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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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they are actively discussing the results of our president’s trip to north korea and today’s, of course, visit to vietnam. vladimir putin was leaving pkhinyan late in the evening, but the guest was given a warm farewell with the highest honors. before departure, vladimir putin waved to his north korean counterpart from the plane's window. and these are the headlines that almost the entire western press came out with today. as always, the west heard only what... to hear and presented everything for their readers, saying that the russians and north koreans are planning to respond to the west. well it is worth noting that on western television channels, as they might have relished the visit of our president to north korea, most of all, naturally, they were wary, one might say, even angry, about the document on a bilateral strategic partnership, but today korean sources published only the last page of the document with signatures.
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meets the russian president on the red carpet, a lively conversation begins, each leader persistently invites the other to be the first to get into the limousine. the streets of pyongyang, decorated with portraits of putin, are a strong signal for the west, the so-called axis of dictators is only becoming stronger. after a luxurious meeting, the leaders of the two countries promised to create a strong front against. in the united states
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to deepen its military ties. as a result , a new interstate agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership was signed. i agree that this is a truly breakthrough document, reflecting the desire of the two countries not to rest on their laurels, but to raise our relations to a new qualitative level. vladimir putin says the agreement provides for mutual defense it appears that both countries have now promised. potentially come to each other's defense if attacked, do we have any more details about this partnership agreement, and what exactly does that mean. both leaders seem willing to potentially come to the aid of each other's armed forces if both countries, or if either country, are subject to any kind of aggression or attack, but what kind of help are we talking about, is it military help, what are we talking about, what is it sending food or supplies? the problem is that we don't have the written document that they... wrote,
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there are some nuances here, but they still cause great concern. russia and north korea are at odds. kim jin-un promised full support for russia's war in ukraine. putin thanked kim for his support and said that the two countries would sign a statement to strengthen their partnership in the fight against what he called the imperialist hegemony of the united states and its satellites. what do you think about these close ties between russia and north korea, how important are they? i think it's very important for north korea, which was a very isolated country, in fact, the most isolated state on the planet. you know, russia is a developed country, it is very important for north korea, and this was evident because of the way putin was met. the meeting is also very important for russia. the koreans have a huge stockpile of artillery shells, multiple launch rockets and ammunition they can use. russians and no
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less important, they have a common border, so all this can be quickly delivered, neither the us nor anyone else can do anything, to intervene. ukraine's allies view the putin-kim friendship with considerable trepidation because american european weapons are not being delivered to the ukrainians as quickly. in general, it seems that for... western journalists the essence of this document agreement is not as important as its interpretation in a purely american manner. ekaterina, well, in your opinion, in general, what significance does this agreement have for the west, well, in particular for the united states, do they generally understand the essence of it? i think that in washington they understand perfectly well what is going on speech, but on the other hand, there is an information agenda. we all understand perfectly well what is happening now. by pursuing such
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an information agenda, the united states is trying to prove that in fact they were not to blame, and russia and north korea are to blame for everything, but if we remember, we can say: that the united states, of course, fears that some kind of -movements in the international arena with the help of restraining certain counterbalances, the asia-pacific region, we know that for the united states a very serious region influence, they created a special union there for
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this, they even pushed france for this, then suddenly this russia-china pair begins to advance, begins to interact more... actively, and of course, this is unprofitable for them, inconvenient, at least for their own to the public, for their voters, they must show that this is in fact the so-called axis of evil, they have nothing to do with it, that is, they will promote this topic further, andrei fransovich, if they started talking about the axis of evil, then for them the axis of evil is, of course, military cooperation first everything, and of course we all understand that probably no one has ever seen the entire text of the document among those who do not have access. what do you suppose the phrase in this document means, about which our president said that in the event of aggression the countries will help each other, and then in the same sentence he said in military-technical terms they will cooperate, what this specifically means, and special is a military operation already an aggression against us for this treaty, or
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not yet? i would divide this into two parts: firstly, military-technical cooperation, i am sure that it is already underway and will be strengthened regardless of how they behave. what to worry about, because at first the aggression was emphasized that if america supplies f-16 planes that will strike our territory, this will be an act of aggression that we are talking about, in fact, which means pyongyang is confident that it will have help us, i can clarify the point,
