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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:35pm MSK

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hello, the vremya program is on the air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main thing today. day of remembrance and sorrow, anniversary of the beginning. a strike
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on arsenals and energy facilities that provided for the needs of the ukrainian armed forces. the ministry of defense about the actions of our army and what is happening on the front line? new report from the military department. they work slowly and try to think like an enemy. our sappers are in the zone of a special military operation, the subtleties have been cleared. corvette, small missile ship, submarines, the latest technology, the international naval show in kranstatt is open to everyone. on the canon of the day, the holy trinity, the legendary icon of andrei rublev, again in sergegiev posad, a large ceremony with the participation of patriarch kiril. the iron character of a woman is a full holder of the order of glory.
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let's talk about those who smashed the nazis during the war. who should you look up to? today is june 22, a special date for our country, a day of remembrance and sorrow, the day when the great patriotic war began, 83 years ago, we all remember levitan’s voice from school, today at 4:00 am, without any...
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those gathered in alexandrovsky garden also we honored the memory of the defenders of the fatherland with a minute of silence. after the honor guard and band, they marched in front of the national military glory memorial. the head of state also laid flowers at the memorial signs of the cities of heroes and cities of military glory, which are located next to the grave. unknown soldier. flowers candles in
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memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war today throughout the country. about the connection between generations in the report by anton vernitsky. thousands, hundreds of thousands of candles lit at 4 am all over the country. in moscow and st. petersburg, volgograd and donetsk, kazan and omsk, in kamchatka in kusbass. in big cities and small towns, far from that front of '41, this is a burning inscription. russia remembers, says that the memory of june 22, the day of the beginning of the great patriotic war, the day of sorrow, remains in us 83 years later, like the metronome, counting a minute of silence and the voice of levitan, the voice of our ancestors, who proved that we cannot be broken , our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. you can talk long and pathetically about memory, or you can simply remember the dead. in
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that war, a war that did not spare a single family of our huge country, first of all there was sorrow, of course, and joy that they saved russia for us, that’s it. for them, the rays of searchlights in the moscow sky, today it is simply beautiful, then in the forty-first they protected cities from raids by fascist planes, on the day of remembrance and sorrow , the russian ministry of defense declassified some documents from its archives, heroic stories of the first minutes of the war, for example, about dead pilots, they the war that began at 4:00 am, when the enemy crossed our border, lasted only 25 minutes. they went to ram, sacrificing their lives. the first of these pilots was senior lieutenant ivan ivanovich ivanov. it was already 4 am 25 minutes, when german troops violated our border, he took off in his plane, and
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after ramming, died the death of the brave. it took 10 thousand candles for the legendary il-4 bomber to spread its wings again. it was collected in irkutsk during the war. and this is a t-70 tank already made of candles melitopol. during the liberation of the city from the nazis in october '43, it was the seventieth who were the first to break through the defenses. only then more than 13,000 nazis were captured, and this is donetsk. from thousands of candles, volunteers assembled a picture of two liberating soldiers. every resident of donbass today lights candles in memory not only of the heroes of the great patriotic war, but also of the heroes. modernity, those who every day defend the freedom of peaceful donbass. dawn sun over the rzhev memorial, honor guard printing steps at the tomb of the unknown soldier near the kremlin wall, candles are lit in memory of the thousands of heroes who defended stalingrad. terrible 4
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years that began these days. my two great-grandfathers died in 1941. directly the beginning of the war. the candle of memory campaign took place on this shortest night of the year throughout the country. the victory museum has 1,418 candles corresponding to the number of days of the great patriotic war. and at dawn and throughout the day today , ordinary people and famous politicians bring flowers to the monuments of the dead. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin, deputies and leaders of duma factions, veterans and members of the board of the ministry of defense, our defenders, military personnel. equal to...
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this is in the united states of america and ethiopia, geographically distant from us, located on another continent in mexico and tunisia. and this is tanzania, students, students of russian language courses, reading poems by konstantin simonov there. all deaths are bad. of course, our friendly countries, which were once part of the united soviet union, today remembered this tragic event for all of us. day june 22 1941, today a memory train arrived at the brest fortress through all of russia and belarus, it reached the sacred place for all of us , the hero fortress, the first to take the blow of the nazis, the train is a cultural and educational project, the main goal of which is to introduce today's schoolchildren
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to the history of the great patriotic war. each carriage is a separate story, from the horror of the constabulary to the joy of victory.
