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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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teach history so as not to repeat its mistakes, but the rest of the time, well , apply for all sorts of parades, i feel sorry for people, that’s it, and friendly relations too, it’s a pity that they took it like that and destroyed everything, but nothing, it will come time, let's restore it, maria butina was with you, this is the heir doll, now the program is time. hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main event of the day. relations based on the principles of
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equality, mutual respect and trust between russia and north korea. in the state vladimir putin's visit to the dprk, a large article by the russian leader in the main newspaper of the republic. it technologies, medicine, education, construction, transport, and the development of the far east are the focus of the president’s attention. details of vladimir putin's working trip to yakutia. friend. like brothers to each other, stories of the exploits of russian fighters from different regions, different nationalities, who were united by a common goal - to defend their homeland. reliable, brave, talented. at the ostankino television center today they said goodbye to ntv cameraman valery pozhin, who died from a strike by ukrainian militants. 14 billion rubles over 2 years, the project is all for the victory of the popular front. cars, drones, walkie-talkies, vests,
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the whole country is helping our defenders on the front line. health promotion and food security, two new national projects in the government's focus, details of the strategic session. the number of victims is growing, there are the first detainees, the main thing is about the investigation of mass poisoning in moscow, nizhny novgorod and kazan. what caused the outbreak of votulism? the cars were flooded. hood showers residents of several regions at once are tested for strength, impressive footage and forecasts from weather forecasters. the great russian composer and innovator, admired by the whole world. festival of geniuses is a place in the small homeland of igor stravinsky, a unique project of the maestro, valery gergiev. last minute news, vladimir putin, at the invitation of the leader of the dprk, arrived on a state visit to north korea. as reported by the information magazine.
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carried out a unique direct flight of its kind. so, the first flight to moscow bkinyan has landed, the delegation is already leaving, and before the president's arrival is still a few hours away, everything is ready to meet vladimir putin here at the airport, and for journalists and delegations it is time to look around north korea. so let's go get acquainted. hi, how are you? fine. how are you feeling? very good, but very hot. yes, it is very hot. 30, in my opinion, probably 32, cool. all those accompanying the delegation have free russians; dozens of them are involved. even with the drivers you can exchange a few words, you don’t know russian, that is, speak russian, the cart starts moving, the same the route vladimir putin had to drive, this is what can be seen from the car in daylight, every few meters there are alternating portraits of the president of russia and our tricolor, giant banners with greetings on bridges, houses and more. okhindiyan is decorated for the visit even in places where the russian president’s motorcade will not go, for example, the railway station, the station square, everything. the street has an avenue
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radiating from it. the poster reads: we welcome the president of the russian federation, comrade vladimir vladimirovich putin. more often in phkinyang you can only find the obligatory paired portraits of the leaders of the founding father. dprk kimersen the second leader of the country, his son kimchenyr. and here is probably the only place in all of phinyang, and indeed in north korea, where two other portraits of vladimir putin and kimchenun are marked nearby. this is kimersen square, and here, apparently, the final preparations are being completed for the start of the welcoming ceremony, with which the work program of the state visit starts here tomorrow, and which has a chance to outshine all ceremonies meetings in which the president of russia has ever taken part abroad. the area can accommodate more than 100 thousand people and there is no doubt that they will. today, it seems, the final rehearsals of the young participants of the ceremony took place here, apparently, young drummers, let's try to find out if someone speaks russian, guys, who speaks russian, but in general it’s not necessary, a russian and a korean are friends friend, they will understand, no matter how anti-korean propaganda demonizes the dprk, in reality in
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2024 a foreigner, at least a russian, it is quite possible to walk around the capital unaccompanied, in some sense even to mingle with the crowd. an area near the center of phillyan filled with shops. in fact , they called from the warehouse to say that fresh apricots have arrived, guests from russia, the north koreans are definitely being taken to the liberation monument, this obelisk is dedicated to the memory of the red army soldiers who liberated korea in the year of world war ii, and there is also an orthodox church in kinyang, it is no coincidence that we were on the plane we met the korean archbishop theophanes; our diocese also includes a church located in north korea. penyansky church, the holy trinity, but also the community that we have in yoga, where there are more flocks in the south, we’ll figure out on the spot why this is so, if your country is orthodox, yeah, and believers, yes, yes, yes, yes , uh, as far as i know, there are no koreans,
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who goes here, russians, that is, embassy employees, first of all , do not preach in the trinity church, the life-giving koreans, mr. victor. chairman of the orthodox committee, hello, yes, father vladimir, rector of the church, here is deacon pavel. tomorrow they are waiting for vladimir putin and kimchenun, but on wednesday the russian president will greet all of pyongyang, and for the second time. festive dressed north koreans with flowers along the roads along the route of the motorcade. these shots were taken in july 2000, 24 years ago, one of the first trips .
