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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 20, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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that’s all for now, the program will continue to air on channel one, time will tell, so we ’ve connected, and he’s joined us on channel one, we’re happy to welcome viewers of channel one, we discussed, heard how stormy putin’s visit is, which means in north korea and to vietnam, today, and most importantly, that the realization was even quoted from an article from the wall street journal, which suddenly means these damn geniuses understood, it means that washington’s opponents are gathering into some kind of single company, but how, where to go for those whom he puts pressure on, humiliates, with whom the arrogant poskotske communicates, so they finally realized this, realized that it is washington’s opponents who are inclined to somehow enter into alliances with each other, they, of course, were very concerned, and were and are very concerned about putin’s visit to north korea, and to vietnam, we showed headlines, the headlines were very alarming, but it cannot be said that they are also not doing anything, they are not fools either, you know, for now... i met
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with kemchanin yesterday in pyongyang, a counter event was also held in washington, joseph biden and kamala harris received distinguished guests in the white house, various guests, high and low, the main thing is that they are in dresses, lgbt representatives, look how cute it is, well , show me, but we have it with sound, really, well, give it, lord, give us sound, this is impossible, please, come on, welcome to the white house for the briefing. i'm ready to answer all your questions, is it true that you have real hair? yes, i assure you that this is not a wig. this is the answer, you know, well, after all, but the roskom supervision, we shouldn’t to underestimate our strategic, as they call it, rivals, which means they will go to war against us and hit us on the helmet with a daisy, he says: go away, he says, you fool, the homeland is in danger, yes, that’s it, sorry, it’s just them , well, it’s impossible, well what is this, givork, well , you’re a political scientist, no, well...
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this is correct, there is organized resistance to this process, which is naturally beneficial for us, when the fact that the democrats are imposing all this, well , that means they are losing let them lose their votes, it’s good for us too, you understand that this is already not political resistance, in fact , the resistance is quite military, we are fighting, i just now realized, we are actually fighting so that this does not exist for us, traditional values ​​are not just some kind of this, i have never seen this at all, never it’s one thing more when we fight so that we don’t have it.
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stated that russians are scary, very scary , and the only thing, so to speak, that russian people will do with the hand that is extended to them, what they will do, of course they will bite it, by the way, this is important, this is not just such a philosophical thing, so to speak, i don’t know, the idea of ​​the famous thinker kamensky, no, this is actually, as i understand it, this is a program.
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there will be no other results from this, if you give them a helping hand, they will eat you, they will eat you, that is their nature, if you want to change the situation, then we want to change russia from the inside, and these i think are very important lessons that we must learn from history, first of all, we must defeat them at the front, and secondly, we must actively fight them inside russia itself, inside russia itself, but i want to tell you, no, listen, who else would speak? but pole, when you say something like that, it turns out that we, all the time, they will eat you, they will eat you, no, it’s just, well, poland, but poland, well, some kind of it was necessary, i remembered the lines of edward lear, oddly enough, excuse me, and i was speaking briefly, and our dad was saying with
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a sad face, someday every pig becomes pork, i’m talking about this kamensky, who, it’s true, but behaves, i repeat, but from the point of view of historical memory, is generally simple justice. and of course, like a pig, unfortunately, this is so to speak, this is not the first time i’ve said this in this studio, not just about kamenskoye, but for some reason the world here has, i don’t know, changed, nevertheless, pay attention, this it ’s just such an inversion, it’s just such a mirror reflection of our awareness that it’s impossible to talk to them about anything, it’s just, it’s just a mirror reflection of our formula, we understand this, we realize that it’s impossible to talk to them , these are not pigs, no, these are teenagers who have become you can speak. what they think with their suburban consciousness, that is, if earlier the words that mr. kaminsky voiced could be voiced only by the most radical baltic minister, and then in the best case, it was considered maviton, but now there is complete freedom of consciousness, complete freedom statements, say what you want about
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russia, moreover, the more radical, the more inadequate you are to comment on russia’s actions, the more political points you get in the european union, why actually the president of france... who will go to war with me against russia? i got it , i got it, okay, so far they’re just chatting, mikhail, i’m wondering, anyway, their hateful statements somehow influence us, just even ordinary people, but i think, to be honest, not at all, well, because well , it’s all some kind of
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nonsense, well, let them carry it and that’s okay, well, just yes, firstly, everyone is already used to it, it seems to me that this is the first thing, as it is, and secondly, you know, this is not a matter of statements, it's always about business, yes, if we win, then the question will be closed, you can speak out as much as you want later, that’s all. you see, that’s why i think that we must show by our deeds, by our victory that all this talk, you know, it’s worth nothing, and if behind these conversations they have this idiot in a helmet, and this polish one, and what if after all, the conversations will be followed by actions on their part, on their part, they are trying as hard as possible and so, well, yes, no, things are going on, they are trying as hard as possible and so, it’s just that all this is accompanied by some other inadequate rhetoric, in this that's all, i think the point here is not that we, you know, also respond with inadequate rhetoric, it’s probably about... we must first of all respond with actions and calmly treat inadequate rhetoric, yes, of course, we set the task of winning, which means we need to win, that’s it, well , in general, yes, i wanted to talk now, like , maybe they also set themselves a task, no negotiations, and then i think, what difference does it make what they set for themselves, well, i agree with mikhail, yes, let’s
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really proceed from this, anyway no less, well, it’s still interesting, yes, well it would be necessary, well, it’s interesting to watch, it’s interesting to watch, sometimes it’s funny, no, well, it’s clear that anyone, i don’t know, a strategist, a military leader, and so on, it’s clear that he doesn’t care. i remembered - that means france, the french politician florian philippot, we often quote him, he is such a pretty sensible man, he writes a lot of things on twitter, a lot of interesting and sensible things. so, he said that france and the west as a whole are constantly being explained that the russians are to blame
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for everything, that they are responsible for everything that happens. and in trump's victory in the sixteenth, in the actions of the yellow vests, the fact that bed bugs attacked paris, and so on and so forth. this, in fact, like everything else, is also very convenient. and why is the car burning here and all of paris is being dragged, so to speak, by thick and caustic russians? that’s it, listen, there are people who understand, but in general, well, yes, it’s very convenient, convenient, it’s awesome, it’s very convenient, unfortunately, for them it works in the short term, you can blame the russians in a month, two or three, well a year, two, three, yes, then the refrigerator still wins over the tv, then that’s it it is equally necessary, as if everyone is tired of the accusation that he is russian.
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they take the position that it is not the russians who are to blame, the local authorities are to blame, the european union is to blame, mrs. fondelien is personally to blame, well, this is not popular, she is spinning it, it is now becoming very popular , many people hate funder, then explain to me the paradox, that means everything to her she is hated all the time and re-elected, but because the number of people to whom she is important, necessary and useful, who are friends with her, who are in the same political bloc of globalists, they are still the majority, i’m not saying that eurosceptics have now taken the majority in europe, no. of course, but the trend is towards their victory, the main thing for us here is to avoid the effect of inflated
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expectations and not to look at everything in a black and white picture, that is, i, for example, literally when a couple of days ago or yesterday i even saw the wildest howl in telegrams about that marina lepen’s blog removed the point of cooperation with russia from her program, lepen the traitor immediately went back and forth, guys, there are elections, why does mrs. lepen need to be accused of being pro-russian moods, why do you need the locals.
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we have a normal healthy society , unlike them, here we can, we have already achieved advantages over them, and this greatly irritates many people there.
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firstly, of course, i want to say that there is a feeling of unity, yes, well, look, i can say that it is felt, society has consolidated much more than it was 2-3 years ago, this is absolutely certain, second, second, of course, the economic component is of great importance for people, what is important? that from the point of view of such results for last year, well, 7.25% growth in the gross
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regional product, this is almost twice as high as the national average, well, yes, this is cool, yes, but for us, at what expense? due to the development of the economy, due to the development of industry, due to the fact that new investors come, new enterprises are opened, we have seriously grown in industrial production by more than 6%, so i join katin’s question, i want to expand it a little, but otherwise there is apparently, that is or maybe something got in the way before.
