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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 19, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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the position of the salon, presented by leading enterprises of the industry, will allow guests and specialists to become familiar with the advanced achievements and latest developments in the field of shipbuilding and naval technology, and an extensive scientific and business program will help to establish strengthening business ties. an important component of the fleet 2024 salon is the demonstration of modern warships and support vessels that have entered service with the navy in recent years: mikhail ogeev, that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program, hello, live on channel one, the program time will tell, just recently. i
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said, starting one of these programs, that today, looking at the news agenda, it would be necessary to start the program with the word, and today it is exactly the same thing to start with the word, but because hello, in korean, was heard today from all russian screens, not only anyohao, but also many other phrases in korean, since yesterday we already went off the air in... president of the russian federation vladimir putin arrived on a state visit the level of the meeting you you see for yourself, you probably saw more than once today in the news that the leader of the korean people's democratic republic came himself to meet air force one, on which vladimir putin arrived, and of course i said this yesterday on the air, that today we will all stand and we will witness.
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ceremonies, how they know how to hold parades there, this step, this is of course, well, that the guests, how they know how to organize official ones there , is called, honed to, as a person who had something to do with drill training, i can tell you that, given that in this moment outside, i think it’s +35 or 36, well, in general... they know how, as they say, to create a festive atmosphere, and of course, today they talked a lot about it, they showed it a lot, they talked a lot about how a total of 11 hours putin communicated with kimchenyn, they drove in a car, and as i understand it, they drove in a car, vladimir vladimirovich was driving, and the kemchans in the passenger seat then somewhere did not show us where they changed seats and drove.
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and what is the framework of bilateral cooperation, and i would even venture to say, much further beyond the framework even regional problems, taking into account that the korean settlement, japan, which is nearby, and the far east in general, in the light of the fact that everyone is saying not 26, but the twenty-seventh year of taiwan and so on, of course, the presence there of such a power as the korean people's democratic the republic is such an increasingly important noticeable factor in this region, but - in my opinion, the significance of this meeting, including the context of this meeting, we all understand that on friday there was a speech by vladimir vladimirovich, who said about the new system of international security, there were words about the need for the united states , in general, to be removed from eurasia and many other things, this context suggests that this meeting can, and i am sure, will have significant and... global consequences,
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global development and a lot can be discussed on its basis, speculate about where it is moving next, in fact, not even this construction. the whole structure is large, yes, this is the structure, because the far east, as we understand it, is one of the supporting cornerstones, so to speak, stones modern geopolitics, well, in general , about this context and about what is inside this context and what conclusions we can assume, presumably draw from this visit and from what was said and from what can be assumed remains outside the brackets, this is what i think, you and i... now we’ll discuss it after a short advertisement on the first channel, don’t switch, hurray, hurray, fought, not yet, who hasn’t yet, they will take us out of
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the sub-dam, raise us, strange, we’re going, we’re going, not a single shot, this is the worst thing when shoots. i have peace of mind, i have a categorical order from the commander to take the sokolovka, rocket, lieutenant, krisha, forward, lieutenant, he’s already turning around, well, what are you waiting for, shut up, calm down, misha, calm down, you can’t mess around here, comrade colonel, right the flank ran into mines, cheesebak, go ahead, why are you standing, i’ll shoot you, in the war, like... in the war on june 22 on the first, come on, maleshkin, well done, maleshkin, press, maleshkin, in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk, the one, whoever seeks will receive, even if you are a superstar, i am victoria
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prutkovskaya, representative of an exclusive cosmetics company, today we have no prece, no prece, you, i was a very homely girl. i didn’t go to any discos or any parties, women, why don’t you and i never once in our lives prepare in the evening what we will wear to work tomorrow, no, every morning we stand in front of the wardrobe in my underwear and in a panic, you know, i’m such a person, i close the door once and never open it again, i clearly make a decision and then follow it, and don’t i look back and i’m absolutely happy. because somehow my whole picture, it’s so correct and the way it should be, what i’ve dreamed of since childhood, on saturday, on the first day. osana is the correct posture. pranayama is breath control. at
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the first stage of purification, you must suppress anger. oh, why is nina vasilievna taking so long, now the katukovs are coming, what are we going to do alone? greatness, kotukova is just your regimental horse. igogo, subtle matters, on sunday on the first. who sews like this? it's not about the suit, it's about you. don't be offended, please, it's just very important to choose the right outfit. claudia! and you’re also good at sending her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with your collective farm, and this is your bear, it’s fashionable to bring strangers, he’s not mine, i love you, cooking, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga,
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just tell me, you have your daughter he gets confused with the bear, you're fucking crazy, i saw it myself, you're crazy, ermakov the bear was here, i find out that i'll kill both of them, okay? you missed me, i couldn’t live without you nazark, little lady, stop, you’re disturbing me, we nazar and i love each other, he will kill you, he won’t kill you, he found someone else for himself, my nazar, stop it, because of him you have already come close to death twice, that means i love you to death, war has been declared, yes, i heard are you writing from home? they don’t write, the devil knows what’s the matter, two banks, the premiere of a serial film from june 24 on the first, who?
