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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 21, 2024 12:10am-12:56am MSK

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because, in my opinion, now the situation is more dangerous than during the caribbean crisis, yet during the caribbean crisis it was about, well, let’s say, a rather symbolic story, about who will show greater strength, now the situation is more complex, because no one said that cuba is an existential issue for the united states, now the west is saying that ukraine is an existential issue, even if they, as i said, are the result of geopolitical self-hypnosis, but this is their position at the moment, that is, they need to retreat very strongly in order to abandon this position, and it will be difficult for them to retreat from this, russia cannot retreat either, because moscow is behind us, as they say, yes, this is all happening on our border, in fact, and we cannot retreat, therefore , the situation is more complicated than the caribbean crisis, and we really, i understand why the pope is extremely concerned, why sijin ping is concerned, i understand why we are concerned, that’s what we...
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remember, germany claimed a leading role in europe, first world war, germany decided to take over the whole world, led by adolf hitler, the second world war, and so on, but now there is still one story, yes, there are nuclear weapons, this changes a lot, this changes a lot, let’s go to advertising, we’ll come back in just a few minutes, take a look, thanks. but what should this phantom do? kiss the first person to walk through that door? water and war are your only beloved woman for life. my wife, i am your husband, it will always be this way. on march 2, emperor nicholas ii abdicated the throne.
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dim glass, but they come with us, faith, hope, love, and love is the greatest of them, let us now see the future, as if through the admiral, tomorrow after the program time, sight 522, shot, everything is the same as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers liberated ukraine.
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we are crossing the same seversky donetsk, all the same settlements, i met the war, i graduated from the eighth grade, he saved me, his armor, thank you, savior, i am continuing the work of my grandfather, he went through the first and second world wars, ended up in the 251st mortar regiment, just 25 medals, three orders, two wounds, two drops , i see, yes. the tracks on the thirty-four were smashed by the tigers, and we on the eighty will smash the leopards as they detonate, i personally saw it in the sight, success to you, so that the targets are not you, hurray, hurray, hurray, why are we here, so that in our mother russia there will be peaceful sky above our heads, heroes, time has chosen us, june 22 on the first, what a beauty, mish, everything is the same, you are more beautiful, here’s a bear for you, if i
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don’t get used to ermakov, now i won’t wake up, i realized, hands that are not touchable, we'll get married anyway, no i'll go get some nazar, i love the bear." varka, make up your mind, we need to start a new life, i ’ll get a job at a factory, we’ll also rent a room somewhere, the thresholds are ahead, mom, misha, where? they didn’t find him, father said, you’re on the rapids, you crashed, hold it, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, don’t, who is he? kubil father, how did you end up on the shore, you found me, who is it, varya, my bride, for the happiness of the young, smile, i am your husband now, otherwise i can teach you, i forgot to whip, two shores,
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the premiere of a serial film, from monday on the first, are you crazy, no touch me, i won’t sleep with you, i’d rather not live at all, there’s a big game on the air, in russia they talk a lot about the analogy with the piloponets war, when i say many, i mean, naturally, in expert circles, those many among the few, unfortunately, now they don’t understand what really happened then, they don’t understand.
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holds back, in fact, if you look, they are developed, they bring democracy, their someone is all the rest, as if available sources, it was not athens that rose, athens already dominated, they determined the world order, like the main trading and maritime power of that time, sparta rose and began to turn to the economically weaker one, but ...
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that’s why i think that yes, this is a long-term confrontation in the mobilization of economic resources, our foreign economic opportunities, foreign policy opportunities, pulling allies into in the military-political sphere, well, yes, the west is consolidating on its own basis, we are consolidating on our new basis, we are actually creating a new basis for our foreign policy consolidation, we have been for a long time for a time they were oriented towards the west, now this paradigm has collapsed, we have a big gap with the west, we are creating a new... basis for our consolidation, this is the only possible strategy in this very cruel and
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multidimensional ice war, and this is truly a historical task for russia, it is not only as it was offered to russia by history and fate, but is directly related to the security and well-being of the state, well, of course, this is the only form of our possible existence now, unfortunately, but so. history has decreed, and we must to be at its height, i completely agree with this, alexey konstantinovich, it’s always a great pleasure to talk with you, i hope to see you on our air again soon, thank you very much, it was a great game, we’ll see you on air next week.
