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tv   Odin shans na troikh  1TV  June 20, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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and you need to submit documents before july 25th. report by tatyana kozlova: it’s scary to enter this unknown, because after all, it’s a different city, a university, new acquaintances, new opportunities. for yesterday's schoolchildren, today a new stage of life begins; university admissions campaigns are starting across the country. now a contract soldier, a member of the northern military district, he has decided to enroll. i came from nigeria to study russian. places the largest number of budget places are traditionally allocated, this year is no exception, for a larger group of specialties in the field education and pedagogical sciences, that is , for future teachers, in second place are it specialists, clinical medicine, almost 30,000
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, and then agriculture, and mechanical engineering is in the top five for the first time this year. at moscow state university this year , almost 200 more budget places have been allocated than last year. of course, we are worried, we are waiting for applicants, today we begin accepting documents. we will be accepting admissions in almost seventy areas, including bachelor's, master's and specialist degrees. and we are looking forward to seeing talented people. guys they will begin to teach new professions. now, for example, you can become a molecular nutritionist, developing nutrition programs based on genetic analysis, or a medical police officer. these specialists will combat bullying, piracy and extremism online. the main thing is to decide where to apply; there are five universities to choose from and up to five specialties in each of them. you can submit documents in four ways: bring it to the admissions office in person, send it by mail through the website of the educational institution or at a government service. using superservice. on a single
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platform for work in russia, starting from this year , all proposals for targeted training should be published. according to the new rules, an applicant will be able to sign an agreement only after enrolling in a university with only one company. you will need to work there for 3 to 5 years after completing your studies. another innovation , this year several educational institutions are launching a pilot project to transition to a new higher education system. this is what the balo system that has been in effect so far looks like. one of the key changes to the exercise system bachelor's and master's degrees. it will be replaced by a single educational cycle model, which means that in order to become a qualified specialist, a graduate will not have to receive education in two stages. the duration of study at each level is determined by the university independently, depending on the profession and industry. the system will be implemented in stages. the first changes in the educational process have already occurred at the moscow aviation institute. the implementation of the pilot project generally gave a great impetus to development.
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educational programs and the formation of new approaches for personnel training. we have included in the module, which provides a greater level of practical skills, proficiency in modern calculation methods. thanks to national projects, higher education gives students more opportunities for scientific and practical work. in this educational laboratory, students research new materials; modern equipment was purchased as part of the priority 2030 state program. you are reading about some kind of physical experiments. or research in the literature, with this laboratory you have the opportunity to repeat some research. in a year, part of the practical training will be conducted at the training station of the ring photon source, abbreviated as skiv. this training station, it should be some kind of interface between the laboratory facility and those large, serious scientific stations that will be there. the admission campaign will last until july 25, after which beneficiaries, winners and prize-winners of the olympiads will be enrolled. a separate
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quota is provided for svo participants for their children. on august 3, the main stage of university enrollment will begin, the lists of students are already those received in the main wave must appear no later than august 9. tatyana kozlova, khristina ivanova, mariana soboleva, sergey vaskoboynikov and konstantin anisimov, channel one. and about those who have already completed training will soon solve problems of national importance at a combat post. we received our diplomas today. graduates of the military academy of strategic missile forces , specialists of a special profile are trained there, our nuclear shield is under their command, more than 100 people graduated from the academy with honors and were awarded medals, now officers will go to their duty stations, including at the yars and avangard missile complexes; in moscow , at the cathedral of christ the savior, today they congratulated students of pre-university educational institutions of the ministry of defense, they also received graduation, badges, certificates and diplomas of completion. whom he knew and
