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tv   Geroi  1TV  June 22, 2024 2:40pm-3:36pm MSK

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infantry of the 155th separate brigade of the pacific fleet. this victory was not easy; during 10 years of conflict, the enemy turned novomikhailovka into a powerful fortified area. this is probably about eight strong points, that is, these trenches are made not by machines, but by hand. this is footage of the assault on the forest belt closest to the village. well, at first it was very difficult, the first breakthrough and well, breaking through their defenses, then when they had already climbed up to them, they began to get smaller, smaller, smaller, but in the end they ran away altogether, the capture of navomikhailovka opened the direction to kurakhov, and most importantly - on ugledar, it is important to capture this one. a powerful fortress of the ukrainian armed forces in order to
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cut off the supply of weapons and ammunition to ukrainian militants. well, mikhailovka, we ended with mikhailovka. victory is ours, yes, that we are going, that we are, the truth is behind us. every settlement, every operation, every assault, all the boys who stayed there, who survived, are all before your eyes, you remember everyone by their family names. by name, that is , it will last a lifetime, and it cannot be expressed in words. vitaly antonov, soldier in the fourth generation, hero of russia, commander of a motorized rifle battalion, nasvo from the first day. we were advancing on one populated area, we walked into a minefield. they couldn’t get through,
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the tank that was ahead was blown up, i asked my senior commander for help and to send me another vehicle with trawls so that we could pass this minefield, the second vehicle also blew up on a mine, it was impossible to go further, it was impossible to return , and reconnaissance, meanwhile, reported on the approaching enemy infantry; the lives of his fighters depended on the commander’s decision. "to me i had to make a decision to bypass this minefield, i didn’t know where it ended, but i had to make a decision to go without trawls. antonov’s detachment walked along the very edge of the minefield without losing a single person, and then immediately took the village by storm, catching the enemy by surprise. in total, in may-june the twenty-second account of antonov and his fighters. seven liberated towns and
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villages in the lugansk people's republic, during the assault even i observed such a picture, we were driving along a populated street point, and one family, well, about six people , they were probably standing right next to the window, jumping, clapping their hands, you could see their smile, tears in their eyes, that they were so glad to see us, that we came to them, they walked with them . routes, as soldiers of the red army once did during the great patriotic war, everything is the same as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers liberated ukraine, we are crossing the same seversky donetsk, all the same settlements, nothing has changed, there are even the same structures, meet the great patriotic war, trenches, which then they were preparing, but of course they are no longer in the same form as they were, they are already a little overgrown.
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that is, with hail, mortars hit us, we held the defense, well, we withstood it, as they say, not a step back, russian forces took lesechansk into a cauldron, this forced the enemy to retreat, and when i was returning back, i can’t say from what i was shot at, from what weapon, but from the third shot i was hit by a tank, but...
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let's just say, one of the stories that, well, now lives in my head for the rest of my life, probably my children will tell this history, we were able to evacuate the tank. crew, everyone survived, when something hits the tank, there is literally a moment to leave it, if you miss this moment, then you remain in this tank forever, this year we celebrate the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory, let's talk about songs of the war years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt.
