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tv   Videli video  1TV  June 23, 2024 12:15pm-1:16pm MSK

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a small but sweet uprising of machines closed the door to narnia. in short, in the kitchen, i don’t know how long i was gone, maybe two hours, he was very sad there alone, and he ’s also an educated pig and this is not an insult, well, give me your paw, that’s how long i’m fighting with you to no avail, look how you should , pars, give me a paw, lala la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
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guys, please get up today ekaterina and dmitri, as well as the spokes vivena and the cat is cute, that's right, yes, hello, make yourself comfortable, well, this is of course for...
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but the dog’s teeth are now really sharp, yes, she really likes to chew on everything, they love to work as a team, the cat is constantly, this is an eternal conflict, dogs simply don’t allow cats to be dominated, as if they were taller, no, that’s her with the dog he takes care of the owner’s shoes, by the way, anastasia is absolutely right, in fact, if the dog has something to chew, it really won’t chew the shoes, so we actually remind all our viewers that our program is about people, they come to us with animals, but we are most interested in of course... human stories that are behind this, so tell me, so we ’ll ask how you met, i worked in an establishment as a cook, here’s dima there, then how did your relationship develop, then, but nothing really happened, it’s just then dmitriev became so sad, but i actually tried, no, he tried, yes, he won bouquets there, all this attention, so they started living together, and decided, so they decided to get a cat, it became boring there. and which of you decided
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to get a cat? well, generally mutually, i'm very i myself wanted to get a cat, in general i dreamed of a dog, i directly persuaded, persuaded, i even cried outright, because i really wanted a dog, but in the end, at one fine moment, after 3 years, i understand you very well, because that all my life i dreamed of a dog and my parents forbade me, i tried to cry, i tried everything, well , i’m an actor - i kind of cried and screamed, by the way, and me and... then there was a problem that i, naturally, as if you were already leaving, on on the big one, there is no one to leave with, how would it be, and we, when the pandemic came, of course, we all yes, we were in these circumstances, we left with our entire huge family to the dacha, and my brother and i sat on the porch in the evening, and thought about how nice it would be if we had a dog now, now...
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as i’m paraphrasing like 30 years or whatever it takes to wait for a dog 40 years to wait for a dog and get it, listen, of course, well, since i have the first dog, it’s difficult, i imagined it a little differently. it’s very difficult and i didn’t understand many things - firstly, her character is not at all atypical for a labrador, her character is simply reinforced concrete, well, sort of i’m used to reading there when there are some comments that yes, no, labrador, that’s the kind of dog that’s there, there’s nothing like that, who ate the baseboard, oh, shame on you, is it in the eyes? how embarrassing for you, because he still understands, well, naturally, they understand everything, but this is actually a very serious problem, that they understand everything, no, that when people get dogs according to the description on the internet,
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yes, well, labrador, yes , this is such a cute little lop who loves her owner very much, but it’s like buying a car from an ad, it’s still worse, because it is forgotten that in the process of growing up, the labrador will still show its own. she calls me for 3 days, says: take it, take it, ready, no, no, ready, ready, she obeyed, and what kind of people are not sick, very, well, tell me, my mother has the main question, shedding, no, no, it’s all a myth there, it doesn’t shed, no, because my mother wants
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a small dog, because mine sheds, well, 300 days a year, it’s simply impossible, dogs change, they’re just box-haired, they have less, well, it’s less visible. but in general it's your first dog, yes, this is my first dog, and how did you face the harsh reality that this is alive, why do you ask people, how did the cat face the harsh reality, the dog was let down, that’s the main thing, no, well, she’s like- then the first week, i probably tried to hide behind the shower stall, and only then they started to go out , they somehow began to contact, even then they were playing after each other, well... we call it another, you can say so, well, after all , and how did you manage it yourself? well at first, she seems to be quite calm with you, she just gnaws one vertical line or there is a kitchen table there, too , for three of you, no, she can only gnaw on pieces of paper there, i don’t know, she didn’t
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spoil anything else, but these are leftovers, no, this is already yes, this is a new one more, how many new ones have there already been? this is the first new one, and this one doesn’t want to cover, but it’s not interesting, maybe you can get it here, there’s no pillow on top, why was he chewing, i ’m actually making the bed, you hear, i’m actually kind of setting up a house here, i’m making the bed , what about you, milka, tell me, she’s kind of strange, yes, it’s small, well, this is how it happens all the time.