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only industry, this includes the agro-industrial sector, and of course, this is tourism, the sharp growth of industry, but by the way, not which is now developing by leaps and bounds, people are actively traveling, well, not just driving, but i can tell you this, we are for in 2 years we have doubled the number of tourists in the yaroslavl region from one and a half to 3 million overnight stays, with 9 million excursionists, and we are building hotels. yes, in fact, i don’t travel very often, this is a problem and look, in the same place, in the same place, one thing catches another, if a huge number of people are traveling tourists, entrepreneurs see this, they naturally begin to invest in the construction of new hotels, if you have no one, no one will invest, one thing leads to another, this is the first, second, we have a whole series of serious, you know, preferences for investors, for example, we have such a city as tutaev, located between
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yaroslavl and rybensky, well, in general it is not tutaev, it became tutaev after the revolution, and its name is so old, romanov borisoglebski. and it’s on both sides of the volga, a very beautiful city, so real, so what we have done, we have a priority development area in this area, so i can say that thanks, among other things, to the support of the federal government, we not only have zero income tax, zero property tax, zero land tax, loans can be taken out in at 1% per annum, which in modern times is generally not excessive and a luxury, so we also have an accrual on the wage fund instead of 30%, only 7.6%. percent, and regardless of the type of business you are engaged in, but we will have this too, you know, not always, but those who enter before january 1, 2025 receive this benefit for 5 years, and we are now inviting all entrepreneurs, all industrialists, respectively, to us, tutaev, in the yaroslavl region, all who register there, all who they will begin to conduct their business there, they will receive
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benefits for 5 years that they will not receive anywhere else, sfo is generally the only place of business, are you writing this down? well, that’s right, yes, well, we have a lot of them, or, for example, i can tell you, we have such an industrial program, we specifically they made a program to attract industrialists to the countryside, that if you invest the countryside in any direction, industry, agro-industry, tourism, it doesn’t matter what, of course, the development of rural areas, we return up to 50% back to you, built, for example, built, for example, there, well, the agro-industrial complex, they got 50% back, 50% cashback, imagine, these are fabulous conditions. why are we doing this, we are doing this so that industrialists come to these areas and so that these areas receive economic activity, our task now is to move forward as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible, and we are actually doing just that, i can say that we have the lowest inflation in the central federal district, the lowest, we have excellent growth rates, that’s what i said , that the growth of the regional product, that tourism, that construction by 20%, almost a million
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square meters, well, that is, we really understand, we have something to be proud of, and this affects the level. life on the quality of life of people, you have to go, you have to go, but not now, friends, so, and we have, at least to say, a call to the viewer, what if he is from yaroslavl, that would be cool, it’s not like we have such a guy playing now and such a guy right now in russian folk attire against the backdrop of the volga, no, hello, yes, hello, where are you from and what is your name, sergey kasterinko, moscow city, yaroslavl region, well, you ’ve heard about the yaroslavl region, but almost, almost yaroslavl, he tells it perfectly.
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i’ve been honestly watching the svo since 2002, when the us budget began to allocate money to strengthen democracy in ukraine. with this money an opposition was gathered, which in 2004 made the orange revolution.
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the geopolitical interest was to weaken germany by stopping the flow of cheap energy resources, which is what we see, industry in germany is now weakening and america is dragging this industry to itself, they also wanted to weaken russia itself in order to divide it into parts to manage resources, and in order to weaken russia as a potential ally in the upcoming struggle, here you are and you answered your own question, sergei, why do you thank you, no, but i’ll quote gevorg, in fact, he once said in one of the programs that he says, well...
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the allies will begin, well, not a riot, at least, but excitement is very accurate, so a number of american experts , someone, someone has resistance, look, for example, how a number of america’s allies are getting out of its control, for example, the same israel, we are silent about ukraine, which means that in this situation, in this situation, a whole a number of american experts say that defeat in ukraine will not even be the end liberal democratic.
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our development, our technologies, the development of our industry, yes, this, this depends on the government, on the regions, that is, on industrialists, this is
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such a general general general.
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well, you see, we have a very wide range of topics, but nevertheless, so to speak, strategically, fundamentally, we are still talking, so to speak, about the same thing, or all about the same thing, so - some time ago we quoted both one french politician and one polish, one might say, politics too, in general, they came to the conclusion that actually scaring the russians is - so to speak, not only stupid, but very, but very productive, well, because it kind of means...
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where is he just they give that in russia the meaning changes, they compare it with a certain animal that was so ferocious that it boldly defended itself when it was attacked, that is, it doesn’t get old and it doesn’t cause anything, now this is such a thing, so i found a piece your conversation, when someone said, america didn’t succeed, i would like to rhetorically ask when she succeeded in vietnam, in afghanistan, in iraq, in syria, where she succeeded, but that’s not even the point. what
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is interesting to note is that in general the search for this external enemy is always conditioned by defeat in the fight against all internal enemies; if you consider any situation, you will understand that this has always been the case everywhere, always with everyone, in the communist camp in the capitalist camp mao and bush have exactly the same tendency, and what’s interesting to note is that there was such a writer, very famous, who wrote...
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yes, well, that’s okay, this is a separate story, very interesting, however, lena, please tell us how your situation is in general, here i came across some covers from charlie and bdo, but they are always like this, extreme like would be humorous, but i also came across a polish one, listen, well, where is the polish magazine, the poles, the poles, although it would seem that they are mocking, even the poles are mocking your macron, what have you, yes, if i am now.
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including those who postulate, so to speak, in order to quickly, quickly enter into this the ship, which had already begun to sink, nullified all his undertakings in one fell swoop and, as he himself put it, pulled the pin from the grenade, throwing it, so to speak, into the opponents’ camp, the fact is that the grenade is still spinning, smoking and it is not clear where it will explode, that’s all it can be said that it was not entirely accurately calculated, what he did, if i start to explain to you now, i’m afraid.
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the soviet union turned around, nothing, the largest nuclear power, i think, i think that mr. macron, despite the severe humiliation that he is currently worries, which make him generally worry about his mental health, still experienced some relief, i would say, since what happened reset all his previous obligations, and as i told you, none - no one is going anywhere anymore, no troops, no ukraine, and, by the way, no one. it will be very hot, it will be very bad, it will be very disgusting, i would say, but i have always told you that the country is in an explosive situation and that this will not
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end well and this is unlikely to end in peace, look, plus there is also the olympics, so to speak for for complete happiness there is still the olympics, i’m not sure that we, i’m not sure, i say every time on all the airwaves, i’m not sure that we can do it. to produce it, with regard to this general trend, not only france, but, if you noticed, the entire european union was shaken after these elections, because its main backbone was scholz, macron, that is, france and germany. its functions are assumed by another, that is , it cannot collapse immediately, it will stagger, but this, you know, as one smart person said, you don’t need to be their theologians in order understand when the fish begins to rot, that is, you think that this has already passed.
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i see, friends, thank you very much, once again i want to thank our guests, mikhail evraev and georgi mirzayan, we had a great conversation, this is the topic of france, let’s not let go, it means, well, france is clear, it has always had ambitions, it has always been like this say, but she was always in the shadow of somehow anglo-saxon countries, or germany in the sense of economics and so on, in the sense of anti-russian rhetoric, there was a chance, not even that there was a chance, she came forward, became the very best, at least in something first, here...
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guy, what are you asking for a gun, untie my parents, one chance for three, final episode, watch the time after the program, we wait for 15 minutes and fly away, gentlemen officers , behind the german squadron. friedrich karl is ahead, i see no other way out but to lure the german into mines. in any case, i would never refuse you. yana vasilyevna, you would be exhausted. we're doing well, not really. are you in love? given the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation is now the same: war, to beat enemy.
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let's hit! unimportant news, gentlemen, the red one is approaching omsk, god help us. admiral, tomorrow after the program time. in memory of anastasy zavorotnyuk. the one who seeks will receive, even if you. and a superstar. i am victoria prutkovskaya, a representative of an exclusive cosmetics company.
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today we have no, no prece. i was a very homely girl, i didn’t go to any discos or anything.