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putin became the first russian leader to visit the north koreans and thus everywhere in pyongyang at the monument to the red army soldiers under the triumphal arch of vysupalnitsyn, and finally vladimir. the first russian leader accepted into the local pioneers, all because putin is the first to undertake to restore the former close relations between the two states. the level of our contacts was at an unacceptably low level. suffice it to say that in soviet times the volume of trade turnover amounted to billions, today it does not exceed 100 million dollars. it was under vladimir putin that russia and the dprk signed a new agreement on friendship, good-neighborly cooperation, and visits to our country by north korean leaders resumed. already in 2001, kim chenyrko, once his father kimer sen, traveled on an armored train across russia. you,
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you can probably safely say that you now know russia no worse, and maybe even better, than some russian positions. so, thanks to putin, the north koreans rediscovered our country, among other things, our missile technology. it is no coincidence that 22 years later it was the vostochny cosmodrome that was chosen as the meeting place for vladimir putin with the heir to kimchenyr, chairman kimchenyn. the leader of north korea shows great interest in rocket technology, they are trying to develop space, we have good competencies, we will show. immediately after the handshake at the starting union table, and from there to the angara assembly shop. all in the same september last year, kim chin-in was shown how our most modern combat aircraft are assembled and how they are tested.
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strong modern russia, under the correct leadership of comrade putin, i am deeply convinced that the heroic russian army people, the proud inherited traditions of victory, will confidently demonstrate the priceless virtue of honor on two fronts, special military operations and building a strong state. this was said 9 months ago, now it's here kimjeong hates to host vladimir putin.
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korea and its daily circulation of one and a half million copies, it is impossible to imagine a more reputable north korean publication. an article by vladimir putin, also published on the kremlin website, is called russia and the dprk, traditions of friendship and cooperation through the years. relations of friendship and good neighborliness between russia and the dprk, based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and trust, date back more than seven decades and are rich in glorious and historical traditions. in august 1945, soviet soldiers fighting shoulder to shoulder. with korean patriots, defeated the kwantung army, liberated the korean peninsula from the colonialists,
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and opened the path to independent development for the korean people. the soviet union was the first in the world to recognize the young korean people's democratic republic, establishing diplomatic relations with it. the ussr helped the dprk build a national economy, establish a healthcare system, develop science education, when in the fifties in korean on the peninsula, a war broke out between north and south, in the dprk they call it. on key international issues, readiness to defend common priorities and views on the platforms of the united
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nations. pyongyang remains our staunch like-minded person and supporter, ready to resolutely resist the desire of the collective west to prevent the formation of a multipolar world order based on justice, mutual respect, sovereignty, and consideration of each other’s interests. vladimir putin noted that the dprk has already has existed for many years in conditions of confrontation with the western world. washington puts pressure on... like many others, trying to bend it to its will. most succumb to this pressure, but north korea does not, like russia. the united states and its satellites openly declare that their goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, they are doing everything to delay with greater force the conflict in ukraine, which they themselves provoked by supporting and organizing an armed coup d’etat in kiev in 2014, and then the war in donbass. wherein, all these years they have rejected all our attempts over and over again. peaceful resolution of the situation. russia has been and will be open to an equal dialogue on all the most difficult
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issues, while they are trying to exhaust our economy with ever new sanctions and provoke an increase in socio-political tension within the country, but no matter how hard they try, all their attempts to contain and isolate russia have failed. we continue to confidently increase our economic potential, develop industry, technology, infrastructure, science, education, culture. it is gratifying that our korean friends, despite many years. economic pressure, provocations, blackmail and military threats from the united states are equally effective in defending their interests. russia has always supported and will support the dprk in its struggle for independence and the right to choose its own path of development,” putin emphasized. we are also ready for close cooperation to make international relations more democratic and stable. to achieve this, we will develop alternative and non-western-controlled trade mechanisms and mutual settlements, jointly resist illegitimate unilateral restrictions and at the same time.