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my family makes me happy, because the most important thing in life for a person is his family, each family, like a unit, must try to pass on everything we have, the best, to... than to children with their spend time with children so that they learn something new, suggest something to them, my dad loves to fish, he even took first place in fishing competitions, family is the basis of everything for me, i live for it, for i breathe her, my three children, this is the most precious thing, in my opinion, for a woman, to be a father for me means to be a support, a wall, i lived a family in the year of a family, so that they were happy, healthy, lived well,
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the program time will tell, we continue work live and discuss vladimir putin’s visit to north korea, which is much more and broader in scope in terms of its potential consequences than just a visit to north korea, with all the importance, i repeat, of how important mutual, mutual cooperation with north korea is, ours both for that side and for ours, well, i already said yesterday , just look at the composition of the russian delegation, which includes the minister of foreign affairs, and first deputy prime minister denis manturov, who oversees, among other things , the defense industry and... the minister of defense, the deputy minister of defense, who oversees
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weapons, and the head of roscosmos, and we immediately we understand that the presence in the delegation of people who oversee these issues indicates that there are a lot of these specific interaction points between two countries, individual industries, taking into account the context, and they are also very important, but speaking about the context, i it seems that why this visit is much broader... than a conversation about north korea and even about this region, because the context of the north military district, which takes place, it would seem , is very far from there, from the very beginning he was not only present at this meeting, but read very clearly, that is, this meeting fits into the context of the svo, despite the fact that both sides coincide in the understanding that... there is a svo, that this is a special military operation on the territory of the former ukraine, but its addressee or purpose or
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an opponent of it, he is, well, much bigger than the former ukraine. listen to vladimir putin. we highly appreciate your consistent and unwavering support for russian policy, including in the ukrainian direction, bearing in mind our fight against... imposed throughout decades of hegemanist policies on the part of the imperialist policies of the united states and its satellites in relation to the russian federation. so, that is , this is our context in which we declare our perception of relations, relations with north korea, and listen to what the north korean leader says about this? uh?
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well, what does a comprehensive strategic partnership mean? it’s now signed and it’s not just signed, but. those, let's say, comments that our president and supreme commander-in-chief gave after his signing, this is again a reminder that the context in which all this is happening is much wider than even the far eastern one. listen. the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today provides, among other things, for the provision
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of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document. i draw attention to statements by the united states and other nato countries about the supply of high-precision weapons systems, large, large radio systems, f-16 aircraft and other high-tech weapons, equipment for striking russian territory. yes, in fact, this is not only a statement, this is already happening, all this is a gross violation of the restrictions imposed by western countries.
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in the russian federation, as you have heard about american statements about weapons, about strikes in partnership with north korea in the context of a special military operation, well, from here we come to many more substantive questions about what this agreement means, how far it can go, and broader issues, and specialists in the region, and political scientists, in general, about, well, let’s say, does this reveal? some new page within the framework of this global confrontation, that is, roughly speaking, what the parties are saying to each other, they are also saying to the city and the world, please, well - regarding the visit of supreme commander putin to the democratic people's republic of korea and the signed documents , well, here it should
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be said that this content really is broader than shown, yes, that is, this is not only, this is first of all... weapons of a strategic nature, that is , this is primarily work in relation to what the americans, in particular the japanese, and south korea fear and fear, is that the russian federation will contribute to the development and improvement of nuclear...
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one of the few countries that has had a real active assistance in a special military operation, this is the supply of ammunition, in word and deed, in word and deed, especially in deed, especially in deed, and we see how the same seaul, the same tokyo, the same same washington are very tense, because they they see that production means that the defense industry in north korea is working at full capacity, 24x7, deliveries are in progress , even more supplies are being prepared, even more. in addition to military-technical cooperation, we saw as part of the russian delegation the plenipotentiary representative of our president in the far eastern federal district, mr. trutnev, and this suggests that very serious issues of regional development, regional development, the project, which means the port in usti of the tumannaya river - this is very old since the soviet times like this, well, such a long
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strategic project that still could not begin, well, but... the termination of the nuclear program, that was all it was, we went through it all, we supplied, the chinese supplied, and everyone else sat quietly, i’m silent in the corner, well, as if on washington’s command, which means we’re not
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doing anything, the same japan, the same south korea, you mentioned today, that means about the f-16, about the supply of american weapons to ukraine, this is not i, putin mentioned it, well , it’s clear that vladimirovich, of course, also mentioned i couldn’t help but mention this, but the usa is doing the same thing on... on this front, just like the f-35 fighters in south korea, and the f-35 fighters in japan, their mass production in japan, licenses, yes , expanding the capabilities of japan, that means, in the defense industry, because japan and south korea also supply military equipment to ukraine, but we are faced with south korean shells for howitzers, and south korea is one of the strongest countries in the field of military production, not everyone knows this, by the way. very strong military production, yes, a very powerful defense-industrial complex, it may happen that in the twenty-seventh year that you mentioned, this country will take fourth place in the world ranking in the global
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arms market, and japan also thought about how to really, that means also seriously, it means becoming a participant in the international arms trade, we expect that the japanese military will not only transfer stocks of its anti-aircraft missiles for the complexes. triot, well , it may well be that they will achieve some result in conversations with their american partners regarding the supply of armored vehicles, and at the end of this year we can see japanese tanks that have been withdrawn from service, type-74, we can see in the vastness of ukraine, we will also burn them, so north korea, like no one else, understands all the rigidity and generally predatory conduct of foreign policy from outside.