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gives caviar, tasting, or maybe there is another fish here, which is 8 years old, it gives us a jar every year, we need to record takes, life theirs, the premiere, sunday on the first, there will be a child in the cook-off with nazar, it’s heavy. “the women were chatting now, what are we going to do, wife, you’re carrying around a little teddy bear, you can kill him, you can drive him away, who’s there, boy, give me where you took him, your boy died, how he died, and he was crying, i heard it,
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i imagined it you, boy, take two banks to the house. the premiere of a multi-part film from monday on the first. many years ago, my son brought you a child, he is alive. there is symbolism in macron’s appointment, a businessman in the rothschild banking sector. as a former rothschild banker, there is much controversy. macron understands business, understands market economics, and
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it is with this page of the french leader’s biography that one of the conspiracy theories is connected, according to which he allegedly still carries out the will of one of the richest and most influential banking dynasties not only in france, but in the whole world. back when emmanuel macron was minister of economy, industry and digital technologies, he eliminated our entire industry. many are sure that the current french the president is still not only closely connected with the banking family, but carries out its instructions. it's no secret that he is not... the first french politician with experience working for the rothschilds. at one time, george pompedu worked for bankers for 8 years before becoming prime minister in the government of charles daigol, and then his successor at the elysee palace. it must be remembered that former french president george pompedu came to the rothschilds, that henri manuel passed through rothschild, that charles
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nury passed through rothschild, nicolas basire, deputy secretary of the elysee palace sarkazy went through rothschild, therefore emmanuel macron too. it is not surprising that bankers have interests in the conflict in ukraine. the most important and significant business of the rothschild family on the territory of independence is the purchase of ukrainian debt obligations at bargain prices. cloude zhangier, french writer and political commentator. he believes that all the power in the world is concentrated in the hands of thirteen families, such as the rothschilds, soros, and so on. this is exactly what he wrote about in his book “exposed, who really rules the world." these are large clans, many people know about them, there are the rockefellers and the rothschilds, there are also the arsini families, vanderbiltymoor and other families.
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in fact, emmanuel macron worked at the rothschild bank even before he became minister of economy and finance on the quai de bersia, where the ministry of economy itself is located.
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i mean those at the helm, as well as the military-industrial complex, but unfortunately, since the election of nicolas sarkozy, and then françois hollande and emmanuel macron, france. turned into a shadow of herself. it fell into the clutches of the rothschilds and became completely subordinate to the financial power and military-industrial complex of the united states.
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their goal is to control the federation, which is much simpler than controlling a number of individual states, countries of the european union. and the military-industrial complex in america is doing everything possible to ensure that this is the case, so that the european union becomes a federation. this also includes the task of remaking russia. i’m not the only one writing about this, this is a fairly well-known topic: making russia fall apart. create several states, gain access to oil, gas and other mineral resources of russia. if we help ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we have ever dreamed of. critical minerals worth 10-12 trillion dollars. these assets can be used by ukraine and western countries without giving them to putin and china. we see the same thing done in the middle east. look what's happening to lebanon. unfortunately, this state is in a deplorable state. look at iraq, it is completely destroyed, look at libya, it is completely destroyed. look at
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syria, all these are traces of deliberate destruction. one of the most lucrative opportunities for incredibly, the conflict in ukraine opens up business in recent times, despite all the deaths, losses and financial damage. zelensky announced the creation of a fund together with the black rock company to restore ukraine. now that the contract has been signed, black rock said it could cost between $7 billion and $800 billion to rebuild the country. scott, speaking at the debate, said: "don't worry, this is not a gift to ukraine, it's credit." ukraine will have to put up all its state assets for sale to transnational corporations, including all its agricultural land. for thousands of years there has been a struggle for these lands, the richest in europe. what is worth understanding is that vanguard and these 13 families are shareholders of black rock and
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vangard: at the same time, vangard is not traded on the stock exchange
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, and the global financial oligarchy, unfortunately, has evidence of this: in 2024, this year france was in second place. place in the world in the production of weapons, and our country has set another record. this is the largest number of search queries related to sites with pedophile materials. and this is in the reports, i did not make up this data, and the more perverted and degraded a society is, the more perverted its leaders are. today we have reached an extreme degree of liberalization, which is supposedly good, but in reality it is not, as many artists, politicians, financiers, visited epstein's island and treated themselves to a monster tourist trip of a sexual nature. this was done for two purposes: on the one hand, it was about
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perversion, on the other, about collecting incriminating evidence for... yes, that’s right, this is a long-developed plan, they thought about it a long time ago, their goal is to enter russia, divide it into parts, into several pieces, because several states are always easier to control than one large country, it will be easier to plunder russia’s natural resources, and president vladimir putin reacted very well to this, he launched a military operation on february 24, 2022 in ukraine, for him it was very difficult
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decision, but it was necessary to stop the advance of nato, for now due to...
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he is playing with us, he is playing with france, and he has cornered the country with multi-billion dollar debts for 7 years, this will put us in a dead end. macron has the right to make a decision, which he does, but you can still disagree with it. there is no doubt that he really wants war. we sell weapons, but we don't send soldiers to the battlefield, but that's what he's going to do, and it changes the balance. i would like to lead europe and push europe to ensure that it does everything became more like a federation, where all cultures and countries coexist mixed, this will not happen quickly, it will take time, but gradually everything will mix,
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the main language will be english, he is still trying to present himself as the main military leader of the european union, in this russian-nato he will go to the end of the war on the territory of ukraine, he began to send a small part of the foreign legion to the ukrainian front, he behaves like... a conditional military leader, this is the problem, he does not share the idea that it is better to strive for peace, not war, that it is necessary to comply with the minsk agreements, that it is finally necessary to stop bombing the donbass region and annex it to russia, because in any case this decision is based on the results of the referendum. the problem is that vladimir zelensky, macron, biden are military leaders, and they need to feed arms dealers and so on and so forth. bridget, she.
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he is also a great specialist in studio filming of war films; in france he is considered a man who went to war films were filmed at the scene. in fact, these films were filmed on a sound stage. he
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had the habits of a street urchin, he looked like a child, he was wearing a slightly worn black t-shirt, sneakers and jeans, he was celebrating the success of his last performance for the night, he was tired and spoke in a hoarse voice, the first question i asked him was so: who do you think you are, stickleback or beppe grilo? he replied.
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can i put it more simply in my own words, you know, i... am a simple history teacher, such a story, the history teacher ended up in history, it’s funny, it’s according to plan, i had to promise you all a lot of things, but i, i won’t promise, firstly, it’s dishonest, and secondly, i understand absolutely nothing about this, but this is for now, i ’ll figure it out, the american military-industrial,
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there is no need to worry about him, he has accumulated a certain fortune, he has several luxurious houses, as for his life, i don’t know, to some extent it will depend on what the american secret services will decide. claude, now is the time to say the most important words. now the most important thing in my opinion is the establishment of peace, this is the most valuable wish, it does not depend on the president of russia, he wants peace in any case, it depends on another country. europe, because, in my opinion, people are dying both on the side of russia and on the side of ukraine, no one needs these immortals except arms dealers, and i think it’s time to finally talk about peace and compliance with the minsk agreements. this was the time of claude janvet. time will tell who is who and put everything in its place. claude, us now they are scaring us with a new pandemic, you didn’t believe in covid, you didn’t believe in this pandemic. it
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is funded by bill gates, and he is a zealous servant of the global financial oligarchy. the bottom line is that today the whole world is completely overwhelmed by pharmaceutical laboratories. this whole coronavirus story was inflated in order to sell miracle drugs, for example, it saved the fizer laboratory, which was on the verge of bankruptcy on the eve of the pandemic. this year we, look, thank you, what should this phantom do, kiss the first one, whoever goes through this door, water is war for you.
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the only beloved woman for life, you are my wife, i am your husband, and it will always be so. march 2, emperor nicholas ii abdicated the throne, power passed to the provisional government, the monarchy fell, for faith, for cleansing, go ahead, i ask you, anya, rum leaves in half an hour if we don’t have time now.
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tomorrow after the program it’s time, hurray, hurray , i fought, not yet, who hasn’t yet, they will take us out of the wreckage, raise the bunk, strange, we’re going, we’re going, not a single shot fired, this is the worst of all, when shooting, my soul is calmer, i have a categorical order from the commander to take the falcon.