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vladimir putin visited the dprk on a working trip to yakutia. the head of state focused on the development of the far east, and here yakutia has something to offer, especially in the field of it technologies and import substitution. new system. engine monitoring for the aviation industry from this number. a conversation with the head of yakutia, osen nikolaev, about supporting the north military district fighters of their families, and another conversation with participants in the zemsky doctor and zemsky programs teacher. in yakutia, all conditions are created for them ; therefore, the interest in the region of young specialists from other parts of the country has noticeably increased. about northern allowances, improving the tax system, and a creative approach to any
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matter. in the report by anastasia kobazeva. they were waiting for the president in yakutia. it’s been a long time since he’s been to the largest region of the country. vladimir putin was greeted warmly on the streets of yakutsk for 10 years. let's see the stadium.
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after all, the president is shown the labor quarter, that’s what they call the space for creative entrepreneurs, the directions are very different from creating it products before film production. yakut developers have a solution for the aviation industry, this is an engine monitoring system. all parameters are loaded into a special program, it processes the information and identifies deviations. initially, all aviation
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in russia operated under the snikma system; this was a french development. and then... now a modern office, the residents themselves call the formerly abandoned meat-packing building, the labor quarter home, a house, i must say, a big one, over 120 companies have the opportunity to develop here. here's the connection students of it schools come out with the president,
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programming, design, computer game development, a lot of subjects.
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120 snipers have been trained in 3 months; drones, sights, and means for detecting and suppressing drones are being assembled in yakutsk for our fighters. today, more than 80 personnel are performing combat missions in the zone, the guys took part in the capture in the guldar direction. the president's program in yakutsk was very extensive. vladimir putin had a meeting with the head of yakutia aisen nikolaev. conversation first about supporting our fighters and their families. the family should be at the center of him, yes, definitely, definitely the family defender of the fatherland foundation works well for us, well, we ourselves would i, in the area, i always meet with family members, are you on vkontakte and with the fund’s employees? yes, of course, we have them, well, all the time, how do you evaluate them, i think that the creation of the fund was very correct, that’s what anna evgenevna
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created such a good system in just a little while, this is obvious, of course, there are questions, you can’t foresee all the questions in life, but the most important thing is to reach out to people treat all questions with care, accept them, help them, there are many questions, the president has a big conversation with those who were not afraid, abandoned everything and moved.