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sorry, i agree with f16, but permission to strike on russian territory with long-range weapons, which we see now western weapons are arriving in the belgorod region, that’s something for now. aggression will not be regarded, in your opinion, because again, we do not know all the details and cannot find out, we will refer to the source, we will refer to what our military-political leadership says, and there the long-range high-precision weapons, these are three countries, this is france, this is britain and this is the usa, we are talking about operational-tactical missiles, ms attacks with a range of 300 km, cruise missiles and the shtor shadow or scalp of french production, well, perhaps german taurus or... american jasam missiles will appear, which have an even greater range, so , accordingly, north korea will receive from us technologies related to intercontinental ballistic missiles, this is a direct threat to the united states of america, and if they try in the press to de-identify this meeting, trying to find some moments, that means
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there is a portrait, there are dictators and so on, the top political leadership and analytical agencies will, of course, rebuild the understanding of this for themselves process. and what did karine jeanpierre say? yes, it’s okay, well, well, they have an alliance there , well, tension on the korean peninsula will increase a little, no, this tension is now intensifying along the way, russia, north korea, the usa, this tension is already on their continent, this is starting to be completely different influence, including on decisions made, but unfortunately, i think that america will not change its position on the transfer of weapons to ukraine, i do not exclude that we will see. well, it’s not only the americans who are worried about this meeting, in kiev, they were seriously scared; adviser to the expired zelensky, mikhail podalyak , said that the agreement between moscow and pyongyang
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means that there are no more rules. the signing of a military-strategic partnership between russia and the dprk is a unilateral , highly brazen act of annulling. i rules the loudest always scream those who trampled them with their own hands. dmitry, what rules do you think mikhail podalyak is talking about now and what is behind his words? well, it should be noted that everyone is now , plus or minus, monitoring the international component, because this is the most important factor in the conflict, give or take. the second important component is that within the framework of this visit, which takes place in two main directions, it is accepted. quite important strategic decisions, of course, technical cooperation between the dprk and the russian federation is taking place, this
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is obvious, i hope everyone. it is also obvious that the most important factor here is china in this case, because the dprk has a strategic partnership with china, a significant part, for example, of grains, time of fuel oil, and now fuel oil is actually supplied from china, plus on top of that there are a billion infrastructure projects that are involved, including china’s attempt to enter the sea of ​​japan, bypassing the south china perimeter, respectively, the south china sea. in general, as if continental, there a number of infrastructure projects, including, apparently, will be prepared, including, therefore, from this point of view, well , it is clear that this is the basis of a strategic partnership, it is based on military-technical cooperation, first of all , so with this the composition of the delegation is related, as we all understand perfectly well, the delegation included representatives, by the way, who did not fly in the same composition to vietnam, their delegations are different, it is important why, because accordingly the dprk is perceived as a strategic military-technical partner, with which accordingly occurs. technologies, among other things, in the near future we will actually see, accordingly, the reactive, apparently,
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decision of the dprk, so the second point, in turn, is therefore related to this, as it were, the composition delegation, which mainly specializes in novantek, as for the situation with vietnam, a purely economic component flew there, purely economic, and accordingly , it wasn’t even the minister of defense who went there, he went for the minister of defense, why because the main task there will be is to implement technical cooperation, technical... they don’t quite succeed in this, but in their decisions, which concern, including
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strategic types of weapons, there are a number of issues, so of course, everything is very they are afraid that fingen may receive, for example, technologies related to nuclear submarines, for example, and i remind you that previously nuclear submarines, and in reality, accordingly , the corresponding technologies were actively developed by their american colleagues in the australian direction, so from this point of view, this is a growth tension, plus i remind you that south korea and tokyo are still in very difficult relations. with khenyang, in the event of a conflict, first of all, the siul will lie there, i remind you, the specialty is accordingly north korea, as we have all unanimously found out over the past few years, this is cannon artillery, so how do they have such reserves, how would they prepare accordingly for exactly this type of military action in the short term , so from this point from a point of view, of course, this is a serious burden on south korea, this is a serious concern for japan, through which all these supposed launches are flying, which is why, from this point of view, of course , an aggravation here is, as it were, predicted, and this , by the way, indicates that what is shifting the center of interests in the near future will be in the territory of, and as our american colleagues like
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to put it, the indo-tichian region, but in fact this is respectively southeast asia and india, well, you see, it’s really interesting how ukraine reacts to everything, look what podalyak said, yes, this in fact, important words, he says: there are no more rules, and this plays into the hands of the americans, too, because by abolishing the pre- established rules of conduct, international politics in general, the rules of the game, the americans do not even assume... tarya, guy, what are you asking, gun,
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untie my parents, one chance for three, final episode, look after the program for the time, we wait for 15 minutes and fly away, gentlemen officers, there is a german squad behind. friedrich karl is ahead, i see no other way out but to lure the german into mines. in any case, i would never refuse you, i’m afraid anna vasilievna, you would be exhausted. everything is fine with us, not quite, you fell in love, given the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation is now the same, war, to beat the enemy is to fulfill your duty to the fatherland. this letter abc and morse, i tried at home from the textbook.