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people for serious development and further movement forward, i agree with everything that was said, but what you said is within the framework of our cooperation within the framework of regional problems and existing potentially possible ones that will arise, but deducing this, trying to look at it from the point of view of a slightly broader context, but now global, considering that it sounds like the usa, and hegemanism and imperialism and confrontation, and so on. in your opinion, this visit and the signing of this agreement, because in fact, if my memory serves me correctly, from
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1961 to 1992 there was an agreement that approximately contained the same components: mutual assistance in the event of a military attack and so on and so forth, in ninety-two year, it was changed and from there the military component, well...
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you know, how this period of fear of fears that some of our actions, yes, washington might censure there and so on, ended, the time of drawing red lines, diplomatic exhortations it’s over, that’s it, this same agreement, you know how, here the korean people’s democratic republic is one of the few countries that actually, without declaring or hiding, possesses... possesses nuclear missile weapons in full, and not only possesses, but also and shares these technologies with others, the same iran, iranian hypersonic missiles from where,
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from there? so, this suggests that the most important thing that the americans did not have time to do in the asian-tekhotan theater of military operations, the most important thing is that they did not have time to attack us , the dprk, russia, the far east, they did not have time to attack us separately, that's it, the moment is missed, the strategic initiative is lost, uh-huh, oh, but at the moment when we talk about... about the strategic initiative, it is clear that we begin to think in terms of the strategic confrontation that is brewing in some future, i’m not saying that tomorrow, this is a very important point about which you said that, firstly, we are talking about a strategic initiative, which is much broader than the korean peninsula, and just here about these same ones, well , about a certain rubicon, if i
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understand you correctly, a certain rubicon that we crossed. strategic partnership with north korea, taking into account their relations with the americans, taking into account the situation and so on, this is a kind of declaration, among other things, that this is some kind of different russian federation. from that agreement with north korea, this is not the one to which the russian federation went in 1992, which may continue to participate in sanctions against the korean people's democratic republic, i listened to the news a lot today, and we say so, well, american sanctions, they are generally like dishonest sanctions, only un sanctions are legitimate, but today we participate in legitimate un sanctions. and this puts
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on the agenda the question: now, given this level of relations, we will have to somehow decide on our policies, our approaches, not only to sanctions. by the way, vladimir vladimirovich, naturally, understands this, i think that the korean comrades also discussed these issues, well, let’s listen to what putin said about this. despite external pressure, our countries are successfully developing on a sovereign and independent basis, provided. will provide each other with worldwide support, as true friends and good neighbors, we will also continue to oppose the very practice of sanctions strangulation as a tool that the west is accustomed to using in order to maintain its hegemony in politics, economics and other areas. in this context, i note that the indefinite restrictive regime of the un security council in relations with the ndr, inspired by the united states and its allies, must be revised. well
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, this is like a kind of statement that we are now following some rules that we played by before, or at least we were aligned with them, but now we are not aligned with them, and these are some other us who behave differently lead, here it would be nice to decipher this, mikhail gennadivich, well , i really want to hope that the sanctions that i consider, well, criminal, yes, which we have had against north korea since 1977, that we considered these sanctions, are finally not for ourselves...
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their success , and north korea is the only country, and the leader of north korea is the only one of all existing politicians who has publicly brought the united states of america to its knees, because mr. trump, who is not only on his knees, but arrogance, of course, forced, forced turn 180° publicly, mr. trump, who now may again be the president of the united states of america, and this visit, messages including to him, but
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brought... three aircraft carrier groups to the shores of north korea and, so to speak, after which he pressed ponytail and came to the negotiations, because the leadership of north korea showed that... this is freedom and independence, the liberal crowd is used to laughing at this, when you tell them, guys, let's develop our industry, as it was done under
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mendeleev, since this was done by everyone all over the world, no, this is nonsense, you want to turn us into north korea, well, let them go, look, let them go, look, maybe, so to speak, they will take some things into account. lessons for yourself, but the most important thing is that this is a huge resource for cooperation, well, a simple example, in the sixties we installed a plant in the korean people's democratic republic that makes stankis chipu, yeah, already at the beginning of the 2000s we bought these stipo machines from them, because that we have similar ones factories, yes, they developed, they took a step forward, and then they were destroyed, yeah, i think north korean medicine can teach our wonderful people a lot...