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“i am so white fluffy,” said snow , descending like an avalanche on a mountain village. hello, today we have gathered our thoughts on a very serious topic: humor, laughter. greetings, dear friends, andrey knishev, writer, director, satirist, gavriil gordeev, mediaman . let's talk seriously about humor, it won't work any other way, it won't work any other way, i must admit that i deliberately did not say that this is your phrase, but i am correcting myself, yes, a wonderful phrase about snow, you know why i chose it, it seems to me that she... these are the facets that i would like to touch upon in humor, the serious facets,
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she contains, but how do you answer the question, what is a sense of humor? analyze what a sense of humor is, well, let them really do it, probably some scientific psychologists, some kind of somatics, you can answer metaphorically, i do not insist on an academic definition, thank god we are in such a free philosophical space, and not a university audience. i don’t know, i’ve been associated with this feeling for how many years, as they say, but in general the formulation has never been born, some associative phrases that are alien, that if a person doesn’t have a sense of humor, then he should have at least the feeling that he has no sense of humor, yes, but i say again, this is some kind of completely elusive substance one that helps us, like some kind of navigation in space, in the space of feelings, some stimuli,
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experiencing, navigation in the space of feelings, it’s beautiful, maybe, yes, but this can give birth to some other time some other formulation no less beautiful, yuryevich said, and you can grab this sense of humor by the tail - this is not a definition, even i will say, this is the meaning, this is such a sign of happiness, oh, that is, if oh, you have a sense of humor, this means that you have signs. life, because well, without humor, without irony, without self-irony, it is impossible to perceive everything that is happening around, it’s sad, he said, for some reason he laughed, but it’s possible, i remember that mikhail mikhailovich zhvanetsky had a reflection, maybe it was not an aphorism, that humor requires living space ahead, there is also a shade of thought in this, i have something to answer you with, since you have gone so far from philosophy.
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when even a simple desk is under suspicion, i will support the first or second thought, the thought about philosophy and humor, that they are inseparable if we... let's dig deep into ancient greek comedy and tragedy, then well, essentially comedy is philosophy, comedy motivates to think and reason, and due to comedy due to paradox, due to the opportunity to look , even within the framework of a short reprise, at the same problem with on the other hand, this is a very philosophical concept, philosophy and humor are
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indeed satellites, but such polar satellites with some kind of contradiction emerging.
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so ungrateful in general ungrateful i want it, but i also have it now , it will stretch out, without without the ability to laugh at myself uh, it’s also impossible to become a comedian, that is, you can be a satirist as much as you want, yeah, let’s not point fingers, no, well, that’s not a straight line, but what? but there is a difference that a satirist is a deeply erudite person who can laugh, find something to laugh at, find paradoxes, and so on, but a comedian, first of all, he can, he may be less erudite, he may be less educated, and so on, but he can properly laugh at himself, which is much closer to the audience, who at one time or another listen to him,
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well, look, because we are still trying to get some serious conversation going. in fact, well, it’s clear that it’s important to somehow be able to be ironic about yourself, maybe laugh, but on the other hand, one smart priest once said to me, never take yourself seriously, but take yourself seriously to what you do, yes, that’s how to catch this line, well, when you take yourself seriously, it’s too much, this is the path to delusions of grandeur, when you take things seriously, you start, even to the humorous you start things professionally, this guest in red says.
