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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 20, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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in exchange for the purchase of actual land, in exchange for state sovereignty, this is what finland is doing now by joining nato, but we hope that there are sensible forces who will also watch our program with you and form their views correctly, not for us, for your country, maria butina, the doll of tute’s heir, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina is in the studio. berezovskaya. here are the main
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topics. on the strategic partnership with north korea, the peace initiative for ukraine, verbal escalation in the west and beyond. press conference by vladimir putin following two state visits to the dprk and vietnam. peaceful atom, education, tourism, expanding cooperation, strengthening the strategic partnership between russia and vietnam. the main statements of vladimir putin in hanoi. storm, 10 points. the stalichny region is in the grip of a powerful cyclone. the wind knocked people off their feet. there are dead and injured. footage of the disaster. fights for the hours of yar. an extremely dangerous night operation as seen by the film crew of channel one. like ours defenders destroy the enemy in pitch darkness? as a priority, the housing
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issue for svo participants is in the spotlight of the minister of defense andrei belousov from the inspection in primorye, we will tell you the details. fewer checks for business, more resilience to new conditions. how is the russian economy doing? detailed conversation in the government. approved in the first reading. and the state duma supported amendments to the tax code that create a progressive personal income tax scale. the most expensive and fragile thing is the safety of children, which ultimately results in great complex work carried out by the team of the commissioner for children's rights, report by maria lvova belova in mead. million applicants for 600,000 budget places. an admissions campaign to universities has started in russia. which? specialties are most in demand.
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songs about love, friendship, happiness. 90 years since the birth of yuri visbor. together with his daughter , we remember the bard, who became the voice of several generations. so, the main political news today came from vietnam all day. vladimir putin was there on a state visit. the day is over russian press conference. leader, it was also devoted to the details of another visit of the president to phinyang. let me remind you that he flew to vietnam from north korea. key statements of vladimir putin in the report by konstantin panyushkin. the main thing that interested russian journalists today, as well as the whole world, was article 4 of the strategic partnership agreement between russia and the dprk. it states that if one of the parties is subjected to an armed attack, then the other party will immediately provide military and other assistance with all available resources. disposal of funds.
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what are we talking about in this case, that those who supply these weapons believe that they are not at war with us, well, i said, including in hinyan, that we then reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world, bearing in mind our agreements with the korean people's democratic republic, i do not exclude this either, and where they will end up next, we can also say this in the same way, so the westerners are supplying weapons to ukraine and saying: but we have nothing further here we control. on
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at this stage, the most important task for us is to repel these attacks, but still how to evaluate from a legal point of view the attack of the armed forces of ukraine on russian territory in relation to the agreement with the dprk. the ukrainian regime began aggression, but not against russia; it began aggression against the lugansk and donetsk people’s republics that we recognized before they were part of the russian federation. finally, the most important agreement between moscow and pyongyang regarding the possibility of somehow using each other’s capabilities in this conflict, but we... don’t ask anyone for this, no one asks us didn't offer this, so there's no need. at the same time, the agreement imposes the same obligations on both parties. there is also the ever-evolving korean crisis, which can also theoretically develop into full-scale hostilities. what was decisive for you in this case when signing this agreement? yes, of course,
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the korean crisis has such a smoldering character, but we proceed from this and hope that our agreements with the korean people's democratic republic. will be in to a certain extent, a deterrent so that this crisis does not escalate, does not develop into some kind of hot phase. after the signing of the agreement between russia and the dprk , south korea expressed fears for its security. and today vladimir putin made it clear that there is no cause for concern. as far as i know, the republic of korea is not planning aggression against the democratic people's republic of korea, which means they are afraid of our cooperation in this area, there is no need. and here is the president's comment about.
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of course, in modern conditions this looks especially acute, but nevertheless, we have changed almost nothing, and the democratic people's republic of korea has similar agreements with other countries, they asked the president about how korea received him, so colorfully and solemnly, it seems like they haven’t met putin. i never imagined, of course, approximately how it would be, there are certain protocol standards in the korean people's democratic republic, i know them, but that it will take on such a scale, i certainly don’t expected, but some things were completely unexpected, this applies to such
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a private program. as for the content of state visits, an extremely representative russian delegation visited khinyan, but the cooperation of our countries is limited by the framework of the sanctions regime established by the un security council, that’s what vladimir putin is up to. compared the effect of restrictions on north korea. as you know, i come from leningrad, and what leningrad experienced during the second world war, during the great patriotic war, everyone knows very well, this is a blockade, when people were starved, there are losses, as you know, in my family on this occasion, my brother died practically of starvation during the blockade, fell ill there and died, but...