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felt so subtly: yuri visbor, born 90 years ago, he left early, at 50, but it seems that his energy and talent would be enough for any person, a poet, performer, actor, journalist, his charm and humor are special vizbor intonations were adored by millions, songs were sung around a fire in the yard or in the kitchen, a symbol of a whole generation of great romance, olga knyazeva, you... i have one, as if in the night, moon, as if in the steppe from a dream. father always wrote about absolutely normal and wonderful human feelings, yes, this is
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love, friendship, joy, happiness, mountains, a person’s struggle against the elements, courage. yuri vizbor, a man whose talent does not fit into the description of a poet of the sixties. or bart is deeper and broader in him, an incorrigible romantic, a fearless climber, an artist, a writer and always a journalist, a creator genre of song, reportage, are you familiar with the land, yes, you seem to be familiar, and whose house stands here, as if it were a common house, or maybe it’s yours, look carefully, because there is no such land in other parts of the world, he sang about builders, oh rocketeers, the northern fleet, he plunged headlong into every task, it was believed that if you
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didn’t work with oil workers in the caspian for some time, you couldn’t write about them, my father put on this robe, in his house yuri visbor, you can say, didn’t live, he was returning there, daughter tatyana saw her father... go on hikes, loved ones and distant ones, filmed on submarines, icebreakers, flew away on a business trip, and came back inspired, then poems were born easily, naturally, about her, the little tana too, now you are happy, now you are dissatisfied, now you are a monument, now a carousel, the gear has settled freely in you , the multi-genre month of april, but once on neglinka i actually sat under the table when we had such guests there, my mother said voznesensk and...
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the role of the charming guy alec is invited not to play, to be himself, once i lay for 4 days in lilac bushes, in a lilac garden, that's right, there was only one small inconvenience: there were their tanks around.
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implying loneliness, and this was, in all, he called the peak of glory the gobi desert, perhaps the only peak that a mountain lover did not want to conquer, his songs sound, and most importantly, still excite, especially when his voice took the microphone in his hands during the fourth season of the show granddaughter of the poet varvara visbor. and the winter will be big, here's
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a looker from... olga knyazeva, mikhail kunitsin, ivan strukov, daria rybakova and vladimir alkhovsky, channel one. on this that's it, thank you for being with us. now the final episode of the film is on air on channel one . one chance in three.
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what with her? is she breathing? mother! please don't clean it up! “mom, mom, mom, baby, move away, mom, vitya, listen to me, look at me, listen, now i’m going to give mom chest compressions, artificial respiration, and you have to count to five. okay, okay, this is very important, okay? yes, count, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2,
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3, 4, 5, count, 1, 2, 3, mom, dad, what’s wrong with her, missya, then go, don’t interfere, count until i say, that's enough, read, go ahead, do you hear me, yang, count, 3, 4, 5, that's it, that's it, no, she needs help, come on,
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come on, you're a selfless creature, you can't live like a human being, you can't help but die, you've abandoned everyone, yes, everyone, are you lying down? here he abandoned everyone, abandoned his family, abandoned his parents, abandoned me, now you are abandoning the child, you weak-willed bitch.
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who taught you this? did your dad teach you this too? yes, that’s how everyone transports the fire pit. hello, rom, it’s me, oleg, where are you, alive, yankasyn is with you, yes, everything is fine, everyone is alive, you, how are you, how are the situation, yes,
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everything is fine, i have an idea how to get you out of there, well, you need to go to estonia. where to estonia? yes, well, we are eliminating forests there, flying everywhere. in general, i ’ll text you the coordinates, and we’ll get you out of there. how will i get to this estonia? i don’t know, lie down, think. in general, people, this is the plan. we need to get to estonia, and from there they will take us out by helicopter, and i don’t know how we can get to estonia, we’ll find a boat, swim across, boat, oleg, i just almost drowned, i won’t go within a kilometer of the water, what are
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the options? , if you can get to this estonia only by water, what kind of water, i told you that i won’t get into the water now. jaana, i tell you, listen, i’m not a magician or a wizard, i act according to the situation, the situation, if you have to walk on water, then let’s walk on water, if not, then whatever, let’s negotiate, walk on land, to your lawyer , you yourself forced me to come here, oleg, i forced you, how, i wonder, they offered you such conditions, all you have to do is lie down under... a rare finn, what did you say, what did you hear? bastard, yes, of course, why did you come running to this then? scumbag.