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the three-flowered one has very beautiful skin, but whose cat is it? we took the cat from friends, she ran to the kittens there and got lost. it turns out there were several cats and it turns out he offered and they came running to him in the village, in general, she is a mongrel cat and role-playing games began, an elephant is a beautiful cat
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, not a very cool cat, of course she is actually very soft, all of us have friends when they found out what we have if the dog would say that if the cat the dog doesn't get along we let's take the cat for ourselves. of course, everyone immediately noticed it, it’s her favorite toy. in general, besides your dog, do you have any other contact with them, well
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, of course, you know what he’s talking about, do you help with the shelter, yes we help, well, we personally went to shelters in moscow, in our city there is a charity project where you can take everything, they sort of already distribute it to different shelters, and sometimes we just take it to a volunteer, well, she sort of collects it there too, if there’s no time to go, or just with money... yes, you help, yes, you came there before the dog or after the dog, before, before guys, thank you very much for coming to us today, it was a very pleasant time, we now have a short advertisement for the next one.
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osana is the correct posture, pronayama is control of breathing, at the first stage of purification, it should suppress anger. oh, why is nina vasilievna taking so long, the kotukovs are here now? what we do with you is of little importance, kotukova is just your regimental horse, and ho, fine matters, today on the first one who sews like this, it’s not about the suit, it’s about you, don’t be offended, please, it’s just very important to choose the right outfit, klavda, hey, long time no
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see, the dragon missed you, how are you, whack, take away the finished one whack, whack, who's on the new guy, who's on the new guy, did they live? “i want a daughter from you, but all together, ears
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together, better in a good way, hop vladoshimy, fantasy, from june 28 on fridays on the first, once the film terminator.” turned out to be fantastic for us, but today you can sell it for scrap metal, in general, the future has stepped beyond the screens right into our home, let's see, i know this video, i saw it just yesterday, like hello, olesya is visiting us today with a friend
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who has no flaws, that's right, no, no, someone is in control of this, guys, it’s him himself, please tell me, is this real, in general this idea came up, this is super original, artificial intelligence, but you see artificial intelligence everywhere, now i ’ll just go through the classics of our program, how did you start it? and i am interested in video shooting, editing and decided that i would like for easier work, you need an assistant, so accordingly i chose which one from a number of stabilizers. i decided, then , while studying the instruction manual , the idea immediately came to me, why not give him, well, life, that’s how it happened, but this is generally the first bell, i don’t know the 22nd century, that is, soon there will be no dog cats, they will be with come with different robots, that is, olesya, how many people watched this video, oh, listen, i don’t remember exactly this, i remember something else,
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but it probably exceeded a million, a million passed, yes, you remembered another, this is a gift for a friend... yes, let's look at it, don't say how many views, here are some for the first time today, some for the first time, sash, i want you to just imagine how many people could watch the following, watch the video. sasha, how many people watched the first video, it’s called a gift for a friend, i made one video, and one actress and i got
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more than a million views, with nothing at all, i’m sure there are more. million, two, i ’ll say, two, more, 2.7, well, you’re rubbish kolach, well, yes, just let’s just go into space, well, well, five, 12, what is going into space, into space is 70 million, oh well, 70 million people, really, 70 million, 70 million is unrealistic, this is real, look at my numbers. have you even used it for its intended purpose more than once, but how many views do these videos get? well, of course not that much, but it’s a very cool thing, thank you very much, let’s watch some more videos.
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these are subscribers about seya already, but what about the name?
