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tv   Novosti  1TV  June 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm MSK

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there are many options, i, for example, believe that we will appear with the houthis, but i, for example, have already lost my tongue about the fact that i may have said many times that we do not need any of their kushites, we, for example, have there is a state of abkhazia that is not recognized by anyone, you understand, if some, so to speak, political groups appear in abkhazia that will engage in guerrilla warfare in the black sea and begin to shoot down american aircraft with the help of abkhazian air defense systems, then what in this case, what are the claims? let's put an ellipsis here and let them think, the news comes first channel. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. historical connections and new prospects for cooperation.
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human organs are created on a bioprinter. we have now launched printing, this is some kind of small prototype of the brain. what other miracles can scientists from the federal center for brain and neurotechnology of the fmba do? results of work over 5 years. a new round in the boeing scandal. a sensational investigation reveals that four hundred low-quality parts could have been installed on new airliners. will it land? management of the aviation concern? russia and the dprk
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signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, the basis of relations for many years to come. vladimir putin held negotiations with kimchen-un, both with the participation of the delegation and the tetatet. moscow highly appreciates that pyongyang consistently and invariably supports russian policy, including in ukraine. anatoly lazarev will tell you how vladimir putin was greeted and what the parties agreed on. vladimir putin's visit to the dprk. state status, its importance, the receiving party emphasizes carefully observing the solemn ceremony, along the route of the russian president's motorcade, thousands of pye'nyang residents, many holding flowers and flags, they are chanting the name of the head of the russian state, the official meeting ceremony of the russian president and the leader of the dprk on kimersen square, vladimir putin arrives, he is met by kimchet yn, the leaders shake hands and greet the delegation members. on the go, he manages to discuss something,
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the russian anthem sounds. then the dprk anthem plays over the square. soldiers marched in front of the heads of state honor guard of the north korean armed forces, then vladimir putin and kimchen-un got into an open-top car and drove around the square and then went to the residence, where negotiations took place. dear chairman of state affairs, comrade kemjin ying, dear friends, i am sincerely pleased to accept your invitation to visit the democratic people's republic of korea.
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russia and the dprk have been linked by strong friendship and close good neighborliness for many decades. interaction between our countries is based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, interests to each other. last year, as a result of your visit to russia, we made significant progress towards building our interstate connections of today. and today a new one is prepared.
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this is twice as long as planned, after which the leaders signed an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, as the russian delegation is told, the emergence of a new document is due to the profound evolution of the geopolitical situation in the world and the region and qualitative changes in bilateral relations recently,
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it is also intended to ensure greater stability in northeast asia, following the solemn ceremony of the state visit, the host party nevertheless leaves space for informal communication, thereby emphasizing: of course, we also have a walk on the street in our program, but now there very hot. however, the heat outside did not in any way affect the favorable climate in bilateral relations. anatoly lazarev, olga gersimenko, kirill danilov, channel one. a diplomatic settlement could not be achieved at the summit in switzerland conflict, moment of truth. at a meeting of the un security council, and the representative of the united states admitted the obvious. as important as this summit is, it is important to note that these were not formal negotiations. in the end, to end the war diplomatically, russia and ukraine need to sit down at
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the negotiating table. and that’s it, the moment of truth is over. next, greenfield said that russia had not demonstrated a desire to negotiate during the conflict. she said so, despite the news that was broadcast that week by all the leading tv channels in the world, vladimir putin’s proposal is not just about freezing the conflict, about its complete cessation, but this was not the goal pursued by zelensky and his western curators when they convened their conference in switzerland, because they convened this meeting with the sole purpose of trying to revive a dead horse, a pseudo-peaceful pseudo-global conference in bürgenstock, for any sane observer. the only purpose of the meeting was to gather extras in order to put forward an ultimatum against russia, supposedly on behalf of the international
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communities. the news that came from the council what kind of peace can we talk about if the federation, speaker valentina matvienko instructed the international affairs committee to prepare a draft decision on suspending the participation of the russian delegation. senators, and we also work with this issue on an annual systematic basis; on a positive note, we note that in 2023, for the first time in 10 years, the queue of needy orphans decreased by 3,200 people, in five regions the debt was reduced
