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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 20, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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well, everyone who prescribes these medications is aware, they will say, but others, on the contrary, should not be taken with milk, nuances, but if you take the medicine with water, as a rule, nothing bad will happen, this, this is correct , asana is the correct posture, pronayama is control of breathing, at the first stage of cleansing, you must suppress anger, oh, what is taking nina vasilna so long, huh? with katukova it will come that we are the only ones to do that, it is of little importance, katukova is just your regimental horse, and ho, thin matter, on sunday at the first one who sews like this, it’s not about the suit, it’s about you, don’t be offended, please, it’s just very important to choose the right outfit, cloudy,
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it’s important to travel around russia, because in order to know the country in which you live. the chelyabinsk region is a unique place, there are more than 250 lakes in the region, more than 10 national parks. karelia, oh, it’s beautiful, it ’s wonderful there. nature, the cleanest rivers, large forests, delicious berries and mushrooms, irgaki natural park, come there go skiing, relax on skis, kuban is known for its cossack history, sevastopol, it captivated at first sight, the beauty of lake baikal, and kamchatka, sakhalin, it’s all fascinating, my favorite place in russia, it’s all of russia, travel around russia. i know, zukhra,
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i really love your story about a girl who was forced to take thyroid hormones due to hypothyroidism, and then she decided to improve, they should be taken exclusively on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, she decided to improve my history.
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the dose increases, the effect may already be negative from this dose, but the doctor cannot understand what is actually happening, or else, this is very often associated with people who work with a schedule: you get up, take a pill, then you need half an hour wait, you may not be able to get to work on time, everyone is trying to somehow improve this and simplify the situation. some other adults are taking cardiac medications, which they also need to take on a daily basis, they think that if you combine them, then everything will work out too well, unfortunately no, so if the doctor said strictly natasha, not combining it with anything, then you don’t even need any water with anything acidified or sweetened with anything, just water and everything will be fine, so again, returning to the topic our conversation today, this woman. well
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, she wouldn’t have found the answer anywhere, not in any search engine and never, she wouldn’t have asked this question correctly to artificial intelligence either, in order to get the right answer, she doesn’t even know what to ask, but in this situation, that’s all that's right, only a doctor who gets to the bottom of it, who conducts a survey, who compares one and the other, can that, well, in general, as i understand it, doctors will be safe for a long time, in such a life, as long as they are safe, so when the students say, yes, that's all soon. will be replaced by artificial intelligence, i say, enough for your life, you know, this is also, of course , such a small offshoot of the topic, they also say the same thing about journalists, nothing like that, a good journalist, a person who knows who to ask what question, who has information who can package it all in such a way that it is read there, looked at, listened to there with enthusiasm, he will never in his life be replaced by any artificial intelligence, well, yes, there is no soul in it, but here it is? it’s not about the soul,
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there are too many inputs that need to be compared, yes, i wanted to say, there is no soul, but there is intelligence, watery. it’s not about the soul, you know, that’s when digital photography came to our world, film photographers, how they resisted, they said, there’s nothing alive in this digital photography is impossible, everyone has a dead look, glass eyes, it’s terrible, what is it, it hasn’t even passed there, i don’t know how many 10-15 years, everyone just forgot, great, so it’s about the same, artificial intelligence , search engines and so on, these are great helpers. for a good doctor, who nevertheless knows how to work with a patient, how to help him, how to prescribe everything for him, and in the end write a prescription, the machine will definitely not write out a prescription, it will write it out, it will still be clear, legible,
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well, here i think everything will be fine, but with the addition of some things, i think that after all, the person is still in favor. with artificial intelligence will be needed, maybe in the future, but for now it’s needed. zukhra, do you actually use search engines yourself so that, of course, of course, well, it’s very difficult to do without it, because even the same medicine has so many names that a patient comes and i ask him, what are you taking? he says this, that, some drugs i’m hearing for the first time, but i can’t do them leave it unattended, in case they are, well, as they say, not very compatible. i enter it into a search engine, the directory opens and i look at the active principle, then i understand everything, please, there are situations when a person comes with some kind of tricky pathological disease of some kind or in general, i