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it is being introduced, and before of course, in this case, for political reasons, but they still must correspond to the modern level of human development, so i said, speaking, i said it sincerely, we need, of course, all together to think about how and what need to be changed in this sanctions regime, and is it generally compatible? is it the requirement of today? russia has long and consistently advocated a revision of anti-korean sanctions, but this requires the support of their main initiator, the united states. but i am aware that in today’s situation it will be almost impossible to do this using ordinary methods, but we need to work on this, and we need to show, like with labor migration, for example, that individual
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tools proposed and agreed upon in due time, of course, for arrangement usa that they are losing all strength, meaning and humanitarian started. on vladimir putin’s initiative on ukraine, kiev and the west rejected it. i was expecting exactly this kind of reaction. at the first stage. but what will happen later, only time will tell. depending, everything will depend on how the situation on earth changes. and i think that some sensible politicians will still think about whether the proposals made are realistic, objective and appropriate.
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remain forever, surely something will change, including our conditions, depending on the situation on earth, but is vladimir putin’s proposal eternal, and how will it change over time, when all the subjects interested in these negotiations take what is on their table and start these negotiations even tomorrow, but when they deign to do this, it’s already theirs thing, but...
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they continued these shellings, and we did what we said, what we talked about, yes, we know that in their heads, the americans, the europeans, are pushing, pushing the ukrainians to ensure that at any cost , again, i want to emphasize this, it was at any cost that our units were squeezed onto the state border line. they plan to present this as a major major success in 2024 in connection with the upcoming nato summit, and
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then the elections in the united states. well, let's see what will actually happen, but - this team at any cost, i assure you that it is so, i know what i'm talking about, it - of course, if it is not based on reality, it will happen again very expensive for... ukrainian ukrainian armed forces, well, let's see, in fact, what will happen, here is a relevant question about nato, the westerners are constantly raising the temperature , they are constantly escalating the situation, step by step, raising the temperature, but seriously, the answer is the following, we really see it, we are observing it, they are all the time, as you said, raising the temperature, escalating the situation, apparently, is calculated on the fact that at some point we will be afraid, but at the same time they also say... that they want to achieve the strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield,
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what does this mean for russia, for russia this means the end of its statehood, this is what this means, this means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state, i think this is clear to everyone, then the question arises: why should we be afraid, isn’t it better then to go to the end? that in our nuclear doctrine there will be a clause on the possibility of launching a preventive nuclear
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strike, you know, we, i think i said that we are now thinking about what and how in this nuclear doctrine, in the strategy it would be possible change, this is due to this, this is due to the fact that new, new ones appear and in any case we know that a likely opponent is working on this, new elements associated with the reduction. with a decrease in the use of nuclear weapons, with a lowering of the threshold for use, in particular , ultra-low-power explosive nuclear devices are being developed and...
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the russian leader arrived together with the president of vietnam thalam, as vladimir putin said, he has the warmest and kindest memories of his visit to vietnam in 2001. i am sincerely glad to meet with graduates of universities in our country. and again find yourself in the circle of reliable friends of russia. i also noticed that translators today will be left without work,
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there is simply no need for them, because everyone sitting in the hall studied the russian language and the history of our country. putin emphasized that russia has always evoked sincere respect, courage, perseverance, and heroism of the vietnamese in the struggle for their independence, as well as the hard work of the vietnamese people, who went through the most difficult trials with honor. i believe that the fight for one’s own and historical roots, for one’s traditional values ​​is extremely important for any state, for any country and for any people who want to survive as such to preserve their identity. this is...