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rum castro, a product of stellor group. the law
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of conservation of cat energy says: in any unclear situation, go to bed. maybe you don't feed the dog, it eats it out there? no, she's just very... loves to tease the cat, i just fell under hypnosis, i started to love mini pigs, this is a smart animal, it’s interesting to interact with him, who ate the baseboard, shame on you, labrador is the kind of dog that there is nothing like it, her character is simply reinforced concrete, the kindest thing is love itself, god sent it to me, to heal my soul, you saw the video, watch it with us, the premiere is on the first tomorrow. i don’t know how long i was gone, maybe two hours, the most famous graduate of our childhood home - this is yura shatunov, a little warmer behind the glass, but in the bitter frosts, this project,
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gentle may, simply blew people’s minds. did you see what i did? knife, i know, tree, planted, house, built, son, gave birth, three commandments that every man needs to implement, i did it, in memory of yuri shatunov, tomorrow on the first day, guys, train, jump out of the tank as best you can faster, the tank says, they will do it, but when a person dies, you won’t be able to do it, and you yourself will live, nikolai carried these instructions from his family throughout the war nikolaevich borisov, so i
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trained all the time, trained myself, the deadline was determined to be 7 seconds, in 7 seconds. put a man in an empty barrel and bang a sledgehammer, there is such a sound, the memory turns off, when a person is a trained athlete, his body memory takes over, in
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his native thirty-four nikolai nikolaevich still knows remembers every detail, the tank has a ritual, and what the ritual, well, i called it... memory, he, he saved me, his armor. continue to educate others. thank
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you. november 2023. volnovakha. we are greeted by hero of russia ruslan kurbanov, at the legendary t-34, which witnessed the second liberation of the city. what feelings do you experience when you see thirty-four? the feeling, frankly, overwhelms me, because this is the memory of our ancestors. it is by understanding the technical components of these tanks that i understand how much actual knowledge, skill, how much patience and labor was invested by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers in order to achieve this difficult victory with such vehicles, and against such a difficult enemy. twenty-seven-year-old tanker ruslan kurbanov his gold star received in september twenty-second, his platoon liberated a settlement in the kiev direction, the call sign of arrest, the ancient greek god of war, speaks for itself, neither enemy
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missiles and mines, nor injuries could stop the crew on the way to the goal. over the course of several days, kurbanov and his comrades destroyed 36 units of enemy equipment. you cannot make mistakes, any mistake is immediately a minimum of injury, the situation was such that when the enemy begins to fear you, you, rudely... and for me the most important thing is that all people alive and well returned to their loved
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ones. in the summer of 2023 alone, his unit accounted for over 50 units of damaged enemy equipment. these shots show the american oshkash armored car, which encountered fragmentation shells from our tanks. it is not an option for nato countries to fight against our armed forces, it is so wretched that when a car receives some shrapnel hits, the car does not pass a diagnostic test, it no longer starts. now this and other captured equipment are standing here in the center of moscow on poklonnaya gora, between the arc de triomphe and the victory museum, is the place to be. hero
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of russia stepan belov with the call sign taran in one of the battles went out against three ukrainian tanks in his tank. immediately, when i approach, i immediately remember where to hit it, three shots are enough for the car to detonate, to get here correctly, too, roughly speaking, in this place to get under the gun here, its protection there is also weak, so right above the mechanic into the skin. that's it, the car immediately detonates, as it detonates, i personally saw it through the scope, it burns great, loading, matchmaking direction, in the place of the gunner operator stepan belov, this is a tank carousel, a special tactical technique, while the first crew shoots, the second loads the projectile, then they change, and so on in a circle again...
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here on poklonnaya hill he met face again to face enemy equipment. only the emotions are different now. this is an american -made m113 armored personnel carrier. there are two of them, fighting them is not difficult, but they are small, nimble, that is , sometimes they were even there, sometimes unnoticeable, but the americans conveyed it, on a personal account anyway, our guys catch them, that is
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, the enemy will not hide in any case, even like at this moment, they apparently blocked the car, because... in the area of ​​the turret there are hits and cumulative drops in the future, that is, the armor is a little burned. the hero of russia arrived in moscow in the fall of 2023 for courses for senior commanders at the military academy. my plans are to finish my studies now, this year and return back to a special military operation. i am, after all, a soldier of my homeland, and if such a profession is to be defended, i will do it for a reason i chose to sit somewhere in... on the sidelines, but that’s definitely not my thing. we met stepan belov more than once on the front line, in the hottest sectors of the front, in the winter of 23 podslatovo. the same heroic crew that we came to visit, the gunner operator, the hero of russia, the commander and driver, holders of the order of courage
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together, during all this time our crew and i destroyed 16 tanks. these are the officers here, both mobilized and contract soldiers. stepan called his soldiers tank special forces. this is really the most a real gbr, a rapid reaction group capable of moving into battle in a matter of minutes. all the soldiers of the special military operation are following the same route that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers once drove out the nazis. but
