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tv   Zdorove  1TV  June 23, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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our civilians, our settlements, the enemy hits back with everything they can, so the crew works quickly in a coordinated manner, targets are detected, attacked as planned, artel units are always ready to open fire on them while loading guns, or on newly identified targets, we regularly change positions, because as if no one had canceled the counter-battery fight, one shell... a second, a third, the target was hit, the barrel was lowered, the gun was camouflaged, and this is how the crews of the grad multiple launch rocket systems work, the crews of the battle to unmask the vehicle, prepare to move, for a hail the typical target is a large concentration of infantry, enemy equipment, they hit columns with equipment, today they were working on hidden infantry, a weapon
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that hits a large area, that is, the enemy cannot hide. the fiery city is the heir to the legendary katyusha, it is not for nothing that they call it a weapon of victory, as soon as it shoots, we look, we are coming, they are no longer there, they ran away, there was a great density, defeat by this katyusha, it is five stories high.
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they were shooting, very thickly, there was a defeat, they, the germans, immediately ran away. veteran of the great patriotic ilya ivanovich goncharov is 100 years old; when the war began, he was 18. ilya had just graduated from school and got a job in the field for the summer. i worked as a tractor driver on a collective farm at khtz, kharkov tractor plant. kharkov supplied us with tractors. the foreman will make a strip for me there, and i pray, i pray, i pray, a boy comes running and says: “ilya, the war with germany has begun,” i say, is it really true, yes, then they started taking, taking, and then in the second year of the war i they took us to war, we weren’t afraid of anything, it ’s like... what do you get used to, yes, we weren’t anything
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were scared. he was the first from a large family to go to the front. the father was not taken due to his age, and the younger brothers and sisters were still in school. we trained for 3 months and were sent to the front. my mother came and gave me farewell words and blessed me on the way, my mother. and they took me to the front, she was blessed, son, be careful, they gave me the boots of the forty-second, windings, there were ankle boots, we didn’t have shuneli, but jackets, there were jackets down to the knees, what a grandmother in a leather jacket, young, cool.
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two stars, fathers and sons, watch after the evening news. mancacher whiskey - product stellar group, gin сnop, a product of the stellar group, cognac monte shococa, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellor group, you are also good, send her to the forest, you have already gone crazy with your collective farm. and this is your bear, he was in fashion to bring strangers, he is not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, your daughter is confused with the bear, you’re fucking, we see for ourselves, you’ve gone crazy, ermakov the bear was here, i find out that i’ll kill both of them,
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it’s clear, i missed me, i couldn’t live without you nazar, parka, stop, you’re disturbing me, we’re with nazar we love each other. “he’ll kill you, he won’t kill you, he found someone else for himself, but stop it, because of him you’ve already come close to death twice, that means i love you to death, they’ve declared war, yes, i heard he’s writing from home, no, no writes, the devil knows what's going on, two banks, the premiere of a multi-part film, tomorrow after the program, private goncharov took the first battle, as they say now, in the lesechansky direction, we stood near lisichansky, began to advance, then the germans started shooting, and we started dancing, some dug, some
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how, there was a very big battle, it was over, we look, they get into cars in the distance and drive away. the germans didn’t walk on foot, their infantry, they were brought up all the time by bart’s cars , let’s go, he’s already gone quite quickly, step and march forward, and we went, let’s go
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, well, most of the time we were advancing, it was rare that we retreated, all the time we were advancing, the second the world war became a war of engines, but a very important role in the battles was played by an ordinary soldier, ilya ivanovich, and he was such a simple infantryman, a marksman, by specialty, i had rifles there, i was a sniper, where do you aim there and... i’ll hit, i was a very accurate shooter, i had a rifle, only a rifle, i had nothing else, and then it was a rifle, the most reliable, ours, a three-line rifle, then we were somehow we are confident