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from my upbringing, we talked about medicine, now a lot of vietnamese citizens are going blind from corneal disease, and i know that in russia there are very strong centers for eye tissue banks for mndk eye microsurgery, and this has always been my dream, as it were to organize the same eye bank here, so that we can do corneal transplants in
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vietnam, you speak with almost no accent, well, almost nothing... we are the same people, i am very happy for this, now i am engaged in tourism, what measures will russia and you take...
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we can consider that we are one family, so we must speak frankly, these are issues of tertiary sanctions, from third countries, now we will go into we won’t go into details, but you understand what we’re talking about, we need to solve this, it’s possible, yes , it’s possible, but the vietnamese operators are also given a difficult condition, and this is a task that we must solve together, first, second, for the water of calculations, which means here there are problems that we discussed at each level of today...negotiations with the president, with the prime minister, with the secretary general, there are issues related to payments related to
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switching to payments in national currencies, including rubles, this is easy to do, you just need to appoint authorized banks that would not be afraid of tertiary sanctions, that do not work in third countries, technically there is nothing complicated in this, we just need to administratively... organize this work, but finally, there are issues that are on our side, purely russian, now vietnamese citizens have the right to apply for, say, electronic visas, but they provide the opportunity to stay only on russian territory for 16 days, today the minister of foreign affairs was told that we will increase this period, just as our vietnamese friends did in relation to citizens of the russian federation staying in your country. the program of the state visit included negotiations at the above. level, the official welcoming ceremony took place at the presidential palace of vietnam. what's interesting is the presidential palace in vietnam it is made in a colonial style, the fact is that at one time it was built by the french, once
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the governor-general of indo-china even sat here. the gates of the presidential palace are reminiscent of the past colonial heritage. where the governor general's coat of arms used to be is empty, but from a certain angle the party flag can be seen. on the square in front of the main entrance , the presidents shook hands and hugged each other. the aurus of the russian president attracted a lot of attention; everyone wanted to take a photo in front of it. beautiful car, even wonderful, i i am happy that president putin came to visit us in vietnam. at a bilateral meeting in a large negotiation hall, vladimir putin announced the strengthening of a comprehensive strategic partnership with vietnam. it remains a priority for our country. last year , trade turnover grew by 8%. intergovernmental authorities on both sides are working closely on this. the commodity is definitely growing. contributes to the implementation of the 2015 free trade agreement between the eu and vietnam. we coordinate our actions in the international arena.
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the vietnamese leader noted that he also attaches great importance to the development of traditional friendship and partnership with russia. vietnam pursues an independent, independent, peaceful foreign policy. at the same time, we attach great importance to the development of traditional friendship and strategic partnership with russia. we consider russia one of vietnam’s foreign policy priorities. another promising area of ​​cooperation - peaceful atom plans to create a center for nuclear science and technology in vietnam, and is ready to establish long-term direct supplies of hydrocarbons to vietnam raw materials, including lng, and enterprises for assembling automotive equipment are also gaining momentum. after the negotiations, the ceremony of exchanging signed documents, our countries are ready to cooperate in the fields of education, science and technology. today we are signing an agreement with one of the large vietnamese funds on joint ventures.
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took part in the laying ceremony at the hashimina mausoleum. it was he who once managed to lay the foundation of fraternal friendship between our countries, which continues today. maryavich, konstantin, on vladimir's visit
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putin’s visit to vietnam is in the spotlight of the world media; they write about the long-standing allied relations between moscow and hanoi. the new york times notes how respected vladimir putin is among the vietnamese authorities, and bloomberg emphasizes that hanoi is strengthening its partnership with moscow, despite the risk of angering washington. a running theme in many publications is the idea that the hopes of the united states and the european union to isolate russia have not come true. moreover, cnn states that vladimir putin, developing contacts with friendly countries, is establishing a new world order alternative to western unipolarity. al-jazeera tv channel speaks about the same thing. the russian leader's visit to vietnam is a clear signal to the whole world. our country is not alone in the international arena. the korean central news agency published
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the footage. but very few in their homeland, these dogs are a national treasure; it is believed that poomsans trace their ancestry to local wolves, are devoted to their owner and are merciless to the enemy. as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said, pet names they haven’t figured it out yet, but they will live in moscow. in the capital region, the main newsmaker today is definitely the weather, a mega-rainstorm, also known as a storm, 10 points, swept through.