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it’s as if north korea has always had all cooperation with it go largely through china, so it so happened that china was like a big brother, and i think that today’s level of development of relations is exactly one of the things that is the same with china, this is certainly
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agreed with china, but of course this is a demonstration that the turn to the east concerns not only china, but some other countries too, and the chinese have made a huge step forward, because if you look... on the map of the northeastern province of china, access to the sea, there seems to be a border between russia and north korea, yeah, a river foggy, or tumangan, along it, so that china could carry out commercial shipping, in general it was very difficult for them, it was complicated there, there was a normal border regime, so the conversation started that guys, let's make a relaxation, let's let's do it navigation under a simplified regime, so that they get... easy direct access to the sea, that is, you know, we harmonize the interests of everyone, yes, we and this is a good lesson, this is a good lesson, but agreeing with everything you said, i i still wanted to elaborate on this question a little for myself and for many
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viewers who ask this question, that when you say that we supported sanctions there, we joined and so on, well, let’s be honest, we at that moment it’s still... of course it will cause a relationship and not only relations, but also actions in the west, this is like some kind of step not only towards the korean people's democratic republic, this is some kind of step towards some other russian federation, which for itself
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has finally understood something like this, and from something like this finally must now inevitably move away, because these are two chairs on which, well, even with a two-headed eagle on the coat of arms, it’s impossible to sit on, of course. this is a signal not only to washington, tokyo and so on, but also to moscow, of course, this is a demonstration of you know, in 1998, when pryamakov came, someone said: “moscow has ended, russia has begun.” yeah, well, practice has shown that this was some getting ahead of ourselves, it was, this, this was now before our eyes there is an expansion of awareness that freedom and independence, freedom and independence, this is not a misunderstanding that is somewhere between china and south korea, and this is the only basis on which it is possible to exist fairly in the current world. considering, within the framework of what you said,
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that there are large reserves, not large reserves, large labor resources, which, in general, can also be attracted for many interesting ones, and rare earth ones too, i will add on my own behalf, absolutely irresponsibly as my exclusive personal point of view, that as i understand the approach, well, of a power in which the development of the army plays such a role a big role, for... conversation, well, it’s clear with whom else, then
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again putin spoke about parallelism, there ’s also interesting parallelism, guys, you ’re talking about something there about, it means, the french contingents there somewhere in area odessa, today i read a lot of fun in my telegram, which means that the estonian ambassador in kiev said that in general for estonia sending an army to the territory, which means the former ukraine, is not a red line, they will think about it, well, i’m a little like would. of course , i allowed myself to wave my saber, i described: “well, for sure, many of our guys said, guys, send the entire estonian army, maybe to our site, that’s where we stand, there, well, to make it clear, 7,700 people, the whole like the composition of the armed forces, it’s just the same that’s how it sounds, you know, that’s the question, by the way, about the meme that our liberals created, oh, no, when estonia declares that it will send troops, that it is this, and that everyone is like that, well, that’s it’s like estonia, the population there.” 1,349 people, army 7,700,
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they’ll put everyone under arms, there’s something there, everyone, everyone under arms, 200,000 people, well , we need to talk about north korea, well, or now you’ll quickly recruit yourself, see how many there is a number of armed forces, for which, i repeat, maybe this is my private speculation, combat experience with the use of fpv, modern weapons, and so on and so forth, i would use it in their place, but the north korean comrades will decide for themselves, and now we are going exactly to the one we were talking about in one way or another , whom we had in mind when we said, take them to north korea, in the dprk, that this is another signal somewhere, that this is part of some conversation with the west, this is a conversation that we are having with the dprk, this is a conversation that is latent, of course, in which china is participating, which seems to be, well this is who, as it were, in this conversation no, but it’s clear that it very much exists, but it’s all largely directed at the adversary, the supastat on... i have to give him his due, i was thinking, it’s interesting, they’ll start
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trolling, like, no, well there are, of course , elements of trolling, like, because that’s it, there’s nowhere else to go, to north korea, well, let’s compare the north korean estonian army, it will immediately become clear who is doing well with their allies, well, now we’ll talk, the signal that this visit sends adversary, how can the adversary even count him? what conclusions will he draw if are they able to draw any conclusions? well, let's listen to a little of the adversaries, well, let's start with stolsberg: nato, please! russia's war against ukraine is supported by china, north korea and iran, they want the united states to lose, they want nato to lose, if they succeed in ukraine they will make us vulnerable and the world more dangerous. putin's visit to north korea demonstrates and confirms russia's connection with... and iran, this shows that our
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security is not regional, but global in nature, well, that is, so it is, of course, he has such rhetoric that there is nothing to do, so he is going to the north koreans, but it’s clear that the guys have tensed up, so does the white house, well, too, of course, i understand what you will say now, well, he also put forward thinkers there stoltenberg, now this cheburashka, so i’ll show the brownie, but nevertheless the tone. we listen to the brownie kuzya. ties between russia and the dprk are a trend, and this should cause serious concern to everyone interested in maintaining peace , stability, compliance with council resolutions un security and support for the people of ukraine as they defend their freedom and independence in the face of the russian invasion. and now
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serious concern, yes, well, serious concern can be a mere formality, or it can be really serious and truly a concern. it’s clear that this reference to un resolutions is , of course, very cool, considering that they have a close ally, israel, which everyone just knows for a long time what it does with these resolutions every day, well, in any case i did it while they were being printed on paper, now they are all in electronic form, so it seems to be more difficult for israel, but in general its attitude towards these resolutions, well, she remembers them, but that’s okay, so in your opinion, here this is their concern.
