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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 21, 2024 2:25am-3:01am MSK

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work and here they were fundamentally mistaken, they once again underestimated the enemy. the americans, of course, did not have the same experience as the soviet troops, the americans and the british. they had a ground operation in africa, but it was not on the same scale, a completely different theater of military operations, of course, completely different from europe, a different scale. the british had experience of an unsuccessful landing in france. this was churchill's demonstrative operation, which thereby actually.
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in normandy, losses depended largely naturally from the action of aviation, where the aviation bombed efficiently, there were fewer losses, where they didn’t hit, and the morning of the landing was foggy, so they missed there, and there naturally the losses were greater, but just for comparison, that means these are the most big losses, there are these sections of the beach, they had their own code names, so... on one of them, code-named omaha or omaha, different names, different emphasis put here, and so there the aviation missed, so there the americans lost on this section of the beach, about 1,700 people were killed and about 300 more were wounded; on another beach , code-named utah, 197 were killed there.
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firstly, well, the french, the bombings were long-term, there were no targeted weapons, so to speak, so naturally, a lot of civilians died there, and if we talk about the night itself, so to speak, the landing, yes, in the morning, then there’s a small the city of kan, which according to the plan they were supposed to take on the first day, however, they did not succeed, so it was practically erased from the earth. here,
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but if we talk about military-political as a result, it is undeniable, of course, it was a very successful operation, stalin immediately admitted this, a week after the allied landings, in my opinion, he actually gave an interview, and he said that summing up the results of the seven-day battles, one can say without hesitation, that the wide crossing of the english channel and the massive landing of allied airborne troops in northern france were a complete success. this is undoubtedly a brilliant success for our allies. the commander of all these united groups was then general, then future us president duatel zenhaur. here it is necessary bezonhauri said that, despite the large superiority in forces, the american command fully considered the possibility of failure. after the successful landing , esenhower’s adjutant found a note in his pocket, yes, you can quote it from the case.
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not the last german general rommel, what the transfer of forces looked like, but on june 6 they landed, by june 11 more than 326 thousand people had already arrived at the bridgehead and note, 326 people and more than 54 thousand pieces of equipment, yes, yes, that is huge quantity, that is, in fact, it accounts for six people. since july 5, almost one and a half million,
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in the end, accordingly, the americans managed to gain superiority, because immediately the germans, including thanks to this campaign of disinformation, were unable to throw american forces into the sea, which, in fact, what hitler insisted on, these fierce battles, i will not describe them all in detail now, but i must say, the city of kan, which you mentioned, it was not possible to capture it at all on the first day, in the end it was captured after july 21, and the first...
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not only for infantry or jeeps, even for tanks, that is, such anti-tank barriers are alive, and the germans counted on the fact that they would be able to use these, as they were called, tanks, yes, these hedges, for defense against american and british troops , they really succeeded, as a result, american tanks were equipped with special ones...
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or, that is, carry out an offensive bypassing the zickfried line, enter, so to speak, from another country and move to occupy a number of dutch ports for supplies, because this was one of the big problems for the allies, they believed that with a throw
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they would be able to reach the dutch ports and thereby solve the problem, so to speak , of supply, but this was the first one. bridges need to hold out for two days, then the main forces will approach, we say, it didn’t work out, in general this plan failed, uh, oncoming battles began, heavy, with very heavy losses, in the end the americans
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stopped, and their whole plan was to celebrate christmas in berlin, turned out to be unrealized, we already took berlin... in 1945, we continue our podcast, today we are talking about the allied landings. on the western front, the germans surrendered in entire units and that, accordingly,
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the walk through germany was so easy for our western allies, but the thing is that they began to surrender only in the very last week of the war, and then for attempts to surrender they were shot there place, there were very harsh punitive measures, only in the very last days of the war did a significant part of the germans really want to surrender to the americans and...
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well-prepared positions of the americans, as a result, the german troops rolled back to their original positions, it must be said that hitler really hoped for this offensive, he hoped that he would be able to push back the americans and the british quite strongly, then transfer the resistance to the eastern front, and then prolonging the war all -wait for conflicts between the allies. hitler even then believed, well, in addition to mystical hopes for...