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the world has changed, what kind of development do you see in the future of the far east, our shipbuilding cluster is actively developing, the management of the united shipbuilding
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corporation and i discussed what to build and where, after all, they have a need to create new enterprises, we finally came to the conclusion that the next enterprise, just like the one created near vladivostok, will still be to create another one in the far east, we don’t... fel, it turns out that taxes will also be higher. vladimir vladimirovich, is it possible to provide for these allowances in the progressive scale of personal income tax. according to the calculations of the ministry of finance, the increase in
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personal income tax, the tax burden on citizens, will affect no more than 3.2% of taxpayers, because 2.4 million rubles per year is the income of the bulk of citizens of the russian federation. then higher, i repeat, it will be no more than three, well, according to the ministry of finance, 3.2% of workers, this is the first, second, there is peculiarities in the north, these northern allowances, they are paid for special conditions, you raised the question fairly,
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standards, this is obvious, in the new national project the youth of russia, of course, this will also need to be taken into account, as for
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construction, now well government. understands this perfectly well, the standards currently being developed are as follows: we will proceed from the average cost of already constructed buildings, structures, institutions, and based on the real cost of already constructed objects, the cost of those that are planned. at a meeting with the president and a graduate of the third stream of the muravyov-amursky program, kirill gazaev, just a couple of months ago he from... see how you adapt to these temperature conditions, i’ll definitely cope, i remember coming here in the winter -50 to my ears i was afraid to touch my ears would break, okay another topical topic for the far east is the development of small aircraft and unmanned aerial systems
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on... they are used on the line of combat contact, well, what difference does it make what to carry, that’s right, if an unmanned aerial vehicle can do anything, i don’t want to talk now about how to bring, land or drop anything, of course, we need to develop this, we now have several centers for the development of unmanned aircraft, about a dozen have already been created there and we will... continue to create this, including at long range in the east, immediately after the meeting , the president went to a higher school of music, a concert was prepared for the head of state, the best students are playing, the forge of creative personnel of the republic has been working for three decades, thanks to art, folk traditions, character, which is being developed based on the art of our traditions,
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such tankers appear. but when they appear, this in turn feeds the artists, all this is interconnected, gives such a wonderful effect. by the way, the president visited the children's art school back in 1999 , what is your association? when i first arrived with you, with your leaders. we contacted, well, we worked, and then went to get along, suddenly the leader of your republic says, i’m addressing everyone present, well, let’s sing, well, i took it as a joke, everything was too long, i think that i’m somewhere, i don’t know, in the opera house, the voices started to burst out, you know, this is where i get my first impression of such a creative beginning of the culture of yakutia and its talents and...
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anastasia kobuzeva, vyacheslav chereshka, timofey raevsky, olga merkulova and sergei romanov, channel one yakutsk. now front-line reports: our combat pilots, rocket men, and artillery destroyed a radar station and two launchers of the s-300 air defense system, as well as a workshop for the production of attack drones and a warehouse from which western weapons were distributed. a subdivision of the north group of forces was hit. among other things, the american stryker armored personnel carrier was knocked out, western fighters occupied advantageous positions and eliminated the militants’ arsenal, the south group improved the situation along the front line and chalked up an m113 armored personnel carrier, two max pro armored vehicles, also made in the united states, were burned in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the central district. and on the list of targets hit by the vostok group - the polish self-propelled gun crab and the british howitzer. and new ones
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the names of our phronic heroes. guard, junior sergeant ilya orlov, acting as part of an artillery crew, destroyed the enemy’s temporary deployment point, two howitzers and a large number of militants. as a result, our motorized riflemen improved the position along the front line. sergeant ivan struchalin, using a special gun , intercepted two drones of the ukrainian armed forces. the drones lost control, fell, and detonated at a safe distance from our positions. it would not be an exaggeration to say that every nation of ours has glorious military traditions. big country. warriors of different nationalities and religions fight on the fronts of special operations. with the beginning of the northern military district , russians, dagestanis, chechens, buryats, yakuts rose up to defend the interests of their homeland, about a real military brotherhood. dmitry tolmachev. i am cherkess, commander of a tank division unit . circassian is a call sign or