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saudi arabia is assembling a coalition of oil producers who sell all their oil only for the us dollar. this exact time, june 8, 1974, will be the starting point when oil and gas will be sold for the dollar. fast forward 50 years later, 2024, june, this agreement was in effect for 50 years. eriyad did not even react to extend this agreement. but for some reason this passed over the media. in the united states of america , many media noted this very harshly . what does it mean? it turns out that they got out of control, they didn’t sign and didn’t renew, they were obliged to renew for another 50 years, but a number of people simply pretended that they didn’t notice this, now we’re returning to north korea, near north korea have their vulnerabilities, of course, this is connected primarily with global pressure, with the problems that created them the united states of america is being created to
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this day, but there are quite big advantages: the highest salary in north korea is for an engineer, one of the best engineering schools. which exists today in north korea, the same engineering school exists, of course, in iran, these are two good, independent engineering schools that appeared in countries that found themselves under the most severe sanctions, which at some point realized that, in addition to how they have nothing to count on themselves, it turned out, my friends, that at this moment the kirdyk is not necessarily coming, but maybe something opposite to it is coming, then the confrontation that with...
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this is the thought in the head, so yes, they will very effectively create a new south korean miracle, but everyone understands perfectly well that why south korea does not hires workers in africa, why doesn't she go there? the fact is that the high technological processes that exist in south korea, they are only possible if there is a good engineering school, which is available in north korea, it’s about smiles about the fact that people only drink herbs, they are not doing anything in north korea, then, when trump really began to conflict with north korea, he brought in three fleets. and here we gave a very good calculation, in order to deliver a crushing blow, you need to do at least the following: 5.00 self-hawks must be launched and must fly to the territory of north korea, and yes, in a week and a half must be raised from carrier-based aircraft from 3 ,5 to 5,000 sorties from carrier-based aircraft, they even counted three
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fleets, everything that is there is impossible, but they have air defense systems, and another problem, these are the so-called diamond mountains, which... have stood for centuries, millennia in north korea, from which guns are pointed directly at the sioux, and no one knows how deep into the depths of these mountains they have already gnawed, even when you are in the dmz, when you go down, you understand that this is a serious story, a demilitarized zone, absolutely true, not everyone has been, clearly, yeah, but you understand that this is an underground city, everything is done so well, then, today, the vulnerability of south korea centuries and... states america has its largest base in south korea. today, there are about 42 thousand people who are, together with their families, in direct range of shots from southern north korea towards south korea. a whole district, a block that lives there and lives quite autonomously. south korea is the largest manufacturer of actual weapons, and if we look at the largest
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corporations that make weapons today, they are almost all located in the united states of america, that is, they are all two-headed, that is, this is not purely related to south korea has one foot in the usa, the other foot in south korea, like all five great families, as they say about south korea, which in general are the coolest. there is also one in south korea. a simple principle that it doesn’t matter whether you have a photo with the president or not, it doesn’t mean anything, show a photo with the largest manufacturers, that’s cool, and now the context, the context is changing very much today, the fact is that architecture international relations, it depends on how the united arab emirates behaved now, how saudi arabia will behave, in relation to what, in relation to the us dollar and beyond, will they allow payments from china, for example, in their national currency, this is the national currency, in fact, today it is .
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7-98 million population of vietnam, and vietnam is not only coffee, and vietnam is not only beaches, and not only vietnam is divided into northern and southern, these are quite serious technologies that are being developed there, this is an industry that follows in quite good and correct course, but with whom are they going now, these are really two vietnams, southern and northern, as it once was or vice versa, when the elections took place in vietnam, how the americans reacted, we very much regret the choice we made vietnamese people, they may regret, but... they cannot change anything, the fact is that those countries that were under the thumb are showing independence, now our president of the russian federation is engaged in
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collecting and very correctly, he shows that by collecting, collecting, by collecting, of course, he puts together this global mosaic, which many have not seen before, they believed that the global south is just a fragment of this mosaic that does not exist, they all smiled, we will scare someone, we will buy someone, the supastats thought you can't buy everything while sitting. within the framework of the global context that we began to talk about, global confrontation, the formation of a new architecture, new
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fragments, new, so to speak, some kind of associations, new interests, the question arises, for this picture of confrontation, but very important, i was listening to you now and imagining that these united states that you are describing, which have dollars there, something is vibrating there, saudi arabia, there is something else. someone, someone else, and i look at all this, i have two options: either i start to think about what you said, that the world is changing, and i need to somehow take this into account in my politics , one option, the second option, i say, well, they’re all babbling, we need this, as they say, the kerosene man, the kerosene man in this splash it all over so that they don’t get separated so much, that’s it. i propose this immediately after the advertisement, short as always, very interesting to discuss on the first channel, that is, roughly speaking, we understand that very
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important additional fields, combinations of fields and so on appear, but from the point of view of the trend of the entire big game of a large combination, that this means whether the hegemon can think about whether he combines these signals like this, after all, vladimir putin, he repeated this on friday last, he repeats this all the time, guys, like, well, let’s not play the fool, well , come on... the stream of fakes is endless, the degree of russophobia has been overheated to impossible volumes, on the air, radio liberty proposed, in my opinion, 1.5
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million donetsk residents to simply be destroyed, here is the punishment, as a result of his criminality. .. completely supervises the united states of america, they used to be called gunpowder bots, now they are already bots of the large antirosiya project. he created a whole system of snitching, western intelligence agencies came after ermak, and, for example, he is also trying to muddy the waters, perhaps even become a beneficiary there future. regime change yuri stets, king of the gunpowder robots, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of the stellar group,
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pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellor group. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. we chose two heads of poland, two former presidents, we called them from petro poroshenko. here is the issue of importing ukrainian grain, farmers come, they blockade the cities. what is a ukrainian in front of a pole, on his belly, on his knees, crawl here serf. we supply terno to europe.