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listen, all that remains is to attach wheels to it, of course it will be as if it went home. listen, well, you see, there are so many ideas, but you have this thing, yes, when i saw how many views the video began to gain, i was like, well , people like it, why not make more noise,
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somehow they go, go, but you have a cat whose name is sichcock, uh-huh, uh, comparing. friend disappeared coca, what are the pros, cons, well, at least it doesn’t spoil our furniture, that’s how it is, i realized that the cat is my great love, because my friends gave it to me for my birthday, and i he was brought in as a teenager, that is, he was not as a kitten, and when he came into the apartment, i was like, this is my cat, that’s why, but he really likes to chew on wires, so he opens the cabinets, it seems to me that he really lost something, he’s trying to find it in the closets, why is he a hitchcock? and not when they brought it, i look at it, and i’m a fan of horror films, that’s all, i look at it like, your name will be jason, like from friday the thirteenth, and my fiance looks at me like that, i tell you now i’ll call the orderlies, i’m like okay, okay, i’ll look at hitch and he responds to this name, he doesn’t respond to kys-kys or something else, here you call him hitch, he turns it like this - about cinema, since you compared everything with cinema, the name is
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the first and here the name of the director is already on the cat, you write reviews of films, yes, well, yes on a social network, i’ll watch a tv series or a movie and post it, well, these are just mini-reviews, i’m not directly describing it as normal in the sense that it’s normal, so many people follow my reviews. they go watch a movie and also write to me, oh, i watched it because of the recommendation, great, thank you very much, let’s do more, that’s what the main activity is, what profession, well, right now at the moment i’m trying for a friend, now there’s a point in working when it’s 70 million, wait, i don’t understand, friend, no, i’m like a video maker, i shoot, but i’ll just film it like you shoot a video, yes, i shoot a video, well, this is some entertainment, this one isn’t, but is there some kind of need for great direction there?
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yes, you agree, friend, will you go filming, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, the joint just skidded, he was babbling with delight, his head was spinning, proposals, yes, well, we just started talking about a short film, i don’t know, is it possible to call this a short film, yeah, although, by the way, you can call these videos a short film, it can, but about the project in which you participated in 2020, and oh, yes, there was a project that is filmed once every 10 years. it’s called life in the day, the meaning is that a number is given, then i think it was june 20 or july, i don’t remember exactly, you just need to film your day, someone had a wedding, someone had a birth , it was
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there later, i saw everything directly, then just put it all into one sausage during editing and send it without music, without anything, just raw material, then it’s all selected, people from all over the world participate there, all this footage is selected into one full-fledged film, then it went to the sundance festival. so i decided to take part and i’m so charged, now the day is coming, and i scheduled a shoot for myself, now i’ll set up this camera, i’ll just film my work day, it didn’t work out, the model got sick there, it was all cancelled, i’m sitting there like this i’m thinking, what should i film? i thought i wouldn’t participate, but in the end, okay, i did camera to my fiancé, i say, let’s take a picture, so i woke up, ate, cuddled the cat, ran and we’ll send it, why not, i’ll pass, okay, and it so happened that six months passed, i didn’t tell anyone anything, because i didn’t i like to talk when nothing has happened yet. i'm messing around with my e-mail, and i almost accidentally delete the letter that was sent to me, but they started asking me, we're taking your material, please tell me if you or someone else is in the frame
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, i'm just taken aback, i think , i almost deleted the desired name of the letter, i was like yes yes everyone, take everything you need, please, and probably another two or three months passed and i received a letter in the mail that my piece of what i sent seemed to become part of this film, this is cool, i have since realized, what... yes, it’s better, it’s better to do it, it’s better to try, even if it doesn’t work out, at least you won’t regret it 10 years later, why didn’t i do this, let’s see, let ’s see what you’re filming, well, he’s a cool character himself in fact, it’s a great idea, great, i say this is a script, in general, according to the law of the genre...