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a moment in the entire second world war, forgetting about all the previous battles, forgetting about stalingrad, the kursk bulge and so on, and not not to mention the defeat of the germans, just in operation bagration, because then hitler , in general, of course, did not really care about france, because even before paris, because of course the main problem, the main headache was still in the east, here it is... stalin fulfilled his promise given at the tageran conference, he really carried out
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this powerful operation, then belarus was cleared, part of the baltic states was recaptured, the eastern regions of poland were liberated, in general, well, you can imagine the scale, that means at the front in 1,100 km advanced by depth of 600 km, scale, and... naturally , this did not make it possible for berlin to transfer any additional allied forces to france. in general, the example of a combination of operation bogaration and overlord is an example, a striking example of cooperation between the allies, which ultimately led to the decisive defeat of the nazis and to the understanding of the fact that the war was lost. in fact, many germans, even generals, understood that the war was lost after stalingrad. after kursk, this is a conviction. grew up, a conspiracy began to take shape against hitler, which was carried out on july 20 of 1944, an attempt on hitler’s life,
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but what finally pushed him to it was the fact that pincers came from both sides, on the one hand, operation bagartion, which crushed army group center by july 20, it became clear that everything that the front line had been broken over a huge length, and in general there was nothing to resist this soviet offensive until a certain time, on the other hand, the allied offensive in france, and the german front collapsed on ... conditions, but the plot failed, history, unfortunately, did not follow this path, which perhaps would have saved hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of lives, but unfortunately, again, quite soon after this example of allied unity, when intelligence operations was carried out together, a disinformation campaign, you mentioned three possible landing points, but the germans were fed information about a possible joint landing of soviet american troops
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in norway, for example, yes, that is, they were completely disoriented, so forced to scatter forces,
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nothing could be done, and of course, without soviet victories near moscow, and especially, of course, near stalingrad and in the battle of kursk, the exhibition in normandy would have been simply impossible in the form in which it took place, but for 1944 really one of the decisive battles of 1944, which made a great contribution to the victory of the anti-hitler coalition, and here there is such a tug of war, and attempts to prove that this is all complete nonsense on the one hand or on the other hand, that this is the main thing event of the second world war or forty something. both of them, of course, do not fit into historical objectivity in any way. in our history with the west there have been not only periods of confrontation, but also periods of cooperation. stalin himself spoke at the tehran conference, i will quote. i want to tell you what the presidents of the united states did from the russian point of view to win the war. the most important things in this war are cars. i'm missing a fragment of the quote. russia can produce at most 3.0
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aircraft. united states from 800 airplanes. thus, the united states is a country of machines. history will mark this matter as an achievement of the highest order, something that in the west they prefer to remember only the landing in normandy, well, what can you say, well, we shouldn’t follow this example, because a story with torn out pages is a distorted history, but a distorted
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history is always distorts the soul, it was a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. today we talked about the landing in normandy, about the role it played in the second world war. pyotr romanov was with you and sergey soloviev, study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the russia west podcast on the swing of history on the channel one website. hello, dear viewers, you are watching the lab podcast with you, its host is tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychologist , psychotherapist sergei nasebyan, and our guest today is love, hello, love, hello, tell us what you came to us with, i i came with this request, it
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sounds like this: why do i always feel underpowered? and the handicapped in some things, despite the fact that there are certain successes in life, there is a happy family, my husband and i have been together for eight years, and there is a business, and successful, profitable, and at the same time , looking at the feeds of social networks, what begins -comparing yourself with someone , the feeling that something is missing, something you haven’t completed, well, probably in the language of psychotherapy it’s called impostor syndrome. well, as i understand it, here’s how to work with it, what to do with it, if it’s possible, of course, or in what way, what are there exercise may be to cope with this. syndrome, and so that it would probably work in favor so that i could use it and somehow transform it, on the contrary, it would help me and
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give me some kind of resource, and not steal energy and so on. have you tried not to look at social networks? it’s difficult, it’s difficult, well, you need to keep everything under control, and what do you control by browsing social networks? the successes of my friends, well, somewhere i tell myself. i turn on this cartoon so i can train my powers of observation, that’s what i need you need to watch how people are, how people are, well, it seems to me that you need observation, what? observation of content in order to also create high-quality content, because i ’m now involved in such a fashionable story as the development of a personal brand, since it helps to sell more effectively and better, all this is very implanted in society, well, in principle. i like it, i like blogging, i like telling people about what i know, about what i have done, but nevertheless, of course, there is such a certain dependence,