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pensioned, well, you still have to pay for it, yes, and we will remind you every penny, what is the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship, the vanavan and lexus show, today on the first, gentlemen officers, behind the german frame, in front of friedrich karl, not i see no other way out than to lure the germans to the mines. in any case, i would never refuse you, i’m afraid vasilievna, you would be exhausted, everything is fine with us, not quite, you fell in love, given the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation now is the same: war, to beat the enemy to fulfill his duty to the fatherland, this is
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a letter from morse, i tried at home with thank you, but today we see each other for the last time, to our misfortune the revolution has obscured the future, darkness is approaching from us, i order the officers to surrender their weapons, we have no place to wait for cartridges , and to hell with them, we have always beaten the enemy and will drink, unimportant news, gentlemen, the reds are approaching omsk, may god help us, admiral, on friday on the first, meet, comrades, a young specialist will be doing an internship with us where is the student mugimo, where is the tailoring? don’t be afraid, he confused us with a model’s house, he’s coveted a fashion model,
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let’s go to paris with you, we’ll pack our bags tomorrow. lyovochka, what happened? he’s cheating on me, that’s what happened, how could you act so unworthy, he’s from another world, he’ll indulge and come back, and you ’ll suffer, sweet, charming, simple, well, not as beautiful as your past hobbies, but she’s the one could ruin our wedding, we need something so that the groom will see it immediately and want it. it's somehow not human dress the bride and groom in fine materials on sunday on the first day. time will tell the program, we continue to work
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live, we discuss live on... the fact that this is a changing picture, not only here, but sergei sergeevich said that in the middle east, too, so to speak, the picture is changing, is the hegemon ready , looking at these processes, and thinking that
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maybe it would be somehow worth adapting to them, when i left the studio, mikhail genadyevich told me a phrase that, as i understand it, was his from the sound it was not very clear that as soon as the hegemon begins to think, he is no longer the hegemon. an interesting approach, well, this, of course, is not exactly a hegemon-hegemon, but the reaction of the western press, all ethins and so on, it is indicative that, in general, some kind of thinking processes have started there. we listen to cnn. putin's visit is being closely watched around the world and is expected to further strengthen the partnership between the two powers, based on their shared hostility towards the west.
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russia in ukraine, in exchange for economic assistance and technology transfer that will increase the threat posed by the dprk's nuclear and missile programs. notice the gain. emanating from the nuclear missile program was blinded by the united states of america with their own hands, which pushed the situation to where they pushed it, what we discussed in the first part, yes, who could, well, listen, three or four years ago imagine that we will have such an agreement with north korea, no one could imagine this, they are going there they pushed us in, why they pushed us in because they couldn’t think about how to adapt to it. the fact that the hegemon may, of course, not think about it, the question is how long will he be the hegemon, it’s them, i wrote something about this today, i don’t remember, about these things, i wrote that there poor kissinger is probably just spinning in his grave, because as much as he said that
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you are pushing russia towards china, now they have pushed russia towards north korea, wonderful hegemonic politicians like that, and well, the icing on the bilt cake, which, for me, is an indicator that those in the west who turn on... their heads, they perfectly understand what it’s all about, that it’s not only about north korea as such, and not even just about china. let's listen to bilt. we are talking about weapons and the new world order. putin no longer feels bound by previous sanctions. he strives for a new world order in which the old rules no longer matter and he establishes new ones. like this. well, in principle, well, in general, everything is very sensible, as they say, respect. now only.
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as they say, they began to understand a lot about themselves, yes, they began to behave a lot , the countries tried to build everyone up, it was trump who failed with this matter, after that america is engaged in, well... in general, an attempt to uh it would be an attempt to punish us, an attempt, so to speak, to create problems for the chinese, they managed to do a strategic thing, they agreed on the removal of chinese production capacities and taiwanese chip production capacities by the year twenty-eight, but i think that if trump will win, he will speed it up very quickly, but this is really a free hand for zaku to take it away, get rid of us.
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islamization of europe and not only further the middle east also hopes to have their own good there, this is their project, wherever possible they try to incite a conflict because they have it.