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ian, i, the most disgusting thing in this whole story is that... your lawyer is right, it was the best way out, for you, but for the child, not for me.
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forgive me, oleg, for what? for the fact that i ruined everything for everyone, life for you, son, firstly. you completely ruined my life, my son’s only just started. “it’s been a long time since you and i sat in state star like this, the last time was in techvin, when you proposed to me, as
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you answered, i’ll think about it, i need to think about it, i don’t need to think about it, yes. you said then that you love, you too, yes , i remember we are with you then. what is it, all of it? i found the boat. hurray, hurray,
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i fought, not yet, who hasn’t yet? they will take us out of the wreckage, they will lift us up in a strange way, we go, we go, not a single shot is fired, this is the worst thing, when you shoot with peace of mind. i have a categorical order from the commander to take the falcon. rocket, lieutenant. grisha, go ahead, lieutenant, he’s already turning around, what are you waiting for? shut up, you. calm down, misha, calm down, you can’t smear here. comrade colonel, the right flank ran into a mine. cherbak, go ahead. in war, as in war. 22 on the first of june, come on, maleshkin, well done, maleshkin, click, maleshkin, in memory of anastasy zavorotnyuk, the one who seeks will receive,
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even if you are a superstar, i am victoria prutkovskaya, a representative of an exclusive cosmetics company, today we have no problem, i i was a very homely girl, i didn’t go to the disco. no, no parties, women, why don’t you and i never once in our lives prepare in the evening what we ’ll wear to work tomorrow, no, every morning we stand in front of the wardrobe in our underwear, in a panic, you know, i’m such a person, i close the door once and never open it again, i clearly make a decision and then follow it and don’t look back, i’m absolutely happy because... somehow my whole picture is like this correct and the way it should be, what i dreamed of since childhood, on saturday at the first, the most famous graduate
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of our childhood home is yura shatunov, it’s a little warmer behind the glass, but in the bitter frosts, this project is tender may , just blew people's minds.
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i'd rather listen to what you tell me, hello, there were no bodies in the car, i realized, he deceived me, trick, handcuffs, this is the lawyer’s security.
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i think that they are now halfway to estonia, across the bay on a stolen boat, because they simply have nowhere to go except to estonia. most likely, our estonian colleagues will not have time to react quickly. and you won’t be able to take them on the water. we need to contact our colleagues from the estonian police
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so that they can provide us with support. and international terrorists, okay, let's go, wait, wait, did you find a reason to carry me in your arms? davan is leaking, so what? get up, come on, now, oleg, take the fishing rods, it’s cool, but
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it’s not good to take someone else’s. why, when we took the boat, it didn’t bother you, but this is different, no, it’s the same thing, only the scale is different, it turns out that we stole everything, listen, you’re still reflecting on this, give me the fishing rods. ian, i myself, after all, what is a crime, a crime is when we commit
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a bad one. an act with a bad motive, for the purpose of being violent, you know, but we took it all in order to survive, clearly, clearly, i ’ll tell you more, then we, the owner, will compensate for the damage, for the boat, for the fishing rods, for everything, fortunately i have the internet, and my salary allows me to pay it off, in about 20 years. that’s it, let’s go into the forest, otherwise the boats will clean us out, let’s push it back into the bay, they’ll wash it ashore anyway, let's go,
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why didn't we take mom with us? because
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women are not allowed to go fishing; it has appeared since ancient times. but seriously, seriously? fishing - what is it? this? it’s a man’s occupation, if necessary, you can chat there, you can be silent, fishing is related to your family, you understand, but why give it away? fish like.
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dad, dad, thank you. for what? for saving my mother, do you know what the branch is called on which we will put the caught fish? how's the kukan?