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in victory, we are still advancing, advancing, advancing, i’m here... i’ll take this side, oops, op, op, op, the combat work of a sniper pair in the artyomovsk direction, they choose a convenient position. and prepares to shoot, a shot is fired, the enemy falls, another shot, also right on target, through the sight cameras, it seems that the work of a sniper is quite easy, come, shoot and leave, but it’s not like that, to their position on foot, and more often half a regiment of soldiers advance for more than one kilometer, we walk so that the enemy does not notice, because in addition to ground observation, the enemy also uses drones, that is, aerial surveillance, we move there if, that is , in an open area, as a rule, we run, we hide under trees, crowns, well, we use,
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so to speak, a fold of the terrain, we hide behind something, i was washing my face, lying down a stone, i hid behind a stone, here is a small stone, and because of it i am because of a stone... equipment, but the confidence in victory is still the same, i realized that this nonsense must be defeated, and i cannot leave here without victory, i will be here, they wanted me twice already, twice the business trip ended, twice they said i had to eat home,
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russia and europe, in the stories of iso heroes, fresh, literally yesterday, soaked in sweat, gunpowder and blood, there is so much in common with the stories that war. they achieve victory without being considered a stage. realizing that to be saved after it was impossible for the missile to hit, the crew of the su-24m bomber decided to direct the burning plane towards an enemy armored column. the crew died, but several armored vehicle tanks of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. commander alexander antonov and navigator, vladimir nikishin, were awarded the gold stars of heroes of russia posthumously. 81 years later they repeated the feat. hero of the soviet union nikolai gostello. on june 26, 1941, he
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made his fiery ram. an enemy anti-aircraft shell hit the gas tank of his plane. the fearless commander sent a burning car on enemy equipment and gasoline tanks. thirtieth, thirtieth i am an atom, range 2.200, 2.200, i will adjust from the sky. guard captain oleg pivovarov is a hero of russia, he disrupted the offensive.
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i took the first part of the platoon out into the field, there were 10 people, they went out into the field, i called fire on myself, the first time it worked, we were in the trenches, trenches are such serious things that really... accepting fire on yourself is extreme step, die, but take away more enemies. at that moment i only thought that if i didn’t get out myself, then i think that later, in order to save people, oleg pebovarov repeated
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the feat of the commander of 629 riflemen. regiment of colonel alexey kortunov. in june 1944, he and his soldiers crossed the vistula river. the task was set to take and hold the bridgehead until the main forces arrived. the enemy fired mortars and tanks, and then the enemy infantry went on the attack in full force. and then colonel kartunov transmitted over the communication: “i ask you to cover our positions with fire at katyusha, i am inviting fire on myself.” at night across the vistula already our divisions were crossing. colonel kortunov's. only 42 people remained in service. the commander survived and brought his regiment to berlin, receiving the title of hero of the soviet union. here in donbass, memory is in the present tense. and everyone has their own great patriotic war. only for some it began in 1941, and for others in 2014. even here, now, where a new memorial has been created at
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the entrance to avdievka. the enemy is trying to destroy it too, just as he is destroying monuments all over. territory of ukraine, here we see on the tiles, on the new tiles there are already traces of impacts artillery drones, fpv, haunts them, this is our common history, national heroism haunts them. on the day of remembrance and mourning, the eternal flame will burn again on the memorials of donbass, somewhere it will be lit for the first time in several years, restored obelisks with the names of the heroes of the great patriotic war will reopen where they were just recently. in the donetsk people's republic, members of the demining unit step by step clear the way to a memorial destroyed by neo-nazis. local residents several years before the arrival of russian servicemen did not dare to approach the place of memory with the names of their fathers and grandfathers. for me, this is a personal duty, because my grandfather
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went through the great patriotic war, my uncle, and went on more than one business trip to the caucasus. conflict, so i consider it necessary to restore the monument, it is like preserving the memory of our ancestors. a senior intelligence officer with the call sign babylon recalls stories from local residents about how ukrainian nationalists fired at the memorial and tried to destroy it. it’s impossible to destroy the people, to move them, as they say, from their place, they are trying to we destroy the memories of our ancestors, putty, paint, the main thing is to restore, restore the memory, with time everything will be done. where the battles for the liberation of ukraine took place, the grandchildren and great-grandsons of the red army soldiers are now completing the work of their ancestors. the most memorable moments are when peaceful people come and say thank you for coming, for helping us. the gratitude of the local