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i’m sure there are many, well, non-public analysts who also understand all this very well, this is what strategy they will choose, either to somehow adapt to it smartly, or the option that the wall street journal writes about. let's listen: moscow and pyongyang sign agreements cementing economic and military ties. the growing nuclear and missile threat from the dprk could provoke an increase in the us military presence in the region, which will cause concern to china. you see, this again comes to the question of kissinger spinning there in his grave, that is, seeing what is happening, they are talking about what this can cause, that is, roughly speaking, they will strengthen what pushed everyone to this, i think that henry kistinger was heavenly, he was smart, he was very smart, quick-witted, cunning, here from him you can’t take it away, yes, and he did it at certain times until the last. one might say dead,
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he was trying to serve as a mediator between washington and beijing, you know, i think it’s not like he’s doing triple somersaults, but that means, well, this, well, this is nonsense, he once said, that in washington there are no more people who can analyze the situation, well, i said a long time ago, yes, it’s simple, it’s from the opposite movement, well, how can we, relatively speaking , strengthen some kind of military presence.
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this is not china, so you are referring today, point out that, in principle, yes, not without the consent of china, well, of course, of course, not the lack of consent of china, so where does the global south, which was also voiced today, which in principle, well, inactively, yes, at least does not oppose us, well, he understands in general the essence of what is happening, stands watching the fight, let’s say, does not interfere, watches, as maodzadun always bequeathed that well, you need to sit on the mountain and wait until it means... it ends, how will this whole fight end? so this is what the global south, led by that one, is doing or saudi arabia? he takes and exports his gold reserves from the usa, where does he take them? to china, to china. and then i immediately remember the questions of the great, uh, vysotsky, yes, where is the money? zin? yes. what then do you want to resist? where will you be, where will you print further ahead of kiev, declare
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a default, write off everything, say: that’s it, but we have nothing to do with it, everything is fine, here, then, then, writing off everything, all your obligations. after all, he proceeds from the fact that we carry out certain actions, conclude certain agreements we show everyone that we are building a certain system, which, well, a new world order,
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or a new order of life in the world, but the more we build it, thinking, or based on the fact that the hegemon, looking at this, somehow, he all the time, he addresses them, like there, guys, that’s enough, finish it, let’s just live together, this is it, the more we try to organize a system in which everyone will live together, the more, as the quote from wall street showed us , they’ll think about it, so maybe they’re building up something else military presence, that is, we appeal to them from the point of view of the fact that guys, look what we are building, all these arguments that you won’t take this out, at the end of the day we understand that this... everything pushes them exclusively to a new round of escalation and it turns out a little bit like this, well , not exactly a tsuk zwank, but well, so strange - this is such self-destruction, that is, when i listen to them, i understand that blinkin is not the person who makes the decision, but nevertheless
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less so, this way of reasoning, well, listen, well, i, too, was still like this in the nineties, well, this is the us secretary of state, blinken, listen, as for putin and his trips to north korea, listen, we see how russia is desperately trying to develop stronger relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that it launched against ukraine. north korea supplies russia with significant quantities of ammunition, as well as other weapons for use in ukraine. iran supplies weapons, including drones, which are used against civilians.
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putin wants to make sure that he has an anti-american coalition, which includes countries such as north korea, china, cuba, and venezuela. president biden recently authorized ukraine to use u.s.-provided
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weapons to strike russian territory should it happen, intentionally or accidentally. russia's nuclear doctrine provides for the use of nuclear weapons, so putin is concerned about the question: if we come.
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criminology has degenerated and so on, but we have what we have, they talk about the worst scenarios, believing that we are preparing for the worst scenario, but they are talking about nuclear weapons, they are preparing to transfer tactical nuclear weapons to ukraine for use, they accuse us of this in advance, they have a confrontational scenario in their heads. including the nuclear bomb, which they accuse us of, but how can they, with this degenerative thinking of theirs
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, be moved from this scenario, or what, or not, you know, these are all the steps that we are now taking, we understand perfectly well that america will never hears, she acts exclusively by its own rules, it will play by these rules, they believe that today the coalition that they have is the most powerful coalition from those countries that are europe, estonia, poland. this is latvia, this is lithuania. and this certain understanding that the world will never change is still in the minds of many americans. you ask a simple question: how can you make it so that, for example, you can come to an agreement with a drug addict? well, it’s probably possible when it has gaps. since the current administration, driven practically with the family of barack husseinovich obama, it is impossible, this is his third term. formally, we see the grandfather, we laugh at him, but in fact it is obama, his third term, he sees this world so-so. al gore once said: that the most important thing in the world is earth and imbalance, the world is on the edge of the scales, why i once
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liked his statement, it is impossible to completely enter into a clinch with the soviet union and russia so that the world ceases to have other centers of power. today, our president, you have repeatedly spoken today about why he asks the question: wake up, maybe you should go out, sober up a little, understand that the world is different, take off these rose-colored glasses, whatever, that’s exactly what he’s talking about. that the world needs certain balancers, that’s what he says, he says, he does, and they read these signals in exactly the opposite way, that’s absolutely right, they believe that these signals should only be responded to with military action, but the problem is different, that america today she never realized that her anaconda rings stopped working, they create tactical problems, anaconda rings are that in political science, that they choke the heartland, that's it.