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look, thank you, what should this phantom do? kiss the first person who walks through this door. water and war are for you the only beloved woman for life, you are my wife, i am your husband, and it will always be so, on march 2 , emperor nicholas ii abdicated the throne, power passed to the provisional government, the monarchy fell, for the faith, self-love, forward, please, please. about half an hour if we are now we won’t have time, we’ll be finished, and what do you tell me to do, live, live, it’s always better, but i love alexandra vasilyevich, she should be rare with us, even if now we see the future,
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as if through a dark glass, but faith remains with us , hope, love, and love is the greatest. admiral, tomorrow after the program the time is sight 522 shot, everything is the same as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers liberated ukraine, we are crossing the same seversky donetsk, all the same settlements, i met the war , i graduated from the eighth grade, he saved me, his armor, thank you , savior, i continue the work his grandfather, he went through the first and second world war. ended up in the 251st mortar regiment, only 25 medals, three orders, two wounds, our grandfathers defeated tigers with thirty-fours, and we will defeat
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leopards with eighties, as it detonates, i personally saw it at sight, success to you, for you to be, for what are we here to... there is a peaceful sky above our heads, heroes, time chose us on june 22 on the first.
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fathers and sons, on sunday on the first.
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eat, eat, don’t eat, we’re about thirty kilometers from that helicopter tomorrow. yes, hello, tamara vitalievna, natasha, hi, what are you doing tomorrow? i'm working, so what? can you take a day off? i can, but what, something happened, do you need help? no, on the contrary, everything is fine, everything is just very excellent. i was going tomorrow. go to leningrad, meet oleg. oleg, what
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oleg, he’s in finland. oh, natasha, i'm sorry, you probably decided that i was moving? no, i just found a way to get them out of there. and how? oh, natasha, i'm sorry. they're calling me on another line, just about this matter. i, people will come to me, i will sign the papers then for you. what papers, tamara vitalievna, zhenya, borya, finish breakfast and feed the children, i ran where i ran, i mean feed the children, the stove is empty, natasha! now i’ll take you to the hotel, then we’ll go to the management and
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give instructions there, there’s no time, look, during the flight i estimated their landing site, you can comb the shore in this radius from the air, looking for abandoned boats, traces of the parking lot, i think that yes, then we’ll head there and wait there until your colleagues confirm the location, of course. jacket, close your watch, i understand, tomorrow we are flying to estonia again, andreyvich, allow me turn, tomorrow he, tomorrow, understood. rum, hello, hello,
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did something happen to tamara vitalnaya in the hospital, something with her health? no, she got involved somewhere, in general, just believe me, you need to go to the hospital, natasha, come on later, now there’s no time for you, but seriously, oleg, he’s probably already in estonia, and that’s all tomorrow, until tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow , girl, there’s a fire in the district hospital, are you crazy or what? we found this morning, it contains the prints of yana ketonin and the child, we cannot determine whether oleg berezhnoy was with them, because we don’t have his prints, he was with her, i assure you, excuse me, yes, i think this
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can already be left to our spanish collets.
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tamara vitalna, what are you going to do? yes, i've already done everything. what? she signed a loan agreement in order to bribe the general. he will get oleg and his whole family out of there on a military boat. what kind of loan, who signed for it? zhenya arranged everything. he raised everyone's ears. who is zhenya after all? zhenya, my classmate. forgive me, lord, such a man. nadasha, i don’t remember him at all. and you why, are you going to meet oleg? and
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how to get food for yourself, well, if there are no fishing rods, this is not a problem at all, in the forest you can eat everything that grows, everything that crawls, oh well, i’m not telling you, insects, for example, generally have a lot of protein, grasshoppers, you know, how delicious are you, these worms that you and i plant, these guys generally come in, bless you, you idiot. i, now, like this,
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cool. can i do this, then no, it’s not worth it, go ahead, go ahead, you can forget about the kiss, it ’s a squirrel, this year we’re celebrating seventy the ninth anniversary of the great victory, let's talk about the songs of the war years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films, death is not terrible, we welcomed the light.