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parties, women, why don’t you and i never once in our lives prepare something in the evening that we will wear to work tomorrow? no, every morning we stand in front of the wardrobe in our underwear, in a panic, you know, i’m such a person, i close the door once and never
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open it again, i clearly make a decision and then follow it, and don’t look back, i’m absolutely happy , because somehow my whole picture, it’s so correct, and the way it should be, that’s what i’m talking about i dreamed of it since childhood, on saturday at the first, katerina, i invited you to a serious conversation, is it bad for you to invite someone, don’t bother me, can’t you see, i ’m making you an offer, you fool, thin mochi. on sunday at the first, i see right through that you are not like that, and what do i need, if not a general, love, real, and maybe a good portion of self-indulgence under a shupa, what
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a grandmother in a leather jacket, young, cool,
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a project, two stars, fathers and sons, from june 23, enjoy the most homely music on the first, information channel on the first continues, we are working live, this program time will tell... we just watched a great interview with the french writer, political scientist claude janvier, our colleagues ekaterina strizhenovo, a lot of interesting topics were touched upon there, including conspiracy theories, but now returning to one of the issues is the european union, the european union, which is now experiencing probably the greatest pressure of all time, probably, and this pressure is happening. so to speak, not without the help of the united states, in fact, the european union
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is dancing to their tune, these are the values, the values ​​in essence we see are not development, not with an eye to the future, but values ​​for degeneration, that is , such an instinct for self-destruction is now instilled in europe, this is europe, these are european values, so it may be very good that we are now on different planes from europe, sergei vladinovich, of course. but i think that - maybe, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining, we once tried to sign a partnership agreement on cooperation with europe, when our previous agreement expired and we were even working on it, but when the ukrainian crisis began, all this work was curtailed, it ’s good that we retained this autonomy, taking into account what is happening today in europe, europe is really seriously ill, i say this without gloating with deep regret, because europe once... europe at
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some point believed, for some reason convinced itself that there is a concept of the european dream, which is more humane, more integrative than the american dream, she was all bathed, so to speak, in the idea that she was actually... schrödor there, you know, so to speak, these were completely different leaders, but i would like
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to say about this interview that we watched, because it really sheds new light on the questions you are asking, in particular, it explains the decision-making mechanism hidden, perhaps from all of us, something that is very difficult to see when we just follow the news, we are used to thinking, that so to speak, in europe, at the level of the european union, at the level national states, the decision is made within, so to speak, this democratic system, where there is a president or a prime minister, there is a parliament, there are different parties, it’s like all this is here, this is what, so to speak, ultimately in the end brings some resultant, but our french guest, french guest, katya... urged us all to think about the fact that in the national states in the european union there is still some kind of
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shadow power, yeah, the power of money, the power of influence, the power of lobbying, i i don't like the word conspiracy theory, because conspiracy theory is something like that, well, yes, yes, but nevertheless, nevertheless, and we are forced to talk not about conspiracy theory as such, but about those secret springs of the mechanism... cause-and-effect relationship who set european politics in motion, because something moves these presidents, these prime ministers, these deputies, are they really behaving this way, is it really macron, this macron, the president of france, who has become a problem not only for russia, not only for the european union too, since he constantly runs ahead of the locomotive with his initiatives, he has become a problem... for his own country, only macron, let’s look at the scale of probably the entire european union,
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on a scale, this is a systemic problem, of course, this is a systemic problem , because everywhere there is this mechanism.
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which we see is absolutely dependent, yes, but it turns out that everything that happens, the geopolitical space, these are indeed sometimes hidden springs and mechanisms of geopolitics, this is by no means not a conspiracy theory, well, wait, what kind of conspiracy theory, here are specific examples: georges pompedu, we heard about such a president of france, he worked at the rothschild bank, nicolas
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sarkozy, it would seem that it was also recently, he was a protégé, well, the same macron, but this is already a parable in ayazytsy, which...
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ruslan. absolutely correct remark. another thing is that some public politicians are really some kind of exponents of the will of those supranational structures that stand behind them. the latest example of our country's communication with influential clans, albeit with a slightly different surname, this is the story with kissinger. we also know that the same kissinger had
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a certain, let’s say, reputation, and was an instrument of one of the influence groups. and you’re right, absolutely, we are great at... in this case, our country uses a variety of mechanisms to do this. another thing is that what plans do these comrades have for our country, because here the question arises, yes, because, well, obviously from our position, yes, we look to them like some kind of people, in general some other alien creatures, that is, we have our own civilization
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, and they have theirs, because even if you think about it, yes, this is what happened on the territory of europe, which means this...
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the guarantor was the same one, in fact , the same family of bankers, famous, they thought that russia was finished, here russia, in front of the eyes of the whole world, shows how poor and unpromising the european project is, and what russia is, which in essence is now the continuer of, well, european values, here this christian europe, yes, which they lost, so for them we are natural enemies if europe collapses, and this of course will happen.
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listen, well, europe at one time, so to speak, really laid claim to the fact that, since the time after the french revolution, there is democracy, human rights and so on, that we, so to speak, here, so to speak,
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can do what in the uncivilized world, so to speak, here is barel's garden, you remember, so to speak, this is all, but to something to which everything led, europe became eat itself, began to destroy, destroy itself, that is, what should have made europe strong. and what it really stood for for some time, was its attractiveness, was either destroyed or almost destroyed, in particular during the war of sanctions, such damage to european values ​​that we observed during the confrontation with russia, when excuse me me, all democratic norms were violated, from the decision regarding russian assets to, excuse me, the crazy idea of ​​​​seeing the eiffel tower - this is right, this is... this is a privilege, not a right, and i always believed that this is a right, why is this , well, like this, based on old european values, that is, it still needs to be proven when european values
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​​are not articulated old grants, and excuse me, these are the politicians with permission to say like kaya kalas, what is this, what kind of europe is this, what are we talking about, this europe is already degenerating, it is actually ceasing to be the europe that we... all knew from from old books, so to speak, already forgotten abandoned ones, and i wanted to say two words about making a decision, you say with whom to negotiate, because let’s say we are talking.
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intervene in this process and reformat it directly from some of our positions, here’s a small clarification, they are really closing europe not in order to re-register, but in order to conduct an audit of all the most valuable things, to see how much it costs, all the most send yourself valuables, let me remind you that now there are a large number of large industrial companies that have worked for decades in europe, you know where they go to port registration, to the united states of america, because there... there is an understandable financial burden, because there are no geopolitical, energy and so on risks, in this sense, america will suck out of this european project, not even america, we are again talking about national ones structures, everything that is possible from the european project, because the project called the decline of europe should be successful, the euro-caliphate should actually already be formed, i brought the image of the elf tower, i’m even before
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the well-known events. crime, it’s just scary sometimes to walk around some districts, actually areas of paris, in this sense, what we are seeing now, in fact, some sensible europeans also understand, here is our last example, a clear one, the writer michel houellebecq, one of those who long ago, 10-15 years ago, i sounded the alarm in the context of what was happening with family policy, social policy, how the dominance of migrants
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absolutely... completely changes their code, and cultural and informational, and they simply take it and cancel it, it ceases to be popular, because publications of this ultra-liberal kind are starting to cancel him, saying that he incites hatred, that he is not a representative of those same european values, some normal french and europeans see this, but they can’t do anything, and they pray, i will say exactly this...
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a pretty good idea of ​​what motivates the russians, what motivates the russian strategic elite, we have seen this over the past 30 years, and here i have a completely different view of the world than you, this there has always been the same goal, which was reflected in the negotiations in istanbul in march 2022, keep nato away from us, and of course they need and want to keep their bases, that's what drives them, what doesn't drive them is attack to the rest of europe, total control over ukraine. you don't have to approve of what the russians did, but you should analyze the situation soberly and put it in context. i believe that if we are realistic, then the territorial integrity of 1991
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is an expert and, let’s say, an expert who relays the position of brussels, here we again return to the influence, and the lobbying influence of financial groups and other structures that i call shadow power, this man says sensible things, why does he say so, because he does not depend on them, it is clear that he can afford it, no one paid him for his performance, and he doesn’t... who didn’t dictate it, he calls a spade a spade, yes, he’s not included in any structures, he’s retired somewhere, but he has this this freedom, to name things in their own names, which are deprived of those who are included in the power structures, in some paid
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expert centers, in controlled media, this is the difference, so answering your question, what is europe, europe is different, indeed, europe that falls into. .. on the information agenda - this is europe, where there really is a fusion of power, well , the first power and the shadow second power, and there is europe, which ended up somewhere on the sidelines, because it is the first europe, trying to keep it out, but for us it's extremely important to hear these opinions, because this is not just the opinion of some marginalized people, city crazy people, this is the opinion... of those people who remind this government that there is still an alternative, that you can leave this masquerade of madness and return to common sense, they list how all this really is, so sergei
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vladlyanovich will win the camp, who’s waiting? absolutely true, but there are escapes from concentration camps, as you and i know, and prickly, let’s remember, it seems to me, this historical analogy, it very important, that is, while the russian soldier. we look at how these liberated people then treat those who liberated them. a clear example is the latest celebrations, the 80th anniversary of the normandy landings and so on, when they invite ukraine, where simply nazis and collaborators are elevated to the rank of national
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heroes, they forget about what the red army did in the context of the second world war, when on memorable dates the wasvenites, uh-huh, forget who actually liberated them. a huge number of concentration camps, the ukrainian army, absolutely everything interpreting in his own way, therefore, ruslan has a very good question: is it now necessary , in the same way, guided by absolutely noble goals and motives, to go to those who are trying to forget the previous heroism and previous exploits of our soviet people, but there was no ukrainian army, the ukrainian front and the country there was one, the soviet union was called, a short one.
