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tv   Odin shans na troikh  1TV  June 18, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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smile, i’m your husband now, otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shores, the premiere of a serial film from june 24 on the first, you’re crazy, don’t touch me, i won’t sleep with you, i won’t live better at all, this is a program time. and we continue. new data on the investigation of mass poisoning of people in moscow, moscow region, nizhny novgorod region and tatarstan. the source of dangerous food poisoning has been identified. these canned beans are all associated with the same manufacturer. three people were detained in the criminal case, including they are the general director of a food processing plant. all defendants have already been charged. the enterprise itself is closed. investigators revealed a violation of mandatory sanitary legislation requirements. the number of victims has increased today. about the progress of the investigation and the condition
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of those who ended up in hospitals in the report by lyubov filippova. in almost all of our patients who came to us, the first manifestations of the disease were visual disturbances, such as impaired visual acuity, double vision, and fog before the eyes. in some patients, so called ectos is drooping eyelids, impaired swallowing, and impaired speech. this is kazan, nizhny novgorod. with suspicion of butuulism, 14 people were hospitalized in each region, most of them are now in serious condition, many patients had to be connected to ventilators, botulinum toxin is one of the most powerful poisons that affects the nervous system and actually causes muscle paralysis, can also paralyze the diaphragm, the muscle that controls breathing, which is deadly. to infectious diseases hospitals in nizhny novgorod began to arrive on sunday, the count in such cases is by the hour, so a gastric lavage was immediately done, each of them, an intestinal lavage, and most importantly... in moscow
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, over 120 people in the moscow region sought medical help with preliminary 20 people were hospitalized with a diagnosis of batulism. all these people ordered ready-made food from a delivery service or bought it from supermarkets. lobbiu salad from the local kitchen service, its second name is local cuisine. two of his representatives have been detained, this general director and head of quality department. it's the same with the head of the company. after searches were carried out in places where products were sold by the departments of rospotrebnadzor in moscow and the moscow region, the activities of these organizations were suspended, and a violation of the mandatory requirements of sanitary and epidemiological legislation was revealed. the necessary examinations have been ordered for products seized in all these regions. in addition, it is being established which other regions could have supplied consumers with dangerous...
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products, as well as other persons who suffered as a result of its use. the source of botulinum toxin could be beans, they were in salads, it is in canned foods that this poison is most often found, the worst thing is that contaminated food is no different from normal food, it does not change color, smell, or taste, just like that an insidious toxin, the bacterium that produces it is called clastridilin. it lives in the soil; in fact, it is with poorly washed vegetables that it can end up in the canner jar. the bacterium itself is quite harmless, but in an airless environment, clastridians begin to multiply and produce poison, botulinum toxin. they get there from the intestines of a large horned cat, where they live without causing harm to anyone. fertilizer means manure, poorly washed, maybe even strawberry compotes, this is the source of mutulin poisoning. any vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, as well as meat and river fish. most often, this toxin appears in homemade pickles, there. where
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the cooking technology is not followed, it dies it is at a temperature of 130°. batulism really does not like acid or vinegar; if the product is prepared with vinegar, then there is less chance that batulism will multiply there. in reality, the list of products that may contain botulinum toxin is a little wider than just canned foods. for example, there were cases described when bottle toxin was found in carrots. that is, if you wrap it tightly in foil, for example, close it so that there is no oxygen left and hold it for some time, then the bacteria can multiply there, as already rospotrebnadzor stated that in the situation with the ill-fated beans , storage conditions were violated, the kitchen in the area bought it from the balashikha supplier savonka, it cannot be found in a regular store, it is sold only in wholesale quantities, and the production turned out to be located in an industrial zone in unsanitary conditions, that’s what.. . say
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employees of neighboring enterprises, it happens that trucks arrive, they don’t know where to go, we direct them there, the drivers come up and ask the savencan company: well, this explains that these are some kind of cucumbers, by the way, here they are. the most cucumbers, the products are now still sold in wholesale online stores, according to open sources, the company allegedly employs only seven people, in this case the question of how they managed to produce enough products to poison more than 150 people in different cities remains open, the problem is that we now have a moratorium on inspections, and even for violation of technical regulations.