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thank you, but today is the last time we see each other. unfortunately for us, the revolution overshadowed us. the future is from us, darkness is approaching, i order the officers to surrender their weapons, brother, we have no place to wait for cartridges, and to hell with them, we have always beaten the enemy and will continue to beat them, bad news, gentlemen, the reds are approaching omsk, god help us . admiral, tomorrow after the program time. in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk. the one who seeks will receive, even if you. and a superstar! i'm victoria prutkovskaya, representative of the exclusive cosmetic company. today we are without, i
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was a very homely girl, i didn’t go to any discos. there are no parties there, women, why don’t you and i never once in our lives prepare in the evening what we ’ll wear to work tomorrow, no, every morning we stand in front of the wardrobe in our underwear, in a panic, you know, i’m that kind of person, i close the door once and never open it again, i clearly make a decision and then follow it and don’t look back, i’m absolutely happy, because somehow everything... picture, here it is so correct and the way it should be, what i have dreamed of since childhood, on saturday, at the first, meet, comrades, a young specialist will be doing an internship with us, where is the mugimo student, and where is the tailoring? probably, he confused us with the model’s house, he’s coveted munekenchis, let’s go
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to paris with you, we’ll pack our bags and leave tomorrow, darling. what's happened? he’s cheating on me, that ’s what happened, how could you act so unworthy, he’s from another world, he’ll indulge and come back, and you’ll suffer, sweet, charming, simple, well, not so beautiful, like your past hobbies, but she’s the one who can ruin our wedding, we need something so that the groom sees it right away in the zaksa he wants it, not like a human being, it’s somehow the bride of his groom and... subtle matters on sunday on the first , and that i called then,
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i’m probably happy when my children are next to me. my relatives, parents must have a good upbringing, they themselves must pass it on to their children, a father must raise his son, setting his own example. being a mom is work, it's daily work, caring for children, mom, dad, brother and i, great family, 3 years old already, and we are already reading books at that age, happiness is when there is calm, peace, well-being at home, when everything is in order with people . so that the younger brother is good, healthy, happy, the parents are the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment spent together, so that everyone lives well, with faith, with hope, everything will be fine,
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the information channel on the first continues, we are working live, in these minutes in vietnam vladimir. stated that this state visit of the russian president helps strengthen the image of vietnam, well, it’s worth noting that vietnam immediately experienced all the criticism from the west, bloomberg writes that the authorities of the country, that is, vietnam , ignored all the comments. on political blocs in the asia-pacific region, our president stated this, that’s what else vladimir putin said at a meeting with his vietnamese counterpart. we also considered a number
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of issues on the regional agenda, touching on and current international topics. let me emphasize that the positions of russia and vietnam on them largely coincide or are close. our countries firmly defend the principles of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, non-interference in... the internal affairs of other states, coordinate efforts at key multilateral platforms, including the un, as well as within the framework of the russia-ocean dialogue at east asian summits. when discussing the situation in the asia-pacific region , mutual interest was expressed in building a reliable and adequate air-technical infrastructure a security architecture based on the principles of non-use of force and peaceful settlement of disputes, in which there will be no... place for a closed military-political bloc. in conclusion, i would like to once again thank comrade president and all our vietnamese friends for
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their hospitality and meaningful negotiations. the current visit will undoubtedly contribute to the further development of the russian-vietnamese partnership, in all areas, in all directions. thank you for your attention. andrey frantsovich, well, despite the fact that the delegations are different, the topic rises. the same everywhere, this is the architecture of the new security, what role does vietnam play here and what do we expect from this trip? look, it is very important to consider the new architecture, this new multipolar world, not as a military confrontation, it is primarily an economic confrontation. let me remind you that our president has long voiced that we are building a great eurasian partnership, the creation of a large continent that will dominate the world, and most importantly, that there are no external players there. and we systematically we are building it now, let me remind you that we have the sco, brix, this is a platform that is not directed against anyone, which itself is developing on equal terms here and vietnam, it is very important to interact with