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tell us about your creative plans, who else if not you to ask about them? i need to finish the script, which i have lying here, and most likely it will be, not most likely, but it will be, it will be about life, and i would like to make a film that will not just be you watched it, you forgot it, but a film after which you leave the cinema, god forbid, if you are in the cinema and you are thinking, it leaves something in you, maybe it will even break something in you, you don’t know something there , you will remember it, you will follow it and so on, i such films... thank you very much for coming, friend, did you like it? excellent, i didn’t expect any other answer, good luck to you for good creative roles and everything else, in general, i hope
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we’ll see you more than once on... video, okay, great, you have your realizations, thank you very much, we have a short advertisement for the next hero.
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it became more difficult because my friend died, there is such a person, he forced me to leave something out of my world, but i just had to carry the easter cross, i almost fell, it’s heavy, wooden, a huge cross, here i am i’m waiting for someone to support me, because i
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might fall, and there’s a crowd of people behind me. he’s walking and i somehow went through this alexey balabanov, after the word, today at the first, why are you so afraid, we look, he’s probably 200 years old, and if he’s a maniac, you like to watch... “it seems to me , they got rid of some kind of thunderstorm here, and i love him, and i don’t need anyone else, the conqueror of women’s hearts, without a single defeat, my parents insisted on the wedding for a long time, they are delighted with my husband and his activities, there will be no such future , which you so colorfully draw for us, i can tell our readers about
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our first time. a film by alexander baluev, a hotel, a premiere, a super-camera movie about the understatement between people that arises and sticks inside for years, a black shadow in the hidden depths of the soul, for me it’s a movie of a person who needed to speak out, about people who want to speak out, on saturday first. the woman had no troubles, the woman bought a pig, that ’s how all stories about mini pigs usually begin, that ’s how they continue, we’ll show you now, give me a paw, well, give me a paw, that’s how long it’s been with you i’m beating, i’m whining, look right, mars, give me a paw, well done, mars, please go,
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hair, eight, wow, just like that, eight. i haven’t seen that a pig is like a dog in general, and not cooler, wipe it off, please, it doesn’t know how, it needs to be taught, i thought, i thought, okay, dogs, simba, you remember everything, go and train, guys, get up, today alexandra and artyom came to us from st. petersburg along with minific, mini peak mars, come in, come in, settle down. and i thought that they were generally like this, well, let’s start with how you are decided to get myself a pig, in fact it
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was my dream, so artyom made it come true, he gave me a marsik for 3 years of relationship, when we met they said that you seem to be gored, it’s constant, i’m just tired there for two years, they show me change video. yes, i didn’t want anyone at all, but well , before you saw them, you were somehow well-virtualized, we watched him live, only as soon as he was in the zoo, now we recognize him,
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like a crucian carp, but look, with a tail, that means he likes him , yes, that means he’s comfortable, you keep going, whether it’s fun or not, actually yes, because it is a smart animal and interesting to interact with. and he is very thermophilic, that is, he will come to you, cuddle, warm up, he will do anything for food, so it’s interesting with him, they’ll come over, do anything at all, after all, it’s a non-standard pet, for the most part they treat him like that, well, i’m surprised, yes, you ’re probably walking along the street, that is, we live in such a small residential complex, and we have four houses in the yard and every time, every time i go out for a walk, everyone is sure to come up, they film it while we...