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just, i don’t know, he has some kind of some other kind of sore, i would like to say, is not in my specialty, i need to understand what it is, i may have never encountered it. with this, i don’t know, some kind of syndrome, so i’ll forget, read, look, sometimes i imagine i write something out on the weekend or look through it in the evening, i have all kinds of interesting books, and i sit, compare, solve, i also have some of my own puzzles , these professional ones, i’m preparing for an appointment, by the way, i once had a patient - such there are 15 people all over the world, can you imagine how much i shoveled, i almost said, lucky? but this is the opposite story, yes, unfortunately, there is a lot of trouble there, this is a very complex disease, it also has all sorts of different components, and i sat upright for a while, didn’t raise my head, because it was very rarely, very tricky, everything is very complicated, that’s why search engines help a lot, without them,
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it’s like without hands, everywhere on the phone and well, sometimes you find yourself somewhere - in a place where you need to provide help, but you... in general this is the first time i’ve encountered this, you need to understand how to help a person, this also happens, yes, in moscow, by the way, that’s what’s very cool, medical assistance based on artificial intelligence has been developed, and so on and so forth, because x-ray images are viewed by artificial intelligence and so on, but in in the end, the doctor still makes a decision, one for the other, one does not replace the other at all, but only... successfully complements, yes, complementary, then this is good, indeed, it also seems to me, quite an important story, why google, well, not really the right story, because you enter your personal data on the internet,
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in fact, this is also such a sensitive topic, i had patients from america, they were very indignant, saying that yes, everything is somehow very bad here now. .. difficult, difficult, imagine, i came to doctor, i ask him a question, and he says: wait, he sits, searches in a search engine, writing down my symptoms, what it is, well, this is a disaster, he says, i can do that too, well, you calm the person as best you can, although, of course, it doesn’t look very professional, yes, you can look at some medicine that you didn’t prescribe, but from... looking for symptoms based on them to make a diagnosis, well, to be honest, it’s a little strange, at least now it’s looks strange, maybe in 20 years it will be like this, i don’t know, i don’t presume to judge, but if let’s say, adding up all the complaints and symptoms,
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i can’t figure it out, i’ll say, dear patient, i have questions, i can’t reliably say what it is, that is... how can i cope, or is this not at all my profile, and come on, what can i do here, i can send it to someone who does this, yes, i think it’s professional. must remember by heart to know that how to treat, not anything like that, it is necessary
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to check, so that a person receives the most excellent help when i interviewed elena zelikovna golukhova, she is the head of the bakulev institute and a cardiologist, a famous cardiologist, academician, female doctor, everything turned out well, so she talked about it, it was two or 3 years ago, she talked about the fact that she has a huge dream that all medical histories, that all medical practices will all be united into one database so that a person, a doctor, a beginner or not , can look into this database, compare something , already understand what to start from, which one look for a side, again in order to help the person as much as possible, that’s it.
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jewelry store, their relationship has suddenly rusted. mikhail, a car sales manager, lives in tula, is passionate about music, sports, searching for a lady from his heart, is proud of his parents, and warns that he is not ready to raise other people’s children. mikhail will not be interested in a woman with poor eyesight and a night work schedule; he will marry a lady with appetizing curves that can easily distinguish a carburetor from a radiator, and will prefer an air suspension to an expensive necklace. hello, hello, larisa,
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thin, slender, tall, so, you know, not this 40-year-old, beer belly, very presentable, you can see, yes, that he looks at his physical form, this cannot but rejoice, just the first question , what you need to see, that a prerequisite for you is good eyesight for your future chosen one. well, probably the presence of good taste, first of all, and probably to see probably those moments that are important, probably in life in relationships, yes, that is , to discern some kind of zest, maybe please tell me, what if she has a minus six, but at the same time she will be a person with a golden soul, a beautiful heart, she will be good for everyone, but either lenses or glasses, well, you’ll have to take her to an ophthalmologist, a clary surgeon there, and so on, it seems to me , was at home, yes, now i am in such an exquisite company of such
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wonderful people, so i would like to say a huge thank you to you, rosa, to you, larisa, yes, for giving me the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful project, thank you, yes, well, to us it's nice to invite us, yes, thank you everyone. to the editors of andreyuri, all the girls would be without them, yes , already give them, yes, let’s get down to business , yes, this is a rose for you, he is from tula, tula gingerbread cookies, shapes, but the shapes are about you, i think that if he sees your shapes, he will immediately fall in love with the ophthalmologist, so well i’m from tula, yes , as they presented, yes, i’m from the city of tula, yes , so, well, if i came, then either a machine gun or a gingerbread is better than a gingerbread. with a machine gun yes, as they say, no, yes, with gingerbread yes, here you go, such wonderful, yes,
