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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 23, 2024 3:35am-4:21am MSK

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but plus this is a film that you didn’t expect, no one knew that at that time in the fifties in soviet cinema, with the beginning of the thaw , an absolute revolution was brewing, that there, well, of course, everyone knew that more and more were being filmed there, since the era of few go-karts, the beginning of the fifties, film production in soviet cinema has increased tenfold, this is a great discovery for european film festivals, which are beginning to rediscover soviet cinema . after everyone, of course, knew the revolutionary films of the twenties, but they are starting to discover asian cinema, some beauty, which around the same years has become known in europe in a new light and soviet cinema, in general , is distinguished by this trend, it responds to the request of the time and discovers new names, and everyone is literally delighted from samoilova , in addition to the actual palme d'or for the film, she is also awarded separately with... from
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the orange tree, i think it 's called, there were almost real oranges involved in this, she becomes a european star, at the beginning in the sixties, several films were released at once, which were joint productions, co-productions of the soviet union and european countries, first there was the soviet-french lyon goros, looking for a friend, then the soviet-hungarian, finally, they go to the east, a soviet-italian film, by the way, giuseppa before santis, there are no strangers, yes, actually.
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it was read that the authors, kolotozov and rusevsky , basically abandoned the plot, they needed some kind of fairly simple plot in order to string this visual art onto it stylistics, they decided to somehow complicate the plot and make it more acute, there are dangers for geologists, a fire in the taiga and so on, and at the same time go into modern times and somehow samoilova basically got lost there. in
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these joint productions, there is generally a feeling that samoilova is being cast precisely because she is samoilova, not because she is an actress, but because she is an actress from the film the cranes are flying, that is, on the one hand, she is a representative of soviet cinema, on the other hand she is this sign, she is veronica from cranes are flying, in the film leon gorosa is a friend, she is actually an actress and singer, she plays such a rather eccentric person, who, in principle, the plot is about how... a frenchman is looking for his comrade in arms in the soviet union, that is , this film is a journey through the ussr , it ’s even semi-documentary, yes, that is , yes, well, there are documentary footage, yes, the restoration of the farm and so on, that ’s why all this is happening, so he’s looking for a friend, and there’s also a girl natasha, having quarreled with her beloved, whose brother is the translator this same leon goros and his company are leaving, they are looking for her all over the country, here is some stand-up number like in this film. well, there’s just an insert
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number for the whole film, but she’s such a jealous girl who ’s going to get married, just like veronica, but then the iceman has to urgently fly away, she ’s going on a creative business trip, so she’s traveling around the soviet union, and everyone is looking for her, she gave an interview after that , a french television company, where they actually asked her what kind of role it was, how it was play, she answered very seriously, these are very, very interesting shots - watching them now is terrible, terribly exciting, she really thinks about simple journalistic questions and says: well, i haven’t seen the film, but this is such a role that is unusual for me in the genre, eccentric or eccentric, i tried to play it as a comedy, they ask her, in life, aren’t you yourself eccentric, you don’t have some qualities, it was difficult for you to transform, she says: no, well, of course, life is so rich, different happens in her, and she was asked what do you like to do in general, he says: i
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love the period between between jobs, when you can think, i used just such a word, think, you can read, you can watch something, go to the theater, that is, be filled with something that then you can in... a role, as it were, present yourself, yes, convey yourself as an atypical star, i will say an atypical star, because european stars, of course, don’t act like that, who usually appeared in full splendor, in a glamorous image, here in general, she appears to be such a dramatic actress, filled with self-reflection, generally embarrassed, and the journalist tells her at the end of the interview that no matter how you are the shyest or the most modest, the most modest actress of those,
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somehow she was offended that maybe he was not serious about the casting doesn’t spend time with stars, but you need to prepare for an interview with a star, and yet this happened, this project worked out, she played a character, we’ll probably see, again , how it turned out on the screen, and then
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we’ll tell you what what work was behind this was for this, but he will come, it will hurt him to see her, he is kind, he... he doesn’t know how kind he is, and why isn’t he coming? and my god, what melancholy? take off these fur coats from me, i ask you, did they give seryozha dinner, everyone will forget, but he wouldn’t forget, he came, what nonsense, he says that he won’t forgive, because you don’t know him, no one knew. i’m alone, no, no, i’m not afraid of you, i’m afraid of death,
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a dramatic moment, a dramatic role, again, a role that requires some kind of passion, some kind of sadness, and zarkhi, in fact, when he saw her, he...