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here is a normal character, a traditional one,
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let's say, yes, yes, well, here mars is still small for us, you see, here you can call him a pig, i think, yes, well, yes, well, yes. for some reason, mars is afraid of the speaker, mars is hiding behind me , are you afraid of the speaker, come here. cool, these are ordinary walks, you can knock out the leash, well, well, it would seem yes, the little owl is a non-contact animal, but in
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fact, he always lies very comfortably with us, loves to cuddle with us, well, what is your cat’s name, simba, simba is just awesome a huge cat, it seems to me, well, that’s what he has. he came from moscow, he was born here 2 weeks ago, marsik, is that right? so small, so fluffy, like dogs scratching a cat’s belly behind the ears, then there’s a belly here too, and how old is it now? 18 months, one is very old, i'm sorry. and how to sleep at night , so i wanted to ask these sounds, they’re just
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always there, in a large group of people he starts to get wound up, so he starts to make various sounds, that is, with us he behaves calmly , but it’s easy for him to pour some warm porridge there before going to bed, everything will be okay to take a walk, but artyom , the cat appeared earlier than yes, the cat appeared earlier, well, the cat didn’t appear at artyom’s, that’s the whole point, but at alexander’s in general. and people were also in complete shock, and as they said , food fell out of his mouth when she was there for the first 2 days , just like that, as if from the outside , but then he began to adapt, now they actually love each other when mars returns now so he will be happy to meet him and mars will also sniff him with his snout , so mars can, well, if we say: pets dogs and cats yes they share something there with someone they fight sometimes mars
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can somehow show itself and hit back at someone for example when we go out for a walk all the dogs show great interest mars does not understand this at all and he at first he moves away from them and then begins to bite , bite, scare away and the dogs are scared away from him, that is, he can even actually chase the dogs. no, we have a huge boar living on nikitsky boulevard, he’s a celebrity there, he’s there where you live, what a beauty, sorry.
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we remind you that mars knows 16 commands, right? so to speak, dog lovers walk around, yes, and say
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that wow, our dog can’t even give a paw, well, that is, in fact , mini pigs have good intelligence, but how does he sleep, what mode does he have, well, it turns out, we stand for work, he stands with us, that is, if he hears that we get up, then he starts squeaking too, so we open the door, i feed him, if artyom leaves for work, i still stay, i feed him once i’ve fed him, i take him to bed with me, and we fall asleep together, then we have - a walk, so we can either go for a walk once a day, well, it’s clear that two is better, but they kind of tolerate it in principle, and you don’t work, i, well, i’m an astrologer, yes, i work, yes, by the way, for an astrologer this is very so cool astrologer mars, by the way, yes, that’s why mars, yes, i named him after the planet mars, but he ’s very strong, at least with character, yes, in short, someone spends money on expensive cars. clothes to be in the center of attention, someone just buys, but no, in fact
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, cucumbers, tomatoes, that’s enough, we have grandma's dachas give us pumpkins, zucchini, that is, in general, i even took it for free, they gave us his food, which was selected for the pony, specially collected, they collected various dry herbs there, the water just soaked everything, a huge bag is enough for a year, that's the minus. what kind of things he has just so that our viewers look for what we need to focus people’s attention on, buy and then he grows up. for some reason everyone thinks that mini pigs are little pigs, in fact, yes, in fact, because of this there are a lot of refusals, it is clear that this is very it’s bad, so the hooks are left without a home, one of the minuses is the weight, it’s also not even the height, it’s the weight, plus he rips off our wallpaper, well , that is, there was a period, a transitional age, when he
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tore off our wallpaper, then he stopped, he repeated after the cat, then he switched to artyom’s shirt, he began to dig up buttons. well, unfortunately, there are simply no doctors, there are very few doctors for exotic animals, and especially good ones, that’s why they, their body is very similar to a human’s, that’s why they guys, what exotic bellies, pig, you just a rural veterinarian can cure him, in fact, many refuse, no matter how difficult it is to find
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a veterinarian, but due to the fact that we live in st. petersburg, there were people who were ready to help us, well, yes, in fact, here is the opposite problem, when here people... from exotic animals in small towns and villages, and there are no specialists in these animals, when people now it’s a fashion to have mini-pigs in a big city, but in our big city it’s difficult to find agricultural veterinarians, that is, with the menu is more difficult to treat than any other python, are you planning to have someone else, children, i think that’s what we wish for you then, thank you very much for coming to us, it was nice to meet you, i really hope that we will see you again, for me still... it remains a mystery how the pyramids were built in egypt, why start the working day at 9 or 8 in the morning and how dogs chew through a flat door, maybe now at least some of this will become clearer, i closed it, in short, in the kitchen, i don’t know , how long i didn’t have, maybe two hours, maybe a little more,
