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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  June 19, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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in a sense, they're gone, so, but let's hope that not everything is lost, there are certainly points of very interesting mutual cooperation, for example, now the news has come that vladimir putin, in an article for the nian newspaper, this is the newspaper of the vietnamese communist party, announced the fact that the russian federation and vietnam are studying the possibility of creating a nuclear technology center with the support of rosatom, well, this is only one of the directions. i’m waiting, now they’ve already woken up, which means the adversaries have already heard all this, so i’m waiting, like they are now they will start branding all of this, well , we’ll talk about this tomorrow, i don’t know, to be honest, if i can start the program tomorrow with vietnamese, hello, there are 7 tons, it’s generally a bit complicated, but i think we’ll manage, time will tell, now the doll is the heir to tuti.
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the story of how to destroy humanity without destroying humanity remains consistently relevant for almost 60 years, its main weapon in my hands is a mouthpiece, a loudspeaker of lies, precisely in western countries, like mushrooms growing after rain... his duties included brainwashing ukrainians, turning them against russia, and also telling fairy tales to the whole world.
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on charges of deciding to conduct a so-called anti-terrorist operation in the donbass against civilians and taking part in the management of this operation. the department noted that as a result of his criminal actions , 582 people were injured, including 16 children. more than 237 civilian infrastructure facilities in the lugansk and donetsk people's republics were completely destroyed or damaged. who customer of hate speech.
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information policy and information security concept the main tasks are to create a strategy for the country; these are two components, the absence of which led to the consequences that we have. this is what yuri said about the reasons for the creation of the ministry of information policy of ukraine, which he headed on december 2. but voting. comments were only a formality, the new body itself and the candidacies of its head were approved in advance and not by them, the public did not hesitate, journalists took to the streets with demands abolish nepotism, everyone knew that stet, the former general producer of channel 5, ex-northern under petro poroshenko’s bloc, was actually his pocket puppet. stet began to work off his positions, to rush into the embrasure of information attacks against russia, he was in such a hurry that he did not even take off his national guard uniform of ukraine, since he was transferred to the cabinet of ministers almost... not an isocop, he
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sat there for several months to develop a combat biography. a native of the ternopil region, without hiding his predisposition to the ideas of the bandarovites, advocated in the form of a prohibited oun upa. looking at this face, it is difficult to imagine that stets once received a cultural education with a specialty in folk art, although he never worked as a leader of a folklore ensemble. immediately after his appointment, the minister began sending out manuals to ukrainian media on how to present this or that information. for example, i came up with, if you don’t talk about the commander of sparta motorola, then ukrainian society will get the impression that there is no such thing, if you want to clear the information field, just don’t talk about it, you’ve played too much so much so that i even fell for an information scam with the announcement of unreliable data on the air of poroshenko’s fifth channel, the scandal went to the skies, so i even had to ask to resign, but my boss did not let me go, i will definitely resign by the end of this year. poroshenko understood perfectly well that the blow to... was an attack in the information
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war on the domestic field against his main pr man, who, moreover, masterfully squandered propaganda budgets, filling paroshenko’s pockets, especially since he was working on popularization. the acts of peter himself alekseevich and, as he believed, he was fully earning his money. our task is to convey that the maidan was organized against the unscrupulous corruption of yanukovych, who was supported by russia. we defeated the corrupt regime, but let the russians continue to be robbed, and the united states continues to profit from cheap oil. this is an excerpt from letters on szza’s work email, which was hacked by hackers along with all the ministry’s servers, instructions on american templates.