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drawn and terrible, he begins to quote tolstoy, justifying his choice of samoilova. well, actually, regarding samoilova’s appearance, well, let’s say, we’re talking about an actress, not about a person, there was quite a lot of controversy about whether she was generally beautiful or ugly, even now, when you watch her interview with that same french journalist, there
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are a lot of comments there , where she actually discusses her appearance, her charm, how she fit into this role, did not fit into this role, well, of course, that was what was meant then. only the cranes are flying, but in general there seems to be a dispute around the charm of an actress who may not have or has atypical beauty, let’s say, he’s samoilova. and many actresses of her generation raised it with new urgency, because there were certain standards that were required of celebrities and stars, and at the same time there was alexandra khakhlova, who did not fit into these dances, yes, yes, she seemed to be a little bit in the canon, so she didn’t got in, and lyubov orlova and many others, in fact, they became famous throughout the soviet union, well, sort of like in hollywood, basically the same system was from happiness, samoilov and all these films of the era. now they are showing new heroines on the screen, yes, anastasia
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vertinskaya, who plays kitty, also vanna korenina, marianna vertinskaya, who plays such a generally very atypical beauty in the film i’m 20 years old or the outpost of ilych marlin khutsieva and many, many other actresses who break from the old canons, but samylova is the kind of dramatic actress who is trying to adapt. cinema under new conditions, yes, when the images become complex, multidimensional, yes, but at the same time the images become more complex, the scenarios are not always, and somehow everything turned out in such a way that for samoilova there was not enough serious material, or something was found, but did not grow together, did not coincide, she was considered for the main role in the film resurrection, another film adaptation of tolstoy, for the role of katyosha maslova, mikhail schweitzer, also a classic, already had advice by that time. movie, but it didn’t work out, they chose tamara syomina, perhaps she should
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have played in the classics, but somehow it all worked out that way time, that this is her filmography, if we look at it now, yes, it consists of rare such big roles, then everything is very ordinary, maybe the audience wanted her to play something unusual, maybe she wanted to play something unusual, but they offered her this, then she plays someone’s wife, then she plays something like that? “well, okay, she can play some kind of cipher girl, spy, and so on, but still this is not the main role, so she has two big main roles, the cranes are flying and anna karenina, in general this is of course enough for any actress, well, then don’t forget that cinema in the seventies , including soviet cinema, is changing, some genre examples begin to win, people go to genre films, and one of these later roles, tatyana samylova, and this, of course same, a role in genre cinema, absolutely. yes,
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diamonds for the dictatorship, the proletariat. a set of words that is now not very clear at all, what it means, the dictatorship of the proletariat, what it even is, actually it’s according to yulian semyonov, it’s a plot from stirlitz’s youth: the early twenties, baltic states, spies, white officers, russian intellectuals, writers and so on. of course , there are diamonds there, beautiful women are there, everything is in such a genre treatment, kaidanovsky plays there wonderfully, for example, though, naturally, not the main role, but he plays it together with samoilova, this is a role, but still a little more suits her better than the role in, say, lyon gorosy friend, after all, she is not entirely comedic, that is, it is difficult for her to play a comedy, the question is the paradox of the secret.