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nationality. naturally, they completed them successfully. among his comrades in arms are people of different nationalities and religions, and this does not prevent them from standing shoulder to shoulder. the guys are all very good, everyone they know why they came here, the tasks that, for what they came here, unite everyone. and somehow special attention is not given to nationality. he says that here, everyone has already learned to understand each other perfectly, even if it is his native obazinsky, one of the most complex languages ​​in the world. when we were on a task, superiors. the command became very accustomed to my language, it got to the point that i simply told them about the situation or some difficult moments in my language, the flag of my small homeland on the helmet on the cap russian tricalor, it’s bad for a soldier who doesn’t dream of becoming a general, i hope to put
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some kind of imprint, like any person probably wants to do in the history of russia, everyone here is like brothers to each other, a vivid example is the story of major denis dedenko, about which he told at the meeting of the president with the participants. lasted more than a day and, at the cost of his life , ensured the regrouping of the main russian forces. the magician's son is a hero, his father is a hero and his husband is a hero, but he did not receive the star of the hero of the russian federation. vladimir vladimirovich, decide ask you to consider the possibility
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of awarding the russian officer, magomed izbakiev the title of hero of the russian federation posthumously. thank you. nothing could be more convincing than, uh, than what you said, especially since you are all witnesses to his heroism, we will do it. and these are the rewards of another participant in the time of heroes program. the very first one i received was the first order of courage, this was the beginning of a counteroffensive, just for the destruction of three pieces of equipment. later i received a medal for bravery, here it is. the most valuable. certainly, the star of the hero of russia was awarded by the personal supreme commander-in-chief, and yet a year and a half ago timerlan abutalimov had no combat experience, he came to the volunteers, the commander taught everything. he believed in me, a dagestan guy, and he saw
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potential in me, in a very short time he made me a combat officer, who later his unit was destroyed by the elite units of the armed forces of ukraine, and in the battle later, for which i received a hero, he my russian taught me all this. commander from omsk, evgeniy gruzev. after the death of his commander and friend , timerlan not only took command of the company, but took his call sign, omsk. i contacted the commander of the steam battalion, i said, let me be omsk, a tribute to him, and for me to this day this is the omsk unit, and he is my commander, and i am still his deputy, i communicate with his parents, for this is my comrade in arms, my brother. now he has more than 150 fighters from all over russia under his command. i am a believer, i am a muslim, there are russians, there are dagestanis, there are ossetians, there are yakutians, guys, there are kalmyks, there are from mordovia, i always teach the guys, we never dress up the nation, we are all brothers, our military brotherhood always comes first, in first place it belongs to the chechen with
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the call sign mansur, who came to donetsk back in 2017 and still serves in the legendary donbass samali battalion, we all fight together as brothers, no, that is, not nations, different nations do not separate, that is, i... there is a chechen, there is another russian, no one has ever talked about this in my life, i am here i haven't seen it, it's not here. he took part in battles in different directions, liberated mariupol plans to continue to serve here for the benefit of our great country. dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, vladimir afanasyev, natalya litovka, zulfiya khakimova, svetlana vidyashkina, sergei prokofiev, channel one. in moscow they said goodbye to valery kozhin. an ntv cameraman died in a targeted attack by kiev terrorists. friends, colleagues, heads of federal media, and government officials came to the ceremony at the ostankino television center. valery worked at ntv for almost two decades. events in tv viewers saw many hot spots through his eyes. valery kozhin will be remembered as
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a professional, reliable comrade in arms, who remained faithful to his journalistic duty to the end. friends and colleagues of valery kozhin are in the studio. on the screen are photographs of him at the "honor guard" plinth. vastankin’s farewell ceremony and funeral in the tver region took place at the same time. at the request of valery’s relatives, there were no journalists at the cemetery. colleagues talked about him at the television center, where he worked for 18 years, but visited more often. in hot spots, and many, probably, who happens in war, he and his wife discussed many times where he would be buried, he chose the kolazim himself, they already have their own heroes, they have their own new walk of fame, on which valera is buried today with military honors, because he was real a warrior, and he fought the way he knew how best, through the lens. in venky's studio from sntv colleagues. first channel russia from the ministry of defense from mikhail mishustin and
