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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  June 23, 2024 9:20am-9:41am MSK

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not because there is something missing here, because even a sheet from home warms the soul and gives strength. let me help you, come on, it’s your own
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home, yes, home, with its own diaper, our disposable ones are disgusting, yes, no, we have a disposable one, i have no doubt about that, a person enjoys lying on his own and let it be, that’s cute too, what a you have a diagnosis, a little more, what is the diagnosis? patients of the loginov center go through their journey against cancer together with doctors. the radiologists of this center have created a unique system for assessing the ability of an organ recover after part of it was removed due to cancer. we conduct a study to determine the activity of cell function.
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after the tumor is removed, the patient will live and his liver, and this is liver cancer, will recover. if there are few cells, then the operation must be postponed and new, active, healthy cells must be grown. perhaps the most important thing is to say that you can safely remove what needs to be removed, without fear that the liver will not withstand it and will not recover. it will recover because it is the only organ that grows back. that is, could it be that you are saying that if you... remove it, the person will die,
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there will be no liver, maybe? yes, in such cases , techniques are used, including before surgery, growing healthy areas of the liver due to imbalization of the vessels that feed the tumor, due to the fact that all the blood is sent to healthy tissue, it grows and after some time it can be done safely again perform an operation, amazing work, the patient comes to us again, we repeat the study for him, we tell them that now he is... ready, and this is another stage treatment - chemotherapy. every time cancer patients come here to work, they go with the confidence that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. chemotherapy is one of the most important treatment methods. have you had surgery? yes, they operated on it. for a long time. november 21, this is
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the twenty-third year, yes, yes, november twenty, yeah, now, the fourth course of chemotherapy, this is the last fourth course they said, that’s it, you’ll continue to live, so, who is so beautiful here, we hope that we will all be alive, and that’s right, we believe in our medicine, that’s what you say, you have to believe, because medicine today is very strong. so to be treated and everything in general, all day, working in the loginov center, i caught myself that there was no feeling of hopelessness anywhere, people calmly go through their journey of fighting cancer, there are amazing doctors next to them, excellent equipment, everything that is needed ... win, i have breast cancer, when was
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i diagnosed? in may, twenty-third , passed. therapy, so, surgery, so, with preservation, these are such great guys, to the surgeon in general, to your surgeons in general, just thank you very much, now i’m undergoing radiation, well, it’s great, i think i’ll live, i’m a big fan, i thank you for your program, it’s very cool, and now thanks to you who live, there are a lot of dawns, thank you, and i think we’re in a place where the people who you they're treating it, that's it.
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devoted to our wonderful profession, i want to return to this wonderful inscription, because this is the name of the center headed by academician khatkov. today, in general , all the leaders of moscow medicine, some, i wanted to say, amazingly handsome guys, that’s right, professionals, specialists, that’s why everything is going well, we are finishing our program, we were at your center all day today, what are you doing? i would like to wish my patients health, patients and all people in general , first of all, of course, and to believe in medicine, this is very important, because today we have enormous opportunities in diagnosing and treating the most
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severe and difficult-sounding diseases, such as oncological ones, and it is very important for us that they come to us on time, on time contacted us too.
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i’m very glad that i met with elena vasilievna, because we have known each other for many years, although we don’t see each other often, i think that she makes a very useful, necessary program, and the program in general turned out wonderful, because we didn’t just talk about physical health, they talked about spiritual health, because this is the fundamental basis of all diseases. dear elena vasilyevna, with all my heart i wish you health, joy, and good people nearby. i wish everyone to watch the health program, because it’s not only about the physical, but mental and spiritual.
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these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov. hello, comrades, as a child i thought that monuments were placed only over a buried character. over time, i realized that this is not entirely true. this ilich in our village, of course, is an exotic nature that is becoming extinct in modern times. that is why today we will go to very exotic lands, to the city where lenin is always alive. i am alive, lenin, always with you, we will get acquainted with the glorious city of ulyanovsk, it used to be called simbirsk, but after the death of ulyanov lenin, vladimir ilvich, well, the leader of the world proletariat, he was renamed ulyanovsk,
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and we will also get acquainted with the surroundings of our siberian ulyanovsk, yes, yes, naturally picturesque, and there are no others, in our program, in addition to this we will learn about... by the way, we are now driving along the imperial bridge, the decision to build the bridge was made by the famous russian prime minister pyotr stolypin in 1910. its grand opening took place 6 years later, since it was at this time that celebrations took place in honor of tercentenary of the house of romanov, the bridge was given the name “imperial”. and the formation of the kuibyshev reservoir. the bridge had to grow in height, as the water level increased significantly. the length of the bridge is just over 2 km. the imperial bridge is one of
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the historical symbols of simbirsko-ulyanovsk. it’s a paradoxical fact, but an entire block of unique 19th-century buildings in ulyanovsk was preserved intact only thanks to ilyich. when lenin was small with a curly head, he lived here on this street. during the wonderful soviet years, it, of course, became lenin street. alas, few russian cities can do this today. boast of such a heritage, an entire block of a wooden city of the 19th century, and at first they wanted to preserve on this street only a house that belonged to the ulyanov family, but a miracle happened, in someone’s guiding, but at the same time wise head, yes, and such a combination, you must agree , i think, the idea came up to leave several streets of this old area untouched and save from modern development, so thanks to the soviet official, this part of the city became the museum of the reserve. under the simple name of the motherland of vladimir ilyich lenin. and thanks