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you love him very much, maria nikolaevna, i love what you are ready to do to save him, everything, everything, everything, then please answer, what code did you use to write the message about varantsov, why do you need this? the more i know about what is happening at your embassy, ​​the faster i can warn
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varantsov about the danger. i don't understand. well, why not understand here, marya nikolaevna? i, as you probably already guessed, am a resident of germany in tallinn. and viktor vitalievich is one of my assistants. samoilova is somewhere in the lower left corner, this hero is somewhere hanging on top of her, obviously is felt. influence from rusevsky, well , rusevsky with colatosis was then plowed, of course, in the late fifties, early sixties, literally the entire generation, but yes, it was in the seventies that the realization came that this is the very set of tools that operators can use freely, directors can use freely when you are already accustomed to color and could use a black and white image for
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certain purposes, and as a contrast, when you actually came to a wide-format... image, when, by the way, they came out flying crane, american critics, when the film hit american screens, specifically pointed out that it was made in the classic format, not in the wide format that we were already accustomed to in america, but this is a more intimate one, well, 3x4, 3x4, yes, yes, or one and 1.33, yes, just in the seventies all this reached the soviet union, and a moving camera, such tracking of the heroes. all this was already familiar, but the actress should have already moved on to other roles, yes, she no longer had the opportunity to play the main characters, young, twenty-year-olds, thirty-year-olds, this is a different generation, again, well, i guess inna churikova was lucky, yes, who switched to the roles
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of older heroines, mothers, bosses, because next to her was her husband, the director, who selected roles for her, wrote something and so on, everything was fine, in general soviet cinema is especially famous for this, let’s say , yes, very often some major director always had such a faithful companion, yes, that is, sergei polinarovich gerasimov and tamara makarova, or let's say ivan pyryev, and well, there were several companions, but in general it depended on the period, grigory alexandrov and. in general, the husband always came up with some kind of main role in his film for his wife, but samoilova did not have this, unfortunately, and there were several more disappointments when some films were even launched, she played in them, and then something happened, in the seventies, rustam khamdamov begins to make his own film, which is called, it was called in that version of unexpected joy about early russian cinema,
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there was such an image copied from vera cold, the main character. the main actress of early russian cinema, samoilova did not have the main role, but it seems to me that she fell into this aesthetics of nemovo cinema, dramatic cinema, contrast cinema, but khamdamov began to shoot not according to the script, the film was closed, in fact, what happened, we are this film in the end it was released, just under a different name, and it was shot by a different director and the script was actually written anew by other people, today we actually recognize it as the film of the slave of love, and unfortunately it’s no longer there... tatyana samoilova, but she remained in some pieces, which khamdamov later dragged into the film anna karamazov, also such a dramatic plot, this is the beginning of the nineties, this is a co-production, the soviet union, or already russia, even france, unrecognized either at festivals or among viewers, jeanne moreau plays the main role, the second main role is played by
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svetlana nemalyaeva, again, for samoilova there is no position that she could actually occupy. she returns to films in very small roles, very old, with a new generation, among the soviet generation, yes, she returned to cinema at the turn of the nineties and two thousand, people who remember her, like veronica, the cranes are flying, people who do not write, maybe especially for her, but this is still not just a role , and this is some kind of cameo, yes, a cameo, that is, when we find out, yeah, this is not just an actor or actress playing a role, but this... this is a magnitude that actually does honor to everyone who watches who does this film, because he or she generally appears here for minutes, maybe maybe for 5 minutes, and so it turns out, for example, in the film anna melekian mars, there she plays the grandmother of the main character, well, well, the grandmother of the main character, well, what is it, but they invite her because she is samoilova, that is,
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she becomes more any of her roles, well , she already becomes a symbol, as it were, of herself in a certain sense. an idea of ​​what a soviet marvel is, from the point of view, according to this canon, biographies of various actresses are considered, as a rule, they always end, well, in the presentation
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interpreters, biographers, tragically, because if there is no tragedy, then there is no great biography, forgotten, unrecognized, yes, yes, as a rule, doctors found a lonely actress in her apartment in poverty, this is such a template, a spacious template. frame of anna korenina, then you can still see other facets of talent, yes, some other traits that could have developed, we are talking here, in principle , about how an actress who was potentially great... did not find a worthy place in soviet cinema, well, let's do another one parallel, yes, there is a breakdown of sound and a little cinema, yes, silent cinema is ending,