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the storm wind knocked people off their feet; some could not get up without the help of passers-by. as a result of the rampant nature, there are dead and injured. trees fell on passers-by in a car on the street academician ilyushin crushed a man, rescuers got him. he is now hospitalized; there was a pregnant woman in one of the cars. she was given all the necessary help. she's in the hospital during hurricane the tree also fell on the stroller with the child. a two-year-old boy suffered a concussion. demolished roofs, fallen trees, on the eve of the russian ministry of emergency situations called on residents of moscow and the region not to be on the street unless absolutely necessary in order to avoid accidents. but some still ignored the warnings and decided to go out for a picnic in such weather. those traveling on public transport were also injured; on yeniseiskaya street near the babushkinskoye metro station, a metal sheet was torn off and flew into the tram. two were injured passengers. for
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tram safety reasons. temporarily suspended. another test under extreme weather conditions in moscow. novomoskovskaya street, traffic is difficult here, the storm drainage system cannot cope with the flow of water. the kazansky railway station is also flooded, and it’s pouring rain right off the roof. two sheets were torn out. some areas of moscow were left without electricity for two weeks in june, rainfall in moscow was twice as much as normal, forecasters say. it's already the first month of summer. enter the top three rainy in 145 years. maria salovskina, svetlana vidyashkina, dmitry remizov, dmitry vishnevoy, sergey nashchekin, andrey nekhoroshev, channel one. now the special operation is underway. the russian aerospace forces were the first to use three-ton aerial bombs with a planning and correction module in a combat zone. in objective control footage, the fap-300 worked at the point of temporary deployment of ukrainian militants in liptsy, kharkov region.
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ammunition. colossal destructive forces, the radius of continuous damage is more than 200 m, the scattering of fragments is over a kilometer, others there are no guided aerial bombs of this caliber in the world, there in the kharkov direction... the north group, almost three hundred militants and an rszzo launcher were destroyed in a day , the military hymers is advancing deep into the enemy’s defenses, it was hit by an iskander missile along with its personnel. in their areas, the situation was improved by units of the center, west, south and east groups. the ministry of defense also reported a precision strike on energy facilities that serve the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. this is a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to attack our energy infrastructure. in the vicinity of chasovo yar, drone operators of the fourth brigade of the southern military district are working. there is little that is impossible for them. here is just one example: under the cover of darkness they passed unnoticed from the outskirts of artyomovsk,
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deployed a crew of attack drones under the nose of the enemy and disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces militants. on a risky mission, our fighters were accompanied by dmitry kulko’s film crew. what kind of bear do you have? we have a battalion commander, i'm calling the bear. a talisman toy, luck definitely won’t hurt, to get from the outskirts of artyomovsk towards chasovo yar, we leave in complete darkness, it’s better not to draw attention to you. at night , the fighting does not stop, the sky continuously sparkles from the shots of our anti-aircraft guns and it becomes clear how large a swarm of kamikaze drones, the so-called fpvs, the enemy is sending. the drone detector apparently responded to this drone right above our car, fortunately. blows it to pieces, the device had to be adjusted to a short distance so that it would only alert about a direct threat, here is a short antenna for 500 m, here, too, there is a short antenna, the enemy komikaze can cover 500 m to our car
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in just 10 seconds, again, this time the military decides to leave, stopped responding, stopped, stopped, flew by, which means we are moving, but soon the soldiers heard the drone buzzing and have to act . the air is visible, it stopped beeping, go in, go back in, and this often happens in general, every day, in the moonlight, of course, there is almost no chance of getting in, fortunately it worked out, either because of the rap station, or the drone went to another target , if there is an understanding that the road is straight it won’t be possible to maneuver, all that remains is to stop, but take measures to destroy it, do not leave the path, continue on foot, the enemy is filling the roads with mines from the same drones, there is no longer such a period of time that it would be safe, plus or minus, to slip into the position , not in gray , that is, at dusk, much less like now at night, the number of cameras with thermal imaging has increased, both for the enemy and for us, now the guys are taking up a position before takeoff,
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the crew of our attack drones is deployed 4 km from the hour yara, we are filming in night vision, infrared radiation is not visible to either the eye or the enemy drone, turning on the light is of course prohibited, everything is by touch. on automatic, except for adhesive tape, professionally, don’t cut your nails, let’s put it in, now is the most dangerous moment, you need to place the drone at the take-off point, you need to do this quickly so that the enemy does not notice where our guys are working from, the coordinates of this group of militants were transmitted by aerial reconnaissance, the campaign four, i see the target, mikaze’s drone arrives so quickly that the enemy does not have time to react, got it, got it, yes. after all, the ukrainian commanders knew how it would end, but they sent the infantry anyway, perhaps they suppressed their firing point during the day, they decided to launch it at night, they work according to this scheme, at night you see the silhouettes of the enemy more noticeable, they