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how little is left of our brother, our warriors, life goes on like this, life goes on without a doubt, continues in the name of those who fell in that war, for our future. anton vernitsky, antoliy lazarev, maria mortanova, olga gersemenko, kirill loginov, channel one. all have been married for a long time. now, a special operation in response to kiev’s attempts to cause damage to our energy sector, the russian army launched a high-precision group strike on energy facilities that supply the needs of the ukrainian military-industrial complex, as well as on ammunition depots for aircraft weapons from western supplies. open sources report explosions in vinnitsa, khmelnytsky, volyn, dnepropetrovsk and ivano-frankivsk regions. arrivals were recorded in the city of stryi, lviv region. as for the front line, our troops have improved the situation at key points.
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they are expanding the bridgehead for an attack on coal, so the militants, leaving their positions, mined everything they could reach, deadly traps even in children’s toys and household garbage, a typical tactic of terrorists. sergey panomariov, from the intricacies of mine clearance, now we’ll lay it out like this, everything is beautiful, neat and we work until the overhead charge is detonated exactly. 50 seconds available time to calmly go to a safe distance. their business does not like to be rushed. engineers
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of the tenth tank regiment of the southern group are clearing the road near the forest belt in the rear. our columns will advance here further. in this case, we have a controlled landmine here. the group determines in advance the most likely mining sites. each such section is a kind of puzzle that is easier to solve once you start. think like the enemy, as i would do in his place, to prevent the movement of troops, accordingly, our task read his thoughts and work as expected. special working conditions, of course, are added by the weather, summer is up to +30 in the shade, the guys are wearing heavy protective equipment, fatigue quickly accumulates, they say that sometimes it is better to stop and rest than to continue working, losing concentration. usually this engineering unit works on the front line, paving the way for armored vehicles. infantry in the marinsko-ugledarsky direction towards novomikhailovka and proskovievka,
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they are already working there, as they say here, gray at dawn or when dusk falls, so that there are fewer air threats, the enemy switches from one drone to another, that is , during the day, to the transition with night vision, this is what novomikhailovka looks like now, footage taken by fighters 155. namely seeker, she reacts to metal, sometimes there are cases when she reacts
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specifically to a person in armor, that is, they have to be neutralized remotely. many so-called surprises are left in the ssu, leaving positions that are often installed directly in residential buildings. i personally witnessed it, a soft plush toy of a hare, somewhere, well, somewhere the size of a child, that is , a very large hare, it had a mechanism, you press a button and there should be a phrase: something similar to i love you or so on, an electric detonator was placed on this button, a large amount of waste was spent, that is, 16 kg of the equivalent was spent, that is, if it all detonated. but the floor could definitely collapse, it is often mined by ordinary garbage and ammunition, so if possible, they are the first to inspect everything, namely sappers. sergey panomariov, natalya moshtakova, roman serebrennikov and sergey suvorov, channel one. and more about our defenders. guard senior lieutenant, vladimir krasnov, with his
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company entered the battle with superior enemy forces. the sabotage group of the ukrainian armed forces was completely destroyed by ours. guard senior lieutenant alexander legenky also defeated the enemy not in numbers, but in skill, being inferior in numbers, the soldiers under his command successfully repelled the attack of saboteurs, eliminated two strong points and suppressed machine gun points. in moscow said goodbye to photojournalist nikita tsitsagi, the reporter died last sunday in the dpr during an attack by ukrainian drones, filming a spy in the area of ​​the st. nicholas monastery. at that moment, the kiev terrorists struck, apparently a targeted attack, as in cases with other russian journalists, colleagues recall, nikita always strove to go where it was difficult and dangerous, he really loved his job, nikita tsitsaga was only 29. our work colleagues asked periodically to nikita, aren’t you
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scared, you’re sending them again, really? you’re not scared, he says, he said, it’s my duty to talk about the people who live there, to talk about their problems. and be sure to bring the material, he never returned empty-handed, he always achieved results, sometimes taking risks, yes. against the backdrop of nato’s general escalation of the situation, extremely bellicose rhetoric and ongoing arms deliveries, suddenly an example of a balanced approach to the situation appears on the part of a well-known experienced politician. the leader of the british right-wing party, nigel farage, on who really provoked a conflict. personally, for me it was completely obvious: any expansion of nato or the european union to the east gives this man and his compatriots a reason to declare: well, here they are again for the old days, take up arms and go to war. so you are simply repeating putin’s own words? no, no , sorry, actually i’ve been saying this since the nineties. so, once again, it was we
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who provoked the war. a new war was provoked. and they are carefully trying to erase the memory of the second world war and rewrite the facts, a statement by western leaders to that confirmation, the main thing for them is not to let russia win and for this all means are good, but the memory of the people who defeated the nazi evil cannot be erased, then their plan goes to hell. continuing the topic, the author's commentary by mikhail leontiev in the program, however. however, hello, today is june 22, the day of remembrance and sorrow, i would like to remind you of two things: first, no one in history, after such a military catastrophe as we had in 1941, managed to survive, we survived and won, we remember. second, everything that is happening now
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- this is the result of historical amnesia, painstaking work to erase the memory of entire peoples, decultivation. all sorts of nazi shortcomings of their subsequent ones. svo is also hard, bloody work to restore historical memory. today you can still give a standing ovation to the ss in the canadian parliament. today it is still possible to celebrate the liberation of auschwitz without the russians who liberated it. today you can still celebrate the landing of the sezskys in normandy, but together with the ukrainian nazis. and the azov battalion is a decision of the us congress.