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and former silent film stars are no longer a thing in the thirties, because no, let’s say, they don’t have voices or they don’t understand how to act in what role you need to reveal, do you remember the film sunset boulevard by billy wilder, yes, yes, in fact, a great director, plays the butler. the great actress gloria smonson actually plays herself, such a forgotten star of the twenties. here we can carry out such a change that we are in the nineties and in 2000 we find ourselves in exactly the same turning point of eras, when former stars of the soviet screen are trying to find themselves in this new life, and cinema is trying to find itself in a new life, because in general, only in the early 2000s does the modern russian cinema that is today begin to take shape we usually see on screens. yes, if we had done something in the spirit of sanskrit boulevard, perhaps samoilova would have played there beautifully in the last years of her life at the beginning of the 2000s, but alas,
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we only had series about lyubov orlova, and so she didn’t have enough, maybe the directors didn’t have enough, the screenwriters didn’t have enough of this desire to turn to the history of soviet cinema, then at that level, but in the late eighties they remembered again about the twenties, and about the fifties, maybe it seemed. .. too close, yes, they remembered the thirties, in the eighties, in the nineties, everyone thought about their own, the two thousandths came and maybe, maybe samoilova almost didn’t live to see this appeal, maybe, again, craving the cranes remained such an iceberg, i don’t know, some kind of peak, some sort of manblanc, everest, yes, in the history of soviet cinema, which, which is so high that it doesn’t even occur to me to think about returning to it, turning to it, i don’t know, it seems like you can’t reach it, that’s me i’m already fantasizing about being such a kilo? the real history of soviet cinema, unfortunately it has not yet been written, but
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there is a topic that is developed very well, there are, as it were, biographies of people who have been studied perfectly, but at the same time, it seems to embrace such a modern canon, which rethinks looks at what really films, what remains of big films to this day, what kind of legacy lies behind this or that actor, his discovery of personal achievements, this does not exist yet, and it has yet to be written, including exploring, perhaps, some new biographical facts famous soviet actors, yes, here we can only advise our viewers to watch any film from samoilova’s biography, if you have already watched the cranes are flying, if you haven’t watched it, then of course you should watch the cranes are flying, and then again watch another film from the filmography tatiana samoilova, it seems to me that this will be... we talk about how and why
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to watch soviet cinema now, known, beloved, half-forgotten, maybe completely unknown, how to discover new meanings in it and get even more pleasure. all episodes of the lenshtein witness podcast can be found on the channel one website. hello, the vremya program is on the air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main thing today. day of remembrance and sorrow. anniversary of the start of the great patriotic war, wine from the president to the tomb of the unknown soldier, flowers and candles at memorials across the country. strike
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the arsenal. our sappers work slowly and try to think like the enemy in the area of ​​a special military operation, the intricacies of mine clearance. corvette, small rocket ship, under boats, the latest technology. the international maritime show in kranstatt is open to everyone. on the eve of the holy trinity, the legendary icon of andrei rublev is again with sergiev posad, a large ceremony with the participation of patriarch kiril. the iron character of a woman is a full holder of the order of glory. let's talk about those who smashed fascists during the war who are worth emulating. today is june 22. date for our
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country, a day of memory and sorrow, the day when the great patriotic war began. 83 years ago, we all remember levitan’s voice from school. today at 4:00 am, without any declaration of war, german armed forces attacked the borders of the soviet union.
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thousands, hundreds of thousands of candles lit at 4 am all over the country, in moscow and st. petersburg, volgograd and donetsk, kazan and omsk, in kamchatka in kusbass, in big cities and small villages far from that front forty-one, this burning inscription russia remembers, says that the memory of june 22, the day of the beginning of the great patriotic war, the day of sorrow remains in us 83 years later, like the metronome counting down the minute of silence. and the voice of levitan, the voice of our ancestors, who proved that we cannot be broken. our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated. victory will be ours. you can talk long and pompously about memory, or you can simply remember those who died in that war, a war that did not spare a single family in our huge country. first of all, sorrow of course, well, it’s a joy that russia was saved.