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unravel my parents, one chance for three, final episode, watch the time after the program, we wait for 15 minutes and fly away, in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk, we remember a wonderful person, an amazing woman, a colleague, a friend, anastasiak, born in her seventy-first year, she didn’t feel very well. shock, everyone thought that it was just a nerve that had been damaged, they went to get checked and found out, well, that is, you can say, almost on my birthday, i noticed that a new, new pendant had appeared on her chest. rt turns and says: she tells me: no one knows this, i
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say, but i already know, he says: you need to buy a burqa, here it is, if they transported it somewhere, took it somewhere, then it was all in a burqa according to thank you to the doctors and sisters for not going anywhere, i wanted to come up and say this can’t be, get up, when in the morning there were terrible, monstrous, blatant publications about how there was a lot of makeup, i wanted makeup at all. there wasn’t at all, a person can live after death only in art, only it can defeat death, on saturday at the first, meet, comrades, a young specialist will be doing an internship with us, where is the mugimo student, and where is the tailoring, don’t be afraid, he confused us with mondeley houses, coveted a fashion model, let's go to paris with you, pack your suitcase, and leave tomorrow. levechka, what happened?
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he’s cheating on me, that’s what happened, how could you act so unworthily. he is from another world, he will play around and come back, and you will suffer. sweet, charming, simple, well, not as beautiful as your past hobbies. but she is the one who can ruin our wedding. we need something that the groom can see right away. i wanted so much, it’s not humanly to dress the bride of my groom, thin fabrics on sunday on the first, what are you talking about? then i called, the most famous graduate of our childhood home is yura shatunov, it’s a little warmer behind the glass, but in the bitter frosts,
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mish, it’s all the same, you’re beautiful, here you go, mishka, if i don’t get used to it, i won’t get along with ermakov now, i understand, hands, yuzh, don’t touch me, we’ll get married anyway, i won’t go after nazar, i love the bear, varka, make up your mind, i need to start a new life, i’ll get a job at a factory, you’ll also rent a room somewhere, on the doorstep. ahead, mom, misha, where? they didn’t find him var,
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the father said, you are on the rapids, you crashed, hold it, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, mezhenka, no need, who killed him, father, how did you end up on the shore, you found me, who is it, varya, my bride, for the happiness of the young, smile, i am now your husband, two shores, premiere of a serial film, with monday on the first, you're crazy, do n't touch me, i won't sleep with you, i'd rather not live at all, we're in the studio now, they say it's not the weather. finally came to the capital, a powerful downpour covered us, so we don’t
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have the opportunity to jump out of the window now, but we see the footage that they send and people publish on their social networks, so the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin asked residents, asked since yesterday evening, to stay at home, the situation is really difficult, the summer veranda of restaurants, all kinds of festival grounds, parks and the moscow zoo are already closed from the flood in the city, weather forecasters warn that ... republic, a visit that brought a lot of
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new, unexpected things and brought relations with the dprk to a new level of strategic comprehensive partnership, and even military. interaction between the two countries, and today the official, or rather state, visit of our president to vietnamese soil has already begun, a state visit, so a summit meeting, at the airport where our president arrived, a guard of honor was built, well, in the morning official negotiations began between our president and the new...
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of course, putin is in vietnam at the invitation of the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party of vietnam, anguyen phu trong, negotiations have already taken place with him, that’s what the presidents of the two countries talked about, let’s listen to vladimir putin first. strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership with vietnam remains one of our priorities. these days we are celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the treaty on the basics of friendly relations, all this time we have maintained regular and meaningful political contacts, including through parliaments, ministries, departments, parties, regions and public organizations.
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trade and economic ties are steadily developing. last year , trade turnover grew by 8%. sales certainly contribute to the growth of goods. years, we will be glad to see you at the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war in moscow. well, as you noticed, putin named several historical dates. indeed, the history of our relations with vietnam, with this generally long-suffering country, goes back many, many decades. during the second world war
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, vietnam was occupied by the japanese, who, of course, carried out massacres there, as elsewhere in east asia. terrible losses, heads were chopped off, well, japanese atrocities in southeast asia were similar, or even worse german atrocities in europe. and after that, when the japanese left, the french returned to their colony and continued to destroy the vietnamese resistance forces, which were led by comrade ho chi minh city, who had very serious connections in moscow, although he was such a citizen of the world. then our country had already begun to provide active assistance to our vietnamese friends, and then the french were replaced by the american military, which also killed the vietnamese people for many years, now the liberation that putin spoke about is
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liberation from american aggression, all this time the soviet union was then together with vietnam. after the collapse of the ussr, of course, there were relations.
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is also as strong as the current leadership can afford, because it is clear that it is also balancing, i closely followed the president, but he chose his words so as not to offend different wings in his own country, but at it is clear that the strategic choice of vietnam and it is naturally for sovereignty, for russia, and , most importantly, the most important result that we they said this is cooperation in the field of nuclear energy. which begins the nuclear center will be built and , accordingly, the supply of liquid gas to vietnam, we have not
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forgotten the economic part either, it is always a very solid foundation under appropriate security considerations. well, vietnam is indeed one of the most important countries in southeast asia, dynamically developing, with a population of 100 million people, so for a moment, a serious country. which feels more and more confident in the international arena and which occupies such an independent position, in general a sovereign position in international relations. the president of vietnam spoke about the importance his country attaches to relations with our country. vietnam congratulates the russian federation for achieving important achievements over the past two decades under your leadership. we are very glad that the political one is strengthening.
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on the visit, on the one hand, he will be very careful that the president, recently elected, will maneuver between the united states of america and between russia,
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so as not to really offend anyone, as there is always this american phrase “earth a balance”, the earth is always in the balance, but it seems to me that the scale is still tipping towards russia, and the point is not only that russia provides the technologies that are so needed now today in vietnam, this primarily concerns the oil industry of vietnam, we say absolutely. at a different and new level of cooperation, for the first time we can say that we are developing very deeply not only economic, but political ties. today we are talking about vietnam finally became a united vietnam, although americans to this day, when they talk about vietnam, they always ask anyone to clarify if you talk about vietnam, do you mean northern or southern vietnam. it would seem to me that this is an atavism. i talked to the americans, but they tell me: no, no, no, wait, there is our vietnam, and there is your vietnam. i say, wait, but this issue is already closed, no, for their political elites, for them there are still two vietnams,
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today’s negotiations of our leader with the leader of vietnam is saying that vietnam has finally moved into what is called an integral and sovereign vietnam; if it had still only tried to live on america’s technologies and the billions that the americans promised them, it is unlikely that today’s meeting would have taken place whether they would vote for the current head. state of vietnam, because american politicians were extremely unsupportive of the choice that the sovereign people of vietnam made by voting the way they voted. well, i must say that i had the opportunity to be in the northern, southern vietnam, there and there i opened the center of the russian world, there are a huge number of students who study russian, many students study in our country, they are very purposeful, they study really well, there is, of course, no difference there for a long time. there is no difference between northern and southern vietnam, neither politically nor mentally, this is a single country, which
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the french and american colonialists tried to divide, but they certainly failed, and of course, the americans will certainly never forget the 5 million vietnamese they killed during his aggression in this country, it was a terrible aggression, but the president has already met ours. with the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party, vitma guen phuchong, and this is what the president said at the meeting, just drawing attention to the younger generation. vietnam remains our reliable friend and partner, the relations between us have stood the test of time, you just said this, dear comrade secretary general, including during the years of the heroic struggle of the vietnamese people for their independence. these relationships are based on trust and mutual assistance, which allows us to solve the most
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difficult problems and move forward with confidence. forward, today my plan is to meet with graduates of soviet and russian universities, i know that among them there are many outstanding citizens of your country who have made a great contribution to strengthening russian-vietnamese relations and the development of vietnam. i remember in what a warm and friendly spirit the same event took place in 2001. well, among those who studied in our country i was myself. here's what he said: your visit provides an excellent opportunity to discuss further measures to guide activities to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between our countries in the interests of our peoples for the sake of peace, cooperation and development in the region and at the global level. our party, the state and the people are always grateful and grateful to the russian people
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for the selfless support provided to vietnam in the struggle for independence.