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but why does it have a million views, yes, and i have a thousand, and of course, this also somehow affects self-esteem, and what do you do professionally, professionally, and i have a business, i have five private kindergartens in moscow , well, that is , your business in this sense has nothing to do with... with the story of your personal brand, of course not, although i have stories of people coming to my kindergarten because they follow my blog and they are there on their blog you talk about what is happening in your kindergartens or what is happening in your personal life, in general i talk more about business, yeah, that is, if i look at your blog, at best i will have, i don’t know, a question, a request, a thought, a desire to meet you to open a kindergarten ? well, most likely to open a business, because any any, you are talking about the fact that you have impostor syndrome, how is it expressed, what is the very idea of ​​suffering, that
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i would like to get out, well, i have this is the business that exists, it is a franchise, it is franchised, that is, in essence i have five kindergartens, but i’m not the face of this company, i have a request to kind of open my own, yeah, well, there’s a huge one. fear that your kindergartens or some other business, it doesn’t matter, it’s a different, different business, yes, and that your impostor syndrome confuses you, that, that it constrains me to move forward, as well, here you are now sitting, talking with us, how you are constrained by your impostor syndrome, well, i’m not doing anything, i mean, well, i’m not taking any steps in order to get this started, let’s call it that, and you understand, what steps are needed? to do it strategically, in general, i understand, well, everything, everything is clear, yes, everything is there, everything is built according to the same model, but i’m very scared that, well, i don’t know if it’s worth
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saying it like that, so rudely, well, it won’t work , everyone will point their finger at me, that this is how she is, it would be better if she sat and worked for her uncle, why did she even try to do this, who will say that, the people around, well, what kind of people, there how...are any specific people bothering you? and i was thinking about it like it seems to me that these are always some kind of adult figures, parental ones, and it seems to me that this is my grandmother, who knows nothing at all about business, yes, who doesn’t even live in this country, and i just always remembered when i moved, when i came to visit my grandmother, i always had a desire that in honor of...
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where i was born, it would do, well, there’s a fairly well-known expression, when i left, she told me that you’ll come back in rags, yeah, you’ll come back anyway and you will sit on our necks and so on and so forth something like that, it’s better to sit, don’t go anywhere, but you proved the opposite, proved the opposite, but there’s no recognition, uh-huh, no, well, you did it like - kind of the other way around, not the way she wanted, well, the opposite. well, why should you admit to her, if she wanted you to come back in rags, but you didn’t come back in rags, why do you expect that she should admit that she was wrong, well, well,
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yes, well... i would like her to admit her wrongness, why, why does she need this, she’s like, look, your grandmother is there, let’s say now it’s 60 plus, yes, 70 plus, well , 70 plus, okay, they added 10 years to her, subtracted it, or rather, well, she’s sitting there looking at her, saying, what’s up, you’re only 30, and at 45 you’ll come back in rags , you will be 45, he will say, you know, how after 50 life will twist you, you will cry and come back with your tail between your legs, she has.
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the adults said, well, you see, we said, attempts, i really didn’t succeed, well, i shouldn’t have tried, and apparently, anyway, such a rebellious nature, it took over, and i remember the period when i did some decided to prove something to someone, in fact i understand that they all don’t care, but i feel very bad about it and... and i suffer from the fact that i don’t receive the recognition that i expected when i left for moscow, well, in the end , 10 years have already passed there since that moment, and i don’t understand where to move next, i don’t seem to be expecting this recognition, i have some experience, of course, but what to do next with this is unclear to everyone, that is, you have not received recognition and will not receive it, well, look how it develops further, you will take
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higher and higher levels. some tasks, some large-scale goals, you will move, but you are already living as if it’s not your life, but there is a feeling, yes, that you need to show someone something, show that you have a good life, a good life , good business, good husband, although there is a demand for honesty and to be honest, but it feels like people don’t want you to be honest, but for you to show a beautiful picture of your life. how you drive a cool car and you don’t have any worries at all, what kind of people don’t want this inner circle some friends, nevertheless, i want to understand what i should do next in this life because i already have some kind of business, but i want something more, i want some kind of greater realization, well, i probably want something,
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maybe prove to yourself. then well, i, i can, you have a good car, well, that suits me, well , i mean, you have a good car, i do, but why are you answering me in such a way that it suits you, there are better cars, of course, but i don’t asked this question, you have the best car, lyuba, you have a good car, a good car, yes, but i feel better, how you feel, curiosity, whatnot, interest, comparison, but what difference does it make to you what kind of car i have, well, you said that yours is better than mine. to satisfy your interest, it turns out that it’s really better, that then the next time you and i meet, things will be better for me, be prepared, look, it turns out that some kind of emotion is born there, it’s very similar to anger, yes, let’s assume this same anger is just some kind of opposite effect - it would work if my car was worse, really, well there like, yeah, now, but pay attention...