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for us, for them, the rays of searchlights in the moscow sky, today it is simply beautiful, then in the forty-first they protected cities from raids by fascist planes, on the day of remembrance and sorrow , the russian ministry of defense declassified some documents from its archives, heroic stories of the first minutes of the war, for example , about the dead pilots, their war, which began at 4 in the morning, when the enemy crossed our border, lasted only... they went to ram, sacrificing their lives. the first of these the pilots were senior lieutenant ivan ivanovich ivanov. it was already 4 am 25 minutes, when german troops violated our border, he took off in his plane, and after ramming, died the death of the brave. it took 10,000 candles for the legendary
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il-4 bomber to spread its wings again. its on time.
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the work you started by defeating nazism during a special military operation. employees of the central office of the russian guard laid wreaths at the monument to soldiers of law and order. yes, nazism, a terrible evil that seemed to have disappeared in the last century, has returned to fight it in the same way
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it is necessary, as it was during the great patriotic war , to remember everyone who died defending our homeland. on the kursk bulge today the remains of the heroes who died in these places were reburied. the search engines found them and held this ceremony, even despite the fact that... they are again at war with russia, and even though they are now trying hard to erase the memory of that war all over the world, as if there was no feat of the soviet soldier who liberated europe from fascism, supposedly it was not we who won, but the current overseas sponsors of today’s military actions against us, in
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in many countries there are people who do not forget this, in the united states of america and ethiopia, which is geographically far from us, located on another continent in mexico and tunisia, and this is tanzania, students, students of russian courses. of course, our friendly countries, once part of the united soviet union, today remembered this tragic day for all of us, june 22, 1941. and today a train of memory arrived at the brest fortress through all of russia and belarus, it reached what is sacred to all of us places, hero's fortress. first took the blow of the fascists. this train is a cultural and educational project, the main goal of which is to introduce today's schoolchildren to the history of the great patriotic war. each carriage is a completely separate story, from the horror of kansvager to the joy of victory.
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of course, most of today’s boys and girls , the great-grandchildren of those who dreamed about the future and made plans in june 1941, can only know about them from the stories of loved ones. and memory is the same thread that connects us all. today. throughout the country, as for several years trees were planted in a row in memory of those killed in that war. the twenty millionth tree was planted in kamchatka, the same number officially considered dead in that war. for us it is part of life, for us it is part of ourselves. and today i did this together with my daughter, i tied my family so that the great-granddaughter of the heroes would understand the greatness of their feat. this tradition, we believe, unfortunately. we still don’t know all the names of the heroes of that war, nazism brought too many victims, we had too many losses, but still no one can erase the memory it turns out how little of our brother, our warriors, there is left, life goes on, life
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goes on without a doubt, continues in the name of those who fell in that war, for our future. anton vernitsky, anatoly lazarev, maria mortanova, olga gerosimenko, kirill loginov, channel one. all are married. now a special operation in response to kiev’s attempts to cause damage to our energy sector, the russian army launched a high-precision group strike on energy facilities that meet the needs of the ukrainian military-industrial complex, and also... on ammunition depots of aircraft weapons from western supplies. open sources report explosions in vinnytsia, khmelnitsky, volyn, dnipropetrovsk and ivano-frankivsk regions. arrivals were recorded in the city of stryi, lviv region. as for the front line, our troops have improved the situation in key areas of the northern military district. the total enemy losses per day are over 1,800 people and equipment, including nato countries. and for the first time, a canadian armored car was included in the report, senator. high-risk work; tasks that suit you:
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act quickly, but slowly, think enemy in order to save their own lives and those of their own. this is the everyday life of our sappers. for example, novomikhailovka. the village was taken under control at the end of april, a strategically important area where our troops are expanding the bridgehead for the attack on coal. therefore, the militants, leaving their positions, replaced everything they could reach. deadly traps, even in children's toys, for... trash, typical terrorist tactics. sergey ponomarev about the intricacies of mine clearance, now we’ll lay it out like this, everything is beautiful, neat and we work until detonation of the overhead charge is exactly 50 seconds, there is time to calmly go to a safe distance. the engineers of the tenth tank regiment do not like to rush their work.