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the region has been hit by bad weather for the second day, tropical downpours on the streets, and a real flood. you can’t walk on the roads, you can’t drive, in some places the cars were up to their windows in water. in some areas, the roofs of houses could not stand up. this is the kind of footage that eyewitnesses share on social networks. forecasters' forecasts are disappointing; showers and thunderstorms will continue for several more days with a short break, despite the fact that over the past 24 hours more than half of the monthly rainfall has already fallen on moscow. it is possible that a record will be set in the near future. a similar picture is in ulyanovsk. trees were knocked down, streets were flooded, and several cars were completely swept away by the floodwaters. the consequences of the rampant elements are now being eliminated. well, this is kazan. there, after a downpour, the cars were half submerged under water, and many suffered water hammer. the owners now face expensive repairs.
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an exhibition dedicated to the leader of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov opened in the state duma today. it is dedicated to the politician's upcoming birthday. on june 6 , zyuganov will turn 80 years old. the ceremony was attended by friends and colleagues, representatives of all duma factions. speaker of the lower house, vyacheslav volodin, as well as the ambassadors of cuba and canada. gennady andreevich himself shared his impressions of the exhibition. u i had difficult thoughts, because it’s too early to sum up the results at my age, and tomorrow may be too late. well, in general, the main conditions of my life are justice and friendship. and russia above all, to you with the opening of the exhibition, and to me with the upcoming anniversary, geniuses of the place, this is the name of a unique festival that is held in honor of great musicians, where they were born. this time it is dedicated to
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igor stravinsky, a russian composer and innovator admired by the whole world. 142 years since the birth of the master, whose name an entire era in cultural life is connected. wriggle, then seem to melt, this is one of the most complex ballets by stravinsky, it’s quite difficult to perceive, when you hear it for the first time, you don’t even understand how to physically adjust your movements to this music, but over time it becomes
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much easier, like swimming in the sea, the premiere of the seaside stage of the mariinsky theater performed in the courtyard of the large menshkov palace, with valerie at the conductor's stand...
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we arrived in tikhven, the homeland of rimsky korsakov, it seemed that i was not breathing, realizing
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that for me this is just specifically very important, understanding that it was on this royal that perhaps some fragments from my favorite opera the tsar’s bride were performed for the first time, perhaps even invented, this of course makes me plunge into some kind of ocean of eternity, in honor glinka brought a monumental theatrical production of life for the tsar to smolensk, to the stage of the pskov philharmonic... they showed the legendary khovanshchina by mussorsky, in tchaikovsky’s homeland in votkinsk, his last opera iolanta, their music sounds all over the world, now it sounds all over the world, it sounds as strong as ever, the performance of khovanshchina by vlaskal is quite recent, this is not a success, this is a shock, this is a powerful element, and we will propose to the greatest theatrical and musical tradition and hide our wealth. we won’t say anything from anyone, but the grand festival ended with stravinsky’s most soulful works,
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and his vocal music was heard on the marinka stage. kristina levieva, mikhail kunitsin and oleg smolkov, channel one. amazing charm and beauty that did not leave anyone indifferent. anna didn't become french actress, whom we know primarily from the film by claude lilhouche, a man and a woman, and the drama by federica felline, 8 and a half sweet. ank died at home in paris, surrounded by her family, in the ninety-third year of her life. during her brilliant career, she starred in more than eighty films, she always conveyed to the viewer exactly how her heroines felt, love, devotion, respect. she was able to create completely different images, a woman who is impossible to forget.
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that's all, watch the time, stay up to date with events, now on air on channel one. new series of the film one chance for three.
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what's happened? drop the gun. i'm a policewoman. i'm a policewoman. let go, idiot, put them in the car, car, no, let them go, damn it, we 'll see each other again.