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we remember, but we are kind, for years we did not remember who organized khatyn, so as not to upset the ukrainians, due to our kindness, not only france, hitler’s satellites, romania, bulgaria, even finland, turned out to be victorious powers. monuments to our soldiers who liberated europe are being massively demolished in ukraine, lithuania, latvia, estonia, poland, the czech republic, and bulgaria. macron, now is the time to immortalize his exploits. the last defenders of the hitlerite reis chancellery. but the saved world remembers, he doesn’t remember a damn thing. but we remember, we have a good memory, good, however, goodbye, this was the author's commentary
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by mikhail leontiev, and we continue: dramatic images came from outside the country today, in the center of the city a skyscraper where apartments and offices are located caught fire, they could not cope with the fire for several hours, the outer cladding was blazing, so much so that in what at that moment, the entire building was in thick smoke, the fire, they say: rescuers began on the last twenty-sixth floor, the flames spread to the lower one in a matter of minutes, there were no casualties, that’s what caused the emergency, they are finding out. a holiday for everyone who is interested fleet with modern technology, the international naval show in kronshtat, open to everyone on weekends, the opportunity to see the latest developments, more than 2,500 exhibits , 225 enterprises are participating, and the interest is colossal, our
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smart corvette and small rocket ship grad were convinced of this sviyarsk and other ships. there are a lot of families with children among the visitors. i feel proud because they served for me, my grandfather served, my father, everyone served.
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i looked at the ships and now i want to enter the naval school. recently the created museum and exhibition complex was built in a special way, combining three historical buildings into one, two of which are artillery arsenals dating back to the first world war. the central exhibit is the first nuclear power plant in the ussr. submarine k3, leninsky komsomol, which was dismantled into parts and gathered here last year, for some guests coming here is a very personal matter. my grandfather vyacheslav rytsev sailed on this submarine, the first ones to surface in the arctic, just the impression, my heart is beating, very, very great. before visiting the k3 boat, many visitors had no idea what high-tech boats were built in the soviet union. of course, the level of engineering thought of those guys is amazing. who did this, i am an engineer myself, so how people did such a high-tech thing so quickly, it certainly evokes great respect. at the exhibition , visitors can get acquainted with modern
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naval products of 225 russian foreign enterprises, for example, unique russian developments, the unmanned boat vizir, which can reach a speed of up to 45 knots with a range of 434 km, can carry serious weapons up to a small missile launcher, and this is an unmanned...
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world and what will happen in the future, the generation generally understood how modern our residents are basically in order to people should come here with children, how to live with boys and what to do, where to go to study, how to guide themselves, children at the exhibition have something to do, they want to see everything and touch it, there is no problem with that, you can even try to control a real ship on the simulator, control panel. i walk here and look and think that maybe later i will become an engineer who will also produce all
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sorts of different things like this. structures, sensors, unmanned aircraft, the latest developments in the field of marine technology, missile weapons, torpedoes, deep-sea boats, control, navigation and communication systems, powerful unmanned cafes, systems that are already in service and those that will find their application on ships russian navy in the near future, you can still have time to see all this, tomorrow is the final day of the salon, shamil fabrikov, yulia khodorova, stanislav opletin, an important milestone in the spiritual life of russia, the trinity has returned to its historical place, the icons were painted by andrei rublev, believers have been waiting for this event for more than a century, now everything has returned to normal, home, like once on the eve of the holy trinity, patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia took part in the solemn ceremony at the lavra. and the meeting of the shrine in the report by olga pautova.