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residents is the greatest reward for us. we create for those in need, if necessary , we provide assistance, that is, any resident of donbass, any resident of the village, can come, contact us, we will provide all possible comprehensive assistance. the busy donetsk-mariupol-pron highway is slowly retreating from the capital of donbass, life in these places begins almost anew from scratch. fields are being prepared for sowing while not agricultural machinery, but military equipment is walking on them, we see how they are clearing infantry fighting vehicles with a straw, driving through the fields to get rid of explosive objects that remain here, and of course, air defense systems that are still standing around donetsk is being guarded, this is already a peaceful
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sky. life is gradually returning to liberated territories, new ones are built. houses, sowing fields, opening kindergartens and schools, modern medical centers, and most importantly, these lands, like our entire country, have preserved the very memory that is so important to all of us now, guys, be brave and persistent in the fight for a just cause, don’t retreat, but be confident in your victory, we will win anyway... we will win and we will never retreat, russian land stood on that, and you will stand for centuries, here it is... my cherished word, thank you for believing in us, this is primarily for caring about us, victory will soon be ours, of course we
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will win and our grandfathers raised our fathers this way, our fathers raised us this way, everyone went through this, we will go through and love our family, our children, wives, mothers, grandmothers, we need to protect them, we are men, we also want to continue their work, i want to wish them health, i think in any case it would have been difficult, like in any war, but they managed it, so this is our task, now not all the exploits of our soldiers are known, but one thing is already clear: the connection between generations is not torn apart, but the fighting spirit of the russian army is only growing stronger. you watched the sentry program, see you in exactly a week. i start this morning at the loginov moscow scientific and clinical center. this is
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a state-of-the-art facility. we are in the operating block; everything that happens here is absolutely extraordinary. this is not only a technique beyond science fiction. this, for example, includes such little things as glasses like these, glasses that allow doctors to see. ultra-clear image in 4k format, it couldn’t be clearer, the operation, which is currently underway, is very difficult, the operation is performed by academician, professor, doctor of medical sciences, director of the loginov center, igor evgenievich khotkov. there is a patient with a tumor of the duodenum on the table. in a sense, he is lucky, he is in a unique hospital. at the loginov moscow clinical research center. this is a multidisciplinary hospital with a unique oncology center and a unique team
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of doctors, headed by the famous surgeon and chief oncologist of moscow, academician igor evgenievich khotkov. we have such a large gastrointestinal stroma here tumor intestine. this patient is at the very beginning of the fight against the tumor. the path may be difficult, but in the end there is always light and life. the life that modern medicine and these unique doctors give. surgical treatment is the first stage. well, you see, the tumor is large enough for the duodenum . next there may be chemotherapy, radiation therapy, there may be more operations, but there is light and there is life, because cancer is no longer a death sentence. it is here, in a multidisciplinary clinic , that everything that... exists in modern medicine has been done to save people. i thought about this when i went down into the lobby of this unique hospital and talked with patients who had gone through their own
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journey of fighting cancer. 8 years since surgery? i had surgery 8 years ago, but what happened? i had kidney cancer, the doctors here are wonderful, simply extraordinary, 8 years of life, well, don’t cry, i’m washing away a good result, which there are none now, i’m washing off a good result, let’s say that here... coffee, coffee, not alcohol, otherwise will think that here we have patients drinking in the field, because you know how nervous you get when you come here, this is a good one the result is already good, now you can go to the dacha, plant tomatoes, about 200 people come here every day, just like this woman, they come for outpatient chemotherapy, radiation therapy, examination and treatment, together with doctors , sick people win.
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in this harsh life, endless passions are boiling, waking up healthy in the morning is real happiness, while sailing on the vicious waves, we need to take care of our strength and energy, if we put everything in its place, we have health... health is with you again, dear friends , kind morning, well, that’s how our program began in the loginov center, this is a wonderful hospital, a wonderful hospital with an absolutely unique oncology center, which was recently opened on the territory of the hospital, which is equipped not only with the latest technology, but not at all...