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vladimir putin. first deputy head of the presidential administration alexei gromov arrived in ostankino. i remember him very well, in fact speaking, he is such a strong, self-confident guy, the last time, i told him what i often say, which may not be heard, i told him this word, which is customary among the military, i told them to be more careful, but it is not always possible to be more careful . the president will consider the appeal that has already been received to award valery the order of courage posthumously, which is also his fifth or sixth award, but unfortunately the last, we will remember him. komsomolskaya pravda correspondent alexey kuts met valery in 2014 in surrounded slavyansk. and there lyokha and valera were just there and i look at this photograph, we are sitting in the basement, in my opinion, it was a maternity hospital that came under mortar fire and everything on... pinned down on the whole such a dark basement there was one bright spot on
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photographs, this is valera’s smile, look , and look at these photographs, an absolutely charming, disarming smile that was always enough for everyone, valera was always such a sparkle, such a bright spot that stood out very much, and at the same time he was a masculine, dryly modest person, although combat experience not enough for one person. in a war zone , it happens that an operator of one channel works with a correspondent of another; for example, there was not enough space in the helicopter, and valery was always ready to help in such cases, recalls our colleague alexey kruchinin. and, by the way, he recorded a lot of stand-ups for me, although he is an operator of the ntv channel, valera was my friend, not only mine, he had an amazing quality, amazing, some kind of powerful spiritual warmth emanated from him, he was always ready to help any situation. any situation, his
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colleagues, cameramen from all federal tv channels came to say goodbye to valery kozhin, it is cameramen who often take more risks than others, they are more noticeable on the battlefield, in order to take a good shot, they must stop for at least a few moments, sometimes these moments can become roaring, with him it was very comfortable to work together in one team, and we - he really was a very positive, kind person, strong and kind, we had to... run after the tank, and i carelessly slipped, fell and noticed, that at that time valery turned around and looked at me and said: roma, get up, it’s very difficult for me to speak, but for me he will remain alive, valery kozhin worked in tandem with a correspondent for many years. and on that day, june 13, under fire, they were also together.
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the doctors fought for valery’s life for several hours and did what they could. alexey is seriously injured in the hospital. since 2014, from the very beginning of this conflict, russian journalists have been under fire. there is no doubt that they are being hit deliberately. according to the investigative committee, the blow to the filming the ntv group was coordinated from a drone and the target was precisely journalists who were fulfilling their professional duty. alexander lyakin, zulfiya khakimova, alexey kozlov, channel one. the memory of military officers who died in the performance of their professional duties was honored at the exhibition of the russian national economy. today they summed up the results of the foundation’s two-year work, everything for victory. this popular front project has already united millions of people in our country. 14 billion rubles were received to support soldiers who are fighting courageously on the front line. fundraising war correspondents, including those of channel one, also opened.
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a minute of silence in memory of the fallen journalists. in the hall are the most active volunteers and philanthropists who form the core of the all for victory foundation. first deputy presidential administration sergei kiriyenko read out the greeting.
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dozens of people were noted, inventors, engineers, teachers, doctors, journalists; over 2 years , more than 4 million of our fellow citizens contributed to the general collection for the fighters, some with monetary contributions, others with things, from their own hands knitted mittens, warm socks, to cars, atvs. now this is almost 14 billion rubles of funds raised, more than 7 thousand copters, 24,000 body armor, more... 3.0 cars, 15,000 walkie-talkies, communications equipment and much, much, much more have been sent to the front line. well, if we talk about people, you know, these are the simplest people, these are very often pensioners, public sector employees, doctors. presidential aide alexei dzyumin presented an award to the developers of electronic intelligence systems to the creators drone with the ominous name ghoul.
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this is exactly how the first abrams was hit in the northern military district zone. those products that have proven themselves are used highly effectively on the battlefield.
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a mining system, that is, it is a universal platform on which virtually any application that is possible in the zone of a special military operation can be installed. at the front she is greeted like family. elena zubun sent 16 convoys from the irkutsk region to the front line for a total amount of 150 million rubles. from quadcopter radio station to dressing station material for parcels with things and children's letters. the soldiers even named their tank elena in her honor. i know not only the guys, i know their families, mothers, wives, children. and we are all already one big family, when i come to the guys, i have not yet managed to leave to get to moscow, they are already writing to me, when you come next time, they are like children, they are all family, like brothers, as you can say , we are one family, entrepreneur, sergei sentyaev, organized the production of medical hemostatic tourniquets, already
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sent more than 22 thousand pieces to charity, we made it from russian materials on the territory...