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here again, we unexpectedly outplayed the americans, that is, this visit specifically to vietnam, the agreement concluded today, they actually got ahead of those plans americans, which they should have announced just the other day, today it was already announced that japan and australia, respectively, will be invited to the next nato summit; in general, everyone understands that the americans are actually in charge. all these years, the creation of nato as a global world bloc was under its control, in this case, the current visit to vietnam, in a geostrategic position, it very seriously weakens this entire american configuration, because this entire bloc in the far east, of course, was it had to be assembled and configured against china, that is, the task was to isolate china, isolate it primarily in the sea
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basin and give it the opportunity to splash out somewhere, so to speak, from there. but in this case, the americans also assigned vietnam one of the key roles, because they perfectly remembered the conflict situations that existed and the tension between countries that existed, in this case the entry into the game of russia, which is an unconditional friend of china, which is in in this case in some way degree, an ideal mediator for any issues related to the relationship between china and vietnam, is exactly the kind of kick that destroys... american strategy in this direction, therefore, in military-technical terms and military-strategic terms, this visit plays a huge role. well, you correctly noted that the americans are now putting together nato in the far east, but this is not only against china, it is against us too. in any case, the triangle: usa, japan, south korea, it has the same anti-russian direction, as well as anti-chinese, so it is certainly very important for us
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to counter these plans and have a strategic partnership. with vietnam is very important here, not just one agreement was signed with vietnam today, but as many as 15. 15 agreements have already been signed. let's see what these documents are: firstly, this is a joint statement on the further deepening of a comprehensive strategic partnership, cooperation in the field of higher education, cooperation between the ministries of justice, mutual understanding between rospotrebnadzor and respectively, by the same services in vietnam, a memorandum on... the implementation schedule of the project for the construction of a center of nuclear science and technology on the territory of vietnam, let me remind you that any nuclear projects are for centuries, an investment license for the development of the block. continental shelf of vietnam, where ross sofetro has been working for more than one year and more than one decade, a cooperation agreement between a number of our universities and hanoi
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state university and the vietnam academy of social sciences, which is very important for the education of humanities personnel, and this managers, it's really important, a very important memorandum of understanding. on cooperation in vietnam between novatek and petrovetnam, that is, this is cooperation in the energy sector. the cooperation agreement between the russian private equity fund and the bviim fund is a joint mutual investment. a memorandum of understanding on technical cooperation in the field of tax policy, a plan for interaction between customs services and a memorandum of interaction between. transport workers of the two countries, that is, the in fact, they reached a new level of partnership with vietnam, too, but this really became possible as a result of a change in the political
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leadership in vietnam, because the komsomol members, as they were often called in vietnam, many were oriented toward the united states, as well as in china, this is a feature of komsomol members of the post-soviet era, well... with boris rozhin immediately after the advertisement. svezhenatov’s finland is shaken over and over again by military scandals and grieves for the generals. three new commanders at once finland. they are united by very professional knowledge.
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and the finns will be a movement for liberation from this occupation, why sweden and finland are simultaneously entering, a plan for an active strike on russia, anaconda rings, three of the loretz are identical in appearance, they are unprincipled, finns, finns are losing common sense. dolls of the heir to tukti, today on the first. genie sheaf. product of stellor group. gentlemen officers. behind is the german squadron. friedrich
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karl is ahead. i don’t see any other way out than to lure the germans to the mines. in any case, i would never i didn’t refuse you. ayutna vasilyevna, you would be exhausted. everything is fine with us, not quite, have you fallen in love? hello, the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation is now the same: war, to beat the enemy to fulfill your duty to the fatherland, this is a letter in morse code, i tried at home from the sechebnik, thank you, but today we see each other for the last time, to our misfortune the revolution has obscured the future from us, darkness is approaching. i... order the officers to hand over their weapons, brother, there is no need for ammunition, and to hell with them, we are always the enemy they beat and will beat, unimportant news, gentlemen,
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the red one is approaching omsk, god help us, admiral, tomorrow after the program it’s time for the memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk. the one who seeks will receive, even if you. and a superstar. i, victoria prutkovskaya, am a representative of an exclusive cosmetics company. today, i was a very homely girl, i didn’t go to discos, no, no parties. in my life, in the evening we will not prepare what we will wear to work tomorrow, no, every morning we stand in front of the wardrobe in our underwear, in a panic, you know, i
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such a person, i close the door once and never open it again, i clearly make a decision and then follow it and don’t look back, i’m absolutely happy, because somehow my whole picture is so correct and the way it is it must be what i dreamed of since childhood, on saturday at the first, what a grandmother in a leather jacket, young, cool!
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two stars, fathers and sons from june 23rd on the first, big game live, tonight, the ukrainian armed forces tried to strike... an object on the territory
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of our country and the air defense system was actively working in adygea, kuban, bryansk, rostov, belgorod, oryol regions over the tambov regions, they are really expanding the geography of attacks, but so far this has not given any significant benefits to the ukrainian side. ours also dealt a powerful blow to the energy system of ukraine, and video confirmation is yet another visual confirmation. the blackout schedule has been increased from 11:00 - strikes were carried out in kiev, the dnepropetrovsk region, and the vinnitsa region region, well, in kiev - the infrastructure is already beginning to collapse, not only is there no light there, but bridges are already collapsing, the metro is flooded, as we know, but in kiev they believe that all this, including these shots. this is russian propaganda,
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the mayor of kiev, vitaliy klitschko, is sure of this. those statements that the metro is flooded, that bridges will fall, that everything is now in a shameful state - this is the exclusive work of russian information psychological special operations that create this whole picture in order to depressive the mood in ukraine continued. well, that is, this is a deepfake, i think that their bridges have been destroyed, but what is it. shows pro-russian propaganda. boris is probably also working on ukrainian channels. aleksandrovich rozhen is in direct contact with us now, boris aleksandrovich, what news do you have about the results of our night attack from the fronts of a special military operation? good afternoon, our attacks actually led to the fact that a number of important energy facilities were hit, a number of settlements were cut off from power, including kherson, the enemy admits the damage to a number of substations is serious. problems that promise
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to be activated in the coming days, including industrial enterprises, despite the statement about the deliberate work of air defense, in fact the enemy was unable to protect a number of objects, including kiev, and as for the situation at the front, our troops continued quite confidently take the initiative in most directions, if on the rabotinsky ledge today there were no changes, then on the vremevsky ledge our troops continued to attack in the harvest, there we have small advances towards the center of the village, but... georgievka, to the west of avdeevka, our troops , according to enemy statements, have already taken half of karlovka. up to about 2 km in the area
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of ​​​​new york and the northern one, that is, the gorlovka section of the front also lived, in the chasyarsk direction our troops advanced a little more in the kanal microdistrict, already in its western part, there are also battles to the west of krischeevka and kurdyumovka. on the northern ledge, our troops continued the offensive in the area of ​​​​razdololovka and the seizure, there is a slight advance there, on krasnolimansky direction were. without changes, in the svatovo-kupian direction our troops advanced in the stolmakhovka area, and in the kharkov direction our troops continued to increase the zone of control in the center of volchansk, there, after repelling enemy attacks, our troops again regained
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the initiative and were engaged in clearing the city center, enemy attacks in the leptsov area were reflected. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen for the latest news from the fronts of special military information. defense minister andrei belousov did not go to vietnam, he took advantage of his stay in the far east to inspect the infrastructure of the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet, there are large construction programs there, in a very tough manner belousov spoke with the local leadership, the airborne assault battalion, which accommodates 76 military personnel, is housed in two tiers. state contract for the construction of the first stage, the arrangement of a military camp for the 155th marine brigade. planned until december '25 construction and installation work on three barracks for 400 people, each canteen for 100 seats with a food warehouse.