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from a medical point of view and how to reconcile on the basis of scientific achievements, this is a surprise, why do you need to measure the pressure not only in the arms, but in the legs? well, dear friends, it’s warm in most of russia, everyone has already rushed swimming, relaxing, and so on and so forth, means... it's time to talk about a deeply female problem called cystitis. today we have a topic “cystitis” bathing. who is familiar with this problem called blooming? some people immediately raise their hand. so what to do? what should i do? our physiology is designed in such a way that an infection in the ice can penetrate into the bladder here. therefore, certain rules must be followed. but
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i want to start with. an absolutely unforgettable picture, this is only possible in our country, because we, as they say, do not we believe, but the picture is like this, it says: swimming is prohibited, everyone is swimming right under this picture, now i want to show a video, what can you do, our people don’t believe what is written, they want to check everything for themselves, the first thing you need to pay attention to is if this is a body of water. .. has vegetation and animals or birds, which means whether you like it or not, it will harbor threats, why? birds live there, animals live there, they poop, they excrete all sorts of different spores, in this body of water you can become infected with a variety of infections, this is the first thing, so the rule is first, these it’s best to avoid bodies of water, unfortunately. i’m
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very sorry, they’ll tell me now, we swam as children, didn’t pay attention to anything, yes, but now we’ve figured out the causes of cystitis, and this could be the reason, here’s our bladder, when the infection begins to multiply in the urinary tract like this bladder, you, unfortunately, have a difficult clinic, what kind of clinic, pain, cramps, urge emissions, pain is one of... the main symptoms, so you should know the following rule: summer has come, you need to have certain medications in your first aid kit , and the drugs are compatible, since there may be cystitis, now i want to show you how our female urinary system works in relation to other neighboring organs. let's look at the screen. so,
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woman. in cross-section, look, this is the rectum, where e. coli normally lives, this vagina is the entrance to the bladder, we have a tiny distance, and... the rectum is the home of the descending canal, so a simple inhabitant of the rectum is e. coli with easily enters the bladder, here it is e. coli, here it is here, this drama of microbial proliferation is happening right here, we actually have anyone who survived the nightmare of cystitis in the hall, we have a queue right now, in a queue, the first row goes to the first position, because it’s easy to get there, what is your name? what happened, tell me, describe it, well, as you said, a banal story, they invited me to relax at the dacha. as a result, from the pleasure of a few minutes of swimming in the lake, it turned out to be disappointment,
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severe fatting, pain, cramping appeared, and, as a result, the diagnosis blossomed. yeah, well look, there is there is only one drug on the market, i don’t mean one, that’s it... it’s the only one, but i mean the international non-proprietary name, the only medicine, it ’s called complicated, finazoperedidine, finazoperedidine, i always advise you to take a screenshot, take a picture of this picture finazaperedidine, what does this drug do, it relieves pain, and very quickly, after 20 minutes it begins to act, usually the medicine takes effect in 40 minutes, which means this drug is meant to relieve... this is e. coli, let me remind you again, we she should be killed this is our e. coli, we must
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kill it with an antibiotic, this is our antibiotic, by the way, finazaperedin is absolutely compatible with antibiotics, swimming in reservoirs, it is very important for a woman to wash herself from front to back, front to back, please show us again the structure of our genitourinary system, we must wash ourselves in such a way that nothing from the anus
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gets here, this is how we must wash everything, from front to back, and girls must be taught this way from early childhood, understandable, of course, thank you, then it will be prevention. thank you, sit down, please, let's take a short break and then continue, groom, smile, take pictures for the wedding album, not for a passport, i asked you to come at least today without sneakers, you didn't come in sweat either, i want to give birth, it's better two and up to 25, because i don’t want to be an old-timer, great idea, right? of course, subtle matters, today is the first, let's go with you to paris, if i stay, i will live the biography of some other person with someone else's wife, someone else's trousers, someone else's work, let's go, why are you so afraid,
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look, he's probably 200 years old. and if he is a maniac, do you like to watch people? it seems to me that they got rid of some burden here, and i love him, and i don’t need anyone else, the conqueror of women’s hearts, without a single defeat, my parents insisted on the wedding for a long time, they are delighted with my husband and his activities, there will be no of the future that you so colorfully paint for us. i can tell our readers about our first time, the film by alexander baluev, the hotel premiere, a super-camera movie about understatement between people, which arises and smolders inside for years, a black
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vision in the hidden depths of the soul, for me this is the movie of a man who needed to talk about people who want to talk, on saturday at the first. hello, elena okteblina, here we are, by the way, october, october, wow, this is dad. a child, a teenager, how old were you there, 19, it’s not scary at all when children
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are featured in such difficult films in such stories, i wasn’t scared, i really liked the script, yes, yes, i’m glad that you ’re working now, by the way, i didn’t know that carmelita is a champion in the number of episodes, i filmed the third block, there are three of them, but it’s also 288 episodes, a nightmare in a balloon, it’s more difficult to film than just a completed full-length film, it’s physically more difficult, because now i’ve been working in cinema for 50 years , i found it when i had a five-hour work week, that is, a five-day work week, an 8-hour shooting day, now it’s 12 hours 6 days a week, when it’s a year and a half, here’s a big series, a year and a half, the second, the eight couldn’t stand me, i fell, no , and i generally live.