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every time you come to the guys in position, you understand how important it is, and you want to be involved, not only to do stories from the front line, but also to somehow help the guys, this is such a wonderful way out, a wonderful method, the guys from the popular front found and came up with, engineer ilya klepikov has more than thirty business trips to the combat zone , together with his friends he is modernizing equipment taking into account the wishes of the fighters, the main of which are maneuverability, speed and cross-country ability, this is how this two-wheeled mod came into being. an all-terrain vehicle, it has brackets for everything, for standard weapons, for an ak, for a shotgun, for disposable grenade launchers, the commander who used to ride there in a bukhanka or a uaz patriot, he starts driving. on such a thing they shoot at it much less, because it is a more difficult target for fpv, for everything else, and the target is not a priority, well,
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it’s very easy to camouflage it, it drove into the bushes, it’s still not visible. most of the specimens presented at the exhibition have already have been tested on the front lines. and this vehicle for evacuating the wounded was created on the basis of a racing buggy. the designers strengthened the suspension, figured out how to secure the stretcher, they say it can reach speeds of up to 140 km/h, and over rough terrain. there are several ten in total at the exhibition. developments created and modernized with the participation of the popular front, many exhibits, like this oasis bukhanka, with wishes to our soldiers from forum visitors, will soon go to the front line. olek shishkin, marad khabibulin, andrey lesnykh, veronika lyuchinkova, khristina ivanova, maria mortanova, nika vishnyakova, channel one. the corvette provorny was launched in st. petersburg. the ceremony took place at the northern shipyard, which is part of the united shipbuilding corporation. the commander-in-chief of the navy took part.
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enemy targets and submarines, landing troops and solving other problems in the near sea zone. it can voyage autonomously for 15 days and is equipped with caliber and redoubt missile systems. next year the nimble one must pass all necessary tests. and we return to vladimir putin’s visit to north korea. we have just received footage of the russian president arriving in kinyan; he was met right at the airport by the dprk chairman mimchen. it is at his invitation that the russian leader visits the republic. the visit has state status, which requires a particularly solemn protocol. at the negotiations, the leaders will discuss the development of cooperation in the fields of energy, transport, and agriculture. as a result, it is planned to sign an agreement on comprehensive strategic partnership between russia and north korea. we have provided our country with food and are ready to further develop export programs. today, at a strategic session at the coordination
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center of the russian government , issues of food security and ensuring leading positions in world markets were discussed. another topic is the increase in average life expectancy. to achieve this, the new national project will provide for a whole range of measures. this includes the development of nuclear medicine and the modernization of clinics. prime minister mikhail mishustin sets ambitious goals. anna kurbatova knows which ones? her report. looking at this gold in the fields, it is now difficult to imagine that back in the early 2000s, wheat was imported into our country as free food aid. russia today has turned from an importer of agricultural products into one of the largest exporters. our grain is bought in more than hundreds of countries. the main shipments, of course, are to friendly countries. we rank first in the world in wheat exports, second. for the supply of legumes, sunflower and rabeseed oils, third in barley trade, supplies of meat are increasing; in its production, our country ranks fourth
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in the world. our farmers were able to cope with everything. no restrictions, no sanctions have prevented agribusiness from promoting domestic agricultural raw materials and food for export, we clearly record this, we provide ourselves with a serious supply of fish, sugar and... potatoes , the harvest of vegetables has increased, we also continue to work on increasing the production of dairy products, in 2023 we have reached the value food security in almost all indicators of the doctrine, taking into account the high level of self-sufficiency of the domestic market, further development will be continuously associated with increasing exports. and here is the plan for the next six years. production volumes in the agro-industrial complex should increase by a quarter, and supplies abroad by 50%. our agricultural exports are developing quite dynamically, this allows us to provide products to the population of russia and
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our partner countries, as well as provide assistance to countries in need. together with therefore, in conditions of high self-sufficiency, the new guideline is to actively expand the geography of our trade. and here is another important emphasis: selection, for example, wheat is already in our fields. all domestic, it is necessary to achieve technological leadership. we will prioritize the development of selection and genetics. to obtain your own varieties and hybrids, which are in demand for new harvests in livestock farming, you simply need to organize the production of domestic, veterinary plant protection products and increase production agricultural machinery. we will also continue to use the well-proven mechanism of investment quotas to update the fishing fleet. it is precisely this comprehensive approach that will allow us to offer other countries a full-scale technological partnership, the need for which was mentioned