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everything turns out the same, history is cyclical, that that dirt clung to. those boundaries from which our guys are now driving away, that now, the family of stepan belov carefully preserves the memory of their ancestors. my grandfathers and great-grandfathers were officers, were soldiers, sergeants who were awarded state awards, one of my great-grandfathers was awarded two orders of lenin, another was awarded the order of the red star, one great-grandfather, i know for sure, he took part in the battle of stalingrad, but then... disappeared without a trace, another great-grandfather, uh, he reached berlin, still alive, was wounded several times , near vinnitsa at the beginning of forty-four, junior lieutenant nikolai borisov, as part of a group of tanks and self-propelled guns, had to carry out perhaps the most difficult
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combat mission of the entire war, to withdraw a cavalry regiment from the german encirclement. they walked in a column the whole time. i kept thinking to myself: well, my dear, don’t let me down, i’m talking to my tank. at night, the crew broke through to the german rear and soon stumbled upon an enemy tank in one of the villages. there will be no kaput, the loader, i woke up. armor-piercing, load, again 10 m, there is a distance, bang, the flame caught fire, i heard others start shooting, the column moved off and we rushed, the germans, we look, jump out in their underwear and immediately in the tank, one
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bullet-proof shell, still hit there were thirty-four of them, the flames engulfed them, the tank caught fire, they survived and went out to their own. for the war nikolai borisov was wounded twice, in the fall of '44 he almost lost his leg, but returned to duty. what class are you in? how is it going? who do you want to be? haven't decided yet? you have time. if you join the army, ask to join the tank forces. nikolai borisov met the victory on the way to prague. berlin has already been taken a long time ago, and the war is not over yet. we’re waiting, well, at dawn there was a tank in front, the tank commander, then i only saw his back,
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then he turned around, took off his tank helmet and waved, showed me a signal, that’s it, and smiles, i guessed, the war is probably over. the soldiers of the 126th coastal defense brigade live in the basement dugouts, and the front line runs right along the dnieper river. we are on exactly the same lines as our soldiers once were, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought, on the same lines, in the same situations, the same battle path, the same task - this is the fight against fascism. we visited ilya on the way in february twenty-fourth. look, here you can already see the water, here we are next to the river, the exit in the direction of the dnieper,
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here is the river, the dnieper behind me, and there is already the enemy, that’s it, the guys have the very front line of defense here, everything is already equipped, here they don’t let anyone through, a mine sign, enemy drones, our guys are knocking out with drone punches and hunting grapeshot with ordinary small arms weapons, reconnaissance strike...
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hospital there was everything, but he always returned to his own. the guys work around the clock, 24:7, now the number of aircraft we have has increased, and the number of people has also increased, that is much more, we work constantly, we work to bring our victory closer. he was born and raised in the then ukrainian crimea, but from childhood he was with our country in words and actions. at the age of 15, in 2014, i joined the militia, i dreamed of becoming an officer and serving in russia. i grew up, began to look differently at
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the world, at life, realized the value of life, realized, began to look at friendship differently, this is exactly -not for real, because it was here that i saw what it should be like. when my best friend, oleg pilovarov, risking his life, got me out of hot spots so that i would stay alive, for which i am extremely grateful to him. hero of russia, oleg pevovarov , is ilya’s friend since military school. once, during an artillery shelling on one of the dnieper islands, oleg carried a wounded comrade on himself. he's the best of friends, that's it. and he has two orders of courage, also for certain moments there, and he’s a good guy, seriously quite, and as a commander and
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a very responsible person, the uav, oleg pivovarov’s unit is hiding from enemy eyes are literally underground, while our eyes, as drones are called at the front, circle in the sky around the clock, our eyes are constantly in the air, that is, they are constantly needed in the air. if the enemy is detected, then within a couple of minutes our artillery will fire on him. if we detect the enemy, then we give the coordinates and work on him here, well.
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from different types of guns directly to artillery and work out in the skies over the dnieper, real air wars are being waged, priority targets our motorized riflemen - reconnaissance copters and heavy combat drones. we’ve already landed two or three, probably, well, they shot down the woman, the drones that we landed them, we re-flashed them, we fly them ourselves, this is a comedian who was carrying a blank like a bird.
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they were safe, so that our children had families, our children, parents, our wives, had a happy future, so that our mother russia had a peaceful sky above her head, and good health, i was better, and he left in the summer of forty-two. a seventeen-year-old boy rushed to the front. i worked for mechanical plant in the city of sterpkhov. on august 20, 1942, i am leaving for the army, he calls me up. i came to the cherpukhov city military registration and enlistment office, they sent me in a group, iksha station. it turned out to be 251 mortar. regiment
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of the twenty-seventh mortar brigade, commander of a 120mm mortar, there was only one mother, the older brother had already gone to the front. lev kalinin took part in the liberation of ukraine and belarus; in 1944 he was wounded; already in the hospital he received news that he had been awarded the order of the red star. thank you, thank you, thank you, success in the battle, thank you, we will do everything that depends on us, the volga armored train in the special operation zone works in the most difficult areas, there is enough to hit the tanks, we need them.