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ukraine, at least one more of poroshenko’s bots, and his boss, the former prosecutor general ukraine, yuriy lutsenko, was so humbled that on the eve of a meeting in switzerland he called the current kiev regime a junta, and its behavior vanity before defeat, but lutsenko and poroshenko’s wife marina, goddaughter of stats, that is, the godfathers of stats himself, are bots in action. and they say. he still retains a certain influence, or rather, not he himself, of course, but his patron, and what role did tets tets actually play in the events, for which he was made head of the ministry of information in 2014, but mikhail, well,
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of course, he has no decision didn't accept it there was one of those people who was involved in formalizing the pseudo-legality of the decisions made, and, accordingly, the justification for that murder. which they committed in the donbass, and why did he end up in this position, because many years before that he had already been the key media manager of petro poroshenko, that is, in fact, everything related to the media activities of the holding and there poroshenko’s financial and industrial group, group poroshen, it was euro and naturally he doesn’t have a more trusted person in this area, so in principle everything that can be called this very armavira, the armies of movir, that is, we will speak directly.
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we heard that there was an attempt on the ukrainian people, we haven’t heard anything like that, yes, alexander, you mentioned guilt, the meeting before the lugansk people’s republic, in fact, his guilt is much greater, because he created those murderers who actually killed thousands, tens of thousands, both then during
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the period from the fourteenth to the twenty- second year, and after the twenty-second year, because many murderers are now in members of the armed forces of ukraine, the national guard and other units, they were brought up thanks to his information policy. uh-huh, yes, well , indeed, of course, this very structure was created for him, the ministry of information policy, and for many years it was involved in distributing these huge grants for tens of hundreds of millions of hryvnia . yes, i think that he did not work alone in this whole bunch, we see, yes, how active soros entered ukraine and also
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crushed entire sectors of this whole media policy there, and by the way, he was one of the first to propose creating an english-language channel in ukraine that would promote the anti-russian agenda outside. well, now let’s see what all this has come to, yes, to the fact that they have a huge amount of these ukrainian trash media, there is ukrainian truth, kiev independent and so on, banned in russia. who are doing this, that is, they are promoting all these fakes about thousands, millions of everything else, already to an international audience, yes, that is, they work not only within their own country, but try to work outside, that is, in fact, if we will look at some of the most terrible elements of this entire media propaganda that the kiev regime is now promoting, these threads are drawn specifically to our today’s character, you know, what’s interesting, malik, he not only instilled english in adults, he generally- then speaking to children, too, and films, so that cartoons?
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yes, we crossed paths a couple of times, tell us, what kind of person is he in general? let's do this, we must
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understand that we should never underestimate the enemy, due to the state of the ukrainian people and their consciousness, especially young people the guys there are older, that is, under 30 years old, we understand perfectly well that these children are happy , including, moreover, malik very correctly noted that a large machine was built, but they also created a whole not just a grant structure, they they became simply, if we speak in... terminology, a whole network of onos and, as it were, non-governmental organizations, which, of course, were tied to my information and the security service, which did not simply impose a point of view, which worked against another point of view inside the country outside the country, that is, in fact, as a manager, he is of course very dangerous, very harmful, and he did his job and will continue to do it, although of course poroshenko had a whole block of such scoundrels.
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sounds at least strange, roman, what is this, have you noticed how nervous he is when it comes to trust, he even
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licks his lips there, you know, there is such a phrase: carry emelya your week, now this is partly about him , born in the small town of chertkov, such a small town, you know, here what we now call anti-russian sentiments were, i admit that he was always there, moreover, i was in it back in the soviet union, and i partially observed it, i heard a little interview with him, and he... you know , he says this, he speaks in russian, then once oh, excuse me, how is it in russian, that is, he forgets the russian language in words that simply a priori should be there, then further, now about him . as it was already said here, it was correctly said, that’s all that is needed for the work, he will say, it’s even his won’t embarrass him, he’ll just carry everything to himself, it seems to me that his russophobe even needs to be restrained, because in many ways he even blocks himself, because everything he says, even if it’s nonsense or hatred, he believes in it, he would i would like to give the gentleman a weapon and say, kill for the sake of your
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convictions, he will run and kill and won’t even think about... she would also add an avenger there, you shouldn’t get involved with him, you know, a sheaf, with those who is weaker than him, lower in status, will speak through his lip, who is older, taller, servile, but there is a nuance, mentally we want to be higher, we want our own party, we want to lead, we want our opinion, so that what we want and think is dominant, that’s the kind of guy he is, yura, but it’s interesting, so, you know, yuri stets, i am familiar with his circle.