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with love chairs, yes, thank you, yes, and this is for you, a tourist gift, i love it, just thank you, great, well then we guessed right, yes, well, and the most important thing, probably, i would like to say that rose and larisa, you have very good taste, yes, that is, i also have good taste , yes, that ’s what i always say, if... she has bad taste, yes, that’s why these aromas are from me, wonderful aromas, thank you, yes, really for royalty. yes, he literally showered me with gifts, one might say, this is important to me. please tell me where you found your treasure, sit down, let’s get acquainted, we are in tula, yes, just me periodically at that time i was in moscow most of the time, that is, i work in moscow, well now we can say, yes, moscow tula, yes, so we met her, yes, and
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then somehow we started dating, and then it came like there may be some trouble there for some time. act and so on, i invited her to moscow, since i had been in moscow for a long time, so i invited her with me, at that time i was renting a room, so modestly and so on, well, basically i have work during the day and night, day and night everything is in the cabin there and so on, so she arrived in the room, well, the first thing, that means, the first thing she came into the room, misha says, how do you live here without a tv, that is, she immediately somehow showed that there she was modest in tula , some such ambitions have already appeared here. to a jewelry store, did you have connections or what? well, no, well, i wanted to somehow better help the person, so she started working in the store and what mood did she come in with? well, she began to change a little in her behavior, yes, that is , some metamorphoses were happening and so on, yes, here she is, for example, oh, well, for example,
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for example, for example, she said misha, i want to pump up my lips, for example, except for roska, she didn’t pump up here, no, no, i was pumped up, that’s just all left over from those times, it’s understandable, the gel hasn’t dissolved, but here we all have 100% done lips, so he’ll have to come to terms with it and choose, and he’s like, i won’t choose anyone, well, we’ll see, we’ll see, the main thing is for him so that it’s not a riotous lifestyle, so that it’s not a stripper, so that the vision is normal, from a complete family and without children, that’s right, excellent, and shapes, shapes, so that there are, yes, by the way, let’s decide on the shapes, because yes, up to what size, because this size is shmize, which i don’t understand a damn thing, this is a shape for me - that means there’s a third fourth, the waist is in the place of the hips, so that the child is good, how would it be, otherwise now
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everyone is thin, everything is hard there, this, but what is your shape, what size, probably the most important thing is the shape of the head, yes, what... will communicate with a person who understands at least something, he dreams of performing in the olympic olympics, you - in which do you want to compete in the olympics? well, i wanted to as a hip-hop performer, that is, it just means what kind of prelude, even a musician? well, when composing songs, let’s perform them right away, so that we can understand while sitting that
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it’s not, whatever you want, because you have such an opportunity on the first channel in prime time. will never perform, thank you very much varis, let me grow, well, the moment is like a preface, yes, i just wrote this song, i’ve been in moscow since 2008, 2008, but i’m meeting girls and so on, and i didn’t find any misunderstanding, that is, we in general there are two hip-hop girls, so let us all have a song in us, it has a meaning, a song we will understand the meaning, so i just looked at this whole trend and the song was dying, that is , well, which of the singers comes out and talks about it for half an hour. .. that song, i sing, everything, i sing, i tell, i read, yes, before moscow i completely sucked, not a penny of money, it’s a complete bummer, friends passed by, looked down, looked for the cool ones, they rejected the simple ones, but this spring i was lucky , you know, guys, what surprised me, they recognized it better at the castings me, now i’m visiting larisa guzeeva, i hate those who play on their grandmother, let them look at themselves, and not real rags,
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of course, i want a real lady who will love me and give me her heart, clothes, not standards of beauty, nothing to them will not help, tv and glossy magazines, these sites are ugly inside, what’s next, hear me, dear mothers, what are you teaching your daughters? i know how to cheat rich people in a club, you're hooked on pathos, nightclubs, shaved dogs, silicone lips, sitting in a club, we pour lava, i see it's palletizing, then sit down me, i’ve been dreaming about such a guy for a long time, maybe you’ll pay for me, cowboy, i don’t know, lidy, where is your brain, i wanted to know what he breathes and how he lives, in short, the guys are happy to waste money, they don’t drink from small dishes, and if you decide to lash out at me, they come to us for the program with exactly this request, and you say, honey,
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please tell me, i remembered this, oh my god, rocky rose this olympic one was demolished a long time ago , so i’ll ask you this , this is meddelson, he is our groom who will gather the hall or not, with this repertoire, well, by the way, about the olympic one, it’s now being built again, so mikhail will definitely be able to collect the olympic ones.