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to teach a lesson properly, mainly the mortarmen of the great patriotic war, such as lev kalinin and his comrades, traveled on the polutorka and zakhar ivanych, the legendary zis-5 trucks, but they had to travel on trains, except as part of trains. there are five vehicles and a trailer with a 120-m mortar, 480 kg in stowed position.
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great success on your shoulder on protection our frontiers roinaura thank you guys thank you thank you success you were so precious returned home every single one of them. 1024 lev kalinin celebrated his centenary, but unfortunately passed away in march after illness. eternal glory to the hero. for the truth, we are fighting for the truth, we know why our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought the great patriotic war. antonov plans to return to... in
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december immediately after graduating from the general military academy, and guard captain evgeny klinov is already on the front line after being wounded, he says this is his duty to the country and those who fought on the fronts. the great patriotic war, my ancestors, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, in different positions, in different ranks, took part in the defense of moscow, took part in the liberation of soviet ukraine, belarus, took part in the liberation of the peoples of europe from the nazi pig. my great-grandfather alexander klinov, as a foreman of a sapper battalion, died in the baltic states in 1944 during liberation.
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simply performing official duties, this special operation has long ceased to be the most important thing to be with your comrades, your participation, making a contribution, said, did, now evgeniy klinov, chief of staff of the airborne battalion. ukrainian nationalists and foreign mercenaries were driven back from our border together. with the soldiers performing tasks directly in the northern military district, with the personnel of our division, who are now advancing in the area of ​​the yar clock, we are bringing our common victory closer. in the background you can hear the work of our artillery behind the scenes, paratroopers in
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full combat readiness. during the special military operation, our film crew traveled almost the entire front. and many the fighters became for us not just heroes of special reports, but real combatants. tanker, veteran nikolai borisov is also following the progress of the special operation and, despite his 99, is well versed in the latest weapons and
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tactics of modern combat, so i understand what shooting from closed positions is, a team is waiting for cover here, so they served him, and he has several positions. they tell him: position number five, that means he jumps out there, along the way they already give him a task, the commander already has a sight, where he goes, again cover, tankers completely different now, they practically turn into artillerymen when the great war ended. borisov turned 20 years old and took part in the victory parade in june 1945. we are entrusted to participate in the parade, a banner company comes from us, you know, what an impression, well, i
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took a photo in lyubersy, so dashing, in a tank helmet, which means i’m a senior lieutenant, and i’m already a company commander, so i’m a company commander of 12 pairs.
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just wait, let it be far away, your faithful friend, love of the world, how many times have i asked you not to carry anything heavy, it’s harmful to you, nothing, that we have no one to go to the store, nothing, i’m in no hurry to stop. kostyantin, here you are, dear friend, our fathers died in one battle, if you want to honor their memory, come on march 18, the anniversary of the battle, to the station under...
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your father kostya died in what year? and mine is in forty-three, and most importantly, they were somewhere nearby, i’m in the first ukrainian, in the second.
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without a signature, a strange message, but where is this falsehood? somewhere in the area, by the way , a woman’s brother, maybe it’s a prank, but no, it’s not a prank, i remember when i was awarded my father’s orders in the orphanage. there was a conversation about stations podbednya, what order of the patriotic war, my dear, do you remember where it is? maybe daddy’s wooden box, yes, yeah, darling, onion, oh, ilya ivanovich, why are you neglecting us, it’s not good, please come to the table, sit down with us, ilya ivanovich, sit down with us, ilya ivany, let’s have a drink together.
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you reach great ranks, kostyantin, and behind every rank there is a soldier. your team is growing, it means that everything is in harmony with them, so that you feel sorry for the soldiers, that is, they are without puppies, which means it’s more difficult for them,
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here. i am for this very thing, for the soldiers.
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allow it. wow, thank you, please, methiot, yes, then the rooks flew in, and now it’s snowy, yes, i played it off that it’s in the south, oh in the south, oh in the south.