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by more than 10%. a new round of scandal around boeing, the aviation concern does not know where several hundred faulty parts went; perhaps they were installed on new lines. it is unclear whether this is an error or intentional actions, bloomberg writes about this, citing the company’s quality control inspector, sam mohak. his report was read in the us senate. a boeing quality control inspector claimed that the planning department had lost track of hundreds of faulty parts. entries about them were removed from internal directories, some of them, according to him, could be installed on new aircraft 737 max. mohag also alleged that boeing, prior to the inspection at ... confidently concealed from the us federal aviation administration that some large components, such as rudders and flaps, were not stored correctly. recently, boeing has been going through a bad streak, either the casing of one of the engines is torn off, the landing gear falls off, or the emergency exit door flies out right at the top. against this background
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, the news about the death of two informants at once looked rather suspicious. auditor josh eldin and former boeing engineer john barnett. they reported malfunctions at the main american aircraft concern. more than 50 thousand offenses in the field of migration were stopped by police officers in a week, the first stage of operation illegal 2024 was completed, large-scale inspections of enterprises . about 900 foreign citizens were administratively expelled and deported from the russian federation, over 600 unscrupulous employers were identified and brought to administrative responsibility for illegal attracting foreigners to work. installed. 150 wanted persons. patients with
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severe diagnoses restore freedom of movement, thought, and communication. the federal center for brain and neurotechnology of the fmba is 5 years old. epilepsy, alzheimer's, parkinson's for tens of thousands of people who have been helped at the center during this time, these diagnoses are no longer a death sentence. unique operations, new directions, treatment technologies, about what is still within the reach of the country's leading specialists, in the report by yulia onishchenko. when he writes, yes, he holds a pen, the hand spasms, so today we will have an operation that will allow all these symptoms eliminate. it is not just difficult for a forty-year-old patient to write, the woman experiences discomfort, weakness, pain without exaggeration, this disease twists her arms, the cause of brain damage, until recently, the only and often unsuccessful treatment was pills, but now there is a breakthrough, the latest technique is used in the neurotechnology center of the fmba, with a beam ultrasonic beams without incision. the technology also helps
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people with parkinson’s disease; of course, the problem does not completely go away, but tremors or hand trembling become less. need to say, here, treatment is selected individually for each patient. alexey, a member of the svo, almost a year ago received a head injury, memory loss, movement impairment, speech disorder, his wife irina is always there, we have gone through a lot during this time, well, thanks to this center, which we... in one of the leading fba centers science and practice work in unison, here they create oncology vaccines, drugs for the treatment of dementia, alzheimer's disease, this is the combination of scientists, doctors, developers, drugs from the manufacturers themselves, and it really allows to implement projects that are unique, not only for our country, but also for the world community, growing artificial organs is another important direction of the clinic, we have now... launched printing on a bioprinter of the next
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model, this is a kind of small prototype of the brain. the idea is this: scientists use a bioprinter to grow the damaged part of the brain from the patient’s own cells and transplant it into the patient. so far, only an experiment, technology, as they say, in the work, this latest equipment today makes it possible to identify the most severe neuropathology. and this is a hybrid technology of mri and pt in one device, which allows you to not only see the structure of an organ. but to evaluate its work, this is especially important in case of epilepsy, when other research methods have been powerless. the further method of treatment depends on the data obtained. in addition, such diagnostics can be carried out several times in a row; it is safe for both adults and small patients. here the radiation exposure is several times less. and in children this is also important, because the development of the body, it happens quickly, and any, any external influence can affect the formation of certain structures. is carried out using a radiopharmaceutical and it is different for each disease, so the center plans to launch its own
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neuroradiological complex, where new drugs will appear, the list of incurable diseases will become even smaller. yulia anishchenko, vladimir bokarev, mikhail boborev, arina semyonova, channel one. large-scale exercise in kamchatka, pacific fleet, dozens of ships, marine units. the task is to get out from under the enemy's attack. then naval aviation and aircraft begin to work. in moscow today they honored graduates of the military academy of the general staff of the armed forces, one of the oldest educational institutions in the country, senior officers are trained there, the most important defense tasks fall on their shoulders...
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more than half of the students graduated from the academy with honors; the graduates now have all the necessary knowledge for the service and the military experience of entire generations, military personnel from friendly countries also underwent training. that's all for now, the broadcast will continue on the first program, time will tell, we welcome the viewers of the first channel, well, we were waiting for vladimir putin’s visit to north korea and the way the states responded to it, there they had a meeting with lgbts, frankly speaking, they responded powerfully, responded powerfully, powerfully, well, well let’s talk about this now, there’s an amazing story here, not even six months have passed in ukraine, so remember there.


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