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you will report to me monthly the number of mechanisms and the number of people, just try not to meet the deadlines. just try it. we understand. yes, so i think they will build it on time. well, uh, vladimir putin’s visit to north korea and vietnam caused a very wide international response. eh, in the west, i would even call the reaction rather panicky. in any case, many media, politicians confirm that they did not expect such a rapid rapprochement. our countries, which are part of the world majority, this is what the wall street journal wrote about it today. russia's military cooperation with iran, north korea and china has expanded to include the exchange of sensitive technologies that could threaten washington and its allies long
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after the end of the war in ukraine, according to us department of defense and intelligence officials. the speed and depth of security cooperation involving us adversaries has at times surprised intelligence analysts. by the way, russia and other countries have put aside historical differences to collectively confront what they see as a us-dominated global system. moscow's deepening cooperation with north korea, iran and china began in february 2022, but the initial agreements have transformed into agreements on joint production and transfer of labor supply technologies, which, according to officials, improves the long-term opportunities of moscow, as well as tehran, pyongyang and beijing. connections in security areas between russia and north korea and... we and china do not yet constitute a formal military alliance such as the north atlantic treaty organization. however, the first outlines of a new axis emerged, with signs of broader strategic and diplomatic cooperation. in fact, yesterday’s agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership with the dprk contains a provision on
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mutual assistance in the event of aggression, which is , in general, a sign of a military alliance. and china has the same agreement with korea people's democratic republic, so it's military. the political union is clearly strengthening, well, of course, moreover, it must be said that in this studio, literally 2 days before this visit, we talked about exactly this, that one of the main contents of this agreement, which will distinguish it from the 2000 agreement year, a large section related to ensuring security will appear, well, we talked about it like that then, presumably, we didn’t have one yet, which means it’s good that our futurology is like i wish it worked. understand that, of course, korea in this case will have a completely unique role from north korea, because it becomes like a safe room for the relationship between china and russia, because china, as we know, is under enormous pressure from- for its connections with
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russia, and they are trying to drag many things under secondary sanctions, in this case it is precisely the territory of korea, which is absolutely impenetrable to the west, it is... with an ideal place that will allow solving many problems, if count western sources, again, i also sat and shoveled this today, but they have already reported, again, we are saying with reference to them, that - russia received more than 3 million shells from north korea this year alone, while it is possible treat this differently, i say again, there is no confirmation of ours, but in this case there is only one very important detail: the entire west, collective ukraine, was unable to supply even a million shells during the same time, about 700,000, and 3 million, which are delivered according to the west korea, they seem to draw such a very important line under the level of security and relations. are they important to us in the military sphere with korea or not? of course, we are interested in
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using many of the resources that the korean military system has, while we must understand that korea is our, well, to some extent, an ace in the hole if nato really decides to enter the territory of ukraine, because as soon as it appears, i think that as soon as the first one appears official notification that nato units found themselves on the territory of ukraine without seeing any instructors there. or someone else, then we can safely expect, according to the article of the treaty that exists, the appearance of a corps, north korean volunteers on our side, and these will be highly motivated, trained soldiers, of course we don’t just need infantry, but we know , that the unique long-range heavy guns and mlrs systems available to the korean army can very seriously change the balance at the front in general as such, well, in general, it must be said that the number of armed...
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the secretary of state of the united states made a statement, and the conclusion he made sounds quite mysterious to me, maybe you can clarify for me how to solve this riddle, let's listen. regarding mr. putin's visit to north korea, we see russia desperately trying to develop stronger relations with countries that can provide it with everything it needs to continue its aggressive war against ukraine. north korea is framing russia a significant amount. supplies and other weapons for use in ukraine. iran supplies weapons, including drones. we
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also have deep concerns about china, not in terms of arms supplies, but in terms of providing russia with what it needs to maintain its defense industrial base and produce more tanks, ammunition and missiles. these countries are definitely our concern. we will continue to do everything we can to stop countries like iran and north korea from supplying weapons to russia. well, as you know, we are. they have never confirmed, firstly, supplies to our country, but even if these supplies exist, what the united states will do to stop arms supplies from iran and or north korea, i’m even interested in. i believe that to date there is no direct impact on either iran or north korea in the united states. if we compare the current secretary of state antony blinken, say, with the late kissenger, kissenger was wiser and stronger, definitely. it seems to me that this is it. the inability to predict two, three, four steps ahead leads to a certain loss
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of what once was in the united states of america, they are no longer a hegemon, they cannot dictate, they look quite unfounded, they throw words to the wind, realizing that the only thing they can do is strengthen japan, yes , the militarization of japan is underway, strengthen south korea, and south korea, by the way, is the largest weapons manufacturer today, thanks, among other things, to the american technologies and in the next two or three. trump has already proven it to everyone when three flotillas stood in the equator of what is actually north korea and trump said: now i will have a very big red button, and i will punish north korea. the generals and admirals explained to him very clearly that today we do not have the opportunity to inflict an immediate attack. the world
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has changed so much that their anger, it will remain only their anger, but it will lead to their tragedy in the end, well, they didn’t have time to worry about our relations with the democratic people’s republic of korea, it’s time to worry about our relations with vietnam, where the president is now holding a meeting with our students; soon we will be able to show footage from this meeting. and now, yes, here, in fact, we see how the president of our country, together with his vietnamese colleagues, meet with...
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i believe that the fight for one’s own and historical roots, for one’s traditional values ​​is extremely important for any state, for any country and for any people who want to survive as such to preserve their identity, this unites the peoples of our two sides, and we are proud that in your glorious heroic victories there is our contribution, the contribution of the soviet union, which did a lot for...
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because at best the states will avenge south korea, but nothing will do, now that russia has begun to guarantee the security of north korea, the war now definitely makes no sense and means that a solution must be sought exclusively in the political and diplomatic field. well, they don’t think so, of course in washington, where they’re not used to it at all nothing can be resolved diplomatically; they always insist on using force. the united states ambassador to vietnam , on the eve of putin’s visit, said that no country should provide putin with a platform for propaganda of his aggressive war; what kind of tree did they fall from
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in order to dictate to vietnam who to have relations with, that is, in my opinion. the impudence is already beyond the bounds, cheslav alekseevich, it seems to me that lately the united states of america has lost some framework of reality, that is, this is a real politician who was once an american politician, an official, they forgot about it, they now have the mindset of now, we can behave like dictators, like scoundrels, but we can get away with anything , but they forgot that the world is changing so quickly, time has changed time is not on their side when they try to say such things to vietnam. when they say that vietnam cannot be a platform, they forget about one very simple thing, that they themselves were the initiators of what is called sovereignty, you now sign that that your democracy is not for sale, your ideology is simply shameful today, and any countries understand that traditional values ​​and justice are what the open world gives, this is
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the collective south, today with these threats they are trying to erode the collective south, not it will work if a person has already tasted... the destruction of international law, the decision of the security council of the united nations. so i want to tell them, firstly, that we violated, firstly, and secondly, don’t you remember the minsk agreements? were approved by a decision of the security council of the united nations organizations are binding, and you yourself said that we did not comply with them, we will not comply, so the question of double standards, well, this is not for
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us, this is for you, you know, now the international situation is becoming very tense seriously in the middle east, in any case , the israeli government has stated that it has already prepared a plan to start a new war against lebanon, will the war start after the advertisement. boy, are you asking for a gun, untie my parents, one chance for three, final
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series, look after the program for the time, we wait for 15 minutes and fly away, hurray, hurray, we fought, not yet, whoever hasn’t yet, they will take us out. comrade colonel, the right flank ran into mines. cherbak, go ahead! well, what are you worth? will i shoot you? in war, as in war, june 22, on
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the first. get up, maleshkin, well done, maleshkin, get up, maleshkin. in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk. we remember a wonderful person, an amazing woman, a colleague, a friend. bratnyuk, and was born in seventy-first, she didn’t feel very well, everyone thought it was it’s just that the nerves were on fire, they went to get checked and found out, well, that is, you can almost say yes, on my birthday, i noticed that a new one appeared on her chest, a new mouth pendant, i turn around and say: turkish boss, she tells me: this is no one doesn’t know, i say, but i already know, you need to buy a burqa, that’s what it was if it was transported somewhere...