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that i asked you a question: is your car a good one? the answer is very simple, good, bad, you tell me, it suits me, thus, wanting to, well, sort of stop my dialogue with you in comparative categories. and you can, by the way, say where you are from, here you are, from where you moved to moscow, from kazakhstan, from kazakhstan, from almaat or smaller, from almaat, come on. okay, let's agree that you have a pretty good car, i'll probably be right, if i assume that your car is, well , better than the car of 80 percent of the residents of almaty, it’s a fact, a fact, they ’re meeting you, they’re all gathered together, all these residents of this city are at a crossroads by chance, here you’re like everyone else, all of you they know, yes, everyone knows you, where you come from, what kind of dirt you come from, here you
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are like a prince, yes, your feeling. i feel sorry for them, but why do i feel sorry for them, they look at you, someone is jealous, someone is happy, well, someone wants to be let down, maybe, yeah, well, that’s the most normal thing. well that's probably what it is ego, which is just like, i’m really beautiful, well, there’s this feeling of pity for them , arrogant in the sense, yes, arrogance and a certain one, but at the same time you don’t want to look arrogant, it’s not very good, there’s some feeling of helping them , whether it’s to earn money, but in any case, pay attention, a whole range of feelings and emotions appears, although it would seem. why would they be there, why? uh-huh, well , why, she, well, it’s not necessary, but i have an assumption that these feelings, they seem to protect you, but what if man, one of these people will ask you: lyuba, how did you buy this car?
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but otherwise, i would say that this is a very interesting question, and the story is very fascinating, by the way, have you told this story? to be honest, not yet, i wouldn’t tell you, because it’s not at all. a story of great faith when you have 100,000 rubles. you’re like: yes, i’ll buy myself this car, it doesn’t matter that it costs 3.5 million, well, yes, and you do it, yeah, well, this is the story, but it’s still as if, pay attention, but in this story it’s like as if yours are not there progressive steps that you can say for sure, look, first, it means i have saved up 100,000 rubles. this was enough for, i don’t know, the down payment, let’s assume, yes, then i thought that i would. it took 7 years to pay a loan for this car, and for this i realized that i needed to increase my income, and for this i opened another kindergarten, when i realized that this was not enough, i realized that i needed to open a third kindergarten, well that is, you would tell the system directly, the fact is that an impostor complex often arises in people,
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who cannot explain their success, well , it seems to me that i was lucky, it’s true, i have this story, that well, i just have magical thinking, so i count affirmations in the morning, although i honestly. because the impostor knows that he is an impostor, well, if i tell you now, he just doesn’t broadcast it, no, just imagine, i’m now going to tell you about the fact that i’m an opera singer, i’m just working here on the side so, in fact, i’m an opera singer, well, i ’ll convince you that i’m an opera singer,
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where does the impostor complex come from, i will have an impostor complex, if suddenly someone believes me, they will tell me to sing, when i go on stage, probably at this moment i have, but i’m not going to sing, i’m just telling you that i’m an opera singer singer or conductor, it doesn’t matter. so no, if you have an impostor complex, this is a good sign that tells you that you are not an impostor, that’s interesting, can i ask you a question, which is a little from another opera, you said that you have a good relationship with your husband , so in 8 years you managed to build a good relationship with your husband, and at the same time being business partners in no project, that is , if you are asked now about how this is done, how you did it, you have an algorithm in the strategy, clear, understandable algorithm. to be honest, i ’m listening to you now, i understand that i really need to digitize my knowledge, digitize some of my successes in order to confirm in this way that it is really deserved, in this way, because i
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remember there, there was a period in kindergarten when well, i really didn’t have the money to pay wages, i had a chain that was given to me, and i pawned it in a pawnshop in order to somehow... somehow cover my obligations to employees, and of course, when you remember these stories, you you think, well, how would i take certain actions so that today, firstly, this business scales, so that in general it functions in some way, well, brings benefit to people, and at least, nevertheless , i’m probably too i’m narrowing down this concept of the path, i’m taking, as it were, the original period, i’m looking at myself today. and i think, well , just lucky, well, at the right time, just lucky, then it’s impossible to become an expert, then it’s impossible to feel confident in it, but if you see all the things that you went through along the way in relationships, in business, decisions that you
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took, you will see that in fact this is the result of yours.


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