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lay down, the equipment generally glows perfectly, right with a big fat bump, it’s very convenient to work on it, mortars, tanks, artillery, everything works around the clock. our attack aircraft began to pin the militants in the hours from the south, they have already crossed the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, they are building and strengthening positions in the canal area, small groups are already conducting preliminary reconnaissance, it’s easier for us to work remotely. a predator, a drone operator, befitting his call sign, flies out silently and accurately hits targets one after another; even a special fabric that does not allow heat to pass through does not help the militants. how can i hide from you at night? impossible, they use cloaks, but then a black signature will be visible on the thermal imager, but it will move, and you understand that this is the enemy. a new task arrives, they move north along the river.
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the predator, yes, took the target. after 2 minutes the predator is already hovering over the target; at an altitude of 150 meters the buzz of the propellers is not audible. i don’t even see them, and where are they now, those two targets with... i went, now we caught two militants using a reset during rotation. a large arsenal of homemade ammunition, with the help of a drone they drop a bomb containing 10 times more explosives. he adjusted artillery fire during the liberation of the village, as a result
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, more than three dozen militants holding the defense and two armored vehicles were destroyed. sergeant vladimir garin, using standard small arms , shot down a group of enemy drones flying towards our positions. the drones detonated in the air without reaching their target. participants in the special operation must be provided with accommodation as a priority. andrei belousov, the minister of defense with the inspection, spoke about this today. sea, checked how the infrastructure of the pacific fleet is developing. the head of the military department inspected several construction sites, took some objects under personal control and explained to those in charge the importance of meeting deadlines. more details about everything anastasia kobzeva. in primorye , the minister of defense inspected several facilities at once. first of all, andrei belousov is shown the military camp of the 155th guards marine brigade of the pacific fleet. when 76 is noticed
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. you will report to me monthly the number of mechanisms and the number of people, just try to meet the deadlines. just try, we understand, this will be your criminal liability, so just in case, as part of the second stage, three more barracks , a sports complex, will appear in the military town, comfortable conditions for military personnel, priority, the 155th brigade is fighting very successfully in the zone of combat contact as part of a special military operation in one of the most difficult directions in the northern
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group, so we need to make sure that when the soldiers return, everything will be ready here with dignity. in vladivostok , a residential building with 190 apartments was built for military personnel; they promise to issue the keys as early as next month. all the apartments here are standard; there are 46 one-room apartments and 49 two-room apartments. as for kindergartens, we have
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no one has canceled the standards; a kindergarten for 250 children was built last year, this year we are building two kindergartens in parallel, andrei belousov visited the largest military sanatorium in the far east, it was founded 90 years ago, many premises need major repairs, this is, for example, what the rooms in which fighters live during rehabilitation look like. of course, there are not enough oxygen chambers in the medical building. and how many of these devices do you need, as many as you can, well , at least two more, the minister stopped by branch of the nakhimov school, to provide funds for the construction of a sports complex on the territory of the educational institution, instructions from the minister. the main task that we all face is to ensure the unconditional execution of everything planned. this also applies to the construction of housing for military personnel of the 155th marine brigade . this also applies to the facilities of the military
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camp itself, everything must be completed efficiently and on time, the minister once again emphasized. anastasia, yuri rublev, channel one. eliminate unnecessary checks entrepreneurs who conduct business in good faith. this problem is successfully solved in our country by the customs monitoring system. the experiment on its implementation started last april, and now it... will be extended until november next year. in addition, the number of participants will be expanded. this was discussed at a government meeting today. creating comfortable conditions for business is one of the most important tasks, and measures like these help. result. key economic indicators, despite sanctions, are showing growth. yuri lepatov will continue the topic. the russian economy is growing at a good pace, the prime minister said when considering the report on the execution of the federal budget. for the first quarter of 2024, gross domestic product grew by 5.1%. at the same time, record