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then it is clear to someone for your soul, for your path in life, and so on, so you need to take yourself seriously on the other hand, that is, everything is no matter how you turn it, what we are talking about, but sometimes take seriously what you do, this also sometimes harms, yes, because there are a lot of completely meaningless activities and affairs that people consider simply the most important things, these are nothing more than the games of grown-up children, they take this extremely seriously, you know? what a game a grown child, it can also be very useful; sometimes, on the contrary, you need to preserve your child in order to do something very seriously. look, the laughter and joy that we bring to people, yes, but how they coexist with each other and one without
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the other, so if the apostle paul says: always rejoice, but this does not mean laugh endlessly, so you can dig even deeper, it’s clear from where i’m quoting: woe to you who laugh now, for you will weep, and now perhaps this applies: to the present day and maybe in general all this is not godly deed and there is no need to laugh at all , who has which path in general or like an ostrich with his head in the sand, yeah, or to be in constant despondency, all very deep, serious questions, it really depends on where we are digging for whom, i will continue without quotes, i will continue without quotes, let's give it all quotation. you see, i practiced self-irony, at least a little, yes, coach, there is such a moment here that it seems that laughter is a tool
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that makes it possible to taste joy, but if it is not always possible to understand, to sincerely feel the joy that is needed, need to be experienced, yes, unfortunately, sometimes we need to somehow make us laugh and give us a sample of joy, but this... this does not mean that we should be deceived, that this is all the joy that can be, but this feeling, it’s as if, thanks to laughter, you begin to touch the right mood, the correct perception of life and attitude, even if you look so deeply, here, of course, joy is one thing, unbridled fun there, laughter and so on is another thing further, that is, this can also be done from one extreme to another, but at the same time... sometimes, when you are deeply in despondency, sometimes, in order to pull you out of this despondency, you need to give you a sample of this joy, so that it can
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be something very simple, it can be simple, it can be strange, but it’s just that you though would pull us out of the state and make it clear that in reality, that is, based on this we can argue that laughter and humor often bring us down, i am vladimir ligoid, we continue. now i want to read you a quote. in continuation of the entire twenty-year friendship with varvara petrovna, three to four times a year he regularly fell into the so-called
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civil sorrow among us, that is, simply into the blues. but dear varvara petrovna liked this word. subsequently, in addition to civil grief, he began to fall into champagne, but the sensitive varvara petrovna protected him all his life from all trivial inclinations. in my opinion, this is the subtlest humor, these are dostoevsky’s demons, the subtlest humor, the deepest, and it gives this, as many believe, a terrible work, yes, some very special coloring, or am i wrong? no, this is generally the best combination of serious funny, deep superficial, and the flow of these meanings, like this... slides uh exactly gives uh bitterness gives off some kind of sometimes - so to speak, the taste of the whole dish, without
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that, but this does not mean, that is, i think that this is the image i have of humor, that it is like mendeleev’s table of elements, that is , everything is there both vertically and horizontally , groups, subgroups of some species, that is, it may be, i don’t know , abstract, concrete, childish, adult, black , uh, for a dramatic performance, it can be a sad work, serious, but you will remember two or three places where, where you
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laughed, where you smiled, where you... is some kind of... then there is a therapeutic effect, it turns out that with humor the work becomes more useful for a person, for the viewer, for the reader, and deeper, at the same time, well, look, the word jester was also heard, yes, but this is also, well, a joke, this is not someone completely frivolous, but besides other things, a jester is a person who manages to speak the truth when others are silent, one might say so, perhaps one can
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so pretentiously describe a buffoon. but he is also a jester of opportunism, that is, here he is, as it were , an actualist, you can, if you like, that is, he will tell the truth, which at this moment will be an irritant, uh-huh, that is, he will turn to a different audience, he will start a different truth to speak, that is, there seems to be a moment such that this is also a tool, and this is some kind of skill that you tell one story in front of one audience, for another audience you tell another you tell a story, but every time you try, like a professional jester, you try to be clearly relevant in order to get insight, so to speak, well, yes, but now you are, as it were, in a modern context, so to speak, and i say even here , actually, if we are there a few centuries ago , let’s unscrew this, and this was also a function, and it probably still remains today to one degree or another, and in satire there, yes, it seems to me that before, a jester was a laugher who was allowed to do this, that is, he spoke such
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a truth in such a... in this genre, in this form that the king wanted to listen, although in principle it could be completely destructive, offensive, there, so to speak, he could actually make the king a laughing stock, yes, but in such a form that no one could hold back laughter, there was truth in this, in this mirror, it means that the king saw himself, but through this universal reaction, he himself. could laugh, well, so to speak, it seemed to be laughing, such as anesthesia arose from this pain, from this injection, but he learned the truth about himself, it was such a mirror, well , i want to argue a little here, the buffoon, he comedian, he has an instrument of paradox, he understands that in this society they say one thing, what i’m about to say is never said, yes, at some point it
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arose in contrast, that oh... this is not true , that means, and this is true, that is, yes, it ends up somewhere, i’m just older, so i remembered the tsarist times, but you and i remember the tsarist times, yes, i found it too, that is, that’s what i’m saying, this is us, this is what we are now , as it were, arguing that yes, this is true, in fact , how can we now be transported to that moment, he simply acted according to situations, a simple example, i still insist that the jester is still an opportunist, an infection. and a simple example is that in front of the king, in front of his retinue, he will joke and tell one story, when he goes out into the square in front of the people, he will beat the strange one, and relatively speaking, orlekin beating a pierrot is what well, that people like anyone strange they would like to beat up, so in front of them the jester began to beat up, he doesn’t say any other truths, he says what is potentially of interest at the moment
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audience, come on? let’s also raise the temperature, so to speak, this is already a borderline story of foolishness, like this truth, here it’s definitely true, but without conjuncture, said there by st. basil of some kind, and even the tsar, told in the extreme, but in such a general form , well, it probably cannot be called humorous, yes, it is rather accusatory, but it definitely goes beyond the boundaries of the normative, yes, well, it’s a kinship... it’s generally unknown to us, that is, this is such the highest degree of humility through humor, through self-irony, when you completely dissolve yourself and can, through the opportunity, be able to be a laughing stock, make fun of what’s scary, and show people what it’s all about, that is, this becomes a real mission, i’m very interested in this topic, because she is, to some extent, a certain...
