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films. that is, my grandfather was able to destroy 150 manpower alone and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, where are you now, when
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i go out as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the entire war, here they are! i was born and raised in donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for this is a great honor for me, first of all, on june 22nd.
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“tanyusha, don’t refuse the courtesy, have dinner with me, i came here to work, not to wag my tail, what are you doing, give me a pin, no, wait, no, no, no, volodya, who is this, madiska, here are meriem’s trousers , i look so modest, you can’t say that she’s a heartbreaker, so the situation is like this, i met a girl and fell in love with her, haven’t you forgotten that we’re at your house tonight?” " we're discussing our wedding, subtle matters, on sunday on the first day, i'm getting married to someone, but i think i'm in love another, what a grandmother in a leather jacket, young, cool, dad fools around like no one else, and not
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because others don’t want to, others just don’t know how. when you joined, i realized that no one had any questions about the song anymore, and they added...
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it’s difficult to classify them as vlassovites, but this is also a category of people who wanted to be , not very clear to me, or rather clear to me. good russians, that is , you know, these are the people who will disown everything, they will come there and pat them on the head and say: well, yes, you have disowned, you you betrayed yours, well done, you are a good russian, no, it doesn’t work, the same chulpanpan khamatova, who went there, was convinced of this the other day, and there she seems to have creativity , she will become so white and fluffy, they won’t let her stay.
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i just stupidly decided to imitate, sorry, bummer, guys, the doll of the heir tuti on the first channel is the new old president of lithuania gita. snausia has been elected to another term.


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