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on the first, meet the first bride, walk around,
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hello, hello, misha, my name is... masha, there is such a phrase: if there is a choice between me and someone, don’t choose me, but i won’t tell you it, i’ll tell you , choose me, great, thank you, this is for you, dear, yes, here you go, here you go, maria is 27 years old, a logistician in a transport company, she moved from pskov to st. petersburg 9 years ago, she is interested in automobiles tuning, to be proud that i gave my mother a car. admits that she loves men with good teeth and stubble, warns that she adheres to proper nutrition. until recently, maria was embarrassed to tell even her
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parents the reason for parting with her lover, but now she is sure that her sad experience will serve as a lesson for many. hello, girls, hello, rose, hello, larisa, we didn’t come to you empty-handed with local souvenirs for... in general, it seems to me, they look together, yes, she, she’s tall, regular, beautiful, oh, maria, it’s even scary to ask the reason why you broke up with your boyfriend and didn’t even tell your parents that something terrible could have happened there? yes, in fact, it’s very difficult for me to remember the time that i experienced, yes, it’s good that it’s long gone, my relationship ended 2 years ago, this is the last one. the last line, yes, the last point was that i never accept in a relationship, that they raised me up, it turns out, they used physical force on me, but just a person
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who beat you for a long time, yes, yes, damn it, yes, now a second, can i, speak in your own words, no need to be clever, physical force, just beat you up, speak more simply, simply. at the end at the end of the relationship, the man beat me, used physical force, it turns out, it’s just really hard for me, i don’t know, so maybe get it together, let’s do it all, how long have you lived together with him, we dated a young man for 3 years, in during this time, we periodically converged, diverged, and we diverged because of what, we diverged because the person drank alcohol. at this moment he began to behave inappropriately, you say, and his parents knew him? yes, the only thing is that i brought him to a meeting with my parents, but then i regretted it, because
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the man... showed his insides even at this meeting, that is, we arrived, well , there was some kind of feast planned again, yes, we got together, i just wanted to introduce him to my family, the man simply had too much alcohol and a conflict situation ensued with his stepfather, when i introduced my parents to my boyfriend, everything was very nice, friendly, and there were no negative feelings situations, always all the time.
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look, she comes, for example, to her husband, already ready with lips, with breasts, with teeth, with everyone with eyelashes and hair, yes, but the other one, who doesn’t invest in herself, means everything needs to fall into place, just like with the previous one , you need to do your lips, it’s expensive, breasts, butt, they are now. they do everything, redo it, moreover, today many men say, i ’ll do this for you, this is this, because i like it that way, today there is a completely different aesthetics, different relationships, and today they don’t even hide it, on the contrary, of course, that is man you won’t need to invest in maria, but if that’s the case, if that’s the approach, then yes, of course it is, that is, how is it that you’re already ready to receive money
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, you don’t have to spend money? well, everything is already sort of packaged, yes, as it were, but what i liked more is that you do tuning, yes, yes, yes, i really love beauty, i do it everywhere, not only in myself, i also, and with the car , i’m a logistician, and i also have my own tuned car, so i have a very bright car, i have a sticker on both sides, are you on they drew it, well, no, of course, i wanted it to be beautiful, if a girl in the 21st century doesn’t invest in herself, then what?