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that's right, kostya, that's right, then let's get acquainted, my name is anya, i sent you a postcard, our fathers died in one battle, everyone died in that battle, all 18 of them, so fyodor ivanovich told me who this is fyodor ivanovich, gorbuzenko? he was, as it were, a platoon assistant, of course, so, as soon as i give oaks, so write my name on the monument, this is my place, here my platoon is lying here, he said so, well
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, what else? thank you, thank you, you’ve gotten prettier, yes, yes, you’ve gotten prettier, well, well, mom didn’t come, yes, she couldn’t, you can’t leave one alone, but yours keeps flying, flying, flying, oh, i’m now i’ll come, so what, garbuzanka, he couldn’t wait, just as he felt, our last meeting, he said, valyukha, anna, girls, gather everyone, if i die, all my relatives, from all 18, well, here we are with the local chairman of the collective farm with valyukha , this is the girl who saw the soldiers before in battle, she was the hot one then, now she’s valentina ivanovna, they’ve gathered everyone, and
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most importantly, the men are lying there, real ones. 18 tigers were knocked out, so 18, i’m really not local, but the ilinskys told me how they tore up tanks here, they didn’t have guns, only grenades, well, that’s the circumstance, well, they’ll wrap themselves in grenades, about 18 tanks? tigers, 18 lads, that’s the arithmetic.
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and then on foot, there she is, brotherly! let's go see, there's a surname there, let's go, but living life is not a field in front of those, what are you talking about? i thought it was more difficult to cross the fields, than many of us live our whole lives, or rather , not to cross, but not to let others cross, not to give it away. this is a field, let’s go to them, kostya,
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i’ll finish my smoke, it’s okay, they won’t be offended. they don’t put crosses on mass graves and wives
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don’t cry at them. hello, dad, great, dad, let's move on! i, baltika, and freitor svyatkin, i can be a matchmaker, private habarner, kaberbekou, i, habarera,
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stop talking, corporal svyatkin, get out of the ranks, yes, comrade soldiers, today i took over the third platoon, the battalion commander set the task to prepare as soon as possible shock platoon tank destroyers, so what? four regulations do not allow comrade junior lieutenant to stop laughing. the battalion commander set
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the task for the third platoon to become an example for our battalion, an example in everything, in combat training, in discipline, in wearing a uniform. sergeant baltika, excuse me, saiko, why do you look like that? i am a temporary comrade junior lieutenant here. i’m in the navy, and in our navy he was there for exactly 3 and a half days, and even a month and a half. classes built, platoon commander, junior lieutenant suslin. hello comrades.
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platoon, at ease, class cancelled, platoon to unload. there are castes for unloading cabbage, tasha sergeant gorbuzenko, command, there is, platoon, equal, captain, decide to apply, straight from school, that’s right, comrade captain, after ten years, mine too after ten years, well, what’s your report, tach captain, i am relative to svyatkin, impudent, undisciplined, such a person can ruin an entire platoon, please transfer him from me, such a person can, and by the way, in the last battle tsvyatkin knocked out three tanks. already received the award in the hospital, i understand, he is not a gift, from street children, a person with a difficult fate, so we will educate him, the question is settled, i understand, captain, by the way, you had a nickname at school, i didn’t understand, but no, now svyatkin will take care of him, what are you doing? no
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, it looks like i’ll never be on the list, listen, but you won’t be in line to sew for me, well, if i get you a job, close your eyes, the people behind this door sew haute couture and work with imports, it’s disgusting, it’s not about the suit, it’s about when you were taken to the section, you were warned that we have special clients here and that the attitude towards them should also be special, you can’t say that they are a heartbreaker, so the situation is like this, i met a girl and fell in love with her, haven’t you forgotten that we
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are discussing our wedding at your house tonight, subtle ones? matter, tomorrow on the first, married to one, but i love it, it seems different, pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group, lyosha, let's turn it on so that there is something, now we'll start to figure it out, so why figure it out, i want to show a movie person, i knew that... there are people who make films out of thin air, and i from yourself, and you don’t have to tell me anything, i know everything, i know a lot of bandits, i go to the bathhouse, brother, you’re my brother, seryozha, he’s not an artist, he’s a personality, i think that strength is in truth, like the caucasus ended up there, strictly
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speaking, because of me, we were filming there, there’s no need to relax, guys, it’s war. conditions tomorrow on the first, bad apartment, where troubles await you personally in your apartment, in the living room, in the bathroom with toilet, and maybe in the kitchen, we’ll look into this issue and many other most important and main ones in the “live healthy” program. on
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monday, on the first.


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