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in the direction of the light where to go, then of course her kinship is the highest degree of self-irony, which carries, well, some kind of extremely deep, yes, that is, this is some kind of at all, this is not what we're over there myself there, it’s not natural that i couldn’t miss the story of father gabriel, the georgian, and this, well, of course it’s surprising, that is, he’s still funny, well , there were a lot of saints who were close to being comical, and... this comicalness was bright, blissful, due to which you wanted to change, well, the topic is certainly complex, but nevertheless, why did i say how, after all, as a cultural phenomenon, yes, that is, it is clear that there is a certain internal human state
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that we are unlikely to be able to evaluate, well after all, all sorts of falliants are written there, there byzantine foolishness, russian foolishness, and there are blessed plowmen, look, there’s one more topic that i would like to touch upon, it’s generally understandable. unknown, but it seems to me that all the time some kind of understatement remains, something you can’t laugh at, it seems to me that one of the absolute criteria is when you should stop if it hurts someone, even if you don’t understand it, here are you ready to agree with this or not, well, more likely yes, more likely yes, and there is also a moment when you say offensive things, but speak to your eyes. having agreed in advance that you are uh, well, relatively speaking, a genre, like a rap battle, what type of rap battle, like a roast, this is, this is a genre that, relatively speaking, when you have agreed on the rules in advance, here vladimir romanovich and i go out
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we tease each other, it’s with each other that you and i will be interested and people will be interested, but that doesn’t mean that if i start talking about you without you, that’s a different story, that is, here, well, there’s always a line, it seems that it doesn't... hurts, but uh this is still unpleasant, still unpleasant, but this is also kind of a problem, that is, well, the problem is that not every comedian or humorist understands the consequences of this humor, well, this is too much for me, it’s too difficult for a circus in the fact that you speak very strongly from within, from experience that i don’t have, but that’s exactly what i had in mind, there’s just a set of clichés that you can’t make jokes about religious topic, it's not true, it's not true. maybe, but what is a parable? yes, here i have it there is a favorite story, it became a favorite when my friend told me that, as he says, it changed my life, you know, such a parable theme, how a new russian dies, then goes to heaven, tries to
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go to heaven, the apostle tells him, you are not on the list, he says, why not, what are you starting to say, i built so many churches, i spent so much money on the church there, and the apostle calmly tells him, we will return the money to you, first of all, this is very funny, yes, and secondly, here's my friend, he says you you know, i suddenly realized that they would return the truth, this joke, yes, it is, that is, it’s really possible, let’s dance, let’s take some ancient pateriks and so on, the finest humor, or you can take charlie hebdo, the question of education, erudition and ethics, ethics is simply an element that gives you the opportunity to make a decision, you take responsibility when you show a paradox, when you start making sharp jokes, this is the line, when you cross it, that is, you take responsibility, yes now i ...i'm just kidding that this will be surprising for everyone, but someone will be offended, and you begin to weigh, relatively speaking, to weigh mercantilely, that is, you begin to count the benefits, i will destroy this one, i will offend, these will all be upset, but
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look how much they will laugh, but you are again thinking from the industry, yes, that i will go on stage there, no, i’m not even talking about the stage, i’m talking about the same charlie abdo, that is, talking about the fact that they did not understand and do not understand some such things ,
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sometimes some other vertical component is missing, so here’s my i really like the humor, so to speak, this kind of heavenly humor. i, vladimir ligoida, we continue, i
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recently read, one priest says, imagine, a woman comes to him for confession, she says, horror, just, father, a nightmare, what is he saying, what is it, i read, he says, prayers, in at that moment the cat falls from the windowsill, knocks over a pot with a flower, she starts laughing, then the tank says, well, the cat didn’t kill himself, no, it’s fine, flower, no, everything is fine, but he says, what are you repenting of, i can’t, he says, read when i reach these words in this prayer, it hits me, i start laughing, the priest stands there, laughing, because she is poor, she almost cries, yes, that is, you understand, a person is driving herself into a situation where she already sees herself as a terrible blasphemer, but thank god, i came across a wise head, he says, listen, don’t count this prayer for two months, three, yes, then it will pass, that is, you understand, a person really can, this is what we started with, and some seriousness, you can see these halftone accents at all. not there, this is a question of a sense of humor, a question of your