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us, because this is one of the new centers of influence and russia can really give vietnam a lot of interesting technologies, this is nuclear energy, this is logistics, these are investments that can come there, and russia, unlike other regions , actually comes and develops this process, we are not just. we are building a nuclear power plant power plant, we immediately create, relatively speaking, a scientific cluster, personnel training, we immediately raise this entire industry within the country in a comprehensive manner, they understand that this is very important, and of course, vietnam is our long-time partner in armaments, because russian armaments are showing reliability, and cost on the arms market, now a special military operation has just shown that our direction, our look into the future, and weapons are always a look at some time ahead... an attempt to predict how the enemy will behave, so we guessed, unlike the west, our heavy equipment and so on, it is good, advanced, easily modernized and
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can easily be repaired right on the battlefield, the vietnamese understands this and are building with us these relations, it is important that our actions are not directed, relatively speaking, against china, because these are its regions, these are its interests, this is a comprehensive solution, and here we always agree with china, we are in the central asian region and... east asia, we we always don’t cross paths with china projects, and if our projects coincide somewhere, we come to an agreement, make a trilateral agreement, such a good powerful synergetic effect is obtained, relatively speaking, china comes in, builds port infrastructure, we come in with energy, with technology and everything else, so this is quite a serious blow for the americans, because they act on the principle of sharing power, vietnam proved its, well, let’s say, neutral position, did not support sanctions against.
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raise their partnership to the same level as with china. i think there is already competition between china and the us in the region. i don't think beijing or washington will want
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a third party to get involved.
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very often they step on their own rake, if we remember, everything happened according to the same scenario with the russian federation, the russian federation tried to make friends with the united states, ignored its allies, then it happened that they began to move russia because it had become too strong, yes, now the same thing is happening with china, china is very, very strongly connected with its economy with the united states, for example, this is an example, there is about 90%. all
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rare earths, which, in principle, without which it is in principle impossible to produce any kind of electrical equipment, it is supplied from china to the world in the united states, that is, if now china simply says, i no longer sell you my rare earths, the same is true for apple products, for example , it may cease to exist, the same will happen with vietnam, i think there will be such soft pressure from washington at first, there will probably be some soft -
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it doesn’t rise much against the backdrop of this visit, the american media, the western media in general have completely forgotten about this and don’t say a word, but we will remind you to show periodic photographs of the president, well, because now there is another conflict going on, which, of course, also rivets attention, it is impossible to agree on peace in ukraine without russia’s participation, now this can be officially said, they understood in kiev, the head of zelensky’s office, andrei germak, made the following statement on the blumberg page: we
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we think that it will be possible to invite a representative of russia to the next conference. work on it has already begun. the second summit will be more representative and the goal will be to end the war and resolve the crises it has created. it is more representative, as representative as it is, but it turns out that ukraine can do this if forced. well, remember also that so-called peace summit in switzerland, which is not a summit at all and certainly not a peace summit, new details emerge from time to time. this very summit, remember how some countries began to withdraw signatures from the document that they allegedly signed, and it turned out that there was no document on paper at all, and the swiss foreign ministry was told about this. there is no physical version of the joint communiqué; delegations wishing to sign a joint communiqué had to inform switzerland before the evening before the summit. collaborative communication is a living
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document. other states can join at any time, even if they were not present at the summit, or withdraw your expression of support. dmitry, this is already evil, because...
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they are suggesting that this event be held at one of the sites, in fact, it is now being chosen what exactly, that is, it depends, then the question will be what the agenda will be, as if by this time, it will be
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decisive, that is, there will be two parallel summits, one with the ukrainian concept, the other with the chinese, the swiss format suggests that the next stage should be accordingly with the promotion of peaceful initiatives, which accordingly in due time.