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it’s possible to immediately become a major, yes, that is, you can give out ranks to everyone, well, like semyon semenchenko , the rest of them, a bunch of colonels , gave everyone ranks at once when they had never even served in the army or were simply in prison before, but that means they immediately gave him a major, but that means in this case, this is the case for christmas in ukraine, which means greek catholics hold such a nativity scene. there abraham and isaru are beaten by soldiers, which means that there is some kind of action, a christmas action, there is jesus coming, but there is definitely abraham and sarah and the devil is beaten by soldiers, which means that ukrainian nationalists, which means they began to wear a uniform already upa, this is the first time, this is at the event,
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they invited the minister for information, that’s what he, although he is a representative of the greek catholic religion, was originally. when i was the chief of staff of poroshenko’s father, the minister of economics came to the vinnetsk region and checked for 4 hours, i had, well, five boardless boards, he looked to see if i had five or six of them, would i take it there, it’s 3,000 hryvnia, although part of the minister of economics in corrupt ukraine was worth 70,000 dollars, that is, he really chose this guy, he
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always promoted him as a real manager, you know, in his position. as if he grew up and poroshenko began to install it, because poroshenko, who became president, was afraid that he would be robbed by the popular front and those standing behind him sarasyata, yatsenyuk, avakov, they won the information campaign, he needed his own man, one, the second is necessary, that is, he appoints him, but then all this really develops into anti-russia, but as soon as stets becomes a minister, they just approach him sorasyata, others, it becomes interesting for them, you know, what’s interesting is that
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money can do everything, i hope that in ukraine they will remember that level of assistance, it was a gigantic assistance that has not yet been compensated. still have to pay for it yes, and we will remind you every penny what the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship is, the vanavan and lexus show, today on
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the first. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group. jean s. nop a product of the stellar group, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of the stellar group. gentlemen, officers, there is a german squadron behind. friedrich karl is ahead. i don’t see any other way out than to lure the germans to the mines. in any case, i would never refuse you, but you would be
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exhausted, everything is fine with us, not quite, you i fell in love, given the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation now is the same: war, to beat the enemy to fulfill one’s duty before the fatherland, this is a letter from az morse, i tried at home from the sechebnik, thank you. today we see each other for the last time, to our misfortune the revolution has obscured the future from us, darkness is approaching, i order the officers to surrender their weapons, brother, we have no place to wait for cartridges, and to hell with them, we have always beaten the enemy and will continue to drink, unimportant news, gentlemen, the red one is approaching ... god help us, admiral, on friday on the first, in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk, the one
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who seeks will receive, even if you are a superstar, i am victoria prutkovskaya, a representative of an exclusive cosmetics company, today we have no, no prece. i was a very homely girl, i didn’t go to any discos or any parties, women, why don’t you and i never once in our lives prepare in the evening what we will wear to work tomorrow, no, every morning we stand in front of the wardrobe in our underwear, in a panic, you know, i’m that kind of person, i close the door once and never do it again i open it, i clearly make a decision and then follow it. and i don’t look back, i’m absolutely happy, because somehow my whole picture, it’s so correct and the way it should be, what i
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’ve dreamed of since childhood, on saturday at the first, hurray, hurray, i fought, not yet, whoever isn’t yet, we will be taken out of the wreckage. it’s strange, we’re going, we’re going, not a single shot, this is the worst thing, when you shoot, you have peace of mind, i have a categorical order from the commander, take the falcon, rocket, lieutenant, cliche, forward, lieutenant, he’s already turning around, why? you're waiting, shut up, calm down, misha, calm down, you can't mess around here, comrade colonel, the right flank has run into mines. cherbak, go ahead, why are you standing, i’ll shoot you, in war, as in war, june 22, on