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own embarrassment from what is funny to you, this is also a problem, that is, we begin, well, we, many have a sense of humor, what we tried to determine, initially many have it, but we we hide behind seriousness and so on, that is, in childhood everyone definitely has it, and then over time we become a little... rude, in this regard, of course, we begin to be embarrassed by the fact that it’s funny to us, but you agree with that that with age it can somehow go away, well, it can go away, it can come, it can develop sense of humor, you can, i have examples, training, at least the person who is next to you, he tunes in to your wave, to your vision of things, gradually begins to get used to it, then he can even try himself in dialogues with you, knowing
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that you think like this, start to adapt, yeah, it turns out, you encourage him, as a result, in space, when he’s with you, he somehow starts joking, communicating, seeing things from this angle, then the other one leaves the team comes back and says: i’m there, some people are strange to me, they have no sense of humor at all, we told them this, we laughed, i told them. said, but pay attention, they are kind of stupid, they have no sense of humor and so on, while, i know, it’s just that a person maybe, before this, he didn’t think like that, didn’t perceive like that, didn’t joke , in general, not from his sphere, so, magnetized, saturated, magnetized, yes, but this is a common mistake of just, well , many comedians, that every time you think that in a circle - when you write, prepare, this is one history, you always need to check, you go into
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the hall and you realize that you prepared something wrong, no one understands, well, this is also a question from the audience, but it’s like a lecture, you read, like just one day, i’m reading now, one similar course, yes, in the same institute, just in different faculties, i have the feeling that i have students from different planets, in one they take it very seriously, in the other i laugh normally, no, what are you saying right away, no, but here not yet we need to move everything forward, a lot also depends on the mood,
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audience, because well, of course, that is, i didn’t understand why there was deathly silence, and so i think that in your hands the audience that perceives the material more difficultly, you begin to plus, twist, i’m just saying that what’s surprising is that this people of the same age, yes, that is, in general it’s the same year, that is, both the first year there and it’s simple there. the last episode of the program was on the topic
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of people’s relationships with each other, and the tool for extracting some real emotions from them was hidden filming. camera provoked situations, all kinds of crazy characters, some divers, paratroopers, ballerinas who run out into the snowdrifts there, naked people ringing the doorbell, and so on and so forth, that means, well, this is a big program, and for some reason i i decided then that the priest would appear, and he would simply say, well, by god, so it was thought of as such, well, as if as a joke, and i even thought, maybe - the man was not very church-going then, i thought that here we are just maybe an actor, or maybe a real one, a real actor, here’s one a famous person, later he was the director of the program, he brought a real priest, i won’t hide it, i was generally happy, there was immediately such a very pleasant
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atmosphere, an aura, but i realized that i couldn’t turn my tongue, tell him that like now just tell god. well, that is, i intuitively felt that it was impossible, that it was necessary to explain why, in the name of what it was, i began to tell him all this, i myself even better understood what this program was about, he made an introductory speech, and in fact, on i think maybe this was the only first precedent when a priest blessed a program, but it didn’t go on air, that is , by the way, i didn’t know this, yes, it wasn’t edited into... my inner feeling told me that it didn’t matter this, well, somehow it won’t be perceived that way, the audience has not yet matured, and that is, you yourself decided not, yes, yes, yes, yes, then it should have been approached differently, in general, we once asked to light the stage, everything failed, no, we always performed in the atrium, suddenly we
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appear, we are invited to perform at on another stage, on a more expensive one, you will now understand,
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due to the fact that a huge amount of humor arises one way or another, themes, some jokes on this topic and so on, but it’s great that you never had to, relatively speaking, directly track this from the point of view of the fact that there are some rules, something else, but we have experiences in tv series when we looked at how appropriate or inappropriate this is in a work, but the author himself always wondered about this line , of course, well, it comes... this self-awareness, like it should still be there, it’s clear that the conversation is endless, and the broadcast is finite, so i have to wrap it up, but - it’s really very important to me that what i wanted to offer you and offered as a criterion, this is not my thought, this is yuri mikhailovich lotman spoke, he defined it, really, he wasn’t talking about humor, he was saying who
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a cultured person is, he said, we each have our own pain threshold.


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