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mining sites, each such area the group determines in advance the most likely ones - a kind of puzzle that is easier to solve when you start to think like the enemy. what i would do in his place to prevent the movement of troops. accordingly, our task is to read his thoughts and work as expected. special working conditions, of course, are added by the weather, summer up to +30 in the shade, on the guys wear heavy protective equipment, fatigue quickly accumulates, they say that sometimes it’s better to stop and take a break than to continue working, losing concentration. usually this engineering unit works on the front line, paving the way for armored vehicles and infantry in the marinsko-ugledarsky direction towards novomikhailovka and proskovievka, they are already working there, as they say here in gray, at dawn or when dusk falls. so that there are fewer
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air threats, the enemy switches from one drone to another, that is daytime, here's the transition with a juicy vision, this is what novomikhailovka looks like now, footage taken by soldiers of the 155th guards marine brigade of the pacific fleet, they stormed the village in april and are now breaking through to konstantinovka with the support of the southern group, the advance will allow creating. another springboard for taking coal, as you can see, there are practically no places to hide, so the sappers there, as they say, lightly, without the usual heavy protective suits to be mobile, do not use mine detectors either, a lot mines, which are precisely activated by the mine seekers themselves, it reacts to metal, sometimes there are cases when it reacts specifically to a person in armor, that is, they have to be neutralized... remotely, many so-called surprises
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of the ukrainian armed forces are left behind when leaving positions, which are often installed right in residential buildings, i personally witnessed it, a soft plush toy of a hare, somewhere, well, somewhere the size of a child, that is, a very large hare, it had a mechanism, you press a button and there should be a phrase, something similar to i love you or and so on, an electric detonator was placed on this button, a large amount of wasted waste, that is, there was 16 kg of wasted waste equivalent, that is, if... it all detonated, but the floor could definitely have collapsed. often mined by ordinary garbage and ammunition, therefore, if possible, sappers are the first to inspect everything. sergey panomariov, natalya moshtakova, roman serebrennikov and sergey suvorov - channel one. and more about our defenders. guard senior lieutenant vladimir krasnov with his the company entered into battle with superior enemy forces. the uaf sabotage group was completely destroyed. ours without losses. guard senior lieutenant alexander lyogenky
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also defeated the enemy not in numbers, but in skill, being outnumbered by the soldiers under his command, they successfully repelled the attack of saboteurs, eliminated two strong points and suppressed machine gun points. moscow said goodbye to photojournalist nikita tsitsagi; the reporter died last sunday in the dpr during an attack by ukrainian drones. filmed in the area nikolsky. under coal, at that moment the kiev terrorists struck, apparently targeted, as in the cases with other russian journalists, colleagues recall, nikita always strove to where.
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take up arms and go to war, so you’re just repeating putin’s words? no, no, excuse me, actually, i’ve been saying this since the nineties, so once again, it was we who provoked the war, we provoked a new war, and they are carefully trying to erase the memory of the second world war and
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rewrite the facts, a statement from western leaders to that confirmation, the main thing for them is not to let russia win and for this all means are good. in history, after such a military catastrophe as we had in 1941, it was not possible to survive, we survived and won, we remember. secondly, everything that is happening now is the result of historical amnesia, painstaking work to erase the memory of entire peoples, and the reclamation of all sorts of nazi leftovers and their
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subsequent ones. svo is also work, hard and bloody, to restore historical memory.
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bulgaria, even finland, turned out to be powers winners. monuments to our soldiers who liberated europe are being massively demolished in ukraine, lithuania, latvia, estonia, poland, the czech republic, and bulgaria. mr. macron, now is the time to perpetuate the exploits of the volunteers of the ss charlemagne division, naturally, the french, the last defenders of the geeker flight office, but bir saved himself, not a damn thing. he doesn’t remember, but we remember, we have a good memory, a good one, however, goodbye. this was the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev, and we continue. dramatic footage came today outside the camps, in the city center caught fire.


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