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the first, come on, maleshkin, well done, maleshkin, click, maleshkin, the most famous graduate of our childhood home is yura shatunov, a little warmer , glazed, but in the bitter frosts, this. marya butina is with you again, this is the heir doll, now you and i, comrades, are entering the interesting ground of amazing
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coincidences. so, quite by chance, the future minister of truth, well, information, this stets, it turns out, for some reason is poroshenko’s godfather. let's get a look. my child was baptized by marina poroshenko and yuriy lutsenko when he was released from prison. this was back in the days of yanukovych. the choice of godparents was not promising or materialistic back then. from this point of view, on the contrary, it carried great risks. i think no one knew then what poroshenko would become. president, wait, don’t laugh, yuri continues further, he says, and generally speaking, i don’t even know whether to support poroshenko in his aspirations or advise him not to, look, i have the experience of 2006-2007, when i decided to go into politics, i understood that poroshenko would be uncomfortable with it, but he told me the following, yes, it’s probably not very convenient for me now, but no less i support
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anyone. his office was so very pompous, despite the fact that the rest of the channel, but it’s a ruin, that’s why it’s more like a cardinal’s hobbler, that’s exactly the same story, that’s what one of the offices is, he was first in one office, and then he was from there thrown out and he ended up in another office, how did this happen, when they created the ministry, their minister’s office was located on petlyura street,
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the state bureau of investigation is now located there and... he had, well, let’s say, a conflict with the public, with the same, with the same public council, which, to which he tried to bring forward the concept of information security, was developed in the ministry, oh, in the ministry, well, yes, in fact, the main ministry in ukraine is the us embassy, ​​so he didn’t succeed in this one, that is, social activists he was knocked down and moreover, they began to persecute him, well , literally, to persecute the minister every day, as a result , the minister closed his office on petlyura street and moved to the cabinet of ministers, on grushevsky street, that is, he had an office there and from there he already headed the ministry there, let’s say so, 10 blocks away from him, but the social activists were then driven away, some of them were put in prison; they spent some one and a half, some two, some 2 and 2 years in prisons already under poroshenko. don’t you think that roman is like a crown? there is, but there is a certain instability, he didn’t even defend his office, well , there is another example in 2018, when he hacked at the truth and said that yes i, yes crimea, yes i am now, but for him...
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to promote history, and a whole bunch of interesting diseases appear there, either he has epilepsy, or it was a cold, or a hangover and you don’t understand, you know, it may sound rude, but he got out largely thanks to complexes, when the complex is the dominator, pushing, this is not always good, especially in implementation, it turns out that we just saw a sick person, the phrase is funny, but to say, this is the norm here, for this we should immediately fire both the girl and him for
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this norm, well, yes... let's go, you know, in his essence, he took on the burden, and it’s hard to drag, but he wants, he really wants, moreover, he wants to move on, falling into such frustrations at performances, i would also add such a small detail, when he is driven into a corner, he swears, he swears harshly, the second one can fight, but fight as you know, he will poke the weak and run away, but when there was this showdown with the office, it was interesting. we were talking about a certain concept of how information policy in ukraine should be structured in general. initially, three departments were created, but it is clear that the department of information load, here, you see, there is no need to say that the budget is small, behind this budget there were hidden projects, the oligarchs paid for it, for example, for the sofa army project, which means the information army is against russia.
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there was work in different countries, from that day on, this means that when he arrived, ukrinform is completely focused on the war against russia, all employees of the foreign intelligence service become , as it were, journalists, such as the most famous roman sushchenko. ukrinform works only against russia and it is precisely the work, you understand, why the ministry is not a committee to put pressure on the government, that is, the government, it has the right, as a ministry, to propose laws, regulations and strategies.