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to vietnam, that is, all this is monitored, as it were , from the military correspondents to everyone else, this is now the main highway, because the issue is being resolved there now, just like that, taking into account the fact that in the near future the situation with vietnam may seriously aggravate, imagine on wait a second, what will the republicans think about vietnam, especially when they take the senate with a high degree of probability, they will think very badly, that is , the problem is that vietnam also understands that in the long term aggravation, so far their relations are very good, and the radicalization of the confrontation with the chinese is meant, but they actually have good relations with the americans now, as if they don’t care at all, in fact, accordingly, their previous conflict, so they too they don’t really understand, biden comes there, he raises his status, as it were, to the level of china, it’s like there’s no one there , like vietnam, it’s like nicholas, they also meet with the same kind of flags, that is, the problem is different, that vietnam understands that in the event of a full-fledged
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confrontation between china and the united states, which will probably intensify in the fall of this year, a third player, especially on economic grounds, is the way out for this system, so activation begins, because against the background of the confrontation, when you will be forced to choose, you are either for china or not... you will have to choose china, you will have to choose between its economy and its financial system, relatively speaking, it is the third player who will become the founder, now more than 60% of all transactions in national currencies are taking place with vietnam, they will accordingly invite, and the most interesting thing is that this is the third, this third position, it will become decisive against the backdrop of global oppression, why vietnam invites accordingly, including the russian federation, navat, by the way, which is under sanctions lies, as it were, on arctic sp1.3 for its respective offshore projects, which are actually operated by a south korean company, and what can the americans do to interfere? which they won't do anytime soon because they it is important, accordingly, to maintain vietnam as a counterweight in relation to china, because they have very complex relations , in fact, interaction among other things, therefore, from this point of view, now in the near future they are first trying to crush the financial system, as in the case of china, that is, to send their proposals regarding secondary sanctions. second,
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accordingly, they are trying to somehow strengthen the negotiation track before the fall, but the problem will be that in any case this whole system is heading towards conflict in the fall, against this background of conflict, the impoverished united arab emirates are beginning to think, and saudi arabia is beginning to think about everything else. countries are starting to think, from brazil to everyone else, they are thinking about what in this world there is a confrontation between two major players who will demand an oath of allegiance, that’s who in this case will be the third option, that’s what’s most important... important: vietnam interacts with china with the usa, but they need to create these opportunities, because if tomorrow they naturally the equipment of either one or another country will be cut off, and this has already happened in a number of countries, that’s it, that’s the problem, this is the third way, this is the third force in a bipolar world, this is a very, very, very in demand position now, so from this point of view , everyone is afraid of the autumn periods, plus everything overlaps with the electoral component, we will have elections in the summer in france, where it will be very fun, i recommend everyone to watch.
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our videoconferencing systems are all over the last 24 hours; according to ukrenergo, equipment on energy facilities in the kiev, vinnitsa, dnepropetrovsk regions, as well as in the occupied part of the donetsk region. in the kupinsky direction, our army is disabling the logistics infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces; the gorokhovatsky bridge, one of the main supply channels for the svatovo-kremensk grouping of the ukrainian armed forces, has been destroyed. meanwhile, ukrainian resources report that the ukrainian armed forces are experiencing great difficulties in toretsky. directions, our troops are moving towards the settlement
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of druzhba, displacing opponents from the opornik. russian troops launched an assault new york, this settlement is located 6 km west of gorlovka and is a fairly powerful fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine. ukrainian militants used new york , among other things, as a logistics center directly for their group under the clock. and union tv channel correspondent bogdan smirnov is in direct contact with us. from the new york front. bogdan, hello, how is the situation there? of course, it was difficult to imagine just a few years ago such a discussion as we storm new york, but nevertheless, it is clear that this is not the new york that many people think about, and it’s not even the city itself that matters, new york, as i understand it, is in ukraine, in the donetsk people’s republic, which we will rename, of course, these are the approaches to toretsk, like the situation there, what will happen next? hello, ruslan, hello, i want it right away. note that, again, the city of toretsk, that’s what it
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was called after decommunization, the historical spanish name is the city of zerzhinsk, so i would like to again move on to new york, the southern and eastern part of this populated area the point is already located in the gray zone, from the eastern direction it was possible to develop an assault on this settlement; with the help of the russian aerospace forces, strikes were carried out by factories on enemy positions in the new york or novgorod area. how should it also be called that, that i would also like to note that several pieces of equipment were destroyed, including the bukovel radar, as well as engineering structures and , of course, armored vehicles, as it was correctly noted that it is new york that is the largest hub, the largest point, and one can only imagine how much blood pain, how many shells... were fired from this direction into the peaceful neighborhoods of gurlovka, in