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and i’ll be waiting for you, okay, see you, yes, thank you, health is with you again, dear friends, my favorite project, my pressure, my responsibility, i love this project, for the fact that for the first time we called everything by its proper name, and the story, i feel bad doctors, and we can’t get through to a doctor, now it’s stopped having any... significance at all, because free apps have appeared for those who want to
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take care of themselves, we have everyone who takes care of their blood pressure with us , they have this application, come out, it’s free the my blood pressure app, firstly, it forces you to control your blood pressure, secondly, it prescribes medications, thirdly, it controls your doctors, you can tell the doctor, doctor, here is an artificial one. the intellect does not agree with you, what do you say? the doctor will say, give artificial intelligence to the amnathym, this is all bullshit, i must say, explain why this prescription and not another, because it was done on the basis of all the world’s clinical recommendations, it’s the same as going to thousands of the best doctors in the world, i agree, here you go it’s an application of my pressure, so we open it, here we look, that’s how larisa’s
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everything has improved, look, yellow and red - that means there were increases, from red and yellow everything goes to green, green - this is what kind of pressure, normal, what is normal blood pressure, our normal blood pressure now is less than 120 x 80, that’s right, normal blood pressure is lower than 120 and 80, so it’s just beautiful, look, here is the prescribed treatment. amladipine volsartan i drink, i drink, in general i’m so grateful to this application, in fact, but i forgot what it is headaches, i was on pills every day, when the application gave me treatment, she had headaches that increased her blood pressure, so treat her, she takes pills for headaches, all pain pills increase blood pressure, blood pressure rises, what to do with it , my head hurts, i need to take a headache pill, this is vicious.
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atherosclerosis of blood vessels, and if there is atherosclerosis, the pressure decreases, almost no blood flows here because of the plaque, here it is a plaque, this is a normal vessel, and this is a plaque, if blood does not flow, the pressure is low, if the pressure in the legs is lower than in the arms
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, this is a sign that the blood flow there is radically impaired, something needs to be done, this is the first thing. now, normally, the pressure on the legs should be the same as on the arms, or a little higher, who understands why higher? and i think, because the blood, the crowds of fluid press, of course, lower should not be normal under any circumstances. i want to show you two pictures of what kind of examination you need to undergo if there is pressure on your legs. lower than on the hands, this examination is called angiography, here white - these are normal vessels, normal arteries, you can see, now look, you see, it has disappeared, this is atherosclerosis, extended atherosclerosis, in this case something needs to be done, the first thing is statins,
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drugs, the end of which is statin, otorva - statin, rozova - statin and so on... so on, you need to reduce cholesterol in order to remove this plaque. second, if the articles don’t decide the fate, the blood flow is seriously blocked, just like we showed in the heart, you see, the plaque is blocking, like that, i’m straight into the camera i look so that you can see how the plaque has blocked everything. in this case, we perform stenting on this spring, and in fact it is, only in our model everything is magnified, this spring. put on a canister, look what we are doing, we insert this spring, inflate it , deflate the canister, take it out and the lumen is restored,
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i look at everyone, absolutely everyone, it’s clear, this is the essence of the treatment, we do the same with the heart, but i’ll repeat again, if you have this, it may be gangrene, so it’s easy to identify this at home, measure your blood pressure hands on legs, we are ready, report, on the legs the pressure is 150 to 100, so, on the arms 125 to 85, the pressure is higher on the legs, we are not sad, calm down, thank you very much, thank you, we will take a break for a while and then continue, in in the poem woe from wisdom, famusov threatened to send his daughter here, to the village, to her aunt, in the wilderness, in saratov, it doesn’t