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he was very sad there for one, but he can’t seem to get it, it can’t be... the crumpet is sticking out, but he can’t get out, they fed him very much, andrey, today we are visiting a pit bull named baby shock, oh what, what a handsome guy, you can pet him like that, pit bulls, bull terriers, mini bulls, boules, the rest, they are just super, what happened in the video while i was getting acquainted, we were building a facility in... anapa, and this is not even your house, no, there was nothing in the door at all, it was intact, but on the other side there was small, so to speak, well, like a hole in polystyrene foam, but on this side everything was intact and just as water finds a hole everywhere, a petpul, a pitbull will widen it, if anything, so he expanded it and expanded it to this, and what
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material is this metal-plastic window with this one, well, the door to be more precise, we left for i don’t know about two to three hours, i come here with this picture, let’s talk about what else was destroyed by this wonderful creature? when i first got it in the apartment i ruined the wallpaper, linoleum baseboards, baby you are like that, why a pit bull, how did you decide start? but i like dogs that have a serious appearance, these are staffs, pitbulls and dabermans, these are them, well, dabermans, i wouldn’t dare to do that with a daberman, by the way, to cuddle, but they look alike, look, they have a serious, serious look like this, no like this.
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he gnawed through the window, you look, but you hear, it doesn’t work like that? where should i work out
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and what a look, straight in general, straight, she really likes stones, we live by the sea, this is a stone by the sea, we generally feel that. these are the stones, marble, these doors that happen in novorossiysk this snow? well, sometimes yes, this video is also from a construction site, he really loves snow, i took him snowballs, just threw them and he ran after them, how he loves it, what kind of relationship he has with water and the sea, too, when he sees water , he’s just done, his brain turns off and he just runs into... the water and then it’s difficult to get him out of there, it feels as if he’s leaving earplugs in his ears, he can just swim back and forth like that, i
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take it throw a stone at him in some direction and he will float there, just like with a laser, roughly speaking, you direct it, and he can swim back and forth without stopping, he will drink too much water and he doesn’t care, he still swims, swims, stick, voice, voice, well done, come on, he chewed something on the shore, in my opinion, no, or something leftover,
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but he would rather lick people to death than bite someone, and so with people, well , basically there are more adequate people who react normally and start cooing with him, oh, back and forth. yes, he immediately wags his tail and is so happy, yes, yes, listen, but other dogs are afraid, well, there is the ones that are small, all of them are just no, no, no, on the contrary, they are the smallest, they are the fiercest, they are animals, they begin to attack, they are downright aggressive, that is, if this one can stand on them like that, look, like , what’s going on, and they’re just like greyhounds, yes, the smaller, the smaller she is, in my opinion, but anastasia can confirm what your breed is, remind our viewers, a fierce dog. i have an akita, this is actually an akita, akita is not the fiercest dog, but akita is indifferent, probably like all my dogs and small dogs
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baby girl, leonardo is a wonderful dog, he is such a goofball, he just sleeps, lies down, he has his own personal sofa, at 11:00 he gets up on his sofa exactly at 11:00, and until the morning, he doesn’t get up, that’s it i met them for the first time, it was me, in general, how it happened, i got a dog, well, like i have a son. i cried all my childhood, buy me a dog, buy a dog, i wanted a dachshund, but i didn’t like dachshunds, well, in general, my son was almost grown, and i suddenly decided to get a dog, i say, what kind of dog do you want, of course you do you want a multi-poo, i said, but that was 5 there 6 years ago, he said, no, this is not a dog, i said i want an akita, in fact, we went to see, we just went to see, as i remember now in ryazan, we spent 4.5 hours to see in ryazan, it’s normal to see. just, i say, let’s just go, let’s see if they’ll take a look at what’s there in ryazaniya, let’s see, they say it’s a fungus there, listen, well, i’m just a crazy woman, if i
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get something into my head, i can’t be stopped, that’s all they all know my family, okay, just to see, okay, of course, we’ll go, so we left with leonardo, but then, when we went on vacation once - to the sea, we gave him to his mother, mother lives outside the city, and we live in the city, and mother screamed the loudest, why did you get such a huge... dog, who needs it, who will look after it, in general, we are returning from vacation, and my mother says, well, what will he do with you in the city anyway, there is no place for him to breathe, to run he doesn’t, he feels good here with me, my mother said, and she didn’t give me the dog anymore, really everyone lives with his mother, that’s all, his mother left him, but she and him, well, they just found each other, although he was my friend, we ’ve just been through so much with him, well, suddenly he gets to know food, but they love him very much, that's why mom. i took him and several years passed and i realized my dream, last year my friends gave me such a gift, well, me
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and my friends together, i say, i want to get a dog after all... which i wanted now i gave up everything, i’m only taking care of the dog, i thought it was leonardo, but akito, that he would, well, first of all, be jealous, because he was in charge, and then i thought that he would simply crush her, she was so small, she was just like that, i thought that he would simply crush her with his paw , but it turned out that after several times when they came, well, i brought the fifa to my mother, they are a small fifa, but in general the onafina is nice, well, the short one, and when i leave them.