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piggy bank, that is, they gathered to teach the european union and nato information policy, and to imprison, yes, yes, yes, the task, this is the number, yes, this this is a trick, and one of the lessons that they can teach, they really do it very cool, you said, a lot of money goes to armchair troops, and so, and they
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have a goal for government funding, the spread of fakes is called, we chose several of them, look at what taxpayers' money is spent on in ukraine, a pskov paratrooper admitted to murder. kennedy kiev gave money for the filming of a film about the ukrainians who stopped the mongol horde. during the storming of lugansk airport, the russian army the federation may have used tactical nuclear weapons. well, this is nonsense, malik, absolute nonsense, but unfortunately, yes, indeed, i agree with mikhail here, yes, it really works inside ukraine, although now, of course, the system is already starting to crumble little by little, yes, because, but it’s already very difficult, yes, but to hide the truth from people about the situation at the front, yes, about the endless defeats of the ukrainian armed forces. intros and so on, but over the course of many years this was all cultivated, and of course the system went into such an overdrive mode after twenty the second year, that is , there is an endless stream of fakes inside ukraine, then they translate it all into english, send it outside, now you ironically mentioned the history
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of snato, well, we see that there really is a huge number of different accounts on social networks, yes, who call themselves this kind of nato volunteer army, nafa, which is also probably banned in russia, if not, then it should be banned here. all these guys translate it all into english and serve it for a western audience, they had the last fake the funniest one is that russia didn’t show off its tanks on may 9 at victory day, because russia had run out of all its tanks there, and so on, and it’s like all sorts of british tabloids actually published it there, and so on, it’s just there is one such moment of fakes and a variant type, but there are simply a great many of them, despite the fact that i think that of course it’s not only him, and not only zelensky’s office, who is working here, again the americans, the british are closely immersed in this and are also doing this same. everyone else is sacrificing, but now indeed, in my opinion, there is still a certain breakdown within this system, but we see that people do not believe in it, and more and more truth is breaking through on social networks, these same soros, for example, are starting to do what - to criticize the current
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kiev regime, and including it in corruption, well , at least in connection with the development of budgets for the construction of fortifications and somewhere at the front, which simply do not appear, and so on, so it is already starting to devour each other, so what will this lead to? interesting, but why did the system last so long? unfortunately, this is in many ways such an anti-merit of our today's character, might i add? yes, i want to add that in the details, of course, propaganda begins to lose because it gets screwed up, but the main pillars on which they base their anti-russianism, the path is technology, this is the introduction of information and the creation of this information, this is the institution of national sclerosis, that is , the production of these myths that have actually been driven quite well into the head they started to drive them in again - they started much earlier, here sted got it a little wrong, it’s him, a student of the west, the west and those diasporas, there is the same committee for the new peoples of the radyansky union, which was headed there by bandera and petliura emigrants in the west, here they are
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introduced everything, they threw it all into ukraine in the late eighties, early nineties, and sted, yes, he picked up the banner well, he worked out this task technologically, so without worsening, even improving their performance, in fact, on the front line, probably of course, he went to the donbass in order to
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show as much of ukraine as possible what was happening in the donbass itself, that is, the first fake, known to all of you, was an attack by an su-24, a front-line bomber, directly on the center of the city of lugansk, they gave out this information about that you also heard this, the air conditioner exploded, they blew themselves up, that is, it was already that substrate. which became the basis for further development and progression, so to speak, in the information field, and not because of showing how poorly people live there why this conflict happened, on the contrary , to show that everyone who remained there are separatists, all those who are there today, they are murderers, rapists, there is no food in the stores, they eat cats and dogs there, it was all for us. ..