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bother you that people constantly walk around rubbing your nose, why does your nose itch, for money or rain, that’s itching for me constantly. they checked them exactly this way: they took a roll, covered it with a towel, sat on it, give it, give it, let's give it, let it go, okay, we've got all the females, here's a fish that's 8 years old, it gives us caviar every year, tasting, or maybe we can have another jar, we need to record the takes, the lives of our own, the premiere, today is on the first day, hey ! long time no see, the dragon missed you, how are you, take the finished one to zhik, zhik, some on
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the new one, some on the new one, libelive, amore, amo! i want this to be a dream, but in my opinion, i’m not sleeping, i’m sick of you, god, what a man, i want a son from you, i want a daughter from you, stick from june 28 on fridays on the first, with you
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health again, dear friends, our program continues, you know, in fact, and today is a special day, it’s called the day without offense, the day without offense, today, so we decided to talk to you about what... what is offense and how to reconcile correctly, what is resentment? who can say what resentment is? you say? i think that this is a person’s emotional reaction, he expected that he would be understood, that he would be loved, respected, but in general he did not receive this in return. resentment, scientific formulation, is a protective reaction of the body, exactly like that.
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stress is always a fight or flight reaction, you were offended, you turned red, you essentially have to fight or run, but you don’t do anything, but this is stress, the body released cortisol, released glucose so that you run, so that the muscles act , what needs to be done or hit. or run one of two things: sugar is high, blood pressure is high, immunity is suppressed,
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the situation should be resolved, but you don’t forgive anyone, you continue to live in this resentment, in this anger and self-pity, this is how it ends and how to get out of this situation, we will talk with our wonderful guests, our guest is elena tsyplakova. “sorry for the rudeness, your majesty, i’m a doctor, that’s it, and a doctor shouldn’t be evil, practice medicine, not politics. ” elena tsyplakova was born in leningrad, her parents were graphic artists, they raised their daughter in a creative atmosphere. one day i came to visit them artist nikolai yudin and film director dinara asanova. this meeting turned the girl’s life upside down. dinara asanova invited me to join the institute, and then i will work, and then.
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will get married. after some time, the girl again starred with denara asanova in the film key without right gear. by the time she entered moscow gitis, tsyplakova had five film roles under her belt, and came to the student in her second year.
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continues to work, all her endeavors are supported by her husband pavel, together with him they have been going through life for more than 20 years. she has lost weight, she is so wonderful, hello, i just want to say, hello, lenochka, although we are not really friends in life, but after the school waltz, it doesn’t matter who watched the school waltz, woodpecker doesn’t have a headache, this is the generation that yes, thank you. the story is that parent
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committees went to cinemas with schoolchildren. a beautiful bouquet of wax, crocos, and a young man wrote a letter, saying: i consider you my godmother, because i was born thanks to this, yes, because my mother said that she watched the school rolls and gave birth to me, i’m not a supporter of that either to give birth, because life shows how difficult it may be for you when you give birth, and my husband and i gave birth to our children when we were living illegally in the dormitory of the mining institute, both
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defending their candidates of science, this is life. such is the story, you know, today is a day without offense, great, you have yours , we are also waiting for a girl in the world, that’s why here are personal principles, how to forgive an offense if you were offended, i try not to be offended, i am a believer, and i i understand that grievances are primarily about...
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behavior, that very often our wrong behavior becomes the root cause of diseases, thousands, yes, yes, seraphim tsarov said, take away sin and illness will go away, anger first of all hits the liver, the lungs, because it is connected with words, the heart, no, heart, unforgiven grievances, lamentation and so on, science, big science, no, no, no, i’m seriously saying right now, this study was carried out.