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keys, yeah, give the car to those who meet you, vitya , those are where you will stay in the car, vitya, how do i recognize those who meet you, don’t worry, they know everything themselves, which means don’t turn off the route anywhere and don’t break the rules and then... everything will be fine , maybe keep an eye on the kid, you don’t need problems at all right now, i see, god bless you, yes, grandmothers, good luck, thank you. and if ian’s bus is delayed, well, it’s unlikely, in any case, wait at the appointed place, of course, god bless, yes, antoli vasilyevich, when we
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get home, i have it there, i’ll tell you, you don’t promise much, otherwise you’ll have to spanish. that's it, jump, come on, oh, look, there 's a child's seat here, i won't go in it, why? but because my mother and i are always seatless, yes, it’s obvious, you’ll go, no? clear.
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i need to identify the person from the photo, this is the man who took ketta not on a skaf, russian diplomat, we will never catch them, i need to interrogate him, i need to understand how they will be transported across the border, and where, this is prohibited, we will catch them ourselves, the borders are closed, they will probably get out by water.
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i want to go to the toilet, that’s not what you’re looking for, yeah, but they didn’t teach you that you can’t litter, now it will decompose for a thousand years, not a thousand, just 100, they clean up our roads, but i want to go to the toilet. i won’t slow down, i shouldn’t have thrown away the bottle, then drink, but
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not in pants, in tights, good, what are you talking about? that's it, we're slowing down, we're slowing down.
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find out his address, go, where, i mean, where, there, outside, on the street, or what? yes, i went outside and took a pee, i can’t do that. come here, we can’t stand here for long,
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come on! don’t splash your dress, i try, but it’s uncomfortable. or maybe we’ll finally stop, i
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’m feeling seasick, tabi, be patient, there will be a stop soon, we’ve been driving for 3 hours, i’m feeling sick, you ’re not feeling sick, you want to smoke, you know everything. i’m turning to you, actually, if you don’t stop, in a minute i ’ll vomit right here. former minister of information, read the propaganda, in his duty he went to pat the brains of the ukrainians, turning them against. here stez is the punisher.
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as a result of his criminal actions , 582 people were injured, including 16 children. the goal is to make you afraid to even think in russian. if you dig deeper, your ears stick out very much, that is, it’s not just poroshenko’s godfather who is completely in charge of the united states of america. they used to be called bots, but now they are bots of the big anti-russia project. he created a whole system of informing western intelligence services, we ran into ermak, yes, for example.
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they will take you out of the fragmentation, pick you up, it’s strange, we’re going, we’re not firing a single shot, this is the worst thing, when the soul is shooting calmly, i have a categorical order from the commander, take the sokolovka, rocket, lieutenant, krisha, forward, lieutenant, he’s already turning around , well, what are you waiting for, shut up, you, calm down, misha, calm down, there’s no... anointing, comrade colonel, the right flank ran into mines, chorbak, go ahead, why are you standing, i’ll shoot you, in war, like in the war, june 22, on the first, come on, maleshkin, well done, maleshkin, press on, maleshkin, what a grandmother in a leather jacket, young, cool, oh,
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in vain, aunt. dad fools around like no one else, and not because others don’t want to, it’s just that others don’t know how. alena generally looks super, as if it were a brother-sister, when you joined, i realized that no one had any questions about the song anymore, ren also added, the hall just began to go wild, i’m drawing, i’m drawing you, i draw you, you have such a wonderful son, so active on stage, you have love on stage too, this is the most important thing.
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do you like it here? do you know how many lakes there are in russia, here is baikal, for example, it is a thousand times more beautiful than this, vitya, here i am, voita, voita, are you threatening, and i offended you or something, or maybe your mother told you something about me, i’m old enough to understand everything yourself, and what else? you know, that’s it, it’s interesting, well, tell me, i’m an adult, it seems, but i don’t understand a damn thing anymore, i ’ve never seen you, my dad was tom’s dad, and
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then you showed up, everything broke for mom, just a second, first mom everything destroyed, and then i showed up to help, it's not true, i heard how you argued with your mother at night, you don’t want to... because people should help each other, if you’re offended by me, then tell me what you’re offended by, so that i understand, otherwise there’s a whole bunch of problems, more you’re here, let’s
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have some fun, otherwise you look like i stole you, in general, listen to me, take an example from me, be kind! okay, i’m still your father, firstly, i’m not sure that i can follow the example of the man who left my mother alone, and secondly, i don’t want to listen to the man who puts my mother in danger and thirdly, c is the one who raised, and not biological material, like you, what, you
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were like, okay, okay, listen, as it will be in finnish, excuse me, but he is a taxi, yeah, anteksi, antaksi, yes , that's right, yes, that's it, sit here. don’t go anywhere, antaxi, bro, well, you have to be more careful, keep your distance, otherwise you see how it turns out, hey, he’s kolisi, hey, polisi, ah, don’t climb, don’t climb, what? jumalauta, ei, hei.