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to you, maria, what romantic objects can always be found in an internal combustion engine: roses, hearts, candles or wedding rings? well, of course there are candles, although sometimes there are roses there too. who helps light a cigarette from a battery? parrot, crocodile, bunny or squirrel? never lit a cigarette? no, i didn’t light a cigarette, just like that. well, the last question is, why does the driver need a stepladder? jump into the cabin, wash the glass, attach the springs or draw dragons, draw dragons, of course, well in your case yes, although in general the springs are attached, there is a hit,
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well, by the way, look. since i love working with transport, i have tuning and we have our own complete car, i would like to offer to paint it together. super, so this is it, this is it, so let’s open it, come on, oops, i like bright, bright colors, so bright colors, we need to stand out, no, i wanted to suggest, maybe we’ll write, our beautiful names, yes i agree, exactly, exactly, we won’t do this, but i wanted a car, you know what, my advertisement, if you want to get married, call sevitova, and a phone number,
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but what? how cool, masha and misha, it turns out that now it will sell for twice as much, it turns out, but it must be funny. this is serious, cool, well, elegant, thank you very much, thank you guys, take the rose, girlfriend, i think the surprise is right on point, mikhail is passionate about cars, and maria very cleverly chose the surprise, how do you like maria? well, the impression is good, yes, what? most importantly, she understands cars, your ideal life partner is there, just believe me, my son, she is for you, and you are for her, you are simple guys, uh, no one will, but if you just stop looking
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down, because you are so cool, with good taste, everyone is unworthy of you, and as soon as you also begin to understand something about yourself, this will be an ideal couple, maybe she will eventually repair my car, which... her requests are ordinary, a man must be russian, you are russian in order for him to have teeth, you have teeth, in in general, which means that a beard and stubble are a matter of gain, as they say, if you don’t shave for 3 days, there will be stubble, it actually seemed to me that something even flashed between you, somehow you even look together, yes, yes? well, you knew better from the outside , well, somehow you both approached the gift so actively, started coloring, i really liked it, that is, you somehow just like that, well , almost became friends, yes, there is a common theme,
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take a look, what to do should this phantom kiss the first person to walk through this door? water and war are your only favorite a woman for life. you are my wife, i am your husband, it will always be this way. on march 2, emperor nicholas ii abdicated the throne. power passed to the provisional government, the monarchy. for faith, purity, forward, i ask you, anya, the crunch leaves in half an hour, if we don’t make it now, we’re finished, and i’m ordered
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to do something, live, live, she’s always better, but i love alexandra vasilyevich, there must be next to us, let us now see the future, as if through a glass darkly. but faith, hope, love, and love from them remain with us more, admiral, on friday on the first, meet the second bride, good luck! hello, my name is ksenia, i have never been to tula, and i hope you will give me
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a tour, anyway, 100%. thank you, thank you, definitely, definitely, a very impressive girl, mikhail was even confused, it’s worth mentioning her.
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faces, you’re just bigger than her, that’s true, but the fact that you’re a beauty, despite your curves, i couldn’t take my eyes off you, it seems to me that men shouldn’t give you a pass, seriously. well, you're beautiful, you're just absolutely sexy and a dream, well, they probably tell you about this so often, so that loris, but the fact is that the problem here is something, and they don’t give access on the internet, likes, shmike, everything else, she doesn’t go in reality , there is no one there, so we mean in real life they don’t give way, but it turns out virtually, this is a big difference, but what was wrong with your father drinking? and not only did he drink prohibited substances, of course, his whole
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childhood was like this, i’m telling you seriously, tell me, my father beat someone, of course, we were very it’s funny, it’s amazing, what, well, of course, it’s like that, i just, i just react normally to it, so i always share this story, well, because, well, i can’t get away from this, you can’t run away from the past, well, seriously , how can i say, it seems to me that there are families where there is still violence in... and everyone is silent about it, therefore, therefore, when you met your love, you thought that this was normal, yes, but i was how old, i was a little younger, and of course, i was bigger, bigger, and i always thought that this was normal, that this was normal, maybe the problem is in me, but the fact that you were big, it was because you were overfed, or hormonally, i think, a pasta-and-potato childhood, no, actually my grandparents , yes, they always fed me, the main thing is...
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ambitions, i wanted to be a deputy, yes, in addition to performing at the olympics, yes,
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no, why do you suddenly have some kind of special education, well, i have, i have a higher education, higher education, but i myself have a physical education education , i also have a higher education in acting, but now i’m having a hard time i can imagine what i’m doing there, well, only i eat all the time at the deputy’s buffet, all sorts of delicious things and take them home, but what else can i do useful for society, nothing, i don’t know how to say anything, i’m still dying of an apartment, it seems to me, that mikhail is a little bit... considers himself better than he really is, he is wishful thinking , ksenia, yes, the surprise is ready, yes, but i need to change clothes, otherwise we will wait for you, thank you very much, this is super, a luxurious woman, just, yes, i just don’t know, take your hand away, don’t stop us from watching you just to consider, by the way, your dream is to be an assistant, and ksenia’s dream is to swim across...
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and i also shared a beach with tom cruise, and i, of course, looked and thought so differently, and that’s how i swim around, and he looks through his binoculars like that, for some reason i also had these, why tom cruise, it’s unclear, let’s see the surprise, what she can show with such forms, surprise, what kind of surprise it will be, well, since she’s a bold girl, you can see from her costume, i think she ’ll want to rock those curves. it's a dance after all
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in obese women, when you have something to shake, it’s normal, yes, when you don’t have fat, no matter what you do, nothing shakes, but she’s flat. i don’t see any plasticity here, these hands are like this, when there should be beautiful fingers, everything should be very beautiful.