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number two is five, we must, we must start making peace in the fifth minute, don’t put it off, do n’t put it off, great, and number 10, we need to make peace and forgive in the first 10 minutes, then you will close this chain, i’m poor, i’m unhappy, how he or she dared, yes i did this, yes i am that, yes i am a rosette, elena
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vasilievna, i will now tell everyone this if anyone is offended. 5 10 seriously, i really like this, because i’m generally a quick person, i don’t like to be offended for a long time, and my husband is silent, yeah, so i have to rush in to him and say: that’s it, i can’t take it anymore, i have to put up with it, i have to put up with it , well, although it’s difficult to quarrel with him, usually i quarrel myself, i’m offended myself, i make peace myself, i also want to say something that you absolutely said exactly, as i asked ilena oktyabrevna, how does she forgive an insult? now let's write this word insult on the screen, now i want these letters to turn and the word forgive is written, that's what a good word is, and now this word will go down and we will decipher each letter, look, i forgive, first, you are trying the offender understands what you said, but apparently he is somehow different, maybe he feels bad,
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maybe something else, yes, yes, because this often happens due to the fact that a person is tense. he has some problems, yes, absolutely true, and he, understand the other, r, react differently, how differently, smile, something... good, that’s right, right, yes, yes, oh, let go of your offense, you succeed, yes, i don’t always, yet generously share something, you were offended, call it out, wonderful, well, well, don’t be offended, don’t offend me, i am you, i know that you are a good person, why do we need this, and altruism, philanthropy and yu are humor.
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a person is important in the group, so if you have problems, there are no showdowns on the site in front of the artists, because this immediately disrupts the atmosphere, and this is all later on screen, and those thoughts that are laid down by scientists have already proven that both thoughts and words are material, so i always try to ensure that we analyze everything that we film from the position of the correct attitude, without justifying, without justifying sin, without justifying... to bad things, i call everything by its proper name, because as a result it then has a reaction, i agree with every word, because we were filming family secrets, i started with prayer,
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at first everyone was a little tense, and then i had several people i quit smoking stopped swearing on the playground, then i can’t stand it, that’s me too, i think swearing is just that, it’s terrible, it’s the negative energy that. we are against, when i left st. petersburg, st. petersburg to study in moscow, my father wrote a letter, in small letters, four pages, in quotes, a message to the generation, he wrote to me that your work must be good, because only good thoughts must live in peace, he says: do not let go of the joy of work, lest you acquire the burden of existence, and so on, in in general, he was such a philosopher at home, what a fine fellow, print this letter, i once organized an exhibition in st. petersburg, i have a friend, he has a gallery, he says, give me a painting, dad
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was an industrial graphic artist, he had a lot of work at home, both in oil and pencil and watercolor, he says, let's make an exhibition, but with letters, we did it, but i have them, yes, we printed them. well, in general, it’s probably necessary, because i tell you when the guys, and the most amazing thing is that everyone begins to remember when this exhibition was held, to remember how they talked with their mother, with dad, some phrases remained, now what, text messages, i forgot, but this letter is in my hands, where you can feel everything, a person’s state, mood, and this is a memory, i really will probably try, maybe somehow even i'll publish this here. i want to read it, thank you very much to elena oktyabrina, maybe we didn’t have a lot of big medicine and talk about blood pressure, but maybe it was important to talk to her about it, thank you very much, we won’t
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pause for long, and then we’ll continue , we are in a wonderful place, which is called vashchenskaya bay, rock to rock, oops, but the magnet doesn’t fall, mysticism, this is nothing more than the former foot of a huge volcano, let’s fly, the emotions are simply incredible, we’ll gain health, kamchatka is healthy, i ’ve visited a lot of countries, i’ve never seen potatoes like this, this is the only way i’ll cook now, i’ll throw the food into the soup,
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i’m crazy, and you don’t have to tell me anything, i know everything, i know a lot of bandits, i go to the bathhouse, brother, you’re my brother , seryozha, he is not an artist. he is a person, i am i think that the power is in the truth, like the caucasus, he ended up, in fact, because of me, maybe they were filming there, there’s no need to relax, guys, there’s a war going on, when seryozha left, something left my world, but i just it became more difficult because my friend died, there is such a person, he forced me to carry a cross on easter, i almost fell, it is heavy, wooden, a huge cross, so i am waiting for someone to support me. because i can fall, and
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a crowd of people is following me, and in general i somehow passed like this, alexey balabanov, after the words, today on the first, health is with you again, dear friends, let me remind you how our morning began. i start this morning at the loginov moscow scientific and clinical center. this is a state-of-the-art facility. we are in the operating block; everything that happens here is absolutely extraordinary. this is not only a technique beyond science fiction. these are, for example, little things like glasses like these. glasses that allow doctors to see ultra-clear images in 4k format. this couldn't be clearer.