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this case the settlement itself is located in nizina, and presumably from there excellent opportunities emerge for developing liberation actions towards the settlement nelepovka, then towards taressk or zerzhinsk, and then on to the route to konstantinovka, in general this opens up great prospects for developing the so-called pokrovsk direction, also known as the red army direction, in general there are great successes in the cheretensky direction, daily attacks from our soldiers, daily attacks are carried out by our military personnel to the settlement of kalinovo with further access to the highway, in general the prospects are very wonderful, our right military personnel have seized the initiative to the west of avdeevka, it is now worth watching: then how the situation
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at the front will develop further. bogdan, tell me, is it possible to say that our successes in this direction on toretsky are connected with the fact that we transferred reserves to the ssu to the north kharkov region, is it felt there? yes, of course, intelligence data also shows this, in general, in order to significantly stretch the forces of the ukrainian armed forces with redeployment. countries in the kharkov direction, indeed, now the fighting near volchansk is still ongoing, the panicky mood of the so -called ukrainian bots, ukrainian journalists who constantly publish, in particular, testify to this that
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fees are constantly being announced specifically for the kharkov direction to avdeevskoe direction, and the same fees for drones, fpv, on... there was information that there was some kind of shortage, then they said that there was no shortage, at the moment, what can we talk about, besides personnel, equipment, ammunition too transferred or? after all, they do not have a shell hunger there, a shell hunger is, of course, present, this is evidenced by the way the enemy uses drones against civilians, it is worth noting that yesterday there was a shelling, yesterday there was a shelling, drones also attacked
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civilians in petrovsky district until these it’s been restless since then, every day some news from there is constantly published with publications. thanks a lot. powerful, shows its character and its own because it is there that russia shows its inflexibility. and naturally, in connection with this, the entire public is closely
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watching where our president is going and with whom he is negotiating. reaffirming vietnam's position and prestige, as well as fidelity to the consistent foreign president putin's visit contributes to the policies adopted at the thirteenth national party congress. this trip also demonstrates the russian leader’s respect for the leadership of the communist party of vietnam and general secretary nguyang phu chong, who made a significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations between ours.
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yes, indeed, now the first part of vladimir vladimovich’s meeting has already passed, we have now moved to the opera building here in the center of hanoi, where further on the president’s program there will also be some events, including the laying of flowers at the memorial. we are expecting a further event, vladimir vladimirovich has already met with leadership of the country, on this trip he meets with the four leaders of the country, these are the prime minister, the president and the chairman
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of the people's assembly, also the chairman of the communist party of vietnam, 15 agreements, memorandums and various documents have already been signed, one of the main ones, the first on the list - this is a memorandum on the further deepening of both the memorandum and agreement of a comprehensive strategic partnership between moscow and hanoi, which was signed in 2012, also within the framework of the friendship treaty. which this year celebrates its thirty years, historically very strong relations have developed with hanoi, these agreements on... a very wide range of different areas, including economic,
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trade, as well as scientific, there were agreements that have already begun almost the first phase of the opening of a scientific center for nuclear research, nuclear technology, medicine here in tanoi with the participation of russian experts, also... the drama of the president, we expect his further meetings and events. thank you very much,
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maxim alturi, correspondent artie arabik was in direct contact with us from hanoi. well, in between those in poland, which means they are also not sleeping, they say, we will act, we will go to the end, the next nato exercises have begun there, more than a thousand military personnel are practicing maneuvers on the baltic coast; the program states that nato soldiers will pay special attention to preparation. climbing and working with explosives, well, poland, i must say, is one of the most active nato countries in europe, warsaw has become a record holder for the amount of contributions to alliances, in addition, poland now has the option of commanding nato troops on baltic. according to nato experts, poland's defense spending in relation to the country's gdp will increase and amount to 4.12% in 2024. this. the highest figure in the alliance. in nominal terms, poland's defense spending this year is estimated at 151.24 billion zlotys, or estimated
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at almost 35 billion euros. the other day, the head of the polish ministry of defense announced that his country has now been entrusted with an important mission in the alliance. alternating with germany and sweden, poland will exercise command in the baltic on behalf of nato countries. the poles are not that they keep their hand on the ukrainian pulse, but... they just keep their hand on the ukrainian throat, the speaker of the sejm of poland came to ukraine and, during a conversation with zelensky, tried to blame the russians for everything, but what most likely happened was, you know, self-exposure. we are now experiencing an absolutely unprecedented number of hybrid attacks from russia and various acts of sabotage within the country. we are preventing these plans, one by one, they want to do really bad things inside our country. we feel very serious pressure on...