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low unemployment remains. in april, for example, it was slightly higher than 2.5%. investments in industry under the control of the cabinet. more opportunities for purchasing the necessary equipment, raw materials, and as a result, a stable state of industry, trade, and the mining sector generated revenue for the country's budget. non-oil and gas revenues increased by almost 45% compared to january-march last year. it is important to continue to adhere strictly. executive discipline in terms of income and , above all, expenses, so that all planned development projects in the social sphere and industry are completed on time. the economy has adapted to new conditions in foreign markets, logistics and production and trade chains have been rebuilt. timely legislative changes, additional solutions, joint efforts
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of the government and the central bank, helped reduce many risks in the financial sector, support businesses and increase internal capabilities. market, stabilize prices for a number of socially important goods and, what is very important, prevent shortages, thanks to the restructuring of logistics and production and trade chains, but also, which is also very important, they reduced tariffs for the deployment of telecommunication networks, a number of negative practices were canceled , which were used by our largest aggregators. the task of reducing the administrative burden on business through the use of modern control tools at customs is being solved step by step. as it has decreased, the volume of trade with friendly countries is growing. in almost every industry today , a state import substitution program is actively being implemented, which is aimed at creating sustainable economic sovereignty. there are significant results in the energy sector, in the aviation industry, in the food industry, in shipbuilding, in the field of mineral fertilizers, effectively established
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the production of domestic products, which we have already talked about this many times, allows us to provide ourselves with grain, vegetable oil,
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the city council very actively supports manufacturers and drug developers with all means, and of course for the country such a contribution, it is simply colossal, to open such a line , of course , funds are needed, a special industry support fund has been created in st. petersburg and the institute of st. petersburg has allocated the appropriate funds to make it work a new line, which today, in general, produces high-quality necessary products. in 3 years, 14 enterprises, pharmaceutical enterprises - this is a large volume, this is also due to the fact that we create appropriate conditions for investors. the state duma today unanimously approved the budget package of bills in the first reading, which concerns adjustments to the country’s main financial plan and amendments to the tax code. they relate, in particular,
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to building a progressive personal income tax scale. details in the report by dmitry kochutkov. the country's tax system is about to change. she will become more balanced, the interests of citizens, business and the state will be taken into account. the flat tax scale that has existed since 2001 will be replaced by a progressive tax scale. tax bills were presented to deputies by the head of the ministry of finance anton seluanov. it is proposed to introduce a progressive taxation scale that meets society's demands for increased fairness. the main thing is that taxes are not simply proposed to be increased for people with high incomes. income, but at the same time reduce it for families with children who need it. so, for those whose income is less than 2,400,000 rubles. per year, the tax rate will remain. the previous 13%, above this amount up to 5 million the tax will be 15%, from 5 to 20 million 18, from 20 to 50 million 20%,
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over 50 already 22. of course, most of the country does not receive that much per year, the introduction of a progressive scale personal income tax will affect only a little more than 2.5 million taxpayers, that is, the vast majority of citizens are tax-paying. this is a law on improving the tax system, a law where you and i establish new principles of taxation, for the first time we are deciding on a progressive scale, and of course it is important for us that businesses hear that the tax system will be stable, 4 million families with children will benefit from the change, for them it will introduce...
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it is proposed to maintain the rate on income from the sale of property, the marginal rate on dividends, interest on deposits, income from transactions with securities. holding period, which is less than 5 years, for richer citizens, we offer a higher
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level of taxation, not only within the framework of progression, but also when selling securities, with a tenure of more than 5 years, whose income exceeds 50 million rubles per year. for enterprises , the income tax will increase to 25%, but in return the ministry of finance will introduce a federal investment deduction, a limit on the income of businesses operating under a simplified tax scheme for entrepreneurs with an income above 60 million. at the same time, vat will be introduced for but the vast majority falls within this threshold, expansion of limits will help in the fight against business fragmentation, and for those entrepreneurs who are ready to give up this illegal practice, the government proposes an amnesty, to make an amnesty for those who were fragmented.