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for 10 years now i’ve seen the girls he ’s dating and whom he showed me, and it’s just 100% a girl like ksenia , purely outwardly it’s just that misha loves them
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, he likes them, that is, you put your stamp on her, yes, she definitely suits oh good for me, he says masha, that is, ksenia, right? not yours, she, don’t bother, only excellent students should be friends with someone like ksenia, so well, you looked very beautiful, the presenters really liked you, they were just delighted, this mikhail looked at you with such eyes, but we have another bride , so come on in and get acquainted, thank you. hi mikhail, my name is yana, i heard you don’t like girls with poor eyesight and
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work at night, as you can see, i wear glasses, but at night i’m free, great, oh, that’s a plus, thank you, yes! keep it for yourself, yeah well done, well done, retorted, look, yes, this is his minus, a flaw that he didn’t want, in fact it’s still a small thing, in the poem woe from wit famusov threatened to send his daughter here, to the village with his aunts in the wilderness of saratov , it doesn’t bother you that people walk around constantly rubbing your nose, why are you itching for money or rain, that’s what i have all the time, they checked them just like that, took a roll, covered it with a towel, sat on it, give, give, give, let go, oh well, we have to erase everything for the female, here is a fish that is 8
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years, she gives us caviar every year, tasting, or maybe another jar, we need to record takes, our lives. premiere on sunday on the first. i am 21 years old and worked as a landscaper, a stationery seller and a teacher at a children's creativity center. lives in kazan, dreams of finding the profession of her dreams and perfecting her breast shape. warns that she doesn’t like men driving cheap cars. yana's lover was generous with gifts, but constantly found excuses for marriage.
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17, no, i was 20, he was 38, well, that’s early in general, yes, well, besides, he already had three wives before me, he found excuses about my weight, he even had a phrase: when you weigh 50, i’ll marry you, tell me, you weren’t humiliated by such a wording, in general such a boorish attitude, this is pure undisguised rudeness, not veiled by anything at all, but i was offended, but in response you didn’t say anything to him, when, for example, with you? this or that, well, i couldn’t afford such rudeness, but he really valued my personality, he said that i was perfect in communication is perfect. his address of such rudeness, what kind of personality, unfortunately, yes, well, i appreciated something else in him, that he cared about me,
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how he cared was expressed, financially, he took all his expenses, gave gifts, no, i have a middle-income family , but as a child i always looked at wealthy families, i wanted me to be like that, bathed in luxury, to be very wealthy, in general, i want it so that i would want a man who would take himself... a material question, so that i didn’t think about it at all, look, you are 21 years old, when did you manage to do this? i’m torn that you have given up and decided to put everything on the shoulders of men, no, of course, i have a desire to build a career and find the job of my dreams, but i don’t want this job, it brings me any burdens, difficulties, i don’t i want, i want to work at a job i love, but you have a general schedule, well , let’s put it this way, you are dating and your life with... listen, this concerns you, so the first month of dating once or twice a week,
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your husband’s schedule is generally for years, look, over the next year intimate relationships, spending time together three to four times a week, by the end of the year meeting my parents, living together, 2 months after living together we have a wedding, after the wedding we build a house, do renovations, move there, 3 years after the wedding we start having children, we live... once again, yeah, so, well, so that it was somehow easier for her, what do you think
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about her bad habits then, she likes to argue, she gets wound up easily, this one here 2 weeks a month pay always be sad, and the remaining 2 weeks you will study love, what is this? well, in general, girls, they have to be capricious in life, especially, especially, especially at that age. with men like this, it turns out how old she was when she started dating an older man. ian, have you prepared a surprise? yes, for my surprise i will need mikhail, let's come in. mikhail, my favorite holiday is the new year, but unfortunately, it is already over, we did not have time to meet you in advance, now i suggest you decorate a summer tree, thuja,
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here are toys, women's and men's, later you and i will compete to see whose tree will be better, cool, good, this is for a while, yes, or just in a free dance, yes, yes, now we'll try, come on, of course you shouldn't stretch it, right? i thought they were prolonging the pleasure, we’ll do it quickly, but if you choose me, you and i will prolong the pleasure, it seems to me that they have nothing in common with the third bride, the surprise is also somehow not quite, yes they say we are completely different from the word, so and he can take the car for himself, of course, take the car, in the car, and you have in the car, well, there is no air freshener in the car, by the way, i’ll give you, okay, agreed, so, so, so, so, so, quickly, be quick, sports tree, do you have boots or sneakers there, that’s my education in sports .


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