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groups, we must create pockets of a very tough conflict, even if it is a revolution, we must seize the underbelly of russia at any cost, nothing has changed in america, but how to resist this? yes, it’s very simple, today’s trips are a very strong blow to economic well-being. the united states of america, if you look closely, the united states of america has been for a very long time in fact, asian countries milked very heavily, that is, for them it was a classic cash cow or cash cow. we can smile now, because how slowly we are leaving the dollar zone there, but look, the chicken is grain by grain, but the process has begun to find itself, it is already gaining a certain mass popularity, not only here is such a beautiful country of sudan, for example, there is, the united states of america is ready with to fight with her now. but this is also a drawback for them of certain resources, so countries like sudan,
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yemen, countries like north korea, they can drain the resources of the united states of america, very much, when your resources are really being drained from you, you understand perfectly well that you have 5,000 rubles in your wallet, but you need to spend 50, you can print, and they believe that you will give them back, so now the concept of distrust in america is of a certain mass order, but they continue to say, why do we need this south, we don’t need it?
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a lot of what is happening in the ukrainian theater, in the middle east and so on, well, we tried our best, i hope you enjoyed interesting, now there is advertising, it is also very interesting on the first channel, don’t switch, admiral, everything is fine with us, not quite, you’ve fallen in love, on friday on the first, hurray!
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lieutenant, he’s already turning around, what are you waiting for, shut up, calm down, misha, calm down, you can’t mess around here, comrade colonel, the right flank has run into mines, idiot, go ahead, what are you standing for, i’ll shoot you, in war, like in war, june 22, on the first, come on, maleshkin, well done, maleshkin, press, maleshkin, in memory. anastasy zavorotnyuk. he who seeks will receive. even if you and superstar. i am victoria prutkovskaya, a representative of an exclusive cosmetics company. today we have no prece, no price. ugh. i was a very homely girl. i didn’t go to any discos
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or any parties. women, why don’t you and i never cook something in the evening in our lives? morning we stand in front of the wardrobe in our underwear and in a panic, you know, i’m such a person, i close the door once and never open it again, i clearly make a decision and then follow it and don’t look back, i that we will go to work tomorrow, no, everyone is absolutely happy, because somehow my whole picture, it’s so correct and the way it should be, what i ’ve dreamed of since childhood, on saturday.
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feria on sunday at the first one who sews like this, it’s not about the suit, it’s about you, don’t be offended, please, it’s just very important to choose the right outfit, klavda, you’re also good at sending her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with yours collective farm. and this is your bear, it was fashionable to bring strangers, it’s not mine, i love you, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me your daughter is getting confused with the bear, you're fucking, we see for ourselves, you're crazy, bear ermakov was here, i find out that i'll kill both of them, clearly, you missed me, i didn't want to be without you nazar, barka,
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stop, you're disturbing me, we nazar and i love each other. he’ll kill you, he won’t kill you, he found someone else for himself, but stop it, you’ve already come close to death twice because of him, that means i love you to death, war has been declared, yes, i heard he’s writing from home, he’s not writing, the devil knows what's the matter, the premiere of a multi-part film on two banks is on june 24th... who, my family makes me happy, because
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the most important thing in life for a person is his family, each family, like a unit, must try. so that everything that we have, the best, can be passed on to our children, spend time with our children, so that they learn something new, suggest something to them, my dad really likes to fish, he... he even took first place in fishing competitions , family is the basis of everything for me, for her i live, for her i breathe, my three children, this is the most precious thing, in my opinion, for a woman, being a father for me means being a support, a wall, i i wish the family in the year of the family that they will be happy, healthy, and live well. well, in conclusion, an illustration of what we were talking about, how successful and promising this visit was, footage of how vladimir
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putin says goodbye to kemchanin, flies away from the democratic people's republic of korea, saying that they will remain, so to speak, on contact, i also think that the ministry of defense of our countries, and many will remain on contact. other ministries related to the military industry, medicine, iron dear, with space, with rosatom, and so on and so forth, and as we have already said in this program, from here, or rather from there , vladimir vladimirovich goes to vietnam, another very interesting, very important and also very quickly and interestingly developing country, southeast asia, another country with which we developed cooperation very closely during the soviet union, and then in... the years from where, in general, are also gone in a sense, so, but let’s hope that not everything is lost, there is certainly very interesting points
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mutual cooperation, for example, now the news has come that vladimir putin, in an article for the nyan zan newspaper, this is the newspaper of the vietnamese communist party, stated that the russian federation and vietnam are studying the possibility of creating a nuclear technology center with the support of rosatom. well, this is just one of the directions, i’m waiting, now they’ve already woken up, which means the adversaries have already heard all this, i’m waiting for them to start branding all this, well, we’ll talk about this tomorrow, i don’t know, honestly saying, can i start the program tomorrow with vietnamese, hello, there are 7 tons, it’s generally a bit complicated, but i think we’ll manage, time will tell, now the dolls of the heir to tute.


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