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foreign agent leonid volkov. putin and his entourage are not ours, they are criminals, root for them, help criminals, wish them defeat, the right choice for any normal, honest and worthy person. therefore, there is no need to be ashamed of this position. but all these loud, so to speak, statements are needed only to justify attempts at personal theft, a certain vladimir. foreign agents are also terrorists, for example, he calculated reparations from russia, you know how much, 2 trillion dollars, apparently, the higher the price tag,
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the more interest he received for betrayal expects to receive, listen, i proceed from the fact that in general the main damage that has been caused, it is already more or less clear estimated, it is somewhere around a trillion-something dollars, this is quite a manageable amount for russia, okay, even if i admit it... i underestimate it, let’s say it won’t be a trillion dollars, but two. russia can afford 2 trillion or even more. andrei frantsivich, well, of course, we all watched this with a small smile, but this is a smile that causes some sadness for the still citizens of the russian federation, which i don’t have any smile, well, because the ukrainians counted 500 billion in damage, he counted us at 2 trillion, they are chasing who has more, what should we do with them with these traitors, but in fact, do nothing. no need, they will bury themselves, look at what they looked like when they were in russia, how they changed when they left there, this, well, this can be seen simply visually, what happened
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to a person, this is what they are throwing out emotional, right?
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poland is a leader, they took out loans for two generations ahead, so much so that the south koreans banks had to increase the limits on sending military aid, let me remind you, they ordered a thousand tanks, another thousand artillery systems, airplanes, all on credit, plus american equipment, and europe is being prepared for slaughter, it is being prepared as the second echelon after the europeans fall , well, or rather ukrainian troops, and then european troops will come, as stoltenberg spoke about several times, mistakenly saying that these nato planes will be there... kiev is waiting like manna from heaven, they will be based, as it turned out, on the territory ukraine, said us presidential security adviser jake salevan.
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our plan is to station f-16 fighter jets in the area. american weapons to the image, so i think that they of course fear for their own, image is everything to us, russian advertising and let’s go back, hurray, i fought, not yet, who hasn’t yet, they will take us out of the subdetail, i’ll raise it strange. we go,
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we go, not a single shot is fired, this is the worst thing, when the soul is shooting calmly, i have a categorical order from the commander, take the sokolovka, rocket, lieutenant, krisha, forward, lieutenant, he’s already turning around, well, what are you waiting for, shut up, calm down, misha, calm down, you can’t mess around here, comrade colonel, the right flank ran into a mine, churmak, go ahead, what are you worth, for the ninth war, like in the war, june 22, on the first, come on, maleshkin, well done, maleshkin, press on, maleshkin, this year we celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the great victory, let's talk about songs of the war years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt songs are those that were featured in our films. death is not
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scary. i was born and raised in donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me, first of all, this is a memory and a great
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honor, this is victory day. threatened to send his daughter here to the village to her aunt in the wilderness in saratov. you need to record the takes, your own lives, the premiere is on sunday on the first, the most famous graduate of our orphanage is yura shatunov, it’s a little warmer behind the glass, but in the bitter
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frosts, this gentle may project just blew people’s minds. i know, you are waiting, i know, a tree, planted, a house, built, a son, gave birth, three commandments that every man needs to implement, i did it. in memory of yuri shotunov, on sunday at the first, you are also good, send her to the forest, you have already gone crazy with your collective farm, and this is your bear mod. bring it, he’s not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, your daughter is confused with the bear, you’re fucking, i saw it for myself, i’m crazy, the ermakov bear was
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here, i’ll find out that i’ll kill both of them, clearly, you missed me, i couldn’t live without you nazark, barka, soy, you’re bothering me, nazar and i love each other friend, he will kill you, he won’t kill you. he found someone else for himself, but stop it, because of him you’ve already come close to death twice, that means i love you to death, they declared war, yes, i heard he’s writing from home, he’s not writing, damn we know the matter, two shores, the premiere of a multi-part series movie from monday on the first, who? the life of vladimir zelensky completely depends
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on the american intelligence services, claude janvier, a french writer and political commentator, spoke about this in an exclusive interview with our colleague ekaterina strizhenova. what do you think is fate waiting for zelensky? oh, the future fate of zelensky is a good question. if the americans abandon him, then, honestly, this is a big question, financially there is no need to worry about him, he has accumulated a certain fortune, he has several luxurious houses, as for his life, i don’t know, to some extent this will depend on what the americans decide , the american secret services, the full version of the interview today after 1 pm on channel one, further news.


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