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igor kornelyuk, voloshin, andrey rakelya, again, a foreigner who was still filming in slavyansk died from a blow from the ukrainian fascists. of course, they were afraid of the information that was coming out from us; they certainly came. the guys filmed and showed monstrous footage
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of our militia leaving the village metal worker, people under fire, they purposefully hit there, and there, by the way, our guys also took the famous savchenko, yes, a gunner from the aidar battalion, in which she took a direct part in the destruction of civilians, of course, these shots went viral, of course, a large number of volunteers began to come to donbass, because the only country that... is a famous person and an unknown one, but it turns out that if you dig deeper,
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your ears stick out very much, that is, it’s not just poroshenko’s godfather, he grew up in his career the ladder of women, absolutely not, because i found some kind of matrix, how it was all worked out, the story is actually very simple, back in 1942, the united states of america, through a number of companies, decided to fight dissent, specifically with the soviet union, gradually this has grown into the voice of america, into radio liberty, radio liberty of europe, but if we shorten this story. the united states of america, the headquarters is located in prague, and what do they generally do, why prague, and the goal was very simple: it was necessary to create a kind of prototype ministry in ukraine that would deal with the aggregation of all media resources, that is, recommendations that bloggers and correspondents should receive. how correctly it was necessary to present certain events, but not only
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to present, but also to form these events independently, there will be more later, direct recommendations will be given by jeffrey payet, the official ambassador at that time, and he will have his own special assistants, who will contact our hero directly and give him instructions on what it is better to work out the information correctly within the country, and what information should be sent to europe, then the united states of america will offer a certain option. translation into 48 languages ​​at once, it’s not the ukrainians who translate it, it’s the americans who will translate it, give us the material, we’ll work it out on our own, then the goal was very simple, to create a system, it’s
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purely police, of course, call it whatever you want, but it has a function not a propagandist with ideas, a propagandist who wants to do more of something, to the point of to make his own party and so on, you understand, this is what he is carrying in relation to atomic weapons and so on, 10 percent of the population will believe in it, really believe it, then they told you this, you saw what an idiot he is, and after that we are launching fake news, but with this one i will lower the temperature a little, i’ll tell you, after this news and... we are learning to separate the wheat from the chaff and not only see nonsense and laugh at it, draw conclusions about who launched it and why
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what will be the next step, and what will be the next interesting information, no less interesting than what you just saw, right after the advertisement. a doctor at one of the northern hospitals noticed a suspicious man: try to guess who it is? hurry up, otherwise ilma from the cavalry is already leaving for the hospital. and why won’t you even assign security to me? why, you have nowhere to run except to a finnish prison. one chance for three, premiere, look after the program for the time, the bay in this place is only 70 km, but it’s at most 5 hours on a boat, now i get it, pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group,
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veda vodka, a product of stellar group. olds barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. asana is the correct posture. pranayama is breath control. at the first stage of purification, you must suppress anger. oh, why is nina vasilievna taking so long, now? katukov comes, what are we going to do alone? of little importance, katukova is just your regimental horse. and ho-ho, subtle matters, on sunday on the first. who sews like this? it's
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not about the suit, it's about you. yes you don't please be offended, it’s just very important to choose the right outfit. this year we celebrate the 79th anniversary of the great victory. let's talk about songs of the war years. for me , the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films. death is not scary. a great song that alexander vasilyevich alexandrov wrote when there were the most terrible fights. this song is. on february 17, 1944, comrade gotsman, that is, my grandfather, was able to destroy 150 manpower alone and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, where are you now? friends, when i go out as part of the immortal
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regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the whole war, these are the heroes who gave us life, these are the young ones who have now taken their place, low bow to you guys, he is for i fought bravely for my homeland, i was born and raised in... my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me, first of all, this is a great honor to remember, on june 22nd on the first, varka and nazar will have a child, she’s a tough woman, they were chatting now, well what are we going to do wife? you’re carrying a little bear bastard, you can kill him, you can drive him away, who’s the boy, give me where did you take him? your boy died, how he died, and he was crying, i heard, it seemed to you,
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boy, take it to the house, two banks, the premiere of a multi-part film on june 24, on the first, many years ago, my son brought you a child, he is alive. i love russia because it is my homeland, for the smart and wonderful people who live and work here. a russian person for me is a person who has honor, dignity, happiness - this means enjoying every second, every minutes spent in this wonderful world. a big family is good, first of all, it’s fun. not only parents, but also children, all the time is devoted only to family, children, yes, who else do you have, dad, sister, so that they respect
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each other, listen to each other and always give in, this is what the family rests on, wishes for the year of the family to all families of our country, this is health to everyone, all the best, love in the family and with loved ones. maria butin is with you again, this is the doll heir from tuti, we continue, yuri stets, quite an interesting character, in general, he is very careful, but when he needs to protect his masters, he is completely different. so, you probably remember how a dissatisfied kolomoisky once scolded a western journalist, radio liberty, let's see this element and see how this...