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a person can live after death only in art, only art can defeat death on saturday. on the first? tanya, what are you doing? no, it looks like i will never be on the list. listen, will you not sew for me in line? well, if i get a job. close eyes. the people behind this door sew couture and work with imports. it's disgusting. it's not about the suit, it's about you. when did you have sex? they warned us that we have special clients here and that the attitude towards them should also be special. kanyusha, do not refuse the courtesy of having dinner with me. i came here to work,
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not to wag my tail. what are you doing? give me a pin, no, no, no, volodya, who is this? madiyska, here are merim’s trousers, she’s so modest, you can’t even say she’s a heartbreaker. so this is the situation. “i met a girl and fell in love with her. you haven’t forgotten that we are discussing our wedding at your house tonight, fine matters, on sunday on the first day. i’m marrying one, but i love someone else, it seems. the most famous graduate of our childhood home is yura shatunov . a little warmer behind the glass, but
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at first, i won’t live without you, just like you without me, i honestly tried to forget you, mish, me too, our love will destroy us. you've gone completely crazy, but i'm sick of looking at her, she's under your child wears in your heart, as you say, the name of those fists on which you came to declare, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, from monday, on the first one that happened, siberia left you, say, no, this cannot
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be. the big game is on the first: will there be a big war between israel and lebanon? in any case, the risk of such a war is now growing literally by leaps and bounds. the israeli government has already announced that it is planning a military operation against lebanon for destruction.
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drone missiles. israel knows what we have list of targets with opportunities to hit them. the cypriot government should be wary that opening airports and military bases to the israeli military to attack lebanon will mean that cyprus will become a participant in the war. in this case, we have missiles in our arsenal that can reach cyprus. well, of course, the question is, uh, what could happen if israel launches this military operation while it is not able to destroy hamas, that's obvious, yes. what's happening in the south, yes, it's destroying cities, destroying peaceful the population, but in fact, israel is not able to cope with the task of the operation against hamas, but hezbollah is an even more complex adversary, a much more complex systemic adversary than hamas, which is what israel is counting on, especially since the position of the americans is clearly not pro-israeli on this issue . well, it means that israel is counting on this, my colleagues would probably say it better, because i think that this relates more to the area of ​​politics and
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psychiatry. he promised to reach the letania river in 2 weeks, destroy hezbollah, completely, so to speak, to solve this problem for themselves, in the end they were not able to enter lebanese territory even 6 km. the only place where they were sent was to the town of binjbel, where the gillane brigade was specially launched, where then within two days the entire battalion, which entered led by its commander, was simply destroyed. and since then, hezbollah has turned into one of the most powerful military organizations in the middle east,
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which... has the entire range of weapons, if for hamas most of them were systems, but to put it mildly, they were made here on the knee or, at best, transferred through third parties, then hezbollah has a very powerful military-scientific structure, which practically allowed it to possess any type of missiles, any weapons, they gained enormous combat experience in battles with isis in syria and are today .. well, one of the most truly powerful forces, so to be honest, i can hardly imagine that israel will get into this adventure, because, well, i want to believe that the generals in israel have at least learned something. for these last six months that they have been fighting with hamas, but if this kind of sacred madness, war at any cost, really wins there, then it could become, i won’t exaggerate too much, but at least a complete collapse for anyone at all -
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it can reach simply almost any target on the territory of israel, not only any, they, in principle, and hezbollah’s missiles are capable of covering the entire region in which they are located, that is , they cover the entire mediterranean region, purely only trained hezbollah units of more than 150 thousand - these are, to put it mildly, professional, these are not just some kind of volunteers, but these are those who regularly undergo combat training, have combat experience, in total they can be up to 200-250 thousand people...
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the situations are not ready to support israel, the second reason, of course, is the position of the arab countries, because here, well, if one of the arabs can be persuaded to say or do something against hamas, then against lebanon there are no such people, the statements of the leaders of the arab countries become israel's address is increasingly tough. the crown prince of saudi arabia announced that...
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an independent state within the 1967 borders with its capital in east jerusalem. alekseevich, quite a sober idea, we have repeatedly said at this very table that peace is possible only on clear conditions, the conditions of the sixty-first year, they are quite clear to everyone, when jerusalem exists, which is governed by international organizations. today there are many forerunners of that that the united states of america is unlikely to be able to support israel in the hezbollah war. this, of course, is
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a technical superiority over what hamas has, but there is another thing that is very important. the arab world not only does not support this, but is gradually moving away step by step from paying in us dollars. this is a very important point. united states of america. since the time of trump, and even since the time of nixon, they have made a huge breakthrough, when all oil and gas were sold exclusively for us dollars. saudi arabia was then a skirmisher back in 1974, now saudi arabia is turning away from the united states of america and is beginning to sell oil in a diversified manner. and others are following the example of saudi arabia, including the monarchies of the persian gulf, they are not selling for dollars, the monopoly is collapsing, the petrodollar is leaving. and there was no link to what, there used to be gold until 1971, there is no link, that’s why i would call it a double blow to america, well, saudi arabia now has every right to say goodbye to petrodollars, since the agreement that was concluded in seventy fourth year at 50
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years, expired on june 9, essentially a few days ago, after which saudi arabia has every right, even legal, to trade its oil in dollars, what will it do? of course, primarily on the yuan with china, since china is one of the main consumers of saudi oil. well , if israel opens a front in the north, then the second front remains, remains in the south of israel, hamass still maintains its position, moreover, denil hagari, the official representative of the israeli armed forces, sahal, did an amazing statement. let's listen. hamas is an idea rooted in the hearts of people. anyone who thinks that he can be destroyed creates an illusion and throws dust in the eyes of the israelis. it turns out that hamas is not people, not weapons, it is an idea. and now the official representative of hamas has responded to this
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statement from sakhalov. the idea that the representative of the zionist army spoke about is the resistance that arises whenever there is an occupier. it continues to escalate and be updated, depending on. the determination of the people until it is won victory over the enemy until the occupiers are driven out. today, the zionists openly admit that all their attempts have failed and that they are powerless against the resistance, especially against the hamas movement. this. knowledge is the documentation of psychological and strategic intellectual defeat, coinciding with defeat on the battlefield, and is the prelude to our great victory. an absolutely remarkable statement, at the same time a sober one, and in fact it is, i would say that the leader of hamas is perfectly aware of the the way of thinking, respectively, of the israelis, about how confident hamas feels, well, together with the same hezbollah, that is, it is clear that in today's situation... netanyahu will try, most likely, yes,
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this is bravado with the fact that he will attack hezbollah, he needs to somehow prolong the conflict in order to hold out until trump’s election, in the expectation that under trump the states will be run completely differently, that new help will pour in, in the end , eyes will simply be closed to all israeli actions, in fact, i think that the idea that israel is attacking lebanon, attacking hezbullah, it arose as an idea to prolong. switch attention from hamas, but the israeli leadership is unlikely to seriously consider it, even in its current inadequate state, because this is simply suicide, in fact. well, hamas is, of course, an idea, but it’s not only an idea, it’s also people and armed forces, so how much has israel really been able to undermine hamas’s military capabilities over these months of military campaign? well, certainly in a certain respect they advanced, of course, hamas suffered losses, of course, it was very seriously disrupted. logistics, but we must understand that hamas has been preparing for this
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war for years, if not decades, and accordingly, the reserves that have been accumulated allow it to fight for a very, very long time, plus we must understand that the horror that befell the head of the palestinians , israel, of course, more than restored all the losses of hamas, because the ranks of hamas were joined, well, in fact, by many thousands of fighters, those who lost relatives, friends, and those who in general, they will fight mercilessly, we see that in six months...
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it continues to flow, but it turned out that
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now 92% of the flowing oil through the suetsky canal is oil of russian origin, so now the soviet canal is essentially our canal, thanks to that , that yes, the houthis were very offended by israel and the united states of america and paralyzed the movement of other tankers there, so here... strength is on our side and the truth is too, so our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now.


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