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wishes and gratitude for our joint work, since he himself put a lot of effort and knowledge into preparing the final proposals that were made, nothing harsh.
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already 126, several more trucks will join from other regions, today those who are fighting there, they protect us all from nazism and fascism, they take care of us all, from the first day we have been providing them with all kinds of help, i thank you, you do this sincerely, we are already sending convoy 126, think about it from the first day, and today more convoys
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with my family will leave at the same time. oryol region, from the ulyanovsk region, from the rostov region, stavropol region, from voronezh, these are popular movements of people's assistance, support. you are watching the time, now there is an advertisement, immediately after the safety of children, how the team of the ombudsman for children’s rights helps reunite families, the start of the admissions company to russian universities and the 90th anniversary of the birth of yuri visbor. let's remember our beloved bard. stay with us.
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guy, what are you asking for a gun, untie my parents, one chance for three, final episode, watch the time after the program, wait 15 minutes and fly away, montechoca cognac, stellor group product, rum, castro, product. stellar group vodka pechora product stellar group vodka vedo product stellar group cognac old barrel product stellar group bourbon stirsman product stellar group whiskey mankatcher product stellar group.
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given the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation is now the same: war, to beat the enemy , to fulfill your duty to the fatherland, this letter is from the side of morse, i tried at home study book, thank you, but today we see each other for the last time, to our misfortune, the revolution has obscured the future from us, darkness is approaching, i order the officers to surrender their weapons,
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we have no place to wait for cartridges, and to hell with them, we have always beaten the enemy and will continue to beat them , unimportant news, gentlemen, the reds are approaching omsk, may god help us, admiral, tomorrow after the program time, katerina, i invited you. for a serious conversation, is it wrong for you to call someone, don’t bother me, don’t you see, i ’m making you an offer, you fool, subtle matters, on sunday at the first, i see right through that you are not like that, and what do i need, if not a general, real love, and maybe
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a good portion of herring under the shupa, varka and nazar will have a child, she is heavy, the woman was chatting just now, well, what are we going to do, wife, you’re carrying around the little teddy bear, well... you can drive the fur coat away, who’s there, boy, give me where you took him, your boy died, how he died, and he was crying, i heard, it seemed to you, boy , take it to the house, two shores, the premiere of the serial film, from monday on the first. many years ago my your son brought you a child, he is alive. this is the program
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time and we continue. more than 3,600 processed requests just last year. behind these dry numbers, the most precious and fragile thing is the safety, well-being and peace of mind of children. children with families, since october of the twenty-third year, the state of quatres has been actively participating in it. we have received lists of different origins through various channels and through intermediaries, but their key problem is that the information in
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them has not been verified. often it's just about families who independently moved to russia as a whole, but the ukrainian country continues to believe that this is something illegal, or the lists contain families who have been living on the territory of donbass for a long time, no one is looking for them, they just have data... they have in the registration records of the ukrainian systems, at the moment we have managed to reunite nine children from a family with five families in russia, as well as 70 children from 52 families in ukraine. new knowledge, new acquaintances, opportunities, horizons. a reception campaign started in our country today higher education institutions. the number of budget places is 621,321. learn for free first. future teachers, it specialists, doctors, engineers will be able to do everything, there are many truly exotic specialties this year, among the new professions, say, molecular nutritionist, you need to decide to submit documents before
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july 25, report by tatyana kozlova, it’s scary to enter this unknown, because after all, another city, university, new acquaintances, new opportunities. for yesterday's schoolchildren, a new stage of life begins today. connect your life with this profession, because i’m applying to study dentistry, i want my grandfather to be a dentist. the number of budget places is 621 thousand, of which 3000 are for new regions. the largest number of budget places are traditionally allocated, this year is no exception, for a larger group of specialties in the areas of education and pedagogical sciences, that is, for future teachers, in second place are it specialists, clinical medicine, almost 30 thousand places, and
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then agriculture, and mechanical engineering is included in the top five for the first time this year, at moscow state university in this year almost...


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