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state administration of igor kolomoisky reacted to radio liberty journalist sergei andrushko. we demand a public
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apology from the chairman of the dnipropetrovsk regional state administration igor kolomoisky. we are ready to provide any support, including legal support for sergei andrushka. michael? i'm shocked, i don't understand anything, who is he for? there’s no need, there’s no need to lose control of yourself against kolomoisky. in fact, everything is very simple. this is the epicenter, let’s say, the peak state, of the conflict between. kolomoisky and poroshenko, the question of how poroshenko began to squeeze kolomoisky out of the post of head, yes, because these ties were very complicated there initially from the fourteenth year, when they were begging the oligarchs to take positions there torutu in donetsk region, kolomoisky in the dnepropetrovsk region, then great benefits and preferences were issued, in particular the same ukrtransnafta corporation, yes, which was completely.
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poroshenko is always trying to remove arseno avakov, as soon as he became president, he defeated yatsenyuk by installing his own, arsen avakov remains, groysman, arsen avakov remains, and that means, but who connects poroshenko and stets, that is, avakov, this means, of course, yuri stets, yuri stets, he has two departments there, which we didn’t talk about, these are information
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threats of communication with ministries, namely the ministry of internal affairs. really, here is the best punitive, the best thing here is naming who, to whom, with whom against, with which media, media leaders, the special services, but above all the ministry of internal affairs, are fighting, which means he is not the direct leader, i absolutely agree, the project is a peacemaker, but we see , as he carefully submits information there, political prisoners dug up on many of them. kostets, it was the ministry of information policy in the statement, which means that criminal cases were initiated and the prosecutor’s office detained some of the leaders public opinion, this is such a project, the last one was always a parishioner of the greek catholic church, how he becomes closer to poroshenko, it is through him, here is the tomos project, through the aunt, so, you know, we are talking about puppets, that
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’s how, but sometimes puppets play...
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he is at least 40% involved in the fact that these lists, they multiplied and multiplied, they were agreed upon in prague, signed, ended up in the peacekeepers, and then they say: look, they are already in the peacekeepers, but now let's join the big lists, and you know who they are i tested it first, canada, strangely, look, not britain or great britain, not the states, but
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canada, but because it was necessary to shoot. which, in short, journalists work against russia, personal data is poured into it, and then they ask him: listen, how is this possible? he says, well, this is different, in general it happened that way, apparently these were people who just had to be eliminated, but well, let me remind you what a huge ukrainian diaspora lives in canada, so of course there are also connections there , well, in fact, here this one the peacemaker project and all the enemies of, let’s say , the kiev regime, this is also the personification of how now this whole system is gradually falling into disrepair, that is, i will remind you of who in recent years in this... in this very portal, in this very the portal was included, well, for example, the pope, not so long ago, yes, because he called on the ukrainian kiev regime, yes, for a truce with russia, or, for example, henry kissinger
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was included in the twenty-second year, when he was still alive, again for the kissinger plan and the truce, freezing conflict and so on, that is, here, of course , it is very indicative of how this system devours itself, so if we are already returning to our today’s character, but here the question is open, what kind of person can he have or cannot have? break off some piece of the pie for yourself, perhaps even become a beneficiary of a future regime change in kiev, but if this does happen, and somehow poroshenko gets to power, you never know, maybe it will happen, i fully admit that these same
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characters, including stets, he will try with to bring himself back again, by the way, i wouldn’t be surprised if, for example, it turns out that he is also somehow connected with this wave of negativity that we see now in the west in zelensky’s relations, yes, it is clear that the americans have serious conflicts , they do this themselves, but poroshenko is like soros. they are also trying to muddy the waters , given that the current government’s ratings are falling and trust in them is falling, everything is very bad at the front. this is interesting, because when they removed him from his position and some time passes, an information message appears it’s a fake, a special military operation is just beginning, about him supposedly heroically fighting there at the front, but there is not a single photograph. what i mean is that they didn’t dump him, they put him on a shelf, on the bench .