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the operation, which is currently underway, is very difficult, the operation is performed by academician, professor, doctor of medical sciences, director of the loginov center igor evgenievich khotkov. there is a patient with a tumor of the duodenum on the table. in a sense, he was lucky, he is in a unique hospital, the moscow clinical research center named after loginov. this is a multidisciplinary hospital. with a unique oncology center and a unique team of doctors, headed by the famous surgeon and chief oncologist of moscow, academician igor khadkov. we have such a large gastrointestinal stroma here, for nasny intestines. this patient is at the very beginning of the fight against the tumor. the path may be different, but at the end of the path there is life, the life that modern medicine and these unique doctors give. surgical.
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diseases, they will need not only oncologists, which means they will also get sick from others , but also other medical specialists, so we are slowly pulling them out, the tumor is dense , it is very important not to destroy it either, right? please note that there are no large incisions on the stomach, everything is done through small punctures, which means no suffering after surgery, a few days in the hospital and then home, or continue cancer treatment. cancer treatment today is not a death sentence, it is a long life with a diagnosis. here, in the center of loginovo , all the best in the world has been collected for competent diagnosis and treatment of cancer. i know many of you. in different parts of the country is now
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fighting this disease. know that medicine is strong. i spoke with many patients. they all fought and won. therefore, set yourself on a path at the end of which there is light and life. operated for 8 years. 8 years ago i had surgery, and what's happened? the doctors here are wonderful, simply extraordinary. 8 years of life. let's say that there is coffee here, coffee, and not alcohol, otherwise he will think that our patients are drinking here in the field, because you know how worried you are, when you come here, they are worried, this is a good result, that's good, now you can go to the dacha, to plant tomatoes, specialists in their field, that’s it, it’s time, the first stage in the fight against cancer is the correct diagnosis, in the center of loginovo there is the largest diagnostic center in the country.
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they do computer and magnetic resonance imaging, and not only, now we are in the pet department, the essence of the method is that a person is injected with a sword isotope, which accumulates only in tumors and metastases, they begin to glow, here is a picture of pet, this patient has lung cancer, which means , the wing of the right ilium, here it is shining brightly, this is a picture of me... here it is, here it is, yes, here it is, glowing, it is also visible in cat contrast, and this is the morphological laboratory, here they do the same histology, from which determines prognosis and diagnosis. now you see how they cut pieces of tissue for research.
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those who have been sick know how important it is to have these samples on hand to consult with any doctor. there is a special approach here, everything is digital, that’s it. a picture on the screen that any doctor anywhere in the world can see, if earlier we took glass, installed it in a microscope, described what we see with our eyes, that is, one doctor saw it, then go check it, now the picture is displayed on the screen, now the picture displayed on the screen, you can make notes on the screen, you can take more accurate measurements, you can check it, make a second opinion, whatever you want, you can send this picture. that you can not send the picture, look at it together with colleagues from other clinics. once a diagnosis is made, treatment begins. there are three main methods in oncology: surgical
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treatment, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. in what order, with what diagnosis, it depends on the disease. here’s how i’m feeling, hang in there, hang in there, thank you, good luck to you, i’ll repeat it again, the path to fighting cancer is not an easy path, but life must win, please remember this in difficult moments of the fight against this disease, all
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this is confirmed by the patients of the loginov center, i am being treated, here is an academician, yes, i have been undergoing treatment since 2020. well, i want to say that at the highest level the best staff, so let’s say, well , it’s better, well, the beauty of the sky, i want to tell you, thank you, it’s nice and such random meetings, well, i was discovered, here they were discovered, yes, a neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas glands, but now i’m going to have a consultation, but i do it every year i'm lying down here, we wish you good luck this year, i have no doubt. that there will be luck, life wins, but the path is not short, patients come here for radiation with their own sheets and blankets, not because there is something missing here, because even a sheet from home warms the soul and gives strength.


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