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i also had a ginger cat there, but unfortunately he was already on the clouds, and a mongrel cat, bead, she also now lives with her mother, so we go to our favorite cafe, everyone already knows us there near the house, there is a dog cafe for people, no, well, for people there it’s dog friendly, as he says now, dogs are welcome, that’s how they look wet, what i want to say is that this dog, i i i have never met a more wonderful creature anywhere, and even here we are walking with other dogs, we communicate, this is the kindest, this is love itself, this is a dog, i don’t know, she sent it to me, god sent it to me, to heal my soul, in general, yes , i'm absolutely
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crazy, i have a son, you know, finally time for myself... with my beloved dog, well, i seriously gave up touring, events for the coming year that are not taking place in moscow, because i realized that i want to spend time at home with my dog , well, something happened to me, this is such a period in life, i live it in joy, no, it’s great when one dog combines everything you needed, it was very nice to meet you today, it’s great that today came to us, thank you very much for watching us, come in.
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as they say, you can’t outplay animals and children, so he’s such and such in a good sense , such a representative of the fauna. today’s stars couldn’t even dream of such popularity as it had among experts, people were coming out with a new series, i couldn’t stop watching. sasha, do you have a weapon on the door? from head to toe, let's go, we'll tell you what actually has in common between leonid konevsky and his main character, if he feels indifference and unprofessionalism, then this of course pisses him off. why is the most iconic role almost became fatal for the actor? i was included in this list, do not recommend, i was not recommended. are you letting me down big time? what is
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leonid konevsky willing to do today in his old age for the sake of work? he got caught on a tile and fell, without getting up yet, he told me, i have a performance in 3 days, i say that we can handle it, and what an actor is like in the circle of those closest to him, this is a man who lifts dumbbells every morning, he has enough strength, obviously. hello, please take a seat, this is a chair, yes, we have a fireplace in the background, this is a movie device, this is the so-called backstage, then there is something that is usually hidden from the viewer’s eyes, in the frame the preparation of an interview with leonid konevsky, 10 years ago we already shot a film for the anniversary of leonid simenovich, followed on his
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heels in moscow, flew to him in his second homeland in israel and.. . what was filmed now, as they say, feel the difference, or rather feel that there is none, today semenovich.
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here is the messiah, the messiah comes, oh, the messiah, the messiah, suddenly rabinovich runs from afar, and then excuse me, for you, the messiah says, rubenovich, shame on you, he says, oh, who would
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say, the messiah who is waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, this is the story, so how, yes, someone leads through life, definitely.
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the balcony on which we filmed several cases, that is, it was our office, that balcony over there, you see, upstairs, that’s where we filmed, several of our cases and discussed problems with the hero, the main characters were written in very detail, but only the investigator znamensky, played by georgy mortynyuk, had the prototype, so major tomin was going literally bit by bit, i will be able to shoot.


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