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to this, you and i can literally step into the atmosphere of the 19th century. well, perhaps the only thing missing is a driver. this part of simbirsk mainly consisted of estates. now we just visited a real simbirsk estate. the ulyanov family lived in one of the wings of this estate for several years. volodya was a boy then. 6 years. this estate belonged to the priest ivan andreevich anoksagorov. he had a big one family, seven children. the house, which is now a museum of everyday life, and somehow i don’t want to call it a museum. there are not museum exhibits around at all, but things that made up the life of those departed people. here in the women's bedroom there are wedding shoes on the floor. they were discharged from paris itself. a household sign for... centuries was an abundance of little things, and figurines, and other unnecessary little things, well, in general, everything
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that later, in soviet times, would be called philistinism, which they would fiercely fight, oh, these guardians of the taste of us today are not we saw the notorious puffers resting on the chest of drawers, an indispensable sewing machine among the most expensive things, ladies, even if they were wealthy, believed that it was very important to be able to sew yourself, and, yes, and an indispensable piano, in a middle-income family... they always played music, well, of course, there was a gramophone in the house, which, by the way, cost as much as a horse, 35 rubles. oh, what a sign of that time - photography, in those patriarchal pre-digital times they were not kept in unclaimed thousands in gadgets, photos decorated the walls of rooms, they were boasted about, because the number of photographs was indicator of family wealth. a portrait photo cost from three to 5 rubles. but for the sake of understanding , a piglet cost 5 rubles. “well, yes, 100 years later , at our current price tags, descendants will be surprised, also the lakuppey,
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the nobility and even part of the intelligentsia of that time, the owners of the estate certainly had servants, a cook, a gardener, a nanny for children. in the 19th century, there were estates in simbirsk many representatives of the capital's nobility also visited, they came here in the summer as a resort, to take a break from the bustle of moscow and st. petersburg, they liked the air, the views of... the volga and the measured life of a provincial town, chekhov and bunin immediately come to mind, right? during the first 9 years of life in simbirsk, the ulyanovs had to change six apartments, during this time the number of children in the family grew to six, the well-being of the family of the father of our future leader, actual state councilor ilya nikolaevich ulyanov, grew, the day came when the family’s main dream came true on august 2, 1870
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well, in our opinion, this position gave him the opportunity to give his sons a good education. tuition fees at the siberian classical gymnasium were quite high, and his sons had the right to study. the gymnasium was free, but for my daughters, however, i had to pay. in addition to cult formation, the ulyanovs created a cult of their lovely family traditions, for example, they organized subbotniks, when each family member wrote his own story about the week he lived. then volodya got his first pseudonym, kubyshkin. subsequently, he had about 150 pseudonyms and conspiracy names. lenin
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is the last, and kubyshkin is the first. on the same legendary lenin street there is a small retro pavilion, citizens of the pension age, that is, those who lived under soviet rule, looking at these exhibits, plunges into their childhood and adolescence, well, a time machine. yes, yes, everything that today has become retro trash is in no way recognized by the younger generation, once formed the life of the builders of developed socialism. this simple soviet...
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bathroom, the shore is not visible, expanse, the width of the kuibyshev reservoir here reaches 42 km, why not the sea, it’s surprising, having lived to the age of 75, i have never been to a sanatorium, no, i visited, of course, but only as a filming a story about the possibilities of treatment, but i also know those who cannot imagine life without annual sanatorium treatment, among such sanatorium fans are not only old pensioners. they are quite young and active people, well, they come back, having liked the health resort from year to year, so interested in maintaining health , my song is about one unique sanatorium, what is its uniqueness? well, firstly, it is located on the volga coast, where several powerful natural healing factors are combined, these are mineral springs
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water, which in terms of its healing properties is not inferior to the karlovy vary waters, is... talk in detail about methods, procedures, puffing out your cheeks, sprinkle with medical terms that we do not understand. no, while filming various procedures, we, of course, were guided by the doctors’ comments, and i believe them. this procedure is called shock wave therapy using infrasound. and it is intended for those suffering from muscle pathology, osteochondrosis,
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arthritis, arthrosis, of various tiologies. according to surviving witnesses and participants, it is completely painless. but very effective. the vlog procedure is fashionable these days. it is very relevant in our covid times, as it increases the body’s resistance. after each procedure, the body sincerely says thank you, but this is only if you listen to it. but here it works sacredly with blue clay. it has a powerful, analgesic and absorbable effect. the procedure is good for both the skin and the musculoskeletal system. the clay is soaked in rossol. no, vasilyevich, this is not the roseol that saves you in the morning. this pickle mined at a depth of 1.0 m. these can be said to be the fossil remains of an ancient sea. and this stone devil is a speleochamber made of salvinite blocks. why is everyone sleeping here? yes
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, because it is so easy to breathe in the cave that the body immediately responds with complete relaxation. salvenite blocks. for those who don’t know, they emit life-giving ions, and they have a very beneficial effect on the lungs; asthmatics and people with weakened lung function are able to breathe deeply. on the territory of the sanatorium there is an art object, but medically called aerari, it looks like a highly artistic installation. inside you get the feeling that you are on the seashore and breathing the air of the sea surf, walking around. back and forth for about 20 minutes, as if he had returned from the sea. so the young ladies confirm, they say, every year they certainly pass through the aerarium for walks. and you need to move all the time. from this structure in brine with sea salt, dripping down, it gradually evaporates and saturates the space with miraculous ions.


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