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i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the entire war, here they are the heroes who gave us life, here are the young ones who have now taken their places, low bow to you guys, i was born and raised in donbass, my great-grandfather was awarded twice medal for courage, for me, first of all, it is a great honor to remember, june 22. on first, you and i are in a wonderful place called vashchenskaya bay, the first rock in front of our eyes, towards the rock, oops, but the magnet doesn’t fall? mysticism, this is nothing more than the howling foot of a huge volcano. let's fly, the emotions are simply incredible,
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we'll gain health, kamchatka is healthy, i 've visited a lot of countries, i've never seen such potatoes. now this is the only way i’ll cook, i’ll throw the ingredients into the soup and off i go. premiere of the cook on wheels, on sunday on the first, you’re also good at sending her into the forest, already i’ve gone crazy with my collective farm, and this is your bear, it’s time to bring bile, it’s not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me. my daughter is getting confused with the bear, damn, i saw it myself, you’re crazy, bear ermakov was here, i know that i’ll kill both of them, clearly, you missed
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me, i couldn’t live without you, nazarka, parka, stop, you’re disturbing me, we’re with nazar we love each other, he will kill you, he won’t kill you, he found someone else for himself, mine is back, but stop it, she said, are you because of him? i've already come close to death twice, which means i love you until death, war was declared, yes, i heard, he writes from home, no, he doesn’t write, the devil knows what’s the matter, two banks, the premiere of a multi-part film from monday on the first, who? i can withdraw all the money from the card at once, there are some restrictions on interest-free
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withdrawals up to 300 thousand per day, everything above the commission is 1%. tricky, i always said that the main scammer is the banks. i think these firefighters want to tell us something. i don’t understand what is it, what is happening, where is the money, where is the money? it's okay what happened to you you scared me wildly.
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“i understand that everyone is busy, i’m not interested in this, i don’t know how you’ll do it, the boss should have the report in the morning,
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but what is it? it’s a labas, like a hunting hut, but what, well, what’s it for, so as not to sleep in the open air, yeah, there’s no bed, well, it’s better than nothing, tomorrow a helicopter is supposed to pick us up from somewhere here, so what’s up here, everyone settle down, i’m in the dumps, cool, yeah, yeah subscribe . here and here. “you’ll see
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that you, tamara vitalievna, are so trusting, you have such a habit of believing people, what a bastard, he really is, we’re a classmate, no, he’s a guest performer, an ordinary swindler.” natalya, thank you for being so attractive, goodbye, come with me, uh-huh, uh-huh, as you proved, i’m starting to get hysterical, and this is a bad sign .
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fell asleep, fell asleep, yes, and you, worm? i remember what it’s like to kiss you, well,
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about my mother’s homeland, i asked her to take me there, i will film everything interesting there and write down my impressions, yeah, and tell me why you're making this film, well, it's just as interesting as you told me, come on, my real father lives in russia, i really want to meet him, i used to
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think that my dad... this is tomi’s dad, but then my mother told me about oleg, my biological father. although i believe that the father is the one who raised. it’s important not to know, in russia i will meet oleg, get to know him, try to find out more about him in order to understand who i am, because my mother says that i grew up all fella, tarya, tarya, too, tarya, you left the hospital while i was talking on the phone and didn’t say anything, not i wanted to distract you. yes, you weren’t distracted, how are you, how are you feeling? do you know that
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it was not she who wanted to take her son out, he himself asked to take him to russia. what? are you talking about this russian? by the way, our estonian colleagues. grow up in a family, but we don’t have a family, i thought, i hope you will support me, what’s the best thing to do, i know where they are going, let’s go,
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tarja, 4 weeks, imprisonment, enemy equipment, enemy manpower, grenade launchers were destroyed , machine guns, a flag
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in the center of novomikhailovka, where we had victory, when the command arrived, we passed through still in the fence and reached the support man, after which they began to actively throw grenades, the assault phase began, the task seemed crazy, but it was doable, the feeling. go forward and move, air to victory, special report, heroes, stormtroopers on june 22 at the first, in the poem woe from wit famusov
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