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when he is interviewed, he says: i can’t answer you, today i am a military man, i have orders from the command, he answers, but that means he is involved, but today he is involved, so to speak, in the real - i also want
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to confirm that he has not left, if today we look at what the internal the ukrainian market has become unsellable, well , it has become uninteresting, people have rolled back, but nevertheless, we need to maintain this wave, and here avakov is a very important figure after all - understand, the figure of avakov has become a very household name in italy, the fact is that yes , he has an estate there, yes, he has quite a good status there, so our hero appears not just anywhere, but in the italian media, it’s strange, he learned italian for some time, that’s what he starts to do, he starts to form some very harsh negative waves, and this first of all, it is an attack on the north, on the league of the north, on that league in italy, which now greatly favors russia, you know what’s the matter, his task now is very simple, to isolate those. traditional groups that one way or another can be on the side of including justice and truth, and he is now a classic custom media killer, and yes, a small note, when he organized all these new
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media, andrey probably knows this 100%, and he paid bloggers in cash, no, as he paid, he personally could not pay in cash, he for the first time he created what was needed, a crypto scheme, crypto enrollment - this is his story, they bought thousands of bloggers through crypto. and they were given impersonal cards , listen to everyone, the same trace is now in italy, the same trace in france and germany, impersonal cards, and cold wallets, where this money comes, ukrainian money comes.
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tasks, well, that is, conditionally, a specific address is given, an algorithm of actions is given, down to the text of the complaint that needs to be sent to the administration, that is, these groups, at least three or four operate in the media space, when you need to kill someone, well, as a matter of fact, my youtube channel has become one of the victims of these killers, then they organize a huge number of complaints, that is, we are talking about dozens thousands of complaints, which, well, which are actually the basis for... the destruction of this or that channel, this or that account in social media, but what really matters is that there are real people there, unreal, maybe this is a huge number of just accounts that can be dropped like vidos attack and well, complaints, yes, to put your channel on hold, well, they started out as gunpowder bots, now they are already bots of the big project anti-russia, yeah, but before they were called gunpowder bots, and the main gunpowder bots just mean living or not alive, usually there is a living person for him approximately 30-40-50 accounts.
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vika syumar answers there igor gorkhaenko is responsible for the channel for bloggers inside ukraine, so stace is actually still a major player within his team, as he was, remains so, he has not left him anywhere, rest assured, i just know, well damn, the monaco battalion, it looks like this before us, a scribbler for a task, and a loyal servant, well, at least that’s what he says, to his patron, who, in fact, is his godfather and... it would seem, sort of like such
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an insignificant character creates this army, an army of people who write thousands of fake news, insults, including to me, on social networks, and you press a button, and there turns out to be one or two subscribers, but now you know this character, you know who's in charge, it’s just that he was paid very generously for this, maria butina, the doll of tute’s heir, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air in the ekateri studio. main topics of the day. transport,
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medicine, military-technical cooperation.


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