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the holy trinity was greeted almost without breathing; it was taken to sergeev passad on specialized transport for transporting works of art, it is equipped with a box with a climate-controlled shock absorption system, the importance of andrei rublev’s main work for our entire culture is difficult to overestimate, of course.
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trinity cathedral of the sergius lavra, to the right of the royal gates next to the relics of sergius of radonish. it remained at this location for 500 years, starting in the 15th century. an amazing day, this is an amazing sign for our russia, time, hour, so i’m very glad that i got to see everything with my own eyes, yes. at all the entire ensemble of the trinity cathedral is unique and its main feature is the continuous iconostasis. the icons in it are not separated by altar pillars. most of them are from the 16th century, but some remain.
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testifies to profound changes, including, and perhaps first of all, in the life of our people, the revival of orthodoxy in holy russia, but for all of us this is another sign of god’s presence in the life of our people, our country, each of us. art historians call the holy trinity the main work of ancient russian art, which is also has worldwide fame, a kind of our mona lisa or venerameloska.
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church, it was first restored, and a year ago vladimir putin decided to transfer the icon to the cathedral of christ the savior for the last six months. here, in the lavra, the trinity is installed in a sealed icon case with armored glass, the temperature up to 22° , humidity about 50%, must be maintained automatically. these are ideal conditions, she is in normal condition, no peeling, no swelling. and there are no cracks, there is a wonderful experience with the vladimir icon, vladimir icon mother of god, she was transferred to the church at the tretyakov galley, she is there in a capsule, there are sensors, she is regularly monitored. on the very first evening there was a line of parishioners to see the icon. the trinity was given to the church for 49 years with the possibility of extension, but of course, it’s worth seeing it early. olga pautova, pavel bolkonsky, mikhail artyukhin, khristina ivanova and sergey
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kamensky - first! channel. a chance to express yourself and learn from the invaluable experience of grandmasters, names that the whole world knows. the final stage of the qualifying rounds took place in moscow today international competitions. rapid chess tournament, it will start next week, our strongest and most titled players are participating, as well as athletes who have won many awards from china, azerbaijan, india, iran. in parallel with the adult tournament, a children's tournament will be held. the guys will compete in four age categories, the best will have the opportunity to meet their idol at the board. i am very pleased that more than 200 children are participating in this tournament, including foreigners and... even the organizers at some point had to to close registration because it was no longer possible to accommodate everyone, and this testifies to the development and popularization of chess - this is great. i wish the chess players who will make it to the finals that they gain experience, gain playing practice,
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that they improve, develop, we will definitely support them, and of course, i am ready to hold a simultaneous game session with them all. war does not have a woman's face, and this is the honest truth, but at the moment...
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the soldiers served in the advanced detachment of the sanitary company, which means at dawn the regiment rose into battle, and the orderlies followed, in extreme old age, in moments of revelation, matryona admitted, just yesterday i was talking with these people, here you are already running across the field , the faces with open eyes of these people are looking at you, but they they’ll never speak again, that was the worst thing, of course. the famous battle of the great patriotic war was crossed by four rivers: the dnieper, spree, odre, our story is for standing on the river.
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this is what my fellow soldiers remembered. nadya could be seen near airplanes day and night, she was wearing this some kind of obsession. we men took an example from her that we had to prove ourselves worthy of flying, and once a fighter was shot down, the pilot was taken prisoner, and he turned out to be a german ace, awarded the knight's cross. he lost the gift of klechi and asked again several times, she, she. only the regiment commander knew about this. in 1944, nadezhda carried a child without stopping flying. the fur garments were spacious and absent. gave birth for a month and returned to duty, left her son to his mother in hungry moscow, after the war she never let him go another step, you know, with me great-granddaughter, i’m already a great-grandmother, i lived to see this moment, so it’s not in vain that we fought,
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it’s not in vain that my comrades gave their lives, after the war i got married and moved to riga, at first the nationalist marches on may 9 from the monuments to soviet soldiers were simply disgusting . later, she began to receive threats, they set fire to the door, in 1993 everything went far, she was actually evacuated by fellow soldiers on a military il-96 to moscow, when she stepped onto moscow soil, she wanted to kiss this land that she had gone to the front, so now returned, as she said, from another front, i would like to congratulate two more women full holders of the order of glory, this is danuta yuryevna. and madrena semyonovna nazdracheva.


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