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sleep a little, i don’t want to sleep, the noise bothers me, you took something to eat with you, i want to eat, look at the bags, he’s really funny,
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there's nothing here, in the other bag, look, dear. sorry, please, i didn’t do it on purpose, nothing.
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where is tomar vitalna? why do i know, they were probably taken somewhere, for procedures? no, they were completely taken away, since there are no things, then everything, which means everything, is exhausted, if there is an operation or procedure, then the things remain when they die, along with the things. takes you where.
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i’m feeling sick again, yes, i’ll go out, i need to sit, i feel bad, sit, i said, i ’ll throw away all your cigarettes, we’ll come, you’ll smoke, now sit quietly, don’t disturb people, how long can. everything’s fine with you, with me, everything ’s fine, everything’s fine, yeah, you’re wearing your seat belt, yeah, okay. why are we
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going so fast? really. why did we stop, we need to take a break, exhale, so to speak, that is, we are hiding from someone, yeah, no. let's talk,
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biomaterial, where did you get this nonsense from? you read it on the internet, of course, where else, and this is not nonsense, when a father abandons his children, he is called a biological father, simply biomaterial, i don't like you... beautiful , then why weren't you with us? it's complicated, so mom says the same thing, i think you ’re hiding something from me, oh, well, of course, your mom knows better, wait a minute, that is, you want to say that mom didn’t tell you why i wasn’t with you , no?
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do you want mushrooms? well, in general, my mother doesn’t allow me to eat mushrooms, why? you can get poisoned by cribs, your mother understands a lot, i’m
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a professional mushroom picker, are you really lucky? mushrooms are my thing, let's go, won't we be late for mom? if we're not late, let's go, but what if we're late? listen, she is going by bus, we are by car, we will arrive before her anyway, this is don’t go to a fortune teller, let’s go, who don’t go to, then why can’t you go to a fortune teller, because they are all fools.
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we have no place to wait for cartridges, and to hell with them, we have always beaten the enemy and will continue to beat them, unimportant news, gentlemen, red is on the way to omsk, god help us, admiral, on
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friday on the first, in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk, the one who is looking ... he will get it, even if you are a superstar, i am victoria prutkovskaya, a representative of an exclusive cosmetics company, today we have no pretse, no spritz, i was a very homely girl, i i didn’t go to any discos or any parties, women, why don’t you and i never once in our lives prepare in the evening what we’ll wear to work tomorrow, no, and everyone. morning we stand in front of the wardrobe in our underwear in a panic, you know, i’m that kind of person, i close the door once and never open it again, i clearly make a decision and then follow it and don’t look back, i’m absolutely happy because ... then my whole picture, it’s so correct and the way it should be,
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what i’ve dreamed of since childhood, on saturday at first, this year we... celebrate the seventy -ninth anniversary of the great victory, let's talk about songs of the war years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films, death is not terrible, a great song that i wrote alexander vasilyevich alexandrov, when there were the most terrible gods, and of course, this song is a legendary symbol of our army. on february 17, 1944, comrade gotsman, that is, my grandfather, was able to single-handedly destroy 150 manpower and knocked out two tanks, one of which is a tiger, where are you now, friends, when i go out as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the whole
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war, these are the heroes who gave us life, these are the ones who are young, who now we have taken their places, low bow to you guys. i was born and raised in the donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me this is, first of all, a great honor. june 22 on the first. tanya, what are you doing? no, it looks like i will never be on the list. listen, will you not sew for me in line? well if i’ll get a job, close your eyes, people behind this door sew couture and work with imports, it’s disgusting. it’s not about the suit, it’s about you, when they took you to the section, they warned you that we have special clients here, and that the attitude towards them should