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by the head of state, another topic that was discussed today. a new national project called long and active life, it will be launched at the beginning of next year, one of the main tasks is longevity. last year a significant result was achieved, in on average about 73 and a half years, this is more than in the ussr in the entire history of modern russia. by 2030, life expectancy should increase by at least another 5 years, and by 2036 it should be at least 81 years. we have to close the difference. between regions, so that there are no lagging behind, and of course, focus on leaders, like dagestan, where the average life expectancy has been recorded for almost 80 years, special attention to life in the countryside, almost 37 million of our citizens live in the countryside, historically the birth rate in the countryside was higher, than in the city, we need to restore the potential of the village in demography, it is necessary to ensure the growth of a healthy and active life and
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delay the development time in humans. what is very important, i emphasize this , regardless of place of residence, we will pay special attention to expanding the nuclear medicine infrastructure. this area will be included in the national project for the first time. anna kurbatova, svetlana barkova, sergey kamensky, channel one. two-day negotiations between the heads of prosecutorial services of the brix countries started in st. petersburg. subject -
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modern digital solutions are in line with the law. they also discuss what role it plays in protecting the rights of citizens. artificial intelligence plays. participants share their experiences, talk about trends in the world of new technologies, and the meeting is chaired by the prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov. he also held a number of bilateral meetings in the northern capital. the russian prosecutor's office plays a key role in ensuring the rule of law, is a constitutional body and exercises the highest oversight of all officials' compliance with the constitution russian federation, federal laws. and also coordinate the work of the entire law enforcement system to combat crime. i am convinced that there is significant potential for developing our cooperation on the law enforcement track, including within the framework of the brix association. trade and economic cooperation, as well as cooperation in healthcare, culture, tourism and a number of other areas.
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they talk about everything about this during sergei sobyanin’s working trip to china. today the mayor of moscow in...
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new data on mass poisoning in central russia, bad weather in several regions at once and the genius of place festival in the small homeland of igor strovinsky. stay with us on channel one. gentlemen officers, behind the german squadron, ahead is friedrich karl. i don’t see any other way out than to lure the germans to the mines.
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unfortunately for us, the revolution has obscured the future from us, darkness is approaching, i order the officers to surrender their weapons. mancacher whiskey - a product of the stellar group, gin сnop, a product of the stellar group, monte
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shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro a product of the stellar group, pechora vodka, a product stellar group, vodka veda. product of stellor group cognac old barrel product of stellar group. excuse me, please. you cover up criminals and terrorists. you are deeply mistaken. my mom is better. well, of course. don’t you think that because of the mushrooms and the fire, i ’ll suddenly consider you my father? one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program,
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do you have some documents confirming that you are the father, beauty, what a mish you are, it’s all the same, you are beautiful, here’s a bear for you, i can’t live with ermakov now i'll wake up, understand? south you don’t touch what, we’ll get married anyway, i won’t go after nazar, i love the bear, varka, make up your mind, i need to start a new life, i’ll tell you to get settled, you’ll also rent a room somewhere, the thresholds are ahead, mom, misha, where they didn’t find him varka , the father said, you are on the rapids, you crashed, hold her.
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on the first, you’re crazy, don’t touch me, i won’t sleep with you, i’d rather not live at all, this is the program time and we continue, new data on the investigation of mass poisoning of people in moscow, the moscow region, the nizhny novgorod region and tatarstan, a source of dangerous food has been named poisoning, these are canned beans, all cases are related to the same thing... three people were detained in a criminal case, among them the general director of a food plant. all defendants have already been charged. the enterprise itself is closed. investigators revealed a violation of mandatory sanitary
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legislation requirements. the number of victims has increased today.


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