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also be special. tanyusha, don’t refuse the courtesy, have dinner with me, i came here to work, don’t wag your tail, what are you doing, give me a pin, no, wait, no, no, no, volodya, who is this, madiska, these are meriem’s trousers, i see so modest? you can’t say that it’s a heartbreaker, so the situation like this, i met a girl and fell in love with her, haven’t you forgotten that we are discussing our wedding at your house this evening, subtle matters on sunday on the first, i’m marrying one, but it seems i love another, this is anatoly vasilyevich gorchakov. employee of the russian embassy, ​​the address is in the file, i sent it to you by email,
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thank you, thank you, you don’t mind your career, you’ll be thrown out of work in one go, i need to catch her, you say. i also chased until he takes it, let’s do it for him, although he wouldn’t approve of it, i don’t need his approval, how are you even going to catch it? with your help, you you will keep me informed about everything that is happening, you came up with a very cool idea,
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you won’t tell me why, because you are like my own uncle, and i love you very much, what a dare, okay, he thinks that they are on the water will move to estonia. i’ll have enough, otherwise i’ll fall asleep again, i’m going to bed tonight
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, i’ll go, if i find out anything, thank you. and let’s be more careful, i promised my father to look after you, although you still don’t obey, be more careful. it's a great place for a fire, you can't have a fire here, why? well, there's a sign hanging over there, yes,
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indeed, it’s impossible, but in our case it’s better if we make a fire here, especially since they are the right ones, a professional firefighter, and yes, indeed, if the sign hangs forbidden, it means it’s forbidden, the main thing here is that you make a fire correctly, and how it’s the right way to make a fire. a fire cannot be built under the tree crowns on the roots, the fire must be on the leeward side of the tree, here everything also fits in, there will be a fire here so that there is no smoke, you need dry firewood, i understand, this will do, something like that, only dry, that means, you’re looking for firewood, i’m looking for mushrooms. i'm there, you're here, don't go too far, let's go.
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hello, tomar vitalna, i am. where are you? i buried you already, it’s a bit early, i’ll live a little longer. tamara vitalievna, why did you
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refuse treatment? what kind of treatment is there, i can take pills at home, the doctor told you in russian, this doctor even when he studied with me, he talked a lot, i’m going home, period, i want to know what’s happening to my son, i want to watch news, i won’t lie here while he is tamara vitalievna, it’s hard for everyone now, everyone is worried, i have there’s a sister and nephew there, i’m no less worried than you are, and by the way, oleg knows that you had a heart attack. a sweater? yes, roma told him everything. that's blabbering. they also told him that you were being treated in the hospital and that everything would be fine with you. your main task now is to get treatment so that your son can do what he is supposed to do there. and so that when he
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returns, he will be met alive and well. mother, every morning you will come to me and tell me the news.
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here's some more, oh, excellent firewood, come on, throw it away,
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we'll start the fire now, yeah. well done, ordinary how people light a fire, well, with a match, a lighter, well, yes, ancient people generally rubbed sticks, yes, i saw in documentaries, oh, it’s all bullshit, i’ll show you the modern way, electricity, why are you laughing, look, oh, cool, what does this mean, is it possible to light any fire with electricity? no, only if it was made by a professional firefighter like me.
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are you hiding criminals? do you want me to call the police? i'm from the police myself. what are you doing? spying on an embassy employee? i don't follow anyone. i have a suspicion that you hiding criminals? i can't prove it, but am i sure you have them? or did you have? tarja, right? yes, you are tarja paikola, yes, your colleague ilmari routu, by requesting information about an employee of the russian embassy, ​​broke the law, you understand that
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they are criminals, they not only kidnapped a child, they shot at the police, stole a car, attacked a person, conversation oh... it's over, you are covering up for criminals and terrorists, you are deeply mistaken.
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well, how cool, you are alive and alive, and you love your mother, what kind of question is that? it's clear, what's clear, you just don’t think that we can buy me delicious mushrooms at the fire, that’s fine.


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